Spades Plus - Card Game

4.7 (117.2K)
428.9 MB
Age rating
Current version
Zynga Inc.
Last update
3 months ago
Version OS
12.0 or later
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User Reviews for Spades Plus - Card Game

4.66 out of 5
117.2K Ratings
1 year ago, mushroomhunter69
An honest game with pretty solid players
I started with zero coins and have worked my way up to over $200,000 without ever having to pay in real money or watch videos. Ads you can’t always get away from though. I like that you can leave a table if you feel unfairly matched. Like maybe your opponents are playing in the same room and you can tell. Or your partner isn’t well qualified. You at least get a few seconds to size up your competitors before you’re stuck in a game with them. Bonus: I’ve actually made a few real friends on here. Played spades, became friends and partners, invited each other to games, spoke over private messages and bonded. Sometimes having just one common interest is all you need to form a real friendship. Thank you Spades Plus!
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3 years ago, ibgaming
Fun, professional but Greedy scams
I am a good spades player... and love the game to the point where I’ll pay if I need extra coins. But I’ve observed a scam. When I pay 💰 I often get many many consecutive hands with almost zero books.. and Ofcourse they will give you an Ace of spades to make a nil impossible. I thought it was coincidence, but I realized I keep getting horrible draws when I pay money. It didn’t happen earlier on but when they see a pattern formed where you keep buying when you run out of coins... you will start to realize that your hands become very bland. The scam is that they know you will buy more tokens to play. I don’t know if it’s their Algo or what but I have observed it consistently. It’s so set up and predetermined sometimes that you can’t even call it random. Again, this is a top app, very good and amazing variety of games when I kept seeing this trend I had to speak out. This is why I don’t rate apps earlier on.... now I’ll consider deleting it. I rather save my money. I don’t mind losing fait and square.. but when I play 16 consecutive games with the same hands.. like literally... while the person next to me keeps getting 7,6,8, 4, 5 draws and to then give me one card like ace of spades where I can’t even counter with a nil to compete or catch up.. then that no longer becomes skill or even luck. It’s a phony Algo.
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7 years ago, Dari88
Getting Greedy!
The app is definitely superior to the other ones I've tried except lately I keep getting thrown out of an active game when my next move is either critical and/or it's my last game$$ to play which can really be infuriating. I have been really loving the KnockOut Challenge where u have to win 3 games in row to double your bet amount and that was challenging enough. I won't lie that when your on your 3rd game and u get the option to pay for another chance that I haven't been tempted once or twice and $1-$3 wasn't a big issue for me BUT NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN you have to win 5 games in a row! I mean come on! Did u notice u we're getting us with the scenario I just mentioned and u decided to take advantage. I just think the game now went and made it less likely for me to keep playing the knock out challenges. There are some talented spades players on this app which is great for someone like me but come on, FIVE wins in a row for a player regardless of their skill level is a bit much to ask for. Sometimes you go through DAYS of the worst dealt hands by the game and we have zero control. It just made me disappointed to see that the best feature for me now got taken away! Boo for you! Three consecutive wins was perfect! 5 straight wins with medium-high connectivity issues is kinda messed up!
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1 year ago, MBRF711
Not ‘real’ spades with ‘legit’ stats…
So… real people can and do play on this app, but bots are also randomly employed (with an ID other than ‘computer’)! If you don’t believe me, start one Apple account and one guest account, and you will get the exact same partner and opponents (and really good hands that are the exactly the same) on both accounts for at least the first five games! Thereafter, you can and will have games with ALL real people, but you’ll also get games where by all appearances, all other ‘players’ (or at least most) are bots! Also, if you play for a decent amount of time, you should notice that you’ll start having ‘streaks’ of wins and then ‘streaks’ of loses, in order to give a ‘roller coaster’ ride of fluctuating percentages (this is why only your last 100 games are factored in)… not to mention, the level is not ‘really’ only determined by ‘experience’ but rather some other manipulative factor (you can have more wins and games than another - and vice versa - yet a lower ‘level’ - and vice versa - than another! As for the ‘percentage’ of wins… you have no real way to determine if they are legitimate after the first 100 games, because as mentioned above, the percentage is ONLY determined by your last 100 games! Now I do not know if the above scenario applies ‘if’ you buy coins or their stupid emojis, as I’m not contributing funds to ‘test’ a deceptive app!
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10 months ago, tgrimm86
Things have changed
I had this app pretty much since it began, purchased some cool things and coins but lately have been getting banned for the dumbest reasons the same way I’ve been playing for years. They have the option to go blind nil. (If you know you won’t get your blind nil, and back out of the game, you automatically get coins deducted just for backing out) (sometimes a lot) and apparently got banned for “cheating” which is way is considered to this spades company if you know you can’t get your blind nil but you try and set your other opponents so they lose too. If anyone gets banned for that reason, then blind nil shouldn’t be an option for the game. The point of the game is to win. They only way you can cheat is if you happen to have a partner that knows your cards as well as you know theirs. It happens a lot on this app with other players you can tell when a opponent goes nil and throws out the king of diamonds knowing their partner has the ace to trump it right away. That’s cheating. Not when you can’t see your cards and go “blind nil” and you know your not going to get it, so you try and set the other opponent’s from getting their books as well. Never had a problem until recently, and got banned for the most idiotic reason ever. I will never play this game for that reason, and if you enjoy losing coins to actual cheaters, here’s the app for you!
