Before Your Eyes

4.7 (640)
1268.4 MB
Age rating
Current version
Netflix, Inc.
Last update
9 months ago
Version OS
15.0 or later
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User Reviews for Before Your Eyes

4.71 out of 5
640 Ratings
2 years ago, Yep23333333333
Very cool concept and fun game
This is a very fun game with a relaxing yet enticing gameplay and story. I played it all in one sitting which I’d say took about an hour and you have the time I’d recommend playing it like that. At times the game play was a bit difficult such as the parts where you have to keep yours eyes open for a long time was hard for me and the parts where you had to keep them closed for a long time the gaming mechanic seemed flawed and wouldn’t work at times but besides that I really enjoyed so I was willing to look past it. As someone who loves story it was hard for to except I was going to miss a lot of the story because I couldn’t keep my eyes open long enough but once I accepted that fact and just enjoyed it for what it was then it was honestly a very enjoyable experience that I wouldn’t of had other wise specifically because of that game play and I’m guessing that is exactly why they did because it plays so well into the deeper meaning behind the game. Highly recommend, sit down like you’re gonna read a book or watch a show but instead play this from start to finish!
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4 months ago, Hehghtj
Awesome experience
This game was an emotional rollercoaster. Having your eyes guide you throughout the game made the experience personal. It’s about how the life you live doesn’t have to be great to be proud of it. Your ordinary experiences like playing piano with your mom, getting a pet, and your first love all makeup who you are and that’s enough. It’s a beautiful message about being yourself and being happy with the life you have lived. Yes it was difficult at times to have your eyes open for long and sometimes you would skip scenes if you didn’t hold your eyes open. But that’s the point. Memory isn’t perfect. There are things that are harder to remember because of the emotional connection you have with said memory. That’s what makes it real. Also, how we tend to underestimate our lives. Every second counts because you are alive. I felt very connected with the character, and I’m sure everyone can, because it shows how quickly time does pass by.
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2 years ago, HATE SHOU
What a beautiful game
First, I never and I mean NEVER write reviews for anything. But this.. this game is so beautiful. The music is beautiful the art is beautiful and the way the characters speak is so calming. I love everything about it. I love it at the end where in the beginning the parents are wondering why the child is smiling and they think he’s happy or he must be somewhere he likes, and it goes with what happens at the end. I love it when his mom talks and you blink between him and the cat guy(sorry I don’t remember his name) it goes with whatever the other person was saying before you blinked. Now I didn’t read the summary; I just saw a clip on tiktok of where him and chole sneak out and chole is telling him about how much she likes to spend time with him. Did he die when he was young? Is everything above him being sick his story? These questions are probably answered in the summary which I didn’t read, but either way I love this game.
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5 months ago, August Y. Wu
Honestly, this game is so beautiful, from the art style, to the plot, to the premise. Even the game mechanics; if you can’t keep your eyes open for long enough, you miss it. And that’s one of the ways it’s so beautiful. You only have one chance for a scene, and that’s it. The reveal at the end was a bit jarring, but the good kind of jarring. I’d suggest playing it to really find out. Originally, I came into it thinking: “Oh, this game seems fun, let me try it out!” and I came out of it full on crying. It’s a touching story with such good writing, it gave me literal chills. As I am typing this, I’ve finished the game about five minutes ago. I truly cannot express (without spoiling) how absolutely incredible this game is. I’m not a big reviewer and I don’t usually play these types of games but I know I’m going to play this game over and over until I get tired of blinking, because it’s just that good.
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2 years ago, Opera W.
Beautifully bittersweet story with a wonderful ending!
The concept of the game was so interesting and although the story is quite sad at times, it came together to such a satisfying ending. I loved it and I believe that if you appreciate the story instead of getting caught up in the frustration of not blinking than you will love it, and when inevitably you miss something by accidentally blinking, you can just go back afterwards using the “chapters” option to see. And don’t worry, you don’t actually have to keep your eyes open for long at a time to understand everything. Over all, the imaginative animation, interactive style, and beautiful story came together to make an incredible experience that I wont quickly forget.
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2 years ago, argonan55
Just amazing
this story is one i wish could be known by all, it feels as though anyone can relate to at least one part, the way everything is strung together, and even the art makes this just one game i wouldn’t suggest anyone skip over if they have the chance to play it, it’ll hit you in the feels, i can guarantee it. i also want to make it known to those out there complaining about the controls. you’re supposed to be out of control, it’s supposed to be frustrating that you slip, it’s supposed to upset you that you miss pieces of the story, because it makes you want to go back and find what you missed. the controls are no reason to give this astonishing game a lousy, lazy, one star review.
