Shining Force Classics

4.1 (2.3K)
136.1 MB
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Last update
2 years ago
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11.0 or later
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User Reviews for Shining Force Classics

4.15 out of 5
2.3K Ratings
5 years ago, Ayden Lyndon
Great games, well done port, it’s free... but glitches means no 5 star
I have a place in my heart for shining force... namely 2 for being my 2nd video game ever played and the first I liked. But 1 and 3 are just as good in many ways. I was so shocked when I saw Sega release these games on iPhone and they turned out to be just as playable and lovable as the originals... by themselves. The swapping of save states and in game saves is really unique, but the save state system is glitchy at times and can cause game crashes; I had to restart Kazin’s quest two times due to glitches. The ads by now are expected due to the amount of Sega classic ports I’ve played on my phone, so I was not fazed by those but others will if this is their first classic Sega port. Don’t get me wrong, this game port was superb overall, but a patch here or there could make me give a Insant 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
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3 years ago, demiodd
Shining Force Revisited !!
I remember buying Shining Force and not expecting much but when we ( me and my best friend ) busted out the game we ended up playing for three hours or more then ordering pizza and fortifying our bellies so we could continue our first marathon session....we took turns with the controller but ,as far as gameplay, each and every move was a collaboration...back in the day when it was Nintendo and Sega there just weren’t enough games that promised to take weeks of original play with new twists and turns ....most available could be beaten in hours tops so this clever offering was a welcome it is 30 or so years later and I find myself putting in an hour or two a day with this faithfully reproduced game and I get it....sometimes it’s worth revisiting a classic and finding out it’s still great fun...look forward to finishing 1 and moving on to much of fans were we...well we went halves on The Sega CD game console just to play Shining Force CD...hooked ! And Sega CD was a total Frankenstein device....if you had one you know what I mean...Brutal ! Anyway I am loving this revival and looking forward to the sequel so I can name each and every member of my Shining Force ! Thanks Sega... thanks a lot !
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6 years ago, Lingivey
Great games - Questionable App
I actually don’t have an issue with Sega retooling these games with ads if it’s free. I owned a lot of Sega iPhone games and with most of them if you purchased it before they would let you continue to have the ad-free experience. I have two issues. I actually purchased Shining Force before and under this new collection, the app did not recognize it as a previous purchase. I could technically try to repurchase it and it may recognize it but I’m not sure and wouldn’t want to waste money. My biggest issue is that I wrote to Sega years ago begging for Shining Force 2 on iPhone. They wrote me back saying that they appreciate my enthusiasm but had no plans at the time which is fine. I never played Shining Force 1 until I bought it on iPhone and I always heard that 2 is a much better game. It was just out of morbid curiosity that I decided to look at Shining Force out of nostalgia and the 2 is included. There is no way of knowing this. Of course I instantly purchased it and can’t wait to start playing but it would have been nice to have known that this game was available.
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6 years ago, MegiddoSicambri
SEGA has gone the way of EA...
On one hand, it is great to have all three of these great games in one convenient app, especially since Shining Force 2 and Shining in the Darkness are so hard to find on modern systems. However, SEGA has really disappointed me this time. They lure you in with a free game, but then spring the fact that you have to watch numerous advertisements, including every time you boot up or save the game... you can pay 4.99 to “remove all ads” but in fact it only removes non-Sega adds. Plus, you still have to watch one to save the game, and I am still seeing non-Sega adds there, so this is literally false advertising. I don’t see how it is legal. And on top of that, they force you to be connected to the internet to save, in case you thought you could enjoy the game and also skip the ads..... Sega used to offer a paid version of the original game that was fantastic, but they removed it from the store so they could gyp money from misguided fans with their advertising. If his isn’t bad enough, the emulator is somewhat broken as I have had the games freeze mid battle with the only option being to quit and lose progress. The games themselves I give a 5/5. The app....0/5
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3 years ago, Kizux
Desperately needs an update
These ports have always been clunky, but it's increasingly worrying how they haven't enabled offline saves even for paying users. We all know the servers where our saves are stored in will eventually disappear, they could just prevent this problem if they gave people who payed to remove ads the ability to make offline saves on their devices (and would also make the game playable while not connected to the internet). Aside from that, there are several issues, the app sometimes has to try several times to log into game center for some reason, sometimes saving requires several tries, or it displays an error message when it successfully saved? The haptic feedback was removed in one update and never put back, the rewind feature takes 30 second to be used again but it only rewinds 15 seconds? Please for the love of retro gaming, make these apps better, I'm glad SEGA wants to preserve their history, I just wish it was better.
