4.6 (660.6K)
170.6 MB
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Current version
Sonos, Inc.
Last update
2 months ago
Version OS
16.0 or later
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User Reviews for Sonos

4.65 out of 5
660.6K Ratings
4 years ago, Dan NH
Can’t handle the bugs
When the app works, it’s the same as the previous version. When it doesn’t and speakers disappear mid listening session or suddenly you are “Unable to Connect,” it’s infuriating. God forbid you want to switch stations or songs... you’ll undo anything you fixed the previous day. There can literally be sound coming out of a speaker and the app will be unable to see it. The issues are resolvable (you basically end up re-adding the speaker... sometimes 3-4 times), but it can take minutes to up to 30 minutes depending on the situation-it was a 20-minute fix session that prompted me to finally review. That wouldn’t be so bad, but it happens EVERY SINGLE DAY. Only the days that I only listened to one thing on one speaker have I NOT had an issue I had to fix. I don’t buy the user-error arguments here. I never had issues like this with the previous app/firmware, and my WiFi config is exactly the same. If there’s a universal cause that is my fault, great, tell me what it is, and I’ll fix it. This app was not ready for prime time. The number one development rule in every software company I’ve worked for is you can’t break your existing customers. I love SONOS, but I feel like I’m driving a Ferrari with two flat tires at the moment.
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4 weeks ago, BigbroT11
Was perfect 5 years ago, recently ruined
I’ve got at least one of every speaker sonos has to offer. Most of them I’ve had for over 4 years. The speakers are incredible, I love walking room to room and hearing the songs play without missing a beat. My wife also used to use the alarms to wake up for work in the morning since we had 2 in the bedroom and she sleeps so hard. This new update and new layout has ruined the Sonos system. The alarms were impossible to find to begin with and now they don’t go off at all. Choosing what rooms to play music and where to play from TV is impossible. The music skips and in some rooms just stops playing in others. What used to be a perfect listening experience has been turned into more hassle than the thousand + dollar system is worth. I’d rather listen to tv on the tv speaker and play music from my broken iPhone than have to fight this app to do what I want. Who on earth made the decision to recreate the wheel? The app was perfect, easy, and everyone understood how to use it. Now it’s impossible to navigate and half of the system is useless. Alarms don’t work, music won’t stay on, rooms don’t pair like they used to… whoever signed off on this mess needs some unpaid leave to think about what they’ve done to their consumers. Maybe alone on a room with the sonos app and system so they can experience the same displeasure us regular people are having. Put it back to normal. I want to use my speakers again
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2 months ago, lowell62
Spectacularly Bad
This is one of the worst apps I’ve ever had the displeasure of using. It’s unfortunate that Sonos, more than Apple ever did, holds you hostage to their ecosystem if you want to use their product. I enjoy their speakers quite a bit; however, this app makes the listening experience incredibly frustrating. It constantly disconnects and forgets where your system is, cuts out intermittently, and the interface is extremely clunky and time-consuming. For instance, while using Audible in the app, there is no search bar, which means you have to scroll through your entire library to find the book you want. Same goes for Pocket Casts. I scroll through dozens and dozens of podcasts to find what I’m looking for. Yes, there is a very hit or miss search bar for your connected apps collectively, but it just seems lazy not to have such a basic feature for individual apps. I don’t understand how anybody could rate this above a couple of stars at most. I know some people will say the alternative is to simply use airplay, but that never seems to connect well either. Recently, Sonos has been advertising a forum for listeners to give feedback on their new speaker line, which they seem to have put much time and energy in to. If only they would do the same for their garbage app, we might get something better. *update re: newest version I really thought this app couldn’t get any worse, but sure enough, it did with the new version. There’s even less functionality now.
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3 months ago, Elizabeth3bg
Sonos continues to take away features
I have loyally purchased Sonos products for the last 10 years. I have over 20 Sonos speakers. I would not recommend buying Sonos at this point because they are updating their app in ways that make it so you can no longer use your speakers or services in the same way. Within the last year I just had to repurchase multiple speakers that had nothing wrong with them because Sonos updated their app and no longer supported the speakers. Now with the newest update Sonos took away the ability for me to listen to my own music library in the app. Which is what they advertised as a function and convinced people to buy theses systems for during the last 10 years. This app update inherently changes the function and use of these speakers. Even if you want to purchase Sonos speakers for streaming music I would caution you against it because in a year when they decide to “update” the app they may take away a feature you bought the speakers for in the first place. The last 2 years of Sonos decisions has made this customer change from a very loyal customer who recommended the product to everyone to one that will do whatever she can to warn people about the issues of this company. The speakers themselves are great and not the issue, but the obviously lack of client relations and the ability to completely change the function of a product their customers purchase is not worth the cost.
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2 months ago, Prince of Darkness 666
Never Again
Finally gave up and ordered another full system from another company. After two years of chasing a signal around, speakers never working properly, and a horrible app, I’m done. I own Gahanna Tattoo and we have over $5k in speakers that no longer work. When we bought them less than two years ago, they were fine. Progressively, they’ve gotten worse to the point where they are unusable. The speakers turn on and off for no reason, sometimes only one playing. I’ve disconnected and factory reset multiple times. We have the boost. They are on a dedicated, password protected WiFi channel. Nothing works. Absolute garbage app has ruined the entire product. They have lost a customer who has spent substantial money with them already. We are now stuck with these bricks of worthless plastic. If the pieces of junk worked, we would be stuck with a very limited app. Sonos insists that you use their app which is garbage. You can’t even build a playlist any longer. The volume response is beyond terrible. There is no normalization of audio. The interface looks like hot trash. I will never buy another Sonos product and I will discourage anyone from wasting their money or time with them. It is shameful that a company would update their product and effectively render thousands of dollars in purchases useless. We can’t even sell these because I actually have morals, unlike Sonos who continue to peddle worthless products.
