Spades *

4.6 (375.6K)
82.9 MB
Age rating
Current version
Fiogonia Games
Last update
4 months ago
Version OS
13.0 or later
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User Reviews for Spades *

4.6 out of 5
375.6K Ratings
3 years ago, AU Tgrs
The bidding is literally a joke. DON NOT GET THIS APP! I think the bidding is just a random roll of the dice. Your partner will bid 1 nearly half the time and we are constantly taking bags. Why does it never happen to the other team. Also well over half the time I bid nil, my partner bids 1. How can neither of us have any tricks? Freaking worthless game. Also, I have now seen it bid 1 while have the ace and king of spades. What a freaking joke this game is. UPDATE on August 26, 2021. Every few weeks I go back to see if there’s been any improvement. Nothing has changed. It still bids one about 40% of the time. A monkey could do a better job.
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2 weeks ago, MurraySAE
Absolutely Terrible Game
I have played this game many times because I love Spades, but my frustration with playing with a partner who is an imbecile with no understanding of the game has finally done it for me and I am looking for a different app. I have beaten the game over 90% of the time, but only because I set it to 750 to give me enough time to make up for my partner’s mistakes and have learned how to compensate for its terrible playing. None of the computer players are smart and it may be fine for a total beginner just learning the game, but my partner has no understanding of the bag rule or bidding or playing against nils. You have no idea how frustrating it is to smell out where the nil player has a problem only for your partner to trump when the nil player has the trick. And it neither covers you when you go nil or ever makes a nil since it will go nil on anything, even a two-card suit headed by a king, even when you are winning the game. I find myself constantly cussing my partner, which is of course ridiculous, but I am not sure how the programmer made my partner so dumb? And if the game is close, the computer has no understanding of scoring. For instance, in a situation where we have to bid 5 together or lose the game, it will bid 3 or 4 when combined with my bid so that you can turn the game off there. If I could give it zero stars I would.
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3 years ago, Fluffy Beard
I’m an above average Spades player. But I lose in this app 75% of the time due to the partner AI. It 1) overbids regularly, 2) underbids regularly, 3) trashes off & gets set on the same hand, 4) will not attempt to cover when you’ve obviously been cut [ie. your ace gets cut first card of the suit and it trashed off later in the game] 5) will play the “bag ‘em” game. 6) will bid a nil while holding the king or queen of spades after you’ve bid a 2. 7) And, with me bidding nil [1 >10 spade and no face cards], I just had it run out all the spades early in the game (6 cards left after all spades exhausted) while still holding cards > a 5 and a total bid of >10 and then lead out with a sub 5 card. It played the hand as if it was trying to set the other team that had a 2 bid because it was playing the “bag ‘em” game or like it was on the other team trying to set me. We lost 200 points on a single hand. It set my nil and took all the bags put us into the bag penalty. I’ve also had it get set with an 8 bid and fail to cover a nil (it had a higher card to play that would have covered me) resulting in a 180 point loss on a single hand. IRL, I would quit the game, leave the table and never play spades with you at the table again. This game is now getting deleted from my device.
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2 years ago, KrisN79
Does the person or persons who created this game know how to play spades?! Does he/she understand the concept? I love playing spades! This games makes me hate playing spades! The creator needs to do more in the area of the computer players being able to bid their hand. The computer players either extreeeeeemley overbid or under bid🤬🤬🤬. The only reason I gave this game two stars is because like I said I looooooove playing spades. I play to kill time. I really wanted to give this game no stars but I figured I would give this game the benefit of the doubt but really please work on this problem. I am really considering deleting this game and try another but I will give it more time to see if you fix the problem. Oh and one more thing this really pisses me off. If I have 4 books and count every one of them and my partner says he/she has two books but in actuality has more but let the opponents books walk and cut half of my books. This in itself is enough for me to uninstall this game. 🤬Looking forward to updates.
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3 years ago, DavidLeeHo
The partner has no logic or rhyme to it
I enjoy spades and this game can be fun but more and more I find the “partner” seriously overbids there hand they may say seven and not have single card that will take a single book. You have to bid you hand and your partners without seeing their cards. I have never seen such horrible ways to bid hands. I would give 5 star rating it the algorithm is fixed to simple logic you have five spades means your are taking one back ok unless they are all high. A Queen is never a counted win unless it’s a spade with lots others. The last few hands now matter what I have played loss nearly every hand but you have to bid 1 or you go back 100. Okay board is 4 that means four between a team not zero or three. Four you either bid four or more. Never seen any of these so called rules played out before. The fact that you and partner can both go nil is stupid.
