The DailyHoroscope

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3 months ago
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User Reviews for The DailyHoroscope

4.85 out of 5
88.5K Ratings
4 years ago, Curt_roid
Just one concern but amazing app overall
Great app!! Its truly very interesting and heplful to read the different zodiacs andwhat they have to offer on a daily , weekly , & monthly basis to keep your morale and self confidence up. I’m a male virgo and i can definitely say when i wake up in the morning and read my horoscope i am inspired to make it a great day!! The only thing i ask the developers of this app to do is maybe install a an added feature where when you go to see if you’re compatible with another sign you have the option of choosing which gender the sign you are interested in and what different ways the relationship is bound to turn out. For example i am a male virgo , i am interested in a female leo whom i met thru college one day. When i go to compare both of our signs i get an off vibe that describes how the two signs would interact with other and that’s because its not taking in the gender difference. In this day and age a female virgo doesn’t act the same as a male virgo and vice versa for all other signs In reality me and this leo female who i like we actually have a really strong bond that isn’t reflected in the current zodiacs comparison of the two. So i guess it would be nice to add that feature so that i can enter my sign and gender then my partner’s sign and gender to get a little more exact data on the comparison between a person’s sign and their love interest
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5 years ago, A0R7X
Best Horoscope app. out there!
Always exactly on target of what you may be going through, emotionally, mentally, and physically. No matter the time I read my daily Horoscope everyday or once in 4 months. I will relate and then it will give me small advise to overcome hard times, of heart break, disappointed, and very recently the untimely death of my one and only other half of my heart, and life partner. The pain is unbearable, I'm wondering if I will ever be OK again. Lost, confused, direction less, and absolutely the worst heart break, I have or possibly will ever know in my life. so I turned to this app. it said exactly what I was feeling, which is the pain of losing a deeply loved person. but, that I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be and even though at the moment ever being OK again, is far from true and that from this lose I will find my true happiness within myself, to learn that I'm a lot stronger than I give myself credit for and I and very close to true and complete stress free, worry free, and pain free big steps in the right direction if if I don't my guilt will destroy me in the end. I can simply finish with answering the unanswered questions of the recent issues in my life. bec
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5 years ago, KnightWhite28
Extremely accurate
I was weary at first when I got this. It was just for a little bit of fun to see what generic thing I was supposed to be going through that day or week. But it has been extremely accurate since I got this app over a year ago. It might not be pinpointing the days that things happen but the week and month and even yearly horoscopes have all been on point. I’ve been super skeptical about all things astrology until I got this app and it opened my eyes to the science behind star charts and star signs. I got my star chart done on a separate cite and now I know all of my signs for the different planets and houses. This app is literally just your sun sign and your Venus sign if you use the compatibility calculator. I totally recommend this and hope you have fun with it. I also recommend that, if you get it, read the horoscopes after you’ve already been through the day. It’s easy to say it works when you are trying to find stuff in the day to fulfill the horoscope you’ve just read. But if you look back, you’ll see that it happened just as it said.
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4 years ago, Harold Perrigo
The #1 Most Entertaining App of it’s Kind!
The only horoscope app I ever use. With an amazing selection of horoscopes such as Druid chartings, Chinese horoscopes, Gregorian/western horoscopes, and the option to see daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly readings, you will not find a more useful and entertaining horoscope experience. The readings are so relevant to me that it is sometimes hard to believe! Even in the free version of the app (which is what I have), there are never any invasive adds. The few ads that are occasionally present are done tastefully and have never detracted from my enjoyment of the app even once. The developers have achieved a perfect balance of advertisement space and content. This app is a shining example of how to generate ad revenue without destroying the experience the user has in-app. Great astrological readings, super easy to share a reading or other content on multiple social platforms — the app is stellar! And as a bonus, it’s FREE! If you are seeking entertaining advice and positive confirmations for yourself, Daily Horoscope will not disappoint.
