Via Benefits Accounts

3.4 (1.4K)
76.5 MB
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Current version
Acclaris Inc.
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
14.0 or later
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User Reviews for Via Benefits Accounts

3.43 out of 5
1.4K Ratings
2 years ago, Rob987654321
Login Issues Resolved
Updated Review: Finally working with customer service the login issue has been resolved. They got back to me and wanted to delete my online account and reset it up. I told them mobile app was not worth the time to re-enter all my data back into the app, so they came back again saying to go through the steps to set up new account on the app. I used the same UID as I have on the website, it then asked me for my same web account password to login. It worked. This could have been an easy resolution if customer service and the tech support CS was consulting knew what to do right from the beginning. A more than 1 hour call with CS could have been 5 min. I increased star rating from 1 to 3. Won’t know more about the app itself until I have time to use it. Initial Review: I’m having the same problem that is reported by many others. The same website login credentials are not working. Will not let me set up new credentials or use forgot user ID or password. So far I have not been able to login to app. Customer support at ViaBenefits is unaware of this issue and so far has been unable to provide a resolution. Support ticket being issued. We’ll see if login issue will be resolved.
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9 months ago, Yoda909
Attached pictures can’t be reviewed in detail.
A previous (2yr ago) review about the inability to preview photos submitted is fully applicable still. The app lets me crop a photo (Good Job !) but what it displays in the set of photos and the “review” page has them inly partially shown. Again, I’ve had submittals rejected because the most important portion of a photo of a bill (the total billed) can be cut off. ****** My review from 2years ago: ******* When I attach a picture of a bill, the App “review” is so small that I can’t enlarge it on my phone to see if the whole picture is there. I review the original picture and ensure that everything is in it but the icon of it looks like a lot of it is missing. I’ve had reimbursement requests rejected because of “information missing “ that I know is in the original picture. I’ve noted this in multiple reviews over 2 years with no change.
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2 months ago, Bean1737
Great to have an app, but actual reimbursement/payment approval is horrible!
They want you to submit so much rhetorical evidence and paperwork just to approve that it's a "medical usage". It's a doctors office and states "patient" and date and amount for service and they want more. They will deny deny deny even when you send them everything the dr has to give you. I don't think it's necessary for them to see full blown personal health details to be able to show that yes this is a legitimate dr office and this patient was seen that day for services so you can use your health savings account for that. One time they even denied something because the paper showed $100 paid for 1 child another $100 paid for another child, and the total payment was $200 and they said the amounts don't match!!!? What!? My 8 year old can tell that 2 $100s IS $200! It's just exhausting and this is OUR money I don't feel a company should be this difficult, we've had a different company in the past who never even asked for documentation as long as the payment was made to pharmacy or medical office. So this is very frustrating. Everything else as far as the app goes is user friend etc.
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6 months ago, Bill18052
Works well but:
This via benefits mobile app is much easier to use than submitting using a computer. However, certain data gets entered using scroll wheels at the bottom of the screen. These scroll wheels have very tiny labels, making them hard to see for people who haave vision difficulties. Also, on a few screens the button that needs to be pressed does not appear in the visible screen area but requires a user to drag the display up slightly to find it. Overall, a good app. I upgraded to the latest version of the app for iPad. The same issues noted above still apply. And after I used the iPad camera to take images of my documentation, the camera kept looking for and trying to take another set without my initiating anything. Then I had multiple images and needed to figure out how to delete the ones I didn’t want. It was a bit frustrating until I finally got a readable image and was able to hit the button to save the image before the camera took another. Willie
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8 months ago, Boxers Lair
Horrible Customer Service Representative
I had the rudest woman answer the Customer Service line, I explained that I was having difficulty hearing her and understanding her. She refused to try calling me back to try to get a clearer call and refused to transfer my call to another representative in case it was a bad connection with her line. (I am in my 40’s and a Registered Nurse so I have a fairly good education and knowledge of computer usage and communication with patients, doctors and other professionals, so I do not feel that this was something I was “unable to grasp.” In addition she repeatedly spoke over me as I was asking for clarification about receipts. I requested for the representative to let me do the survey at the end of the call. She stated, “ I will be happy to.” I waited for 6 minutes on the line before I was hung up on. The survey never happened. In the past I have been happy using this service. I will never use them again after this current year. I also plan to post this in as many public media forums as possible as I feel like this representative was incredibly rude, disrespectful, dismissive and unhelpful.
