
Photo & Video
4.5 (10.8K)
275.7 MB
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Seller, Inc.
Last update
4 months ago
Version OS
16.0 or later
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User Reviews for Vimeo

4.46 out of 5
10.8K Ratings
4 years ago, JLTibby
Video quality excellent. Soc Med so-so
Vimeo has been excellent for distributing and viewing videos for our non-profit. The quality and ability to embed is great and doing live video from a laptop computer has been one of the more consistently trouble-free experiences we’ve had from a live streaming platform. On the down side, it isn’t cheap, storage space is limited, and the social media aspect is fairly light. There are plenty who will view a video, but getting hearts/likes and followers isn’t as easy as some other platforms. Overall we are pleased but we do need to supplement our live broadcasting with another soc media platform in order to get wider social engagement.
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3 years ago, Adam_S.
Platform littered with Bugs
I placed a pre-order for a Video On Demand from a creator and was sent an email confirmation. When the time came for the release of the product, my preorder did not go through. When I inquired via their support, they first told me that the creator canceled my pre-order. When I contacted the creator and they told me they didn’t, I inquired further with Vimeo further. Their support then told me that they had a bug in their system that canceled my pre-order accidentally. When I inquired if I could still get the title at the discounted price, I was told I couldn’t because they they don’t control that. I eventually got escalated up to a higher support their because they knew that their system messed up. From there, Charles H and other members of their support team gave it a “is what it is” attitude and where little to no help. Simple question such as, why did I not get an email that my pre-order was canceled could not even be answered. All they could do was say, I’m sorry, our system messed up, and you need to pay a much higher price for a title you pre-ordered.
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5 years ago, Francisco M Sosa
Developers, can you please consider these improvements?
So I want to like the app, I think it’s a great platform, but the navigation is completely frustrating and even made me quit viewing my video to make this review. It’s frustrating because as a platform it seems to hold great promise, but being 2019 it’s hard to accept the lack of some very basic app navigation. For once the video quality can’t be adjusted and if you have a not-so-great connection, you have to tolerate poor quality streaming. A feature where you can select the video quality manually (despite longer buffer times) would be so appreciated. Another improvement would be the video playback navigation. Specifically, features that can be tapped during the video to rewind or fast forward 5-15 seconds (like the podcast app on iPhones, or YouTube’s double tap). It’s so irritating to have to drag the little play indicator and hope you land on the part of the video you intended to. Lastly, on a desktop it’s really tricky and non-intuitive finding the videos you have purchased. Don’t remember the path to access them off the top of my head but I do remember it’s not very explicit. A simple “purchases” or “downloads” tab would be amazing. Hate to rate so low but these are so basic that in 2019 they should be standard for playback applications/platforms. Thanks for the consideration.
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3 years ago, TruckerHat
Not sure about this app
First of all, for many years I have appreciated and respected Vimeo a lot. I have found and watched many excellent, entertaining and informative videos on their platform. I signed up for a paid account, and very much want to like this app. But… the single biggest problem is that my uploads keep resetting. They get to 10% or 20% and then start over. I am attempting to upload just one video at a time, and I have tried both with and without Wi-Fi, etc. Have not experienced this on other apps even with larger uploads than these files. If this persists I may well regret this. :-( Secondarily, the user experience is subjective and what I like another person may not and so on. With that said I agree with other reviewers who express frustration with the navigation and the workflow around posting and changing settings on their videos. In the upload workflow some of the control conventions are unclear to me - is an “x” going to close the view of the details of my upload, or is it going to cancel the upload? I hope the upload issues can be resolved, and hopefully someone from Vimeo who can make a difference on this app will read these reviews and take action to make it better. Thanks!