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2 years ago, Shell Parker
Daily, following days, weekly and monthly horoscopes
I very rarely read my horoscope in the morning. It’s usually around 10pm at night and I can usually relate to a couple of things the horoscope had to say about my day now that it’s already happened I can see the similarities in what actually happened and in what the horoscope is saying and every time I really ant believe it. Every time Ithe idea is impressed upon me that this stuff is no joke! Because how would they have known that was going to happen? They couldn’t make what happened happen today~no way it was real that was real!!! Wow! Love it! I like reading the next days at that time as well. Not that I will reward it an hour later.I go in spurts reading my horoscope. I will read it for a while and then I won’t read it for a long while for some reason but every single Time I come back this is always here never changing always dependable! Thank tou
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6 years ago, SuperGaby009
Great Time Passer!
I love this app! I’m very skeptical and normally don’t give reviews but this is different. Other horoscope apps make you pay, but this one is free. Not only does it give you your horoscope, but other things such as compatibility. I have really liked my time with this app. About accuracy I’m not completely sure, this may or may not work, I’m not really sure. Sometimes I’ll read my horoscope and go “wow cant believe it knew”. Other times I’ll straight out say “well no that didn’t really happen to me”. Sometimes I relate what has happened to me with my horoscope. Regardless it’s a great time passer. Whenever I’m bored and don’t have good WiFi (you don’t really need WiFi for this to work) I’ll just read my horoscope, my crush’s horoscope, my friends horoscope just to have fun with it. Please don’t base your life around this app. This app is really mean to be entertaining and provide you some hope for what’s happening in our lives.
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2 years ago, kiriepoog
Please read all the way through. Best app ever
So, I got this app year before last year. Ima just ask the creator of this app HOW DO YOU KNOW MY ELEVEN YEAR OLD LIFE ON THE DAILY!? Like for EXAMPLE, I was having a school project AND THE APP SAID A ONE TO TWO DAY DEADLINE, and SOMEHOW it was right. And another example, so I was having trouble in November or October with a bully at school. And it LITERALLY SAID something along the lines of “there is someone in your life troubling you” and “reach out to somebody else to help.” I did AND GUESS WHAT, it HELPED. How did it know. I swear this app is the best app ever. Only problem I have is that I can’t use without internet. Also a suggestion would be adding family zodiac relationships and daily tips for that separately because it is hard to understand family sometimes and maybe this could help. thank you for reading and if your a creator of this app please respond. HAVE A NICE DAY!
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3 years ago, mick_1116
Amazing App Just Incredible
This app was very very amazing. I am looking on it and it gives very detailed information and negatives and positives about each sign and how you can improve. Also I like how you get different information each day it’s not just the same old stuff as yesterday or the day before. It’s also fun comparing yourself to other zodiacs. For example I’m a Scorpio and I compared my self to Pisces. We were a good match. Then I compared myself to Leo, not so good. It also shows different perspectives because even though I’m a Scorpio and I compared myself to Pisces. It also can show me how a Pisces compares themselves to me. It is a very accurate and good app. The only improvement I want to make is you should ask if you are a female or a male because that would make it even more accurate and relatable. Thank you for reading!!! Great app.
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4 years ago, In Therapy....
Freakishly Accurate
I'm a Virgo..... skeptical of just about everything and difficult for me to believe in what I can't understand. I've had this app for about 2 years and I can't tell you how many times I've been amazed at the spot on accuracy!! I have high anxiety levels.... about everything. I don't ever relax. And more often than not all it takes to help me my "message" for today (or week....or month....I could go on and on about all you offer!) Or maybe just go back and read my favorites.... do you have any idea how many years I've searched for a cure?! I get that this will seem strange to many but I can't even begin to express my gratitude for your work. Your Awesomeness has helped me in ways anyone or anything ever has. You can't ever improve on perfection and don't want you to ever stop doing what y'all do best! (Did y'all get what I'm tryin to say here?!)
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5 years ago, xLovelyLucax
Mind Blowing! Skeptic Turned Full Believer :)
I’ve had this app for a little over two months now, and I have read my horoscope everyday and I even have an alarm set so I don’t forget to read it. I have turned many friends and family members into DH addicts lol and let me tell you.... I have yet to read a day that is not scarily so on point even to the smallest detail for my sign, and everyone else’s sign that I’ve showed. I was a huge skeptic and have always been open minded and interested in astrology and the stars, planets, and universe. I am still in shock because from the good to the bad and the advice this app gives for each sign, there has not been one day or sign or person I’ve read these too where they were not completely 150% Truthful and right about what they were saying. Give it a week and you will be spreading the word about how crazy this app is!
