Tile Garden: Relaxing Puzzle

4.7 (89.7K)
420.6 MB
Age rating
Current version
Lion Studios
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
13.0 or later
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User Reviews for Tile Garden: Relaxing Puzzle

4.75 out of 5
89.7K Ratings
2 years ago, fhfhdfufufuudu
[Insert cool title here]
First, I LOVE this game, even though it’s not original. (At all) Second, why you should download this; again, even though very un-original, still fun at the least, I like the “garden theme” and even though still one of those games who have ads with people who edit it to look different JUST to hook you, lemme give you a pat on the back, then turn that back into your front (Turn you around) then shove you forward down the lane I like to call “Just blame the “add makers.”” lane. But hey, don’t go down THAT lane ether, it’s not they’re fault. It’s just their job. (Make you wanna download) ps: So so so so sorry on how “UNBELIEVABLY LONG” text I wrote. Believe when I say; that I want it that a-way. Sorry, but seriously though, believe when I say; I’m tired too. Only instead tired of WRITING not READING. Any way, even though this review was BARELY EVEN ABOUT THE GAME, just know that I love it. If you’re reading this and your NOT a game dev, one; GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT. And two; you should download and play. (Please. And if you are; just know that I LOVE this game. OR I WILL FIND YOU!)
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2 years ago, Cv12ha34el56
Tired of being cheated
I gave three stars because I do like playing the game, but now they are cheating me on the events. They say you are working to earn 3 undos and then they give you 1 magnet OR WORSE YET, I was working to earn 3 magnets and they gave me 1 with the chance to get 2 by watching an ad. The events USED TO BE super fun ways to stock up on hints, but not any more. Unless something changes, I won’t be spending any more money to buy hints when you WON’T give me the ones I have earned!!
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2 years ago, sirific
Requires too much money!
I absolutely LOVE this game…but, it requires too much money to play. Unless you’re a puzzle master, you will get very frustrated at how quickly your lives empty out, as well as your fake coins. Unless, of course, you pay pay pay! I know this is run of the mill for most games, and for this reason I am very picky about the games I play, but the only games I stick with are the good ones that don’t require so many payments. It also feels like you get screwed twice, because you first have to buy or earn (which takes forever) coins in order to play for more than a couple minutes, but then your coins are taken and turned into puzzle pieces. So as you finish more levels, your coins diminish to “buy” the puzzle pieces that you’ve “earned”. It feels like you’re being screwed over twice. I’ve really enjoyed this game, but am going to delete it from my phone due to the payment/earning/coin scheme. It really feels like you’re being scammed a lot more than other games.
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2 years ago, kyleeantoinette
Too many Ads/Slows Phone Down
The game itself is great. But there are literally too many ads for honestly anyone to handle. I pause it for a second, or just hit the settings button; Ad. Finished a level; Ad. Click on ANYTHING and want to go back to the previous page? Ad. And most people will not pay $6 for an app to not have ads. Especially when that app slows your entire phone down. Ever since I had downloaded it, it made EVERYTHING lag on my phone. Deleted the app/game, and now my phone hasn’t slowed down since. So I’m not sure if it was just to many gigs, or used up so much storage, or what? All I know is that I have only used up 2.0 out of the 5.0 GB on my iCloud, and my phone was perfectly fine before downloading this game and after erasing it. I never leave reviews. But I really wanted to let everyone know about these serious issues regarding this game… Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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1 year ago, scc89
Ad-fest, even after paying for no ads!!
Pro: Tile Garden IS. A very fun game, its well done, and enjoyable. Con: as other reviewers have noted, the number of ads is RIDICULOUS. And yes, there’s an “ad-free” upgrade, except it’s not even close to “ad free”. The developer claims that the ads you’re stuck with are “optional”, because they’re for “power ups”. That’s not entirely true, and even if it were, they’re still not truly “optional”. Imagine playing Call of Duty or something similar, and you pay $9.99 to stop all the annoying 30-second pop-up ads between sections. Now imagine that to actually get ammunition, you have to watch an ad. Sure, you can play ad-free without ammo, but it’s gonna be more than a little frustrating, and progress slows to a glacial crawl. Is that ad-free? Not at all. Also, they justify the remaining ads by saying it makes it “fair” to those who didn’t pay the $9.99 vs those who did, because EVERYONE has to watch them. But that’s obviously a lie because it’s not a competition between players!! I’m asking Apple for a refund for this deceptive game….which is a shame, because it’s otherwise fun. Also, the game is BUGGY. It regularly says I’m out of slots when I DID have a 3-tile match with the last one I touched. Also, the ads regularly crash the game, too, and you have to restart the round. Maddening!
