Apple Search Ads Best Practices: Interview with Michael Shubin

In our new SearchAdsHQ ASA Talk, we spoke to Michael Shubin, an independent consultant on Apple Search Ads. In the interview, Michael shares how to promote apps and mobile games on the App Store with the help of Apple Search Ads.

  • Michael’s app marketing experience at ABBYY
  • Apple Search Ads as a tool for growing apps on the App Store
  • What Michael is doing now, after leaving ABBYY
  • Impressive results Michael managed to achieve with Apple Search Ads
  • Biggest Apple Search Ads mistakes publishers need to avoid in addition to those we already mentioned
  • Whether an optimal bid and issue with cannibalization of organic traffic exist
  • What you need to get the first results in Apple Search Ads
  • How to scale Apple Search Ads campaigns
  • What’s next in Apple Search Ads.
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Lina Danilchik
Lina Danilchik
Content Marketing Lead & App Growth Evangelist at SplitMetrics
Lina is Content Marketing Lead at SplitMetrics. She provides mobile marketers with best practices and tips on app growth, ASO, user acquisition and Apple Search Ads. Lina is also the host of App Growth Talks.
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