Spike - Email & Team Chat

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SpikeNow Ltd.
Last update
2 months ago
Version OS
11.0 or later
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User Reviews for Spike - Email & Team Chat

4.46 out of 5
2.6K Ratings
6 years ago, Llorona19
Missing one thing.
I love everything about this app. It will replace my regular email one day, but for now I use it WITH my email. The reason is because there is no option to be able to delete in bigger quantities. Currently you can delete a message and it will give you an option to delete that senders previous emails en masse, but there is no option to choose many different senders to delete at once. There should be an option to choose several emails you would like to delete, and much like the current method, it can ask you to delete the selected messages, or the bulk quantity of all the previous senders messages. It would be much easier to remove one sender from the bulk quantity I am deleting at the time if for some reason I didn't want to delete all those emails from that sender, go back and delete all the ones I chose, then just choose that one email again and delete that one, than to have to do it all one sender at a time I have 42,000 emails that need to be deleted and obviously it is too hard to do it one by one. Being able to delete many emails from one sender is a huge upside to this app but being able to choose many different centers and then deleting all their previous emails would really help clear up my inbox
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1 year ago, Bakari C
Greatly improves email management
So glad I discovered this app. As much as I liked Spark, Spike's UI is less cultured because it doesn't have the Sent, Trash, Archive, and other folders visible in the left column like most email clients do. And best of all, the Unread section makes it easy to achieve Inbox zero because it only presents unread emails and hides my previously read emails. That means I'm processing emails faster and efficiently. The Priority and Other sections are a good idea, but I prefer the Recent and Unread display. The chat layout of emails also hides cluttered subject lines, and you don't have to open emails in a separate window unless you choose to. I also like the Snooze, Search, Tag, and Pin functions. These features cause me to archive emails more instead of moving them to folders. Spike's Search seems to work, so there's less need to file away emails. And finally, I can't wait to use the group chat feature for a project or ongoing discussion. It works similar to Slack, so it should be useful. My wishes include the ability to create signatures for alias email addresses, add or change avatars of contacts, select event logistics and create an event in the Spike calendar.
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5 years ago, niatish
A great people focused email app
Love the priority vs other granularity for notifications. I have been opposed to using email as chat; preferring tools like slack/messages to fill those gaps. This is the first tool to make me reconsider - it makes email feel like texting by removing the extraneous bits and making quick replies. I have many apps for communications based on the person of the context - and now for people who use email to quickly communicate I have an app for that too. This isn’t a replacement for my email app anymore than slack is a replacement for texting. Normally I turn off all email notifications and process my inbox on an alter schedule - but by using Spike I can now quickly reply to those people who see email more as chat.. in the same way I use wechat, line, Facebook messenger, etc. for those who prefer chat on this platforms. Given the chat like features such as read stays, grouping attachment in the same bubble - is really is just one more chat app for the people who prefer email.
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3 years ago, Chicago Dave
No “In-App Purchases” Is Misleading
I work at a very small business and only recently was given an email address there. I don’t even use it every day. After looking at a few options, I decided to try Spike—partly because there were no “in-app purchases” listed. I had barely used it enough to really get a feel for it yet when I started getting notices about my “Free Trial” coming to an end. What? Considering some of the paid email apps that I passed on because they required a subscription, I figured maybe it would be only a couple of bucks per month. I click subscribe. I’m taken to a page that tells me it’ll be $12/month to keep using it for my “Business email” that I use like once or twice each week. I won’t even pay $12/month for a video streaming service that I’d use every day. That is a ridiculous price and a suspect way to implement it. I was under the impression that Apple did not allow apps with subscriptions that didn’t use in-app purchases. (Didn’t a large video game company recently get taken down for doing just that?) So, I guess I’m deleting Spike and will never discover if it's even worth $12/month. I’ll give it a few stars because it seemed like a decent app, but I have no idea how much value comes with the cost.
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1 year ago, Emersyn G.
Hi! My name is Emersyn. I have been using spike for about 5 months and have found nothing I don’t like abt it! I have the oldest iPad in the world! (Not literally, it was sarcasm)! The gmail app didn’t work right and kept asking me to click on this link! I was tired of it! I found spike and decided to give it a try! It has been awesome! My whole fam has it now! My parents love it cause they travel a lot bc of there jobs and they never know who’s calling them bc we call them off of the other parents phones! But now with spike I can call and FaceTime them using my Gmail! No phone/phone number needed! It’s awesome and I think you should try it! (Especially if your parents travel) I also love that it’s free! Well, it’s free until you want to add another gmail/email on the same account. But that even isn’t expensive! One thing I want to tell you is that in a lot of other reviews they talked about it being unsafe or insecure but I want to tell you differently. It is totally safe and secure! There is nothing unsafe about it! Hope you have a great day! 😃 -Emersyn G.
