SplitMetrics Acquire x Apphud

Lidiia Mylenka

SplitMetrics Acquire x Apphud: New Integration to Enhance Apple Search Ads Campaign Management

Today, SplitMetrics is thrilled to announce that SplitMetrics Acquire, a leading Apple Search Ads management platform, now integrates with Apphud. Apphud is renowned for its robust subscription infrastructure, providing deep real-time mobile analytics, a powerful pricing A/B testing platform, and a comprehensive toolset designed to increase app revenue, reduce churn, and deliver valuable customer insights.

This integration is designed to help user acquisition (UA) managers optimize their Apple Search Ads campaigns for high-value subscription events, create a single source of truth for their campaigns, and build a cohesive AdTech infrastructure ready for scaling into new markets.

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Single View for High-Value Subscription Events, Campaign ROAS, and App Revenue

To maximize your campaign performance and ensure the highest possible return on your Apple Search Ads investments, it’s essential to optimize your campaigns towards bottom-of-the-funnel in-app events such as trials, subscriptions, and revenue. Follow this simple 4-step guide to seamlessly configure your integration between SplitMetrics Acquire and Apphud.

SplitMetrics Acquire x Apphud

Source: SplitMetrics Acquire – Integrations

Once the integration is set up, you can begin creating custom conversions in SplitMetrics Acquire to track high-value in-app events, monitor revenue, and evaluate ROAS. 

With custom conversions in place, you’ll be able to:

  • Understand which keywords, ad groups, and Apple Search Ads campaigns drive the most app installs and in-app activity and evaluate the performance of different ad variations.
  • Analyze your return on marketing investment (ROI and ROAS) to make well-informed decisions about your ad budget.
SplitMetrics Acquire x Apphud

Source: SplitMetrics Acquire – Custom conversions

Apphud can send events about subscriptions and non-renewing purchases. Learn more about Apphud’s in-app events, possible parameters, and user properties that can be sent to third-party services in this article

Leveraging Subscription Events to Enhance Apple Search Ads Performance

With your custom subscription events from Apphud added to SplitMetrics Acquire, you can optimize Apple Search Ads campaigns and accurately measure their performance.

The Automation section in SplitMetrics Acquire covers a wide range of use cases applicable at any campaign level – from search terms and keywords to ad groups and entire campaigns. For example, you can create a rule to increase your reach automatically and gradually for keywords that drive the most subscriptions and revenue. 

SplitMetrics Acquire x Apphud

Source: SplitMetrics Acquire – Automation

The platform also contains numerous pre-built automation templates with detailed guides on how to use them, as well as the Logs section to view change history and control the execution of workflows.

To easily understand campaign performance and subscription event dynamics, navigate to the Ads Manager section in SplitMetrics Acquire. This section allows you to: 

  • Access detailed metrics such as spend, ROAS, installs, goals, and costs. View these metrics at various levels, from the overall account down to individual search terms.
  • See a visual representation of top- and bottom-of-the-funnel events over different time frames, including hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly views.
  • Utilize a wide range of campaign management capabilities, including automations, bulk actions, filtering, and sorting – everything you need to make informed decisions faster, efficiently accelerate ROAS, and save more time for strategic tasks.
SplitMetrics Acquire x Apphud

Source: SplitMetrics Acquire – Ads manager

To learn more about SplitMetrics Acquire and Apphud’s integration and how you can improve your Apple Search Ads optimization process and performance reporting, get in touch with SplitMetrics.

About Apphud

Apphud is a subscription app revenue data suite that drives app growth by providing insightful analytics, A/B testing, and a push notification tool. New to Apphud? Use the promo code SPLITMETRICS to get a 10% discount on your next 3 payments. Sign up now.

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Lidiia Mylenka
Lidiia Mylenka
Marketing and Channel Leader
Lidiia is Marketing and Channel Leader at SplitMetrics. She is a digital marketer with 6+ years of experience building paid and organic marketing funnels for SaaS companies.
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