Solitaire by MobilityWare

4.8 (121.3K)
223.6 MB
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Current version
Last update
4 years ago
Version OS
10.0 or later
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User Reviews for Solitaire by MobilityWare

4.77 out of 5
121.3K Ratings
4 years ago, pearleaf529
Great Game but with a problem for me
I have been using Mobilityware Solitaire for several years. Until recently, I have been very happy with it. However, from time to time bugs have shown up. In the past these were quickly repaired. Very recently I noticed that the setting I used for winnable deals is not functioning. I kept it at 40% since the beginning. That level kept my cumulative score moving slowly but surely upward. Now, as an experiment, I set it at 100% because I clearly see the 40% is not functional. The 100% is not functioning. Winning games are still rare. The response from Mobilityware was a disappointment. They took away the winning game slider control from Vegas cumulative scoring because they felt users were abusing it to get quickly rising scores. Huh? Why would the personal choices of app users be a concern? If someone gets some pleasure out of quickly rising scores, why would that bother anyone?. The purpose these games is for users to enjoy. I liked a slowly rising score and had found the right winnable percentage to do that for me. I have saved my cumulative score and switched to standard with 100% wins, which means I treat every hand as a puzzle I play until I find the winning plays like the daily challenges.
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4 years ago, Sparky 460
Used to be much better!
When this was a simple game it was awesome. Now you have added all of these bells and whistles that can’t be turned off! The user/player should have complete control in settings to turn off the frills that interrupt what used to be a very pleasant low key game. I love the music and graphics at the end, but there should be absolutely no interruptions in the game and no prompts to participate in any goals unless you choose to select them in settings. Please fix this. Thank you for your response, somehow I missed the option in settings and I apologize. My only other pet peeve about this game is that when I select a winning game, sometimes I don’t get one; Sometimes I can go back via undo, make changes and win other times not and the hints just say no useful moves detected! Now I wonder if I missed something in settings about this? Anyway I’m changing my review to five stars and I’m very happy that I am able to turn off the goal animations! Ah I went back and looked again and I found a setting for winning deals too! Hopefully I fixed it. Again please accept my apology, I’m feeling as thick as a brick.
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6 years ago, Radlw
Before a recent update, I was playing Vegas solitaire. I was $100K in the hole after about 50,000 games (not bad, really; a loss of only $2 per game). My win rate was about 8%. The update hijacked my statistics, zeroed out my debt, and started me over with a new look I didn’t like. Now I am $100K in the black after only a few thousand games and my win rate is through the roof. Have I finally perfected my system? Am I a Vegas solitaire genius? Or did the boys and girls at Mobility decide to tweak the odds in my favor so I would feel better? I don’t feel better. I was okay with my old stats, powered by the conviction (no doubt false) that I was slowly perfecting my game and improving (remember, tens of thousands of games; 50K in my last run, but that was only my most recent reset - I’ve been playing for years and resetting my stats now and then when I wanted a do-over). Now I am a disappointed winner. I’ll keep playing, but gambler’s reinforcement - winning runs after long periods of loss - is gone, replaced by certainty. Who wants to be a winner?
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5 months ago, RangerMac61
Great game!
My favorite game! I've played solitaire the old fashioned way for over 60 years, and I love this app. I especially love being able to choose my own photos for card backs and background. There is, however, one thing I dislike about this game!!! 😡Whenever it is up and running my Bluetooth is engaged! Why does this happen? I have sounds turned off in settings. I wear hearing aids, and this causes the sound level I receive to decrease. For example, if I’m playing solitaire and watching the news, I have to turn up my TV sound. Very annoying! It would be a 5 star rating otherwise. 2024 Update: among other things I like about this solitaire app, and which drew me to it years ago, is that it’s Ad free!!! However, that has changed…in my view. Now, every time I open it, I get a banner telling me to go to the Game Center. I’m a solitary solitaire player. I enjoy it, and play it for my own amusement. I’m not interested in gaming with others, nor do I care about keeping track of my own score. Yet, the Game Center Ad (which is what it is) annoyingly pops up whenever I open the app. PLEASE remove this!
