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User Reviews for ShopWoodmans

2.3 out of 5
402 Ratings
7 months ago, 5150n
New!! Improved!! Sort of…
The app is a complete rewrite by different developers. Everything changed. Like that’s never happened to you before, right? I appreciate some of the low-star reviews about what’s been lost. I mourn, too. But some things are ‘hidden’ in the new paradigms. I was railing about whatever and my wife asked our good friend Google and then talked me off the ledge. So try Google if you’re flummoxed. I miss multiple lists but I’ll see if I adapt and may award a fifth star if I do. A major focus of the new app is e-commerce, being able to order for pickup or delivery. It’s sure to be a hit with those so inclined and brings the app into the 2020’s.
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5 months ago, goblinhead9999999999999
HORRIBLE Search and Replacement Functions
I am VERY DISAPPOINTED with the new app. When I search for items I know Woodman’s carries, the horrible search function shows me COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT items. I have shopped at Woodsman's for decades and know they carry vegan and dairy free items my family loves but I can’t find them on this terrible app- they will show me meat and dairy items when I search for vegan. And when you enter a specific brand, the search won’t show all the items for the brand, only a couple and then tries to push irrelevant items I’m NOT interested in purchasing. FIX THIS, IT’S BEEN MONTHS! Also, you need to tell your Instacart shoppers where items are located because I can’t tell you how many times I ONLY GET HALF MY ORDER because whoever’s shopping can’t find the items. I can go into the store and and FIND ALL THE ITEMS THAT WERE MISSING FROM MY ORDER! FIX THIS TO MAKE MORE MONEY. I don’t understand a business that had a great app and turned it into this horrible, chaotic, disorganized mess it is now. It’s really too bad. Luckily I can find some of the items on the Kroger app and purchase from them instead. I don’t understand a business model designed to lose sales - doesn’t make sense to me.
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6 months ago, Eric21888
Barely functional
Search is broken, you can type in the exact product and have to scroll throw a couple screens of related products before you might find it. It feels like the new interface priority is to give sponsored products and/or the more expensive option. If you happen to have the old product the barcode search works as expected. The order again is as broken as the search. Update on previously purchased (as requested): at the bottom of the app, there is an “buy it again” option. It’ll list out everything you ordered in the past. I’ve ordered quite a few things and so while in the buy it again mode, I use the search at the top of the screen to quickly find my previous item that I want to buy again. Or at least that’s what I expect, I just get random results instead of the short list I expect. The “buy it again” button at the bottom of the screen stays highlighted so I’m still in that mode. This isn’t usable — it’s just pushing me to sponsored items instead of my previously purchased. Ironically, this is only a problem if buy a lot of items through the app such that scrolling through the list is a chore.
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7 months ago, HB01234567
Want old app back
I didn’t know the app was changing. None of the products I typically buy carried over so had to look up everything again. I scheduled a delivery for Sunday between 8-10am. By 9:00 there was no update. At 10 am I called the store. They said they could not find my order (even though I could clearly see it and it was confirmed) and instacart has taken over and I had to call their customer service. I called instacart customer service and they said they had no available staff to complete my order. When someone became available they would fill it but they had no idea when they would be. Supposedly if you do a delivery order at Woodmans, instacart shops and delivers. After waiting another hour, I then canceled the order and placed a pick up order. I wasted a lot of time this morning dealing with this. I will not be doing delivery anymore from Woodmans if instacart is not going to have someone available when you have scheduled it way ahead of time. Woodmans could lose a lot of customers because of this.
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4 months ago, jdhbjr
Used to love this app...
I used to use this app on a weekly basis and wished every store would have one! Unfortunately since the update, I've had nothing but problems. I am all for a nice face lift and change of function. However, the fundamentals of what made this app great have all but disappeared. You used to be able to sort your list starting from produce to end in the main aisle or vice versa. That was removed and now your items are scattered without the logical shopper brain in mind. Secondly, I can't seem to locate normal grocery items to add to my list. Simple items like, rolled oats or corn starch. They will pop up in the search but will not allow you to select an item to add to your grocery list. Lastly, having the option to "delivery, pick up, or have an in store" list is a bit confusing. I can't tell you how many times I've add items to a list and realized it was delivery and had to delete and re add to the in store list.