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10 months ago, alcj$37bf
This is a fun game but your partner is the absolute worst. The computer programming makes your partner an absolute idiot. They are a burden and just plain dumb. Who throws a low card when you are betting nil and has a high card in their hand? Who throws an off suit card when they have tons of spades to cover you? Who is just an absolute piece of junk? If this were real life my partner would be playing solitaire alone in a corner cause they are not an asset at all. Any who, if you want to download this game that’s great, but keep in mind, your partner is getting paid under the table to ensure you are not successful. Your partner is like the guy who doesn’t tell anyone they were bit by a zombie. Your partner is the person that eats all the corners and edges of all the brownies. Your partner is the person that doesn’t leave you a piece of pizza. Do better.
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4 years ago, joosey smoolyay
Partner bot continuously under and overbids
Edit* After reading other reviews I’m not sure how this game got 4.5 stars and everyone seems to have been complaining about the same thing (partner bot) for over a year yet the developers haven’t acknowledged or fixed the problem. I’m glad I’m deleting... I play this game to keep me fresh whenever I can’t play actual in person games. Like right now with the pandemic going on. However, there aren’t any settings to change game preferences, and my partner bot continuously over bids or under bids. Some times I try to under bid when I know “she’s” over bid and it’ll turn out we both just underbid which in turn makes us lose the game. It very frustrating. I’m a very competitive person, yes even against a computer game and I hate losing, especially at partner games, ESPECIALLY when I know it’s not my fault. I’ll be deleting the app until you fix these problems and also having my friends and family delete as well. Thank you!
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5 years ago, Tech Wiz Not!
This game is okay at the beginning until you catch on to the bot partner. Once we are ahead she starts under bidding her hand to raise our bag score. Or if we are ahead in scoring she overbids her hand. She goes totally crazy after your win % is more than 58%. Then she throws hand after hand. I had a hand where we were up by over 300 pts with 3 bags. After the next 2 hands we had over 10 bags so minus 100 pts. She had been bidding 1 trick for about 5 hands in a row trying to get our bag score up so I had to guess how many tricks she underbid her hand and adjust my bid accordingly. Then after she bagged us we were still up over 200 pts. and she bid NIL with Ace King Queen of diamonds in her hand. So another 100 point loss. And most annoying is once she reaches her bid amount she keeps trumping hands. I’m gonna delete the app. I thought it would be fun but it’s just frustrating because it’s so manipulated to control the stats.
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4 years ago, muppetgirl98
Partner player loses on purpose
Very disappointed in this app. I initially enjoyed the simple app, but having a player who purposely loses ruins it. I’ve played enough now to realize how often the partner player regularly over or under bids by wide margins when there was no advantage to it. Partner player also many times will take tricks it doesn’t need to with the cards in its hand that no real player or a properly programmed one would take pushing over the bags. Seriously, again and again. It’s getting far too frustrating when the opponent players never seem to have this issue and play more like real players, so I’ll be looking at other apps now instead. You should just call the partner player “Fool” so people know what they’re getting or reprogram it to play at the same as opponents to be fair. I want to play a real game, not have to weigh each hand just how badly the partner will play it.
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6 years ago, Babydoll1966
I still don’t understand it’s scoring!!
The game is a regular Spades game, but I OFTEN feel like the scoring is crazy! My “team” gets dinged for points, when I’m just a good Spades player, if I do say so myself. I will have a bad hand, but manage to get a few hands, even with few Spades or Aces, and suddenly, I am scored a negative 100, or some odd number that I don’t know how in the world they got the number. If I bid “Nil”, and have Spades, I’m supposed to get 100 points extra if I don’t take any hands. Sometimes I get the 100 points, sometimes I don’t. I esp don’t understand when it takes off a “hand” points amount. I get so frustrated I quit for a few days or a week and go back. My “team” often wins, and I don’t expect to always win, but I do get frustrated when I get negative points for seemingly no reason.
