Tangled Snakes

4.5 (79.7K)
361 MB
Age rating
Current version
Popcore GmbH
Last update
5 months ago
Version OS
12.5 or later
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User Reviews for Tangled Snakes

4.53 out of 5
79.7K Ratings
1 year ago, Woode33
Best worm game ever!
The game has been so fun and challenging too so I took a long time and I passed level 100 and then I changed my Byam to desert. It is so fun that you need to put in 1 million more levels! I can’t stop playing this game! But the worst part is the bear traps the level I am on has too much bear traps! You need to get rid of all the bear traps! Anyways, I have been wanting to play this game, so how about there’s more costumes? Hundred more costumes for each one hope you fix my problems! :) new update: I am stuck on a level so much hard stuff get rid of all the bear traps again get rid of the bear traps in each level survey that I can pass! Hope you fix them in an new update! Update 2: a snake just glitched! In a challenge!
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4 weeks ago, Meemoe1955
Unfair scoring. NO FIXES WE WANT!!
SECOND REVIEW:. This game has such potential. However, it is incomprehensible that NOT ONE OF THE DEVELOPERS evidently reads these comments because they sure as heck have not addressed or made any improvements to the game that patrons want and pay for by way of paying for no ads! GET WITH IT PEOPLE! ======= First, I am addicted to this game and LOVE it. However! I accept and understand that when I fail, my score is dropped and I have to work my way up again. What I don't understand and deem unfair, is when I don't fail, and the starting point is still lowered! Example: I succeeded and my score was 51. Next, I succeeded again, but I did not start from 51 and instead started from 64! This took me up to 32. I succeeded again, and again I did not start from my score of 32 but was again dropped down, this time starting at 48 going back up to 25! This is penalizing the player each time regardless of whether they fail or succeed. Again, I accept losing points when I LOSE but not when I WIN! Please explain your logic for this unfair play. Thank you.
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1 year ago, elspeth61
Going through the adventure levels and at level 19 it is glitching. 2 snakes left with a bomb. The bomb starts with a 1 never changes and is the last snake to untangle. Retried multiple times to release either of these two snakes but both stay and use up moves regardless of what I do. So my adventure has ended. Regular levels: I can’t even open the next level. I think it is 79. Opens and immediately says level failed. Looks like it starts with the snake in the trap but I can’t even go to challenge levels or anything. Nothing I do makes the exclamation go away on the accessories icon which is annoying. I paid to get rid of ads, but still have to watch ads to do boss levels. I get it that i watch ads for extra time/moves but shouldn’t have to for boss levels. I will wait to see if an update comes out to fix these bugs. If not, I will gave wasted $4.99 to eliminate ads etc. and I will just delete the app.
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3 months ago, Only one Angie
Perfect No Ads
I can play with no ads if I merely retry a failed level. I am really enjoying this game and I usually delete a game within a few minutes if they bore me. This game is challenging and it’s my fave right now. Suggestion: From a gamification standpoint, I would like more celebration of an adventure level completed as well as I would like to be reminded what level I am on in achieving the adventure level completion. As it stands right now, I can only find out how many levels are left if I restart the game. We don’t want users to exit a game. Great job and keep up the great work.
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2 months ago, WhightFury
Oddly satisfying, but some issues
This game has been oddly satisfying for me, in the last update it seemed like they had listened and removed the ding sound every time you free a snake, unfortunately it’s back again and my ears cannot stand it, and makes me want to play it less. On top of that, some of the unlockables don’t seem to be achievable, i’m way past 1.4 million levels and they still remain locked no matter what i do, i really want to keep playing this but i can’t as often anymore because of these issues. I’d love for the monthly challenges to be brought back, for some new content to be added, as well as a more in depth settings menu so i can at least turn off the ding sound. If that ever happens id be more than happy to update my review to a higher rating. <3
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8 months ago, cinvowell
They ruined the game with this last update
I started the game because they had gone from one puzzle to the next in a row. This last update they added cities that make no sense. There is no way to opt out of the city section and get back to just the puzzles. I have to choose the puzzle part EVERY SINGLE TIME. If I wanted to deal with cities and update this building or that I would have gotten a different game. If they at least had a way to opt out of the cities it wouldn’t be so bad but there isn’t even a customer service on the game to ask about it. If I could uninstall the last update maybe that would put it back the way it was but there isn’t even that option. Yesterday I would have given it 5 stars. After today’s update if I could give it no stars I would. I’ll change it if they give an option to go back to the way it was.