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2 months ago, World Traveler321
App simply does NOT work
Few days ago I received notification to update Sonos App on my iPhone. After updating the app would not recognize or find my arc speaker. I followed various instructions on Sonos website, reset my speaker, removed and reinstalled the app on my phone, reset my wireless router among other things. None of these worked and the app was not able to find my speaker on my network. I even checked my wireless router and saw the speaker being connected. I then used the Sonos website on my Surface Tablet, signed in and bingo, it recognized my speaker and was able to play all my music using the app from Sonos website on Surface Tablet. Then I called Sonos helpline and after 128 minutes I was connected to a tech. Specialist who was extremely helpful. We spent another hour with me and guided me through various options and connected to my system to run diagnostics. I reset my phone network settings and the wireless router to no avail. At the end he told me Sonos does not guarantee that the products can connect over wireless networks 😏, only with cable, DSL or fiber optic. It seems like Sonos is not able to fix the bug in the new app thus backing away from standing behind the product. It is really disappointing, but I suppose I will try to use the Surface Tablet for now and if it proves cumbersome I just return the speaker and buy another brand. I still have two other speakers that I have not installed and will return them too.
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3 years ago, Tamsharley
Terrible app, great beam!
Too bad Sonos has to have an app(like everything else!) like we need more apps? Ugh! Anyway, the app is terrible. I just got my beam. My first sound bar recommended by my brother. The beam, great! Can’t say enough about it! The app? Terrible! I’ve only had it a few hours and the app has disconnected itself from the beam already four to five times! It does this every time I close out the app totally. I don’t need an app on constantly in the background! 🙄 Sheesh!! Plus don’t set your pair your remote (at least from dish) up with it. Otherwise you can’t turn the tv off n on!!?? Setting it back up, takes several steps! This is ridiculous! I mean, really, Sonos? This is the best you can do? Plus, Sonos wants access, if you add your music services to take away or change as they please? WTH?!! And what happened to trueplay? I know others are complaining online, there has been no news on that. I got two recommendations for the beam. My brother and a tech. But they forgot to mention the app issues!! So right now, I’m still on the fence about keeping this expensive (yet cheaper version of the arc) just because of a stupid, clunky app! This app, keeps getting less stars from me all in one day! Get it together Sonos! I’m using this on new iPad Air 4 if that matters. Not that they read reviews apparently. Since I see no reviewers have gotten a response yet! Enough said!
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3 years ago, monkeyattack
Average Sound, Frustrating User Experience
I really want to like this system, the concept behind it is convenient and easy, however the execution falls far short. The sound is not bad, but the enjoyment ends there. Like everyone else, they endlessly try to get you into a subscription, and if you don’t do that, your faced with 30-second commercials whenever you turn it on. I own lots of music, but this stupid system won’t let me play 80% of my songs, even ones that were purchased within the last two years from iTunes. What it chooses to play and not play seems very random, and is done under the guise of licensing and copyright law etc. These types of systems are built for residential home use, so I’m not sure why it gets so draconian in this area. But wait, there is more. The network routinely loses or forgets speakers in the network. I am constantly having to re-setup individual speakers within the system, because it fails to recognize them. Sometimes, this is a quick 60-second fix, using prompts from the app, but just as frequently, the situation is only resolved by restarting the router, or actually having to walk the speaker over to the router and connect it with an analog cable, a chore which can take five or six minutes. For a system that touts being plug and play and super convenient, it is rare that I can actually turn it on and just have music play. There is almost always some sort of troubleshooting I have to do, or workaround I have to perform.
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2 years ago, Sonos convert.
None compare
This is hands down the best whole house system money can buy. Not only is the system set up room to room probably the easiest plug and play system I’ve ever installed, but the sound is incomparable. Over the years I have built this system with every product offered, Stereo paired Ones in each room, the garage and the porch, the Arc and Sub with Ones as surround in the living room, stereo paired Fives in the sunroom, and a Move for the deck and yard. My house sounds like a concert hall I kid you not. I absolutely love walking room to room and outside with music following me. That has always been a pet peave of mine with traditional stereo systems, listening to a really good song, have to leave the room and not being able to continue listening to the same song. Sonos has made that ancient history. The really blow you away thing is they are all controlled by the super simple to use app. Not only can you control the entire system with a finger tip, you can individually control each room. Just incomparable, these guys have figured it out. There is nothing on the market that even comes close.
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3 years ago, Harpster111
Really poorly thought out integrations, no backwards compatibility, bizzare config steps
I was so psyched when I first started buying and setting up Sonos products. I wish I knew then what I know now. Sonos at its best is a really great thing - excellent sound broadcast anywhere across the house from any device. Sonos at its worst is a mystifying string of committee decisions that manifest in the form of really essential and basic performance requirements that are, for no apparent reason, complex and treated almost as afterthoughts. Why does S2’s automated configuration walkthrough recognize one of the brand new Sonos one modules I bought from Costco and not the other? A great mystery… Why does the manual setup process fail four times in a row? Another great mystery…. Why do I need to undergo some dance of the button pressing fairies to add the Sonos app to other mobile devices that are already authenticated on my protected WiFi network? I can’t really think of a good reason, and certainly no other smart home technology I use is quite so convoluted and awkward at the most essential of out of the box tasks. Part II - I can’t remember when the last time something I bought in a product series from a consumer facing company was not backwards compatible over at least a decade. Sonos? Forget about devices they sold you two Christmas’ past…. Might as well be from another planet. Some decisions made here that consumer protection regulators ought to be keen on, if you ask me.
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4 years ago, hafa2win
So Many Problems with S2 app
I have had 13 sonos devices sense gen 2 came out, like 3 plus years. Everything worked perfectly never a problem. It was easy to add a new product. Perfect. I even had it on the 5G of my dual band network. Then S2 upgrade happened. I have speakers disappearing. I have some of my speakers showing up on different networks. To add a new device forget it. It is such a non friendly user process. I read that sonos does not support 5g. Ok so I tried to change networks to my mesh network. I thought I got it. No I can’t get my play 5, playbar or sub to work with the rest of the system. I have restarted my system, reconfigured my router. Nothing had worked. And depending on the phone I use different devices show up on different networks. I hope there is some improvement to the app, because this has taken way to much time to try figure out. I just want my perfect sonos system back to enjoy all over the house and backyard. Update Ok I am going to give it another star. After discussing my issues with a friend he recommended using my orbi router only. Once I went from 3 networks to one the devices went to one. After a day it seems to have smoothed out. Updates can still be a problem takes a while. I am still not convinced of the stability but we will see. At least I have everything set up like it was.