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4 years ago, Eilid Sidhe
I am an avid Solitaire player, and thoroughly enjoy this particular Solitaire version. I tend to only order/play games or other modicums (The Weather Channel, etc.) in versions that allow complete freedom from advertisements. This version of Solitaire allows that option, which is one reason I so highly value this game. Another is the freedom to select card types (backs, fronts, formats, backgrounds, etc.) immediately, and as often as one wishes. The option to download content from one’s saved photos, etc., is another reason I love this app. I use a photo of my young grandson, clutching his Sloth Christmas Gift Pillow, as the back of my Solitaire cards. The app’s ability to store information is another great feature, as is the Daily Challenge, whereby your accumulated solved puzzles are updated to show your current level, as well as your earned trophies (Bronze for 10 completed wins; Silver for 20 wins, and Gold for completed months). All in all, my satisfaction with this Solitaire Game is the highest
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6 years ago, Sua2385
New version needs some work, but nice
I also am tired of having to wait for the first screen to disappear. I have pretty much got used to the abbreviated cards, but don’t prefer them. They and the card outlines in back take up so much room it feels crowded, and I don’t like having the outlines in the background while your new and mostly great (I hate the martial swords and the clown face, which you kept) animations perform. And I wish you had more choice of thematic backgrounds, this year you keep messaging in this and another game that a new background is available, but it always turns out to be the same seasonal background as last year or the year before. And if you had all the time in the world, which I know I am not paying for much of it, I would love to see those original old card faces you mentioned on one first page! But I find the game relaxing while I think - at least until one takes 30 minutes to solve - and love it.
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6 years ago, Wilie1
Developers mistake
I’ve used this app for 2 years. I purchased 3 other games from this developer because of this one. Now I wish I hadn’t. This abomination is not what I bought and no mount of fixing will make it better. I’ve asked the developer to consider an alternative that may satisfy but all I get is a canned reply. Zero customer satisfaction. Never will purchase another Mobilityware app. Update: Please don’t assume that the canned responses make up for a lack of credible customer service. Kicking the can upstairs to a “development team” is not accepting responsibility for what was done to this app. And it’s not showing consideration to the numerous customers who have complained in this space. I’ve made my case, added the suggestion to role this back or change the model for the Solitaire version in the app store that does not allow ad removal, to one that does. If there are others like me that are frustrated by this, check out the Solitaire+ app from A-Star. LATEST: Looks as though customer service kicked this debacle upstairs to the development team. And they’ve punted. No updates or fixes for nearly 4 weeks. This developer no longer cares to address any complaints. Don’t waste your money. Bad reviews outnumber good 10 to 1 or better.
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6 years ago, Low carber
Want to get to the game!
Overall, the latest update is good, but with the mobility ware, page, then the solitaire facts/ads for other games/game info page, it takes time to get to the game. I play this game numerous times daily, and going through these pages every time I go to the app is getting annoying! I’ve already seen all the the second pages numerous times. If these must be there, at least add a way to click through or skip them. Even if I want to read them, I am a fast reader and still end up waiting. I would also like other options for card faces. The current ones are basically the same except larger font. Would even like to see a complete card face. Took a deeper look and compared with the free/last version. In the update there are fewer card face styles - not including the one I had been using, and no choice for card spots. I prefer no outline. I do appreciate the no more moves flash on the play button, but that’s about the only thing I see as an “improvement”.
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7 years ago, Wm Gardner
Reliable. Performs Well
Really, my ONLY complaint about this app is that it sometimes indicates (in advance) that a game is "winnable", when the only way you could win the game is through illogical moves that require advanced knowledge of where the cards are. That aside, I have owned this app for years but only started playing it regularly a couple of months ago. It is nice mental exercise and I now play the game everyday. I play the "daily challenge" and while I am not fast enough to achieve scores in the top tier, I do enjoy the stimulation. The app offers various modes of play, with multiple draw styles, multiple scoring methods, and the ability to minimize being dealt "unwinnable" hands (although, just because a game is not indicated as "winnable" does not mean it is "unwinnable"). TL;DR- game is reliable, fast and has multiple methods of play. Only quirk is how it occasionally will determine a game "winnable". Would definitely buy again.