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2 years ago, autumn bbrooke
My go to horoscope app
I’ve tried A-LOT of horoscope apps, and I mean so many as long as it had a rating of 3* or higher although it no ratings at all some times gave it a try. I have learned some apps are the same so probably same company, others only let you do nothing without subscribing (never do because horoscopes are always free) or some offered so much stuff it almost made no sense when I gathered it all, and others had absolutely nothing to do with anything like best says for my hair ok they don’t know when that is or for my plants how are my plants better watered today to where Aries is in two days come on to much info can be a little less believable. This one is simple offers yesterdays an tomorrows u can favor them and there simple understandable and typically I can get some knowledge out of them.
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4 years ago, Tommehloveyou
Absolutely my favorite
Its FREE and I've been using it for years, extremelyyyy accurate. Its honestly the only one I trust all the rest seem like scams and aren't ever really accurate /: Ive recommended it this app to so many people(even non-believers became believers!) and i have yet to find someone who doesnt love it. Even came across friends who had this app without me even needing to saying anything about it even some non believers :) sure its not accurate(are any of them though??) maybe not 10/10 but its a good 8-9/10 when it comes to accuracy, Atleast for me :) Personally this app has inspired me in so many ways, pushed me forward even when in some of my lowest moments and helped me open up more than i ever thought i could. It might not seem like much just words to some, but to others it could change their entire life. Its worth a try! :)
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6 months ago, mmaallccoollmm
A few problems to deal with
Number one. The contact us button does not contact you. It runs you through the email and then at “enter text,” it sends you back to the menu. Tried at least 12 times. Number two when it offers to look at next week or next month, you see the current week or month. This has only been a flaw in the last six months or so. Number three tomorrow’s horoscope, although activated at settings, never shows tomorrow; it only takes you to an empty screen. The same is true for yesterday‘s horoscope. Note: I am using this app with the voiceover for accessibility since I am blind. Thank you for your consideration. Number five. You have to enter a nickname in order to send a message. Every nickname you put in result in this nickname is already taken, even random letters. You obviously do not want to hear from anyone. Perhaps a Twitter message would be a better way to reach you?mal
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6 years ago, Native223
Very appreciative of the messages.
I’m one who normally have a skepticism of such apps, however most circumstances I have now our better because of the advice from the app. An example of this was when I was offered an incredible position at a job that I previously worked for. A general manager called me to personally ask me if I wanted the position with great benefits and pay. Nonetheless I took time to dwell on it, opened the app to read my horoscope message for the day and surprisingly enough, it talked extensively of an opportunity that may seem too good to be true. As mentioned above, I normally would be skeptical thinking that an app could correlate with day to day life. Sometimes in life we just need to be more reasonable with our consciousness and take advice wherever we can find it. Even if it’s a horoscope app haha.
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7 years ago, Very Happy Organizer!
Best horoscope app
Best horoscope app I’ve tried and I’ve been through a lot. Always feel like it’s right on target and if it’s not then it fits my husband of 10 years who is also a Virgo but very different from me in many ways. And as each person who share the same sign share so many of the same qualities and characteristics, I fully believe there are at least two different kinds of each sign ( maybe more I don’t have enough behind it to say more than two) so if the horoscope on this app or any horoscope for that matter doesn’t always fit you it’s not that it’s wrong it’s that it’s referring to the other half of your sign. And if your on the boarder line of 2 different signs.. read both of them. You will often find that the majority of both will often pertain to you.
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6 years ago, CheyanneandFlyer
I love this app, it’s a good app. I like the settings, you get to choose specific scenes, I haven’t been prompted to pay yet and I am loving everything about this app. You can set reminders to remind yourself to check the horoscope and if you forget your zodiac sign, you can find out! You just enter your b-day and BAM! You have your zodiac. I love this app because I’m big on the zodiac and horoscopes. I am in love with this app. I don’t know how many things I’ve said that I love it but, just to get my point across, I LOVE this app. I love everything about it. It is enteresting and you can choose so many different settings and you can have fun with it. I and in live with this app so much I would HIGHLY recommend this to anyone and everyone. So if you are wondering weather or not to buy this app, I vote YES! But this app RIGHT NOW!