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2 months ago, Morning Pandora
Lots of hype but NO better
App aside, SONOS is a great product. The sound quality is excellent. Plenty of product offerings to satisfy most audio needs. The App is terrible and only getting worse. Have seen a good amount of noise around the new app update (emails, etc). SONOS should spend less on hype and more on quality UX. App is difficult to navigate. More ‘clicks’ required to move across various functions. Volume is STILL not adjustable using the iPhone volume controls. Maybe invest some time with Apple engineers and figure out a fix for this. Controls also do NOT appear on Lock Screen. If there is a way to do this, it is NOT easy to find. Once I get the app open and actually find the zone I want to play along with the music source….the screen always has significant delay showing what’s currently playing and what is actually playing. Overall not happy with the current app. Overall responsiveness for the app is beyond terrible. Whether changing the music source on 1 speaker or a series of speakers, it takes several minutes for the change to happen. As far as volume adjustment….another FAILURE as it takes minutes for the volume to adjust after ‘tapping’ on the app. Where is the ZERO star review option? Another update. I’m not able to reauthorize one of my music services in the app (Apple Music). It’s just spins when I attempt to. Success to Sonos. Your S2 app was actually better.
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1 month ago, damsav
Sonos Dev Team, I hope you are listening
The app update is almost unusable. Lots of new bad reviews are warranted. I have several Sonos systems and used to be able to go seamlessly to my different locations. Now the app acts like it has never seen my other systems and I need to reconnect sometimes several times in a day. I can no longer easily navigate to the music I want to play nor can I easily see or decide what is playing next. The app controls don’t fit on an iPhone screen for some crazy reason you can’t Read some of the buttons and you will need to back out several times just to find out where you are within the app. Anyone, including Grandparents and kids used to be able to jump on the system and easily use it. I now have friends family and employees telling me each day they can no longer interact or get the app to function. Is the volume now controlled by ai? Seriously it does not even slide up and down smoothly, it is almost like it is trying to anticipate where it thinks you want the volume rather than allowing you to move the volume slide on you own. I hope you are listening and you can steer the ship back to where it was heading rather than where you turned it. The new app is almost a deal breaker. This is coming from a Sonos lover with multiple Sonos systems and an early adopter and promoter of the system. Thank for considering this.
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4 weeks ago, HemmedUp
Is this a joke?
Why does it seem like every time there is a new update, something has been taken away or the app just doesn’t work as well as it used to? Do you guys just sit in a room and ask each other, “How can we make our product less intuitive and more frustrating for our customers”? This app, and obviously your current business strategy, is the equivalent of “Tell me you want customers to stop spending thousands of dollars on your products without telling me you want customers to stop spending thousands of dollars on your products”. I love putting a big playlist on shuffle and then not being able to rearrange the songs in the order I’d like to play or god forbid I just might want to remove a song from the queue all together. You guys are obviously smarter than your customers because you don’t use or own your own products. Hey Sonos, which brands do you guys recommend for smart functioning audio equipment? Ironically I’m in the market for new headphones, any recommendations? Anyways, what was I talking about? Oh yea— the app is slow, buggy, and continues to drop features or leave things out. Specifically “Sonos does not and will not sell personal information about our customers”. Does that ring a bell? Thank you for helping me check another company off the list. It’s only a matter of time before I’m back to pen and paper and a Walkman.
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1 month ago, Okaru
Still awful after 4 updates
Keeps getting worse. Still have to force close the app every time to use it, including changing the volume. Now, they’re selling our personal information. May have to junk the speakers and go with a more reputable brand. Update 3: All this inconvenience just to result in an app that’s unreliable, glitchy and without the features (like volume markings) that the old app had. Still have to reboot the app ever time to use it. What a waste of time. Update: Even worse now. App won’t load 2/3 of the time. Have to force close the app, reload, and even then it often won’t load. Among other things, that means you can’t change the volume until the app finally loads. When it does load it’s incredibly slow - much slower than before they started messing with it. Every time they fix a bug, two more replace it. There have been two updates since wrote the review below. It feels like the developers ask themselves “how can I make this a worse user experience.” The should never have released this mess until they got it at least as good as it was before they meddled with it. Today’s update did nothing to fix last week’s updates issues. Stlll no sleep timer, still no volume markings, still cluttered Home Screen. Sonos, at least give us a way to go back to the old app.
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1 month ago, Smudge8282
Worst Sonos app incarnation of all time
This is my first ever app review. I’ve been a Sonos customer for 18 years, 2 homes, over 20 zones purchased. I’ve praised this marvelous product to everyone that has asked me about it. However, the new version of this app has ruined an experience that, at one time, I thought was the best interface between by minds desire for music and the outside world. Simple, intuitive, and fast are words that once described the earlier versions of this app. Whomever was in charge of directing this new design, I’m sorry to state, should be fired. Directors: It is obvious that you didn’t test this software with a large enough group of users or you didn’t heed their feedback. IMO, this app should allow for the simplest and fastest way to access the music that I want to hear. Don’t try to make it feel like a social media app- this it is not. I should be able to open it up, access what I want and then forget about it. The way I have to currently stumble through this app is such a buzz kill. Get rid of the swipe down panes, they don’t work well. Leave features accessible from single locations within the app. I’m hopeful Sonos can bring this interface back to what it once was—seamless, intuitive, and a joy to use. Until then, navigating this app feels like trying to play a symphony with a kazoo.
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4 years ago, Zuey2000
Should’ve Listened to the Reviews
I disregarded all the bad reviews and thought I’d take a chance, now my devices are in a perpetual state of ‘updating’ 😡 ... I’ve usually been able to get the previous Sonos updates to go through, but not sure what’s going on this time, not happy with their upgrade attempt and having to put up with all the ads in the recent releases. I gave their new music service a try as well for which I was hopeful, but it left me very unimpressed. I’ve always liked the Sonos devices, but not happy how they force you to upgrade leaving their older devices useless! I’ve been a faithful Sonos user from the beginning, but now I’m considering other options! UPDATE - Cancelling and cycling the devices that were paired with subs and surrounds seemed to allow me to finally update all the devices, so adding a few stars, still had to add each device separately one by one. The new look feels a little better with the colors, but overall don’t notice much difference in the layout, feels like they just want to make sure you log into your account so they can keep an eye on ur devices and music habits so they can push their own service, which isn’t bad, but doesn’t let you skip songs which just about every other service does.