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4 years ago, Quite disgruntled
Apps for iPhone AND Sony TV DO NOT FUNCTION
Purchased film yesterday. Tried viewing on both the above captioned devices Cannot log into TV app; login commands creates an endless circle iPhones app could access film yesterday. Today, opened app. Purchased video not listed as purchased. Purchased video appears in “offline “ videos. When clicking the film, the ensuing message declares that the video cannot be “chromcasted” and that I must purchase the video (the video for which I have a receipt and a corresponding charge on the credit cars). Offloaded and reloaded iPhone app— problem persists. Via the email receipt, can view video, BUT: • When prompted to view in application, the application opens. However, the problems in the preceding paragraph prevent viewing. • in viewing by entering email on an iPhone, the video operates, but ONLY on the iPhone screen, although the receipt declares compatibility with a variety of services that can transmit to a web tv. Within the app Profile, a button appears above the logout, “Restore Purchases”. Activating that button generates a circling blue bit of nothing. If anyone at the developer reads this, is my only alternative the disputing of the video charge on the basis that the vendor failed to provide working product? This disaster of an introduction to Vimeo probably assures that this event will be the one and only attempt.
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1 year ago, White Enderman
This app is amazing
So first of all to upload your movie or show or just a video it’s free to do that and it’s free to watch on it too. I know it’s not a game but it doesn’t just randomly have an ad pop up like every minute. It does have ads before you watch you’r video but I understand that because if all of this is free then you half to have at least a few ads. Also did I mention that it’s also free to download. This app is probably better than YouTube,Netflix,peacock,and all the streaming apps. If you don’t have Vimeo and you’re looking at the Reviews here than let tell you it is worth downloading it.
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4 years ago, Icppicu123
Worst app ever doesn’t deserve a star
I hate this app so much. It’s a waste of money and time and don’t even put down your card information for the free trial. They say you can cancel your subscription at any time but they lied. I put my card information in because you have to in order to do the free trial and I only watched one video for a class. When I tried to follow the instructions to cancel the subscription on computer, they were very inaccurate and what they claimed you would see is not there. I’ve been trying for weeks to cancel it and I even have seen that they have updated the so called “instruction to cancel a subscription” and they are still inaccurate. I have even left a message to the service center twice through email and I have still been ignored and unable to cancel. They’re basically trying to still money. I recommend no one get this app.
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2 years ago, Joedejong.mister horror?
pretty good, but I enjoy it,
I enjoy watching videos here on Vimeo, but there is one problem that needs to be fixed I found on earth films, extreme horror, channel here on Vimeo, I love to watch, horror, movies, and documentaries, but whenever I go to the other films channel here, on Vimeo, to watch a movie, it keeps saying playback, failed tap to try again, I keep doing it for some reason it won’t play, so maybe if you’d fix that bug, everything would be pretty good, and I would be good to go to watch some movies, but it’s not that bad, I would love to see more updates here on the app, and please fix that bug,
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1 year ago, shorbrek
Dankle berry chronic
The dank Vimeo, the dust in my wind, the air underneath my bat like mutation of skin wings, the troll body of a enormous dumb behemoth, a Neanderthal that I can and do call my protector of which the horde obeys and calls me my own. The underground, Bass echoes within the deep halls of a Mordor like place, where I know I belong, in the darkness and shadow, of screeching creatures that warn all of entry, deep within a firelight as enormous as a mountain is where I watch my Vimeo and contemplate domination over any fantasy domain, I beckon and call on all of the dank deep within to explode in a underwater cavern of volcanic eruption, this is where I seep and soak in the hot magma of my own who calls me.
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2 years ago, Belial3000
Search feature bugs
The search feature is wonky at best. Clicking the back button, or “feed” on a profile or channel that I’ve checked out brings me back to the Home Screen or watch list, instead of my search results- leaving me to have to do all the searching and scrolling all over again, and that’s a big drawback! It needs to take you back to the place you were previously! Also the app has been crashing randomly. I feel like it worked much better a few versions ago.
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4 years ago, Sherisse M
Purple Family
The video was very interesting and my son & I learned some useful information while going through this divorce and hard times. My son now understands more of what a divorce is and what we as parents go through. Weather it’s emotionally stressful, grieving for a loss one, and getting used to our new life as co-parents. My son is 12 almost 13 years old and understand the situation. Living in Hawaii is expensive and my ex-wife and I decided to go the easier route in agreeing to certain terms and splitting things down the middle 50/50 and hating the kids on a weekly schedule.