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4 months ago, AndreaIL2024
In store shopping list useless
In the first releases of this new app, the in-store shopping list was not as good as the old version but at least it was useful because it’s sorted by aisle. Now that it is sorting by these random, USELESS categories, it is completely useless. On a recent shopping trip to the store, it took me almost 2 hours to complete my list because I kept having to backtrack because it’s not sorted by aisle. Also, the old version used to drop the checked off items to the bottom of the list and you just had remaining items at the top and could easily complete your shopping. Now that it just checks them off and leaves them in place, you have to scroll up and down the list to find unchecked items, it’s ridiculous. I see many comments about the loss of the saved lists so I will put another comment here to say that was an incredibly valuable feature that should be brought back ASAP. Just to reiterate the current way the in-store shopping list is set up basically makes it useless and I hope something is done soon to restore it to at least the way it was for the initial release of this version where it at least sorted by aisle. Having the option of all of the sort options in the old version of the app would be great also, but at the minimum to sort by aisle needs to be returned.
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7 months ago, JavaJanine
I miss the saved items feature for in store shopping.
First I will point out what I like about the new app: 1. It’s easy to use. 2. It easy to switch from pick-up and in store shopping lists. 3. The in store shopping list is easy to work with and I like how the location of the items is more detailed. 4. The search feature seems to work fairly well and seems to bring up more varied items that I hadn’t heard of before which I appreciate. Secondly I want to point out what I strongly dislike: 1. I didn’t appreciate that the 100’s of items I had saved in the default shopping list all disappeared. Now I have to manually have to search or scan all these common items I frequently purchase all over again. I get that this happened with the complete redo of the app but the “buy again” feature for the new app needs attention. 2. You can bookmark items to the buy again list but you can only do this from the “pick-up” shopping option not the “in-store” shopping option. 3. The items I did save or bookmark can only be added to the “pick-up” shopping list not in store which is a huge annoyance. Please address this feature it’s a major downer of this app and makes shopping harder not easier which is the whole purpose of having an app.
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7 months ago, Melonhead2
Horrible update. Very disappointed shopper.
New updated app is clunky and difficult to maneuver thru shopping process. No longer can I take a weekly shopping list and move it to my cart so what used to take 15 to 20 minutes now takes me 45 minutes! Not what I would call and improvement. Selecting or specifying substitutions is difficult at best and you no longer have an option for multiple choices or specifying the qty for a substitution. Unless this improves somehow, looks like I’ll have to bite the bullet and do my shopping in the store itself. What a disappointment. I expected much better from Woodman’s.
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7 months ago, NortgernLights
Great app update!
I’ve used the Woodmans app to make my grocery list for years. I never had major issues, but the recent update has made it so much better! The prices appear to be in line with the actual in-store costs, and not hiked up as they were previously. I also love that you can see the location of the item in-store from the item page itself rather than having to add it to a “list” and then track it down there. It seems to have combined the features I liked but was frustrated by, to make them more concise therefore creating features to love.
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7 months ago, ma bussie
Instacart Crazy
Trying to set up the app was easy enough and I had the store set to Beloit but as it switched I noted it changed to Altoona! Many calls later with several calls to Instacart’s South Africa, and 3 different Woodman stores in Wisconsin, I might have it resolved. I also called the Altoona store last night and left a message to let their morning crew know to not collect my groceries and she never got a message, but happily she figured it out ahead of calling me. She also said she received many Instacart orders from out of area places. The app clearly said to make sure to be careful which store was chosen and I was. It automatically switched to Altoona. So strange. I’m going to wait until Woodman’s has this under control but for now I will go to the store to shop. Hope admin figures this out quickly. Beloit staff has been excellent.
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6 months ago, davidjufo
Update to prior Review - App is now working well
The interface between the app and instacart was definitely buggy at first, but now has been working as expected. I like the interface better of the new app, and lists are a bit different — looks like just one option, but that works for me. Buy it Again works very well by being able to sort by type. Other than that quibble, It seems like there is more product info and the product picture are better as well. Prior review was negative, but it was not so much the app, but the communication interface between Woodmans and Instacart.
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6 months ago, GGSylar
Very cool
I like that I am able to scan things I already have. So as I throw away a product, I can scan it and it to my list. Then later when I want it again, I can either scan it again or use buy again. Read some of the other reviews and doesn’t seem like the app itself is the issues for people but rather that it’s a NEW APP. Seems like a weak reason to give something 1 star. Very user friendly, I love that I can approximate the spelling of something and it still shows up, which was my biggest complaint about the previous app.
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5 months ago, Jonishot
Horrible UX - updated review
I found the filter button/ icon. Kind of in an odd place but at least it’s there, which is very good. Still don’t know why when I search for specific items I get all sorts of other products. I search for “lettuce” and I get tomatoes and cucumbers and carrots and green beans and all kinds of things that are not lettuce. There is not a single thing that is better is this revamped app. Where are the filters the previous app had, e. g. filtering by category such as “organic.” I’m guessing that you didn’t do any user acceptance testing because no one would have approved this useless mess of an app. Roll out the previous version. Fire the project team. And start over. Woodman’s should be embarrassed to put something this awful out in public.
