6 years ago, Tk1997
Best mobile worms game, frustrating controls at time, overpowered AI in campaign.
This is the best worms game you can get on mobile. I tried worms 3 while it was free, and I wasn’t a fan of it one bit. I haven’t played worms 4, but from the similar looks of worms 3, I highly doubt it went back to the worms 2 formula. The animations, looks, and feel of the successors changed, but not to the better imo. It gave me the bang for my bucks, because it already provided me with hours of fun through both its single player and local multiplayer. The gameplay heavily emphasize strategic planning, but at the same time, it doesn’t take itself too seriously. The worms tend to give funny one-line remarks and reactions throughout the round. Team customizations are plenty, and the weapons in the game are hilarious, ranging from exploding sheeps to the infamous holy grenade. The controls leave more to be desired, as I sometimes find myself accidentally jumping off a cliff when I didn’t mean so, or the grenades don’t function properly, as they do not show me the throw range when I hold down the trigger button, yet it immediately falls in front of me as soon as I pull my finger from the trigger. It doesn’t happen too often, but it happened enough to become a nuisance. Despite its age, the game looks gorgeous, and some maps provide a really cool soundtrack. It’s a shame that there is no online multiplayer. The only way we’re able to play with others is either through pass and play or through devices connected to a local network. My biggest grudge, however, is the campaign itself. Beating the levels at the beginning is easy and do-able. I was able to finish four out of six stages in the campaign, but now I’ve been stuck on the last levels of stage 5. The game is extremely unfair to the player by then. They give us just 2 worms against 10 enemy worms with godlike accuracy. The AI is simply OP, there’s no way around it. Some rounds they’ll go full stupid, shooting their shotgun or bazooka on a wall; the next round, they’ll shoot a bazooka that passes through the narrowest of places, factoring in wind effect, delivering a hit with pinpoint accuracy that either deals enough damage to kill your worm or throw your worm off to a nearby mine or water to finish it off. And just to add salt to the injury, the game shamefully plugs in their in-app purchase to buy their golden donkey statue after you lose, which literally states in its description that it's there to help you beat levels that you’re stuck on. To me, this comes off as a, blatant, cheap, cash grab, taking into account that I already PAID for this game, and I already PAID for those extra map packs that were somehow NOT included with the game (which I PAID for); and yet here I am, facing a dilemma of whether or not I should pay for the THIRD time to circumvent their unfairly, handicapped, matches in the late stages of their campaign. I’m all with helping out developers that offer me great products for my wallet, but this is not it.
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