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5 years ago, axbiscuit
app is changing from real spades to app control
I have been playing this spades app for years . I have tried so many others and this by far is the best format. However the app is really getting greedy with making money. You can play and not lose , just win , win , win and like stupid winning because doesn’t matter what do almost u win. Funny these games you don’t hear much table talk which tells me bots then you get score boosted up , rank and all sudden doesn’t matter what u do , you lose lose lose. Like up and down roller coaster. Then app decides freeze at the most important times when game is on the line and it’s happened over and over. I have got use to keeping my phone next to me in order use my phone data by switching from my tablet wifi connect to phone data. I have extremely amazing wifi speeds and connection. My son streams online videos games on a gaming computer that having beat speeds and internet connect is a must in my home so not faulty connect on my end. Anyways think all way getting you spend more money but i find myself spending less because it doesn’t give me the true joy it use to as i high end spades player experienced and able have competitive true games to win or lose legit. Maybe enough us complain and not buy in to spending more money will change some of this .
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3 years ago, Patericker82
Used to be good but is now unplayable
After 4 years of having and actively playing on this app, I watched the best spades app on the market turn into an unplayable cash grab. The game is designed to bleed you pretty quickly. Firstly, the game is plagued with cheaters especially in the high roller games. Secondly, you could win every other game and still quickly run out of coins due to the fact that wins payout 75 percent of the pot. Thirdly, players can purchase a week of using a card counter which shows each card that has been played. This is a very unfair advantage over those who choose to not shell out 5 dollars a week. I’m going to keep things short and not go on about the toxic community and game hindering rating system. When I started playing ads were available to earn extra coins. Now there is a 30-45 second ad on every screen change. The “cool” custom deck art which used to be permanently unlocked through victory in very difficult tournaments, are now temporarily unlocked with limited uses. Every update I see the devs ignore the issues with the game while try to squeeze out as much in app purchases and ad revenue that they can get away with. Enough is enough fix your broken game. Your greed has made the game unplayable. I’m looking forward to the devs copy and pasted response to further show how little they care.
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6 months ago, 1PO’d-Ex-player
Warning: NPCs sabotage the game!
Sometimes I’d like to play an app for a couple of months before I decide to put money in the game. You know, to get some upgrades and what not; but I’ve only had this app for two weeks give or take, I have run across so many NPCs that purposely sabotaged the game when you’re playing and they are your own teammates! I’ve had players on my team that would bid that they would get all the books and then not be able to pull them and then I would have teammates that would bet that they wouldn’t get any books and then they purposely save their big cards and when they could throw away cards, they cut and pull a book is essentially costing me the game. I’ve had this problem routinely. I mean, if anybody is going to continue to play this game on this app, i’d recommend to get to know the community and only play with teams that you have friended because if you if you play game that you table that you have not set up and it just picks players for you, you’re gonna run a lot run across a lot of NPC’s. That’s gonna just sabotage your game and ruining everything for you because of that experience I’m gonna give it a zero rating. To the rest of you enjoy the game, but be aware that there are players that will sabotage the game on purpose.
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4 years ago, Blu Ninjah
Why does it have to be so frustrating to play online spades?
One of the top 3 spades apps available. I find myself rotating between each as I’m unable to sustain a positive playing experience with any longevity. And I don’t mean just winning, I enjoy the challenge of finding, creating & maintaining team chemistry but it seems impossible. So I feel forced to rotate this for the 3rd time. I’d like 3 WHY’s answered when it comes to classic spades. 1) Why ask us to pay money & invite us to participate (which I do) in tournaments only to pair us up with partners who are either to new to know any better or to cocky to care about trying to play together to enjoy AND (at least) try to win a game. 2) WHY, is it so easy to just up & quit? And when they do quit, they leave WITHOUT severe enough consequence/penalty, or someway to track those with a consistent pattern. 3) And last, WHY, is the computer able to come in & has an AI that doesn’t flow/vide with the style of play more consistent with that of a human. Again, this could be potentially the top app out there, and may still be...but if some of these issues could somehow how be avoided or addressed. It would truly set itself apart from the other & maybe by an unreachable margin. Or maybe it it’s just me...IDK?
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1 year ago, TMD03
This game is a SCAM
I highly advise everyone not to spend a dime on this game. It is severely rigged. There are lots of bots on here that play spades way too perfect for them to be real people. The so called players you will play against always seem to know exactly what card to play and when to play them to make sure that every other player makes their bid except you. Nonetheless, the app is rigged by the developer as well. Believe it or not I have played for five hours+ straight and 80% of the time the cards that are shuffled to me or only enough for one or two books. And in the small cases where I was dealt decent hands and was able to score pretty high, on the very last hand right before I was certain I would be winning The game, Bam! Out of nowhere I am dealt a crappy hand only allowed to make one book and all the other players would be dealt great hands and would win the game and make me a loser. The developer of this game should be ashamed of themselves that they feel that they have to rob people out of their money. I am no mathematician, nor am I a genius, but I am most certainly smart enough to know that I have a better chance of winning the lottery and getting struck by lightning on the same day than being dealt 20 crappy hands in a row like I’ve gone through on the stupid rigged game.
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4 years ago, INFURIATED USER😡😡😡
Absolutely love this game no doubt but ofcourse theres always some technical issues - such as connection problems these past few days -i suddenly lost connection during a game which was very annoying especially since i was playing at a big $$$ table - another issue is the chat ban i mean we are all adults on here its called freedom of speech you cannot take that away from an American it is our First Amendment we fought for this right !!! I do however see that alot of ppl get very nasty on here and chats get very negative but you gotta let go of the 10 day chat ban ... I am a very vocal individual and dont take crap from any1 and ppl on here are very unruly and make disgusting comments especially derogatory to females ... men are constantly sexually harassing me & those ppl should be banned for good because that is intolerable ... Ive seen men make their default pic of their penis!!! sick sick sick... Chat ban maybe a few hours or day but now any longer unless they r predatory savages... I just will not stand for sexual harassment and therefore will speak my mind and if i get chat banned for that well then i think u need to getnyour priorities straight... also i cannot log back in the app just disappears off my phone screen... HELP!!!!