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4 years ago, My baby's mama
Kinda the worst experience ever...
I don’t normally leave reviews, but my experience with this app has been pretty negative. First off, you pay for the ads to be removed, but there’s no way to remove the Sega ads. Secondly, the integration with the Game Center for saving game state is a joke. Every time you save the game you have to log in twice, why can’t it just stay logged in always? As of this righting, it won’t sign in at all and I cannot continue the game where I left off. For all I know I’ve lost all my game progress and I’ve put quite a few hours into it trying to get my characters to a high level. Shining Force is a great game. I was excited to find a playable version on the phone, however the experience Sega has created around it is literally trash. You can tell they’re looking to grab cash then create an enjoyable experience for their users. I will not be purchasing any more apps like these and I can’t recommend others to do so either. Unless you can put up with an awful app experience just to play through a classic, old game...
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3 years ago, EmilyApricot
Still Works, Kindof
Since SEGA is phasing out Sega Forever, last I tried logging in, the save feature would not log in. If you haven’t finished these games before they fall out of support entirely, buy the game, and use the game’s in-game save feature locally. It still works glitch-free. As an emulation, it is nearly flawless on modern phones. I have an iPhone 12 Pro Max. I got Shining in the Darkness from a used store as a kid and loved the quirky characters and 3D dungeon experience, although it took adulthood and dedication to finish it. Like most JRPGs, once you break into the second half of the game, on the upper levels, it is faced pace technical fun with dazzling magic effects. I don’t know much about the Shining Force games, except they were prohibitively priced at $100+ as a kid, and they offered an early strategy RPG experience in the vein of Final Fantasy Tactics. I understand they are cult classics for strategy and JRPG fans.
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3 years ago, 3viljim
There games are great, but don’t waste your time.
These games are great and I was really looking forward to playing them again from my phone, but the app itself is horrid. It requires you to sign into your gamecenter profile to save (which always has an error on the first sign in attempt) which wouldn’t ordinarily be a problem, but it signs you out again if you lock your phone or open any other app for a certain amount of time (which is seemingly ten seconds). The problem arises when you need to save again. I’ve had the app freeze when trying to sign in again several times, forcing me to quit the app to open it again. Each time I’ve lost progress, to the point I just don’t want to play any more. This goes for this as well as the other Sega Classics apps, such as for Phantasy Star. Just to update this: It no longer recognizes my sign in, so I can’t save or load. Just download an emulator and don’t give these clowns your time or money.
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4 years ago, engagedpenny
Really Awesome
So I don’t know why there are so many bad reviews. Don’t let them dissuade you from using this app. The save state option is a bit clunky and does require Game Center to work and it freezes offen while trying to save state. All that said the regular save option works fine so go to the priest and have him record your amazing exploits like he was meant to. The ads are a bit much they pop up every time you pause or leave the app, but the ad free option is only $5 so it’s well worth it. I’ve also seen reviews that talk about Sega ads still being present after spending the $5 for ad free but I have several hours in and haven’t been interrupted once by a sega ad. Over all it’s an amazing way to play these classics. Five stars would recommend.
