Blind - Professional Community

4.6 (10.6K)
95.6 MB
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Teamblind inc
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
13.0 or later
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User Reviews for Blind - Professional Community

4.57 out of 5
10.6K Ratings
5 years ago, Paul Rosensreinfeld
Excellent source of unfiltered insider advice
This app is the only place to get raw, unfiltered information about what it is like to work in various companies and the orgs within those companies. Most other places where we can find this kind of information has a layer of political correctness on top that makes every company and org look rosy and hides the candid information about what it is really like to work there. Some contributions are a bit rough around the edges. If you’re a snowflake who requires all communication to be politically correct, this app is not for you.
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6 months ago, bpryan99
Buggy navigation
My review is for how the app functions, not Blind as a platform. That said, the app has a lot of annoying bugs. When scrolling, it will randomly pop up whatever ad is in screen as if you tapped it, even if you didn’t tap it. Also, if you try to tap a specific post, sometimes it will bring up a post a few spots above the one you tapped as if you tapped much higher on your screen. Exiting the post and tapping the same post will bring you to the correct one. Sometimes, when you exit a post, the screen won’t change but if you tap the screen again, it will bring up a new post as if you were on the main page, even though the screen itself didn't update. All of these bugs make me think that the developers have not properly designed the interface for the app. It's still usable but very annoying to navigate since these bugs occur near constantly.
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5 years ago, Mewmmstar
Toxic Environment and Cyberbullying
I like the concept of the app in bringing together people from different workplaces to ask work-related questions but often times I saw many mean and unhelpful comments to questions that were simply seeking help. Unlike reddit and other chat communities, Blind doesn’t seem to have any enforced rules for trolling and harsh comments. I had this app for about 2 weeks and decided to delete it because I was sick of seeing people post harsh comments and supporting other harsh comments that simply amounts to cyberbullying. Although, this was not always the case, it happened regularly to the point that I saw it in almost every other post. I think having an app that connects people together for asking work related advice anonymously is nice. However, if you were to build a good and truly helpful community, I believe having enforceable rules to prevent cyberbullying and create a supportive environment is absolutely necessary for making the app experience better.
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6 years ago, salseattle
Good idea, but toxic culture with limited moderation
Similar to what a lot of others are reporting, think of this as an anonymous mob mentality culture app. It brings out the bad side of people who think cutting down other responses is a way of life. Trolls are in every post. For those that ask genuine salary or culture questions, there may be some good and sound advice, however not without filtering dozens of sarcastic or rude comments to get to helpful info. App features have improved, which is cool to see - 4 stars in that area with some room to improve (I still get random error messages, etc). Points are interesting feature. DM could be good to reach people who have genuine Q&A. However, I can’t give a high rating until the team figures out a better way to reduce/remove trolling and turn this back into a community that can openly discuss items in a more respectful way (even when disagreeing).
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4 years ago, Girlshaken
A playground for bullies, racists and misogynists
Blind should really try harder to moderate racist and sexist comments on their app. Perhaps highly paid engineers of certain races are just prone to assuming women and Black people don’t deserve to have a seat at their table, but it’s unacceptable on a professional platform. Ultimately, the Blind experience erodes into a minefield of overwhelming toxicity over and over again. Also, I’ve noticed that there’s a lot of “company shaming” on Blind. Depending on the company you work for, you’re either wearing a badge of honor, or a mark for others to point and laugh at. It’s not Blind’s fault that these users are immature. But similar to Airbnb forcing users to post photos of themselves in order to foster transparency and security, the effort has backfired. I sincerely hope they find a way to address these issues in the future. Til then, adios. My mental health deserves better.
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6 years ago, Stellarguy
Interesting concept, not well thought through
Very interesting idea and the thought behind it is good, but not actually very well thought through at all. Anonymity is great to spark real conversations, but it is also a breeding place for name calling and very toxic behavior. Once you’re in on your company’s board, you are there forever. Blind does nothing in the way of continued (yearly?) verifications, which means your company group is a good portion of former jilted employees there just to get a rise out of others, rather than participate in constructive conversations. This is probably its biggest flaw. It’s an easy fix, but there doesn’t seem to be any interest in actually facilitating truly constructive conversations as they state. A bunch of culture and engagement buzzwords, but really just a place to breed workplace toxicity.
