— 7 Dec 2023

App Growth Week 2023: Day 3 — Optimization

Anastasiya Starovoytova

Where would we be without optimization?

To keep pace with the times and mobile users’ interests, mobile marketers have to re-examine their approaches to app promotion on a regular basis. This task can be rather daunting. Fortunately, you’re not alone here — and can always listen to your peers sharing their insights about optimization during App Growth Week 2023.

Day 3 featured a lineup of sessions that explored the art of ASO, advanced A/B testing, concept validation, and innovative approaches — including AI technologies — to user acquisition and re-engagement. Creative trends and ASO benchmarks were also in the spotlight.

Let’s explore the Day 3 sessions more closely.

A/B Testing for ASO: Best Practices and Advanced Strategies

The day started with an in-depth exploration of A/B testing for ASO by Mateusz Wrzeszcz, ASO Lead at Klarna.

The session provided actionable insights into leveraging A/B testing to fine-tune app elements for optimal performance in the competitive app landscape. By watching this part of App Growth Week, you’ll get equipped with the following knowledge:

  • What the actual difference between the Bayesian and Frequentist testing methods is.
  • What the best way to organize your ideas is.
  • What to test, when you have no idea where to start.
  • How to avoid insignificant results with segmentation and 3rd party tools like SplitMetrics Optimize.
  • What kind of a testing loop Klarna uses. 
App Growth Week 2023: Day 3 — Optimization

I wanted to show you the testing loop that we leverage at Klarna. What I like specifically about this testing loop is that it stresses out one thing: that research is an inseparable element of your testing.

Mateusz Wrzeszcz, ASO Lead at Klarna

Click on the session recording to get the insights from Mateusz firsthand.

The Art of ASO: From Startup to Enterprise Strategies

Building on the ASO theme, the second session celebrated the artistry of ASO, offering strategies tailored for both startups and enterprises. 

Anton Tatarynovich from Freeletics was the one to explore the topic in detail.

During the session, he highlighted the nuances of ASO at different scales. This is a must-see presentation for every ASO manager out there, as Anton shared practical advice for companies of different sizes, from small startups to large enterprises.

What’s more, you’ll get tips for both visibility and conversion optimization, so don’t miss out on the chance to get life-hacks from a seasoned professional in this video.

App Growth Week 2023: Day 3 — Optimization

ASO for any app of any size is visibility optimization and conversion optimization. Visibility optimization means how do people find our app. We need to ensure that once they’ve found our app, it’s all about conversion optimization — how do we make sure that people download that app.

Anton Tatarynovich, Senior ASO and Apple Search Ads Manager at Freeletics

Watch the video of the session below.

User Engagement that Wows: Strategies and AI-Powered Solutions

In a world where user engagement is paramount, app marketers need to leave a lasting impression. We must wow the user — and AI may be a way to do it pretty quickly.

The third speech of the day by Benjamin Roodman of CleverTap focused on just that — innovative approaches to captivate and retain users by exploring the symbiotic relationship between human creativity and artificial intelligence.

In his presentation, Benjamin explained the main pain points of user engagement and offered AI-powered solutions to it as well as enhanced segmentation and personalization. 

App Growth Week 2023: Day 3 — Optimization

We’re going to cover what’s the status quo? What are your current pain points? What does it take to redefine segmentation and what does it mean to personalize and build personalization into everything you do? How to use AI to power customer engagement and unlock limitless customer lifetime value?  

Benjamin Roodman, Vice President of Partnerships, CleverTap

As always, feel free to tap ‘Play’ on the video below to get all the revelations about app marketing fueled by AI.

How to Find Creative Winners and Use AI to Maximize Their Value

The exploration of creativity continued with a session by Adi Krysler from AppsFlyer dedicated to finding creative winners and utilizing AI to maximize their value

The session provided a roadmap for marketers to leverage advanced technology — such as computer vision and NLP — in unlocking the full potential of their creative assets. Practical examples were a big part of the presentation.

App Growth Week 2023: Day 3 — Optimization

In the last few years, user acquisition strategies have changed a lot with the introduction of new automation and new algorithms. But creatives always remain the number one lever for creating campaign success.

Adi Krysler, Senior Product Marketing Manager, AppsFlyer

What’s more, Adi gave valuable advice about what you should do against creative degradation and the audience’s possible fatigue

To get all insights and recommendations from Adi, watch the recording of her session below.

From Concept to Conversion: Unveiling the Best in ASO, A/B Testing, and Optimization Technology

Is your consent any good? Or, maybe, you’re the one who believes it to be good?

It’s really hard to put yourself in your audience’s shoes to understand whether the concept of a new icon or screenshot is captivating. To facilitate this task, SplitMetrics’ very own Marina Trypolskaya and Zhanna Radovnya joined App Growth Week with an insightful lecture about best practices and technologies for ASO and A/B testing.

App Growth Week 2023: Day 3 — Optimization

Today we’ll be sharing some light on the rare A/B testing use cases, some best practices, and explain why we are advising to use search and category pages in your A/B testing initiatives. 