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2 years ago, #hero of time
Surprisingly well done
I only downloaded this app for the Shining Force 2 title. My expectations were pretty low, as most old console ports are poorly done and full of ads. However this game was by and large true to the original game and the ads only occur when you load or save your game file. These ads eventually didn’t even seem all that annoying, as one of the same like 3-4 ads would play every time, so it almost felt like just part of the game. The ability to save anywhere (even mid-battle) in SF II is really nice. Overall a great free download with a good collection of retro ports of a mostly forgotten franchise. Try it out and let the forgotten heroes of the shining force take you on a journey really unlike any other rpg franchise out there.
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3 years ago, DragonsRoc
Nice but Its No Shining The Holy Ark
Great mix of classic dungeon crawling rpgs from the shining series. Controller compatible, which is nice is you want that old-school feel. That being said, Sega seriously dropped the ball here. Why come out with the simplest versions and not take a tiny stab at the most classic rpg to ever hit Sega imho? Shining the Holy Ark ring any money bells or do the people you pay to think only show up for office selfies? STHA goes for $500 new on the big A and you cannot get the non-Japanese version for less than $200 currently. This is the market and collectible value and yet all the people at Sega can come up with is Sonic and this?? Charge for the game. I would rather pay around $30 for an updated version I can play mobile than $200+ for one on a game system I can’t and don’t use for anything else. Replay value for Shining the Holy Ark is a 10/10. Best in the Shining series and there are still videos up with other reviewers saying the same. Also Golden Sun is another beauty, made by the same group who did STHA. Buy the rights from the company if you don’t already have them & re release it. I can’t fathom what parasite has eaten away your brain matter over at Sega corp to have dropped the ball on this one so magnificently.
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6 years ago, Isphet
Great classic with some nit picky negatives
I love these classics. This is a solid port. Totally worth playing; though the save states are troublesome and difficult to trust. Specifically quick save slot 1 seems to revert back 20 minutes or so every so often, especially after a crash. I have started saving in both the first and third quick slots and that has saved me numerous times. I did end up spending the 5 bucks to remove ads, which makes that a much less painful process. I’m not sure this is very playable if you don’t remove those ads. It would be too frustrating to save often; so when the save game state breaks you would lose hours instead of minutes.
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5 years ago, AndyGraf
Can’t Save My Progress
I love these games from when I was growing up, but I can’t even begin playing them. The most important thing is to be able to save because of how much time goes into building up levels in these games. However, to save bit requires you to log in to Game Center, but every time I try logging into Game Center it fails and freezes. There’s no point in even beginning a campaign in any of these games until I can begin to save, otherwise I’ll be wasting too much time for nothing. If those feature gets fixed, or if it allows me to save without Game Center if that won’t work, then I can come back and rewrite a review based on the games themselves and not the lack of functionality.
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5 years ago, King Benetram
Shining Force II (Haven’t played the others yet.)
The game itself deserves 10 stars. This port on the other hand... Up until I returned to Grans, the game would only lag a tiny bit occasionally and it was usually just the music. Now that I have returned to Grans it’s a lagfest. The music lags, the cursor lags, the animations lag. It even lags outside of battle. My phone also heats up 20+ degrees and my battery gets sucked dry. The only other issue is that the start button cannot be held down. It’s not treated the same way the other buttons are, it can only be pressed for an instant. Everything else is just as I remember it. I just don’t know if I can finish it if the lagging gets any worse. I have to close the game and let my phone cool down and I didn’t have that problem for the first half or so of the game.
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5 years ago, MarkReed
Great game. Bad app.
Shining Force I is good. Shining Force II is awesome. Its great to finally have these games on an iPad port. But man, this app makes you go through pain to play them. I don’t mind paying for my games to get them ad free, which I did. I mind having to be connected to the gamestore to save my games. I also don't like that they still find ways to advertise to you even when you’ve paid for no ads. Another problem is that the game asked me to rate it every single time I saved. I struggled not to review bomb this app for that alone. But regardless of the pain this app puts you through, it’s a serviceable port of the game. For those like myself who really, REALLY want to play Shining Force II on their mobile device, it’ll work. If this game didn't have controller support I’d be telling a different story. Luckily, it does.