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4 years ago, shardtheatre
Fast, Fun, Functional
This is an updated review. I was experiencing difficulty with my iCloud account syncing, but that has been resolved. I’m giving 5 stars because this app does what I need it to do - and it’s fast, fun, and functional. Email works at lightening speed where other apps (even native apps) are sluggish and cumbersome. It’s fun to use! The layout is minimal and it’s easy to work quickly through the inbox. Finally, the thing works. I need something reliable for multiple accounts that will help me stay up to speed for personal and professional email. This is the best I’ve seen. One request - please allow me to choose whether or not to include a signature while typing an email. I’d love to have the choice to include it or not include it based on the kinds of emails I’m sending WHILE they are being composed. It’s too much of a pain to go into settings each time. This is a particular gripe when working in my professional inboxes. Sometimes I need that signature. Other times, I don’t need that full signature. Thank you for making something awesome!
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4 years ago, David7756
Great app—takes a while to learn the icons and ways to do things
I have used many email apps. So far, this one is the most usable, at least for my personal use. (I use corporate Outlook on an exchange server at work.) I love the way that Spike is organized by People and looks like and is organized like text message chat. I also love (and find essential) that the people at the top of the list are the ones with the most recent emails. (It is hard to say emails, because they look like texts.) Yet when you send a “text”, the recipient sees what looks like a formatted email in the traditional appearance. I find myself reading, responding, moving, archiving, and trashing emails at lightning speed compared to other email apps! I have about 100,000 emails, and my backlog is disappearing fast!!! In the meantime, all my contacts must be amazed at how responsive I have become!!! Another great feature: my start-up questions were answered in a friendly and efficient manner within hours by real humans, not by automated responses or canned instructions.
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5 years ago, SwainFlu
Finally perfect
I was searching for something after Outlook quit playing nice with my main email (Verizon, which is technically AOL Mail now) and repeatedly signing out of it and requiring me to log in at any given time. The final straw came when I checked my email on a Monday and I hadn't received an email since Friday. I found this app in a top ten list online, and now I wonder where it's been my whole iPhone life. I love the text conversation layout that makes it very easy to keep track of who you're replying to, especially in a group email where replies can be many. The "other" inbox, like Outlook, keeps the clutter separate and lets you focus on the important emails first. When I first downloaded and reviewed the app, the setting for calendars would not work for me no matter how many times I tapped that option in Settings, so I couldn't change them. I also wished there was a way to customize the swipe action like you can in Outlook. "Archive" is not important enough for me to swipe ALL the way left before I see the Trash option. However, both issues were resolved pretty quickly after the support team took a look. Therefore, I can't really find fault with this app. It's well worth trying out if you're looking for a solid third-party email solution on iOS. (There was a later issue with my account being wrongly flagged for having a custom domain and being pestered to subscribe to Spike Pro, but that was quickly resolved. Great customer service!)
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4 years ago, GDSecurity
Finally can stop receiving 5 notifications per email
I am in Cybersecurity consulting as a profession and am paid daily to advise fortune 500’s in their cyber endeavors. For as long as I can remember though, my own little quirk which goes against the saying of “Practice what you preach” was my usage of around 5 different email clients due to never finding one single client that sarltisfied ALL of my email preferences whether it was being able to smoothly allow usage of multiple email accounts, unsubscribe and block/cleanup newsletters and spam, attach large files, have compatibility which is device agnostic across (one of my clients works epically for my iPad, but has no ability for MacBook usage...??? Although I HEAVILY use people’s reviews whenever purchasing things myself, I have probably written under 10 reviews online myself over the years... No I’m not a robot nor a compensated reviewer or company employee. I just figured that I could use the extra time only reviewing 1 instead of 5 emails has saved me, to congratulate/thank/and assist both the people who created spike, as well as the people on the fence about whether or not to try it! Only addition I can come up with would be to add the ability to transfer even larger files as I have recently ran into a roadblock emailing 4K video files due to size on ANY email client without merely sending an iCloud/OneDrive link. This would further cement Spikes digital world domination! Lol
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3 years ago, Alliiieee5821
Renders my phone/iPads almost useless
I’m not sure what is going on with the app. I downloaded it specifically because it needs less phone permissions, etc etc. This probably would have been a 4-5 star review if it didn’t cause these problems. I noticed after downloading it that my browser was taking forever to load pages, sometimes freezing. I thought it was our internet having issues. Other apps on both devices started acting buggy as well but I had shrugged it off initially as they probably just needed updating. After I got suspicious, I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Spike. The problem with the browsers and apps resolved after deleting the program and immediately returned after the program was set up on my devices again. It makes me wonder a little, and my husband said his antivirus software wouldn’t let him download it because of it being a suspicious possible malware program when he tried to download it from the Play store. He does have very strict security settings on the computer, but this is only supposed to be a program for email.
