Soul Knight

4.8 (119.2K)
812.1 MB
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泽阳 李
Last update
2 months ago
Version OS
12.0 or later
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User Reviews for Soul Knight

4.76 out of 5
119.2K Ratings
2 years ago, toppheonix
Words cannot describe so instead here are suggestions to the devs
As the title says, and you may not read this but, add a fight mode or what ever it should be called where you can go in an online game against other characters, using what ever weapons you want (you as in devs) and add endless back and perhaps a co ip to it, I know these suggestions are more co op than anything but you could have an ai in the against other characters or as a proper name would be arena, and be able to pick any explored biome in endless but maybe in multiplayer endless just let it keep the hosts biomes that were visited or passed through in order to make it fair I guess and please make feathers a lot easier to get, all of what I suggested is useless to somebody who is reading to see if the game is worth it (it is worth it) but over all I hope the devs see this and put in the stuff I suggested and maybe, just maybe, this is a stretch with an odds of 0, add a free undertale event where you gotta do an event mode to get undertale skins of characters because I am a huge undertale fan and of the fandom but that is off topic so please accept these ideas, if you read all of this thank you and TO SUMMARIZE: just make an arena mode, co op and normal endless, easier feathers for boss rush, and finally please do an undertale/ undertale au’s crossover (which is little to none likely to happen or be heard of at this point) and that is end of summary.
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4 years ago, HDdaLG
Amazing... however...
I’m not one to write reviews, but here I am. After playing this game for a year and having everything that isn’t paid for.. I’m kinda stuck on debating weather or not to buy the characters and some skins, which I have for a certain engineer and what was once named Chinese new year assassin. However I purchased Iado skill (rouge) and I never was able to use it... that’s not what I’m here to talk about though, I’m here to talk about a proposal. I’ve did the same proposal to Plants Vs. Zombies 2, where about 50% of the content is blocked by a paywall, let the pay-to-win be optional and make it have a alternative not pay-to-win by making it insanely expensive.. I mean like 20-30 thousand gem cost for someone like the dryad.. which is probably the worst of them, I know this because I pre-ordered the game on Nintendo switch and I got most everything free :> and the dryad is even worse than the berserker.. anyway, make the characters expensive and make a alternative option to buy it for less than the gem value and plop a (whatever percent you decide) off sign next to it to make it seem like a better deal, people would buy it that way. Also, that should be how it works because about half the achievements involve pay-to-win characters which makes it way harder to do them solely on free trial cards :< . Sincerely, A fan with dev advice ;)
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4 years ago, Owen Ab
Probably the best mobile game (and definitely the best free mobile game)
This is easily the game I’ve had on my phone and consistently played the longest. There’s always something new, and literal years of gameplay for the casual player. There’s nothing pay to win about this game, and the option to pay is (in my opinion) worth it. I have unlocked all of the characters (about $10 for all of them) and am happy with my decision. This game is better then some games for consoles I’ve played, and even without paying its one of the best. Those ten dollars is like buying a console or pc tier game for much cheaper then a pc game that’s as good. There’s limitless possibilities and limitless playtime, regardless if you have cash to burn or not. It’s a simple and fun experience playing the game. It starts out extremely hard, but as you play more, you soon win easily. The hundreds of weapons keep the game interesting every time you play, and can make awesome combos. This game is 100% worth downloading and I recommend it wholeheartedly to anyone. Much love to the devs and thank you for what’s possibly the greatest mobile game I’ll ever have the experience of playing. The one thing I do want is better iOS support and better cloud saves, but other then that, this is an amazing game, and the saves don’t tarnish it at all.
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4 years ago, SandmanUSA556
It’s just all around a great game.
I have been playing this game for a quite a while now, and the only criticism that comes to mind is that the game has quite a few P2W in app purchases. Granted Chillyroom needs this money to stay afloat and you can get by without spending any money, but it’s just kind of insane how many there are. But other than that and the undeniable fact that this game can prove to be a bit tricky to casual players, this is a 10/10 star game in my mind with. Now onto positives: I really like it’s difficulty curves, they allow to get a hang of the new biome’s enemies and hazards before expanding and throwing more of said enemies and hazards at you. The boss themes are very energetic and hype you up for the following fight, even though this can not be said for the final boss theme it being more grand and whatnot. I also find it’s progression to be pretty neat as well, both learning how to beat monsters with ease and flat out power increases coincide to make you feel like an unstoppable force (that is if you’re not too cocky and play your cards right). Okay, I’m getting tired of writing but if you are still reading this review and haven’t played Soul Knight before you should, it’s a great game.
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2 years ago, SmasherGaming
Decline of an Art Style.
I have been playing soul knight for about two years now, and I can say that I absolutely love the game. The weapons are unique, the characters are all different and fun to play as, and the dungeons can be challenging. There is something I have noticed though that has been impacting my view on soul knight, and that is the decline in art style. I thought that soul knight was about wizards, knights, magicians, and maybe a little bit of machinery (Engineer and mechs). But now I feel like they are adding new skins and events that completely deviate from the art style. The new robot event being a prime example. The sprites of these characters are super detailed, but the problem is that they have so much detail they stand out way more than the original characters. The portraits do not help either, because now we know more detail about the alternative skins than the actual characters themselves. I miss it when the game had more simple skins, more simple events, more simple everything that was perfect for a mobile game. Complexity is good, but I feel like there’s just too much stuff and everything before just feels super outdated. If they updated the sprites to catch up with the current art style they are pushing, I would give this 5 stars. But that’s not the case, which makes me sad.