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1 year ago, Geecake
Puts accessibility behind a paywall
Honestly, I wouldn’t have too much of a problem with Vimeo if it weren’t for the fact that it puts accessibility options behind a paywall. The only way to create subtitles when uploading videos is if you pay a monthly subscription fee. I can’t even begin to describe how insidiously greedy I find this, as a hard of hearing person. Captions are a BASIC accessibility tool. Putting captions behind a paywall is a sure fire way to make your site less accessible. The onus should not be on uploaders to pay exorbitant fees or permanently embed captions that can’t be toggled in their video—especially independent uploaders—and many won’t (and don’t) use captions on their videos because of this.
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1 year ago, 🐯 The White Tiger
so… the Vimeo tv app—which is where i mainly watch their content—FINALLY gets an update only to say that it is no longer being supported on June 29th, and to start “using airplay” to stream the content on tv. ummm… no. why airplay content when there’s a DEDICATED tv app? when you’re working on/using your device (iPhone, iPad, etc.)—especially if you only have one “computer”—having to airplay content to the tv doesn’t make much sense as it keeps you from doing other tasks, (i.e., you’re in an airplay session then your phone rings, cancelling airplay, leaving you to set it back up again… not a very user-friendly experience). the only time i use actually airplay is if i’m visiting someone/not at home and wanna share something. every other video content/streaming service that has pulled this move just wound up being automatically deleted from my mobile devices as i rarely used them… especially since i work from home, and watch video content ON MY TV. guess it’s time for me to say buh-bye to this app, too… 😒
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4 years ago, pokinsmot
4 stars
Just a suggestion for a feature I’d like to see. I’ve back a few projects on Kickstarter that use Vimeo as their platform, and they don’t all use the On Demand feature to get you the video. Some use a private link and give you a password. I think when I use the password to gain access, it says something like its added to my library, but there’s no “library” feature on the app or the website. It would be nice if there was an area like that on my home page or in my profile that collected them all in one place.
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7 years ago, aileverte
For a viewer, a frustrating app
There are a number of lecture cycles I want to watch, I "liked" all of them, hoping that this would somehow help me access them - there is no way of building watch lists here! -- but when I return to the app it tells me I have no likes. This is quite infuriating: is it so difficult to have a user-friendly viewing list where one could keep links for future viewing? My ipad doesn't have enough memory to download everything, and searching every time is tedious. In the end I've resorted to this primitive half-solution: keeping a list of titles in my notepad and pasting the searchword from there! But that's just defeats the purpose of even having an app!!!
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3 years ago, Wagginit
Horrible interface for users that just watch videos
I cannot give this a good review because I am someone that likes to watch content, not create it. The entire interface is designed so you cannot start a video online and then continue watching it later. No method to go back to “liked” content. It seems to have no connection to the website even if you sign in. A professional friend just finished a film and put it on Vimeo. When I told them of how hard it was to find, save, or purchase they were surprised until they had their spouse pull it up as a different user on the app. Even with a link it was difficult to find. How does this help creatives if nobody can find the content to watch anytime they want to watch. Or, to continue watching where they left off. The potential is there but not yet. Which is surprising as it is not a new app or service. I’ve been a user since 2012. Also the support service on the site is only for creating. No support on the app itself from a “watch” perspective.
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2 years ago, David Burkhart
This app needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.
After being in business for over a decade, Vimeo needs a lot of work. I am still attached to it for what they do correctly, but speaking just for the app itself, I cannot watch one video without it crashing at least twice before the end of the video. At least the layout is much better than the mobile version. I give two stars because of what they do right, which is normally a four, but the performance of this app brings it down to two, and that’s being nice. I know the app is free, but I pay for Pro. The app cannot keep up with the service.