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3 years ago, aragorn90
Mostly great app
I love being able to delete all messages from a sender. It would nice to have a popup that would let you select emails to delete. I know that might be difficult on a small screen like the iPhone. I think it was a weird choice to make the selector to reply to an email two arrows pointing away from each other diagonally. I had to press on things to find it, totally unintuitive. Why not a swoosh left arrow for reply and right for forwarding? Sometimes innovations in UI are not good. I actually alternate between this app and Spark, since it has a more traditional interface which I like sometimes. Is there a view to look at your latest emails, whether priority or other? I have some pinned emails in Spike which I want to keep pinned but it takes up the first page of the priority screen and I’d like to see the latest emails.
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3 years ago, Tedley70
Spike is seriously great!
I’m a (nearly) reformed email hater: I DESPISED email. I hated it so much. I had used mostly gmail, but also a lot of outlook (and yahoo). I’d just used their web apps, or their mobile apps, and a lot of the time, I had also pushed them through Apple’s native “Mail” desktop client. I won’t say “they sucked,” but I will say “I always hated email, until Spike.” I love the way Spike organizes my email. I feel almost like Spike partnered with me in my efforts to unsubscribe from everything I don’t want. The “unsubscribe” feature is gorgeous. I’m a Graphic & Web Designer with significant UI/UX Design experience, and let me say that the UI for Spike is like an 8.5/10 on the “Intuitive” scale. I love the way it makes my email look and feel more like text conversations, but also allows me to check to make sure my email looks “official” and includes my signatures and stuff. I love that every email I get that’s not from a “real person” that I interact with, Spike folds it into a different category, but one I can see inside my main inbox, all together. I love that I can mark individual emails or groups of emails “read” with a long press. That’s not all, but let me tell you, I have tried EVERY top-rated email client you’ve heard of. I was on a crusade for 3 years, to find a better email experience. I’m a Spike Evangelist, because it’s THAT good.
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6 years ago, Dukeofdavidland
This app changed the way I deal with and interact with email!!!!! I am a college student and have a few part time jobs which communicate primarily over email... Since most of my projects involve multiple managers I am constantly bombarded by strings of inter-relating emails when they back reference content that has since been lost in my inbox of hell. I also (I guess as a millennial?) dislike using emails as a primary form of communication due to the lack of visibility most of them have. Hop changed all of that!! Not only giving me the ability to follow the string of a conversation as if it was a text message, but also giving me a window into when my content is actually received by providing read receipts! On top of that it filters out all the junk I receive on a daily basis that while I would still like to occasionally read, don’t need in the same area as my work communication.
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5 years ago, ellenaphant
Spike email is 🔥💯🙌❣️
Before downloading Spike, I used the standard email app installed with iOS on iPhone. After using it for years, I was fed up when it wouldn’t recognize my ICLOUD email. I went searching for a new email app in the App Store. I found this one after seeing numerous excellent reviews & ratings for it. At first, I thought it was only for a business-type user base. But oooooh man. I was 100% wrong, because this app is perfect for anyone who uses email. I have 4 email addresses that I use for various things. A couple personal, a couple for online accounts. This app is easy to personalize, makes viewing conversations and email threads pleasant and gives you the option to use a “classic” style inbox format, or use Spike’s format, which I love. All said, I really enjoy Spike email app. It does everything I need it to do, and does it well! Download Spike! Yeah!
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4 years ago, SmudgePod
Fantastic email client!
I’ve been using Spike for quite a while now and I had no real issues with it except that the previous versions did not make good use of the screen real estate on my iPad like some other email apps did. For it to be perfect, it needed to have a split-screen of the main email viewer and the account/folders/settings screen. So I left some feedback in October asking for this feature and got a quick reply back saying they were looking into it. Lo and behold a few days ago (its November now) I downloaded the latest update and they implemented the feature...all because of me! Well ok I don’t know that for sure, but I’d like to think it was all me. Anyway, Spike is a great piece of software and the Spike team is very responsive! They’re quick to answer questions, take feedback and implement new features.