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6 years ago, B Thrift
I can’t believe that this app received 4.5 stars. Just like I said... What a joke. The game developers definitely don’t know anything about playing spades. I played 3 games and immediately deleted!!! First of all, anyone who plays spades knows that reneging is cheating... PERIOD!!! First game out, the opposing team reneged and did NOT play their spade when spades where lead. Also my AI partner bids under bid and the bag scoring tally’s the bags and reduces your score at the end of the round instead of a 10 bag penalty reached. Really? That’s not right. Ten bags first, then you lose 100 points. Instead, my AI partner under bid and caught 4 extra bags and we received a 40 point penalty right then. NOT COOL!!! Every hand my AI partner under bid and I was so annoyed by the end of the 3rd round that I deleted the app!!! Don’t waste your time on this app. If you know anything about spades you will know right away that these developers don’t know squat about spades.
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11 months ago, Titian1983
Fun game. Note to developers
I really do enjoy this game. I think they did a great job overall. I will say that my partner can be very bad with bidding, but I’ve learned to adjust my play style and not be quite as aggressive at times. I’m at 50% win/loss ratio, which brings me to my note to the developers. Note: could you make a way to check the statistics and other menu options without starting a game? Maybe have a menu button on the same screen as the “Play Again” button at the end of the game. I think it would be a nice “quality of life” upgrade.
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7 months ago, Alfadis
Partner doesn’t adapt to the circumstances
The partner in this game doesn’t play like they are your partner. It doesn’t take tricks when it could when you go nil. Regardless of whether we took all our tricks it persists in taking all the tricks it can instead of getting rid of high cards once we got what we came for, so you end up with a lot of bags. The good news is you get good at playing with an inconsiderate partner lol. The only way it acts like a partner is most of the time if you will clearly take a trick, it will let you take it when it could. But it runs around leading spades with medium cards before you get your meld on the regular (unnecessarily - it still has other suits and it has all its tricks) and welp, there went your safety. It’s not always trying to upsell you, so that part is nice.
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5 years ago, Soakerup
Bad Bot partner
The Ashley bot is terrible. Many times makes basic mistakes taking extra bags which end up costing the game. Basic mistakes. Both teams already have their bid and the bot will take a trick with the 10 while still holding the ace. Then then take the last trick while opponents had the king. I have seen posts complaining of over bidding and my experience is the Ashley bot will underbid and take extra bags fast. However if I try to over bid to compensate can’t seem to cover its bid. Also note that this does not happen with the opposing team. They seem to bid correctly and cover well. Is this just a ploy to make the game harder to win? Bad spades game look other places unless they fix this
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5 years ago, nanmo63
Very frustrating
The game scoring needs to be consistent. Bot game score is 265, my team is at -218 and the game is awarded to bots. My team score is 480, bot score is -160 and we still don’t get the win but are required to play another hand. It happens way too often to believe. So sent this 4 days ago and have just had two games out of three that total score—that would be our minus and their plus added together is 432– twice— and the game is over with them winning. This is beyond frustrating— please fix and be consistent— with a total of 500 points to a game. Is that not what the 500 point count means?
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3 years ago, B. Spade
Your partner may be your enemy
There’s a huge difference between knowing how to play spades and just playing spades. When you play spades you trust that your partner is working towards the same goal Al’s you… that’s not the case with this game. I’ve lost countless games because the person/computer playing opposite me is actually playing against me. It’s extremely frustrating to bid your books, knowing you’ll get your books, only to have your teammate actively working against you. If I’m winning the book, why would my partner cut only to throw the same suit in the next play. The game developers need to work better at syncing the probabilities of the TEAM winning the books. If this were real life, I’d never play with this partner again. Y’all gotta do better.
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4 years ago, tish7860
Ashley doesn’t always help properly
Why can the bot lead with a spade when spades haven’t been broken??? I have been playing for a while. It is very aggravating when your supposed partner is sabotaging you. Ashley will over bid and under bid. You should at least feel like you have a partner who is helping. Somehow the other team gets hands that are big hands. But I’m always doing good to get a possible two! Then when I believe all is good I get sabotaged by the bot!!! Seriously at least make it more real!!! Why is the game getting worse. Bot making horrible bids that it can’t possibly cover! Why does the other side get great nil hands and we don’t. Why do they get dealt hands were they can bid 7 and we get hands were we can bid 1?!?