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2 years ago, 0aphen0
I don’t have words
This, this was one of the most beautiful things I have seen, the story was so strong and you felt apart of it. There was no moment were I regretted taking time out of my day to play it. I wish everyone in the world could here the story of his game lead, it was so strong and real. It helped bring a sense of reality to the clown world of today. I got it thinking it would be a silly adventure game, not looking to into it, but oh was I wrong. I cried, I actually shed tears which amazes me because I have not cried over something like this in a really long time. I am amazed and so glad that I spent time on this adventure and story. I highly recommend!
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3 months ago, Deedeeag
Sobbing like a big baby
Never thought a game on my phone could make me ugly cry, but here we are. Interesting concept, beautiful heart wrenching story told in a unique way. As an adult now, I can understand both perspectives; the parents’ and the child’s. As someone with far too many similarities to Benny, this story struck a nerve. Minus a star because the blinking mechanism didn’t seem to work properly at times, like when trying to answer the phone but time skipped forward instead. It could be very finicky. Also a lot of the story gets missed if you’re unable to refrain from blinking for long periods of time. Wish there was a way to see all the parts I missed. Beautifully captures life; and the loss of it.
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1 year ago, Review_oof
what a beautifully made game
I have never gotten so many goosebumps in a game. I have never cried like a baby to a game either haha.. it’s just such a well designed game and the little details is what really touches your heart, even some foreshadowing and such. The voice acting is perfect as well, and i love how even when you think your decisions you choose in the game wouldn’t change much it really does and I find that really special as well. I definitely recommend this game, so unbelievably touching. Thank you to the developers especially for creating such a masterpiece 🫶
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2 years ago, searafantasia
Very breathtaking
Now, when I tell you when I started the game I was bored and I was about to switch and scroll on tiktok or call my friends, but something about the game made me want to play for more. The storyline is amazing. It really feels like you’re the kid in the story living his life and impacting what happens and the occurrences that seem to happen during your journey. I would say as you go on through, you learn a lot from it and it’s overall a relaxing and emotional experience, there’s a lot of plot twists and it’s a game I don’t regret playing for a few hours. Thank you :)
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5 months ago, Lucy_C;
just finished the game, currently happy crying
I downloaded this game off of netflix thinking it would be cool and immersive, and it was. but it was also so much more than that. to anybody considering downloading, DO IT! and play the entire game all at once. the storyline is truly beautiful, with lots of twists and turns, but at the very end you see the whole story from a different yet just as beautiful perspective. I may just be a little emotional but the ending made me overwhelmed with how much I appreciate my life. it tells a beautiful story and I would recommend this to anybody.
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1 year ago, Sandy439
What an amazing game
I wish I was able to rewind my memory so I can play again as the first time. It really it is an interesting concept. The game play is actually detailed and the fact the creators of the game knew people would miss these details with blinking makes all the more interesting. Since playing the game I’ve been trying to find games with similar story or style and nothing comes close to the quality of this game. Please make more so I can play. I am now a fan of the company and will look for more games that they have created.
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10 months ago, your_mom🤨
This is absolutely stunning. It has got me in tears. The plot, the story, the meaning. This is a work of art. A beautiful tale. The designs are brilliant and pop out. The emotions that I have experienced playing this is unbelievable. It deserves a 5 stars. I wish there where more heart-touching games like this. I did not regret any second of spending an hour and a half out of my day to play this. I love the voice acting too. This game is super well written and deserves more recognition. I would like to end this off with a farewell. 10/10 will play again.
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2 years ago, 방탄친구s
I can’t even begin to describe how amazing this is.
Before your eyes is the saddest game I have ever played and one with the most meaning. From the eye mechanics symbolizing the concept of us not choose how much time we have, no matter how much we wanna stay, to the foreshadowing of what will happen, to the end it is truly a beautiful story. I highly recommend playing this, I am glad I did. There is an article called “your actual blinking eyes are your best defense against a bad death in Before Your Eyes”, the author describes the beauty of the game better than I could.
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1 year ago, JANUZ°
Really Made Me Cry
I usually play action and rpg games. Like Hades, Hi Fi Rush, and others. For fun, I decided to scroll to Netlfix's catalogue of games and I ended up finding this one. It looked nice and interesting enough to play mindlessly. I thought it'd be a small point and click adventure, but halfway through it sure proved me wrong. I was crying my eyes out because of how beautiful and sad the story was. The game itself has interesting mechanics and style as well as an relatable story regardless of who's playing. I recommend going into this game with no context or prior knowledge of the story.