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2 years ago, Shugga45
At first I thought it was a glitch so I made comment about the game cutting off in mid play but then it suddenly had lives that you could lose. Well with the game cutting off in mid play you lose a life no fault of your own. Then they ask if you want to use all of the coins you’ve earned to get more lives or watch a video for free lives. The videos constantly flash loading and never come up, so I guess you eventually spend your coins and then have to pay if you want to move forward. Well why would you do that if the game is CONSTANTLY glitching. I was about to even pay for ad-free play but I’m just going to delete this game. It’s great to play when it is working but it isn’t working more often than not. Send me some kind of ping when you guys get your game together. Smh
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1 year ago, Pickmehen
Used to be fun game but…
This game was fun before the recent change to more bothersome ads but they are driving me not to play this game anymore. The ads used to play between games or when you selected a boost. Now the ads happen mid game. Out of nowhere an ad will take you out of the game entirely and open up your safari without consent. They need to stay out of my other apps. And I don’t want to be stopped in the middle of play for their overabundant ads. Annoying to say the least. CHANGE THE ADS BACK TO THE WAY THEY WERE. When I don’t play, I don’t see your ads at all - not very effective marketing, is it? Also, it would be nice and make sense if, when you clear down to the last layer of tiles, they just match up on their own, like solitaire games do when you have all the cards uncovered, because at that point you’ve won the game. It’s a small thing but would get me to the next game faster.
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2 years ago, no ad player
More ads than game time
Worst gaming experience ever due to more ad time than game time. Don’t opt to pay to remove ads. Even if you pay for the ad free version it will not even cut down a tiny bit on ads. You will spend most of your gaming time watching ads that don’t time out and no way to close them to get back to the game. To claim a prize you won by playing you have to watch very very long ads, one after another. Up to 5 minutes of ads. You have to collect a puzzle peice to win. 9 times out of 10 there will be no way to get out of the ads and have to close the game losing that win and puzzle to start another game. You will be stuck in long ads more that you actually play. This is a fun game but the long ads kills it. I have never played a game with so many ads. Not worth it. Im deleting this annoying ad game and never downloading another game from Lion Studios again.
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2 years ago, C1A9L8A7
Glitch Glory
It’s great for passing time, but it must sense when I’m actually it, because it glitches just in time. I’ll tap the watch an add to gain a tile, and after I watch it, it presents the X for me to go back to my game. Instead it tells me I’ll forfeit my extra tile if I leave after having watched a 30+ second ad. So it makes me sit through another one. Minor glitch… but when I resume my game some times it still won’t have given the extra tile. By the time I’ve watched a third ad, I’ve got to re figure my strategy. The ad glitch is often… but the rare glitch is when I put my phone down at work and then come back to my game. Some times it opens up right where I left it. That’s GREAT, I hope that’s the intention! There are times, however, when the game refreshes and I have to re strategize a different game. Because I’m usually not paying attention I’m not even sure if it’s the same level or if they set me back because I’d leave a 6 level game and come back to just two small levels. 🤔 Kids today would call that SUS! I have it three stars because it’s annoying but still fun. As I get more annoyed it might come down before I just delete the game all together.
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1 year ago, Alicorn Lover 🦄
It’s not what I thought it was…..
This is such a simple and cute game, but I do think that they false advertised. In the ad, it showed that the tiles were moving and you had to quickly match the tiles before they got to the line. But in the actual game, you’re not timed or anything. I just think it was less then I expected it to be. I have another tile matching game downloaded, and it’s basically the same idea. I also think that the art style is very basic, too. I just don’t think that there was very much effort put into this. There are also so many other tile-matching games that are so similar to this. I just don’t think it really sticks out to me that much. And I think for now, it is very easy. The other tile game I have has some difficulty to it, unlike this one.