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4 years ago, Littlewill007
Truly amazing
This is an absolute blast. When you first start the game it will seem rather difficult and frustrating but once you beat your first run it’s all up hill from there. This isn’t a pay-to-play kind of game. There are certain characters and things in the game to enhance your gameplay which you do have to pay for but it’s not necessary to enjoy the game. Now the reason I give it only 4 stars instead of 5 is the cloud save. Three times now I have lost my data. As soon as your done playing for the day make sure you cloud save. The first two times it was when the game first came out and it would bug out so my data would wipe. The recent time I have lost my data though I had over 100 hours into the game; almost 2 years of gameplay gone. I had all the free characters unlocked, fully upgraded, and a ton of resources. I went to open up the app and it would crash as soon as I did. A week later they updated the game and all my data was wiped. I went to the cloud save to get my data back and all that was there was data I had in the first few months of me playing. I love this game but after working so hard to get to where I was and losing it all it’s bittersweet to get back into the grind of the game to get to back to where I was.
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3 years ago, A_Grl
One problem.
I love this game, it’s gotten me through some really hard times, and I have almost nothing to complain about it. One of the only big problems I always see is that when I’m playing any of the game modes, and you die, if you pick the watch a video after the game option, the video lasts way longer than the stats screen at the end of the game, so you can’t actually see your stats at the end of the game, like you can’t see how many gems you got, or things you killed. Maybe add a pedestal somewhere in the engineering room that like tells you your stats of the last few games or so. Like the certificates for showing what end game boss you killed and your weapons. Also sometimes when I’m watching an ad at the end of the game it will fully end and when I click X to exit, it will act like I exited the ad before it was finished and won’t give me my gems at the end of the game. I had this problem once when I fully beat the game and I lost out on like 1.5k gems, it sucked a lot. Still I love the game, I would just really like this problem to be fixed, I’m sure others have the same concerns as me.
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6 years ago, Firefoxis
This Game Is Amazing
From near the beginning to where it is now, this game has had a stellar performance. There is a massive arsenal of weaponry that is extremely creative and fun to use again and again. The different enemies and maps keeps the game fresh, and the new challenges adds that hint of flavor to the mix. The characters, statues, and buffs are exciting to play with and the synergy that can be achieved is amazing. Every new feature added to Soul Knight, from the reforging furnace to the workshop, has improved the quality immensely. Aside from gameplay the controls are easy to use and it’s smooth, although there are some infrequent bumps along the way. The multiplayer aspect just makes the game twice as fun to play, but glitches do occur. For instance, when one player uses the reforging furnace the other cannot pick up the weapon that is produced, even though it’s visible. I have no problems with this game whatsoever, and I hope that it continues to grow even greater over time. Even from the hardships of getting terrible buffs & fighting with a plunger, to the exhilarating moments of a perfect play through, Soul Knight will be one of the best games to have ever been created.
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4 years ago, BR.OR.
A true masterpiece of a game.
This game is a true masterpiece. From it’s smooth gameplay to the appealing graphics, it’s an overall amazing experience. Not only that, but it’s not just another bullet-dodging dungeon crawler. It’s a truly amazing experience. You’ll start off with the knight, a weak knight at that. But you’ll keep going through the dungeons and keep making progress, and it’s all trial and error before you get the perfect run. It’s not a game that’s pay to win since the in-game currency is easy to obtain without having to pay. And all the other characters have their ups and downs, but they are all equally good characters to play as. You’ll find yourself going through the sections and areas picking up any weapons you can see, and there are A LOT of weapons in the game. And after all the runs and all the fails, there will be that perfect run that gets you to the very end. And from my experience, once you beat that last boss and reach the final destination, you’ll know that this game truly is a masterpiece. I would absolutely recommend this game to anyone that wants an top-notch and amazing experience.
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5 years ago, Darmacannon
About those game
To put it simply the game yes needs work but at the same time doesn’t need it, some features that are locked behind paywall would make the game much much more enjoyable by others but at the same time the games makers have released a lot and I mean a lot of very good content over the past year. Some of the new weapons and buffs I noticed that weren’t there a year ago greatly balance many of the flaws I saw while keeping the proverbial bullet hell feel I love to get my blood pumping, the mystery evil merchant lets you adjust just how hard you want the game by offering you good buffs or weapons , like the literal item the death note, in exchange for perm hp debuff, easily countered by getting an hp increasing buff or choosing carefully, and you can even grow an hp buff giving item of the game is too hard for yes the game needs work related to its paywall limitations but otherwise it’s a great game well worth the many hrs spent on it....more so then many pay to own bullet shooter games I have seen lately....and I am a severe touhou fan if anyone needs a reference of my love of bullet hell games
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4 years ago, donjaylaw
I’m obsessed
Just read the other 5 star reviews to understand why I’m obsessed. I can’t stay off this game for more than a day, I’ve had it for years. I’ll take an occasional week break if I find myself getting bored and then when I get back to it, it’s like a whole new game again. I recently kicked out my wife and kids because my wife chose me to decide between soul knight and my family. Of course I made the most logical decision, and me and soul knight now have peace and quiet to continue our romance. If I could rate 10 stars I would. One side note, PLEASE make this online some time in the near future. Find some way to make it happen, it’s so hard to find other people as obsessed with this game as me in real life, and with having to be on the same WiFi in order to play together, I find myself playing alone most of the time. I can guarantee soul knight will probably consume my entire life once it goes online, I’ll lose connection to all my friends, probably get fired from my job, probably become a hermit...... but that’s ok, it’s fine because.... Soul Knight.