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1 year ago, Bollox57
Too many ads and no new challenges
You can play more than one game in a row without seeing an ad, but just barely. I hate the addition of the golden snake in the last update, because it only means an interruption in the game (for another ad) to award more points that are useless. I have over a million points and there’s nothing to buy with them once you’ve tried all the backgrounds and hats. They never add to the special challenges either, so nothing new there once you’ve been through them except to play them again and try to beat your previous score. Somebody said the frequency of ads is reduced once you get the crown, but that was not my experience. It’s a fun game, but pretty boring after a while.
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3 months ago, Liss19
Bonus helper tabs in wrong place
I really enjoy the game however with the placement of the bonus helper tabs in the middle bottom of the screen you end up wasting them. There are many times when there are snakes at the bottom of the screen and the bonus tabs sit right on top blocking access to the snake you need to move. A better location would be off to the left of the main play area or going down the left side. Or was the placement just a ploy to get players to spend more money to buy more game helpers? Also collecting all these coins to get what exactly? There are only so many skins to change. It would be nice to put them towards bonus packs. Please fix the helper tab placement.
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4 months ago, tu rey pare siempra
Good game
I really enjoy this game but is there a way to get the ads off it? I don’t care if I have to pay to get rid of the ads. Please let me know. Also the game is stalling and a lot of times if I try to watch an ad to get some extra moves it’ll say there’s no ads and I’ll press try again and an ad will play. I want to keep this game can you fix it? Will you let me know. I’ll wait a few days to play if you can fix it if you can’t I’m gonna have to delete it. But I don’t want to. Right now I can’t play it because it messes up a lot.
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5 months ago, Soccertaxi
Fun but…
This game is addictive and for the most part fun to play. I paid for the no ad version, however they make you watch ads when you need to skip one to move on and of course they make certain ones that cannot be won so you have to skip. Not fair. Latest update now has a league to progress through and I do not like this at all! No setting to not participate and it’s just a time waster from playing the game. They already have a race to participate which I like those but after doing one and progressing then it goes through the league status screen. Ugh. I am growing weary of having to wait through all this junk to play the next screen.
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5 months ago, Chantili
Ads and no landscape option ruin this game!
To play 3 seconds of a round and then be bombarded with 30 seconds of ads every single round is absolutely ridiculous! Have game developers truly become so greedy that they can’t allow someone to experience the game for 5 minutes without stuffing ads down their throats? I would happily pay to remove ads from any game that didn’t use this type of in your face tactic. Further, any of these games that no longer allow iPad users to play games in landscape view are now getting an almost instant delete from me. You’re dismissing an entire group of players who enjoy playing on a device that they don’t want to remove from keyboards or other type of holder that leave them in a set laptop position. Truly a shame.
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11 months ago, CuteFroggo
Wow great game
Oh my gosh this is such a good game! If you are reading this, you should definitely download this! I played the car version and I was like meh and I saw this add and decided to give it a try. This is an awesome snake game! I love the graphics and details and boss levels. There is one thing I don’t like though. THE ADDS! I say this a lot on game reviews, but still. I gave this game 5 stars because I think it’s that good, but the adds are sill annoying. I know it’s a free game, but if you could make less adds, that would be great. If not, I understand. It is still a great game.
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1 year ago, ElizaPi
Can’t win challenge levels
Just downloaded for the first time after 12.2.2 was released, and I’m about 30 levels in. It’s pretty much exactly like what I’d expect both from the ads and from other popcorn games I’ve played. Except for one problem. I can’t win the challenge levels. Not that I can’t complete them successfully, but on the challenge level page, nothing registers as successful. The levels I failed either the first time through, or on replay after a successful completion of the level all show as failed, even if I’ve succeeded on the last play. The levels I’ve never failed show as unlocked but un-played.
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11 months ago, MarshaT
I really enjoy playing but have won level 12 3+ times and still says I’ve Failed. Same with level 41. What’s up??? Then have played and won levels 42 & 43, gives me points (which are useless) but doesn’t reflect the win. Updated yesterday and now get Gold Snakes. And then updated again today. Guess we’ll see. Maybe use points to buy lives??? A bit later my levels cleared and I’m changing my review to 4 stars. Would like to see more challenges in the regular play instead of always repeating I guess snakes can only go so many directions. Thanks, this game is very addicting.