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5 years ago, xolmcxo
Extremely accurate and helpful
I am madly in love this this app. I’ve been reading my horoscope everyday for a year now. My daily, weekly and monthly horoscopes have been ON POINT. I’ve never written a review for an app but i just have to for this one. Its helps me get on track and gives me advice on how to handle things. I read my friends and family their horoscopes and they always say “Omg thats so true! Whats that app called?!” I recommend it to every person out there. Even if you’re not into astrology, it will always have an incredible paragraph that can positively guide you in any situation. I have endless examples about how my horoscope has guided me into the path I needed to be in. Seriously i love the app so much it’s unexplainable, its helped me with everything i needed help with. Never deleting.
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7 years ago, Mysticsoasis
Astrology n ish
I pretty much check this app daily. Although I did recently discover there is "western" astrology (which is what the majority of us use here in the U.S. use) and "Vedic" astrology. Vedic is the original method created in India and Western was created by Babylon only about 2-3,000 yrs ago. Western astrology uses the sun as the center of all constellations making quite a difference when it comes to your natal chart. Making western astrology about 22 days ahead. I definitely feel we should all reconsider our sun signs wince most of us are only checking that when using this app. You could be the sign before!! Although your sun sign is only a tiny portion of who you really are, it's definitely worth reading up on both sides and choosing what you feel is the best for your belief system. Much love!!
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6 years ago, ~•A Gemini•~
~•From a Gemini•~
Ok ok, this app is seriously awesome- I absolutely love horoscopes, and so this was so much fun to get. It’s not outdated like books are, and I really like the easy format of the app. The descriptions are all super well written, and I can really relate to my daily horoscope(it’s creepy how accurate it’s been lately tbh-). I love how you can test your relationship with other signs too, all the advice has gotten me in an ABSOLUTELY amazing relationship with a Sagittarius! It’s new but I didn’t know what I was missing in life without him. The Chinese Year and Tree of Life were sweet touches too! (Rooster and Ash Tree) Is just like to thank you for all the hard work put into this, and another thank you for making it free with so many cool options! Thank you for the final time! With love, and the best of luck for this app, ~•A Gemini•~
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5 years ago, aquarius unicorn
I was looking through the Chinese horoscopes and mine is the rat but when I put in my b-day it came up with the pig. O.O um, what?!? So I went and looked it up on google to make sure I’m not the pig,I wasn’t so I went back into the app and double checked to see if I typed it right. I did so I’m not sure what happens there but you guys need to fix it because other people could be getting their wrong horoscopes and that would not be good. I’m not saying I hate the app it’s just that one thing that I had to mention. This app on the other hand, is AMAZING!!!!! I’m a Aquarius and when I tap on the horoscope stuff it’s so true!!! I love horoscopes! They fascinate me. Other horoscopes that I have downloaded were terrible and they costed money but this one is free and awesome. I hope you guys fix the glitch.
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5 years ago, grace hazlett
best horoscope app!
I’ve downloaded many different horoscope apps, only then to delete them right after I saw “try out free trial” or “get the daily horoscope for $__” and it was just annoying. I was just trying to find an easy app where I could read my daily horoscope. I’m an Aries, and though some people think horoscopes are bull-crap, my horoscopes are always accurate, it’s crazy. This app also has amazing features like a daily reminder which is so helpful! I set mine for 6:30 a.m. so when I wake up in the morning the reminder is right on my home screen, reminding me of the pleasant short horoscope waiting for me to read. You can change the background too! You can make a profile so all of the horoscopes are accustomed to you. I love this app so much!
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4 years ago, MaddameChanel
Ok ok you might think that I’m crazy and totally exaggerating but...This app is the best horoscope app I’ve ever had! It is super accurate, and, I am pretty into all of that horoscope and astrology stuff. There was something going on with me and a person and I felt a connection with them. We are very much alike. On the day that I am thinking about them the most, it says the type of stuff that I am thinking of. It was like the entire app completely read my mind!! Me, as a Sagittarius I know that is the most accurate thing I’ve ever seen. To the creators of this app, Awesome job you really do know what you are talking about. If you are reading this to see if this app is legit, I have your answer right here. Totally legit.❤️🦋🤟
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5 years ago, Mr. Christopherr
I check this everyday
I have other horoscope apps but this one is by far the best. The daily horoscopes are fantastic. Well written and it just always seems to be the exact message I needed to hear. I also check other people’s daily scopes and it seems to check out. I love that this app has no ads. My other horoscope apps have annoying ads and the horoscopes don’t seem to have much thought. Where we this app is always very insightful and seems to be written by someone who understand the unique perspectives of each sign without playing favorites. Great app. I check it every day and it always leaves me with something to think about. Insightful and enlightening... what more could you want from a daily horoscope?