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7 months ago, Disappointed ad heck im Wv💔
Game is ok,but prepare to be bombarded with ads.
I love maj jongg and this one has good features but Sweet Baby Jesus On His Glittering Pram-there is LITERALLY an ad every 30 seconds, even if you’re in the middle of a round! Also, the opportunities to watch an ad for a boost or power up disappeared with no warning or explanation. Oh, and the puzzle pieces you have to WATCH AN AD to get no longer lead to a puzzle so don’t waste your time-just click “lose it “ and move on. Also the latest event disappeared on me after ONE DAY even though I was still playing it and the game page advertises that it’s currently running. Lastly, the rounds are waaaaaaayyyyyyyy to simple. We need more events, a little variety. It would only take a fw small tweaks to get the game back to where it used to be.
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3 years ago, Pan!ckAttack!
Not worth it
Tile games are fun and at first I really enjoyed this one but now I’ve had it for almost month or so and I’ve had so many issues with it its just not worth it anymore. Its a serious ad farm to the 9th degree. The box bonuses you get from completing a stage are always rigged to be the lowest or second to lowest so that you watch the ads to get better prizes. You have to watch an ad to get some of the chests you “earn”. Occasionally ads make the game freeze up entirely if you accidentally miss the X button which makes you lose whatever you were watching the ad for. I’ve lost about 4 different new blocks because of this. If you pull your screen down just to check the time or a message in the middle of the game, 9/10 times its gonna ask if you want to continue and if press continue you have to watch an ad. And lastly sometimes it just flat out won’t work. I’ve opened the game first time in the day to get my daily coins and no matter how many times I try to press the collect button it just won’t accept it but it’ll accept one tap of the X button to deny it. I tried to close and reopen the app several times and it still won’t work. Seriously, don’t waste your time.
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6 months ago, BRANDON. LOVE
Loads of Ads
This used to be my favorite game but now it’s annoying to play. It always had a lot of ads in between games but now there’s several ads during game play that it’s disruptive. This was one of the “free” games that I could actually play for free. I dealt with the ads, ads to earn boosters as well. I hadn’t played this game for many months and then just now started playing again and I’m so surprised and disappointed how many ads play during game play! A major increase in ads! So desperate to get people to pay for “ad free”. I’ll just stop playing because there are still “free” games that really are free. Great game. Fun. Challenging. Unfortunately with the major increase in ads, especially during game play! It’s not fun anymore.
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1 year ago, Professorkaren
Impressed!! Lol
I can’t believe a neuroscientist took time to learn how to create an a game app, then publish and support it!! Neuroscientist bc of the rating on what type of brain/thinker you are!! Without someone adept at understanding the brain should/could understand this and rate a game player’s penchant for thinking that way!! If the app developer isn’t a neuroscientist…then I commend them for having had one exlain and assess game player’s classification!! Of course I’m being facetious…but if you’re looking at these apps…that try to judge your IQ, braib age, or some other type of measurement about the brain…you should be aware of this! I know this bc as a stroke survivor I’ve seen plenty of neurologists, neuroscientists and neurosurgeons in recent years!! Then all agree with these sentiments! I’m not quoting them.z.’simply passing along info!!
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2 years ago, amandaj1195
Addicting, but way too many adds and repeated puzzle layouts
I hate to admit that I did pay for the $5.99 version of the app because I loved it when I first started and I literally could NOT with all of the ads. Pause? Ad. Finish a level? Ad. Breathe 10 times? Ad. And even after you pay for the $5.99, you still have to be constantly bombarded with promos asking you to pay for more things. After a certain level, all of the puzzle layouts are the same and that is my biggest upset. I don’t want to cycle through the same 5 layouts. If I would had known that was going to happen, I wouldn’t had paid the $5.99 in the first place.
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2 years ago, Jaseekag
Don’t waste money on “ads free”
I really enjoyed playing this game. So much so that I paid the $5.99 to make it ads free. Don’t waste your money! Need to unlock a new tile you earned? Watch an ad. Need to get that puzzle piece in every level? Watch an ad. You earned a chest! Can’t open it until you watch an ad. Although it gets rid of the ads in between levels, you still have to watch ads every single level to get what you need to advance. They are constantly interrupting the game flow! If you are going to advertise something as “ads free” and make someone pay for this feature then make sure it is truly ads free. It’s a waste of my money and makes me not want to play the game anymore. So frustrating!