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4 years ago, OldFlatTop
No sweat upgrade
I had my reservations about upgrading after reading through the reviews. So I did the research, confirmed compatibility of the products I have; Sonos one, play 5, connect, boost. All were purchased in the last few years and were compatible. I downloaded the app and ran the update. It took less that 5 minutes and my system was back online. The app upgrade left the S1 app installed, not sure why since it no longer works after a successful upgrade. I’m also not a fan of the interface color but maybe in a future version we’ll get the option to change. I did have one issue with the app. I ran the update from my iPhone X with no issues. When I tried to install S2 directly from the App Store on my old iPhone 6 that I use as a dedicated controller it froze at the splash screen. I realized you have to accept the terms of agreement but direct install did not offer that step. I had to remove it and install from the S1 controller. Only then did I get to accept the terms of agreement and app loaded normally. Overall, an easy upgrade.
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2 weeks ago, Moleman55
Most Sonos systems apparently worked perfectly until Sonos transitioned to this new App. Unfortunately, it has created numerous problems for many Sonos users ranging from extreme lag times, missing playlists, unstable and disappearing App features, loss of signal and/or devices up to and including failure to recognize an existing system. The internet, Facebook and other media sources are full of user accounts and complaints regarding this issue. Yet, others say they have no issues with the new App at all. Clearly, these problems surfaced after Sonos upgraded to this new App version and stability issues arouse. I have been relatively lucky in that my system is still recognized by the new App and, with most of the above mentioned issues present, it still functions. The lag times after starting the App are excruciatingly obvious and, if it wasn’t for the fact it’s present in my system, laughable. I’m sure Sonos is working hard to correct their acknowledged failure and the mess they’ve created with this change, but this should never have happened. I wish Sonos would offer the old App until they get this version fixed. Eventually, they’ll fix this. Until they do, based on my investment thus far, I and many others will have to be patient and wait. Hope it’s not too long!
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2 months ago, BrendaB_
Don’t buy
Sonos used to be a good product. I am a very long time user. However this new app has completely destroyed any joy in using this system. There are so many things wrong it is difficult to believe they couldn’t anticipate any of this. Impossible playlist management whereas we used to be able to add or delete songs from playlists easily. You can’t even move songs around in your playlist. Using the music library it is absolutely miserable to try and find artists, albums, songs etc because they got rid of the shortcuts to quickly jump to the alphabetical order you want - now you have to scroll through the whole list to get the one you want. I have thousands of songs because music is my life - being user friendly is essential and this is so utterly broken now I am sick with anger over my lost investment in time and money. They got rid of sleep timers and many other options. This new app is so BAD that I am currently researching how to toss the whole system and invest elsewhere. Honestly, just don’t support a company who can’t be bothered to be the slightest in touch with their customers. This new app is so awful that the only way it could have been designed and released is by people who don’t even use the product. If I could give it minus 5 stars I would.
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4 weeks ago, Elliemay135
Time for another review of a worsening app
The app used to be great. This is my third or fourth review recently due to this terrible app update. Please fall back to the S2 version. Or something similar. Latest frustration that did not exist before this new app… the volume takes multiple times to change when initially starting a song. If I had the music jamming before I changed the song, or if I’m starting the music for the first time of the day. I’ll change the volume and the app will change it back to whatever the setting was last. I happened 5 times this morning starting the song for the first time today. On multiple speakers also. I’d turn one down to only have to turn the other one back down. This happened at least 5 times in a row. I was fighting the volume. There was an update 2 days ago. This was apparently not something the app folks cared to fix, or they implemented a change that’s caused this to happen. Also, my playlists were still ghosted. I tried to play them from the recently played, error note said.. there was an error. I had to wait 10 minutes for the playlists to load. Any playlist over 5 from the top didn’t load. Stay tuned for more terrible reviews of this new Sonos app as issues present itself.
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2 months ago, Listener54591
Get ready
If you loved your Sonos system before, prepare to be furious. This app is slow, prone to bogging down and going unresponsive. And that’s the good parts. They prioritize feeding you ads for their products and trying to get you to listen to Sonos Radio over ease of use and control. One example: Upon choosing your music, you used to be prompted to select which speakers/where you wanted to hear it. Now, it starts playing on whatever random speaker(s) it chooses and you have to go back in to fix it. And did I mention how slow and prone to disconnecting it is? Just took me 5 minutes and 12 “try again later” messages to redirect music that started randomly playing in the bedroom where my wife was sleeping because I couldn’t pick the speaker before pressing play. They also did away with the percentage number for the battery gauge on the Roam, which makes it that much harder to know if you’ve got enough juice to take it with you. Do they realize how tiny that icon is? 10% looks the same as 30% looks the same as 50%. I could go on, but as someone who doesn’t usually bother to write reviews, I expect this is already too long (although I’m just getting warmed up, Sonos, if you’re listening.). Terrible job on an app that was working fine.
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2 months ago, Aarn145
Please allow a downgrade
My phone just forced an upgrade to the newest version of the app. Please allow me to downgrade to the older S2 version. Some issues I’ve already run into… - I can not add to a currently playing queue of music. I need to completely replace the queue. - The single search bar leads to so much more clicking! If I want a personal playlist from Apple Music I need to type the name (let it search all my services), scroll down past individual songs, look for playlists listed and then hopefully find my playlist. What was wrong with me being able to click the “Playlist” tab? - The single search is SO much slower than allowing me to first specify what I want (song, playlist, album, etc.) And it always defaults to showing me individual songs first versus the same named Album or playlist. I know this is a work in progress app. However, I much preferred being allowed to click back to the previous version. How is it an upgrade to take away functionality? Update: I have switched to AirPlay and the Apple Music App for all of my music playing on Sonos. This app is terrible! It’s slow, has a fraction of the functionality, and has made dealing with my Sonos speakers so frustrating.
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2 years ago, Chuck Spiers
Sonos the only way.
I sell Sonos to my clients. In a smart package with Lutron, Ring, and either Emtek or Level for their smart locks. I used to sell Control 4 for all of those, and it is twice to three times more expensive than all of the above mentioned vendors combined. And Sonos just always works if you have good Wi-Fi. Which is true of all the smart products I integrate for customers. I know the forums that have a few people with issues that don’t get resolved. Buy in my experience of 10 years with Sonos, it almost always is Wi-Fi issues or how the network they have is set up. So, I rely on Sonos so that I don’t have to get calls or service issues. And above all my customers love the App. Usually it is their favorite or at least top 3. At home, I have an Arc, rear Ones, Sonos Sub, and it sounds as good to me (I know I’m not an expert on sound) as some of my clients $200,000 media rooms. For $1900. Until I see something better on the market, and that makes sense for my customers, which I haven’t in over a decade. I support and love Sonos!