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4 years ago, Developed by Pete Rose
I’ve been playing this game for a good 3-4 years and always suspected but recently confirmed this game is rigged. In the last I would lose a few big games in a row and think okay bad luck let me buy more money to play. But about 3 months ago I thought I’m going to not “cheat” by buying money & be a good & smart player without any purchases. Well as you would probably guess the game TOTALLY changed. My win percentage dropped from 58% to 45% in a month. I’m coincidentally on a 15 game Losing streak. They begin by pairing you with pple with low win percentages going against pple with high win percentages and now it’s to the point where they simply give you trash hands and your opponents winning hands EVERY TIME or your opponent makes a ridiculous last minute blind nil come back in the last hand. First I thought maybe it’s me but noticed I make my bids with NO BAGS like 70% of the time and haven’t been able to bid nil in forever. This game is absolutely rigged towards those who pay for coins. Where’s the fun when you know you’re either being helped or hurt by the game depending on whether you paid recently or not. So now of course I either watch 20 videos to play a game and lose it all again or pay so I’m moving on to another Spades app bc this game is without a doubt rigged. Try not paying and see for yourself.
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3 years ago, Alabama Football Man
Fun at times
I’ve been praying Spades for many years and feel I’m an above average player. Enough to catch on to what’s normal vs not normal. I’ve spent some money over the years on this game and I don’t do that too much with games. But sadly I’ve learned that when I spend money I get good hands following my purchases, and after a while it’s not so good. It’s actually an far below average of like 1 to 2 books every game while everyone else is getting 3 to 5. Then it usually leaves you with A,K,Q of spade or something else that is nearly impossible to bid nil with. I hate saying this, but it seems as if it’s more about getting your $$$ rather than creating a great game. For all game designers out there this is a very big chance to create a great online spades game. Make it fair and people will play and pay. If it’s all about money people will catch on. I’ve confronted the makers of this game, and they always want to talk about algorithms. I promise if I deal cards enough I’m eventually gonna get more than 2 books!!! I wish we had a way to show how many straight hands of less than 3 books I’ve had. This is in singles and partners. It’s sad because it could be a great game.
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1 year ago, GreenAcresTilly
Spade card game
I am a very seasoned Spades player been playing for 40 years the game starts out fair but once you spend money on it the game becomes greedy and you won’t get a good hand ever again once you pay. I loved the game till I noticed the bot players holding a king of spades and had went nil. Really!!! The only thing left todo was uninstall it. Oh and I downloaded all the spades games one at a time played them and what I’ve come to know as fact on all games not just card games if they say in app purchases it means you will be spending $50 t $150 dollars a week or the game will cease to be fun when you look at your bank statement, if you spend that kind of money on entertainment a week you should be ok other than the fact once you pay your odds of winning are basically over you will have to buy your hand from then on. And who is getting all that money bet the game developers don’t see much but the corporate democratic CEO’s will be rich to use the money for evil stuff probably like funding the democrat party the other two games I found that were complete rip offs were candy crush and the bubble pop save the king one what a scam. Just writing what I observed by playing these games will be able to write a thesis on algorithms and how they are rigged to be cash cows
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8 months ago, keyvontruth
This app just wants your money
Hello, I recently became addicted to playing spades so I decided to download the apps so I can be able to play it whenever I feel like it. I’ve been playing this app for about a few months and I started to notice after you get on a win streak, the app systematically make sure that you lose about 15 to 20 games straight, then it will allow you to go back to win it naturally. pretty much this process is going to be repeated throughout the playing experience, basically saying, the app doesn’t want to see someone naturally keep winning, because if that is the case, you would never have to buy coins so the app interferes with your gameplay so that way you can lose as many games as possible, run out of coins and have to spend more money to get more. Don’t believe me just try for yourself. If you’re a good player, you would notice how you will win a lot of games back to back especially if you have a good partner, then for some strange reason out of completely nowhere, you're going to start losing 15 to 20 games straight before the app allows you to win again. I’m uninstalling this app and I’m going to look for a more authentic app that actually randomly shuffle the cards and it doesn’t have a predetermined already.
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4 years ago, Janell Borrero
Don’t ever spend your actual money on this app
I love playing spades and I’ve loved this app however there has been some shady stuff going on with it. I used to have the option to watch videos for free coins and now that option is gone completely ever since I’ve purchased coin packages. I’ve messaged zynga support multiple times over this and they keep telling me that videos are a 3rd party thing and they can’t control when they are available but like I’ve told them multiple times the problem is I don’t get the option to watch at all. I have another account and family members who have accounts and all get videos to watch until you reach a limit but not on this account of mine. The only one I used my money on now doesn’t have the option for free videos like they have taken that option away for my acct. I also get on chat bans constantly. People are calling me an idiot and when I tell them to worry about their own bid cuz they didn’t make theirs I’m the one who ends up on a ban. It’s ridiculous! I don’t cuss or anything of that nature just stand up for myself and get banned. If you take anything away from this review let it be DONT SPEND ACTUAL MONEY ON THIS APP OR THEY WILL SCREW YOU OUT OF ALL THE FREE COINS YOU CAN GET ON A DAILY BASIS. I’m beyond dissatisfied with this app and their supposed “customer support” what a joke
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5 months ago, QueenBeeNice
Let us like you
If the deals were random (as a card game should be and truly is) it would be great. The graphics are smooth and it’s easy to navigate. This could easily be the best spades game out there but they ensure that if you have even a bit of success that it won’t continue. If only it was truly about the skill of those playing but it isn’t. Even the best players can’t win consistently with deals that are a nil hand/ace of spades combo or an opponent can bid seven. Those scenarios are rare in a truly randomly dealt game but occur with frequency in this app to prevent you from succeeding. This app has such potential. I’d love to see it truly be random and let us play without all the manipulations. I’d be willing to sink a few bucks into the game every now and then if that were the case. But it isn’t so I will not spend a dime just for the coins to be taken from me as fast as I can buy them. I’ve seen the app developer response of it’s an algorithm and not manipulated but there’s too many people with the same review and same complaint. Come on Spades Plus. We want to like you. You have the potential to be the best. Let players play and let the hands be random not manipulated by some “algorithm mechanism”. We’d be more inclined to pay for coins if you did that.
