,  — 2 May 2023

SplitMetrics Unveils New Tool to Monitor Competitors’ Custom Product Pages

Lina Danilchik

We are excited to announce that SplitMetrics has developed a cutting-edge CPP Intelligence tool that enables our customers to check their competitors’ custom product pages on the App Store.

With this new feature, mobile developers and marketers can gain valuable insights into how their competitors are presenting their app offerings and features, what design and captions they are utilizing, and how they are engaging users through custom product pages and promotions.

When custom product pages (CPP) were introduced on the App Store, they revolutionized the way developers showcase apps to potential users. With this feature, mobile marketers can create highly personalized and engaging experiences for potential or returning users that highlight the unique features and specific offerings of apps.

You can create up to 35 additional versions of your App Store product page that showcase the versatile functionality of an app, specific features, updates, or promotional offers. With custom product pages, you can build tailored ad variations in Apple Search Ads, reduce bounce rate, increase user engagement and conversion, improve ROAS and ultimately drive business growth.

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The advantages of using the CPP intelligence feature by SplitMetrics are monumental. By analyzing their competitors’ custom product pages, mobile publishers can identify best practices, trends, and potential areas of improvement for their own ones.

SplitMetrics Unveils New Tool to Monitor Competitors’ Custom Product Pages

CPP Intelligence, as a part of SplitMetrics Acquire platform, is designed to enable the leading mobile companies and brands to compare the performance of their custom product pages against the competitors and make informed decisions when enhancing their strategy on the App Store.

We are thrilled to offer this powerful new product to our customers and look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on their business success.

Mike Ilin, Chief Product Officer at SplitMetrics

How CPP Intelligence in SplitMetrics Acquire works

With just a few clicks, SplitMetrics Acquire users can search by keyword and view a custom product page a competitor utilizes for it. The custom product page creatives are displayed in the same order as they are in the App Store search results.

SplitMetrics Unveils New Tool to Monitor Competitors’ Custom Product Pages

Source: SplitMetrics Acquire

CPP Intelligence in SplitMetrics Acquire

Source: SplitMetrics Acquire

  • CPP Intelligence in SplitMetrics Acquire is a tool where a user can select a competitor’s app, and then view all ad variations using custom product pages from that competitor.
  • All custom product pages can be viewed as an ad banner in search – like they’re shown on the App Store, and also unfolded: with all screenshots, videos and promo texts available.
  • For each custom product page, you can check the keywords for which it is shown on the App Store. What’s more, you will gain insights on these keywords.

Advantages of using CPP Intelligence by SplitMetrics

  • Quickly access the custom product pages of your competitors.
  • See custom product pages just the way users experience them in the App Store search results and in full view.
  • Access all screenshots, videos and promo texts.
  • Examine all keywords & get insights about them for each custom product page.
  • Get CPP Keyword Share – understand how many keywords are shared between custom product pages.
  • Check CPP Impression Share and find out how often a custom product page is shown in search results.
  • Compare your Share of Voice & organic rank with competitors to crack their strategy.
  • CPP Intelligence is available for all SplitMetrics Acquire users.

If you already have a SplitMetrics Acquire account, reach out to your Customer Success Manager for best practices and instructions on how to start taking advantage of the CPP Intelligence solution. In case you don’t have the active account in SplitMetrics Acquire, but want to see the solution in action – request a live demo, and our app growth experts will be happy to help.

Want to try CPP Intelligence in SplitMetrics Acquire?
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Lina Danilchik
Lina Danilchik
Content Marketing Lead & App Growth Evangelist at SplitMetrics
Lina is Content Marketing Lead at SplitMetrics. She provides mobile marketers with best practices and tips on app growth, ASO, user acquisition and Apple Search Ads. Lina is also the host of App Growth Talks.
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