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3 years ago, LMPS23
App updates should be tested better prior to release
I love the sound of my Sonos system (Beam, 2 x One and Sub). I bought it two years ago when the Beam first came out, while I love the system, I have a long term, ongoing love/hate relationship with the app. EVERY time an update is pushed to the app, I have connectivity issues for weeks, sometimes months. I am a tech savvy person, I fix my parents and friends electronic issues regularly, but the issues with the system and app are app specific. This latest update has asked me to “find” my system (unplug each device and reset the router), I have, it worked and the next day, it’s magically gone again. I have received emails from Sonos asking if I wanted to beta test and I didn’t respond for this very reason, if I have ongoing issues when they update the app when they think it’s good, why would I want to experience issues more frequently. Sonos, you have wonderful equipment, get a better software development team, your app is entirely too buggy on a long term basis. Thanks.
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4 years ago, Flyinggimp
Best portable speaker ever
I love using the Move outside in our front yard, on our patio, and in the house, too. The sound is great, the app is wonderful, and the connectivity is better than I’ve ever used. Being able to use the app through wifi is such a relief when people are over or you just want music. No phone call interruptions, no alerts from apps on the phone - just music. And such a great way to do it. I put the app on my wife’s phone, too, and she can now change the music whenever she wants. She has never used a music app with less frustration. Whereas she is not technologically inclined, the app is easy enough for her navigate and find exactly what she wants. So, less stress for me, too. Honestly, we haven’t even used the Move far enough away from the house to need the Bluetooth, but I know it will sound good when we do. We are already thinking about getting another Move for the house. Highly recommended, especially when using through wifi and the Sonos app.
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3 years ago, Simonrocks
Sonos needs to kick up their game
I’ve had an old Sonos port and now a new one with 4 Sonos 1 speakers and 8 ceiling non Sonos speakers. The sound is great but for years I’ve had issues with my Sonos 1 speakers cutting out. I thought it was my wifi to the point of buying 3 google routers none of it helped. I reached out to Sonos but they just told me it was the wifi. I remember the days when they used to care and had great service. Now they just care about what new electronics they release. Which brings me to nothing is new about their app. It drives me freakin crazy that I can’t transfer most of my Apple Music to the app because I get a notification that I’ve taken up too much space. If I use my music to control from my iPhone it crashes at times. I have an iPhone 12. The app is nothing special and honestly if get it together by at least mimicking the music app from iTunes it would make life easier. The latest issue is that every time I open the app now my playlists never show up. I have to close and open the app twice for them to show up. There is a list of negative things about Sonos that I’ve just kept quiet about but now I’m over it. Improve the app and make it worth getting your expensive equipment. Can’t run them when your app stinks
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4 years ago, ScoutinAZ
Can’t set it up. Won’t connect!!
First of all, I am a HUGE SONOS fan. I have had Sonos products for almost a decade and have never had any issues with any of them. I preordered the new ARC sound bar and got it delivered on June 11th. Today was the first day I was able to get to it to set it up. I converted to the S2 app and the upgrading of my old system went very simple and smooth. Then it went downhill from there. My ARC will not complete the set up process. I start with adding a product. The app recognizes the new sound bar. It tells me to press the connect button and listen to for the sound. The sound plays....and then the app just hangs up and doesn’t finish the process. It comes up with an error and then says it can’t find the product and blames it on my network. Super frustrating. I have 10 other speakers and they are all working fine on the new app. What is really frustrating is when you realize you just spent over $900 on a new sound bar and have several thousand dollars worth of SONOS gear and they don’t have 24/7 customer service. It is Saturday and now I have to wait until Monday before I can make a call to customer service to try and get this working. I believe it is the new app that is to blame. I have never had this issue in the past with any of my SONOS products. Very Frustrating.
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2 weeks ago, bobbybaratheon
The recent update ruined the seamless experience
I have had Sonos all through my house, for years now. My family and I enjoyed it so much I left a lot of my system at my mothers place when I moved out, and purchased new speakers for my house. I visit my mothers house several times a week to help her out with my disabled brother. My experience with Sonos used to be seamless when going back and forth between the two houses. Ever since the update I have to constantly re connect to each Sonos system when I go between houses. This might not be the most annoying thing for me if the new interface was intuitive. It is not, it is quite the opposite actually. Even though I’ve probably had to go through this process 20 times at this point, I have trouble navigating and still get confused on where exactly I need to reconnect. It is also confusing to just use the system in general now, the layout is counterintuitive and I often found myself having to spend more time than I’d like puzzling it out. I don’t understand why there was a need to so drastically change something that was already working extremely well! It wasn’t broken before, but it’s definitely broken now!
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2 years ago, mrmarcos2020
New app is very buggy
There are so many problems with the new app that I don’t know where to begin. 1. The app doesn’t see the TV sound bar reliably. 2. Frequently you can’t play any sources other than Sonos radio 3. Sonos radio has people talking between tracks, very annoying even if they were to be clever 4. Sometimes the app just spins when you open it. 5. The app often forget stereo pairs and I need to set them up again. 6. The support self service just takes you to a page with all the information they think you need but it is never there. It would be better to have a workflow that would progress based on answers to questions around problems like the ones above. Update: The above comments hold and now I updated to a Sonos port to add a Pro-ject 1 turn table which needs to be grounded. The port doesn’t have a ground which puts my very expensive and high quality speakers at risk. As alway great idea with fatal flaws. If you do go Sonos maybe don’t have a system as large as mine (port, bridge, move, roam, 5.1 surround plat bar, two other stereo pairs, a play3 and a play5. When the whole system works, it sounds great.
