4 years ago, Silvia & Tiago
Great game, but it has issues
Ok, I absolutely love this game, but, there are many issues, like the issue of hitboxes, where even if you are just out the edge of a grenade or a bow shot you get hit and the issue where the diving item (don’t know the name) doesn’t work fast enough so Buck can just drag you out. Also, Jade’s passive does too much damage, I mean, thematically and in gamestyles, it’s great, but it is just too simple to kill someone with it, and the penguin’s (forgot his name) passive slow needs to be reduced a bit, because it is basically an infinite stun if he hits you once, or maybe reduce the duration, or even put a cooldown on the capability to apply this slow. Also, put us against people our level! I play as a level 8 Finn and constantly have to go to hell to try and outplay a level 12’s whole career, so, please fix this. Oh, and, for last, it is too hard to advance once you reach a certain level, as you end up against people a lot stronger than you, can’t get any more trophy rewards, take a lot longer to level up characters and never, get, a, new, character... because all we get is toolboxes, no crates, so, please, hear me out on these problems and damage ratios in general.
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