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3 years ago, CootieQueen_20
It’s a fun game, it’s easiest enough for me and my kiddo to play. I’ve had some problems, and I hope they get resolved. I’ve made it to level 100 and the app crashes, appended to open it again and it crashes. Before that I didn’t like after level 89 when you match 3 purple flowers they don’t go away. So it takes up space to be able to match others without filling up your toolbar. And when you finish your 5 rounds for a prize it isn’t random, I always get the lowest coins, I watch the ad and it’s the second best prize and the last box every time is the best prize option. Wish it would be more random.
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1 year ago, Lovelyandkindest
Daily Challenge Problem
I love the game so much, but theres just one problem. I don’t appreciate how in the daily games, I didn’t get to play the whole game and I was enjoying it. I was about half way done with the daily challenge and it just said I won in the middle of the game? I thought it was just some type of glitch or something so I didn’t bother getting upset. I started getting disappointed when it started CONSTANTLY over and over! I’m not sure if it’s just me, or if everyone has this problem but I think it’s a big worth being fixed!
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2 years ago, Deedeeinatree
It was a fun game until I actually spent some money on it
This game was fun. I could always depend on the free spins if I got stuck as long as I was willing to watch an add. Yesterday I actually bought some coins for the first time in nearly 300 levels. Today all of a sudden I’m having to wait 5 minutes between spins and I’m still having to watch an add to spin. I sure never would have spent any money on it if I’d known it was going to cause this to happen. Not sure I will continue to play it now. Every time you have to leave the game you have to watch an add just to restart and now I have to watch an add if I need a spin. Not cool.
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3 years ago, Hortonpamela
Forced to watch ads but then my screen goes black
This game is fun when it’s not glitching out. There are a lot of ads and ones you have to watch in order to gain an extra blank square. The problem I run into is that often times after watching the ad, my screen goes black and stays that way. I have to swipe the game up to end it and then start over, sometimes being able to pickup where I left off but more often losing progress instead and having to start over. Please fix this situation with the ads. If I have to watch them at least make it so it’s not messing up my game.
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3 years ago, Suedepaws
Interesting but buggy
It’s a fun game and a good one to zone out on but it does weird stuff. There are a lot of ads for small rewards. The game every now and then keeps randomly failing me when I make a match that fills up the last three spots on the bar. It shouldn’t do that but it does. Then, the regenerate a life by watching an ad button never loads or works. It keeps giving me “waiting for ads try again later” messages similar to that. I think if the developers put actual effort into game, that it would be nice, but for right now it’s just kind of a time filler type of game. Not horrible but not great.
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2 years ago, Mssy Dssy
Crash Garden Frustration
Most of the game time is spent watching ads. There are so many ads that it causes the game to overload and crash. I’ve had to play entire levels over and over just as I get to the last game in the level because it makes you watch ads to receive the reward you should have earned by clearing the level. Before the ad ends the game crashes you get no reward and you have to begin the level all over again. Until the fix this bug or at least give you the praise you win by completing the level without requiring you to either pay for it or watch an ad then I do NOT recommend you download this game to play. This game is not relaxing it is FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!!
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3 years ago, Snowangel17
What is going on???
I’ve had this app for a less than a month. I’ve reached level 660 +, After 2 updates it is still freezing and slow moving. Takes forever to get the added extra block in the bar, just says waiting for ad to load. I’ve lost so many chests that I earned it is ridiculous. Now at this level it is incredibly easy. It was a challenge to begin with, now no challenge at all to finish a level. Was enjoyable, would hope something can be done to fix all these bugs. UPDATE: With the last update I just did, now it just crashes when trying to open the app. DELETE!!! Way too much trouble, and way too many ads like everyone else reported.
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10 months ago, SecretPlayer15
Developers please comfier getting rid of the ads that now come every other minute during gameplay. I understand the need for da in the first place however there are just too many. The ads that come before or after a level, or ads to get more slots/hints/etc are fine. It’s just gotten too much like if it keeps happening every other minute the game is simply going to be unenjoyable. Is this your way of making people purchase the No Ads feature? Maybe if it wasn’t $10 I would consider it. Cause $10 for no ads is crazzzy.