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2 months ago, Lob7
Unfinished product
A nice new look and feel but major concessions with this upgrade and lacking important features. Search got an intelligence upgrade and that is great, but it’s smart and dumb at the same time. If I search Continuum (a John Mayer album), it’s cool and convenient that John Mayer the Artist comes up as an option, but very inconvenient that the actual album does not. Smarter and improved search should mean I get what I’m looking for faster, more intuitively. More clicks, taps and wipes than the last version to accomplish the same thing is the opposite of progress. Finding and playing the music I want is frustrating right now. And where the heck are “add to end of queue”, “play next”, “view album”, “view artist”. The lack of these features is a complete embarrassment to Sonos. Features that were present 9 years ago when I got my first Sonos product. Features that set Sonos apart from the simple Bluetooth connected products. Customization of my music queue and ability to browse an artist or album of a song that comes on via a “station”. I’ve read that they’ll be added later, and hopefully that rumor is true. But this version of the app had no business being rolled out without these features included.
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4 years ago, The missing limey
First of all, I’m a Sonos fan. Have used their products for about 8 years and like what they have to offer. Sat down to watch a movie with the family and thought hey, there is an upgrade, let’s go for it before we start. Then spent two hours trying to fix what the upgrade caused and now have a worthless Play 5 first gen. First downloaded the app and then none of my products worked. Did a hard factory reset on one and got it to work. Then did a hard reset on my Sonos 5 first gen and was told it wasn’t compatible with the new ap. Tried to go back to the old Sonos 1 app but because my products updated, was told they were no longer eligible for that either. I deleted my current system and tried to start fresh but still couldn’t use Sonos 1 and the products wouldn’t work with Sonos 2. Had to perform a hard factory reset on all my products (10) and start again with the Sonos 2 app. And now my Play 5 is basically a brick because it isn’t compatible with the new system. I think when I bought the Play 5 it was like $400 and the only way I could get an input AV jack. I’m glad some folks were able to give it 5 stars and it worked for them. I wasn’t so lucky and now after reading the reviews, others may also be having issues.
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7 months ago, Baybiker
Frustrating to use!
The Sonos app is incredibly unstable and frustrating. We have three speakers: an Arc connected to the TV in the living room, and a Sonos One in a bedroom and another Sonos One in the kitchen. On any given day the app will drop one or both of the Sonos One speakers, for no apparent reason, when all the speakers had worked fine earlier in the day and appeared in the system in the app. And then … poof! One or both of the speakers disappear from the app … Unplugging the speaker(s) and rebooting it sometimes helps, sometimes not. Unplugging the wifi router (which is a pain to have to do) sometimes helps, sometimes not. And other times the app will simply be greyed out with nothing visible. You get the picture. Very frustrating … When things work as they should, the sound is a joy, particularly from the Arc. But man, oh man, the product interface and user experience is anything but friendly or reliable. I finally called customer support today and spent 45 minutes on the phone, but no joy: got the three speakers working and then 20 minutes later the two Sonos One speakers disappeared and the app was greyed out on my phone … Very disappointed and frustrated!
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1 year ago, birding
The app bugs will cost you hours
I have four brand new Era 100 speakers. I just updated this app and still have so many problems with speakers disappearing. If you have an Xfi Gateway router connected to Erro or other extenders don’t waste you time (me 3 hours). You have to call Xfinity and say, “Turn off DHCP Mode on each of every access point.” to even have a chance for your speakers to connect. BUT! even after that they will still disappear from the Sonos app. You physically have to touch a button on each speaker to MAYBE have them appear on the app. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had to restore the speakers to factory and have heard the annoying syncing chime for them to not show up in the app. Ohhh let’s not forget how music from previous playlists that aren’t even playing on your phone will play, sometimes different songs on different speakers! Again, you have to physically turn it off on the speaker itself because it doesn’t show in the app. I really am thinking of returning all of the speakers and going with the older version. WTH were they thinking to release this and their customers the product testers? Even if all the speakers show up the app is so confusing and not user friendly.
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2 months ago, GW280Z
App upgrade is actually a major downgrade
I’ve had Sonos products in my home for years and loved them up until they updated the app last month. The old app may not have been perfect, but it was fairly easy to use and had way more functionality than the new app. Why would the new app be more confusing and not at least have all the features of the old? I can no longer set/change alarms I’ve set to wake me up in the morning (must go to my desktop app for that); can no longer add individual songs from my music library/hard drive to the queue to create a playlist - can only save as a favorite or replace the existing queue (no more Play Now, Play Next, Add to End of Queue, etc.); the alphabetical jump points along the right edge of the screen have been removed from my music library list, meaning I have to now scroll through my entire library to get to the artist U2 (for example). Access to my personal music files is the main reason I invested in Sonos, and they’ve totally messed up the experience of sitting down and selecting albums/songs for a playlist to enjoy. I’m hoping the missing features return soon. If they don’t, I will be looking for a new way to enjoy my music.
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2 months ago, Matt S MKE
Horrible update
The latest Sonos app update is one of the worst app updates I’ve ever experienced. Rarely does an update remove so many features that users find useful. Do you want to delete a song from your play queue? You no longer can do that. Do you want to add a song to your play queue? You no longer can do that. Do you want to rearrange the songs in your play queue? You no longer can do that. Do you want to queue up a second album to listen to after the current album you’re listening to finishes? You no longer can do that. Do you want to set a sleep timer on your speaker before you go to sleep? You can do that. Would you like your app to have difficulty connecting to your system such that it’s difficult to turn the volume up and down from your phone? Well, you’re in luck there because the new app is much slower and more difficult to connect to your system and adjusting volume seems to be very difficult from this update. My house is filled with Sonos speakers, and I love the sound quality and the integration of the music when moving between room to room. However, if the app does not improve, I will be looking to purchase a new system for my house.
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2 months ago, Stephen Heptig
Love Speakers - new app terrible
With the update of the new Sonos app I would say my rating of the app went from 4 > 1 star. I don’t use a local music library like a lot of folks are upset about (rightfully) but the new app Home Screen is just significantly harder for my brain to digest for some reason. It takes a lot of brain bytes for me to figure out where I need to go for playing my few stations, changing the volume in different rooms, and moving between streaming, line in, and Bluetooth. Maybe it’s overcrowded? The volume control of different speakers just is not as good. Previously I would say it fell into the ‘it just worked like magic’ category but now it’s laggy, doesn’t stick (volume slider goes back to previous position), and harder to get right (the numerals are gone. It’s also significantly harder to tell when is playing on what speaker, I think mainly because is shows a preview image of the (last/current/??) station that way playing? Bottom line the system screen with all the speakers has music style images on all the speakers regardless of if any music is playing. I had to walk back in my house to see if music was coming out of the speakers because I couldn’t tell from my app.