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2 years ago, kjct2000
Playing Spades with Idiots
TLDR - if you like playing spades with an idiot for a partner and watching lots of ads, this is the game for you. Pros - it’s a free game that lets you play spades by yourself Cons - the AI is mind-numbingly stupid. If you bid seven as a group and you pick up an extra to make your seven, but your partner only got two of those but bid three, they’ll still go out of their way to get their three even if there’s no chance of setting the other team. They’ll bid six and get two. They’ll bid one and get four. The AI playing prior to my teammate bid nil. Three players played and the one who bid nil has the highest card. Does my teammate throw off to let them win the hand? Nope. Tosses out a spade and then on the next hand throws out a three of clubs. Makes me want to punch my screen.
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4 years ago, Marcus DeSade
The programmer doesn’t know how to play spades
This version of the games is mediocre at best. If I had to guess, and I do, I would guess that the game’s programmer really doesn’t know how to play Spades at a very high level. My number one complaint is how often face cards are just thrown away to a Spade, only to play a lesser card of the same suit on the very next book. If a player is going to lose the book no matter what, you’d think the lesser card would have been played first — saving the higher card for later.
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5 years ago, Jesus LUVS u so much
Same complaints as others
1) AI partner is an idiot! Always over bids or underbids. Doesn’t know how to cover a NIL; often plays low when it should be playing high. Takes way too many tricks when there’s no chance of setting the opponents, etc. Trying to overbid to cover my partner often results in not getting all the tricks. Bidding accurately results in 2,3, or 4 tricks too many because of my partner. I thought AI is supposed to learn. It’s not AI, it’s a programmed dummy. 2) Scoring is terrible. After 10 bags, you lose 100 points, or so I thought. Sometimes it happens after 7 or 8 bags, sometimes 10, and even I’ve seen it take 100 away after 11 or 12 bags over. It’s not consistent at all. 3) Opposing team has a decent skill set that AI partner is missing but nearly always underbids leaving a ton of extra bags that my “partner” will inevitably take.
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6 years ago, High Roller 2.0
Not a realistic version of spades
First, a typical game of spades does not include the two of hearts or two diamonds; rather, it includes the big and little joker. Secondly, my partner wouldn’t “cut” me if I’ve already earned the book. I’ve also seen the opposing players renege during a play. If and when that happens in a typical games of spades, once it’s called out, they relinquish at least two earned books to the opposing team. When going “blind”, that’s a quick way to get out of the negative- point wise- but that doesn’t seem to happen in this game. Rather, it seems to result in more penalties, which means you go deeper in the hole. Overall, not a bad game but not a realistic spades game. One last point: After the cards are dealt, I should be able to throw my hand in if I have no spades to play.
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2 years ago, twitter is run by hypocrits
This game is absolutely ridiculous. Your partner never backs your play. Don’t bid nill because your partner will make sure you take a trick every time. Instead of playing their highest card they play their lowest every single time. The opposing two are the opposite. They play like your supposed to, hugest card every time when their partner bids nill. Then when your opponent bids bill and set them up to take a trick your partner takes the hand instead of throwing a low card letting the bill bidder take the hand for a lose. SMGDH. So this just happened. I bid nill. My partner throws the 5 hearts. Opponents throw 4 and 3 hearts. Luckily I had the 2 hearts. Very next move partner throws ace of spades. Absolutely ludicrous. Not to mention your opponents ALWAYS play the right card to give you a trick when you bid nill.
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5 years ago, Raydarlov
This app has too many long ads. Don’t need ads after every play. After every game is fine and understandable. Anyway I’ve played this app’s robots often over the past several years. A lot of playing with a partner is learning how your partner plays just like in real life. About a year ago I jokingly gave my partner the name of “dummy”. Lately though after reading some of these other reviews, I begin to watch the scoring more closely, and I’ve caught the app not scoring bag penalties correctly. I often challenge myself to go nil when chances are very slim. The latest one though is not covering my nil when it could have. That’s the ultimate sin in Spades. Maybe I should change the bot’s name to “Stupid”. I can’t change the bot partner, so guess try to find a better app.
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3 months ago, Heartman48
Biased scoring
Have played many hundreds of games on this app. Scoring seems very biased in favor of the “program.” So often I, as a player, get -100 pt penalty and the program player(s) get + 100 bonus points for no apparent reason. So I’m at 499 pts (500 wins) and my “opponent “ is at 360 or so points and suddenly I get -100 and my “opponent “ gets +100 and wins. I’ve had rounds many times where I and the “partner” get exactly the number of tricks we bid and still get -100 penalty points. Other pain is my “partner “ very often way overbids with absolutely no chance of taking the predicted tricks so I must always plan for the “partner’s” shortcomings. Finally deleted the app.