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2 months ago, Boris_The_Turtle
Incredible game, but one issue.
I am gonna be honest, this game is incredible, quite literally the best mobile game I have ever come across. Gameplay is fun and engaging, and you aren’t attacked by predatory monetization. Money in this game can provide you with new characters, abilities, and cosmetics. Gameplay itself isn’t locked behind a paywall. Additionally, the prices on these items are not expensive, and more than justify the value you get. I can safely say this is the only game where I was happy to spend money on, and have not regretted it afterward. This game is almost perfect, but there is one issue that has surfaced more recently. That is the fact that you can no longer fully play this game offline. After the update where Online Multiplayer was added (before you could only Co-op through LAN), an internet connection is required to open the game for whatever reason. The game works offline once you are past the menu screen like it used to, but if you don’t have a connection to open the game, then you cannot play it. I sincerely hope they fix this in the future.
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4 years ago, speedy.boi
I frikin love this game
I would rate this game 5 stars, but all the sound in the game just stoped working entirely after I played for about a year and a half. I checked to make sure that my sound settings were of mute and they were. That sucked because the game has great music. The whole aspect of the game is pretty much unique when you talk about the characters. There are a wide range to choose from but personally you should buy the Berserker because he is a speedy fast boi and can kill anything fairly easily. But enough rambling. Controls: 9/10 The controls let you play the game without feeling like your movements are restricted and are transparent enough that you can’t really see them when you don’t want to. This game is probably the best quality game your going out of an iPhone. I’ve played this game for like 2 years and it stills has me hooked! Why did I write such a long review like everyone else? Because I want everyone to know how cool this game is and how you’ll miss out if you don’t download it! Happy exploring!
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7 years ago, Kitflash14
So this game has been on for a good amount of time and it is amazing! The pixelated graphics look good, the gun and enemy stats are equally fair and good in certain situations, and the multiplayer setup is pretty fun too. I did put 4 stars in this for a reason though. For 1, the multiplayer mode is fun and all but not many people will be playing the game near you, so a worldwide multiplayer setup would be great. Adding a 4 player mod and maybe a competitive mode would be awesome though. Two, more levels would be great but, I know how hard it is to get the levels layer out and new enemies and their walking and death animations will be hard too so I bet you guys are already planned that. I guess when the game gets more people and more donations you will open the other payed (with real money) characters. Oh, how about more pets? Maybe add some that are super expensive because they give you a perk (ex. Dragon pet makes you immune to fire damage/it he increases damage when your out of shield. I hope yo guys make this game amazing! I hope you guys make this game the game everyone wants!
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6 years ago, I am writing words
Very fun
I like the new addition of challenges, but I think you should be allowed to pick your own challenges so you don’t have to keep clicking through all of them to get the match you want. To prevent this ability being overpowered you could simply added a regulations system (such as only two helpful challenges. I also think that the game is kind of limited. It would be cool to see an endless mode or boss rush mode added to the game. The second biome is a little lame because both options are very similar and don’t have any real defining features. I also think that being able to play online would be a cool so that I don’t have to be in the same room to play together. So many characters shouldn’t need to be purchased with real money. Nerf the Skeleton King please, I had eleven health with the knight and was killed in five hits I just think that ridiculous. The rogue needs more energy, it’s a character made for sniper weapons and it has the same energy as the knight with less health and can do less potential damage, you might as well play the knight
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4 years ago, Katperson12
This game is very fun and simple to understand. I can sit down and play this game for hours or just a short time. I have put many hours into it and never get bored. There are some aspects of the game that you have to pay for, but I have never felt like I had to buy them to progress or play. It is nice not having to pay to win. Without paying you can still get many different characters to play as. There are many different techniques you can use to fight with. Each different zone of the game is unique and fun. Some People say the bosses are unfair but I think that they just haven’t figured out a rhythm to them or don’t like failing. The boss mobs can be a little challenging but they are not unfair. Each boss has its own different attack pattern that you can pick up pretty easy. I sometimes still fail at them but it’s a boss it’s not supposed to be easy. The controls of the game are very easy to use. There is only a little glitch I have had where one time I got stuck in a wall. Sincerely a person who likes the game.
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4 years ago, Hewhop
Just incredible
It’s just good. The revival card is fairly priced, and a lot of the characters you have to pay for seem to just be fun gimmicks. Examples: Paladin and Werewolf. Either no armor, or only armor. It’s got a whole lot of weapons, far too many to even close to guarantee you’ll get one of your favorites, and that forces adaptation. It’s hard sometimes, but it isn’t unfair. Although, I do have some questions as to why the Mysterious Trade thinks I should give of 3/4 of my life for an uncommon weapon. That seems odd. I do have a minor thing that I’d love to see in the game, but that’s because of my personal flaws. I would like to be able to make things that I can’t leave the level before doing. A big example is the scammer. I want to keep the buff during the level, but I know I’m going to forget about it before leaving. Maybe when you walk up to a non weapon/mount interactable, the extra button pops up and you can set that to happen? And if you do it again, it cancels it. I’ve done this so many times and it keeps happening.