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2 years ago, Par Trivedi
Terrible community features
The app has decent information for figuring out salary information at popular tech companies. It’s also good for learning about interview questions and best practices. However the community is incredibly toxic and it is obvious the app developers are doing nothing about that. Anyone can flag your posts, and then they will block you for a few days. But the problem is, if you say something true but people just don’t like it, the community can still block you. The app developers do nothing to intervene here. You can and will get relentlessly bullied on this app and the developers don’t care. I’ve emailed support a bunch of times and they don’t even respond. It’s a good app for learning about salaries and compensation, but it’s pretty toxic beyond that.
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3 years ago, crimmas
Too exclusive
I downloaded Blind years ago after finishing grad school, but was working freelance or for very small studios or individuals. Only now am I in a workplace where I could genuinely get some use out of Blind, but I work in the service industry which is not represented at all from what I could see in the opening prompts. I understood the purpose of asking people to use their work email, but to get into it and see that the fields represented are limited to white-collar positions was somewhere between insulting and infuriating. Particularly because of the organization that’s going on in many service industry jobs- you’d think that would be their primary demographic but instead we’re just excluded. Please hire consultants that don’t live in a white-collar bubble.
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3 years ago, Tina from The bay area
Good concept, poor execution
The concept of Blind is excellent. Who wouldn’t want an insiders look into companies? Unfortunately that’s not how things actually go. First, blind is very heavy on the R&D side (eg engineers). It’s not an accurate representation of the various departments of a company. Second, majority of folks on Blind are disgruntled in some way, shape, or form. Got a bad mid year review? Go to blind. Didn’t get a promo? Go to blind. Hate working from home? Go to blind. Don’t like the cafe food? Go to blind. People love to hate on blind which is already incredibly biased. The founders actually think their audience represents the true feelings of employees which is so grossly inaccurate and far fetched. Blind is the new Nextdoor, except instead of annoying/angry Karen’s nit picking everything, you have spoiled/arrogant tech workers who hide between anonymity. Oh blind.
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3 years ago, MoronicAppleStore
Unable to use the app.
Since last year and a half the landing page on the app is asking me to select some options about the “job groups I want to follow“ and the workflow won’t proceed without selecting some option. The problem is that I have no intention of looking at what’s happening outside of my company’s board. I am perfectly happy where I am. I understand that this is necessary to route the “promoted” posts and job listings. But the current implementation is not very inclusive. It basically implies, if I am not curious about new jobs I should not be using this app. Please consider adding a “not looking for other jobs right now” option. Until then this app is unusable for me..
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5 years ago, Fernanda Lobo
Great app. Outstanding support
About the app: I was interested on seeing the compensation. This is a great way to see how your pear are being paid in similar industries. Reviews are trustworthy . (Obviously there are some jackass around which you can easily identify them and report) About the support: First time I downloaded the app I tried to login using my LinkedIn account. I couldn’t move on from the authentication screen due a app bug. The support team contacted me and in a day or two they fixed the bug . Pretty fast and serious people.
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4 years ago, quackinusa
This app is trash. On one end you are bombarded by trolls and all sorts of toxic personalities with superiority complex and on the other end you will be reported and banned for bullying/harassment if you dare to argue with reason. Moderation is definitely not even reading what they flag/delete. Stick to reddit.
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4 years ago, UXdeisgn
Delete my account and stop harassing!
I started getting automatic text messages on my phone from this app though I had never downloaded it. It said my coworker invited me. I started the process of downloading and setting it up like a fool when I realized it wanted to send emails to my work addy and verify me on LinkedIn. This made me uncomfortable so I emailed them several days ago asking for the account to be deleted. (The app is stuck on asking me for personal info and I can’t do anything with it.) Meanwhile I’m still getting these annoying text messages. I asked the ppl on my team if they sent it to me and they said no. (We are candid with each other.) I’m not sure how they even got my number. “Blind” couldn’t be a better description for this app’s developers.