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10 months ago, I’m Done !!
I grew up playing cards. Men in my family were serious poker players. I learned to play poker, GEN rummy, black Jack, and spades, my favorite card game. I like this cute. The cards are very realistic and readable. I play while standing in long lines, while at the doctor’s offices and while in the waiting room. But also I read a lot !!! But it’s super fun when we can get friends over and play spades in person. That’s so fun. Cook some food and have drinks and playing good music is the spice of life!!
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5 years ago, stopreadingreviews
Partner does not know how to cover a nil.
For instance I bid nil with two low clubs and three diamonds one being the Ace. My last club was the two, threw it under the Queen. The partner bot threw off the ten of clubs and led diamonds when it had the lead, busted my nil. It should have known I was out of clubs and led the ten. In my game, the partner bot has been renamed Brainless. The only good thing about this game is I can close the app if I don’t like the bids or my hand before I bid, and it will re-deal when loaded. Other times when I am nil and have the first lead, I lead off in a suit I am good in and even if the partner bot takes the trick, will not lead that suit! Like I said, Brainless!!! It also trumps tricks in a suit I am good in and the nil ends up busted on my last spade. It should know from the cards that have been played what it should do!
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2 years ago, Envy the Ivy
My biggest issue with this is that not only are there frequent, annoying ads, but the ads play sound even when your phone is muted! I can’t play this game without headphones in or everyone around me hears the loud and obnoxious ads. On top of that, they interrupt my music whenever they play and sometime when you hit the mute button on the ad itself it still plays. Terrible. Fix this. As far as game play itself goes, the computer that plays the partner is awful. Doesn’t know how to throw off after bid is hit, or throw off when you are going Nil. Gotten set so many times because the computer played a stupid card. Very frustrating.
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2 years ago, 00Sirch
It’s okay but…infuriating
I travel for work a lot, so I like that I can play it offline when I’m on an airplane. But it’s definitely like playing with a partner who either doesn’t really know how to play, or doesn’t pay attention to the board while playing. It gets very frustrating. If I’m bidding nil, my partner should not lead off the round with a low card. If I’ve already cut a suit, my partner should not cut me with a higher spade, and then play a lower spade the next round to take the next book. If the computer were a real person, the friendship would be over, if they were family, they would be disowned. If it were a stranger, there would possibly be a fight. Lol
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3 years ago, Tyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Ashley don’t know how to play& the scoring is sketchy
In most of our games I carry the team, Ashley (my partner) almost always under/over bids (I, On multiple occasions, have watched her bid 0 with an ace in her hand & in the last game we played her bid was 7 and she had 1 Ace and like low 3 spades, she cuts my books…she’s terrible. The scoring makes 0 sense to me and seems to follow no set guidelines. One game the ops both went like 4 over and they gained points but in the very next round only I went over and it was by 2 and we got negative. It’s wishy-washy. I like the ads tho lmaoo
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1 year ago, DJBris
It would be nice to sit down & play a decent game of spades with someone other than the Olivia’s of the world! It is so frustrating playing with people who have NO concept of the game! I think it is time to delete this game & find something that is challenging. Do you have another spades game I could play?so WHY if you have so many negative reviews cant you fix this game? A child with a few lessons can play betterthan Olivia{ bot or person} Fix the game! It is not a fun game!
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3 years ago, KMCvet2be
Can’t get rid of the commercials!
Ok, I have tiny fingers and a giant phone, but I have to click on >> button like 12 times to get it to even advance then another 5-7 times to get out of the next commercial screen. For 1 commercial it takes almost 20 clicks to get back to the game!! It is ridiculous to have to go back and forth so many times and yes I did wait for the commercial to get to the point where u can get rid of it. I spent more time trying to get rid of the darn commercials as I did playing the game and watching the commercials combined, it’s nuts. Too bad too cause the game was kinda fun and helped me remember how to play which was nice, but it just too hard to get back to playing!!!
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7 months ago, AlliB77
AI needs work
I love to play spades and know that people have different rules. There are a few issues with this game. First, the computer partner almost always underbids—except when it is the last to bid and overbids making the total bid over 13! They sandbag every single time. It should be an option to turn off sandbag penalties. Some people do not play sandbags. Also do not count on your computer partner covering you when you go nil. Also, when playing in person we exchange one card with our partner when we go nil and two cards for blind nil. This isn’t an option in the game. This could be a good game, but the AI needs work.