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2 years ago, Leahlani
My Own Connection to The Universe
As a pretty new believer in believing in what the universe has to offer you, i feel like this app tells me what i need to hear 9 times out of 10. Its given me better insight on friendships and on myself to and has helped me face a lot of the fears i pushed away and it really does feel like my own little connection to what the universe has to tell me. My friends and I have been using it everyday for about 2 weeks and its really helped the lot of us get through some tough situations and helped us remember exactly what we needed to get out of them. So a big thank you to the people who made this app because it really is helping us in more ways than one. <3
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5 years ago, stephanie9298
I love this app!
This app has been accurate so many times. Sometimes it’s off, however this week every single thing has been spot on. I read my “weekly” at the beginning of the week, thinking “oh that’s not going to happen”, but then I just read it again, and now that it’s the end of the week, I’ve realized that everything happened that it said would. That’s super crazy. Also, the daily horoscopes have been accurate as well. I like how there are many options as far as what kind of information you want. However, I think it would be cool to add a “friendship compatibility” section. My best friend and I have been invested in this app for a long time, and I think it would be cool to have this feature.
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7 years ago, ⚡️🌿☀️
Best horoscope app by far!
I really mean it when I say that I’ve never read a more helpful horoscope. This app tells you exactly what you need to hear at the moment in your life. This is the best and most accurate horoscope app I have ever encountered. The great thing about this app is that it doesn't tell you what you WILL encounter like "you will be very sad today", but instead gives you advice on what you may encounter. It shows you new perspectives to approaching daily life situations and truly enlightens you based on your astrological sign. It also has other great features like Chinese and Druid horoscopes and yearly horoscopes, which are all also very accurate. Highly recommend for anyone who seeks guidance or just fun based on horoscopes!
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5 years ago, laniya87
Big user of this app
I literally start my day by reading this app to let me know what to expect. Even going back to read it throughout the day to relate it to encounters I’m having. On top of that, it’s almost unbelievably accurate as it never skips a beat even on the details of it. Another one of my favorite features is the zodiac compatibility. I’ve used this app when dealing with men to give me an insight on why that person acts in a certain way or does certain stuff. It really helps you understand your counterpart in a way that states the proposed differences but gives the hopefulness of working then out as well! I love it. I’ve had this app on every phone I’ve purchased for years and I’m not deleting it anytime soon
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4 years ago, mjrmalfunction
always accurate when i need it
often times i’ve felt that my horoscope doesn’t come into play in my day, but that’s not the horoscopes fault - thanks to corona i don’t do much all day. but whenever i’m going through any kind of big feeling in my head, the horoscope always knows and always gives the best advice. just last night i found out my cat has worms and i started bawling my eyes out bc one of my last cats got worms and i stopped paying much attention to it bc if i touched it the wrong way it would crap. i still loved him, but he went missing around halloween and it’s something i’ve blamed myself for every time i think of him and i was so scared that my current cat will die from the worms. but i just looked at my horoscope and it said something along the lines of “you may be feeling apprehensive about something that has happened in the past and is happening again today. something you’ve carried with you for a long time and blamed yourself for. but you have experience now and you know what to do. you failed last time, but you won’t fail again” and it sss exactly what i needed to hear.
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5 years ago, Jasperblu67
Bummer about the subscription model now!
I’ve used this app a LONG time (as in, years) and love how accurate it’s been (despite not asking for specific day/time/year/place of birth)... but now all my favorites are gone, and I can no longer save favorites without subscribing. If we all have to subscribe to every bloody app we have, regardless of the price, at some point we will be broke. Something has to give, and I guess in MY case, it’s going to be this app. I’d much prefer a one-time fee for an app, but obviously that’s not as lucrative for developers. I don’t think things should be free, per se, but when you’ve offered features for free in the past and then do a 180° to change your business model, it seems a little unfair. We shall see how this all pans out I suppose, but I am bummed that one of my all time favorite apps has chosen to go this route.