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5 years ago, khr1zkhr1z
App has nice features but they arerarely accessible
The app offers some good information but my account seems to get locked on a regular basis. I enter in my credentials and am greeted with a very unhelpful message”account is locked. Please contact customer care.” Okay? Coooool - account is locked, how do I contact customer care? There should be a phone number and email address readily available (preferably shown within the pop up message itself). The greeting screen before logging into the app really is lacking any info whatsoever, by design, yes, but basic things should be available for folks who are experiencing difficulties. Maybe a simple “I” icon could be added at the top of the initial landing space that will redirect user to FAQs and info about when/ how to contact customer services. Just a thought... Also, the password reset feature usually does not work. If I click “forgot password”, I am redirected to a page asking for some details and answers to my secret question but I cannot enter any information. Anyways, I really do enjoy the app when I can access it! Unfortunately those instances are few and far between.
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5 years ago, hootis
Poorly designed app causes frustration
Via Benefits treats the mobile app differently than logging in on a computer. The app does not mention this up front, however. If you try to log in using the known good credentials you previously used on a computer, you will get an error message telling you the credentials were entered incorrectly or you don’t have permission to access the information. If you keep trying you will be notified that the account is locked. This is NOT true — just the mobile app is locked. The error message tells you to call to unlock it, but the phone number to do so is NOT provided in the error message. Nobody thought this through. Missing from the initial password entry field is the ‘eyeball’ icon to show the password to make sure it is typed correctly before submitting it. I had to log in on my computer to get the phone number to call about this. It was a call which lasted over 57 minutes. Via Benefits needs to go back to the drawing board with this extremely frustrating app.
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1 year ago, GMATEAN
Terrible Application and support
I have attempted to schedule prior year contributions twice, each time the transaction submitted via the app has not processed. There is no audit trail of the transaction nor any notification the contributions did not process, it’s like they disappeared into thin air. I submitted a help desk ticket after the first transaction. Two days later, the help desk ticket was marked as resolved and they advised they could see that I had scheduled another contribution, but no reason was given as to why the first contribution did not process. Once again, the day after the 2nd scheduled contribution date, I see there has been no contribution to my HSA, and there is nothing showing in the activity log to indicate the transaction ever existed. It’s just gone! At a minimum there should be a confirmation in the activity log that indicates there was a problem. Who codes a financial application that way? I am now going to miss a tax deduction because of your flawed system.
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2 years ago, TipuRipu
So Weird
I would love to know how this app came to exist. The Acclaris experience was truly dismal so I had a lot of hope for the ViaBenefits rebrand and app. I’m so confused who designed this app and why. It’s like the people who designed this app have never seen another app in their lives. Want to edit your provider details? Good luck magically figuring out the only way is to select the provider in your claim and only then will the option to edit their details reveal itself. I have 3 copies of the same provider because they moved and i couldn’t figure out how to change their address or delete and create a new provider. Now I can’t tell which is which. Want to get reimbursed or make a payment? Don’t click on the account you want to use to make the payment obviously! /s It’s only available on the main home page. Get confused and want to look at the help? Nope. Only option is to create a ticket. Have more than 1 dependent being cared for? Oh well that’s not an option in the ViaBenefits world. Please hire some UX and visual designers and user design researchers’ insights to guide a redesign. I can’t believe this app was made by a company who all they seem to do is make software like this! This feels like they had a extra “full stack” but really just backend dev write the app. It’s really bad.
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6 months ago, ykp1z5
Impossible to upload multiple pages/photos of EOB or receipt
I’ve been trying to upload a 2-page EOB (explanation of benefits) and it’s impossible if there’s more than one page. Same thing if I have a receipt and an EOB to attach to a claim. When I try to upload a photo of page 1 of an EOB (or receipt) from my phone, sometimes the app will ask me if I have additional photos, but other times it won’t. If I say “yes” that I have additional photos, it doesn’t let me select more than one. Sometimes, after the photo of page 1 is uploaded and I’m ready to submit the final step, the app will ask if there are additional photos to add, but most of the time, it won’t. If I get to the end and try to attach page 1 of the EOB to a specific claim, the claim status changes to ‘under review’ and no additional photos of receipts or EOB’s can be added, so my documentation is incomplete and my claim will be denied.