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5 years ago, Douglas_Cole
Douchey Tech Bro’s
The amount of insanity on here isn’t worth it. 95% of everyone on here makes $200k or more, flaunts it without any humility, and has zero concept of the world around them if it doesn’t reinforce their way of life. Remember Martin Shkreli? Great. Now, imagine an entire app with other people just like him, trolling others with their libertarian views, and a complete disregard for anyone “beneath” them. I once made reference to working for Uber and making less than $100k and I was met with “ugh are we giving drivers Uber email addresses now?”, “dude how can you even work at Uber for less than $100k?”, and so forth. This app is impressive in that it’s singlehandedly brings you everything wrong with the culture of San Francisco’s tech culture in one place.
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5 years ago, Dee23dee23
The anonymous Twitter for workings pros
The idea is a good one but being anonymous only invites trolling, rude, and harassing comments. Maybe if there’s a better way to flag/warn/or get rid of these people, the app would be more useful. It’s suppose to be a network of working professional “adults” but it’s all a bunch of immature people talking crap about each other. No real sound advice if you are genuinely looking for that. I got the app because they advertise it as a place to get some advise on careers/salary/work culture and even help with interviews but all you get is a bunch of ignorant comments. I guess that’s what happens when you let people hide behind close doors, they show their true colors so long as they can remain anonymous.
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4 years ago, Brosnan6
App needs A LOT of work
It’s like they somehow intentionally disabled the iOS spell checking software when you’re writing private messages. Have to go in and manually correct each misspelled word which normally autocorrect would pick up. So much time wasted. Also so many problems with responding to specific messages in a larger thread (I.e., the reply just gets attached as a new message to the thread rather than to a reply to specific message). Such a garbagely coded app - how can things so basic be overlooked? It’s one thing if these were temporary issues but I’m shocked nobody has fixed these in the 6 months I’ve been using the app.
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3 years ago, Djskwowikdkfkof
Nice app but recent updates are terrible
Very nice app honestly, and a good conduit for fostering discussions and community. The recent limitations on what constitutes full access have severely hamstrung the app and the community. The result was a three day cesspool of spam/troll topics revolving around the term ‘prestige’ from the remaining full access users. Your work email has to belong to a short list of companies, without which you can only view certain topics. And no, customer support/damage control person, your response isn’t helpful/productive. Forwarding the message to management and advocating on behalf of meaningful users is!
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2 years ago, ChiBPony
Must have work email
This app is very limiting. You have to have a work email to sign up, and while I understand it’s to “verify” that you work at a certain place, not everyone in the work force has a work email. Most retail employees do not for example. This means on certain people can access which can create a problem if someone want to get the “inside scoop” of a company before applying. I have two stars because I can’t really rate the app itself (I lack a work email), but it might be useful. But it’s a major flaw if not everyone can access the app.
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5 years ago, Awsedrfthyj
Great for unfiltered work convos
I love being able to talk anonymously about workplace and industry issues without fear of being fired of treated differently. I gave 4 stars instead of 5 because the general forums are all for tech & engineer industry fields. I work in marketing and haven’t found and work-related threads that are relevant to me which is a disappointment. There is also a huge importance placed on TC and commenters will berate OPs for that info even if it’s not relevant which is a bit annoying and makes everyone sound like a douche.
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8 months ago, yash_saxena
Users are a bunch of overpaid cry babies
Very interesting concept. Unfortunately everyone on the app is extremely negative. It's just like media, the negative posts get the most attention. It's good app if you want to go stress yourself out about stuff people "think" will happen based on their expert opinion. It's always been wrong from what I have observed and wastes your mental energy. The app attracts the type of people who would never anything in person. They would just rather gossip. Not the type of user base I would like to associate myself with.