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6 years ago, Rainbow223455564466
Almost amazing.
It’s really really great. I think it’s a fun time passer, and a place to go for advice or just to play around with it. No joke, it’s actually decently accurate. It’s really cool that you can customize the wallpaper, and that you can check compatibility status and all that. I’m not going to make my life horoscopes, but I think there fun and interesting. Recently there was a silent fight between me and a friend. It’s so rough and frustrating. I’m not sure if she even cares but I think about it all the time. I don’t even want to be friends with them, just want to tell them how I feel. And I haven’t said anything yet, but, I feel like this app has been hinting little signs. Maybe someday, I’ll be confident enough. The only thing that’s annoying is the ADS! I hate all the ads. Love, Capricorn🐐
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6 years ago, Cupcakesrock898
Exactly what I was looking for
This app is perfect for me, it’s exactly what I had in mind. I like that it has the extra types of horoscopes as well. A fun added bonus is it lets you pick a different color scheme whenever you want and there are a bunch of beautiful colors to choose from. You’re not limited to just your horoscope either, you can read through all of them or use the compatibility tool to see how signs would match up. The horoscopes aren’t cheesy and actually feel relevant and relatable. It hasn’t crashed and there aren’t a bunch of ads on the screen or popping up everywhere. You can also choose to get notifications to remind you which is cool. I’m enjoying it so far.
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1 year ago, bee buzzin
Sort of went downhill
This is one of my go to apps and it just seems like it’s just going downhill with the messages. Yes some are accurate but lately it just seems like I’m getting nagged more than anything whenever I check and it’s just odd. Some would call it negative and maybe that’s the case but with me, it just seems there is more messages that nags for improvement and considering everyone else’s “feelings” - things of that nature, it just got odd and repetitive. Let’s see how things will change from here on out. I also took a look at recent critical reviews on this app to see if anyone else caught wind of this (someone else did too surprisingly) and the responses from the developers aren’t exactly as professional as you would expect from an app such as this.
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5 years ago, Stancie Rich
Spot On
Not sure if that is totally accurate. I am a Pisces and the power of suggestion can sometimes be like an smooth undercurrent or an undertow! At any rate, when I haven’t read my DH for the day but cannot understand a nagging feeling or thought, I tend to check out my DH and it usually helps me see the energy I am experiencing. I also appreciate that my DH seems to be written by people who want you to know the deal-of-your-day in a kind way. Instead of “you are being a jerk today” it might read “someone close needs your patience”. Even the compatibility portion discusses each sign’s weaknesses as strengths that the other person may not understand because of their own quirky ways (and vice versa).
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3 years ago, Nicholas838
So thankful for this app
This app truly keeps me sane when I need advice and I feel I have no one to turn to I go to this app, read my horoscope for the day or if that doesn’t resonate I look at the day before or after or the week summary and something always resonates exactly with what I need to hear and it’s so divine and magic and I am so grateful for the wise ones who write these messages! 🙏🏻 highly recommend this app, and I reccomend also to only read horoscope messages when you feel you truly need a message or at the end of the day I find it very cool to match up how my day went with what my horoscope says, it’s so on point and synchronistic with my life!
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3 years ago, the 'pro'crastinator
If it's in ur stars, u'll find it here!
Best horoscope app out there. Even if u don't follow astrology or have any belief in it, this is a great starting point for personal growth & to reflect on issues u might be struggling with. It doesnt tell u which path to take, it makes u ask yourself which path u want to take. Whatever issues i am dealing with, or when something is weighing heavy on my mind, it seems to shine a light on the answers & an understanding to the situation- that i already knew deep inside my soul, but had become muddied due to the stresses & everyday noise in life. It so often grounds me and brings me back to my inner core and the things that matter to me. Thank you, Angels in the Stars!