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3 years ago, greenbeanjeep
Beware..... Not real cards vs real players
DO NOT PURCHASE COINS AS THEY ARE PRACTICALLY WORTHLESS. Wanting to play 10,000 chip tournaments I purchased 200,000 chips assuming I would have enough coins to play at least 20 times. This is not so. After playing a few games I signed out with about 160,000 chips. The next time I signed in the 10,000 chip game option was replaced by a 50,000 or 100,000 chip game, leaving me with at most only 3 games. The game says you are playing against other online players but I have my doubts, especially the knock out tournaments. How is it the very player that lost the round prior ends up at your table again in the following rounds. I guess that’s why all chat features are turned off in t his format. Single games are often to only 100 points which you can achieve in one successful nil bid so entire game can be completed in under two minutes with just one dealt hand. You also only win 90% of what you “bet” in the game so even if you have a win % near 60% you end up losing in the end. Game is designed take your chips so you buy more. That’s did. Very disappointed, and I deleted the game in just a couple days. I’m not one to leave comments but I feel compelled to make it know the game in not what it’s made out to
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2 years ago, Church fan 123
Developers make an app to make money.
This app has shill players who will make you lose. Why do I say this? I sit at a table. My partner has a high ranking from playing lots of games and a win rate of 60% or higher. We win the first hand due to favorable distribution of cards. In the second hand my very experienced partner decides to nil while holding the J, Q, or King of spades! We, of course, lose the hand spectacularly and then lose the game because this very good player is being paid by developers to help me lose (and to force other players like me to lose simply because they haven’t purchased chips recently). How else can you explain such poor play from a player with such a high win rate?! The last time this happened to me my partner had a ranking of 172 and a win rate of 70%, and he/she bid nil while holding the king of spades! This app functions well enough but it is NOT designed to deal a fair hand of cards. The winning and losing streaks are completely unnatural. You will be dealt hands that ensure that you lose based upon a very unfavorable distribution of cards. Repeatedly. The developers have programmed their algorithm to set you on these losing streaks. Knowing all the above please do NOT reward developers by making in app purchases! You will only get ripped off.
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3 years ago, Kramyecol
Money Grab
I played this game for a few years. Long enough to reach level 90. I played through and accepted the frequent game crashes that cost you coins. I enjoyed the game enough that I spent my own money to acquire coins. This is how good companies are supposed to operate. They should want long haul players that occasionally spend money and pay into their coffers for many years. Not this company…I had over 5 million coins when they changed the game play. Minimum bid no longer $10,000 but an exorbitant increase to $150,000 minimum. Yes the payout to win was huge (24x). But even as a good experienced player you only have about a 30% chance at winning. To make it even more difficult and to put the odds even more in favor of the House, they added a fourth round to win. I actually wrote a complaint and within a day the number of rounds changed back to three but the minimum bid didn’t change. I literally went from 5 million coins to 70,000 in three days. After losing all my coins the minimum bid miraculously changed back to $10,000. The game is fun but this is proof they don’t care about their customers and have little concept of the importance of long haul customers. Today…I deleted their app.
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6 years ago, contuie
I love this game, but l am very disappointed in how you allow some players who don’t play honest. They message each other to setup to win which they are called nils. I understand that it can happen sometimes, but not to do it deliberately. I think that you should have people to come in and play to see for yourself and they cuss a lot using words that you should not be saying around many people. I am deciding to leave because it is not fair and honest to people who pay a lot of money to enjoy themselves and relax. If this continue l don’t think that this game will continue to be one of the best, players are already thinking about going to play other Spades games. I have already been introduced to another Spades game and this game is really nice and I hate to have to leave. But I can’t play with dishonest, and disrespect people who say very private nasty words around other peoples. Who ever thought of this was good, but people are making it wrong, so much is changing to the game and really people don’t mine paying money for it, but it is getting out of hand. With Much Love I hope you will continue with your game. 💙💚💛🧡🖤💝💞💓💖💕💗❤️💯
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4 years ago, atlantis_beauty
Developers please contact me
I am literally being bullied in your rooms. Than am banned because they will not let me respond. Not only am I beyond upset they have threatened me. Which I’m literally considering going to the police station tomorrow to file a report against this. It’s happening on your app more than once. I have been bullied over a simple card game that is suppose to relieve my stress and instead it turns into a bully saying awful as well as threatening things to me. I have screenshot the messages and will be filing a harassment charge over this. That is unsustainable to have that going on in your chat rooms, just to play cards. It is multiple people not just one. It’s a very mean game. The chat rooms need to be monitored as I am writing this and am going to bed and filing a report in the morning in regards to one of your users threatening me. Than the messed up part???? I was the one that was banned. Idk how to ban people and just started this app out for the last week. Every single day I have been bullied multiple times this is ridiculous as well as beyond the expectations of what your guidelines should be to play this game. I have screenshot this message for safety in regards to court proceedings.
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6 months ago, uknowbrittnet
RIGGED! Don’t invest time or money.
