App Growth Week Day 3 Recap: Apple Search Ads

Gabriel Kuriata

Apple Search Ads is THE tool for promoting your app on the App Store and it really pays off to know all the nooks and crannies of this platform.

You’ll quickly notice what’s on the menu on our Day 3 of App Growth Week recap: operating at scale, custom product pages, new ad placements and expansion on multiple markets.

There are two things the best experts do: learn from the successes and mistakes of others. On the third day of our event, 12 specialists from 6 companies came to share their advice, based on years of experience, experimentation and excellence in user acquisition with Apple Search Ads.

Relax and enjoy: 5 sessions, 20 minutes each to boost your knowledge (or systematize and verify it) that will only help you be an even better expert on Apple Search Ads.

Running Apple Search Ads at scale

What many User Acquisition specialists will try to do tonight? The same thing they try to do every night — conquer the world. At least on the App Store, through expansion on other markets. It’s no small feat and requires sticking to some principles.

Lucky for us, Dimitris Delikouras, Team Lead User Acquisition at Freeletics kick started the event with a focused presentation dealing with that topic.

App Growth Week Day 3 Recap: Apple Search Ads

When scaling globally, we need to think globally – don’t focus on too many details.

Dimitris Delikouras, Team Lead User Acquisition at Freeletics.

What does this mean exactly in practice? You’ll find out by watching his presentation here:

How largest advertisers are staying ahead of the game: new App Store ad placements, ad variations, and custom product pages

Biggest and best performing apps out there can be a great source of inspiration, but replicating their success requires a methodical approach… and some tips for the start, as the very first question many aspiring publishers and specialists have is “That’s great but where do we even begin?”. Well, we strongly recommend you do it right here, as the segment by Polina Ishimbaeva, Head of Customer Success at SplitMetrics and Karina Klepikova, Account Executive at SplitMetrics is a goldmine of practical advice on Apple Search Ads, custom product pages, product page optimization and more:

App Growth Week Day 3 Recap: Apple Search Ads

Whatever app category you have, finance, games, entertainment, segmentation is key. Demographic, psychographic and geographic factors – all can be significant. Target cultural differences, different mentalities, specific markets, regions. Look for all parameters that can better deliver your ads to your audiences

Polina Ishimbaeva, Head of Customer Success at SplitMetrics.

Enjoy the full presentation with no restrictions here:

How Picsart is leveraging custom product pages as a part of the growth playbook

Custom product pages allow publishers to easily segment audiences and accurately target them with different creative assets. What happens when the content on an app’s product page is suited to the needs of a segment and truly reflects intentions behind search queries?

It’s best to showcase that on an example of an app that accomplished exactly that. The team behind Picsart, an AI-powered photo & video design app, found out that their conversion rate improved by 52%, rate of users entering into free trials improved 153% and cost per trial decreased by 50%.

App Growth Week Day 3 Recap: Apple Search Ads

We’ve come up with a new, AI-image generation feature that creates custom images based on textual descriptions. We were actually able to target users searching for AI image generation related keywords and show them creatives based on that search criteria in our Apple SearchAds campaigns.

Skyler Grabecz, ASO Team Lead at Picsart.

Custom product pages are most impactful with the conjunction with paid user acquisition, so you really need to plan their purpose and methods of acquiring traffic. This use case with Skyler Grabecz, ASO Team Lead at Picsart about their own practice with them will definitely help you succeed:

SplitMetrics Acquire: helping top advertisers manage and optimize Apple Search Ads campaigns at scale

Scaling Apple Search Ads, expanding on multiple markets, targeting multiple custom product pages… it’s the right moment to focus more on a system that can really help in accomplishing that.

SplitMetrics Acquire is an intelligent, data-driven platform for automation, optimization and scaling of Apple Search Ads. Allow Mike Ilin, Chief Product Officer at SplitMetrics, Lara Vinnicombe, ex-Head of Product Marketing at SplitMetrics and Hanna Kachalka, Head of Sales at SplitMetrics to give you a practical overview of our flagship product:

Evolution of Apple Search Ads and effective UA strategies for 2023

Five experts confronted with important questions gathered from the audience throughout the entire day: the best way to conclude Day 3 of our event, dedicated to Apple Search Ads. The ensemble for today’s discussion featured:

What were our participants interested in? Here’s a list of topics covered during this panel:

  1. What are the best practices for lowering cost per tab and cost per install in the age of privacy when we lack analytics?
  2. Do we need anything extra to start testing new ad placements in the App Store?
  3. Is it worth it to spend time and money on creation and testing of custom product pages?
  4. What are the best strategies for Apple Search Ads in 2023 for highly competitive markets?
  5. What to expect from new App Store ad placements? 
  6. Given the limited controls uh of the new placement types, how do we optimize these campaigns?
  7. Do installations from Apple Search Ads contribute to higher keyword rankings for the keyword that the ad displayed for?

Watch the entire panel here:

Stay tuned for more!

Day 3 of App Growth Week dedicated to Apple Search Ads is concluded with 13 experts on 5 panels sharing probably close to 50 pro-tips, practical examples, dos and even some don’ts, with more questions being sent even after the event by the audience that joined us on Day 4 on “ASO, Testing & Optimization” (a wrap up is coming soon).

You too can ask any questions that you might have, we’re always happy to help.

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Gabriel Kuriata
Gabriel Kuriata
Content Manager
Gabriel is a professional writer with more than a decade of experience in bringing advanced b2b tech solutions closer to the people - with content in all forms, shapes and sizes.
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