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7 years ago, OLDSOULFOOD
I am a very intellectual being with an old soul. I am also an empath meaning I feel the emotions of everyone around me and I know why they hurt. The point is this has been my top recommendation for the past 4 years at least. It's got so much more information than a daily horoscope. It's got your Druid sign, Chinese yearly animal, compatibility, and even yearly or weekly horoscopes that are almost always correct. One thing to keep in mind is that even though you're reading a specific days horoscope it doesn't mean it's only for that day. Sometimes Tuesdays horoscope won't become relevant or make sense until Saturday's event. God is love and existence itself nothing more, nothing less.
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5 years ago, Emybean21
Unbiased opinion
Although I don’t really believe in horoscopes and that you can fit every person into a category all based on what day they’re born on this app can definitely be freaky with how accurate it is. Only reason I even checked it out was because someone showed it to me. Even if you don’t believe in horoscopes it still gives good advice and I definitely recommend it. It’s especially fun to mess around with when you first get it because it includes compatibility, characteristics, Druid, etc. Another thing is that it not only does daily but weekly and monthly horoscopes. Like I said before I definitely recommend it and think people should check it out.
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5 years ago, Nova1979
I really enjoy this one!
It’s creepy because I just said that out loud after reading one of my daily horoscopes on here. I have had it for a few months now because A friend sent me a screen shot. It seemed so spot on. Anyway, I said out loud, “ I really enjoy this one”, and immediately the pop up showed up asking if I enjoyed the app, if so- rate it. So it may be listening to me, but I really do have to give this one props. This one and Susan Miller are my go tos 100% of the time. They don’t bombard you with other app purchases or ads. They are just reading the stars and looking out for you. This one, in my opinion, has a particularly positive swing on even more negative days.
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6 years ago, Fairlea22
I love Daily Horoscope. I have two horoscope apps on my phone and use them both every day. Daily Horoscope is usually right on the money or if off not too far off. Most time predicting things that are more detailed than vague, even when I don’t read them then go back and read the previous day or weekly. I actually love that feature in case you have stayed up the night before and didn’t check it all day only to attempt at 12:30 or 1 and the next day’s horoscope has already been released. Sometimes these are my favorite because they are still pretty accurate and you know that it wasn’t that way because you read them during that day. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ have recommended to multiple friends.
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6 years ago, Frogmainsdude
Honestly I don’t necessarily believe in this stuff, even though the horoscopes are very vague and super accurate at times. I enjoy the horoscope because how much sense of reality it makes & the accurate literacy being showed. I enjoy this app because it really helps me with some of the problems I have in life. It also motivates me into a better year. The compatibility between two horoscopes also helps me change the way my relationship goes. I’ve never written a review before but I definitely recommend this app to anyone! Even if you don’t believe in horoscopes and all that, it really shows a sense of yourself. And helps your day a lot better.
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6 years ago, Kdove98
Strikingly Insightful
I’m almost embarrassed to admit how much I like this app. With all alternatives stuff like this you usually start to see the repetitive nature and the strings being pulled to trick you into thinking you’re having some sort of otherworldly experience - but with this app I’m not feeling like they’re just yanking my chain. I haven’t really checked out all the features but I really like the daily horoscope summary portion. Real cool to open it up and and try and connect with what’s written there. It can make you think about issues and circumstances in new lights if you allow it to and that’s always helpful no matter what situation you’re in. Nice app. Good job.
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6 years ago, JaysSoFresh
I’m a hopeless romantic
My girlfriend and I had broken up and with it came a lot of problems. Most of my friends were from her so inevitably sides were chosen even though they said it wouldn’t be. I tried getting over the whole situation but each time I would speak with someone I just felt worse, but then one day I downloaded this app. I’m not saying it will work for everyone, but I am saying that this app made me forget the reasons why I was sad and made me want to become a better person for myself. I would highly recommend this app i anyone who doesn’t think or know what they can do to better themselves or a situation in time.
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2 years ago, Beth- crossfit
Too vague and wordy
I’ve come to realize after a year straight of checking my daily/ weekly, that the first few sentences of my horoscope are never very helpful. Always too wordy and never really hit their point until the last sentence of that paragraph. Also, never relevant at all. It’s like anyone could’ve written this- even a school-aged person with no actual horoscope knowledge. I’ve read other much more relevant horoscopes which talked about money spending/traveling/ love, and work - all in a single day. (When to buy a lotto ticket, when to avoid gambling, when to prepare for travel, when to definitely trips away from home, etc.) This app never has been even close to accurate for me so I’m disappointed and will revert back to my tarot cards and the other app.