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6 years ago, ginsengbomb
This app is pretty great
I am an email app junkie. I have spent a lot of time with a lot of apps (Newton, Spark, Outlook, Trove, Astro, Boomerang...I am sure I am forgetting some here). Newton was my all time favorite for awhile but lately has become a bit buggy and slow. Hop is fantastic. It is LIGHTNING fast. Like the UI is just soup to nuts blazing fast and responsive. The SMS like approach to email seemed gimmicky at first but this is a really great implementation of the idea. Some really interesting ideas around common recipient groups. Search is incredibly quick. Calendar integration works. Love the ability to easily send so many different types of media (GIFs, drawings...). Integrated voice calls (!!). It's packed with good ideas that are uniformly executed perfectly. Only shortcoming is it uses IMAP for Gmail instead of the Gmail API and my employer (a very large software company) blocks IMAP access so I can only use this for personal email. Ordinarily that'd be a deal breaker for me - I love having one app for all my accounts - but Hop is so good otherwise that I'm using a second app for work email. If there's any way to support the Gmail API in future I would seriously pay for this app. It's good enough to be worth money (like Newton).
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4 years ago, scottfree74
Review of spike
This email app is amazing!! I was tired of dealing with outlook on windows and the Apple Mail app on a Mac. After looking at Email apps such as spark, Gmail (the app), thunderbird and superhuman... Spike has won me over as the most innovative and useful email app. Superhuman is amazing but at $30/month making email a “luxury” was not something I wanted to do at monthly rate that rivals most streaming subscriptions. Thunderbird and spark are solid apps with nice interfaces but didn’t do anything To make email that much more just a fresh skin ontired old email. Enter Spike- this app treats your emails like text message conversations. It strips headers, footers and marketing messages embedded in the email to bring me only what’s important— the message. Spike productivity features allow me to snooze group emails or single messages, keep priority messages in a clean inbox front and center of my day and enable me to quickly process my inbox without being overly complicated in its use. I find Spike to be fun, innovative, and productive… I highly recommend this app to anyone looking to take charge of their inbox without getting overly complicated but instead getting down to the business of processing your inbox and moving on with you day.
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4 years ago, MrMarCava
Best email app out there and with a conversation take to email
I normally don’t publish reviews but I want to say something about Spike. I’ve used many email apps including outlook and apples default mail app and one thing I realized is that email hasn’t been reinvented yet for the 21st-century. I really enjoyed the conversation or layout that Spike has to offer and after using Spike it’s very difficult to go back to the old way of doing email. I wish that every other email client will focus on conversational messaging just like text messages do and other modern messaging systems have for a while now. I definitely highly recommend spike to all my friends and family and even two businesses to be able to use Spike to communicate with one another as a modern communication platform.
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4 years ago, TheY2D
Bad security...
So this app has an interesting concept but from security point of view its very bad. When you are providing access to your email you are allowing the app to collect all the data in your email account. Now, on some accounts I may be ok with it like gmail and msn etc since these service provider companies already collect ant track analytical data about your email (that’s why its free), but not on corporate accounts... that its problem 1. Problem 2 is that there isn’t any apparent way to prevent the load of external images. If true, it is a huge problem as it allows spammers the ability to track you and know when you have opened the email. I like the idea of this app. I would gladly pay money for it to remove the analytical tracking but I am guessing that analytical data is worth much more then what this app can ever generate in revenue on the App Store not to mention they don't have to share analytical revenue with apple but they do have to pay a percentage on all app revenue in the store.
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4 years ago, M ▌◣≡▌ ▀ ▃
Spike = less privacy
I really like where this app is going I love that you can group messages by sender like texts I love that they have a mac app and an iOS app I love that Spike lets you see when other people open your emails. I love that you can embed gifs I love that you can add multiple accounts I love the encryption options I love that you can unsend emails... But I wish there was a button for that with a timer. I love tht you can organize by priority I love that you can customize the swipe commands I wish the icons wernt so big on the left next to senders name and subject I wish you could hide the bar on the bottom most if those are useless to me I dint understand the groups or the point of the calling- ill use my phone for that it wasnt obvious that u had to tap the logo to get ti the settings the logo is actually annoying there the thing that disappoints me the most is that Spike doesn't block other people from seeing if you opened their emails. Polymail, Mailspring, Astro, gmail plugin helps with this even Outlook does this out of the box smh. the UI is 4/5 the UX is is 3/5 the features 4/5 the company 5/5 overall thats 4/5 star app but I’m so letdown by the fact that you let users see if people open their emails but your users cant block trackers themselves Plz correct me if I’m wrong.
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6 years ago, Room_Service
You fixed what wasn't broken and I'm sad.
Honestly why'd you guys fix something that wasn't broken? This was my goto personal email app specifically because it showed emails like they were text conversations. Unless im missing something it seems like you guys tried to pack 10 pounds of features into a 5 pound bag. You split the text UI of the email off into actual texting with "groups" WHY are all of you email apps trying to get business people and ITDM's to consider your email app as a solution for a business. I'd be stunned if you were to tell me even a 1/3 of the people using this were using the group chat besides for texting themselves random notes to self... Because I use(d) this for my personal email. I liked the way it interacted. Having a whole new part of your app devoted to "groups" and chats with funny stickers and gifs.. Isn't something I'll use. If anything that just reminds me that I hardly have a social group because I work 60 hour weeks and during that time I will, like it or not, forever be on Outlook. Stop trying to cram enterprise group coordinating with Slack-like funtionality and a calendar all in such a simple app. When did we suddenly decide every personal email app also needed Slack and Basecamp and Skype crammed in? Ugh I hate falling for apps like this. Too young / insecure to know what you're doing right so you do it all wrong instead. Back to Airmail.