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6 years ago, 235790865325
Not a fan of the recent changes 8/18
Bought the app and have enjoyed it for years. It’s a simple game you can play for fun, stress relief, etc. No biggie. However, the recent overhaul now forces you to look at their logo (an ad for them) while everything loads (allegedly) for a surprising length of time. Every single time you open the app (even if you haven’t closed the app and just switched apps for a second. Ugh! This was not the case before. Their customer service folks are nice... but their response was not satisfying. There is no need to have to wait that long... and no, your solitaire/company trivia is not fun. Please... just let people play the game! I may just delete the game and move onto another company. :-( Update: 12/18 — more changes in update that are a distraction from the game. Forced to pick king or queen-type personality, forced to sit through more stupid screens about some new points program. I want to pick up my phone and distract myself with a game of solitaire... not be bombarded with carnival graphics that you can’t shut off. These updates are so frustrating. I hope they are making buckets of money, because I see no point in the nonsense.
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6 years ago, Chardenay
My Favorite
UPDATE - This USE to be my favorite until this last update!! I agree 100% with the others who are saying this latest update ruined it. I hate it! The new lay out is terrible and my running high score (vegas accumulative) is gone from view, I have to purposefully look it up every time instead of it being in constant view. The new graphics & UI are obnoxiously inconvenient and were much better the way they were. If I can’t change it back to how it was before the update, I will be looking for a new favorite. Love this game. Played a lot of others that don't have the features this one does. Smooth graphics with a lot of options - you can change the background and card backs with their numerous selections or your own pictures - a feature I love. You can turn animations up or down, play different versions ( I like Vegas scoring), and select different card faces such as regular to easy to see. Too many options to list - in short - you can't go wrong with this one! I've had it for years and it just keeps getting better. Thanks for the great app!! A+++++ 👍
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6 years ago, Judy D.
Thank you.
Update to 4 stars: the latest release brought back the status bar and snappiness in card movements so I’ll download to my other devices. Thank you. I still find the large size and blinking play button annoying but I’m glad you made the latest fixes to my favorite Solitaire game. Prior comments: Have been using this App for years. The newest update is so annoying and frustrating, that the game I’ve enjoyed playing is now a COMPLETE turnoff. It’s too slow to load. Keeps asking annoying questions and stays on way to long. I use to jump into the next game, now I’m forced to wait for the congratulatory comments to stop. The flashing play button is distracting. I could go on. I wished I would have read the reviews for this version before downloading. I’ve not downloaded this version on my other devices and have no intention of doing so.
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6 years ago, MamawPJ
Add-free & worth it! (Revised)
Finally found the add-free version ($0.99 alone or in a bundle of 4 games for $1.99). Love it & the other 3 in the bundle! I’m finding that I do not enjoy the changes made in the recent update. I was not having any problems with the operation of the game am not seeing any changes in that aspect now. I do, however, think the aesthetics of the visual are much less than previously. I do not like the changes in position of the various properties, preferring the tool bar at the bottom of the page. (I keep tapping on them unintentionally where they are now.) I love the very intricate pictures made with the cards when one wins one of the games, I find them very entertaining and I always am awed by the mind that could make them appear on my screen. I especially love the sailing boat and would feel especially rewarded for winning a game when it appeared.
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2 years ago, Bronc_H
Don’t waste your money
The interface is terrific. However the algorithm makes the game worthless. The developer will argue with me but I’ve been “playing” this game for years and know better. Simply, the game cheats on die rolls. Put the computer’s puck on the bar, it gets back in play the next roll (regardless on how many slots are occupied) while your puck sits on the bar until the computer is assured of a win (this is the one occasion where YOU will suddenly roll double after double . . all miraculously for occupied slots). Get all your pucks past the computer’s and watch how many double sixes the computer can roll in a row, while you roll aces and duces. I say I’ve been “playing” this game for years . . . Well, by “playing” I mean until the game’s stored doubles cache kicks in . . . Then I just quit without finishing the game. Because, if played out, you will lose. But the interface is nice. LOL Oh, I forgot to mention, the game does accommodate rolling physical dice as opposed to the computer’s rolls. Super convenient to have to carry physical die with you in order to have a fair game.
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1 week ago, Solitarywitch
What’s going on?