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1 year ago, Kungfukitteh
Beautiful story
As the mother of a young boy named Benjamin, I spent the entirety of this game crying. I’m at a loss for words to really say everything this made me feel. It only took me maybe 2 hours with some interruptions to make it through the story, I had a very hard time with the blinking because I was crying so hard so that’s a bit of a downside. I can’t even make it through writing this review without the tears coming back. I’m waiting for my Benjamin to wake up from his nap so I can hold him close for a while.
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4 months ago, Boston Wild
Thank You
I want to thank the authors for this beautiful piece of art. This is more of a story than a game. It speaks highly of the emotional intelligence of the authors. I cried partly die to sadness but mostly because I was moved. The game simplifies life choices and made it very clear to me I have been too focused on my career. It is unvelievable that someone found a way to summarize life so eloquently, in a way that made me rethink my own. I want to thank the authors for being so thoughtful in making this art.
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2 years ago, RandomNickname00
Not For Casual Gamers
I wanted to like this game. That said, I don’t have hours and hours to play per day. I’d make it about five minutes in and then I’d have to put it down for whatever reason. I’d come back to it to find none of my progress saved. I’d be right back at the beginning with the un-skippable weird wolf man in the boat sequence. Without saving my progress, the game would always start me back at the very beginning. Okay. I get it. Wolf Man says I don’t have a mouth. He’s bringing me to the tower. There’s a gatekeeper there. Got it got it got it. I’ve seen this a dozen times already. Can I at least skip it? No. This game is less like a blink-through-your-life simulator as it is purgatory. I simply can’t advance through it. Deleted!
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2 years ago, WandiWink
I truly recommend. Beautiful story
I LOVE this story game The ending where the main character was lying was such a cool twist, I was so fully invested like "Ooo show me my sins. What have I been hiding from my life's story." Only for it to be such a beautifully sad reality. [spoilers] The concept of a dying child writing & vicariously living his lavish adult life as an artist is truly brilliant. Made me shed a tear. The blinking mechanics were a lil annoying for me because I like to stick around way too long in each scene and listen to every last bit of dialogue, & even some idle animations. So I really really appreciate the option to just point & click instead of blinking. I've played twice in both mechanics options. The intro with the wolf man talking drags on a bit, but it's 1000% worth it 10/10 story game
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2 years ago, Mralaz10
Seems cool but control is flawed
I really wanted to like this game, it seems like it has a cool story, but the whole blinking to advance to the next scene thing is SOO annoying when I would just like to sit and listen to the current one I am in. Every single scene that I was put into ended with a characters dialogue being cut off because I accidentally blinked, or simply couldn’t hold my eyes open long enough to view the full scene. And then I tried to turn the Eye detection off mid game, nope not possible. It’s a shame I was really digging the story at first but I can’t get into it when it feels like you only are getting half the story in each scene.
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2 years ago, dragon rights activist
Favorite game
I am a huge gamer, I generally play pc games. I was scrolling through Netflix games and then I found this. I thought the concept sounded cool so I got it. This game has changed my entire outlook on life, the story was beautiful and even though the blinks sometimes don’t work you have to remember that is a part of the experience. I recommend this to everyone because anybody with a soul can relate to it and learn from it.
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1 year ago, Farseer10
Before Your Eyes is one of my favorite computer games ever. When I happened to see it pop up on Netflix, I was shocked to realize it had been ported to mobile and had to try it. The controls are not optimal for a mobile game, but that quickly became an afterthought because the story hits just as hard as ever in this format. This is a must play, and make sure you do so in one sitting.
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1 year ago, Raxynus
Blink and you’ll miss this amazing game!
A great way of using the phones camera to tell the story of you, the main character and how your life was a life well lived. A story that is equal parts Heartwarming as it is heart wrenching. If you have Netflix, you get this game for free so I would highly suggest giving it a go. It is about an hour and a half long but still a great story and experience told though a great pallet of art and eyesight.
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2 years ago, atonab
Fantastic Game
Incredible story, enticing gameplay, it’s a must play!!! The blinking mechanic worked really well (when I didn’t accidentally cover the camera). I had such a moving experience playing this game, you’d never believe how much how hard you cry during a game can affect it’s difficultly but that only made the game so much more fun! Kudos to the team who worked so hard on this game it was truly incredible!!!!!!
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11 months ago, AryHW
Honestly, I never felt the need to write a review, but this deserves one
This game should be shared with others. I love the message it portrayed throughout the game. I came to tears and I thought this game was wonderfully made. I would suggest this to everyone. And it’s kid friendly :) Thank you so much for making this game! You guys should do like a part two. I don’t know the story would be, but the concept of this game is awesome.