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5 years ago, Basket Case 85
Unplayable now.
The game functioned acceptably (not perfect) until for whatever reason Game Center no longer allowed me to log in. Can neither save nor load save files, which essentially renders playing an RPG an impossible feat, unless SEGA expects people to play multi-chapter RPGs in a single sitting. Unfortunately, most of us have to do things like go to work, school, socialize, etc. I get it. SEGA was defeated in its famous war with Nintendo. And it soundly trounced. But this an app that only requires them to run a simple game that has already proven to be a classic. Success should be easy (the inital version of app of the game was successful in its execution, before SEGA decided there weren't enough annoying ads). SEGA, do you just WANT to fail? Just declare bankruptcy already, liquidate the company and hand the licenses to people who know how to handle them properly. Because you clearly don't and evidently would rather self-destruct.
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4 years ago, mkj9u159
Shining Force is one of my favorite games
Sega screwed up pretty hard with this. i bought Shining Force on ios back in the day when it was on the app store. Then they randomly removed it so i wasted my money. Now they bring it back and i’m supposed to “rebuy” it for more money AND still have to watch some ads? yeah no thanks. Worst port i’ve ever seen EDIT: When you hit restore purchases in hopes that the old version carries over, it prompts you to sign in with your apple id. no other app has done this for me when hitting restore purchases. I signed in then about an hour later I got a notification saying that there was an attempted log in from Hong Kong. I do not know if it’s just coincidental, but just beware with this app and maybe chance your password if it asked for your Apple ID. I see a lot of sign in prompts for Game Center too. Hopefully they are not stealing those log ins either.
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5 years ago, Wily101z2
Great Classics in One App😃
These are instant classics and are to never be forgotten! It has no bugs for me and works perfectly on my iPhone X. I love all these games and they’re special to me. Growing up with these wonderful games is a good experience for all of you. This is a great series anyone should play. Sega is the best for letting me experience these games again after I had no use for my genesis and the sega cd. The reason why I mentioned the Sega cd is because I want 1 particular game to be released on mobile devices too. And that game is the sequel to Lunar the Silver Star. Since Lunar 1 is on mobile, and since I conquered that game many times on all devices it got ported on. I really want the sega cd versions of the first game and Eternal Blue on separate apps because you know that they’re really long games and we want everyone to experience classics without complaints. So please make them come back ok. Anyways Shining Force has always been a great game and a trip back to memory lane. Sega keep releasing classic genesis and other sega games onto mobile devices.
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1 year ago, Acdcgamer
It’s fine and fun but save state glitches
The story is great and the gameplay is fun But long story short, the save states and the save feature is glitchy I paid the $5 for no ads so save states could be used at anytime, but with the glitchy save feature , anytime I save can be the games last, and if I don’t do it often (like every turn) then I may lose my progress A pc emulator could do better sadly, if not this game needs a serious update to fix the same feature If not only the Sonic games work Any and all others with this save feature(like Golden Axe as well) have this problem, please fix it sega
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6 years ago, Kirby Master 64
Annoying but good also
The games themselves are great they play well just like I remember them but just to do even simple things requires you to watch ads saving? Nope gotta watch an ad first loading up the game? What gotta watch this ad first! UNPAUSING THE GAME? Nope you still need to watch an ad they aren’t long only being around 5 seconds so they aren’t too bad... but the need to constantly watch them to do basic game functions is just dumb also doesn’t help that there are some glitches with the game either for example Sarah I’m too can’t use healing spells the game just pauses the music still plays but she just sits there holding her staff in the air no matter what you do... tried saving and reloading rewinding time nothing works though
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6 years ago, Steve83843
Love the game but needs some tweaks
Thanks for bringing back iconic classics. I immediately paid for add free and finished shining force 1 with only minor issues. There’s no need for diagonal controls and I often push the wrong direction because of the d-pad. I saw some complain about the save feature and I haven’t had an issue with sf1 but sf2’s saves have been wonky. Sometimes they are labeled with the wrong date/time sometimes not saved at all. Overall despite the bugs the games are wonderful and have already given me countless hours of nostalgic delight. If they were left as is I’d still be happy but if they fixed these bugs then it would be perfect!