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4 years ago, Cyrusthevirus88
4chan with a different name (Blind)
Your app enables nothing but negativity and cyber-bullying, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything positive come out of any of the posts. And because it’s anonymous, people say more hurtful (and racist) things because they can. Yes you can report posts but they do nothing. If anything you hide them from the reporters feed but visible to everyone else. I don’t see how ethically you can brand this app as anything other than “want to say mean things about your co-workers? Try Blind!” This app is poison. Congrats on making people worse after using your product.
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3 years ago, _iiaaiinn_
Way too many notifications, fine app
This isn’t an app that you’d use regularly. I use it every once in a while to check what other people at my company or in my industry have to say. By default they started sending me notifications every few hours which is dumb. Maybe I’d be okay with a notification about a new post or story once every couple days or once a week. I ended up turning off notifications entirely
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10 months ago, lazy_bil
Tech bros whining about stuff
Over inflated salaries, constant whining about returning to the office, and insanely vile posts no one would post if it could be traced back to them. This is about all that this app offers. You might think the requests for referrals for employment are a good thing, but there is little to no evidence that anything occurs out of it. I’m deleting it after a few months of use. Even if I switch companies the app is filled with ex-employees linked to whatever company they were with when they signed up. So that makes it even less useful.
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2 years ago, SarahTNS
Seems to have strayed from intended purpose
Appeared useful when I initially downloaded. I let the app sit for a while, but since I’m making a career change, I logged in to see if I could find some useful info about the industry I’m moving into. Scrolled for a while and then deleted the app from my phone. Whether I agree with their views or not, if I wanted to see anonymous accounts dogpile insults around American political figures/events/news outlets, there are a gazillion other apps and websites I could visit. I wanted an app for professionals. Not a worse version of Reddit.
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1 year ago, mario_1967
More like an amateur App
They claim to have a million participants but the App is very primitive as if developed by a mediocre fresh grad student. Your comments go into a black hole and once you write them you cannot find them anymore and cannot delete any of them. If a post receives more than 2 responses and you wanted to respond to the first response then you cannot because you can only respond to the last response in the thread. And the list goes on. Much needed App but very primitive software.
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6 years ago, Acheron2012
Anonymous we think not
This sounds like a great app. I am particularly hopeful since I read the whining children screeching that it isn’t politically correct enough for them and they want opposing speech blocked from the platform. Anything they hate must have merit. But step 1 is register with your work email. That is a disqualification. Even if the service is anonymous today it is one hack, unscrupulous business partner, or IPO from selling every post you ever made to anyone that wants it. This app is a ticking time bomb that WILL eventually get you fired.
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7 years ago, ron1701
A clumsy app
The concept is good, but its a clumsy buggy app. There is no way for an existing user to reset a lost password, LinkedIn verification doesn’t work and after a failed LinkedIn verification, it keeps repeating the error even when an alternate verification is tried. Also there doesn’t seem to be a companion web site that would allow one to access Blind from a computer. For another app I might be willing to overlook these inconveniences, but Blind is asking us to put our trust in them to protect our anonymity. I cannot do so after seeing how immature this app is.
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6 years ago, wayward unit
Good Idea, Poor Execution
I think this app is a great idea and is headed in the right direction. That being said, the interface is not user-friendly, random posts that should be in Reddit abound, and many users are shockingly rude and frankly mean. Perhaps I am naive, but it was my impression that Blind was for professionals who are seeking answers from other professionals, which to me does not entail allowing for trolling behavior and unclear app navigation. I look forward to using an app like Blind that is truly what its representative on NPR (how I heard of it) alleged it would be.
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1 year ago, TheDudeEddie
Want to kill off a user? Show more ads
I really enjoyed using this app update to the latest update. As a principal, I never trust developers and companies with the updated app in the App Store. So I recently updated this app and guess what! All of a sudden more ads at the most intrusive ads. I wish developers would just audit and say that they updated their UI to generate more revenue and apologize to the users for the ugliest that it cost. either way, I may just use it via the web, but definitely deleting the app.