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2 years ago, Entnut
Either a buggy app or a bait and switch tactic from SONOS
So I have been happily using the old SONOS app since we got our system. We have an old gen 1 speaker 5, 1 sound bar, two speaker 3’s, 2 boosts and 2 moves. When I went to upgrade the original SONOS apps looked at my system and told me the ONLY piece of equipment that was not compatible with the new app was the old speaker 5. So I removed it from the system exactly as directed, downloaded the new app and when I fired it up it told me my 2 boosts and my 2 speaker 3’s were not compatible (so only my 2 moves and the sound bar are compatible) which is NOT what the original SONOS app told me. So either the new SONOS app is wrong or I have to update virtually all my hardware to use the new app (which sounds very much like bait and switch to me). Back to the original app. Very disappointed that the the new and old app don’t agree as to which of my components are compatible. For what I pay for SONOS components I expect MUCH better than this.
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2 months ago, Tkokayde
PLEASE Fix the App!
I spent thousands on a multi room Sonos system for our whole house this past winter. Replaced our older Bose setup after doing a ton of research. We were SO happy with our decision…until the new app dropped. There was nothing terrible about the old app, other than maybe clunky integration with Apple Music. The old app worked flawlessly with our system, all controls were seamlessly responsive and did everything Sonos had promised. Now the app doesn’t connect to our system 85% of the time. Constantly having to close it down and restart half a dozen times before it will connect. Controls are slow to respond, sometimes it locks up and they don’t respond at all. Try to start a song with only one room selected for playback, music starts blasting in three other rooms. It’s made what we thought was a great purchase feel painful. I guess the saving grace is that I opted for speakers that can do Bluetooth and airplay, but the features that we switched to Sonos for are now unreliable. Please Sonos, listen to your customers and fix this disaster. I don’t care about your new headphones so stop insulting us with marketing blasts about your new product until you make this right.
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2 months ago, IT Hero
So much potential. I really want to love it
The app is cool but please add better playlist management. This is a huge L is this category. You aren’t notified if a song is already added to a playlist. Additionally, sometimes songs from a playlist are “no longer available” and you have to re-add it. And you won’t even know it’s no longer available until you try to play it and see the message pop up. There is no advance notice. So if you’re just playing a playlist, you’ll probably think the song just never got its turn because it’s still listed. But it is just actively being skipped over because it can’t be played. The search feature is also not too good because everything has to be spelled EXACT as the original. You can’t search a lyric or a similar title. Every apostrophe or dash or space matters when it comes to searching. Update: I had to drop this to a 1 star. Sonos has to be trolling. Update to the app removed ALL playlist functionality. I can’t edit my playlists at all. Songs are still being skipped within the playlist. The search feature is barely usable. If there’s an apostrophe in a title, the song won’t be found without it being spelled Exact.
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4 years ago, TFDH63
S2 Sonos app is buggy and unresponsive
In general, I am a big fan of my Sonos speaker system, and I found the previous iteration of the app to work consistently and well. I only had to replace one piece of hardware in order to switch to S2, which I did relatively happily since I’d gotten years of use out of the system and understand that companies can’t support hardware forever. However, I’ve been really disappointed by the new app and/or S2 platform. When I try add or remove speakers to/from groups in the app, I get frequent error messages. Restarting the app sometimes helps, but usually I have to keep trying 5-6 times before I am successful. The app also freezes periodically. Probably not an app issue, but streaming overall is less reliable, with much more frequent drops. I haven’t changed any other aspects of my home network, so I attribute these issues to the new S2 platform. Unfortunate and frustrating given my large investment in the Sonos ecosystem and excellent experience with the previous generation of the platform. Hopeful that the new platform improves over time, but irritating that it wasn’t more stable when released.
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1 month ago, nyappleapple
Don’t buy a Sonos system before reading this
I have had a Sonos system for the last seven years. I used to love it. But since about a year, the app has becone so dysfunctional that I want to get rid of the whole thing. Sonos is one of those brands that misses the turn at some point and shows no sign of trying to fix the problem in-depth: they recently released what they called « a major upgrade » to their app - the new app is so bad that I cannot even believe that it’s possible: a basic function like « pause » doesn’t work most of the time (or it will take 10-15 sec for the pause to take effect). That’s only one example. I often try to change the volume and it doesn’t work! Sonos rarely reacts to complaints online and when they do they often try to blame the Internet connection of the user. In my case, I have one of the most fast-speed set up one can have (fiber, super high-speed wifi), because I broadcast from my studio and I need the best of the best of connectivity. So the problem with Sonos is NOT your or my connectivity. Don’t buy Sonos - you are likely to encounter the very same issues: a sound system that doesn’t pause or adjust volume, how does this sound?
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7 months ago, Phil Ruzicka
The glitch never ends
After 8 or so years of using my Sonos system, it’s just time to put it out there that this system, for the price, is just not worth it. For years now, it’ll work fine for a while, then some mystery update or something happens and it becomes the glitchiest thing ever. Right now, as I type this, sound is randomly dropping in and out, songs play for a minute then skip ahead, the system is (trying to) play one song but the app shows a different song, volume randomly and inexplicably cranks way up. When it works, the sound is great but honestly these days you don’t have to pay this much for good sound. So, the reason to buy Sonos is for the WiFi setup and ease of use which, as previously mentioned in this review, comes and goes. And really, here’s the thing…all this glitch has been going on ever since I bought my first Sonos speaker several years ago. It’s never gotten better. I mean, you’d think the company would figure this out over time! I won’t be investing any more in Sonos products and I guess I’ll keep dealing with the glitch until it just becomes completely unworkable.
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1 month ago, SendingOutAnSOS
Just the absolute worst app and update EVER
STOP trying cram your junk down customers throats! No I will NOT use True Play, Sonos Radio, a voice assistant o ANYTHING else your annoying team keeps trying to thrust upon me! How about your tea, actually makes a functional app that can do the basics? I’ve been waiting for 6 six years but your apps get worse every day. Well congrats to the Sonos team for finally bringing back the alarm feature, then burying it’s so deep in a vast sea of clicks, few people are probably not even noticing in its return. This new app design is the most messy version of any smart app I’ve ever seen. It’s impossible to find the different rooms that are playing different music now, do you anything requires many more clicks than the previous version, the volume setting is now ridiculously complicated with rooms going different volumes when you’re supposed to be decreasing or decreasing all the same time, and too many other batches with us. The new app version is obviously Sonos attempt to some more crappy merchandise, and forced all of its users into having Sonos music as their default service. I will NEVER use Sonos music or the Sonos voice assistant. Go pound sand Sonos team!