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3 years ago, Deljo53
Maybe it has improved
I have had an account with this Benefits Management company, provided through my deceased husband’s employer of 37 years. The recipient has no control over the account, it is arranged by them. I have attempted to obtain reimbursements for covered services, have been unsuccessful except for one small check I received. The providers have always been unhelpful, unfriendly, and impatient. They have never made accommodations for my vision impairment in providing usable forms to submit for reimbursements. Their forms were so small I could not see to use them. I tried submitting actual receipts and medical insurance statements, that was not allowed. So, with one lone exception, I have never been able to access the funds provided by the company my husband worked for until the day he died on the job.
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1 year ago, Khan_Ghengis
Utter Incompetence
This is the first time I’ve been annoyed enough to write a review on an app. Not only will you NOT be able to log in to the app, but NO ONE will have an answer as to why or how this is occurring. Additionally, they have no real information to give you over the phone. Want your account number? Have to be able to log in. Want your balance? Have to be able to log in. Want to do anything to the account? Have to log in. Additionally they’ll have you run through the same troubleshooting you’ve already ran thru 6-7 times, just to “make sure”. It’s probably the most infuriating process and interaction with a company I’ve ever had the displeasure of having. Trying to use an HSA to pay for something dental related and it feels like I’m trying to smuggle a nuclear arms contract through the USA.
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5 years ago, Ro say
This app worked for me last year, for reason this year it is not. After my claim info was entered, I tried to upload images, it only uploaded 2 of the 5 images I had entered. I tried to explain this to their customer service department, it was like talking to the wall. They are saying they see the other 3 images but how can you if I DID NOT upload them? lol. If there is a problem with the app/system just say so & I will understand other than telling me the images are there, apparently not the correct ones. I wish you all luck with the app & helpless customer service department. I just entered 2 more claims & images did upload this time. So thankful I DID NOT have to call the helpless customer service department. BTW when I click on my account information/balance for this year, I get an error message “it cannot be found”.
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6 years ago, JOwensCook
App is better than the company- barely
These people are an absolute NIGHTMARE to deal with. I enrolled in my company HSA. I guess VIA is a 3rd party that manages the account. I can’t really tell what they do tbh. I keep uploading receipts and they keep denying them. They won’t reach out to my provider and seek documentation. I’m not sure what their function is. App is very remedial- almost like a child designed and built the interface? Just been a really rancid experience. Oh- and they have $2600 of your $ held hostage and you can’t cut it off until the next open enrollment. So either dance for them or watch your payroll deductions be held hostage the next 11 months. I’m going to call my HR Benefits team at UPS and see if perhaps next year we can shop around for a HSA facilitator that is more in line with UPS in terms of being customer focused. VIA has been a nightmare to deal with.
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2 years ago, hereto assist you
VIA Benefits
I am not very pleased with this account of mine thru my employer! It has been very frustrating and disappointing! When I sent stuff in they are always saying that the information doesn’t work so I don’t get refunded anything and the postage is getting expensive for no results! No one calls back and all I get is denied expenses, I have a good amount of money in this account and am trying my best at the paperwork! I have sent the paperwork my insurance gives me and your account is not working on it! I can’t understand why you don’t want me to get paid and the insurance company doesn’t understand why you’re not paying me for the reimbursements either! Poor service and expense are in my account and being held hostage by the company!
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3 years ago, KnowtheWordforyourself
So Much Easier
This current way of submitting reimbursement expenses is so much easier than it use to be by a mile! The last time I completed a request for reimbursement I had to enter each category of expense, each date and upload scans to match each expense line by line. I just remembering it being so time-consuming. So much is automated now that the process goes much faster. Granted it’s been awhile since I submitted a request so perhaps the process became easier a long time ago. Regardless I give this process 5 stars!
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6 years ago, Tenderheart45
Why does it exist?