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4 years ago, YanwenLuo
Excellent game but the keyboard controls could be fixed
This game is an absolute blast to play with excellent art style that compliments it really well. The gameplay never seems to get dull for me as you have many objectives that you could unlock through typical gameplay. As their are some items that require in-game payment to unlock the game itself can be enjoyed without it. The only complain I have is the keyboard control that you can use to play with the game. Since I own a iPad Pro keyboard folio I like to use it for gameplays and it seems that whenever you try to move in certain directions with “a,s,w,d” the character/knight you control over-moves/lags during gameplay by 2 to 3 in-game squares and it gets annoying sometimes when you’re trying to dodge enemy attacks, collecting chest or buying specialty items. Hopefully the developers will be able to fix the keyboard movement bug soon because this game has easily been the best free-to-play game on the AppStore so far for me personally.
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5 years ago, Sans's cousin Jeff
Players, read
This game is great, but to everyone asking for online multiplayer, they won’t add it for multiple reasons. In local multiplayer, there’s lots of bugs and stuff that still need fixed. It also costs money to keep a server system like that up, and ChillyRoom doesn’t have that money, due to only having optional ads. The game just isn’t prepared for something like that, it would make it very stressful for the creators. Thanks for reading, and please stop asking for them to make long range multiplayer. Deva, if you read this, the only thing me and my friends want is a local duel mode where we can battle each other with our heroes, so if you could add a mode where there is just a bunch of rooms where we explore, clear rooms, and earn weapons from it, before eventually finding and killing eachother. Me and my 3 friends would love a free for all/ deathmatch mode like that. We don’t need it, this game will be fine without it, but if you did add it that would mean a lot to us four. Sincerely, A Paladin main
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4 years ago, Infinity Reduced
Great game, with a bit too much payed content.
I love this game. It has very high replay ability, and the devs constantly update it. However, I’d love to see something I haven’t ever seen before: toggleable ads. If you added a system to, at the players discretion, show ads between runs or stages or levels, that gave a currency you can use for payed content (excluding skins) I would do that in a heartbeat. It’s a win win. People like me who are low on funds but love the game can experience it all, and you still get the money to keep the game alive. Also, imagine a system where you choose the run modifiers. Negative ones like extra enemies or double bosses give a -1, good ones like unlimited energy or extra bonus rooms a +1, and neutral ones like dwarfism or weapons fire slower give 0. This would really reduce the amount of time I spend in the multiplayer screen rolling for that one very specific combo of modifiers I want, and that is only taking longer the more new mods you add.
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6 years ago, Dragonite482
Changes (Not bad changes)
So this game is by far one of the best games I have ever had. The pixelated sense makes it seem like an old fashion game which is one part I like. There is only one thing I want to change. You know how you can check like the weapons you used to beat the final boss and the date. I feel like it should have a section for every hero. Like a space for knight, rogue, wizard, and so one and to add on (I know it’s kinda of late for this) when you get that certificate of beating the final boss it should showcase the FIRST TIME you beat it to remember the first time you beat it. Also there should be a separate room for the certificates. For example (I forget how many heroes there are) it should have a showcase. Like it should show the very first ones when you beat the game with one hero for the first time for every hero. But then after that it should have just a big isle of the ones after that. I know it’s a lot just for one thing but that would be better for me just to remember the past times.
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3 years ago, FE4R3000
Probably the best game I have ever played
This is by far the most played game I have on my phone, I can play offline anywhere. There are so many fun aspects of this game. I have played it for years and it never ceases to entertain me. Even though people these days question the pixel-y games if you will, I think the quality does not matter at all with this. I play with my brother all the time and have beaten the game at least 20 times. It is so fun that I have gotten at least 7 in app purchases that are worth every penny. I love how there are plenty of characters, skins, pets, and abilities to choose from. I love to use my ice spike wizard with the amazing nine-tails skin. Although I love the wizard, I have to say that the most effective set is the priest with the moon orb ability. I also wanted to tell you as the developers that I am so appreciative that you guys have put in the work to keep updating and growing this amazing game! I love you guys so much and Thank you! |\_/| (•_•) />❤️>
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3 years ago, oont-56
Great game but, the update is weird
I have been playing this game since the character room was small and only had about I think 8 characters. But the new update has made the characters I like to play normally weak. The main character I would play was the priest and I feel like the ability recharge for both of her in game abilities takes forever I don’t know if this is something I just didn’t notice till now or if it was from the update. Other aspects of the game are great the new system of weapon building is amazing the, the new perk are great too. The new legendary characters I admit I haven’t tried yet but having to buy a character with real money to get the legendary character is weird since the other character you need for it is bought with gems. It’s just something I found weird. But other than that this game is great lots of hidden things to do and find its really enjoyable one of the better ones on the App Store.
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5 years ago, Caleb_Muckley
Great game! A little buggy, though.