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1 year ago, GigiBear1
Relaxing and entertaining game.
I love playing this game while listening to music or podcasts. It’s pretty simple in game play, but the puzzles get a little harder throughout the game. It has ads, but they’re not too many and can usually be skipped after a few seconds. You can choose to watch ads to increase your coins, play boss levels, and get more moves/time in the round. There’s also no pay to play aspect to this game. Nothing but enjoyment and a few ads.
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1 year ago, CarolSaghir
Repetitive patterns
The individual games repeat ALL THE TIME to the point I recognized each one! I love this game but it’s gotten boring. Then there’s also the glitches that allow snakes to get past each other when they shouldn’t, making it all too easy. Boring. I kept playing a long time after that until I couldn’t stand it any more. I was hoping that it would all be fixed if I just hung in there, but no. Add the welcome back bonus that you have to click, play a game, click again, play a game, and then click a 3rd time. That’s what finally made me delete the app!!!! I gave 3 stars because it was super fun…for a while.
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6 months ago, Beth_d79
Fun but my god the ads
Too much ads you do one level the ads show up. I like everything else so far. I may or may not pay to get rid of the ads. There are other parts to the game so that’s good. I’m intrigued by the reviews stating it’s very good and addicting and gets challenging. There are challenges and merge games to do too. And honest $5 isn’t a bad price to get rid of the ads. I have paid as much as $10 to get rid of other ads in other games. I probably will. Maybe I will update my review later . But so far it’s a pretty decent little game.
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8 months ago, arizonapatty
I am addicted to this game
I love playing this game and am playing it on my iPhone and my iPad. They do not share the scoring, however that my be my not clicking on something correctly. I have played it to 249,390 points on my phone and there is a glitch -one worm will not move! It is Adventure 21 in the new look with many more worms and bumps and tricks. I don’t know how else to tell you, except with photos? Please advise. Or not, as I am spending days on this game. Help me, please.
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1 year ago, AngelEyes912
It’s Just OK
At first it was very interesting, then came all the Ads, even if you decline them you will be forced to watch them. These ads are bad about freezing while the time ticks down actually making you again feel the forcefulness of watching it just to get few extra coins. While there is an In-game No Ad tab, I don’t find it worth adding this game into my already very tight budget. Don’t get me wrong, I know it cost to make these games and keeping them updated, just if you provide the option and I choose not to engage in AD bonuses, then i should not be forced to engage.
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5 months ago, -carmelina-
Can’t play game, have a blank screen and no snakes
I really liked this game until it had me as being on level 9 million when i was actually on level 10,000 & something {i think). Logged out of the game, restarted got a blank screen and no snakes anywhere. I wrote to you and explained this, but nothing happened. I waited a few days and decided maybe i should delete/redownload the game. I did that. I lost EVERYTHING. My levels, coins id earned, all the skins i’d brought all gone. I was not happy, but what could i do? I figured I wouldn’t get a response from you and just started over. Well now it’s done it again. Level 16 million this time, blank screen, no snakes and can’t play. I really like this game and would like to keep playing, but how can i do that if I don’t get an answer from you. This all started AFTER your last “update “. Can you PLEASE fix the problem! Irefuse to start again and if it’s not fixed, then i’ll find a similar game and dump yours.
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5 months ago, Aaliyah 😚😝
I have an update!
So when I clicked on a random place on the screen when the ad was playing. I just saw it has an update! So when you tap when you have an update to the game. There is a blue oval. With the words “update” in it that is white. You click on it. And then it starts downloading. (not for real) and then The words in the blue oval change. And now says open. and now you can play.
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11 months ago, Skeeter Lynn
Tangled Snakes
Absolutely love the challenge of the game and play it all the time. I just get frustrated having to watch all the games. I want to play the game. Don’t show them after we get to say Level 10 or maybe 20. Please it makes me want to quit playing. Thank you. Don’t take my game away. Very relaxing for this old lady. I am getting more frustrated with the same ads for games after you play one game. I’ve seen them all more times than anything else. Please stop showing them to your returning games. It’s very annoying. Please. Please and Thank You.