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2 years ago, Fixmy Glitch 69
Great Game, but there’s an annoying glitch with the controls
I love this game, but there is currently a weird glitch I’m experiencing and I’m not sure where to report it. While in battle and its your turn, when you hit ‘B’ to unclick off the character to move the cursor around the battlefield, you are now unable to look at any character profiles. When you hover over a character with the cursor and hit ‘A’, its the same as if you hit ‘C’. This is really annoying because I like to see how much experience a character has while in battle. Again I love this game, but can no longer play it with this glitch. Please fix it, or have someone contact me to tell me what I’m doing wrong.
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2 months ago, Xiphos2881
Clunky port
The Shining Force II d-pad controls are extremely hard to use, even after having gone to settings and increased its size to the max. Seems like when I press right or left it registers up or down and vice versa, which makes a game that I used to love a frustrating mess. Also I don’t remember not being able to talk to anyone, as there is to talk option under any menu or button press that I’ve made, rendering the game unplayable. I get to the school but can’t get an interaction and searching doesn’t do anything. I’m extremely disappointed because I remember I loved this game when I was a kid and looked for it later, but couldn’t ever seem to find it. Also could never seem to get the save function to work.
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2 years ago, MusicLovestar67
It was great until..
I always switch tabs while playing for a few seconds to look at something about this game & every time I did it would pause the game for me without issue. But this time when I switched tabs for only a few seconds it made me restart the game & I lost over an hours worth of progress. I deleted the game because of this as I don’t want to redo everything over again. If I knew switching tabs for a few seconds ran the risk of the game restarting & my progress deleting then I would’ve saved before doing so but all the other times it would just pause & let me resume. Even if I was on another tab for a couple minutes. Disappointed because this is an awesome game.
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2 years ago, Nick Nothing
Great games but app is annoying
Almost every other time i save state it asks me to rate the game/app, so here i am in hope that it stops spamming me. As others have said it would be nice to be able to take advantage of the save state feature without having to be online and logged in but other than that and the app occasionally locking up when i go to save state, its a pretty enjoyable experience. Its great having these classics on my phone, its like a tactical rpg security blanket if you’re ever stuck waiting somewhere. It also works well with a bluetooth controller, if you’re in to that sort thing.
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5 years ago, dudup
Unreliable progress saving, don’t buy it
Even after recent updates, this game doesn’t reliably save. It tries to use Game Center as a way to enable progress saving but never keeps you signed in. So every time you need to save or load a saved game, you have to sign in to Game Center and it constantly gets stuck trying to sign in, and has no option to cancel or trying again, so you get stuck with a spinner and no option unless curse and lose all your progress. I don’t understand why the built in save game is disabled, and why you don’t have the option to save locally, being stuck with a poor implementation of online saving. After losing more than a half an hour of progress for the 3rd time, I’ll be asking for a refund. It’s so embarrassing no wonder Sega will never be the company it was 10-20 years ago.
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4 years ago, AGinger'sGirl
What happened to my purchase?
I purchased Shining Force a couple of years ago and I noticed I was unable to download the game again when I got a new iPhone. Needless to say, I was happy when it became available again, but now, it says there is no purchase to be restored. What happened? Now I have to sit through ads when I had already paid for the game. Also, what’s up with the directional pad. It became harder to use! The game itself is wonderful hence the 4 stars but give me back my purchase! I don’t want to sit through ads when I had already paid for the game once!