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Get TExas Sounds out of AZ. Tell the Governor that they stole internet in routing information from AZ through my anatomy a freak people in playing Satan’s hordes. “Yarnell Hot Shots” is reserved for those firefighter crew and the not outlaws. In TD & A Trucking company, they’re using it just no respect. Knowing her driver or drivers are into doing drugs and some type of pipe stuff a bit to do when I saw the bag carried by Ann i wanted to get a closer look, but stayed away and stopped my oldest son from going around his aunt. I even decided not to work for them. I talked to one of their owners, LaTanya Lee and she dissed their wrong in using “Hot Shots” in non dispatching of Memorial announcements of fire firefighter’s special trained crews. Better Health Care Naturally by DeLine Practictioner of Bowenwork, Acupressure, Reflexology and Detoxification with Bentonite Clay for my clients that includes Arizona Hot Shots. Friday December 31, 2021, Шегера Д. Ли
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2 years ago, Life Long Camper
Save’s me time
I produce, shoot, edit, and upload interviews of fine artists. I share edited versions with others for comments before uploading a final to Vimeo. I can have four or more versions of a video. I upload directly from Lumafusion. With the app I can see those versions quickly and share the links without needing to sign into the website. I can delete a version the same way. Minutes are money. The app is a time saver.
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4 years ago, Kathy@2020
Warning: Difficult to Cancel
Warning! It’s terribly difficult to cancel this subscription, wasting money and time. The customer service is terrible. I used Vimeo to upload 3 videos a year and a half ago. I got a charge for $97 a couple of months ago and tried to figure out how to cancel my subscription since I now never use the service. First, it’s impossible to figure out how to cancel the auto renews or even get to customer service. There is no way to cancel from the app or access customer service. Took me hours of internet research to even figure out how to get to their customer service agent (which should be a clear hint in what they think of their customers). Second, the response from customer service agent was totally unacceptable and will ensure that I never again use Vimeo. Vimeo’s billing instructions tell me to go to my Apple subscriptions to manage my subscription. The renewal was in no way reflected there. The customer service agent was totally useless, even though they could see my lack of usage. Scamming customers is how companies truly fail.
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3 years ago, wunderjo
Used the app one time in March of 2020. Worked fine for a novice as myself. Did not authorized or upgrade for a renewal. This year in March of 2021 I was charged on my card for a renewal. My account clearly shows that I was not set up for an auto renewal. Trying to contact someone or have the issue addressed was frustrating. No live contact. Emails were impossible. All I got was a FAQ that did not address my problem. Cards cannot be deleted once added to an account. It seems to be set up so it’s is difficulty to delete an account once one it made. Finally found a tutorial on how to delete an account. And that does not work on IPhone only my computer.
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3 years ago, terry show
I like the way I think it’s a good idea and a great way to communicate nowadays with hardly no mail going telephones always busy together person to communicate with Eckstein waiting for a return text it would be nice to have something of this nature to use when you have a question or something you can put this in as a question and the person is busy they could get back with you with your answer and then have a conversation aboutMassage thank you very much Terry Showman
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2 years ago, caydee.rankins
DO NOT START A FREE TRIAL WITH THIS APP!!! They will start charging you $108 dollars 30 days after your trial and it is nearly impossible to cancel your subscription. It took me WEEKS to figure out how to cancel it and I had to lock my card because they constantly kept charging me. Also, I Even checked my Apple subscriptions and it still was not there, if you are having the same issue FOLLOW THIS!!! You cannot use a phone or iPad for this u need a computer!!!! 1. Open the website and login 2. Click on your account and select settings 3. Scroll until you see “Billing” and click it 4. Go to membership and click on it 5. There will be a sentence in red words that say “cancel your trial” click it 6. Fill out the reason form and submit 7. Then delete your account Please do NOT use this app if u do not plan on paying for a monthly subscription, there are nearly zero tutorials on how to cancel a free trial and the help center is useless please do NOT download this awful app STAY SAFE!!!
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4 years ago, Nachoipi
Great video plataform
Excelent quality, variety and quantity of professional and amateur videos of everything you can imagen (music, sports, films, independent film makers, etc) from all arround the world. But I thought that Vimeo was an independent video plataform where the freedom to express were it’s most powerfull force.... Untill now, that I’m having trouble to see the film “Coronation” of Ai Weiwei (2020) about the origins of the new Corona Virus in Wohan... Were this a coincidence? Or someone, somewhere have the power to control and censorate the free world voices that claims for the “real truth”?