I would have given 5 stars if not for the few bugs. I used to own the game a while back, and had quite a few characters maxed out. I experienced the first bug after my original phone broke and I had to go get a replacement. (Switching from iPhone SE to iPhone 8.) All my monetary purchases were saved, but all the characters I bought with gems, or starting room bonuses (Flower, Book, Chest, etc.) were gone. If the game can save monetary purchases, why is it that in-game money exchanges become void on reinstallation of the game? The next bug (considerably smaller) is a minor inconvenience at most. On my iPad, I felt the controls were a bit large for my hands, so I decided to use the new edit control option, but once I opened the screen to that, I could move the controls around but not exit or save as the 4 colored buttons at the top were not visible as on the smaller mobile devices. Overall, this game is incredible and I am glad it’s still being cared for. Keep up the good work, and keep doing your best!
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3 years ago, Hurricaneal3x
Improvements for The Origin
Rework invisible enemies. It’s dumb that nothing can attack them directly. It should be you cant attack them with other visible enemies present. I got an invisible Zulan the Colossus and he spammed so many bullets that I literally could not do ANYTHING. I was an engineer at max level with max everything and my turrets wouldnt attack him, I couldnt attack him, my defenses couldnt attack him. It’s such a dumb function. I cant manually aim at him because that requires my character to run into his bullets. It’s a broken feature that needs a rework. Repairing turrets shouldn’t require so much, OR make alien coins drop from enemies that spawn in the wave. It’s frustrating when an invisible Zulan or some other unfortunate freak threat takes down your defenses and you cant even repair them. Or make it to where the repair station can fix them from a broken state. Rerolling shouldnt require gems. The options in the skills you can choose are super limited and the odds are constantly against you. We should be able to have more options when choosing our skills.
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4 years ago, unavailbile
Simply amazing also please read devs
This game is phenomenal and probably one of if not the best mobile gaming experience I’ve ever had. The graphics are charming, the levels are challenging, the weapons are fun to use, the soundtrack is incredible, the controls are smooth and responsive, and the gameplay is addictive. My only real complaints are the lack of story content and I know this game is solely gameplay based but I think it could’ve used a little more to do because there are times where the game can get a little repetitive, even though the wave based mode is insanely fun, the story was at best kind of forgettable. The multiplayer system is a bit odd as well considering you have to be on the same WiFi network to do multiplayer and i think that maybe an online multiplayer could be a lot better since we are in lockdown I think that If it was online I could enjoy with my friends. But other than that the game is amazing
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4 years ago, an idiot with an opinion
Amazing game with so much to do
You guys have beautifully crafted a phenomenal game... and you made it free! There is so much to do with just one character that I can spend probably whole days dungeon plunging and mastering what that character can do. You rutinely update: maps, items, characters, power ups, bosses, hub options, and so much more. You have made paying for items such a perfect balance of available but not necessary! And I live that!! Thank you SO MUCH for all the effort and creativity you out into every corner of your game. If you were looking for one more thing to add, (I know it’s a lot and I’m sorry but it would be SO COOL) add a story mode. Maybe one for each character and not just the portal mode that vaguely tells us to protect the muguffin. Not that I don’t enjoy that mode, I do! A ton! But it’s not very story driven. Some cut scenes, meeting and talking to people, killing monsters in the dungeons for NPCs and getting rewards. I don’t know. But seriously, I love your game! Keep up the good work!!
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6 years ago, EnigmaticZach
Amazing game, but needs a few things...
I love this game, and so find myself playing it every free chance I get, but it’s not quite perfect just yet. First off, the game doesn’t really have any proper tutorial, so new players have to overcome a rather steep learning curve, that can be quite unforgiving, and very off putting. When I personally had just started playing the game, I had to spend a lot of time going through the fan-made wiki online, in hopes of getting a decent understanding of all the game mechanics. Another more minor issue I’ve had, is in regards to weapon stats. In any normal play through, you’ll be switching your weapons quite often, and you’ll quickly notice that you can’t check the stats of a weapon that you’re already holding, without dropping the weapon on the ground (which can only be done by picking up another weapons). Other than these small issues though, the game really is great, and I find myself looking forward to each and every update.
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4 years ago, N8 hjekavcajkmsnvrhudbx
developers please read
Overall soul knight is a great game that i’ve been playing for years. I love almost everything about this game which is why I kept on coming back to it. Now with the latest couple updates there have been new modes added to the game, but the one thing that I and many others (according to the other reviews) have been wanting is an online multiplayer mode. I personally think that this mode would be great because sometimes you don’t have access to wifi or a hotspot and i think that this would be a main solution to the problem. Also if you do want to play with someone that isn’t at your house, or with you in general, you could play and have as much fun and more than the single player mode give you. Overall in conclusion this game is in fact one of the best mobile games imo, and should it get a multiplayer mode, the best for a lot of people. thank you for your time
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5 years ago, Subatomic Waffle
The only real game on the App Store
This game has 100% nonstop playability (there’s no energy system). You can play this game as often as you want and how long you want without it taking away from your rewards. Name how many free mobile games do that (pretty much NONE). There are characters in the game you have to purchase to use because they need money. I would not expect creators of an amazing game to not get paid so it makes absolute sense that they want you to pay a small price for permanent content. Those who complain about spending $0.99 to $1.99, If you’re too broke to make a one time purchase for a character that’s $1.99 then you have no business having a smart phone playing the game to begin with :p They are trying to make a profit. If you want everything free go to a communist country. Would you want to put hours and hours of hard work into something designed for other people’s enjoyment and not get paid for it? I sure wouldn’t.