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2 years ago, Still L
Right when you’re about to win…💻
I am deleting the app because the screen goes black right as I am about to win! Not just once, but every time I play! I’ve asked for tech support and tried all the things they suggested but after reading other reviews I discovered it is happening to others as well. After starting over, of course you’re returned to the same level you were on but the time and resources you spent are lost! This is an app that is basically stealing your earned resources. The ads are way more frequent than most free games. Going to look for another game app but probably not one from Lion Studios Developer.
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3 years ago, inspiredhawk99
Tile matching game
Intriguing game takes a lot of concentration but it is very rewarding once you clear the board. It’s a very easy game but one you have to pay attention to.. I enjoy this game it is not matching 2 items you have to match 3 and it’s a really rewarding game once you clear the board and it gets slightly harder each level you complete.;I love this game have just begun playing but definitely will keep playing.. very enjoyable game. Gotta keep playing.
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2 years ago, Charlotte Wade
Ridiculous and offensive ads
I like the game but the ads are nonstop and whoa are they sexist! I usually don’t mind things like that but this is so over the top i can’t help but admit that it creates anger inside me every time I see the ads. Weeping children and mothers in the rain walking away with a baby on her back after father refused to support family in court. Really? That’s a game? Or how about the one where the woman is jilted by her husband because of the way she looks and it’s the gamer’s job to “fix her”. Seriously?? Who is playing these games. I guarantee a man designed them both.
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2 years ago, sanpa99
How to lose a true fan fast
I used to LOVE this app - you can see by my scores. But then the got greedy, and started doing lots of looooooong ads, and ads that you have to click on a few times just to get out of it. Some times you have to click about 6 times and wait about 8-10 seconds in between each click just to get out of it. It’s seriously ridiculous! I stopped playing it every day and now I’ll check it every once in a while just to see if they fixed their ads. THEY HAVEN’T. I recommend you find a different app from a different company if you don’t want to waste precious time of your life. I hope they actuary address that soon.
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2 years ago, Red0616
Ads and crashes
I really like the game, enough that I paid to get rid of ads. However it only gets rid of ads during game play. Ads to get rewards, ads for more lives, ads to get the reward you’ve earned. I’d like my money back. Now on to my other problem. This game crashes ALL the time. Crashes in the middle of a game, crashes when I’m about to get a reward, crashes for no reason. It’s the latest version. I’ve tried this on other iPads to make sure it wasn’t mine and what do you know, it does the same thing. It’s so frustrating between the ads and the crashing that I am deleting this game. Sad because the game itself was fun but not worth the aggravation.
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1 year ago, SusanRi520
The best matching game!!
I enjoy playing match 3 tile games. Tile Garden is the best! Easy to play, challenging but not impossible and helps are always available! Best of all it is a free game. I dislike the matching games that are impossible to solve and require purchases to advance. Tile Garden is not like that. My only suggestion is to have something fun to use your coins for. It would be nice if you could decorate a garden with flowers, statues, walking paths…
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3 years ago, Lildonbro
I like it a lot BUT…
I really like this game and would even purchase the no ads options BUT when I run out of lives it gives me the choice to spend 200 coins or watch an ad to refill lives. Three times I’ve spent the 200 coins and it has animation showing my lives refill and then - it says I’m out of lives. The coins are gone and the lives are NOT replenished. I tried watching an ad to refill and when the ad was over - the lives were still empty. Very frustrating.
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1 year ago, Daisy007May
No Longer Enjoying
This used to be my favorite game, played several times a day. Now, not so much. Why? I’m used to games supplementing their business with ads. I get it. This game had at least two ads per session, and that was fine. However, recently, they increased that number to a minimum of 6 arbitrarily placed ads throughout each session. Like pop-ups. That’s just beyond annoying and grounds for divorce. Saying goodbye to this game won’t be easy, but I have no choice. I play games for relaxation and for brain stimulation. I don’t play to be annoyed by ads that take longer than a game session. Bring back two ads per session, and keep this fan.
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2 years ago, clintonjan
Be careful with in app purchases!