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4 years ago, Uniklee
Spades the right way
I saw this Spades version featured in the ad break of another game. I already had another Spades game loaded. However, it didn't organize your hand, and the cards of the same suit were spread everyone. Plus, my hand was always poor. Also, the way they scored and penalized was unclear. Once I downloaded this one, and played a few hands, I loved it! It's the opposite of all the problems of the other one. So, I deleted the other game. I hope this one stays good.
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4 years ago, Scottierazor
Bots don’t play like a (just average) person would
It passes the time but it has serious flaws. None of the bot players play like actual people who understand the game would. You cannot count on your “partner” to play like another human would or have your back per se. That’s frustrating enough to find a better version. Example the bots will play their highest card even though the ace has been thrown and they have lower cards in that suit. Just stupidity. I’m not looking to play a computer who can beat me all the time but ridiculous plays are just that and it takes the fun out of it.
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4 years ago, E.Light Bear
Great Game, Mediocre App
There are two big flaws with this app which would otherwise be pretty darn good. Your partner is totally unreliable in their bids. For example, bidding nil with multiple high cards and consistently underbidding so you have to guess how many additional tricks to bid to compensate. The other problem is that it produces hand after hand of statistically improbable distributions. The opposition turns up with singletons all too often. As a result, the enjoyment of the game is often overwhelmed by frustration. I will keep playing, but I wouldn’t recommend this app unless the developers can address these issues.
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2 years ago, Loveable La
Spades Lover
I love playing spades. This game however has a lot of glitches it needs to fix. This game sometimes get stuck after or during it’s in app commercials. When it gets stuck, you can no longer play the game. I have to delete the app and download it again. Also, you do not have the option of changing partners. Partners do play over you. Lastly, the game plays overs but you have no control over when they decide you have had too many overs. They will charge you 100 points plus. However, the game is still fun.
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3 years ago, oooo231
I’m finally throwing in the towel
As others have mentioned it seems as though the AI intentionally throws their hand and it can be very frustrating. The rules and gameplay isn’t what you would find in a traditional spades game either... especially after the last update. I’ve always played that you can’t play a spade until you have run out of that suit but you ALSO can’t play a spade on the very first hand. This has really thrown off bidding and was honored before the update. That coupled with the other issues has finally pushed me to delete this app and download another spades game. Was fun-ish while it lasted.
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10 months ago, Kkkkkkkkkk omgsuit
Almost perfect
Game would benefit from a minimum team bid of four. Opponents are conservative bidders and begin walking tricks early to avoid bags. AI will bid one and then walk an ace early. The game becomes avoiding bags as much as taking the tricks you bid. It is a fun challenge to stay sharp and hit the exact bid. It’s just not accurate representation of playing with humans. Although I don’t have three friends sitting around wanting to play Spades so happy with this.
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3 years ago, Bieckert23
Terrible AI for Partner and Opponents!
Your partner will purposely take extra bags when there is no chance to set the opponents. Or you will already have a bag and they will throw away a truck to avoid getting another, when they were only one trick away from setting! Your opponents will constantly underbid. Several hands I played, there were only 9 or 10 tricks taken. Then we would play out the hand, and I would be winning tricks with 10’s and J’s! I understand doing that during desperation at the end of a game, but this was in the middle of the game, multiple hands, and completely unnecessary!
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3 years ago, tncpeh
Fun game but makes errors in score
Twice in a row I earned 100 bonus for nil that showed on the score board but was not added to the total. And my partner took a trick that showed she had 2/2 on the playing screen but we get deducted 100 for being short of our bid. I wasn’t short either. Didn’t notice when playing this before, but today it’s awful. Deleted the app and reloaded in case I had an old version but didn’t help. Am sad to say goodbye- but can’t play if you don’t trust the scores. And I agree with other comments that my partner has no game logic at all sometimes
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2 years ago, NoBite
Thanks for the updates!
I’ve played over 1,350 games. You might say I enjoy this app! Your most recent update brought some subtle, but significant, enhancements. I can more easily read everyone’s bid before placing mine. I like the way bags show a running total as they are incurred. Just a little cleaner interface. Really well done. 👍👍 UPDATE: I’ve now played over 2,500 games. This game is very well done and very engaging.