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5 months ago, Cymkmma
The new app is lacking a few features overall good
I really like the new app with the exception of not being able to sort items I search by price. Being able to have multiple lists was a nice feature before but it doesn’t affect me much not having it now. What I LOVE is having my in store list sorted by aisle and section. That is extremely helpful! Overall it is a user friendly, nice looking app.
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6 months ago, GBP2024
App still need some TLC
I’ve tried this feature on products in-store and app doesn’t recognize. And, yes, I did try multiple times in different lighting. Pricing isn’t the same via app to store, even though i’m logged in & have my store selected. Even when the product is Avail in store, but shows OOS on the app?! I agree with those about bringing back the saved-shopping lists! Why not have a store map (old app had a disappointing blurry view) or what Aisle is item located? I have other competitors apps that have that feature. I have to say the look (pictured product) is impressive but the App still needs a lot of work. Kinda sad as I was excited to see something new!
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5 months ago, uwgirl
I liked the old app. I hate that it now defaults to delivery. I live 20 miles away and am never going to get delivery. I’m not going to pay the higher prices for pickup either. Other stores have a minimum of a flat fee not higher prices for everything. It should be more personalized. I should be able to choose to default to in store and it should stay that way. The old app seemed to learn my preferences for organic and vegetarian and show those first. This one seems to promote whatever they want to sell me. One good thing is this app seems to be more accessible in the store after I pull it up outside.
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7 months ago, Bh070891
New app
I am so so disappointed in the new app. I have organized every single item that I get into like ten different lists that I go to when making my pick up order. I usually just go to those lists and add everything I need to my cart. I am so disappointed that they’re all gone. I’ve spent years adding things and organizing it. Makes this process so much quicker than searching every single item, every time I want to get groceries. :( I am so sad that is gone I spent so much time putting that together. Makes me not even want to shop online anymore. Please bring that back. And are my lists just gone forever? Also to note I used this app every single week to do my grocery pick ups. I am a very active user .
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4 months ago, Catie0218
Missing lists! General look is nice, but function is missing.
Like many others, I like to have lists for certain things. Camping being one of them, I purchased the same general items each time we camp and having that list handy was the best park of using woodmans for pick up. I could just add all the things from my previously saved list, and swing in for my pick up. Now I have to create my cart from scratch every time which leave too much room to forget essential items. Also, I can’t see my previous orders, so I can’t even use that as a reference. Hoping these functions come back or are available again soon. It’s been quite some time already and they have not corrected it.
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7 months ago, doesnotcouncide
Horrible new update
I am very disappointed that I can no longer sort my items in my shopping list, let alone print my list out, before I go shopping. This expedites my shopping through the store so I can get in and out, following the aisles in order. Not everyone has their phone in their hands while shopping, which would take longer because you constantly have to be scrolling through your phone. Now I have to copy and paste into a word document and then cut and paste to move items around in aisle order, and then print it out. It was also helpful to know where everything is located in the aisle, but most of that has been eliminated.
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5 months ago, Make It Better Plz!
Used to be better
This app used to work perfectly fine. Now the thing you’re searching for is probably the 3rd or 4th item, presumably to earn more revenue from paid advertisements. If I search “Diet Coke” I literally see 2 Diet Pepsi items before the first Diet Coke item. If I could attach a screenshot I would. Woodman’s is a great grocery store and I love that it’s employee owned (as far as I know it still is), but this app rework makes me worried about the direction they might be taking. Bring back the simplicity of the old app and get rid of the sponsored search results. We are your customers and know what we want to purchase/consume.
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7 months ago, M4gg!eBuG
New app is beautiful. But….
The new app is beautiful but I want the shopping list feature back. This was how I made my shopping list. Trying to save a tree by not using paper. Why do items not stay in your cart when you add them the day before? If they had I wouldn’t of missed purchasing items. Totally had to do my list by memory and somedays that isn’t so good! Forgot lots of items. I’ll just get them at my local supermarket as I live an hour away from woodmans. Money lost to woodmans. Gain for my local supermarket. This list option needs to be fixed. Only one star rating on this review and that is for how nice the new app looks.
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5 months ago, Nathan_25
Resolved: Aisle location says product and not aisle
Edit update: app was updated and my issue was resolved. I am using the app and selected in-store so I could search the location of products in the aisles. Where the aisle number would normally be it now says what the product is. For instance I was searching hand soap and it says it’s located in “soaps”. Not sure if it’s a glitch but definitely isn’t helpful.