I have had this app for many years. I have tried others, but I prefer this one. It was always challenging and fun. I never won every challenge, but I did win quite a bit. After a couple years, I even paid the fee to have no ads. I noticed sometimes when there wasn’t any Wi-Fi, I would get games that was impossible to win. I would play them several hands and they still couldn’t be beat. I feel like this is something that the game did when you have ads. Because you can’t have ads without Wi-Fi. all in all it was a good game to play all the time to pass the time to keep my mind sharp. I had Wi-Fi signal more times than not. Unfortunately, in the last few days for some reason, I am getting games that cannot be beat. No matter what time after time games that cannot be beat. What’s going on? I mean, I love it challenge but seriously…
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6 years ago, Randoma
The Best Solitaire game in the App Store
I have been plain this game for years. It is beautifully rendered. You can choose from a good sized library of background images and card backs to change the appearance of the game just to your liking. There are many options, but not an overwhelming amount. You can also choose whether you want a random shuffle, a winning deal (even with a winning it doesn’t mean it is easy. that easy) there is a choice between 3 or 1 card draw and it isn’t going to troll you with ads all the time, or requests, and it doesn’t have in-app purchases. There is also a daily challenge, which I like. Also, there are leaderboards and rewards for surpassing yourself. I have tried many solitaire games over the years, but I always end up returning to this one. If you like no nonsense solitaire, this is the one folks.
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8 years ago, Ishbear1
Prior to using this, all I used was a standalone unit that had few features. I wore out two of them. Once I got hooked on your game on my phone, I use it constantly! Great game, and I know I will never use all of its capabilities. After suffering a stroke a few years ago, my ability to speak, read, and generally reason were affected, and my wife has commented many times that she felt that this game was of tremendous benefit for its unintended purpose as a therapeutic device. Any rationale that will permit me to play the game is OK by me! Apparently my last entry was still in limbo, so this is an update. The latest version has a curious feature that is mentioned by (kiddo20 or something, I couldn't remember ) wherein the "feeling" as I touch the keys has been omitted. I'd like to have that back. Other than that, I love it!
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5 years ago, Stymyx
It’s good, BUT...
It really is a real good Solitaire game, with plenty of options for play, but… At the end of each win, you get a screen showing your score, your time and the number of moves you made in the game. You also see those same figures for “Best” that’s not explained very well (it’s not your personal best, but measured against some unclear metric). Under the Best Time, it ALWAYS says a time in the neighborhood of 30 seconds, give or take a few seconds! I even once saw a Best Time of about 23 seconds! I want to meet THE HUMAN BEING that can play and win a hand of Klondike Solitaire in this app in 23 seconds!! It’s this screen that’s the only thing about this game I don’t like, and this is a totally personal gripe. I’m sure the numbers are supposed to be a motivator to encourage you to play better, but I find it more depressing than anything else, so I turned that screen off in Settings. Other than that, I love this game.
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6 years ago, Almathea67
I loved this game so much I purchased the full $5 app with no ads. I’ve literally played over 10,000 games with this app. This new update is terrible. It glitches constantly when I attempt to play it. It’s much slower than it used to be, so trying to finish a game faster to get a higher score is impossible. The new layout isn’t bad, except the leaderboard is so close to where you pick a card that I touch it almost every single time, which pauses my game and it starts glitching again. At least twice now when I try to play a winning hand, it will deal and then when I start to play the cards disappear. I honestly don’t hate the new layout, aside from the leaderboard, the game just needs some tweaks. Customer service is no help. I emailed them over a week ago, and they haven’t emailed back. Even though the automatic email stated that I would be replied to within 48 hours. I’ve already attempted to delete the app and reinstall it, force stop the app, and turning my phone off and on again. Nothing works. I’m about to find a new solitaire app.
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6 years ago, JSanibel
Liking it Less with new Display Format
For a while now I have been frustrated with this game. For years I’ve loved playing the game after a very challenging work day. It relaxed me and let me chill out and get ready to sleep. In about the last year or 6 months it has become very frustrating, kind of like a difficult day at work! Instead of having fun and feeling successful, it seems you can win less and less. More frustrating than fun. I guess it’s just me but other friends have commented on this too. Now after the latest update, you can’t go right into the game. The blue screen is slow as you wait to get into the regular green screen where you can just start playing. I find myself less engaged in a game that I enjoyed every evening. It’s disappointing.
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6 years ago, GrammaCajun
New look and other changes with latest upgrade - updated
Update: After last update for this app, I upgraded my rating. Most of the issues were addressed and I appreciate the response by the developers to the comments by many reviewers. To the developer: do you read the reviews which are mostly negative, and are you going to do anything to change the app? Is there any way to revert to the old version? I don’t like the changes made in the last update. The cards are now extra large and there is no way to select a size. And I don’t like the Game Center screen popping up when I open the app. This never occurred before and I didn’t make any changes to my settings on my iPad. Much slower to start up than it used to be. I regret updating from the old version. I will not upgrade my iPhone until changes are made.