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1 year ago, pinkiesfriend
Worst game ever!
It’s the ads. So … you decide to play without paying to remove the ads and feel yourself grow old while the interminable ads go on and on and on. The worst part: these ads don’t leave the screen. No X button ever shows up. I have to turn off my phone to dislodge these abominations, wait fifteen seconds, then turn my phone back on. Bummer. Why try to play if the program won’t let you? I’ve had it. If you are contemplating downloading this game, don’t. There are other games out there. This may be the most downloaded Spades game, but if you don’t pay to play, you’re out of the game. Skip this one.
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4 years ago, shelblunite007bman
Do not pay for removing ads!
I have played this for a while, figured out the scoring so I decided to pay to remove the ads. Big mistake! The ads keep coming. I emailed the developer and tried all of the suggestions, with no change. Also, your partner will cheat. Bid hands the do not have, make plays that no one would make playing spades. Seriously disappointed.
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3 years ago, leslieelikan
Good yet with issues
This game can be in credibly enjoyable however the AI leaves much to be desired in many cases. The partners so calls do not bid according to their hand and they constantly trump you. The opponents at times appear to know what you’re going to play in advance and that is in no way fair or fun. If the AI issues were tweaked and there were more options as to play without a sandbag penalty and possibly exchanging cards when bidding nil this would be a perfectly enjoyable game.
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4 years ago, ARS2nd
A new version was recently released. Now, players are allowed to Trump on the first card! They still haven’t fixed the scoring issues when a player bids nil and gets set. You never know how it will score the tricks taken by the Nil bidder. If it is me or my partner, those tricks are added to our bags, usually, but not always. It also adds those tricks to the opponents bags, usually, but not always. If they get set on a Nil bid, those tricks are ignored! Always! I am also frustrated by the inability of my partner to sluff after we have our bid and cannot set them.
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3 years ago, Tracy's Account
Programming could be better
I enjoy the game however, the scoring does not make sense to me. It’s random and both teams are not scored equally most of the time. It also drives me nuts when the program has my partner cut me. I would think that in this day and age, a computer should be able to recognize that if your partner plays a card which is winning, they would be able to throw out a card or not cut your winning card. Especially one the computer/your partner is the last hand to play. That absolutely drives me crazy. It’s a fun game though
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8 months ago, EpicRBG
This is the third spades app that I’ve used and yet again the Bots play like a three man team. Your partner (Bot) generally plays for the other team, particularly when you bid nil or have a tight bid (5-8, 7-6, 9-4). On Nil Hands your partner will lead with their lowest card which goes against the logic of the game and is crazy because when the bots your playing against bid nil they play the hand perfectly, which leads me to believe your partner is throwing the hand intentionally. On tight hands you partner generally overbids so you have to under bid intentionally and either get bags or get set. This app is trash but the interface is nice so I gave it three stars
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1 year ago, scott94meadows
Your partner is crap if you go nil and you play a five and every one else will play below that. Then in the same suit you partner will throw a king where he could of helped your nil. Butttt nooooooooo, also your partner will bid 3 but some how he had all the A’s and spades where he should of went 7. But his bright idea he went 3 then you have a crap ton of bags. I wish I didn’t have a partner in this game cause the computer is crap. Also I would say let the game let me trade a card with my partner but I would not trust it.
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1 year ago, Spades McKenzie
This game cheats you with a human partner or against the computer. It deals you great hands to get you into the app but eventually you will lose everything you earned with the worst hands of all time. It will give the other team a win even when you clearly have more books. This game is frustrating because the focus is on getting you hooked but not a fair play. The players rush you and talk crap throughout the game which is not unlike a real spades game but the cheating from the app makes it worse. IF I AND MY PARTNER HAVE MORE BOOKS, WE WIN. What a piece of addictive crap.
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2 years ago, Caw954s
I like the game, but the bots CHEAT!
I’m not kidding, I’ve played this game a lot and as others have said, your partner doesn’t help much, especially when you choose nil. I also caught the opponent bot cheating! Playing a heart later after being out of hearts during a round. I’d say they also know what is in your hand…too many times they guessed correctly. So, it’s a fun spades game, it moves fast, it’s free, there are plenty of ads, but there’s also some cheat’in going on here! Makes me feel like I’m playing with my dad…lol
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