Using iPhone 7+ / After installing and reinstalling with no success, I give up! I cannot get past the sign in screen. Said I already have account but won’t open! Tried to recover password, but won’t go there either. Kept trying to open, then tells me account is locked and to call administrator. If I can access through web portal, why not on this mobile screen? Seriously, you need better software programmers!! I even have trouble submitting claims through web on my phone and on a desktop. Attachments don’t load properly and cannot check status. This maybe the worst I’ve ever seen in account management. Waste of time, certainly a waste of my retirement company funds’ investment. How did you talk them into it? Low bid??? 😱
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3 months ago, MusicLoverAtoZ
Don’t Understand Why There Are Not Always 5 Star Ratings For VIA benefits…
We have had this program since the last decade and never have I had any difficulties with their excellent user-friendly app or any service issues from VIA. All our medical claims were processed in a timely manner. Just have to make sure you enter all your items correctly under the appropriate areas and submit itemized receipts. Truly love this out-of-pocket reimbursement program!!
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3 years ago, cbcaldwell12
Love the ease of having this app available
Getting my information is much easier and quicker with the app. I like the notifications that lets me know every step that is being taken on a claim. There is one bug that needs to be fixed, in my opinion. The ability to press a line that says: processing and yo find out when it will be processed would be nice. The > is there showing there is more info but when you press it, it times out with an error. Other than that, this is a great app.
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4 years ago, Jim!$9
Terrible app and customer support
Company supports retiree medical reimbursement for former employer. Sent brochure about new app for submitting claims. Downloaded it. Would not recognize credentials, even though online did. Spent over hour on phone on hold and with rep, who finally said not all companies had switched to app, but neither she nor anyone else at company would says whether mine did. Rep said had referred for help and to try later. Several days later, the app still not work. Online only worked part way, then froze before letting me finish. Just did robo call to request paper forms. TERRIBLE company to do business with. Almost as if they want the retirees to die of frustration or at least give up trying to get any payments.
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2 years ago, gemurdock
Not bad but still needs work
The app is generally not bad but the date assignment closes as soon as you lift your finger off the screen before you can finish, such as scrolling the date from 1 to 17. The automatic camera picture taken of supporting documents frequently mis-sizes the document, particularly CVS receipts. The buttons for accepting or rejecting a selection are frequently slow to completely unresponsive on iPhone 12 Pro with IOS 15.4
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3 months ago, Majac3356
Much easier than earlier experience
When I first started using this app, it was very shaky and unstable and my numbers would simply change and the final version was often reset to the default settings, meaning I had to go through everything again. It’s still a bit shaky, but a vast improvement over the several years I’ve been using it! Thank you! Still a bit shaky but some experience enables me to get through it without too much trouble!
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6 months ago, retired submariner 684
5years easy
ViaBenefits has worked well for me. Biggest issue was setting up bank account and one call to credit Union got me the appropriate designation numbers 😀 ViaBenefits has been quick to respond and helpful when asked. I did have to call a few times to determine what needed to be fixed, usually unreadable receipts. They’ve been good to me. And another couple years later still working perfectly.
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7 months ago, FizzWizz59
Poor website/ Not user friendly
For as important as this site is to my husband, as the connector to his Medicare through OPERS, i.e. the VIA Site, this site is very poor. It is very simplistic in terms of the information gleaned when clicking the three bars to reference the various options. I tried submitting a bill for payment and it was rejected ( of course) but not sure as to why. I can’t resubmit if I don’t know the right way or right document to resend. Also, I cannot get the rejected document off the website. I should be able to access my documents and edit and remove at my discretion, especially if they were rejected. I don’t know how a site can be so simplistic~yet complicate a bill that needs paid with funds that are readily available. If we weren’t forced to use this connect device to get our Medicare premium paid, we would drop them and never look back. The rep who signed us up was from Florida and hadn’t a clue about our providers in our Southeastern Ohio cities.
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2 years ago, rapidfireadhater
App slow and inefficient
The apps method of documenting one incident at a time is painstakingly slow, laborious and inefficient. And the picture quality of the supporting EOB data is poor because the data must be held at such a length from the camera in order to capture the evidence necessary. Although it’s use is not encouraged, I liked the old form which allowed submission of data for five events, together with supporting evidence. The new written form is better than the app because the supporting data itself can be submitted, rather than a picture. But again, it’s inefficient because it has room for only two out-of-pocket expenses per sheet
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4 years ago, BGsweepsBG
Data in incorrect format
Continually gives errors that are unknown and say data is an incorrect format. All of the data I entered was selected from your pre-existing menus. Nothing to actually type in. Which means your system is entering its own data in an incorrect format. Terrible software programming and obviously limited QA testing. While Willis towers Watson is listed as the developer of this application, that is the benefits company. I suspect your programming and quality assurance has been outsourced to a company that knows little to nothing about what you do and is more interested in meeting schedules that you put forth for receiving deliveries so they get paid versus properly tested and functioning software.