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6 years ago, Scribe1215
Too intrusive
I’ve played this game for years and loved it, but the new version is too intrusive. It not only tells you when it thinks you’ve lost but does everything it can to end the game. I’ll give up when I’m ready, not when the game tells me to. I hope they disable that function. Two other minor quibbles: The screen no longer shows iPhone info at the top, especially the current time, which is a problem for those of us who play during stolen moments... Also, the controls at the bottom (hints, undo, etc.) have always toggled with a single tap. If they toggled with a double tap, those of us who want them there all the time wouldn’t have to keep bringing them back just because we touched an unused part of the screen.
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6 years ago, SJ_Art
Recent Changes Put Me Off
I enjoy playing a bit of Klondike, which I learned with playing cards as a child, around 60 years ago when computers largely were still on vacuum tubes. My mobile devices are much more convenient than cards, and I’ve enjoyed playing MobilityWare Klondike for years, but the most recent updates have made it much less enjoyable for me. It’s now what I would call twitchy as it often flashes a notice to me that a given draw is unwinnable while I’m still poking around. I play the game for my own casual enjoyment, not to be rushed around by the solitaire algorithm. I buy action games to rush me around. Can Klondike get a control to turn that behavior off? My rating is low only because of that behavior. Thanks for your consideration.
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7 years ago, NanaEllen
Best. Solitaire. Ever
I have been using this app on my iPad and love it, but I had a different solitaire on my iPhone until just now. When I thought why am I doing this and installed the mobilityware solitaire for iPhone. What's good about it? One, No ads. No having to find the mysterious hidden little X to get back to the game. (How do they monetize this I wonder?) But that's not all that's good. I can control whether or what percentage of winning deals I am given. It shows me whether the deal has been won before. The hints are meaningful and when there are no more productive moves, it tells me, instead of moving some card back and forth endlessly without it opening up any additional moves. So, all good. I like it.
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2 years ago, Gk2gk
Would like to have better chance of achieving top ten
I admit it. I only play winnable deals. That provides enough of a challenge for me. And there are some times when I have to struggle to figure out how to win. When I look at the best results for other players, there’s almost always a fastest time of 30 seconds or less. This says someone has figured out an auto-play program. So no way I can beat that. I could and sometimes do achieve top ten moves. Pretty cool, especially because so many others have played the exact same deal. I’d be more motivated if I could possibly achieve it more often. They could accomplish that by making it the top ten of the most recent n players. N might be 100 or even 1000 if they have enough players.
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4 years ago, Player sixty
Need a Random Shuffle Button
As a player of over 100,000 games on your app on several devices over years it is clear that you need a separate button for full Random shuffle and not a slider that changes the algorithm. There are clear, predictable patterns that emerge when on random shuffle and Las Vegas scoring. Very bad! It’s not exact percentages of gain or loss but clear trends of several chunks of pattern losses and wins on a few definable patterns. For example: during a run of mostly losses it is unlikely to exceed $1000. in total losses before a run in the opposite direction usually ending in two to four successive new high scores out of less than 12 games then hanging in that score range of plus or minsus 400 points until the next slide downwards. This utilizing about 100 well defined, self imposed playing protcols to maximize scores. Please..... a real well programmed random shuffle. Thanks.
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5 years ago, Ret. USAF Colonel
Fix your program for dealing cards — it’s broken
You’ve obviously decided that your game isn’t difficult enough. Therefore, you’ve decided to deal pairs of cards of the same color, one on top of the other. Almost every hand has, for example, two black nines, or two red tens, or two of something else of the same color, together in the same stack. This makes these games much harder to win, as you know and as you have no doubt intended. Please stop this and fix it now! The odds of getting two cards of the same number/face and same color on top of one another, hand after hand after hand is astronomical. I don’t appreciate being manipulated by your organization. Give the players a fair random deal each and every game. That’s not asking too much. I love to play your card game, but only if it’s fair. It’s not fair now!
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6 years ago, Chrisrs2000
Don’t Change When Ahead!