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11 months ago, RangoTango321
I never do reviews, rarely at least, but this game touched my heart. I even cried through it and once it was over. It’s genuinely such a good concept, even thought the art and style is so simple it conveys enough emotion through choice of color. The story was good, and it’s interesting making your own choices. The actual blinking use was super cool and worked really well. Well done, thank you.
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2 years ago, Chaka buka
I don’t even know what to say. This game is so amazing. Such a beautifully crafted story, really striking up all the intended emotions at the right times. You can really connect with every single character, and the deep ending nearly brought me to tears. I don’t normally feel emotion from stories or games, but this really brought it forward. Thank you, game creators, for allowing me to experience this true, wonderful experience.
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1 year ago, Ell@$$$
The best game I have ever played
It was so emotional I loved it! It had such a beautiful story and the blink aspect is so amazing,it really gets you connected with the story. I love the story line and it was so hard not to blink at times because I didn’t want to miss anything it was incredible! I would recommend wearing headphones. The sound is so calmly and I am going to play it again for the second time 😊❤️🥹
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2 years ago, Audreyy824
So relatable
As a kid, I was playing this game and throughout so many tough parts of the main character’s life, I could relate to it. It’s a sad and emotional story that made me feel like other people get what my life is like. I highly recommend this game for everyone of all ages. It may be long or short depending on how much time you have but it’s truly an amazing game. :) Thanks to the developers for making this!
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6 months ago, Ryguy381105
Never once in my life would I ever think that a free mobile game could affect me the way this game has. I want to rant on and on about every little thing, but I believe your own beliefs about the game should be your only opinion. This game is gorgeous, both in visuals and in story. I can not recommend this game enough. I sincerely believe this game has made me a better person.
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8 months ago, Please N0 Ads
This….is more than a game, it is a work of art wrapped within an experience that feels so unique. You can travel through a world that rapidly changes with a blink of an eye. The reflection with my own life that I had during and after the game was truly deep and real. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this game, it is truly amazing. Everyone needs to play this.
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9 months ago, alliethegoose_2
Perfect game!
This game was emotional, heartbreaking, exciting, and so much more. The use of the facial recognition to detect when you blink makes it feel so much more real. I felt like I was actually there the entire time. Definitely recommend playing this in one sitting though. This game really tugs on the strings of your heart, I was tearing up a lot near the end, definitely a great experience!
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2 years ago, Shy558
A tear jerker
Look, i don't usually write reviews, but this game... The story is amazing, and while it's pretty simple, the way it's told is wonderful and beautiful. I don't remember when I actually cried over a game, but i couldn't stop the tears as I played this one. If you don't know if you'd like this game or not, please just play it. Even if you don't like solely story driven games like this one, it teaches everyone a lesson that they need to know. This game doesn't just show the life of the main character, Benjamin, but it puts you right into someone else's shoes. It gives you a character to fall in love with, as well as a story everyone can relate to in some way or another. I wish I could rate it more.
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2 years ago, EYE GEE N
Before your eyes more like I love this game please give me more I’m bawling my eyes out ❤️
This game is so good it’s incredible This is the fifth time I’ve gotten the game, before I would buy it for my friends on steam, but now I can recommend it to ALL of my friends who have. Netflix subscriptions. Thank you to the devs and thank you goodbyeworld games for making this game It changed my LIFE
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2 years ago, pp destroyer 69
This game was….
This game was magnificent! Very moving and heart warming. The art and design was absolutely beautiful and breathe taking. The story line was just PERFECT!! I felt so many emotions. I really wish there was more of a bond between the characters, I didn’t really feel the connection between the parents and the child. But I really did enjoy the game all together.
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2 years ago, KaleyTee
Terrible mechanics ruin a mediocre game
I didn’t last long playing this game despite a strong desire to see the story through, but I found this game completely unplayable. The blink calibration and recalibration was always found with bugs, I got trapped in multiple stories trying to drag myself back. Going into the settings, I found that there WAS no way to turn in the blink feature, the settings were limited and functionally useless. I gave up halfway through, there’s no way that story would be worth it. I got this game free from Netflix and I’m STILL disappointed.
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2 years ago, parangaricutirimecuado
True art
This, this is it, the game I truly looked for, but had yet to find, until now. People say that “the last of us” was the game that blurred the line between game and art, this game only confirms it. Calling this a game doesn’t even feel right, almost like, I’m calling the wrong thing, and it’s something more, art. True art
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2 months ago, Maximus Prime28
This made me cry
I played this all in one sitting and I didn’t expect the twist at the end. The twist and the real story is what really made me cry. It really makes us realize how much we take things for granted. I mustn’t say more as I don’t wanna spoil it as it’s better that way, all I can say is. Play it in one sitting and just really appreciate it.