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2 years ago, Rio_Zhu
Minor bug?
When I’m in a post, I clicked “See previous comments”, I clicked the “View x more replied”, checked the replies and go back, sometimes it jumps back to the first page of comments, and I need to click “see more comments” to navigate back to where I was. This is a weird behavior of the app and I’m sure Blind devs can fix this easily.
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3 years ago, xerxes1492
Work email verification is a recipe for disaster
The whole idea is that your employer should not be able to even *suspect* that you were ever on the app. Yes, they can’t prove it, but they won’t have to to treat you some type of way. It’s especially fraught if you’re in cybersecurity or similar sectors as that may get you evaluated as a security risk. Work email verification defeats the purpose of an anonymous app. Get rid of it and instead use paystub or W2 verification. Otherwise, I refuse to join Blind and many others will too!
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4 years ago, Heimerplasma
Toxic community
The moderation team is a joke. If you write something that goes against popular opinion, you will be reported to oblivion as there’s no downvote option. You’ll then be automatically banned. On most social media sites, you have an option to report something. That report is then looked at by mods, then action is taken. On Blind, the mod part is skipped. So if your comment goes against popular opinion, a lot of people will just report your comment, and you’ll be given a one month ban. With that in mind, decide if you want to use this app.
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3 weeks ago, jl3aq
Ads insanely easy to trigger on app (iOS)
Getting anywhere close to the ad slot during scrolling triggers the ads. Jump to browser, had to swipe back. I have like 20 Safeway ads page open in just 5minutes. It doesn’t help that each of the ads slot is huge (3/4 screen) so that in order to scroll your finger will very likely may border on the ad slot, and insanely frequent (every 5 posts). Set a timer and Make it trigger only on long click. Make it smaller and less frequent!
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2 years ago, buggy 22222
Theoretically good, in reality toxic/sexist cesspool
So many posts and comments are a sexist echo chamber. “Do your wives ever apologize?” With an entire comment section calling the person “beta” and bashing women. This platform has the potential for career support/growth and wage transparency to improve overall employment outcomes. But it’s turned into social media for people who complain about non-work related topics at all and need childish affirmation that they are doing well with comp. Deleted and not looking back.
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2 years ago, TJHooker33
Gossip Spewing Garbage
Here’s an app that no one needs. I understand the reason for anonymity when speaking about your employer. But the result is an underground community of gossip spewing garbage that makes absolutely zero positive impact at the workplace. On the contrary, this app and the community of users makes everything about the workplace worse. But I’d you want to hate your job and the people you work with more than you already do, go ahead and use it. But don’t expect to ever find a glimmer of satisfaction by opening it.
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6 months ago, Ssjblue117
Almost perfect
I really like the design and feel of the app, there is one key feature that I really wish was available, and that is to have the ability to unblock users that we have blocked in the past. I feel like this is a key feature that a lot of other major social apps have, it would be nice if that was implemented
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4 years ago, jujudwy
Very useful for current company info
If there is ever a company lay-off, this is the app I will go to first to find out all of the information on. Would definitely recommend to anyone who is also looking for info on total compensation or other salary related topics.
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11 months ago, Aalipop213
Breeding ground for hate mongering
This app is infested with hate mongering bigots. Blind does little to nothing to curb it. A lot of bot users from India spread their political agenda. Anything you say against them will get you banned. It can sometimes lead to higher compensation when looking for new jobs if you know how to use the app. It is a good resource if you can navigate through all the toxicity. This app will make you lose your sanity but hey, you get more money, so it's worth it to some people.
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3 years ago, nycdude88
Censoring like the rest
They ban you whenever you express any opinion that differs with mainstream narrative Supposedly others flag you (so they say) but in reality you are not allowed to post anything that is dangerous to the current mainstream story. So no going against grouptthink is allowed no matter what arguments you present. Blind team - if you are truly serious about not censoring then show why comments are flagged and have an actual human review them. Otherwise you are just reaffirming groupthink.