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6 years ago, Yellow fire 3601110
Just a few suggestions
This is an absolutely amazing game. All the new things that keep being added keep the game interesting. My first suggestion is improving the visuals on iPads. The graphics are fine it’s just that when I use my iPad to play the game, I can’t always see everything in the “lobby” room, and everything seems like it’s cut off of my screen. The same thing happens with the boss screens and when I’m trying to click on an “X” to close a screen. It won’t display the whole name of the boss. It’s not really a disadvantage but it’s just a little annoying. The next thing I would like to be put into action for sure. Not much in the game is really explained, especially the newer things. You mostly have to experiment with it and figure it out. But I’m sure that it would be much easier if you were told what each plant was, or how the forging thing works. Thanks for making this amazing game, and I would be thrilled if you listened to me.
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5 years ago, Exhausted_Titan
Thank you for making this game.
To the devs who have put their heart into this game I can’t thank you enough for making Soul Knight. I have loved this game from the very beginning and you guys have somehow continued to build my love for it. So many other games build and add only to end up ruining our experiences as gamers. With every major update I’m left astounded that I don’t have to pay to play this game and the purchases I have made on this game have all felt so worth it. Yes even the little skins. For a game that offers SO much to its players and asks so little in return, there simply isn’t a better app on the market. Period. Also congratulations on making it to the Switch. I couldn’t be happier for you guys, keep up the hard work and never forget that you have true fans and supporters all over the world. Soul Knight is the best and all of you keep making it better for us. So thanks Chillyroom and anyone else responsible for bringing this experience to life.
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6 months ago, MC Inc
Love the game, but new update isn’t great
I’ve been playing this game for years now. It’s a really fun roguelike game with lots of things to experience. The only problems I could possibly have are that the room generation is pretty predictable, and that it feels like there’s only more game when you pay for it (but I do understand that Chillyroom needs the money so I’m all for it). The last update was a BLAST!! The new season mode felt so fun and yet so challenging, especially when they added the extra difficulties, and it really felt awesome when you got the right set of buffs to just absolutely obliterate everything. I can’t say the same for the new season mode. I see what they’re going for, and I appreciate it. But the weapons are really slow, the weapon enhancements are just odd, and nothing really merges into a fun concept. The extra bullets or damage components fire one after the other instead of all at once, the enemies are weak and can easily be killed with splash damage, melee attacks no longer deflect bullets (huh??), the UI is clunky and the “special abilities” and “mounts” are useless, and there is a lack of sound effects for anything, and just an overall sense of disappointment from the mode not having any “oomph” like its predecessor so elegantly knocked out of the ballpark. If you’re new to the game, please download it. The learning curve is awesome and there’s tons to explore. Just don’t get your hopes up for the new season mode
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6 years ago, Firestar1244
Amazing game! Two requests, though.
This is THE best game I have ever played in my life! Awesome graphics, outstanding sound, superb music, easy controls, and really fun to play! I do have two requests though. There’s nothing wrong with the game or anything, but do you think you could add in a sandbox mode, please? I would really like to test out the weapons I found. I have an idea where you can spawn in whatever enemies and however many enemies as you like, but you can only test out weapons you’ve already found, so it gives the players incentive to either buy gems for the slot machine, or unlock them through playing the game. My second request is that could you please make it so we can upgrade the chest in the spawn room? I always find myself not using the weapon it gives me because it’s usually not that good. Anyway, I hope you read this and give it some thought. Please continue to make this game as awesome as it is.
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4 years ago, ProGlygamish2
Soul knight
I love this game. It’s incredibly fun and interesting. The amount of work the producers put in payed off. Although I love this game. There are some things I would like to change. First, the Volcanic Sandworm, every single time I fight this boss and kill it, I die the second it dies. When the Sandworm dies it shoots red orbs that are basically insta-kills. I know I have the same problem because my friends have this problem too. What I would like to change is either lower the damage from the orbs when it dies or make the orbs smaller and slower. Second there needs to be more characters that cost in-game currency, not real money. Every time I want a character it always costs real money, and I will not be able to get it till my B-day. I know the producers need to make profit, but the more characters that cost real money the more people will start looking into hacked versions of soul knight which is bad for the developers. All in all I think it is a solid game and is really fun however you play it.
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4 years ago, i really need these
Love it!!! but...