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1 year ago, smittyabroad
The app I’ve been looking for … but privacy?
Organizationally I find email frustrating. It is so cluttered that all of the extra data obsfucates the actual message. I’ve wanted a clean “messaging” style app for years. And here it is. Above that, it’s free! (And I’ll gladly pay the $5 if I need additional features.) Area of improvement: I’d give it six stars and pay twice the amount (I get things cost money) if they can prove simple and clear data privacy. “We do not collect, retain, or sell your data except what is necessary to operate, and here are where our data centers are located” should be as long as any privacy policy is. I hate my information being harvested like I’m an animal with no dignity.
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2 years ago, righth
Review of my 5 days of spike.
In three days I have learned more about the cell phone files and I have learned all my life. I have I’ve never seen nothing like it I think so easy to learn that is the team The team swat teachers it’s hard hard work oh I like it I’d rather be doing this with anything else I don’t know who created all these but I’ll be in it for the rest of my life freedom is a wonderful thing to be able to work in this and be free and get the things that you really need to be able to have somebody to help other people it’s a good day people that look after each other I think it does y’all have to help me in every way that’s been all my life One man probably did me probably did more than 20 did when it went bad on the Internet I think God for all of you. Thank you Edward I thank ever person. That everyone that helped save my relationship And my family and helped stop the sham and disgrace that my wife and children would have went through. Everyone that is on the spike that has gave me the chance to learn to understand life slot better than I ever ever wold.
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6 years ago, ImJff
One major flaw. But Almost there.
Really love this app. Newton was my go to app until they closed their doors so when i was on the look out for another great email app for my photography business (Jeff Thatcher Photography) I gave ‘Hop’ (now Spike) a chance. I was really impressed with the features it has, primarily the conversation view of the emails. They make following along email chains super easy. Overall it’s a fantastic email client with one pretty major flaw (for me) that prevents me from using it has my main email client which is is Drafts. Or the lack of synced drafts. I often will start an email on my computer and would like to finalize it on my iPad or iPhone but the drafts aren’t synced. That’s a giant bummer. Especially if im on the go like at the air port and want to send finalize emails before i take off. I can’t. Granted, Spike’s support mentioned they are currently working on that feature. But in all honesty, that’s a feature every other email client has and was surprised it wasn’t on here. Not even within the Spike app (ie i start an email on my iPhone using Spike and want to finish on my iPad). In conclusion, this is an awesome email client. And i look forward to them adding drafts sync for me to use it as my main email client in the future
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4 years ago, toaster08
Inbox Zero! 😃
I don’t leave reviews often, but wanted to for this app. I installed it less than a week ago and I am already at inbox zero!! I had almost 100,000 emails! This app makes it so easy to keep up. After spending all day staring at a screen for work, the last thing I’d want to do would be to come home and check personal emails. I have been missing a lot of important communications, especially from older family members who don’t text often. Spike make it quick and easy to keep up and even feel like you actually are just texting. I have seen no issues or glitches so far and it’s been so helpful. Thank you!
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3 years ago, talaykovision
I finally like email
I always had the hardest time telling which emails were which. There are so many inboxes. I love how spike groups emails by recipient just like iMessage and the emails within the group look like text messages. It’s easy to see your back and forth with someone as a conversation rather than an unorganized stack of everything you ever received. And with all the junk and advertisements going to a separate mailbox, it’s so nice to see only the messages I care about in my priority inbox. I seriously dreaded email before this, and I got in trouble enough times for missing important message, now I check my mail with delight. Thanks Spike.
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5 years ago, Coach Big L
1. Add a ‘Task/Reminders’ element to this app. 2. When putting in a calendar appointment, if you’re adding a contact name...it would be nice if it auto filled the contact with their information, i. e. Name, phone#, address (location)...but of course all this info should be in contact first. When using Apple Calendar, if you had an appointment with the same contact earlier, that appointment pops up automatically and it is easier to edit...than re-entering all that info again....or better yet...when you pull up a contact, one of the action items should include an appointment on your calendar. 3. We should be able to choose which ‘map app’ we want to use as default, instead of Google Maps.