I really enjoyed playing this game however I am very frustrated about being charged for coins I didn’t purchase. The first time it happened I bought 1000 coins for $3.99 and was charged twice for it. (And only received the 1000 I meant to buy) I asked for a refund and received it. The second time it happened I was charged for two extra 3.99 charges. I asked for a refund two times and Was turned down twice saying the charges were not eligible for a refund. So I paid an extra 7.98 for nothing! I really don’t like spending money that I didn’t intend to spend and I didn’t even get anything for it!
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2 years ago, Tru Prazer
Misleading and deceptive “free” coin tiles
You supposedly can watch an ad to give you Coin Tiles that lead to free in-game coins when paired. This is what is described in the FAQ’s, but the game is lying! After you’ve watched the annoying ads and pair the tiles, the game adds the coins to a piggy bank. You would have to pay $1.99 in real money to get these coins for which you’ve already watched multiple ads. This is very misleading and deceptive. The game play would be fun, but you can’t trust the company, it has too many ads with little reward for watching them, and the ads make the game crash. I’m uninstalling the game.
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2 years ago, 10chopsticks
Upgraded to no ads. Still watching a lot of ads.
I do like this game. Decided to upgrade to pay for ad free yet I’m still watching TONS of ads. The only ad it eliminates is in between a new level. Not worth it since watching three ads minimum per level anyway… puzzle piece, xtra space, ‘bonus’ at the end of level. Since I paid the upgrade it irritates me when I watch ad now and takes the fun away. Better to just not upgrade. Might delete.
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3 years ago, letsreviewbadapps
Way too many ads
I spent about an hour playing level 1-15. Actual game play time was about 13 minutes (easy into levels), the rest of the time was ad watching. I understand maybe having to watch an ad every couple levels but this app does it on EVERY level. To make it worse, it will prompt you if you want a reward by watching an advertisement video and when you select “loose it” so you don’t have to watch a video, you still have to watch the ad… Also, the ad times are way too long (minimum 30 seconds per ad). Lastly, the game has many in game rewards like puzzle pieces, special events, etc. You guessed it, every time one of those tiles are selected - bam, auto video ad in the middle of game play. Though it is a free game, I wouldn’t recommend due to the excessive required ad watching. Many other freemium tile match and Mahjong game apps don’t have nearly the amount of video advertisements. Each level, expect about 3 video ads. Buyer be ware.
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12 months ago, Ahria Mayfair
Used to enjoy but now it’s ruined
I got this as a very slow pace chill game to relax with. I have played for probably over year. I do understand there are going to be ADS but recently the ads are now starting in the middle of my game. When you are doing a timed board this is very frustrating. You literally have to watch ads to finish a game, ads to starts a game, ads to get puzzles pieces, ads to get buff pieces, ads to get extra payout…. That’s alot of ads but ok I understand MOST of them. But now just random ads playing during gameplay, I’m done, the game has become more frustrating than it’s worth dealing with. Deleting app
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2 years ago, Fink3312
Paid $9 and still get ads
First of all, this is a fun game, however, even after paying the $9 to not have ads, the ads are still there for different games. So it’s a waste of time to pay the $9. They’re not the long ads. Those are gone but in between games, you’ll still get multiple ads to click off for other games. The other problem is the game shuts off in the middle of games sometimes. So that’s a pain. Actually playing the game, tho, is fun and increasingly challenging.
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2 years ago, Pixie 89
Great game but too many problems
I love this game but there are too many problems which makes it very frustrating to play. The game shuts down constantly. You have chances for extra slots and either the ads won’t load to get them or when they do load the game doesn’t recognize you have the slot and still take a life away. I couldn’t even message support without the game shutting down 3 separate times. I have current version. I have deleted and re-downloaded game and have the same issues so I am finally done with it!
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1 year ago, sdel57
I have played this game for awhile now and have enjoyed it enough to give five stars until now the ad break ins while playing is over the top!!! Most of your long ads are 30 seconds or longer and a lot of times I can’t get out of the ads I have to refresh the page and lose my game or the item I’m wanting to get but then you divided up short ads and long ads which made the game so much more FUN!!! I’m but now with ad break ins I spend more time watching ads than playing so if you don’t correct this soon I will be deleting this game!!! That’s sad!!! Cause I really love playing this game
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3 years ago, minnie.cio
Has Potential 😏
Truly, it’s a fun game. Layout, design it catches the eye. Lots of fun to be had except rewards only obtained by watching ads or using coins, like really? I mean I play and play and pass levels, so the jigsaw should be rewarded not have to be purchased or watch ads. I’ll play till I'm done, doesn’t seem to have more than 400 levels. I’d play more but doesn’t like the reward system.