Hello, I just wanted to say what a great game you have here. It’s so good, I’m so happy that I got to play this game recently. But I have a great suggestion that might make your game better. - The ability to talk to the bots that players hired - Well, it sounds stupid but if you could talk to the bots and tell them orders or just talk to them it would be great, what you do is you put a little chat button thing when you go close to the robot ( put that button anywhere you want... ) and then you click on it and you can talk to the bot. Either give it orders or ask them questions, and they respond and do the thing you asked them or told them to do. For example “Pick up the nearest weapon” -bot- yes, And then the bot picks it up, and if it’s a good weapon it gives the bot a big advantage in combat with enemies and with the boss. another example is... “Can you find me a health pot?” ( you can only use it once by the way ) -bot- ok, and he will find you a health pot or shield pot, also look for chest and loot, coins and other stuff. ( can only be used once ) It is a big advantage to the player and it gives it a higher chance of winning, I understand if you don’t wanna add it but it makes for a better game Either way this is a great game and I would love to continue playing it. Thank you for your hard work and consideration (:
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3 years ago, Victor Dotov
Outstanding game
The game is outstanding and I honestly think it deserves more credit for what it is however I have a few things to ask. Number one I have a iPhone 7 and recently the sound has not been working. The game is up to date, so is my iOS and my speakers work, so please find a way to fix this. Number two, the multiplayer online or lan is really laggy and I tend to play at 400 ms normally and even hitting 5000 at rough spots yes 5000 ms. Lastly I would love for the game to go to Pc weather it be on itch, steam, epic games, or just a downloadable it would be amazing. All in all I wish the sound would work and my request be taken into consideration. Edit I also just realised the iCloud does not work trough devices and even though I’m softens in, I’ve enabled icloud and I have updated the game does not let me transfer information from one device to another
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5 years ago, pippinpadaloxicopolis
Almost perfect
I must begin by stating that this is the best mobile game I have ever played. It feels like a high action polished and customizable dive into deathly dungeons. The combat is great, and each of the weapons feels like a joyous gift from the developers simply wanting another fun idea in their game. It is indeed hard and unforgiving, but that is what makes winning so meaningful in this game. There is one thing that drags all of this down. RNG. The weapons you gain and the buffs during loading screens all appear randomly (to a degree). One run, you can break boxes and have health potions, making health management a cake walk. On others, the vendors barely appear and you seem to be at one health for the entire time. Some weapons invalidate bosses, and with others, it is almost impossible to even land a hit. My only recommendation to the creators, is to try to make an algorithm so the weapons and loading effects are more balanced to the levels they correspond to. The armor health system is genius. Thank you
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5 years ago, gamesheep3883
Get. This. App.
I’m serious this is one of the best games I’ve ever played mobile, I’d compare it to even Plants vs Zombies, my favorite mobile game, and winner of many awards. The game has multiplayer (unfortunately it is not one where you can jump into story together, and you have to overwrite saves progress to play the story), but in terms of games you can play with your friends (exclusively local though), it is THE best. The game is NOT pay to win, only some characters cost money. Not an ad from what I’ve seen, and I’d watch one after each death honestly. Great game, but unfortunate there’s no alternative to the paid characters that seem so unique and awesome. You should definitely download if you have the time. Also, remember that it seems simple yet takes time to get used to, and to do the tutorial BEFORE you play multiplayer, there are a couple unique but nonetheless simple functions in the game.
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5 years ago, TiffanySmith
This is the best game, but do have suggestions for devs
This only my opinion, but I think this is the best game ever! The gun has all kinds of cool weapons, characters, etc but there are somethings that should added and changed. Some the characters cost the gems you earn wild others cost real money, this should be changed so real money will not be given away and all characters will only cost gems. Another thing is that when ever you pick up a weapon, a player is mostly never aware what the weapon is capable, mainly damage wise, if there is any way to change this so players are aware of what there are doing or going to do, please start on it. Last but not least, a first person mode. The players would love this, a 3-D pixelated experience. These suggestions do not have to put in, but if they are put in the future I believe it would make soul knight ever better than it already is, and it is the best!
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3 years ago, kr22per
I love the game but there are some serious bugs that need fixing.
I have been playing this game for a very very long time. I love to play this game but sometimes there are some huge bugs that makes it litteraly unplayable. It’s so bad that some times I can’t even open the app. I work throw this how ever and love the game but sense the resent update it is gotten more buggy. The game randomly crashes, sometimes you’ll be on the last level and the game will crash and you can’t get the game back. The last run I played I got all the way up to the final floor and then the game glitched. One of the enamy’s wasn’t able to be hit but it could hit me. And I wasn’t able to do anything to it. I really hope this gets the the divelopers because I absolutely love this game and I hope that these issues can be fixed so the game is playable again
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4 years ago, noblealpha117
Great game but...
This is an amazing game that I have had a ton of fun with, but as a new player it took me a while to understand most of the game and I still don’t fully understand some of it. Something that would be a massive help would be descriptions for items and interactables. For example what each statue gives me, or that one furnace/forge improves my gun and another one breaks it down to components, or the ability to click on my current buffs in the pause menu to see what each one does. Or a way to see what each stat does. Make no mistake, I love this game, and have beaten the normal dungeon twice, but there were moments where I needed to stop playing due to a mistake that I could have avoided had I known what I was interacting with. Ps. I am unable to dig up one of the plants in my garden because it gives me a buff that my character already has, so instead of prompting me to remove the plant, my character just repeats that he already has that perk.
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5 years ago, Markehill67
This is an all around amazing app. When I first saw it, I kinda thought it would be quick and easy and I would just uninstall when I was finished, but once I started playing, I couldn’t stop. This is the type of game you can play when your sitting down on the couch and really want to feel good. It’s a nice long game with new things happening all the time. Also, the multiplayer is super fun and with 4 players, you can really see just how good you are. The only thing I would say that needs to be changed is the possibility of online multiplayer instead of just on the same WiFi. You could easily just connect it to Game Center and then all friends would be able to play from anywhere. Another good thing is this is NOT a pay to win game. Although paying can get you some pretty cool things, it’s just as easy to win without spending a single penny.