Marina Trypolskaya, Head of Sales, SplitMetrics

The girls shared tips and cases for the following situations:

  • Search page preview testing.
  • Custom product page concept testing.
  • Top chart & search page comparison against competitors.
  • Audience testing, and more!

And you’ll discover that A/B testing isn’t that difficult — especially if you have right tools at your disposal:

App Growth Week 2023: Day 3 — Optimization

I understand how you feel when your design team sends you a couple of screenshot sets for your one particular custom product page — and you’re just staring at these screenshots and trying to see what’s the difference between them? The design is absolutely the same. The only difference we have is messaging. And maybe you’re not the core audience of the app you’re working with, so you aren’t sure which messaging to choose from these sets. And, of course, there’s a moment that you can test all these screenshot tests in Apple Search Ads. But I’m pretty sure it’s quite time-consuming and expensive. What if I said that it only requires you 3 days and 300 website users from Facebook to check how your core audience simply reacts to these alternatives?

Zhanna Radovnya, Senior Customer Success Manager, SplitMetrics

Here’s the full video of the session.

Actionable Tactics for Optimized User Acquisition and Re-Engagement

Staying on users’ minds is all we really want.

It’s hard enough to get your core audience download your app — and it’s even more difficult to make them love it in the long run.

Closing out Day 3, the final panel of App Growth Week 2023 addressed the critical aspects of user acquisition and re-engagement. We invited well-known experts to participate in the conversation and present the audience with actionable tactics to optimize these processes, ensuring sustained growth and continuous user interaction. 

Angela Humphrey shared with the audience the emerging trends she’s observing in the re-engagement domain:

App Growth Week 2023: Day 3 — Optimization

I would say that a lot of expansion on uplift testing is what I’m seeing lately; utilizing more tools whether that’s investing more internally — hiring more data analysts — or investing in third party tools that focus on uplift testing. Or utilizing MMP tools themselves.

Angela Humphrey, VP of Business Development, YouAppi

Rachel Bergman dwelled on leveraging AI tools for re-engagement of mobile app users:

App Growth Week 2023: Day 3 — Optimization

You can’t have any conversation today on any of the channels and not talk about AI. We’re very AI-forward at MoEngage. But some of the cooler kind of ways we’re seeing: it’s used in messaging within the app. People are using AI to predict the best time to send a push notification, to show up for an inbox message, to deliver a nudge in the best time to a consumer of the app — and testing different creatives, different tones, different messaging, different offers depending on what type of app you are.

Rachel Bergman, GM North America, MoEngage

Alper Taner joined the discussion to speak about AI use cases for user acquisition:

App Growth Week 2023: Day 3 — Optimization

On the user acquisition side, basically, we can create creatives from scratch but a person must use new ideas in terms of concept or enhancing the creative copy. AI also works for localization both in the text assets and visuals. I think everyone should have AI as a companion.

Alper Taner, App Growth Consultant

Meanwhile, Christoph Wagner shared his opinion on Apple Search Ads as a UA channel:

App Growth Week 2023: Day 3 — Optimization

Apple Search Ads is one of the most important channels for iOS developers, especially when you want to grow there — I would definitely recommend it, and that’s not paid now. Use SplitMetrics Acquire because it really goes far beyond the Apple Search Ads UI. Just to name a few examples: it visualizes all the data you have in a better way, you can make decisions way quicker, you can integrate all your data and optimize your campaigns really towards the metrics that matter to your business.    

Christoph Wagner, Team Lead Performance Marketing at iTranslate & Co-Founder of foxperience

Yauheni Karabeinikau also added his thoughts on the subject:

App Growth Week 2023: Day 3 — Optimization

We at Wooga are fans of custom product pages and we think that many publishers still don’t use it to the fullest potential. Apart from having a nice campaign structure, use custom product pages for certain keyword groups  — not just clusters of keywords like generic vs. brand — try to always test new custom product pages for those keywords groups. Don’t stop on something that you found works best for you.

Yauheni Karabeinikau, ASO Manager, Wooga

Watch it in full below.

The Bottom Line

From A/B testing best practices to the art of ASO for startups and enterprises, Day 3 of App Growth Week 2023 showcased a wealth of knowledge, examined the latest creative trends, and proved that ASO still is the driving force for capturing the attention of mobile app users

And what about mobile marketers? What’s the driving force behind them?

This question isn’t difficult to answer. Knowledge and striving for new heights have always been the lodestar for the app marketing folks. We at SplitMetrics are just happy to help you bask in the light of knowledge for one more time. Hope you’ve enjoyed App Growth Week in 2023 — and see you next year!  

Want to get a full scope of the event? Watch the recordings from Day 1 and Day 2.

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Anastasiya Starovoytova
Anastasiya Starovoytova
Content Manager
Anastasiya is Content Manager at SplitMetrics. She lives and breathes writing and has a real feeling for app marketing and mobile growth.
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