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2 years ago, ShrillSongbird
You Need to Get This
Graphics? Amazing. Story? Amazing. Themes? Meaningful. Emotionally Moving? Yes, I cried so hard I couldn’t see the screen at some points and had to rely on the audio. I cried so hard I was constantly blowing my nose and filled a trash bag 1/3 of the way full with toilet paper because I ran out of tissues. When I think of the ending I start crying again. It felt like I really was the main character, so much so that I kept wanting to tell his parents “I love you” even though I have two perfectly loving parents in real life. I have a headache from how much I cried. Don’t download this game if you aren’t prepared with tissues at the ready.
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2 years ago, halpal81
i cried
no literally. you know how embarrassing it is to explain to your parents that the reason your eyes are all puffy and red is because a game on your phone tugged on your heartstrings so much that you wept?? in all seriousness, this is a beautiful, beautiful game, with a bittersweet and touching story. i just finished my first play-through, and i’m about to go in for my second to see if i missed any details in the moments i blinked too soon. i will say, if you have someone who has chronically dry eyes that you constantly need to…moisten (you try thinking of a better word) or you’re someone like me who lives for ✨lore✨ and wants every little detail, i recommend not using the calibrated blinking software. as i mentioned before, i would often blink too soon and miss dialogue or other details. obviously, i still made it to the end of the story, so i didn’t miss anything critical, but i would still keep that in mind if you want to experience all of the content. again, beautiful game. well done.
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9 months ago, Saturn457
Amazing Game.
This was such a fun and interactive game. I loved that you could move around in a 360 view. Although it was short those last few chapters made me cry twice. It was so unexpected and yet so very heartwarming. I think it had a great message behind it and I am truly happy I had the pleasure to play this game.
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11 months ago, @Aitmelloul511
Love it
I have no words it’s amazing I played it on pc first loved it played it now again loved it also if you have sound issues it’s probably because your on do not disturb or silent if that’s on the game has no sounds besides that 10/10 would play 1000 times more
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1 year ago, hailey harton
I loved it
It was a really good game to play and I played it over time, but I don’t recommend because it’d make you restart what you left off on. The game is kind of sad and the story line is a little confusing. But the game itself was very interesting and relaxing. The voice actors are very good too.
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1 year ago, Wavey.ombre
I loved it
I downloaded the app thinks it some boring game but no it turns on to be really entertaining it is a little sad and confusing at first but by the end I understood it all and if you have trouble will seeing or pain in your eyes I don’t recommend my eyes hurt after playing this game
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2 years ago, Kendra Willow
A wonderful game
I really loved this game. I like the suspense and the plot twist at the end. I chose not to use the blink feature, and very much enjoyed the ability to listen to each chapter a little longer until I was ready to move on. I would love to see more games like this one.
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2 years ago, SandRussell
A Beautiful Experience
This was was amazingly emotional life story to play through, I did not think I would be moved enough to want to write a review about it. I wholeheartedly recommend the game. This reminded me Netflix’s interactive movie’s in a way. Would love to see similar games under the Netflix portfolio.
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2 years ago, khdman
Enjoyable, but save doesn’t work
I tried twice to play through this game. The first time for 30 min and the second for about 45. Both times I had to put it down for a few minutes to do something else and both times the game reset with the only option to start new. Also, none of the chapters were unlocked. I would have liked to have finished the game, but it’s unlikely I’ll risk losing progress again.
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2 years ago, LeTwitch
As a disabled person, not great
I’ll put this out there; I’m disabled. I’ve spent a lot of my life struggling to do what others do around me. The story of this game panders to the able bodied. Benny is only seen as worth something because he could make others happy. It’s honestly an entire exploit for emotions of disabled people. If you’re going to write a plot about disabled people, do your research. Talk to us. Don’t just use us for sob stories to make yourself feel better.
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2 years ago, EmmaD.9674
please play It
Im not one to write reviews, but I’m sitting here crying and I have to urge you to play. It’s. Phenomenal. Keep in mind if you exit the app you’re more than likely to lose your progress, so set aside an hour or so to play it though, you won’t regret it. It’s a lovely lovely game that deserves all the hype in the world.
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1 year ago, P_51-mustang
The perfect game
I don’t think I’ve ever sat down and had to cry for 1 hour straight to a video game other than this game, the ending absolutely made me cry, I love this game I wish I could give it a 10 star review due to how beautifully crafted it is, I thank you developers for making this.
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