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4 years ago, 1953wyoming
Seeds are life
This movie will hopefully move people away from global culture to a more local culture. People are busy living and sometimes too busy living to notice small changes that occur that will start a mind set that can-mushroom into a destructive situation that can make a small group big and powerful while others are just dispensable. Then dispensable people are told it their own fault they are in this situation of poverty, lack and sickness. This movie de spell that notion. This is the light of the world. Watch it and learn!
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Hard to figure out
When I first got it I was like “ omg! Finally I can record myself!! “ But then wen I went to record it was like u HAVE to record on camera then upload it to Vimeo. Then I found out that if u want to Livestream it told me to “get a membership” and I’m only 11. So… that was the bad things here r the good things; it was free, it didn’t update all randomly without me accepting it, it was extremely helpful and it was not THAT HARD to make a video. Tho a recommendation might be to add some songs w/ words or allow us to download our own playlists.
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3 years ago, MrAlfredo315
Good app, but with a few flaws.
I haven't used this app in a while, but until now. I watched any video on Vimeo before. I remembered using it ever since between the late 2000s and mid 2010s. The only thing that bugs me is a bunch of issues. There are a few flaws about this app. The connection didn't load successfully. The app got crashed so I decided to reuse it. And I had to watch any video on this app without getting crashed.
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4 years ago, Hossein Farmani
The worst app for such a respected company.
After using the online version I tried to use the App. I manger to login and while I am logged in it says you are logged in to another account and under setting log out is disabled and only ask me to login or make new account. It won’t let me like any videos or comment. It says check your email. There is no email from Viemeo. So I made a new account. I received an email to verify the account. When I try, it says you are logged in with another account. But there is no logout option anywhere. Frustrating. Very surprised on how a company that respected can have an app that is NOT user friendly at all. The interface can be so much better.
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1 year ago, Merferd and the treetoons
Freeing Children from Bonded Labor
I appreciate being able to use the modern day, miracle of video to showcase and free children who are being used as beasts of burden. What is our life for? Our own entertainment? Our own satisfaction? Our own peace of mind? Or giving the gift of freedom we’ve been given to those who are being robbed of it. I don’t know what other thing to say when asked for this review, I appreciate the crisp, clean nature of the Vimeo film forum.
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4 years ago, duckie2045
Alain’s and AI
This webinar was AMAZING all the different speakers and all of their different information on Aliens and the ufo 🛸 sitings and extra terrestrial’s WOW 😳, The difficult explanation of others from in the past were reviled. THIS WAS A GREAT 👍🏻 GROUP OF PEOPLE FROM AROUND THE WORLD 🌎 TALKING OF THINGS That are coming up fast 💨 and those who have always one of those who would say just before that truck hits you or your plane ✈️ goes down you’ll ask the lords forgiveness and please accept your soul in heaven. WELL ITS COMING AND YOU BETTER BE ON YOUR KNEES SOON.
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6 years ago, Arturo Zaher
Not Worth The Money
They want you to pay for what other social media platforms do for free. Yet the functionality doesn't even match what others do for free. So who would pay to "upgrade"? I use it because a long time ago someone uploaded videos of me back when social media was in the Myspace days. So back then this made sense because it was all videos but now it doesn't. If they want people to "upgrade" then should give options to edit and format videos. This would be a paid service worth it. Almost like I Movies gives you those options. Take a look at what directorial options are out their for free and then both match it and beat it. Then you can charge.
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2 years ago, Surf gramps
Love This Video Posting Site
I love how Vimeo uploads and publishes my videos at the full resolution in which I rendered them; and how quickly they upload and post… unlike that other video site; and Vimeo seems to respect my free speech, though I really don’t upload any offensive content. Another plus is, after posting, I am supplied with a simple video link which is the easiest and quickest way to share my creations across all platforms.