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1 year ago, Psalm103.4nettie
As with most of your games, it is quite addictive and fun to play! I just downloaded it yesterday to try. I am experiencing a glitch; normal challenge #12 seems to be unable to pass. I don’t understand why we earn all the coins in your games with no way to spend them! I also do not like having to watch an ad after the golden snake! It’s the same as the golden car in Parking Jam. I can put up with the other ads, but an ad in the middle of a level is too much!
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6 months ago, JDtheBuilder
Ads cover game so that you can’t progress
I’ll admit this was a fun game until you get to a certain level and the banner ads at the bottom prevent you from seeing the snakes so that it is impossible to beat that level. Don’t bother paying for the no ads option because after reading many of the reviews, that doesn’t get rid of the ads. People also say the game creators don’t read these reviews or respond to them so the best options are to delete and find another game. I’ll be deleting as well. ALSO, WATCHING ADS TO GAIN A LIFE DOES NOTHING. YOU GAIN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BY VOLUNTARILY WATCHING THE ADS AND I SEE NO WAY TO GAIN A LIFE EXCEPT BY PAYING FOR IT. VERY MISLEADING AND FEELS LIKE A SCAM.
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1 year ago, Sweet Annalea's
Finish the game
This classic puzzle game is a lot of fun. It would be even more fun…and earn 5 stars….if they actually finished the game and updated it I would have given it 5 stars. I ‘won’ challenge 12 about 6 times till it finally marked it completed. After you play so many rounds, you are supposed to be able to do challenge puzzles and hard challenge puzzles. These are not updated at all. You could play hundreds of rounds and not have any challenge levels to play. That’s disappointing and leading me to do other games instead.m
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3 months ago, Gary-CK
A Good Game Gone Bad
I like this game and paid to remove ads soon after trying it out for the first time but am disappointed and unhappy with a change made today in the game. I have never been a fan of the 3D levels and have been able to skip them with just a link push until today. The game now requires watching a video to skip a level. There is no longer an option to not play a level, I have to either play it or watch a video to skip it. That is not acceptable to me. I don’t like the 3D levels because the graphics on them are too ambiguous which means they take more time to complete than I am willing to commit. The other types of levels are great to play. Graphics are beautiful and the game is otherwise very fun. I am likely not going to delete the game, but I will stop playing it as long as that “feature” exists.
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1 year ago, PhylD37
Surprisingly Lots of Fun
I resisted trying this game for a while but then got intrigued. It is more challenging than I expected. Popcore does make good games. My only complaint is the number of ads. I think I spend more time watching ads than playing. I understand wanting to be paid for your creations but why so many. How about an option to buy out of ads.
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2 months ago, Pixie Queen 13
Tangled snakes
The first few levels are way too easy but that is kinda good Hear me out Little kids could be playing this like 3 year olds and they might need help but it challenges their mind and they are little and they don’t know about all of that but it makes them not play anymore and that is ok but when they get a little bit older or maybe next month or something they will keep going so keep up the good work
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8 months ago, Terriblegame66666666
Wrong advertising
Whoever made this game and advertised it has absolutely NO idea what left brain thinker means. It’s literally every person that uses their right hand. What you ignorants don’t know is that if your left brain is dominant then you are a right handed person since the left part of the brain controls the right part of your body. Now after reading this you are either so confused or so in disbelief that you’re thinking “there’s no way that can be true”. I hate stupid people who use words they don’t understand. Do not even use word like left brain thinkers when you have no idea what it means, you stupid dumb moron.
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1 year ago, Debbie Coffman
Love the game, hate your stealing my data
I do love this game, it’s fun, I play for hours. However, I do not appreciate taking my data for any reason. I do not feel it’s necessary, you tracking me for any reason. I just wanna be able to play a game, without me, having to answer a bunch of questions about being tracked by you. My online destinations, are no ones business but my own. if the questions persist, you leave me no choice but to delete the game. Debbie Coffman
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4 months ago, Auntielinda
Unable to play
I The play is kind of fun to play. I even put up with all the ads which come after every rounding also in the middle of rounds if you guess incorrectly and thereby run out of turns. But now I can’t play the game at all because a popup comes up telling me that I have the chance to win what ever there pushing that day. There is no way to turn that down and continue the game play. After the third day of trying to play I decided to answer their questions so I could play. You have to agree to get calls and e-mails . Are asked all kinds of personal questions which keep going on and on. After answering about ten I still couldn’t get back to play the game. I just get asked again to fill out the surveys to maybe win something. I don’t know if this is an error that came with a new version or after you play for a while you can no longer play.