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3 years ago, Imchrisstall
Love the games, not the issues
I purchased the ad free version so I could play more and be distracted less. This is my favorite game franchise so I was excited to access all three on my phone whenever I want. However, about three weeks after I purchased the ad-free version, it stopped connecting to Game Center. So I can’t access the saved game I had bc the game says it can’t connect, even though I get the pop up banner that it connected and signed in. I emailed the developer and was told we know it’s a problem, but we don’t have a fix right now… hopefully an update drops soon so I can go back to playing these games.
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6 years ago, Duuuude1484256
Good idea, poor execution
I played the first game on PC a while back. One of my main frustrations was the controls: you have to hit a button to bring up the control menu, then navigate to your desired action. This forces you to hit several buttons when you want to search/talk to someone. What’s worse is people can move while you are doing this, so it’s difficult to talk to someone who is moving. They should just make the corresponding actions appear when they are available. I love the idea of bringing back an old classic which I would gladly pay for, if it was more playable; you don’t have to copy everything exactly. Please update the control scheme; we aren’t using controllers limited to a D-pad and 6 buttons.
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4 years ago, Brdlystvll
Great game, update crash
Back in the day I played Shining Force on the Sega Smash Pack for PC. It is a great game for it’s time and for me nothing beats the nostalgia classics. I was happy to see it brought to the App Store. The only glitch besides the latest update was it would automatically pause every so often, not enough to squanch gameplay. However a couple days back I went to the app and the volume didn’t work. So I checked for an update, and updated the app. It immediately goes to a black screen and crashes. Is anyone else having this problem?
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5 years ago, Kookdem
Great Classics but Bad Saving System
I’ve been a fan for the Shining Force series for a long time and was exited to find this in the App Store. The game runs well and I don’t mind the ads but the one thing that annoys me most is the saving progress. As I try to save the game, the app would crash or freeze during the sign in and it’s very frustrating after my progression through the game that all my data would be erased. It’s 50/50 with this problem and quite frequent. I hope that this problem would be solved because it is some of the few games that got me to play video games. Other than that, this game is awesome for those who grew up playing these classics.
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5 years ago, risethewake
One small fix would equal 5 stars!
I have loved these games since I was a kid. Beaten SF2 countless times and still love replaying it. I haven’t really had any of the issues the other reviews state. Admittedly the “D pad” is very sensitive, but I can live with it. My truly only gripe is that I am in the military, and very often do not have access to the internet or data at all, which makes this game completely unplayable for me because I cannot load or save because of it. When you advertise ‘play anywhere’ but then I can’t, it makes me sad. Would love to see that fixed, otherwise 5 star app. Please think of your military members who want to enjoy this during downtime!
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3 years ago, Bigtimecid
Actual port is great everything else is horrible
Basically the subject. The actual game is exactly as it was on the console. Everything about the app is horribly implemented. They only use a tiny portion of the screen with all of the controls taking up the majority of the screen instead of simply being an overlay. Their game server which is used for saving your game is full of bugs. You have to attempt to sign in multiple times and 50% of the time when trying to save the game crashes resulting in you losing your progress. There’s not even anything you can do in this case as you generally would with a buggy game such as saving frequently as that is the bug. They’ve also recently tried tracking your usage outside of the app which there is no legitimate reason to do other than trying to steal your data. I could possibly understand that from a free game but not when you have to pay a large upfront price as well. Basically the original creators of the game were excellent. The company responsible for the app is horrible
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4 years ago, whodawha
Fix the save feature!
I absolutely love this game. It’s what got me into fire emblem. However the main drawback for this version is the save function. Game Center is unreliable! I left my phone on all night in hopes that I could save my hours worth of progress. But I just got the spinning circle saying that it was trying to connect to Game Center. No option to cancel either. So my only option at that point was to lose all that progress. Even the built-in function of saving at the chapel doesn’t actually work. Which would have been perfect for that situation as it automatically “saves” between chapters. Please fix this!
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2 years ago, Tellah the Sage
Great collection!