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2 years ago, Bettyboop211
Fun But…
This game is fun and relaxing, but it rarely works. Every time I play, it kicks me off which takes numerous lives away from me. The game often turns black during play, and you have to log out and in again which again takes a life, and if you used your helps, well, you loose those too and have to start the level all over. It is unfortunate that there are so many glitches with this game because if there weren’t it would be five star. I would never pay any money to play this game because it would just be wasted.
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1 month ago, me, mine, yuck
Too many break through ads
This used to be my favorite game. Then they started adding ads that would randomly break through game play instead of between games like the others I play. This is extremely annoying and break my concentration. I used to win a good share of the games. Now, I lose my concentration when an ad comes through. This has become my least favorite game that I play only when I have nothing else to play. I wish they would go back to ads between games. It was 100% more fun then.
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2 years ago, takis65431
Relaxing 😌
So this game is relaxing, but I wouldn’t necessarily call it “stress-relieving” like the ad, but still pleasant! The only things are that it is definitely different from the ad, and also that there are occasional ads that automatically come or ones that you can watch to unlock certain items and such. Just be aware of that! Otherwise, very nice game!! 😌 🍃 🌸
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1 year ago, smorgan4
Great except insane amount of ads
I LOVED this game when I first got it. I could play it without having to shell out money which a lot of games now require. But now the ads… Of course they say you can pay $9.99/month to get rid of certain ads but not all ads. Now there’s this crappy ad break in the middle of playing the game! Are you that money hungry that you need to inconvenience people to a fault to either force them to pay $9.99/month to remove SOME ads or deal with the insane amount of ads that this game has?? Done. What a shame.
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3 years ago, Mommajam
Screen Freezes Often
I like the game, it’s relaxing and makes you think. I hate ads but don’t mind a few, and they are shorter ones. After level 85’ish when ads run it freezes, when it changes screens after a round, it freezes, it is slow moving tiles to the bar below to clear, some times when you you tap a tile it doesn’t move at all. The only way to continue to play is to close the app, watch an ad to start playing again.
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1 year ago, Minion 2345678532
too many ads and very expensive.
the game is cute and fun but impossible to play without buying it. Even after I shelled out $10- you still have to watch ads or pay even more money to do stuff. Sometimes in the paid versions, the ads are unavoidable. For instance, some daily challenges are impossible to complete without power ups which can only be used through watching ads or paying money. it’s a shame because otherwise this is easily a 5 star game. But the developers are money hungry.
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1 year ago, RedDawn777
Great game — BUT —
I have been playing this game for several years and have not felt that there have been too many ads, as they have just been between games— not during a game. Also, there were ads in order to receive rewards, which is perfectly understandable in my view. However, today, when I started playing all of a sudden, there are 3, 4, or more ads DURING the game. This is something I will not tolerate. I could not even get to the homepage after two or three games to find the opt-out-of-add option, which I assume exists. Before today I would have given this game a five star rating — but this is just absolutely ridiculous and unless it is rectified, or I can get back to the homepage to opt out of all of these god awful ads, I will be deleting the app shortly. Sincerely, RedDawn
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2 years ago, LollyLa
Enjoyable Game; Too Many Issues
This game is constantly failing. In midgame it closes down. Advancement is lost. Accrued game rewards are taken; disappear after shut down. It is no longer enjoyable. I advised tech support within the game of the issues and received the standard unload and reload, shutdown, and restart; the “it’s your device, not our game”. Although enjoyable, it has become a nuisance. I shall delete it. I hope my input/feedback can provide assistance in resolving these issues. Thank you
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2 years ago, Applvr73
Fun, but too many ads
I really liked this game, but there are so many ads it is nearly impossible to play. Often, I would just get a black screen that was likely an ad but I couldn’t see anything and then I was just stuck. I would consider paying the 5.99, but it seems like you would still have to watch ads. Also there is some weird thing with the lives? I don’t have any idea how I lose lives and then I have to watch an ad to move on.
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