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3 months ago, Rik-doming
Poor service and difficult benefit use
I have never had a company that gives you so much grief for using your benefits! Time and time again resolve benefits, after a million attempts to submit information asked for. It was a dental appointment with extensive dental work!! Receipts, explanation of benefits, supporting documentation and still no resolution since January 2024!! Absolutely ridiculous, unacceptable and frankly pathetic! There are some of us that use these benefits properly, legally and for self or dependent use! It’s coming out of my paycheck!! Hate this company so many loopholes for them not to pay accordingly. Disgusting, do not recommend!
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6 years ago, frank2468101214
Easy and Intuitive
Simple to use app. Easier than on computer because phone camera uploads receipts. Beats the old days of faxing receipts and filling out claim forms! I find it easier to ask for direct reimbursement to me rather than the provider so I don’t have to enter all the provider information. Easy enough for me to send the provider a check given they’re already set up on my checking account.
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2 years ago, Pinkdahlia25
Mobile app is the best
The mobile app makes my life so easy. In January of every every year o submit my reimbursements for the year and that’s that. I get paid until the peanut money I got issued 10 years ago runs out. It doesn’t even last the year. Insurance has gone up so much it may not make it much over 6 months this year. But that’s not via benefits fault.
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1 year ago, Retired Ahmad
Creating account
I have tried several times to create an account by using the same data that is on my Web account. Unfortunately every time I complete inputting data I get a message that my data does not match the Viabenefit data. I have deleted the App and reinstalled it several time, but the same problem. I have contacted the customer service and they checked all data and it matched their data. the IT is suppose to call me as of 2 weeks ago and I am still waiting. An app should not be this difficult to set up, it is frustrating!!
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2 years ago, Tim c.,.,,.,.
So Easy!!
Via benefits has become much easier and efficient over the last couple years. It takes just minutes to submit info and supporting paperwork and documents. The bill pay and/ or pay me back are fast, and if for some reason there was a piece of info missing, it is flagged on your app icon.
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8 months ago, printer's wife
Minor Change
I only began using VIA in the last few days. The only minor changes I would make this far are to include VIA in the identity of e-mail being sent. Also arrange the sign-on page so that the choice of being a new person is higher on the page so as it is not so easily overlooked. Thank you!
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3 years ago, Ckingo
I really like the program but I feel it has one flaw. After I take a picture and I’m sure that I’ve included the entire receipt etc. when it shows the preview it appears to be truncated. That way I’m not sure if the entire receipt etc. has beenCaptured and sent. Otherwise it’s fabulous. The only reason I gave it four stars instead of five is due to that weakness.
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5 months ago, Riskster
For the most part the mobile app works correctly.
For the most part the mobile app works correctly on an iPad. Two issues have been observed recently. 1. The photo attachment function 99% of the time has to be reattached 2-3 times due to an “unknown error”. Kind of annoying. 2. The out of pocket reason for hearing selection needs an “office copay” selection in the menu.
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2 years ago, unimpressedguy2022
Awesome service
VIA has been wonderful to work with since our enrollment. All claims submitted have been fairly reviewed and have went through the process in an expedient manner. All representatives that I have spoken to have been friendly, helpful and very professional. I would highly recommend them to anyone considering enrolling.
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12 months ago, Meencurry
Taking too long
It is taking a long time to process my info and pictures of the receipts for reimbursement . It worked today after 2-3 minutes. Few months ago it did not go even after making me put in all my information and taking pictures of receipts several times!! Kept saying “ try after some time.
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3 years ago, IpadAlan
This app works FAR better than the Windows 10 CHROME VERSION. The Windows version is terribly slow, requires more sign-ins than the IRS, has broken links for most HELP functions, has no working Contact Us via Email feature, etc. It's an embarassment. Stick with the App instead - it works, it performs well, and it's well conceived.
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11 months ago, Jeff0110110011
Easy to get my reimbursement !
I find this app extremely easy to use. I am not tech savvy, but I have been able to submit receipts easily. If they are denied, there is an explanation and directions for amending it. I have called and spoken to a representative at the via benefits line and was talked through the process I was having trouble with.