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5 months ago, Skip feature
Skip feature
I would put 5 stars but the placement of the skip level feature where you can watch an ad to skip that level is horribly placed. You need to make it in one of the corners and not the middle bottom of the screen. Numerous times when I’m trying to click on a snake that’s at the bottom of the screen it says I clicked the skip button so I don’t even get to finish the level.
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1 year ago, Cozy2918
Addictive but lost purchase for no ads
I love this game so much I purchased the no ads. My purchase has disappeared and now the annoying ads are back. When I try to restore my purchase it is a blank screen with a logo. I want the adds gone again I paid my $4.99 to get rid of them. I cannot play the boss levels anymore without having to watch ads so I just skip them now. That is sad. I love this game so much!
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5 months ago, Georgia ❤️‍🔥1232
Pretty good
It’s pretty nice. But in the ad there’s so many snakes! Then I got it because it looked fun. There was literally like only 2 snakes.🥲I’m not fully through it, but it’s fun. Just please like, whenever people get in the game, put three boxes automatically and 1 says easy,one says mild, and one says hard. Then if you click on one, it gives you a easy, mild, or hard, depending on what you chose. So great game, just make it a bit harder.
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6 months ago, MichaelaErin
Fun but there’s glitches!
I love this game but with the most recent update I’m having an issue with the “lives” with the challenge levels! It says it’s full but also that I’m at 0 lives. It won’t let me try again on levels I’ve failed and if I try to watch an ad to get more turns, it still will say “out of moves” after I’ve watched the ad. I wish there was a report a bug option in app.
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1 year ago, Danree
Bad update
I enjoyed the game BEFORE the update, now not so much. Before the update I didn’t have to watch an ad to play the boss levels and I had already played all the challenge levels. Now I have to go through them all over again and challenge 12 is impossible to win. Also, the pay out was much higher before.
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1 year ago, vking923
No! No! No!
DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME EVING CLICKING FOR THIS APP! This is an AD DUMP APP NOT A GAME APP. You play for 3 seconds and get a 30 second ad. Claim your coins..30 second ad. Click to go to the next level, you got it. Another 30 second ad! Too often you get real lucky and get 2 or 3 ads in a row! LUCKY YOU! All those ads for a few SECOND OF GAME PLAY. Plain and simple, this is an AD APP with a few seconds of a game teaser. The developers of this game need to decide which they want it to be. I guarantee the ADD APP is a flop! I had to give this app a star because they don’t have minus stars. If they did, I’d give it a -5 only because it wouldn’t go to -10!
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2 months ago, Really Really FRUSTRATED!
I love the challenge, but the amount of ads is ridiculous! Also, the psychology of the game saying that you failed due to not enough moves. You don’t get the same amount of moves as the number of snakes. So, failing implies that you did something wrong! The worst is when you only get 3 moves at a time!!! When the ads come on, I just focus more on the tv show I am watching! I would certainly rather pay for no ads, if that meant actually no ads!
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12 months ago, emmapowelltx
Downloaded it today and loved it. Was ready to make it a new favorite but the app got stuck in a glitch where it just keeps saying I failed a level but I haven’t even started. Tried closing the app and restarting my phone and nothing works. I can’t even get into settings. It says I failed I click retry, it automatically pops up with another you failed message. Hoping this can be fixed because I was really exited about this game.
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1 year ago, Grannyhoot
Frustrating and fun
First of all I have a hard time quitting this game! Love it…mostly. Second I got really sick of the zillions of ads! I found where you can purchase a No Ad version so I purchased it. After purchasing that there hasn’t been any change with ads. They are still coming at me full force!! Please help! Get rid of the ads for me!
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1 year ago, Jshe072
I decided the ads were so frequent and time consuming (it took more time to go through and add than it was for me to play a game) that I decided to pay the $4.99 to have “no ads”. This wording was so very DECEPTIVE!!! Once purchased they indicated it was to opt off of “banner ads”. Not sure what that meant??? I still have adds that are just as long between games. I have been wronged!!! Please save you $5 for your next purchase at Starbucks! This gaming company is misrepresenting themselves to the consumer! We ought to start presenting class action suits. Perhaps they would then be consumer friendly!!!