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3 years ago, lacorota
It’s too early for me to provide a fair and comprehensive review since I just joined. However, I am qualified to say all the features are straight forward and intuitive. I have a Wordpress blog and needed a venue to post embedded 4K videos in a post. It worked great and was relatively seamless. I asked my 90 year old grandmother to test everything for ease of use and she said she had no issues. With a couple of clicks (or touches) she was enjoying my video.
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3 years ago, Porch1969
Horrible to navigate
UPDATED from two to one stars. The app is AWFUL. I purchased a video series for $400, the app says it’s purchased but is till trying to charge me. And help so now 3 days away according to the ticket I had to open. NOTHING works smoothly or intuitively. This app is the worst, took me 50% of my lunch break and a video to find my purchases. The navigation is terrible. Also the tiles for the other videos only shows a word or two, making it impossible to find the video you want when you purchase a large library like I did. I find the whole app counter intuitive and difficult to use...god I hate this app.
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1 year ago, SleepyKdwg
Vimeo great
Vimeo's attention to video compression is also worth highlighting. Often, streaming platforms sacrifice video quality in favor of faster load times, resulting in pixelation or artifacting. However, Vimeo strikes the perfect balance between efficient compression and maintaining optimal video quality. Whether you're watching a short film, a documentary, or a music video, the platform ensures that the video's essence remains intact, unburdened by distracting compression artifacts.
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3 years ago, Calisunset
Ocean Grove Class Of 2021
This is the first time I’ve experienced a virtual graduation, and it was impressive. Very well put together, and you could tell everyone who spoke wanted to make it a great experience for the graduates. I was watching a friend’s daughter graduate, who I’ve known all her life, and this was a great ceremony. Thanks to everyone at Ocean Grove Charter School, for making the Graduating Class Of 2021 so special for the graduates and their families. Congratulations, Kaitlyn Villela. I’m so proud of you!💕
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5 years ago, Boofunkin'
Lame app!
I can access and play ALL MY videos but other than that rather useless! No way to find my (or any other peoples) videos or collections. If you want to see the staff picks (I don't) it is great. Other wise rather pointless (this goes for the Roku and Andriod versions). And there is no way to shut off the stupid auto play next video (this seems to be resolved)!! Keeps getting worse! I have no use for the new home page. I should be able to select what appears when I open the app. Stop forcing me to do things your way!! And stop this auto play video when selected. Pretty bad all round app. Still a lame app!
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3 years ago, jstudios8
Vimeo is the best
Just two options I wish you had was private link that expires to only me or at least expire of download in 30 days or so. So that we don’t leave the download on forever incase we forget. Also future option to post things live at a set time so that the link is live for a timed event. If that is possible. Thanks really enjoying Vimeo it’s my favorite for video streaming and archive.
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2 years ago, Suzyelle
Sporadic and always a pain
I purchase a lot of online art classes, and the artists often use Vimeo. The lessons are password protected, but they are usually accessed through a link on the artist’s site so that a password doesn’t have to be reentered on Vimeo. If opened through a browser, they work fine, but if my iPad defaults to the app, forget it. It gets an error message at least 50% of the time, and depending on the artist, it may be more often that the app fails. I’ve thought of just deleting the app. I don’t know if developers can’t keep up with iOS updates or what the problem is, but the app, for me, is useless.
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6 years ago, Walterrhonejr
They keep deleting my account because ofnudity
So I'm having a problem with paid Vimeo account give me a claims that I have voluntarily violated their policies my videos continue he dear artsy and interesting and fun I thought I’ve gotten really quick responses from people on Vimeo I’d say about 30% of the videos on Vimeo continue to be in sexual sexual likes sex and his porn on there I believe their own fear with the policies and if you’re trying to create and be creative I would definitely find a different outlet I’m looking for one I’ll never use Vimeo again and I’m going to demand my money back is the second time they have deleted a very popular account in less than a month
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4 years ago, Haru Ruben
Who doesn’t like Vimeo?