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8 months ago, elemwntal broson
Soul knight please
Hello I have been a common player for soul knight sense only the basic characters were in the game I have watched the game grow and stayed updated on it with my phone I refused to upgrade so I didn’t loose my data. The other day it signed me out of my account and refused to sign me back in and when I finally signed in I LOST EvERYTHING I had two legendary hero’s unlocked I had the priest necromancer witch elf and more some fully upgraded. I love this game and I would love to have my stuff back or if I can somehow get back to my account please. It said locally it saves but it wasn’t letting me sign it and now I lose everything. This has been one of my favorite games one I recommend to others constantly. Please don’t make me uninstall a game I Have enjoyed sense my Highschool says with my old friends.
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6 years ago, Bananajackiechan
Journey of a Knight
I don't know why but is has been a long time since i contacted with the human world. Food and water is running low. I kept hearing voices in my head calling me, urging me to cleanse my foes and bathe in their blood with my weapons and my fate for the Paladin when I'm on the verge of death. I am curse with the ability to relive my life just to destroy my enemies all over again just for the fun of it. I have travel many place and encounters many fearsome foes like The Great Priest from the tribe of blood thirsty Goblin, The Headless Horseman of the dark forest with his armies of skeletons warriors and even the Great Twin Dragon who dwell in the lava land cannot stop me from my wrath. On me next life I will bring havoc to the depth of space and finally slay The King of Toxic Beast and finally have my vengeance. Until then I can finally rest. I rate this adventure with 10 goblin skull out of 10 bullets
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3 years ago, Nickname thats like not taken
Very upset
Soulknight is one of my all time favorite games. It’s the only game I have on my phone and I played it constantly. However, update 3.0.0 has ruined it. I have an iPhone six, before this update the game would consistently crash when I tried to walk into the cellar. Now, everything. If I upon storage in the lobby it crashes, if i go to the cellar it crashes, and now if I go to the main door it crashes. I literally can not play soulknight, as every time I try to do anything, it logs me out to my home screen. I’ve waited a while now but I’m worried that this won’t get fixed like with what happened at the cellar. I’m especially worried for my progress. Prior to update 3.0.0 I had everything you could get without money except for officers airstrike. I have probably around 100,000 gems, all in game currency characters maxed out, powers, skins, lobby decorations, and I’m afraid that’s all gone with the newest update. I don’t know what happened, but if possible, PLEASE fix what you did to the iPhone 6 soulkight. I can not play at all.
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5 years ago, Mitchstrick
The first game I’ve bothered reviewing, and I’ve played a lot. The fact that you can play this game over and over and over again is just one of its many charms. It’s a surprisingly skill based game, which is hard to find in the current hack and slash era. I love the skill based game play and how each run is completely different from the one before. The classes are all great and they have a class for every playstyle, without having an over complicated class/skill tree. The simplicity of the game didn’t make it boring though, and there still are finer mechanics you have to master. The local multiplayer is also awesome, everything is better with friends. The only thing I would request is a PvP, other than that this game is perfect. Overall this is an incredible game it’s replayable, skill based, unique, and extremely fun.
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5 years ago, splatterfilm
Really great game, one of my favorites!
This wasn’t a difficult game for me to get into, it was easy to pick up and wasn’t before long that I really started to enjoy the game. The bosses are challenging but manageable, general enemies are unique and fun to go against, and the weapons are so vast and interesting! All I would have to say is that it is jarring to come into the game with only basic info on movement and enemies. I wish that these were explained better/more accessible: -statue buffs (i could theoretically just look it up but in the moment it’s nice to have a descriptor of what buff you are getting from each statue) -partner stats (i wish i could have an idea about my partner’s health, it would help to know what they can and cant handle (and also potentially partner buffs... if you are ever exploring the possibility)) -weapon stats (i learned pretty fast but its easy to misunderstand what means what) -battle terrain (i had no idea that the creates had elemental damage! it would be nice to know more about traps, crates, and even “!” room/shop variations) -buffs (again, i learned pretty fast but some buffs aren’t explained well (e.g. “Gain a life after killing an enemy”... unless its exclusive to the vampire archetype) so thorough explaination would be great) Overall, great game so far. There’s so much potential and I am so excited to see where it takes us!
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6 years ago, Likeflint
WOW, finally a great game on the iOS store!
As a disclaimer there are lots of great games on the App Store they are just incredibly hard to find. And I feel like there are few were great games than there used to be. The golden age of gaming on iPad was really iPad one and two, sadly. But this game is truly incredible. It reminds me a little bit of wizard of legend on the consoles. It’s just a very tight and well-made twin stick shooter with lots of personality. She’s definitely a great one to keep you coming back! I will be checking out working this developer because this is just exactly what an iPad game should be. No ads being shoved up your you know what and just a high-quality game you can pick up and play. Just what iPad games should be, not this ad-suffocating nonsense! Thank you thank you thank you! I will be playing this my entire vacation.
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3 years ago, clash is crud
Best game ever. If you say otherwise then you are just toxic trash.
I really like this game, while normal mode is hard, it is still beatable, and once you do beat it there is still more for you to do. I really like the variety of weapons, quests, and the characters that you can play. While there are some things that they could change or add to, that is what updates are for, and they have done a pretty good job. All of the complainers that say it is a bad game are probably did this: downloaded it, failed miserably, spent an hour writing a one star review, the pouted for a bit. Seems pathetic to me. Great game, 5/5. Like I said, even after you beat it there are other games you things you can do, like boss rush. You just have to be good or smart or both to get that far. GGs.
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