The Shining series is easily one of the best collections that the Genesis ever released. These ports are well done, the gameplay was not altered or tinkered with in any way. They are just as much a joy to play now as they were in 1995. As a great bonus, the app is free! (In exchange for some required ad viewing, but not enough to ruin the experience). My only critique, is I’ve had some glitchy moments with my game saves. Not a huge deal, but when you’re at risk to lose 15 hours of progress into SF2, you might freak out a little.
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5 years ago, zzmxc3
It’s good, just a few things
Before I list the bad parts, they are all very nitpicky. I love Shining Force, and it’s one of the greatest RPGs I’ve ever played. That being said, there are a few things the game doesn’t make clear. Like how you have to save with an in-game character, THEN save with the menu option. And also, once, I accidentally chose to sleep my game, and now it’s stuck on the sleep screen. I even force closed it. That’s really the only bad things. It holds up to the originals very well, and I was getting nostalgia chills playing it. Game mechanics: 2/5 Game itself: 10/5
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2 years ago, Joemomma3663
30 years of technological advancement and the game can’t even be ported right
The game asks you to review it every time you open the app, so here I am. Please for the love of god, fix the saving in the game. It’s been MONTHS. A broken save system in a game is always a super high priority issue, and game companies almost always treat something like that as ASAP hot fix. It’s unbelievable how poorly this has been handled. The app itself is straight up broken, and it’s been months with no fix. Devs - the game itself was already created 30 years ago. All this app has to do is port it. And the port doesn’t work. So 1 star is based on what THIS APP actually is. The game from 30 years ago would be 5 stars.
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5 years ago, Darion369
Great game but has some problems
The game is amazing, everything is great the only thing I could complain about is the frequent crashing and the save states failing. It’s a nice little feature to allow you to save during battles unlike the original sets version but it’s risky to even try because it fails to save half the time it seems which leaves you stuck with having to reopen the app and do the fight from the beginning anyway. Aside from that the game is great. Could use some touch ups in those fields.
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3 years ago, Ab$oluteZero
Great Game, Horrible App
The game itself is great, the app is an affront to how great this game should be. Logging in takes multiple attempts and SEGA game servers are constantly down so loading your saves is hit or miss. If I pay to get rid of the ads, it should allow local saves. If local saves were added this would be a 5 star game no questions asked. I’m currently at the end of chapter 7, but because I can’t login to get my saves I have to go back to the last “in game” save which is really far back. Such a bummer that the game is as great as it is but there is a horrible app you have to contend with just to play it.
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3 years ago, Nintura
The game is fine
However the app they use as a shell has some bugs. It always fails to log in or load successfully the first time. You have to repeat the choices a few times, always. As far as the game goes, a better touch based d-pad would be helpful. The game is very hard to walk around in, my character looks drunk i imagine. The final fantasy games have it down perfect, learn from theirs. Otherwise, exactly as i remember it from when i was a kid
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6 years ago, Keshin4539
Nostalgia abound, BUT...
Each game is a time tested classic. The music, game play, and all else is fantastic. They each run smoothly and beautifully. There is one glaring and deep routed problem.. the Save Feature. I've lost 5 hours or more because the game has simply LIED to me on when it says I saved it. Glitches are stillbconstantly pouring in and even after paying a measly $5 to remove ads (not bad and you spend more on less, don't lie), it still screws up. I trek on, but this is truly rough. I hope they fix it soon. Otherwise, the games still remain amazing but I hold out till the bugs are squashed.
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2 years ago, Statistical Noise
Saving Broken
After reading all of the one star reviews regarding issues with saving the game, I noticed that it had been recently updated. The vague description of the details about what got updated wasn’t exactly promising. But I decided to download it and see if the problem has been fixed. Sadly, it has not. The first time that I tried to save the game, it went into a permanent saving screen that forced me to manually close the game. it’s a real shame, because I was looking forward to playing this game again after so many years. I don’t know why the company isn’t listening to all of the complaints.