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3 years ago, Andrew209
No iPad Keyboard Support
UPDATE September 28, 2021: So much potential, but unusable for true mobile professionals using iPads with keyboards. There is no way to scroll through email. Weird choice for a productivity app. For an app all about productivity, this has no support for an iPad Pro external keyboard. While you can type a message, you can not scroll through email, delete email, or do other normal email thing using the smart or magic keyboard. It makes no sense. And even more bizarre, their tech support or sales team won’t respond to requests for info about when this might be added. It’s standard on pretty much every other legit email app available. For now, Spike the idea of moving to spike if you are a mobile professionally heavily using iPad. It has potential, but the priority set for now seems to be off.
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2 years ago, Smohara226
The future of Email
I’ve introduced spike now to about a handful of my coworkers, and I find it useful even though we have systems in place like Slack that help our internal communication already. What I find so different about Spike is what it does to email. It turns it into an IM. It reminds me of my text messages that I see on my phone. This is turned my outlook, a source of anxiety, into my DMs with other people, as easy as messenger. I will not say though that it is without its flaws, I do feel that there are immense ways that they could improve, not that it’s bad. For what it does with what it is, I find it quite remarkable, and so has my team.
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5 years ago, petekrueger
They're On To Something!
I really like this app and I want them to succeed! What's great about it: * It's what Slack thinks it is (but isn't) * Removing all of the extraneous quotes of quotes of quotes for each reply is genius! You just see the messages, like a conversation, in order. Filter by people and you only see the conversation with that one person. It's great! * Starting from a person, and seeing one view of all your interactions with that person, is fantastic! Indexed email is better than email search. * It's a small thing but I love that the icon in calendar view for the "go to today" button rotates to the left when you go back in time, and rotates to the right when you go forward in time. Nice attention to detail! * (If you are one of that small group of users that was sorry to see Google Wave go away, I think you'll like Spike.) What's still needed: * The ability to share the text of any email or conversation to the iOS share sheet, so I can create to do items, or send them to Bear to start writing a proposal, or anything that I need to do with them. * Ability to respond to calendar requests inline. Add one of these and it gets 4 stars. Add both of these and it's 5 stars.
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4 years ago, Elon Tim
Good but not great.
Seems fast good but not great. What I don’t like is to unable to do search and select multiple searched emails to delete in one go. Also suppose I click on a contact and it shows all the emails from it but problem is I can’t delete by swipe or select multiple from that sender list and delete in one go. Also there is no way to put a rule where auto delete email from a sender after a particular number of days that way suppose some repetitive emails from a sender needs to get deleted after a day because one day later that email has no relevance there should be way to do so that way no need to delete old emails which has no relevance for today.
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5 years ago, jonmap
My new favorite email app
I've always had trouble keeping track of messages, especially my emails. Threads were confusing, attachments hard to find & overall I just dreaded having to go through and respond to them. That all changed with this app though! Responding to emails is a breeze and the UI is just about the cleanest I've seen in any messaging app. The little features like seeing when your email's been read and compiling all my "other" emails into a separate area to keep everything all tidy. This app is just what I was looking for and one of the most useful I've downloaded in a long time- thanks for making it!
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3 years ago, Vgguy
Pretty good
I like the way spike handles email conversations like a chat. I think it’s pretty useful and handy. I even like how the most frequently used contacts are at the top. However, a few bugs/issues make this four stars for now. First, a bug that drives me insane is the unread message bug. I hold down an email message so that it flips a couple of times to become read. But a second later, the message becomes unread. After holding down on the message again to make it read and exiting the app, the red badge on the app icon still remains. Not a big deal, but annoying. Also, I don’t like how pressing on a person at the top shows a random email thread, instead of the most recent or one of your choosing. If there is a way to change it, I don’t know it. Finally, and not that big of a deal, but you have to ‘teach’ which emails are priority and which are not. It gets most of them right, but not all. It’s a five star app but that one bug interferes so much with my work flow that it’s four for now.
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5 years ago, creativecodeology
So far, amazing
I’ve been trying to switch my boss’s communication ecosystem from email to a more collaborative friendly medium like Slack for example - but his aversion to anything new combined with his diehard dedication to email puts a wrench in getting him to adapt it. I completely understand where he’s coming from however, and so I was excited to find this nifty app after a night of frantic searching for “email centric collaboration apps.” I’ve been using Unibox for Mac to organize the frenetic influx of emails-as-office-communication that exists in this company into a more conversational style - but Spike takes this to another level with the “chat but with email” style threading, plus I really like how it separates anything that’s newsletter, automatic emails, etc into a “Other” category and keeps the main screen for conversations only. It appears after a few days of use that I can finally give up the preach on converting my boss to an office chat app - he can keep using email and I can make it work for me. Keep up the good work!