It’s good, use it. I use it to post videos I want to be shown at high quality but I just want to share professionally works great for that and you can customize the video player if you want to embed the video. The premium is $60 per year or thereabouts at the time I am writing this. Cant think of anything bad.. I guess I’d like to have slowed/sped up playback, but meh it’s fine. Vimeo is somewhere between meh and fantastic
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2 years ago, Annoyed Kitty
Not good
The Analytics function has been broken for some time. No matter what date range is entered, nor what video is selected, it defaults to seven days and all videos. Even when it worked correctly, the Analytics function was not well designed. There is no way to search for specific videos to isolate in the data, and the data given is very vague. This would all be mitigated somewhat if Vimeo made it easy to access the full website while using a mobil device, but they act as though your phone might explode suddenly if you managed to find your way to it. They have it so thoroughly hidden.
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3 years ago, SolarTonyV
Its A Wonderful World
2022 is going to be what you make of it. Bad things happen to good people. That does not mean you have to frown! Turn that frown upside down and smile at others. You will soon learn others will actually smile back. Not every one, its just not that world! But if you can help other in life, buy offering just A smile. Imagine what you can do if you really give it your all.
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3 years ago, another victim of the sham
I’m alarmed by the low quality of customer service and app functionality.
I have been using Vimeo to upload to Patreon using the basic subscription. After a month I was unable to upload because my “weekly upload limit was reached” and it has been for 2 weeks even tho nothing else has been posted. I figured this is how they force you to pay. But the app can’t even do that. My subscription is active according to the apple store but the incompetent service workers can’t even confirm that. Waste of time. Don’t punish your fans because Vimeo only cares about money. Completely unprofessional
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3 years ago, Creativevoice7
The Michelangelo Of Our Time
The preview of “Paul Robeson’s Love Song” has led me to want to see it in it’s entirety. It brings back forgotten me memories of an artistic giant that was able to span so many mediums and touch so many people. Everyone should know more about his life and his achievements. His story has been deliberately buried under a lot of lies, innuendos, and disinformation. He brilliance should not have been so easily forgotten. He was the Michelangelo of our time and country.
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5 years ago, dM1c
Dependable Videography Phortfolio
I’ve been using Vimeo’s streaming to dump all my finished/slightly unfinished Audio-Video exports from decades of personal and professional experience. While I don’t use broader Vimeo services, or have ever paid for membership, it’s proven integral over the years. Every time I use my customized links in resumes, e-mails, or for my own archival purposes, I have never had any issues—which is commendable over a 20+ year lifespan.
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6 years ago, JP_Trini
Professional Portable Portfolio
Before using Vimeo, I would use Dropbox to send my clients their work. Not the most efficient because they would have to download locally, play it thru and then make their comments. Since the Review page facility it has made client feedback so much easier and way more efficient. I have faster turnaround time with my work. I luv it, wouldn’t change to another platform
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3 years ago, abcdtoz
Appreciate studying Jude
I am grateful for a means of studying the scriptures with other like minded believers who are striving to contend for the faith, the whole council of God. The study in Jude is just that as we dive into Jude and go back to Old Testament scriptures that Jude references. It is an excellent study that encourages one to continue to contend for the faith in our day. Appreciate that we are able to use this platform to listen to Godly teachers. Thank you!
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6 years ago, dailybballer
Terrible user interface and integration
I rarely write reviews and unfortunately it’s not because I’m blown away by this app. I have an account through gmail, when I log in via desktop I don’t have access to my subscriptions. On my phone I have access. Finding information about my account and how to change my password is almost impossible and extremely frustrating. I was subscribed to a channel and that disappeared so I had to refollow them. The only reason I have this app is because it’s required to view game footage of my basketball team, if not, I would completely delete and never go back.
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6 years ago, KevinF1966
Absolute garbage app
This is literally the worst app I’ve encountered on iOS. As a video app it has a couple of major flaws that defy belief and render it unusable. Namely, you cannot return and resume a video partway through. You have to restart the video every time and just remember where to fast-forward to. That’s if you can find the video. Unbelievably (again) there is nothing like a watchlist or a “resume watching” category. Hard to overstate what an abject Fail Vimeo is. Oh, and not just iOS but same problem on other platforms. Problem is Vimeo, not just this one app. Having made the mistake of renting some vids I will never use Vimeo again.
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