This game is rigged to keep you playing and buying coins. I do understand why they rig them to make you want to pay just like people said my first few times I played great hands and then you lose so many in a row and then you get the buy coin ads whoever can't see that is either a dork and lies about putting money in it or they just want to angrily vent because they're all fixed what benefit would they have in a straight game they wouldn't make much money every game out there is pay to be better any game you have to buy a golf club or a new bat or a better car and then you win a few times and then it encourages you to buy more Spades Plus is definitely not completely random, or at least wasn't years ago and I doubt they've changed anything. In the beginning players are given sensationalized deals, this is a trend I definitely confirmed. Whether they do anything else with the cards beyond that would requite a larger sample size than I'm willing to spend in that cesspool of an environment. However, given their monetization strategy, I wouldn't put it past them at all to manipulate game outcomes to promote spending.
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4 weeks ago, Damiennphilly8484
Pathetic App
This app is just a joke to what spades is suppose to be. I love spades and to see this game played like this on this app is seriously a joke. The 3 player teams is beyond me. It’s very evident if you played one game on here. I seriously hope it’s 1 person playing 3 different hands, because if it’s actually 3 different ppl and my Partner is losing to help the other team win that would be disturbing. I saw a while ago they give cash prizes out so I’m thinking that’s why they’re cheating so they can split the money. Whatever the reasoning they need to address ppl when they write in to complain and stop ignoring it. I get it’s a win win for the app because if we lose we have to keep purchasing coins and spending money, but I stop buying money because why would I keep spending my money for my partner to make me lose over and over again. The scoring for this app in the app store has even fallen for this app and I wonder why…. Ppl are tired of this nonsense and we need something to happen or your score will continue to fall and the complaints are going to eventually grow so much that you’re not going to be able to ignore it any longer.
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6 months ago, Cherbear1084
They only care about money.
This app would be fun but they made changes so all you can see are 100 or 150 point games! No real spades player is going to bet there hardworking coins in a hand that will be over in 1 round by 1 lucky hand to bid nil! Because that’s what everyone is doing now!! Always always nil! Takes the fun away! And if you want to play a higher round game you have to start a game and wait an eternity for people to join because you don’t allow people to see these games! You just want people to spend there money fast! Plain and simple! And they have also made the minimum bets higher for people with more coins! Ohh and don’t get me started on the “random” dealt hands! We all see it! None of it is random. People win a few then you make sure it’s all lost so we have to buy coins ! Well after all these changes it’s very unfortunate because they are losing a lot of players that used to love this spades app that was recently bought out by a money hungry company. I will be done once my coins are gone and I’m sure they will be and it won’t be because I’m a bad spades player!
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6 months ago, Actions speak louder
Best out there right now
I used to play yahoo Spades religiously for years, and then suddenly it shut down. When I had nothing left, I was pleasantly surprised when this came out. It is the only app that I like to play spades on currently. A few things though I wish to change 1. I wish the bots had more common sense or that you could invite people to sit where they are because they will definitely lose the game for you most often. 2. the prices are high when buying coins 3. I wish you could you boot people from a table if you own it. 4. It seems like some people have the power to get you banned and I’m not sure at times what I’m being banned for or even if I did something wrong. Sometimes people get mad at you and assume you are cheating although it is very hard to cheat, unless you just openly talk in the chat. 5.Maybe in for some kind of penalty for those who play slowly on purpose usually for getting mad about something.
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2 years ago, Field sales professional
Glitches and crooked tech support
This app glitches out terribly and crashes repeatedly. There is a rampant cheating problem that the developers refuse to do anything about. Add to that in recent months the glitches that cause the app to crash or flat out steal from you. Today app dealt me exact same hand twice. Second deal was not correct cards. Opponents had same cards I did and game would not allow me to play the hand dealt. It penalizes you your buy in plus another 1/2 of buy in if you leave so you are forced to play a game and lose that you literally cannot play. So I lost 7.5 m on one game. Next game the app doesn’t show anyone sitting at table abs game starts showing no one present and won’t show bids of other players. Another 12m gone to a faulty app. You report the issue you tech support and those crooks do absolutely nothing but tell you that your wifi is no good and it’s your fault their app doesn’t work. They refuse to give you a refund of the fake coins for their faulty app. These ppl are crooks and thieves. Everything this app does is designed to force the player to lose do they have to spend money with zynga to play.
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6 years ago, ShaeQuae
This would be a better app if you actually sat people by skill level and not what they purchase. Nothing is more annoying than being told, “You are too skilled to play at this table.” Then being forced to sit at a more expensive table with even crappier players. It’s really irritating playing high games with people who don’t know what they are doing. Makes me want to head back to the blue spades plus. At least on the blue spades plus they take the time to show you that you’re playing with someone who hasn’t been playing long. The stats on this app is based off of the wins and losses but it’s not really fair if you constantly get people who cut high cards even though the book just started. Or playing all their high cards during a blind nil! That’s not my partner they are playing for the other team!! If you are new to the app like I was it’s confusing. At one point I had no idea that the tournament is all for one and the special rooms lack description as well. It’s like water being thrown on grease... never know the outcome lol. Decent app over all though
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2 weeks ago, JAlexander1
I see through their algorithm
I have been playing this game for over a year now and as an avid spades player, I must say, this was one the best games out. First, the interaction with friends and other players during matches allow you to communicate freely with others. However, I would love to see a better rewards system for players like badges, category in levels…etc. I believe this would essentially give players a far more rewarding experience and perhaps, a far more entertaining proposal to spend money. I give this game a 3 star primarily due to the fact that you will be halted for winning too many games. Sometimes, you will go DAYS with getting dealt the worst possible hands ever and you have no choice or control over the inevitable outcome. There are more instances in the game that show bias for skilled players who don’t spend money with them. I am not the type to theorize without proof but the algorithm is hard to ignore when you’re on a winning streak, even with half of a decent hand.
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6 years ago, Msxappl3
Wonderful game! Horrible Update!