Dear Mobility Ware, I’ve been a faithful user of your Solitaire game for quite a while. I started using it for free until I decided I really liked it & paid. Without the ads, I loved the fast way it came on, the moment I tapped the icon. THEN, you thought you were the best & changed things! Now, when I tap the icon, I have to read about how great you are & wait while the four card faces light up. ALSO, you’ve changed the graphics & made them “cartoon-like”, which seems to slow things down even more! PLEASE stop changing things & making the game worse! You said you were “the best”, then did this! I don’t mind changes for the better, but this is ridiculous!!!
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6 years ago, suzanne-del
Still the vey Best solitaire out there!
Used for over 3 years and it just keeps getting better and better! Lots of setting options, amazing animations and love the new themes for the holidays and on daily challenges area. The trophies are really a lot of fun; just wish you could more frequently earn them, perhaps by winning a certain amount of games in a row, or something like that? , as waiting every ten days seems too long😆. Developers: if you’re reading, that would REALLY make the game Da,Bomb! And even more fun and addictive! There is still a little lag when flipping the cards since the latest animation-packed update too, but not a deal breaker. Keep up the awesomeness mobilityware , and thanks!
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6 years ago, Guima0126
Our favorite game is back!!!
I play this game since it was available on my 3Com Palm... a lot of people doesn’t even know what I am talking about... I have being a faithful player for more then 20 years... last year we were all surprised by a new version that turned out favorite game into a cheap and slow Hollywood scenario... it was awful... a lot of people gave up and uninstalled it after years playing. I complained and so did hundreds of people and you guys heard us! Thank you for that! Thank you 3 times! This last version update brought our favorite game back, with some interesting new design and style but the same god old game we all love! Thank you for listening to us!
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6 years ago, vcmjr
Good but frustrating
I have been playing this app a lot. It has some of the most original graphics of the competing Solitaire games. I like playing winnable deals. The frustrating part is that many of those deals seem to have been played and won with extremely high scores and unbelievably fast. So fast, in fact, that I don't think they could have been played by real people. So I must be playing against a computer program—and that is frustrating. But I have also become a better player thanks to this app. I have learned to look for a number of playing options through the app’s hints that I had been overlooking before.
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6 years ago, jkr90000
Still works, but has become relentlessly annoying
I’ve played MobilityWare’s Solitaire app most days, for years. I paid to get rid of ads long ago, but since a recent thorough revision, the developers have undertaken to become incredibly annoying in other ways. Now they force use, or repeated avoidance, of Game Center. They provide little messages about the history of Solitaire. They encourage participation in contests, and the winning of vanity awards. Guys, c’mon, it’s Solitaire. I play it explicitly not to compete with anybody or in any way. I don’t want to share it with anyone. Solitaire, get it? I suppose some customers want these features. But, could a fella that just wants to idle away a little bit of time get a break? Give it a rest with all the ‘did you know you could change your card backs’ please.
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6 years ago, mjbuzzy
Great company, great game, cards easy to read
Great game and intuitively the place tools. My only challenge these days is they just upgraded the program and it runs much slower. It’s slower to open, slow to re-open if you open another app, keep it open in the background, and then go back to. Also, now much slower when it auto completes after being prompted. It was much faster before the update. I really appreciate the fact that the moment Yep realizes that your hand is a losing hand, after many various choices in a game, it lets you know they flashing play icon. I stop the game at that point and either start another one or replay the game to see if I can win it. Beyond its recently being slowed down, it’s a great app.
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7 years ago, CathieQ
This is an update to the following review from years ago. I am still addicted to the game and play very often. My one complaint is that the last update took away the visual cue that you had selected a card. I find myself touching the card a second time to be sure. Other than that the following still applies I am addicted to this game. Much better than other solitaire games I have tried over the years. Works well and I like the info it provides. It's nice to see that you have solved in as few steps as the previous best solvers. My time is always much slower so my score is low. It's also nice to solve one of the random deals.
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3 years ago, kaimuki tutu
100% Solvable???
My husband loves this solitaire game and has accomplished winning over 5,000 games in a row —— until his last game. We both took turns trying to solve this one game and after hours and hours we finally gave up. Now he’s lost his stats and is starting all over. Our question is: Is every solitaire game solvable??? Normally, after a number of unsuccessful tries, the game will ask if you want to see how it’s solved and we usually never ask for help. However this question NEVER came up, leading us to believe there was no successful solution. Any response from you will be gratefully appreciated. Thanks.