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6 years ago, manaej
Amazing Idea, Some Issues
The concept of the app is great and when it works it is the most amazing email app ever. There are a few issues and features missing that would make it perfect. Maybe if you’re a light email user with 1 account it would be perfect, but I’m a very heavy email user for multiple businesses I own and I would actually pay for the app if it had the following features / issues fixed: 1) There is no way to change the auto signature of the email, even when opening the full view. In spark the signature in email is there and able to be edited before sending. 2) When I soft reset the phone it deleted all my accounts and I wanted me to add them all back. This caused me to stop using the app is a major issue and for this reason I cannot use this app anymore. 3) The app uses its own “pinned” emails and does not get my already pinned/flagged emails from the server. 4) Does not work with my Microsoft Exchange account. Good luck with the app and hopefully you guys can fix the above issues.
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4 years ago, Juanmgn
Finally a smart UI design for email
Thank you! Traditional email user interface is incredibly inefficient. That is the tease on why many people prefer to communicate vía WhatsApp, slack, Microsoft Teams, etc Unfortunately you still have to use traditional email in some cases. I was expecting that Apple realized that email needed to be rethought but the didn’t. You were the ones who decided to think about the users needs and the way people interact with their information. It is an awesome job you have done here! My sincere admiration for what you have done with this app. I would like to be able to edit an image before sending it. I mean, adding texts and arrows to the image. I would prefer that the images that I place under a text would stay in the same place instead of being attached when someone who does not use Spike opens my email. I would like to have the option to reply a message, quoting it the same way Indo it in WhatsApp. Thank you! Spike is the #1 email client in 2020 IMO
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4 years ago, Brandopants1
The best email app
The simulated chat feature is the best thing to happen to email in years. If your emails usually consist of a lot of back and forth between a few people, this is the app for you. If your emails involve lots of folders and syntax rules then this program is NOT for you. I actually wish they would add some ability for me to filter the 10 emails a day I get from different senders on a mailing list I subscribe to...and assign them to ONE thread. But for basic correspondence, this is the email app to beat. Here's hoping they allow setting is t as default in IOS14 soon!
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2 years ago, ScalpōSaurus
Opening the app by tapping on the Home Screen widget consistently causes the app to freeze which then requires the app to be restated. Only to freeze again by going to the app a second time by using the widget. The concept is absolutely great. Formatting email messages as a chat is great. So when it come to apps having features that someone may not want to use I always recommend having the ability to turn them off in settings so that it reduces clutter on the user interface. The calendar, notes, and tasks in this case. As far as I can tell the notes and tasks can’t even synch with my preferred apps for that, Apple Notes and I use Fantastical for calendar and reminders/tasks. I might even include pinning and starring as something that can be configured as on or off as well. I would like to turn those functions off in spike so that the short cuts are not visible, etc. Would be better if it was configurable in that way. But I do love the concept. And how things are presented such as attachments is great too. Mostly good, could be great.
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2 years ago, adejuliannie
the best email organization app i’ve found
i had been searching for an app to help me organize my emails and Spike exceeded my expectations. i receive a handful of important emails across multiple organizations related to school, internships, volunteer work, work, etc. Spike compiles them into a text message thread conversation format that makes it easy to find and organize emails! I also love the feature that allows you to see if someone has read your email! I use Spike alongside my main email app and I am grateful for the decluttering it has done to my inbox!
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6 years ago, SMaclean
I'm an obsessive email superuser. I have several business accounts and clients and I am constantly looking for the best Email client I can get. To date that was Airmail, followed by Spark and then Outlook and Mac. Here's the thing, while all those solutions are great for business managemnet and emailing and have all the bells and whistles HOP focuses on the simple taks of comnicating fast and following conversations without hassle. 85% of my emails are reponses or follow ups on prior threads...for that there is nothing better than HOP. When I am composing a new email to a client or adding icloud files (hope does not integrate documents from Icloud yet) Iuse Airmail. It's also out of habit and getting the assurance the format is right for that first email. But follow ups are much faster on conversation (message) format, withotu the distraction of distriution lists or email signatures or different formats from different participants. Text in a bubble, respond in a bubble...Hop takes care of fomratting and follow through. It works!!
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3 years ago, Akiim from UrbanU
It’s usually difficult to move me, but I’ve been moved
The first thing I noticed is how much better it is to have my email box organized by sender in Chat format. I have never thought about it but realized how often I scroll up to review past Chat conversations and it makes perfect sense to do the same for email. Especially for business emails. The second thing is how many emails it revealed that I missed in my Gmail box where I currently pool all of my personal and emails for my business. Third this has made collaborating with my business team much easier (they also use Spike) using groups and Spike notes which has been very adventitious for creating presentations internally and externally that look awesome on phones and laptops. As stubborn as I am I have finally moved my Gmail icon from my bottom panel on my phone and replaced it with Spike as my primary. That’s a lot for a hardheaded guy like me Thanks Spike
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4 years ago, dante's opus
Excellent mail program its very "convenient" to use is what comes to mind also very modern or relevant in handling the email not antiquated. The program handles the mail instead of waiting for you to handle it after it piles up. No spam either! Can read PDF's that were sent, sorts the mail very well, the people list is the easiest thing I've seen. So simple, like a phonelist just click on the person and find whatever email you need from that person. Since it handles your mail for you already, only emails "you want" are under that person you choose.