Let me start by saying this is the best spades game I’ve tried on the entire App Store and I went through quite a few. I wish it had an option for Joker Joker Deuce Deuce so I didn’t always have to play aces high but that’s minor. It has so many ways for you to win coins, a variety of boards to play on, and I love that it’s linked to Facebook. This last update is annoying tho. I had never even heard of or noticed that there was an issue with the Facebook profile picture not showing up until I read about it supposedly being fixed with the last update. Since the update I have been having the Facebook problem myself. When the Facebook pic doesn’t show for yourself or someone at your table, you can not see gifts they already have or send one. Another thing I noticed a while ago is when I first log in and see that my friends have sent me coins, I go to accept them and end up with a LOWER balance than I had before accepting the coins. Before these 2 issues I would have given 5 stars.
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11 months ago, Mrspapasmurf
Too many ads
I’ve been playing this game for close to 10 years now and I used to love it. As of late, they have been placing too many ads throughout the game. Anytime you leave a table, there’s another add. At first it was only every few games. In the past couple months is when I noticed it was basically after every game. It’s annoying and frustrating because I just want to pay the game. Also, I have been in rooms talking with my friends and I have been “chat banned” for days and unable to talk to people. I don’t use vulgar language, cuss, or even verbally attack other players. The reasons for the ban were ridiculous and things I shouldn’t have been banned for. When I tried to dispute it, they basically said there was nothing they could do about it when I asked them to look at what I said. This game is becoming trash. Looking at past reviews, the game apparently wants to fix past players’ issues with the game, but I doubt they’re even taking the reviews into account. I like playing this game to unwind from a long day sometimes, but it’s getting to the point where I might delete the app.
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4 years ago, Tee1Tee2Tee3Tee4
Annoyed Player
Why does all the good games slowly but surely become the most annoying games? One of the most annoying things on this app is that ur forced to spend coins and forced to play at tables all because u have more money saved up then others. I have about $200,000 coins and I can’t play in the small rooms (even though i just started the game) and I can’t play at a table that cost $2,500 because I have more coins saved than the other players ? It should be based on levels , For Ex . I can’t play at a table with people are are already on level 30 because I’m only on level 4 . Another issue is that people quit the games in the middle of the games and “computer/default” person will get the ranking/prize opposed to an actual player . If someone quits a game - it should be counted as a disqualification. Instead a computer will kick in and win a prize and now the teal players don’t get anything . Developers start becoming greedy and cocky with their rules to the game once the app becomes popular , they begin to change things and it become even more annoying to play ! Smh .
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3 years ago, Naomimechelle12
App is great however..
I love this app been addicted for months but the connection issues and constant bad hands when playing big games is horrible. I used to be able to watch videos for coins but once I purchased a few coins that feature went away. And after paying into the app, my hands are either trash or the opponents I play have marvelous hands and the game wins are unattainable. I have paid into this game and it seems as if they have a way of scamming $$ out of you. One day I’ll win millions and the next day the games are such trash that I lose my winnings! I hate that, it makes the app frustrating at times. I don’t see why the feature to get free coins is no longer available on my app! Why must this free app cost soo much to enjoy. That takes the fun out of playing. And I see people with billion of coins yet their percentages are low how does that even happen!! Why does my free coin feature not work?? I need answers!!
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1 year ago, keermiee18
Been using this app for years. Today is the first day I’ve ever had an issue. I was randomly playing a game, and I guess a partner I got from the algorithm got upset because we lost a round of spades, and reported me or something? After the person I was stuck in a game with starting insulting everyone at the table including me ,I just responded be kind. After the game finished, a few minutes later the app kicked me off and it’s saying im banned from playing for 1 hour. It’s been 2 hours and im still banned. I’ve never been banned before and i didn’t even know you could be banned. It’s upsetting that bc they’re are unkind people and just bc of that I get banned from a game I love playing. I’m not sure who to contact to try to resolve this issue. There should be a few questions, along with good reasoning to actually get someone banned off the game. There are a lot of people on there that get very upset if they don’t win and I guess can get you banned because they lost a game
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4 years ago, lanigurl0918
I luv this game but....
This is, but is quickly not, being 1 of my favorite games. It’s got it all... good graphics, different games, cards, tables and emojis. Who could ask for more? Me! My issue is simple, just like every other game out there, once you start getting ahead, all the sudden u can’t win nothing. You get dealt hands, from their ‘computer algorithm ‘ that’s suppose to randomly deal the cards. Random? I guess ‘randomly’ its dealt me ‘un-winnable hands’ since I started spending real money. Those hands where ‘nil’ is not an option cause that queen of hearts is gonna lose it for you and you got either no or low spades so you have to bet 1, maybe 2 and cross your fingers you’ll get that. Guess the algorithm is randomly dealing everyone else but me good hands. I’ll never spend another penny with this app. I recommend you don’t either, especially if you actually like the game. Nobody likes to lose all the time. It’s just not fun anymore. Makes me sad, I liked this game. Besides that, It’s a great game!!
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3 years ago, Spades_Boo
NOT real Spades
It’s interactive and a bit addictive in a fun way, but other reviewers are totally correct when they discuss the way hands are dealt. It’s not random. It’s very biased. It’s an algorithm that favors certain players based on the same chance/logic of a slot machine or video poker. Play long enough, and the system will throw you a bone. But you’re gonna lose often along the way. Bad players will still be bad, so you have a chance to win. For example, it’s like playing video poker and your first deal gives you 4 clubs. You save the 4 and hope for a fifth with your next spin. But a bad player will save the King and try for a royal. Same with spades. If you get an amateur who bleeds his own partner, for example, that isn’t the computer’s fault. I’ve just gone about 60 games in a row with nothing but 1 or 2-bids. Most busted Nils that I see are lost on the 5. The game is set up to give you what looks like an easy nil, but the rigged shuffle has given the other plays the 2, 3, and 4.