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5 years ago, Galactic Fudge
A Piece of Home Returns
I have been waiting so long for this. I was/ am a massive fan of this Saga. I spent many cold winter mornings huddled up with my little brother in the garage of our Denver home cuddled under blankets at four in the morning playing SF II. When I saw this release, I felt a little piece of home return. Thank you for this. You’ll never know how much this game meant/ means to me and my brother. $5 to remove all ads is very generous. My brother and I both own this on iPhone now. Thank you <3
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6 years ago, Kal-Superman-El
Please fix shining force 2
I live this game and have since I can remember. But there is a serious glitch with Shining force 2. Whenever some character goes to cast a spell the game freezes up totally destroying the experience. I thought it was just my magicians at first so I thought I would try to do it without using them, but then in the battles the enemy mages did the exact same thing! PLEASE FIX THIS! Sadly, it almost looks like this was released without being beta tested. I would be more than happy to change my rating of this app because I have waited so long for this from SEGA.
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6 years ago, jshef5
Please fix :/
Shining Force 1 and 2 are both staples of my childhood. I was so upset when they took down the first Shining force down the the App Store. It was a flawless experience all the way through. Now they have Them back but it’s not the same. Here are a few things I don’t like but could live with: - No on phone saves - Poor use of screen space - Ad experience (although I gladly paid to remove them) However, the ads keep coming back after I purchased to remove them and you have to restore purchases or whatever....very frustrating. Even worse, every time I go to use Sarah’s heal in the first battle it freezes. I have reinstalled and restore my phone to troubleshoot and it won’t fix. What a roller coaster of excitement to being disappointed. SEGA you are amazing for bringing these games back... but please go back to how you did it with Shining force a few years ago. You know how to make it a seamless experience.... why isn’t it now? Sincerely, A very patient, but massively disappointed fan...
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4 years ago, nhiddink
Shining force is an awesome series and I’m so happy that I can now replay these games from anywhere and relive the nostalgia of the epic battles in the game. The app itself is well done and the $4.99 price point to remove ads is well worth it for these games. For those that want to try out the game, the ads are not intrusive and you can play all the way through without having to buy anything! Thank you SEGA team for making this app a reality!!
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5 years ago, Aldo8880
Great set of games
It’s a good price for a fantastic set of games. Controls are a little wonky, but they always are with ports. The $5 is well worth the cost for all three games. I’d honestly pay $5 for each given how much I enjoy them. Haven’t had any ads since I paid; it was a lot of ads before then. I played these games to death on my old Sega, the nostalgia is really great and I’m having lots of fun so far! Would definitely recommend.
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4 years ago, Muhhuh
I purchased the original app and it was amazing. After getting a new phone, I had to download it again and it was gone. A couple of years went by and I had the desire to play again, so I found this one. I downloaded it and started it up. I was greeted by an onslaught of ads, all of which you have to wait 30 seconds for. Using the controls, if you hold the button down to scroll through the intro, don’t even think about moving you finger one iota. It’ll automatically pause and make you watch a 30 second ad again. I didn’t even get to the game play. I deleted it right away to go back to my pirated emulated version.
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2 years ago, FlyGuy979797
Absolutely love this game!!!
Ignore all of the older comments and bad reviews, I just downloaded this app for all 3 games, I paid for the 4.99$ add removal and I have not seen a single ad, Sega and or non sega ads (whatever those bad reviewers were saying) and it’s not clunky in the slightest either like all those other reviews are saying. 10/10 perfect platform for all 3 shining forces. Absolutely chef's kiss!
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6 years ago, Shadow27654321
Good games, glitchy gameplay
I happy to be able to play these games that I grew up with, but the glitches make them impossible to play. In Shining force 2, any time you cast a spell, the game freezes. At least I don’t have to watch an ad for that. Also, I owned the original Shining force which came out on iOS a few years ago and they never updated it for the current iOS so I ended up losing my money and I would have to pay them more in order to lose all of the ads. Thanks Sega for bringing us these classic games but could you please just do a bit a work to fix up the experience? I doubt your making any new games so why not?
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