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2 months ago, User27754322
Hot Garbage
Sonos decided to release a new version of the app - presumably the new app has support for headphones. The problem is the new app is absolutely horrific. Features are broken. You can’t add certain products to your network. You can’t change your WiFi password without doing a factory reset. They’ve truly taken an average application with good to great hardware and destroyed the entire experience in a matter of weeks. I do not recommend Sonos at this time. I’ve got a ton invested in Sonos gear and have been incredibly vocal about my support for the product because historically “it just works.” Not any more. And if Sonos leadership would acknowledge this was a massive misstep? I’d be more understanding. Unfortunately Sonos has told their loyal users this is what “courage” looks like. So I think Sonos believes courage is breaking things. I’m beyond frustrated. My wife has always been a huge fan of Sonos and would play music regularly in our house. I asked her to turn something on in the family room last Friday. “No, don’t mess with that. Just let me keep listening on my phone. I’ve tried to use Sonos the past couple weeks and it never works. I’m not messing with it any more.”
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3 years ago, rrsontag
Great Sound when it works….
We have a sound bar, sub and 4 play 1 speakers. The sound quality is excellent. However every time I get into the app in can’t connect or find the speakers, the only thing that works is the sounds bar I guess because it’s connected directly to the tv. I follow the instructions to try and find the system, but it NEVER works. The only thing I can do is factory reset everything and start all over. Again, every single time. Could reset it today then have to do it again tomorrow. Every other device in the house connects to the internet with no issues, so this is 100% a Sonos thing. Their customer service is a joke, couldn’t be more rude if they tried. You’d think they’d at least be marginally understanding given the amount of $$ we’ve spent, but no. We’ve stopped using the play 1 speakers (google nest, works great), and will be replacing the sound bar and sub as well. I know some people have had success with Sonos, but think long and hard before buying their stuff. They are not cheap, and there are a lot of reviews similar to mine. Your money may be better spent elsewhere.
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1 month ago, Friggle-fragile
Save your money
Sonos is a garbage app. The speakers sound nice but connecting them to my phone is the most time consuming and frustrating process. It’s really a shame that I cannot just play ANY audio from my phone. It HAS to be from one of the platforms they support. And you have to search the platforms from their god-awful app. The interface is clunky and not nearly as responsive as the music apps from the actual platforms. The latest fail from this app is that I couldn’t reconnect to the system after changing my wifi password. Whenever I click on ‘go to system settings’ it does absolutely nothing. The button doesn’t work. It’s clear they didn’t fully test this app before releasing it. When they first released this app they had also forgot to put in the alarm settings. Since I couldn’t change my alarms I just had to keep my speakers unplugged until they updated the app. I honestly only use the speakers because I still have them. I regret wasting my money on them. Once they stop working with the app, that’s the last I’ll ever deal with Sonos. I will never buy from them again and I always warn my friends not to waste their money on Sonos.
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3 months ago, danjrdothuh
Latest app release is hot garbage
I don’t know what brain donor at Sonos removed the volume numbers but they gotta go. Also there is no future scenario where I care about Sonos Radio or Sonos favorites. I want them gone / needs to be something that can be hidden. Push it on me all day long, it’s never going to happen. It is impossible to X out the “Add a voice assistant” in settings on my iPad air 4. Why engage in hostile design and and force it upon us? Nevermind the loss of features with an app update, which should never happen. I read that the Sonos team thinks this app release was courageous. What?!? There is a line between reckless and courageous and you’re miles onto the reckless side. You people are living in a dangerous echo chamber. I have 6 Sonos devices and *was* a guaranteed buy for the Sonos headphones. Unless I see a sharp reversal you can forget me staying with this ecosystem. Go ahead and chalk me up as another overreaction. Or maybe Sonos could stop making insane business decisions and leaving your customers desires out of every update! Your CEO is an old pro at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and your customers are sick of it, how many times can we be exposed to nonsense like this?
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4 months ago, ewilkens
Less than helpful
I have a subscription to Sonos radio and on my last CC statement I noticed they charged me 16 times for my subscription…I reached out to them….was on hold for the better part of 30 mins only to be told they would have to get back to me. They would send me an email saying they would get around to it till the following week. I responded saying that wasn’t acceptable. Heard nothing back. Seven days later I reached out requesting an update, heard nothing, 3 days later I asked for another update. I did hear back…they pretty much just told me they raised my concern and it turns out this is a known issue and they are waiting on the response from the back office (I was told this when I called them as well). Six days later I requested an update. Five days later they would respond asking when would work to talk…I told them…they never called and it is now 24 days later than they have done nothing to make right by this….this is not the first issue I have had with Sonos. If you are going to charge for a premium product I expect the customer service to follow suit. The customer experience is less than dreadful…much like dealing with cell phone companies.
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5 months ago, PinkMartini_4
Good speaker BAD app
I don’t use my speaker a lot, but I’ve had it since 2017. I believe it is 8/10 I go to use the speaker and the app, I have to update AND reauthorize. A few times it makes me do the whole walk around the room beeping thing. I am such a casual user that I really feel impeded by this. I just want to listen to some music now while I paint, instead I’m standing at my speaker once again trouble shooting to make it work. Almost every single time I want to use it. THATS what is trusting to me. If I didn’t have to update it and authorize it on a near constant basis, I would give 5 stars. But all I want to do is open and play. I don’t understand why that’s so hard, that’s how speakers and music players of any kind worked before. On, play. This is a 20 minute tech support quest almost every time, sometimes I’m like “f* it, I’ll turn on the TVs music channels instead because they just play” Otherwise I love it. The sound is good and I’m really happy, except when I use it. 🤦‍♀️ The next time I purchase one of these speakers I’ll be looking at these reviews first, because I wouldn’t buy another one that does this. I do not understand how anyone rates this app above 1 star.
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