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6 years ago, rajvisharia
Can not go ahead of email verification step
App is poorly designed in IOS. I get the verification email to verify my email address and after clicking on the link it takes me to a page where it says "Link has been activated. Go to the app. Please go back to the app. If you don't see setbup your account screen then restart the app." But, nothing works in the app. Restarted the app couple of times. Even uninstalled and installed again. Nothing works even after trying multiple times.
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4 years ago, MAK1989
Horribly toxic environment
I had deleted Blind from my phone for more than a year because of how toxic the environment got. Today I installed it hoping that Blind got their act together and improved moderation. A few seconds into scrolling the feed, I saw a post shared by a Microsoft employee justifying George Floyd’s murder and an Apple employee respond to it by saying that all the protestors need to have their necks trampled on with knees until they asphyxiate. It feels less like a forum to discuss technical and career matters; it resembles 4chan and Gab more than anything else.
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4 years ago, Mo_You
Very intrusive app asking for so much personal and professional information before you are let in. Then if you circumvent something such as not wanting to give your professional email (for obvious reasons), then the next time you log in they'll ask for it or you can't log in. Why do they need all this info? Isn't the point to be somewhat discreet? Then the content is complete garbage. Very unhelpful information. There are far better apps out there. Skip this one folks.
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2 years ago, Bs6553333
Logged out on other devices notification
First time using the app and when creating password, I received a notification that I will be logged out of all other devices. I had to confirm to move forward. It also notes that lost passwords cannot be recovered! If I’ve never used this app, why does it notify me that I’ll be logged out of other devices?
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5 years ago, iamwhoiam24
Okay app for inside info
So I started using the app while looking for info into some companies I’d like to work at. The problem is that beyond that you are more likely to get degraded, trolled, and just plan trash talked for serious questions. They need to police the forums a little better for stuff like this before something happens because it was the tipping point for someone.
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4 months ago, dhess34
Buggy, has security flaws.
UPDATE: The app now won’t let me load anything without responding to a ‘what Joan’s are you interested in’ screen. I obviously would never touch the app again if that doesn’t go away. The app has a litany of problems, just general bugs all over. I also found a way to consistently load the ‘restricted’ area of my last employer, so there are some major security issues present as well.
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10 months ago, numberjuan2
Lately pushing lots of clickbait posts. Get back to biz.
This app was a great concept and incredibly focused on biz topics for a while. Lately, though, Blinds push notifications and highlighted posts have all been clickbait and personal family drama - some of which almost feel like they are generated by AI to boost engagement. Please get back to business.
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6 years ago, Apps a scam!
Email system is needed but flawed
You need to use your work email to verify your credentials; necessary but flawed. There are employees who work for government agencies that have a .gov email and can not have outside sources directly emailing them. It would be beneficial if there was possibly another way of verifying government agents/contractors instead of using email. Rated two stars because I like the concept but can not access the application.
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2 months ago, ocean_watercolors
Within the first 10 seconds of opening the app, I was greeted with a very suggestive and inappropriate comment in one of the posts. I wasn’t allowed to flag it because I was new. It has been a week and I keep trying to peruse the posts, but there is so much foul language and trolling that I can’t look at it. Even the “life hack” ads are literal pictures of toilets. I don’t want to muck thru a toilet just to find one professional genuine thought.
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5 years ago, Soumeyab
Experience and bug issues galore
You can barely type two lines in without seeing the limits of the design hack that makes this app what it is today. A lot of work to be done if you want to make this app more sticky. Here a couple of examples: 1. Spellcheck in the post text box (allow the native function) 2. The text hides if you type more than two lines 3. Right swipe to exit a post or a conversation thread
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6 years ago, MiSsMuSiCkLoVeR911
Makes you submit your work email
Won’t let me use LinkedIn verification. I type in all of my info correctly just to get routed back to the homepage with no special access. I don’t want to provide my work email and have this site spam me, sell me things I don’t want, get my personal info, etc. and I keep my work email at work. I don’t always have access to it so even if I did want to use the work email verification, I can’t access my work email immediately.
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