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3 years ago, AnEnigma123
Unnecessary flutter destroys the game
I have found that with the attempt to supposedly make this solitaire game better, Mobilityware developers have destroyed the game. Not moving a card quickly enough will trigger strobes around the card(s) to give a move. The effect of this is pressure to move before the strobe hits. Tapping a card that cannot be moved causes the card to jiggle. A splashing of the suit occurs when cards are placed into the foundation. These last two items destroy the relaxed feeling most seek when going to play solitaire. For these reasons this version of solitaire is not enjoyable. There are many exciting games available. Solitaire should not be one of them. For this reason I have cancelled my automatic subscription renewal, and will most likely wait a few months before trying this game again. Hopefully by then we can get back to the basics.
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4 years ago, Ed Obster
Great game
The only gripe that I have is that there seems to be one player who is cheating. Potentially more. The player I notice most goes by SloPop. I suppose it may be possible for one player to be vastly superior to all of the hundreds of thousands who play this game. But I feel it’s unlikely given that he/she’s scores are consistently thousands of points higher than others in daily challenges. It has gotten to the point where when I am number 2 to SloPop’s number one, I consider myself to have the top score because they must be cheating and therefore their score is invalid. I will keep telling myself that I guess.
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4 years ago, nametaken4:68
They listened!
I’ve been playing this game for years. I started having difficulty seeing the numbers on the cards so I wrote to mobility ware with a suggestion. About a month later they came out with a redesigned card that I could easily see! They have been great adding new animations, I love the dancing card man he makes me laugh. Some of their designs are quite elaborate, the card ship, the airplane and the Jeep. The new daily challenges are fun. I never paid attention to the old one it was just another game, but these kind of change things up so that’s fun. Solitaire is a great stress soother and these days that’s important.
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5 years ago, Bsakelarides
Can’t transfer progress
I have been playing the free version of this app for several months. The Ad implementation on that version is terrible. Even in airplane mode you are bombarded with 2 ads before every single game. So I finally broke down and bought the ad free version. Unfortunately your progress in one version is not transferred to the paid version. So I lost 2 months of daily challenges. Not the end of the world but why wouldn’t you be able to transfer your progress through Game Center? Also I haven’t found a single difference between this and the ad sponsored version so you’re only paying to remove ads.
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5 years ago, Sam77w
From 5-Star to 1-Star in single update
I love the game. I wish I could choose “default order” for Aces to build, though. Having them in the same order each time makes it easier to focus on the rest of the game. I wrote the above comment a few years ago, and I still wish for that fact, I periodically look through the Settings to see if this option was “snuck” in there. Would it be that hard? Club, Diamond, Heart, Spade is the order I always build on, no matter which appears first. It would be nice, say, to “tap” the ace of spades and have it go to the far right, even if it were the first ace to come up.
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6 years ago, GinGinnieGin
What happened
This app used to be the very best. I was constantly playing with my sister in another state. We could hook up really well and talk while playing. For quite awhile now we never get to Hook up, maybe ONE out of 10times. We miss each other, we’re solitaire nuts. Can’t we get back what we had. Sure your app works great now if you want to play by yourself but to invite a certain person doesn’t work well now. Fix it I beg you, we loved you. Need you back Denise in CT Ginnie in WA, sisters for over 60 years, solitaire buds on your app for maybe three years. Help us, solitaire was providing us sanity before some update made it impossible.
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6 years ago, mariposafan
Strike three
Even if, as the condescending popup says, you needed to rewrite the program from scratch due to new technologies (I'm skeptical), you didn't need to ruin the gameplay. It's still painfully slow to launch. Tip, if you're making your app slower to start you're screwing up. It still has that stupid 'tips' screen - which is utterly without merit and slows things down even further. I still would prefer to set the percentage of winning/random deals ahead of time and just play my game. - fixed I intensely dislike the bright flash for a solving a deal. - fixed On the good side, the status bar is back and play doesn't feel as painfully slow. One more version. I think if that stupid tips screen is still there after the next version I'll just delete the app. As it is I use the tips screen to remind me that the game has been mangled and just shut it down. That stupid and utterly without merit tips screen is still around. Almost make you wonder if the company pays attention to these reviews. When I read them that screen appears to be universally panned. Three updates and the stupid thing is still there. Three updates and it's still horribly slow to load. You lose.
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6 years ago, Shortcircut
Used to be a five star app!