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7 months ago, Meowskinator
Great app but update took away things
The old version of the app is great! Since the updates it’s been a learning curve to find where things are. But I love how much more they have added! I have to remake my various shopping lists but now that I found where to make them, I’m excited to try it! Still user friendly and a great app to have
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6 months ago, Michii902
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I hate this new version. Whenever you clipped a coupon, the items list automatically pops up and you would have to “x” out that list in order to clip the next coupon. Wayyyy much more work then before. Where I can keep clipping and if I want to see what that coupon applies to, then I click show items. Also, it no longer show what aisles the items are located in the store anymore?? Also, where do I find my shopper ID barcode??? It is just overall very frustrating! Zero star if I can.
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4 months ago, dhsuenebuxhx
Please bring back the old app!
The new app does not manage multiple shopping lists and no longer provides where items are located. How does a shopping app lack the ability to manage multiple lists? In the old app I had lists for specific recipes which made it super easy to shop for the items needed. Seems like a big step backwards. We’re now shopping access the street because the app works much better and is saving us a bunch of time instead of wondering around woodmans look for what we need.
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3 months ago, serialreader777
Endless loop trying to sign in
I love woodmans. All I want to do is be able to do online shopping due to a disability where I physically CANNOT grocery shop. I used to have an acct but it doesn’t recognize that information or let me reset it. When I try to create a new account it also doesn’t allow it because it states I already have an existing account…but it doesn’t let me sign into it!! I’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure this issue out and I can’t. For now I cannot shop at woodmans online. So disappointing.
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6 months ago, Bronk2
New version does not show aisle locations for the majority of items
This is now nearly useless in store as I can’t use it to find WHERE something is. After selecting “in store” do a search and >80% of items show no location or something useless like “meat” Try this for “gluten free fish “ for example as I was searching for some for my daughter. There are a few items such as Oreos that list the aisle and bay location, but they are few and far between
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6 months ago, Minx1009
Horrible app
Two weeks ago I was able to shop by aisle order. This week it took me twice as long because it groups everything into categories, which does not help to find it any quicker. Also, I never use the order online or pick up and I feel that if I’m shopping in store, the first time I click in store that should be the first thing that pops up not for delivery. so many times I caught myself putting my groceries in the wrong one. If there’s nothing wrong with the app, why mess it up?
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5 months ago, MincraftGidl
Coupon search
Like most features in the new app. Online ordering is so much easier now. Just wish I could filter coupons by category instead of scrolling through everything.
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7 months ago, Mony74
Billed twice.
I would rate it zero starts, but it won’t let me. I’m having an issues with billing. The first card I used was declined, even though there was enough money in there to cover it. Apparently they charge more than what the actual amount really is. So I used a different card and it went through. I now have charges on both cards for the same groceries and have been trying to get a refund back. I’ve called both Woodmans and instant cart and keep getting the run a rounds. Not very happy.
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7 months ago, TedPicklez
Miss the old app
I liked the old version better, I used to go to woodsman's exclusively so I could make a list on the app and know exactly how much I was going to spend. Took away the only feature I used, I could add stuff to my cart and shop like that but it doesn’t give me aisle locations of the food items anymore and it raises the price of everything assuming I’m going to order it for pickup/delivery. I guess I’m going to start shopping at metro market or pick n save. No reason for me to shop here anymore.
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6 months ago, Gameboyjim
New app
The old app seem to be a little better. I found that there was more products with pictures and you could look through sale prices seemingly endlessly now you can barely find anything you’re looking for that’s on sale unless you type in there’s every specific item or before you could just browse through the list of everything on sale.
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3 months ago, Unimpressed with Paylocity
Please fix
As others have commented searching for items is very hard on this app (you may need to wade through 50 semi related items first) but my main complaint is that it shows items are available when they aren’t. I have gone to the store several times for something and it’s out. I don’t live close by and am tired of wasting money and time to come out of the store empty handed.
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4 months ago, Frogstofall
Can’t add things to cart Can’t search for items
I don’t know what’s going on with this app but now when I search for something it shows the product while I’m typing it in the search bar but when I tap on it, it doesn’t appear. If I enter the entire name of the product word for word and search for it, it does not appear. If I add items from my previous purchases to my cart, it does not actually add them all to my cart. Please fix this awfulness.
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7 months ago, Can't Live Without
The store has an amazing selection, but if you can’t find it… why shop here. Bring back the old app. Without it, I can’t find anything. I don’t need an app that is not user friendly nor do I need to spend more time grocery shopping to find items on my list. My time is too valuable. The old app had location of the items and you could sort based on what end of the store you began. The website does not help either so now I am just lost.