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4 years ago, deep east
Love and look forward to reading my daily horoscope
Being a Gemini woman with a quick thinking mindset and a knack for problem solving I absolutely consider checking my horoscope a standard to my daily routine. My horoscope is so accurate and almost word for word on who or what will come my way and what I should expect if it’s what I consider a not so good day Lily horoscope I’ll do everything in my power to prevent it from occurring and if it’s a great daily read then I’m just as determined for it to be so. No one can show you the way in life but it feels good to know that you can take the occasional advice from a guide who is accustomed to or familiar with your journey
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7 years ago, HelloKeish
As of today, December 5th, 2017 - I can say that I have gone through the most that I’ve ever had to experience in my young adult life. Although I’m only 24, I’m still living, still learning, and still growing. Daily Horoscope has definitely pushed me to keep going, to keep growing and to listen while learning every little lesson the universe has thrown this way. Every morning I wake up to a new start, a new experience, but I’m most excited about the new DH notification. It immediately prompts me to a better outlook on life. I’m more determined, understanding, and stronger than I’ve ever been. Thank you for always being on time! xoxo Keish 🦋✨🌻💞
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2 years ago, Lakai50
One of the Best!!!
You know, horoscopes (to me at least) are some sort of daily guide to our individual lives & experiences. Some days the messages are super helpful & very insightful, while on other days the information found inside can be nowhere near what we are seeking and that’s just how it goes because of how important astrology is as a science and the very very finely detailed understandings that we all have to seek out in an individual level to some sort of degree whether we like it or not. I love this application but in my honest opinion the Windows Phone had the best Horoscope app ever invented!!!!
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6 years ago, Beyoncé knows
Long time user
I have used this app for about 4 years and love it. I've downloaded many apps, but none are as smooth and easy to navigate as this app. Although I am sometimes skeptical about horoscopes in general and the vagueness of the wording, I still love to read my horoscope and see if it's relatable to my day or week. I can't count the number of times I've gotten goosebumps after reading my horoscope through this app. I've even taken screenshots to send to my friends because my horoscope is exactly on point. Even if the horoscope isn't relatable to me, the advice and messages are inspiring. I highly recommend this app!
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6 years ago, ssangyi
Absolutely love it
Ive had this app for over 5 years, its the only horoscope app I use. It's almost always spot on and very informative & inspirational. The one thing that could improve is the compatibility section. Let’s say you combine Horoscope A & B. It’s completely different from when you compare B& A. If they are the same signs put into compatibility one shouldn’t be negative while the other positive. This can ultimately give two different perspectives of the same situation. Either way a horoscope cannot tell about your true compatibility or personality since people possess different characteristics of a horoscope. So I’ll take it with a grain of salt.. it’s just better if it was consistent. I think it’s not a good match when another sees it could be..
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4 months ago, miyeyosh79
SO ACCURATE it’s crazy!!!
I normally don’t use horoscopes (and I never write reviews lol) even though I’m totally into astrology etc. Then a friend of mine read me mine from his app and holy guacamole it was so spot on! I still didn’t feel the need to download the app…..until hearing both our horoscopes for a week, every day was literally like a direct message just for me as it’s creepily accurate lol. Then I knew it was time to download it. I’m so glad I did. I love that you not only have daily horoscopes but Chinese yearly, zodiac characteristics and even Druid horoscopes!!! Thanks DH for your awesome app-I’m love it👏♓️😍✨
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6 years ago, Bnervig
There’s a glitch in this app
It’s one of my fav horoscope apps, but this glitch annoys me each week: I login to read my daily, and occasionally there’s a prompt (around Friday) saying “weekly horoscope is ready” (or something like that) for the following week. Unless I immediately read it when the announcement comes up, I’m not able to read it. I mean, I can’t access the weekly any way other than if I click the link immediately when it first pops up, which it only does once. And to top it off, if I do click it immediately, I can only read it for one sign! This is super frustrating because I’m born on the cusp so I always read both, and I also enjoy reading my rising sign, and the sign of my partner....but unable to do so
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