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4 years ago, Rvkphotography
Great software for web and iPad.
I am very fond now of Spike. After trying out many different app’s and software for email at work, this is finally the only one which gives me ‘peace of mind”. I use pin a lot for important items, snooze a lot and archive. It takes some time to get use to the people orientated view, but is is great to have all conversations and attachments at hand. And search is super fast and good. Only thing i would like is to be able to save attachments straight to my Google Gsuit Drive. It is at the moment only possible to attach a file from my drive to an email i want to send. So highly recommened for the email power user!
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3 years ago, badburritoami
Update broke app
I’ve been using Spike on desktop and mobile for a couple years now. Overall I’m pretty happy with it but every once in a while there are bugs that make it almost unusable. After this last update my emails aren’t automatically marked as read as they normally are, and my red notification bubble still stays. Desktop seems to work with fewer issues (occasionally attachments don’t show up), it’s mobile that I’m always having weird things go wrong. I really hope everything gets ironed out because I don’t want to have to look for yet another email app. This is like the sixth one I’ve tried and I was hoping to stick with it forever.
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4 years ago, Katsumiblisk
Not bad. Confusing at first
Some things that I expected to see weren’t there - pull down to refresh, swipe to mark read, sent items folder. I realized quickly why there was no sent items in People view but the other two are muscle memory and it’s hard to break that habit. I can manage without pull down to refresh but I’m really missing the option to swipe to mark read. It remains to be seen how Priority/Other compares with Outlook’s Focused Inbox. That feature alone kept me with Outlook as it was so accurate. Otherwise - nice try with the Messaging interface imposed on the tired old email format.
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2 years ago, Fooftook
Best All-in-one email app out there!!!
This app has everything you need to keep you organized if you are checked multiple emails accounts per day (which is most of us). A few small feature (such as rules) are lacking but after reaching out to them it sounds like those few more features are coming. Easy to use. Fairly priced. Great customer service. Also, VERY secure! I will move this to 5 stars once those rules and auto-tagging is added. Not a reason to not use it now, but it will make e-mail life the best it’s ever been once they do!
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3 years ago, Blip63
Fun twist on email
I've been using spike for a few days now after a while trying a number of email apps. I don't know yet if I can use this as my primary email(i use outlook and rely heavily on their rules system) but I love responding to mails with this app. The priority mail algo is just as good as any app. I do need to see how well it integrates with other productivity apps I use such as fantastical and Todoist moving forward. But seriously, this is the most enjoyable email client on iOS and might become all I use for personal email. It’s also nice that it’s completely free.
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3 years ago, djlynch
Great!! Copy from email?
I went out of my way to look for a way to organize my emails by sender instead of subject, and spike came right up. Really addressed all my problems! I don’t really need the do-it-all-here features like calendar and notes within the app. I thought it was really interesting that they added read receipts to email? Anyway I wish there was a way to highlight text within an open email. Long pressing takes me to some options, and it seems like I cant select text and some hyperlinks without hitting “forward” and selecting it from the draft... am I missing something?
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4 years ago, cadamsdev
Best Email App I’ve Ever Used!
I used to use Edison mail for iOS but after using this app I absolutely love it. It looks a bit weird at first with the emails looking like text messages but you can see still see what the original looks like. I absolute love how I can see my google calendar in this app. I also love the unified view where it merges all of your emails into a single view. I have a lot of emails and this makes it very convenient. I love how they have a reasonable free plan as well. I would highly recommend everyone to try this app out. You’ll love it :)
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5 years ago, Quinton 林坤
Great app with a few issues
Let me start out by saying that I love this app and use it on all my devices. I have no issues with the pc version of this app other than if I send an email via that or another device I really can’t find it except on the device it was sent on...where the conversation started. I have most issues in iOS and iPad: when I’m composing an email and I go to add a subject line, the app will crash or I cannot go back to typing the email, and the same goes if I want to add a sender. I’m learning to make sure the email gets saved in drafts and trying again, but I’ve lost a good many emails to this bug. Other than these issues, I would happily give this app five stars as it eliminates email clutter, gets you back to the conversation, and gives me notifications in a timely manner. Please fix these email issues so that I can send without worry. This is a constant app I go to all the time during the day, and especially if I am away from work and need to assist my students. Thanks!
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