Up till the last big update, this app was fun to play. Now it has one major flaw that really ruins the fun. In the old game scores (last game played) were remembered. Even when the game was shut down & restarted. Now if you leave the game for any reason, when you come back, the last score is erased. Even a game as important as the challenge game of the day, doesn't get retained! I am using an old iPad & an iPad Pro. The old iPad is too old to be included in software updates, so it still has the last game memory. If they would restore the last game memory I would up my rating to 5 stars!
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6 years ago, BJJ71
The Good Old Version
When I got my first I-pad 4 years ago, I downloaded and paid for Solitaire and it was was simple and easy to play. Now, this version I down Loaded to a second I-pad the settings no longer give me the ability to switch the side on which the deck of cards resides. Also, the pop up bar for the settings covers the cards while using the I-pad in the landscape position. I do not understand why changes have to eliminate things users actually use and/or create views that are bothersome. What do you say, folks, can you take ideas from the past and include them in future versions? If you do, I would like to be able to update my current version.
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6 years ago, Ingeborg Ninja
Uglier and slower 🙁
The cards are now having skinny print for A K Q J and the numbers AND without the historical art with the feel of the traditional playing card design—now they are harder to read and less interesting as art. The extra questions that get in the way of playing are obnoxious! The only change that I’d recommend over the previous version that was pretty and worked very well is to give players the option to have the popup “Solved >shall it automatically finish your game?” Turned off so that WHEN we have finished a game as far as we wish, we can trigger the auto-finish. Oh! And I liked the ruby crowns as art MUCH much more than this new crowded bad art finish for each game!
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6 years ago, Bartaloni
Great app but update has problems.
I’ve been a long time fan of this app. However with the recent update there have been two problems for me. First, the time and battery status are no longer visible at the top of the app. Second, every time I leave the app to check those - or do anything in another app - the app has to completely reload when I return before I can resume the game. In the past that wasn’t the case. I’d love to see those issues addressed. I appreciate having the status bar back. One other problem I didn’t mention in my original review. I wear Bluetooth hearing aids and the app takes control of them and won’t allow the hearing aid app to function while I’m playing. Would really like that addressed.
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6 years ago, k-meow
Newest update has ruined my favorite game!!
I don’t think I’ve actually ever written an app review but after the newest update to the app I’ve probably had the longest I just had to. I can’t stand the new update, I used to love the random slider and just getting either a random game or a winning game, I don’t like having to pick if I want a winning game or a random game. The new graphics and animations give me a feeling this game will now be another battery drain, even with the animations clicked to minimize. I dislike how zoomed in it feels, I feel like it was optimized for a toddler to play. The cards appear to not move as smoothly as before either. I’m just super unimpressed and really regret updating the app, I wish I could go back to the previous version. Now I’m going to have to find another solitaire app to download :(
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6 years ago, Mr.InBetween
Latest update is terrible...
First try at update didn’t work right...had to delete then re-install app to get a working product. Even after that, several settings are different in a bad way. Can’t turn off timed game without also turning off the score, and so on. My favorite mode of play is no longer supported, independent of time while still showing score. And I don’t care about the number of moves, but I have to have it if I want to see the score. Don’t have any idea why they collapsed several independent settings into one setting, makes those settings essentially useless. In other words, it’s not much fun to play anymore. I’m currently shopping for a different solitaire game that works the way it should. Too bad, previous version was fine, new re-write is just broken.
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8 years ago, Honeybearz
All around Awesome!!
Been playing for 45 years. This particular iteration is another improvement as far as i can see. I Love that I can slide to all hands of chance. I don't compete and don't care to do all winning games-seems just a cheat. I think it sharpens my brain focus, and can easily be done while whiling away time waiting or while listening to stories or music or (shush) during phone calls!! Only thing i do not like, is having to pay for it all over after buying a new phone. But it $2, and gets more use than even my Facebook app!! It beats all other solitaire apps i have tried as well!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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8 years ago, MaryBiz
Lots of Fun
I have played thousands of rounds of this game in all different modes. I loved it so much that I finally paid for the app to avoid getting ad pop-ups. A short while ago the game froze and I had to delete and reinstall it. Of course I lost all my status ratings when I did this which was disappointing. I compete against myself but I still liked seeing the achievements that I attained. The reason I only gave four stars is because the feature that was once present when you touched a card has been removed. I miss that feature and would like to see it return. Still love playing.
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