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1 year ago, jerseygrits
Videos even when you don’t choose them
I love the game BUT one thing that is extremely annoying and will probably have me delete the game, you are given a choice to accept a small amount of coins or watch a video to get more. Even if your choice is to take the small amount, you still have to watch a video! Why bother giving the choice when you are going to ignore my decision?!? I prefer to play games that are more honest and above board.
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9 months ago, DP41888841
Play this game quite often. To me it’s a great stress reliever. Am wondering why the points you get are not very high after each level. I have completed nearly 5,000 levels but have accumulated only a little over 250,000 points. Just seems weird to me. I would think I should be in the millions by now. But no biggie, I still enjoy this game.
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1 year ago, LoveBikes
Challenge 12
There is an issue with Challeng 12. The two snakes at the very left cannot be moved and all other snakes are stuck. I’ve completed all other challenges and I’m on level 8208 but I can’t complete challenge 12. Thank you. I noticed that you flipped Challenge 12 but the issue is still there. It’s now on the right side. Thank you
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1 year ago, Cschafle
Check Level 12
I’m really enjoying the game but I am very frustrated that Level 12 cannot be beat. If someone has figured out how I would love to know. Also the fact that someone else mentioned the problem with Level 12 and the developer has not addressed the issue makes me think that they have just moved on to other games to develope, in my opinion that is not good business.
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1 year ago, tabventurer
This game is fun, but will harrass you with so many adds that you will pay the 4.99 for add free. However, there is no ad free. You just wasted 4,99 and now you have to look at adds of people and animals dying because you can’t save them. Paying the 4,99 meant having adds that are 35-45 seconds long and even longer when they stack the adds. Seeing the cartoon animations die over and over is the saddest part. The ads are beyond annoying and will even advertise add free games!!! It is truly over the top for such a cute game. Play 5 seconds, watch adds for 55 seconds. Just beware.
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1 year ago, Gynotai
It looks like someone got greedy…
When I saw the TOS update I knew that was going to be bad. Now there’s this big intrusive banner ad stuffed at th bottom of the screen then you get thrown an ad after every level, and now I have to sit through a 30 second ad if I want to play a boss level? **GET OVER YOURSELF!** APP DELETED! APP CREATORS STILL HAVEN’T LEARNED THAT WHEN YOU GET GREEDY BY FORCING YOUR USERS TO WATCH MORE ADS THEY JUST DELETE YOU AND YOUR APP. YOU WISH YOU WERE THAT POPULAR. I was on level 950, and I have no problems deleting your app. Something to think about…. Ypu might want to rethink this before your app tanks.
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1 year ago, Sandymaxell57
UP DATE 6/3/23 …. ITS BACK!! HEY ARE YOU LISTENING? Unfair business practices …..
Hey Popcore …….. THAN U FOR GIVING US OUR FAVORITE GAME BACK ….. I REALLY APPRECIATE THAT 5/31?/2023. HEY … ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION TO WHAT YOUR PLAYERS ARE SAYING? I KNOW YOU ARE IN GERMANY AND I BET YOU CAN READ ENGLISH!! You have ruined a great game!! ….. I paid for NO ADS …. Now I get too many. I’m reporting to Apple and getting a refund, the money isn’t the issue …. It’s the fact that when they sold out to another company I lost the privilege of NO ADS!!
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2 weeks ago, Sheila Yaffe
Tangled snakes
I have been playing this game for over a year and this morning it began to act funny ( different) . I couldn’t get it to play correctly so I deleted it and reinstalled it, now I have to start all over at level 1 …. again? :0( I enjoyed playing you snakes but it messed up this morning and I couldn’t get the game to play now I have to start from level 1 …. Again?
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6 months ago, RWCGJ
Ok game lousy explanation
I gave it 3 stars, but I really wanted to give it 2 ratings. I would give it 4 for the play but I would give it a 1 for the rules because there is no explanation of how it is scored. Now this leaderboard has popped up with leagues but no explanation of what it means or how it works. Also the challenges max out and are not continued but the button is still there. The adventures are repetitive. Once you work through them they just repeat.
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