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1 year ago, BackdoorAces
Who’s dealing the hands?
Firstly, on its face this game does have potential with its easy to use interface, ability to meet new friends and to create your own table — However … where it counts — as in the actual gameplay … it’s completely rigged. When I first started the game, for the first 5-10 games or so I was constantly getting 7-10 trick hands at an impossible rate. Now after playing more I’m lucky to get a 2 trick hand, and a 3 is now considered a “good hand” for me since I’m usually getting 0-1 trick hands. I don’t like playing with nil allowed, but don’t worry you will see more nil hands than you ever would when playing a normal game with friends in person — which completely negates when you have a good hand yourself anyway… but besides the point, even when I don’t play with nil allowed I’m getting no good hands for sometimes 20+ deals straight— how is this possible? Plenty of cheaters and bad teammates to go around as well, but this would be expected. The bad hands on the other hand is truly the icing on the cake and why I will uninstall the game.
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1 year ago, Hannah Haussermann
I absolutely love playing spades! And I really use to like this game. My number one problem with it is the other players. There are some people on this game that absolutely talk disrespectful to me. You wouldn’t believe some of the things that they say. not only inappropriate language, but sexual in nature as well. I’ve literally had people tell me to go kill myself, because I got 1 bag. My daughters used to play this game as well, but I made them quit because of some of the people on there. Reporting them does no good. I have literally reported some of the same people over and over again for their hateful words, only to see them again and again able to continue their abuse. Nothing ever happens to them. There is no consequence. Why even have a reporting system if it doesn’t work? I’ve also noticed that if you spend any money on here, they make it harder to win. You think they would reward their paying customers, not punish them.
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2 years ago, Brugal346
Was good at first
The best app for Spades, but their algorithm will have you win for a while and then lose. If you play it heavily as I do, you will lose for a time. Then when you stop playing and log back in, you will start winning again. I recently won a game because both opponents quit, and then there was a glitch in their system, and I had to log out of the game, which cost me 50,000 coins. When I tried to get help from them, they said I probably lost connection, which doesn’t make sense. If you lose connection, it will bring you back to the game, but the game was already won. The screen was frozen, but I could still click on the gifts options, see my statistics, and the ability to provide the app with feedback and leave the game. I didn’t want to leave the game because it would deduct my coins as if I were quitting, but this was my only option. I took screenshots before getting out of the game and tried to get help, but all they kept saying was I lost connection.
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3 years ago, Ms. K. Williams
“Solo” teams
I recently downloaded this game and I fell in love with it. I thought I was a good player then I played some people that made me rethink how “good” I am. Unfortunately, I began to observe these “solo” tables that consist of “teams.” And it’s so aggravating. You see them setting each other up for the win. While it may be fun for them; it’s definitely not fun for me. I love this app so much that I deleted every other game that I had because this WAS my favorite. I wasn’t worried about winning right now because I had to learn the game and some strategies but it don’t matter now because these greedy fools have to take the fun out of the game. When my coins became low, I just bought more (twice- with discounts) and I didn’t care because I loved the app BUT I guess I’ll leave this alone so the participants can continue to run their scams. Is it that serious?? What else are they winning, besides coins, that will make them cheat like that? This is crazy!! I’ll let them have the rest of my coins and then I’ll delete the app… smh… weirdos
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6 years ago, Professor Felkins
Mediocre game but could be tons better
All the mechanics of stuff, overall is pretty good, could use some work. The only thing that made m 3 star this, is that the players you play with and the card system is horrible. Sometimes I see a person in a 10k bet and have millions of dollars. Now I know that it’s possible that they have bought the coins at a low lvl, but sometimes it could be high skilled people which makes no sense. Along with the card system, I could have 5-9 spades 5-10 times, then have a really crappy hand 7-10 times. Not really everyone, but could be, but the crappy hand seems to happen in higher stake battles with higher ranked people. One part that is good is, if you bet too much and run out of money, they do have an ok, and I mean pretty close to bad, but it’s an ok system of slowly earning your way back. This is a mediocre game and if they don’t do anything, it’ll stay a mediocre, only know about because my grandpa told me, type of game.
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1 year ago, El Negro Mexicano
I love the game of spades. I found a mobile app that I felt was the best with the simplicity and graphics. I subscribed as a monthly member because I played it so much. The monthly subscription applies $1,000,000 worth of credit in your account each day. DOWN SIDES: The app started experiencing glitches and not allowing any play at all a few weeks ago. It happened twice for only a day. For the last three days I haven’t received my $1,000,000. My membership doesn’t renew until the 22nd of August. Now I feel like I got cheated this month. I signed up as a member to be guaranteed the daily credits. Now I noticed my payment went through but the game isn’t doing right by me as a member. There’s no way to contact the company and I am terrible upset. When an agreement is made regarding money then both sides should satisfy their end. Someone from this company reach out to me because you will be losing a customer.
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6 years ago, Kid Follower
Free Download - bad odds but well thought out game
I agree with most people there are times you can go days and not win a hand. I’ve lost millions in a few days. I have also experienced cheaters playing together in solo. In addition I have experienced a ton of foul language to include being called derogatory names and bullied. I agree if you report - nothing happens except you begin to lose. With all the being said it’s the best game on the market that is free to play. It is cool that you can play so many different variations, they have tournaments, and there are all levels of skill amongst the players. I wish the odds were truly random but considering I don’t have to pay to waste my time I can’t complain. Make it completely random on the winning ratio and I will give you five stars. Otherwise you definitely deserve four stars for the functionality, user experience, and well thought out use cases!