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7 months ago, Kboyzmom13
New App is Worse!
I am not able to make a grocery list on the new version. The search function is awful! I typed fresh ginger & only packaged products showed up. It showed turmeric root but no ginger root that I know you carry. In the past I used this app to price check to determine if I would shop at Woodmans. If I can’t find an item to add it to my list, I don’t need to shop at Woodmans. Suggest you fix the search function immediately! Please add a list function.
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7 months ago, Orzechowe
New Update is terrible
This “updated” Woodman’s app is horrible. My entire shopping list was erased while adding another product. You can no longer save shipping lists, which is incredibly annoying, since I add items between trips to the store (every two or three weeks). Please bring back the old version, it was much more centered around the user. It was nice being able to make a shopping list and storing it for my next trip….
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7 months ago, walsht91
New app, not a fan!
The recent change in the Woodmans app is a big bummer.. many inconveniences. Where are the sale items? The new app doesn’t show them. Why did none of my previous orders carry over to the new app? I have always loved being able to go back to previous orders and purchase all the same items again. Nothing has carried over, and that’s a bummer.
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5 months ago, Sleepyolive8586
I can’t talk to my shopper or approve replacements
With the new update I’m not able to select replacements, chat with my shopper, or see when it’s ready for pickup. Last time, I got a completely wrong order, and then they said they never saw the order even though it was showing as shopped. I had to call Instacart and reorder. Everything I order I have to call to check on the order. It’s a nightmare and causing me to not shop there anymore.
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7 months ago, scubagirl11
Missing features
Please bring back the list writing feature as well as the item location info. These were some of the most helpful features in the previous version of the app.
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6 months ago, dognoah
Worse site since you changed it. Deleted my account Dropped door dash for Instacart I just cancelled Instacart because of their service. Woodmans employees no longer do the shopping for the orders Instacart people do. I’ll be going to mjeirs
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3 months ago, Rick-77
Hugely Improved!
The dietary filters are back, along with the ability to locate products (you have to put the app in In-Store mode). Thanks for restoring the functionality to the app! 👍🏼
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6 months ago, dajazi
It's already very out of date
Available products used to have their aisle numbers listed by them when searching. That's no longer available. More and more people are going to grocery stores. They are not bothering with pick up, because they want to actually shop in person. This latest rewrite would have been fine in 2021, but not now. Major fail.
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6 months ago, xo-khansen
New app is awful
Lost the ability to “filter” and when you search certain items in delivery mode for example “butternut bread” every other type/brand of bread shows up EXCEPT butternut; this happens with several searches I’ve done for other things in delivery mode as well.. no more “shopping lists” it was honestly such a nice convenient feature to be able to make multiple lists
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7 months ago, Shopperdistress
This new version of the app is terrible!! My past products list is gone so I can’t quickly go through and just order our staples every week. The new app has a spot that says your past orders will appear, but they don’t. You cannot “search” for replacement items if your desired is out of stock. My list could go on and on…. Bring back the old version!!!!
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5 months ago, Gemma2929
Looks nice but…
The update to the app is visually nice, and I like the fact that it’s easy to search for items in the store, but it only seems functional in a personal shopper/Instacart way. Gone is the ability to create shopping lists or find the location of items by aisle in the store. Already missing the old app.
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5 months ago, Librarybug
Want to clear carts
I use the app while I’m in the store to scan what I’m buying so I can have an idea of how much I’m spending. The new app doesn’t allow you to clear a cart in one step. Instead, I have to remove the items one by one, which is very annoying. I’d love to see this functionality with the next update.
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6 months ago, Noshoes77
Needs to be polished
Not being able to save items is a problem- especially for those items regularly purchased. Also, we can’t create multiple lists for future shopping/ planned events. This is a major drawback for those who plan ahead. The app defaults to “Delivery,” this cannot be changed. Lastly, items don’t automatically delete anymore, they stay on the list but are crossed out. This makes finding what I still need to pick up a hassle to find- but it’s one I’ll adapt to.
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6 months ago, David in Appleton
Coupons not working
Tried to clip coupon in the store and app would time out. A few employees tried to help but they couldn’t get coupons to show. Looks to be a few bugs to work out. I was able to use coupons with the old app. Hope it is fixed soon.
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7 months ago, Merebear38
Agree with sad Elliott
I 100% agree with sad Elliott’s comments. I used the list feature every time I would go shopping to help navigate the store and now it’s a disaster. Peanut Butter just says Grocery in the list and doesn’t specify the aisle or bay? The mustard I previously bought doesn’t even show in the app? Sounds like Woodman’s is going 10 steps backward with this upgrade. Please help make this right.
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