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3 years ago, jrhighwood
Good app but needs work
I like the app overall but there are two things that need some work. First is the pause or delay when filling out the claim form as you go from one box to the next. You are not sure of what is going on until the insertion point finally moves. The other problem is the document photo appears cropped so you don’t know if you captured enough of the needed information or not.
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7 months ago, Hardworking American1
Useless App
For the 3rd day in a row, this useless app does not work. It repeatedly says there is a “system error” and advises to “try again later”. This is a company that is supposed to facilitate access to Flexible Spending accounts for employees who have money taken out of their paychecks to save for medical services. Via will not release my money. If I submit documentation online, they claim they can’t read it. If I try to use this app, it gives a system error. How are hardworking Americans supposed to get THEIR OWN money returned to them using this app?? Useless.
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1 year ago, RoadChuck
Why no landscape with iPad
I don’t understand why you can’t use landscape mode with an iPad. The App Store where I am writing this review is IN LANDSCAPE MODE but as soon as I return to the app it rotates back to portrait. I created a help ticket and the response was “click the button to allow landscape in your settings.” Well no kidding, if that were all that was needed I would NOT NEED A HELP TICKET. Since there are other reviews with the same complaint I know that you are aware of this problem. “Come on man”
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1 year ago, donupby4
Excellent website and service
Everything about this request submission process has been perfected such that from login, to request completion (plus required documentation), to logout is so very smooth. Thank you to those who were part of the process to make this come about.
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2 years ago, bckibchwlkr
For the most part the app is very convenient. The only inconvenient parts are 1)if you need to leave the screen to reference something else such as the bill, when you come back to the app you have to sign in and start all over. 2)When entering the date it doesn’t allow you to remove your finger without accepting the date that you were on when your finger is removed(can’t always see it with your finger on the screen)
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2 years ago, gcvbjf
Service is horrible. They will hold your money for as long as they possibly can I have to use there service I have no other choice and they no this They will deny you your own money for errors that they make I’ve had to use this poor service for over a year and every month it is a fight to get my money back. This is my money that they hold onto and deny me Customer service is a waiting game too If you have another choice use it. VIA is making money for not providing any type of service
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2 years ago, Rammius99
Good, could be Great!
Would’ve been higher rating but date change is way too touchy on the reimbursement page. Occasionally run into error trying to submit files. Logs you out way too fast. These are minor things but get frustrating when all happen at once. Still a good company and happy to have them as a benefits manager. Just need to get the app to work a little better!
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5 years ago, Frustrated Dr. W
Unusable app
Poor design, full of glitches and dead ends. Took 7 attempts to finalize a log-in registration for dependent care reimbursement. App did not allow me to add all of my dependents so gave up and tried online web version. Apparently they are not interoperable because I had to reenter ALL of the information from the beginning. As I entered another dependent their system tells me her SSN is already in use, which would be impossible since I’d never previously entered it. This raises security concerns. Recommend not wasting your time with this app and avoid this company’s product if at all possible.
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2 weeks ago, andydrewu
Via benefits reimbursement
So easy and very appreciated to be able to use technology like a smart phone and do this without forms, signatures, and mailing in the request Very easy and you are prompted each step of the way. Very nice! I just love how simple it is to make it work. I appreciate getting it done on the app
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4 months ago, lasereyez
Issues with latest iOS version
The new update for IOS 17.4.1 isn’t working with app when trying to submit a reimbursement. After completing the form and taking a photo of the receipt, it won’t get submitted. It comes back with an error stating to try again later. I had to call tech support and told they were aware of the issue. It would be helpful if the error message stated the reason so you can be informed to use a other device.
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9 months ago, Clayton Stout
The Worst
I normally wouldn’t write a review of a company for one off events but this is the worst service provider ever. I specifically closed my account and moved money elsewhere due to the fees. Even after closing they charged a $25 fee for closing which goes to show you that they are robbing people. The monthly fees to manage the account were excessive as well. Beyond this, their app and website are sub par, not great for monitoring finances/returns/etc. I will not be using them again and would recommend others to not use them as well.
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1 year ago, bphi
Good. Need way to prove payment
App is easy to use and is better than doing through websites in the past. But if the payee doesn’t credit a payment, the app isn’t much help. It’s hard to see the documents you uploaded with a claim or to get exact details of what a payment looked like. Would like to see better evidence of payment to prove.
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