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7 years ago, Bamlovie
Game is full of cheaters
This game use to be awesome but now it's full of cheaters ! Three way and two player cheaters. I lost over 5 mil to cheaters and I've never been able to recover. They give you sad hands back to back. How can you win against cheaters , with bad hands ?? It's ridiculous. Then when you report them not happens to them but guess what ?! You get banned from chatting or from the game. The G account and the girls dressed like instagram models as well as the guys cheat the most . Ive been called the N word numerous times & ive seen it happen it others. How is that word even allowed. That should be an automatic ban but guess what, it's not! Even if you report them swearing , they don't ban immediately, they don't chat ban at all. If you're not correcting the problem than you're part of it. Obviously. If you download this game , beware ! ***today is 10/3 & since I wrote my review I have lost every game in spades and I've been cheated out of money. I had 7 million & now I have 600,000. Lmbo they get mad if you tell the truth. Oh well. I have also reported this app for allowing bullying and racism.
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4 months ago, Quitcheatingus
Worst App
This is the worst spades app out here. You can not win anything on here. Do not spend your money unless you want to go on a 50 game losing streak. The hands are designed to make you think you have your books, soon as you throw your Ace out, CUT, and now your set. You can’t bid nil either because they will give you a Queen of spade with no other books so your forced to bid 1 book just to get set. This game is playing in our faces at this point. It’s obvious that is rigged. The key hall is an absolute joke. You can’t get pass the 2-3 level. There’s nothing on this app that you can win anymore. Partners are obviously cheating because the game is so rigged, how else are people supposed to win? Folks are spending their money and it’s impossible to win now. VIP rooms only allow you to go to 150 now. If you have over 1mil coins, you’re forced to bet $100k or higher… just to be set up to lose it all quickly. Stay away from this app unless you love being a loser baby that spends money on a dead end situation.
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6 months ago, Tootiefruitie00
Game cost
I know for a many people 5% doesn’t sound like a lot but when you have been playing for years and you have any good amount of coins, 5% means you have to play for a very lotta coins. This is not fair that you are forcing us to to play at 70 million table because I have a lot of coins. I’ve never played tables that ha nor will I really need to fix this. It is not fair for the people that have been playing here for years that have dedicated their time to playing here to be punished because we have coins, it is not right I should be able to play at any level. I have friends that have coins. I have friends that don’t have a lot of coins which pushed me to not being able to play with them cannot cause I can’t find the tape. Please fix this.
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1 year ago, Sweetjada
Too much cheating
I’ve played this game for many years and it’s a game I play everyday a couple of times throughout my day but I’m starting to lose my feel for the game with so many ppl cheating and I know one might be asking how can one cheat on an app that gives fake coins? easily if i create a table and invite my friend husband or whoever to play with me as my teammate and we can see or tell each other what cards we have than we know what to play and what not to play how could we possibly lose. If a person nil meaning take no books and have a king of spade and a nine mostly he knows his partner can cover it because that’s not a nil most would take especially with king of spades. overall I like the game but constantly blocking ppl who cheat is annoying but it helps to get an actual fun fair game. Maybe developers can update to add partners so others can play with friends to even the playing field
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3 years ago, OPERATIVEdash
This is not the only hellish application awful attitudes application to constantly play games THAT I DO NOT NEED! I could tell you the details of where you getting these specific names from that you throw in the application besides privacy breaches yet I am not here to detail conversation with you liars. This is not a conversation and in the right circumstances I would do more than this review because you people deserve worst. There are seven plus billion people two legged beings walking in this planet yet Apple got problems that you refuses to stop trying to pull me into with your psychological name warfare that is delusional you people are criminals and ridiculous. Please do not tell me you convince yourselves using events or other people in my business and other environments suppose to EMPOWER YOU BECAUSE THEY DON’T AND NEVER WILL. THERE IS NOTHING THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW NOT TODAY NOR ANYTIME IN THE FUTURE GO TELL YOUR DAM CHILD WHAT TO DO. YOU ONLY INTERESTED IF SOMETHING COULD BENEFIT YOU NOSEY INTRUSIVE DIVIDERS INSTIGATORS YOU YOUR TYPES TROUBLEMAKER PROBLEM MAKERS. I HOPE YOU NEVER GET WHAT YOU WANT YOU DAMTERRORISTS
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4 years ago, Bahachica12
Dealing is NOT believable
This game is better than most, but the way the cards are felt is ridiculous. You either get all the spades or not enough to bid high but one or two cards to not be able to bid zero. If you play regular classic spades if someone bids zero and their partner has 1 book, they will automatically win because the points are so low at 100. If they stay in the room together, they keep getting dealt cards in the same way and repeatedly win over and over. Then there are times when someone should obviously get zero but the cards are dealt so ridiculous the one time they should get zero, the other team is conveniently dealt every single card that would prevent someone from getting their nil. I’m sorry a person bidding nil should not be winning a book with a 4 or lower of spades repeatedly every single time they try to bid nil. It seems like a computer is definitely dealing and it shouldn’t feel like that.
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3 years ago, xanderbrady
What happened
I have no idea what happened!! I have been playing this game for a long time loved the knock out challenge- all of a sudden the minimum knock out challenge went from 10,000 coins to 750,000 coins to play what?!? Where did that come from? And if I lose a round? I have to pay out 18! Re try or if I actually make it to the second round and want to re try I have to pay 45 cash?!?!? When it used to be 4$ what?!?!! What is that?!?! Where on earth did this come from?!? This is awful!!! I have no idea where this has come from. What if you don’t even have 750,000 coins to play that? That means you have to purchase coins to play- it used to be so much fun- I ended up purchasing a bundle pack for 10$ that gave me a bunch of coins and then this happened- I want to uninstall the game and never play again- and all of a sudden playing 3 rounds of the knock out challenge has now turned into 4 to win- I’m so disappointed- such a fun game has now just turned into a game I can’t even play anymore…. Kat
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