Demo | Songwriting Studio

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181.5 MB
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Demo Music
Last update
4 months ago
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13.0 or later
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User Reviews for Demo | Songwriting Studio

4.65 out of 5
3.6K Ratings
12 months ago, wassilykandeez.
fun way to start out song ideas.
i make beats & play keys with a basic understanding of music theory. I’m not skilled enough to hear harmonic ideas in my head nor do I have a mastery over any formal chord progressions in any key. so coming up with my own unique chord progressions with no regard to key or learning chord progressions in a particular key can take a lot of time I don’t have on a day to day basis.(i’m a working adult in my mid-twenties.) i’ve only worked on one composition idea so far and the app seems to be a solid tool for learning formal chord progression ideas + experimenting with chord progressions/song structures for my own music while away from my keyboard & DAW. Hopefully the time spent in this app hearing & learning formal ideas alongside my own will lead to more time to playing/experimenting with my instrument for the composition ideas i start in app + help me be more flexible when making music with friends!! The one critique i have so far is with the rhythmic options. i like that there’s more options than just traditional ones but i think including options like tuplets & swings would b helpful for ppl to have/learn what they are & so that they can identify them in the non-traditional options presented too!!!
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2 years ago, zoinksitsshaggy
Cool, but needs more for advanced song writing
The concept of this app is really cool, as it basically allows you to chunk out and write a piece without the need to pick up your instrument. I treat it as an upgraded notes app for my songwriting, where I can record my basic chord progressions and lyrics quick to then have for later when I record. That being said, the app is very limited, and things like key changes are hard because rather than being able to modulate, you have to enter in the individual chords in that key and do it all manually, which really gets in the way and just slows me down. Another thing is that there are only 2 available time signatures, 3/4 and 4/4. As someone who writes a lot in 6/8, this makes it somewhat tricky as I essentially have to write something in 6/8 around a 3/4 grid in this app. Not the biggest deal in the world, but to not include at least the most basic fundamentals when it comes to theory is disappointing. While these may not be an issue for basic songwriters, this is a real pain for us trying to write more complex music, and I think because of that the app will suffer as it isn’t as well rounded if a tool for people into more advanced song writing. Overall, I hope the devs keep adding more features and are able to make this the ultimate companion app for musicians. Keep it up guys!
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5 months ago, Like_it_is97
Major flaws
There is a major flaw in this app when it comes to choosing the length of your notes. They are missing one of the most basic tools when it comes to composing & music theory. If you want to change the length of the note you can only do so by changing every note in the entirety of the measure. In the app, the only way to change the length of notes is to do it in the rhythm section. they give you a choice between whole/half/quarter length notes and a variety of premade rhythms. So say in a 4 count measure, I wanted 2 quarter notes of the same note like C and a half note of Dm [C C Dm _] if I choose the quarter note setting it plays every note as a quarter note [C C Dm Dm] and if I choose the half note setting it plays [C _ Dm _]. You should be able to decide the length of each note individually. You also can’t choose singular notes only chords. First and foremost, Music is an art, and the quality of art is based on the tools that you have. this app is is good in theory only and very focused on popular patterns of music. it does not gear towards a true creative artist that wants to make some thing completely unique and innovative from scratch. If they made their features more customizable this could be a very useful tool and a true all in one app. But in its current state with flaws like these I can’t see myself using the app. It severely limits your creativity. You’re better off sticking to your staff paper, notes app, voice memos and a real instrument.
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1 year ago, WadeBurk
Demo is scary good!
It's a fantastic songwriting helper, the layout is pretty intuitive, and other than the fact that I can't currently afford the subscription, it's an app I would actually use regularly. If it weren't for the fact that many of my songs use some advanced chords and chord structuring, the free version would be just enough to get me into some good songwriting headspace! I love it for one more reason: the AI in the program is, from what I've seen so far, one of the most advanced and task focused versions I've yet to come across. This may be where the singularity gets its foundational start from...! With minimal prompting and input, it wrote a song for me that was eerily close to what I had running through my head - complete with full band complement, fleshed out lyrics and instrumental lead, harmonies, and solos, and the freakiest, best bit - a female sounding singer singing the whole thing with female harmonies backing her up! Completely original. I am blown away!
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1 year ago, DG Delilah
Glitching and Deleting Songs and Chord Progressions
All my songs are missing a chord progression. I’ve written about 20 songs, and one minute I hear the chord progressions and one minute I don’t. I’m not sure why this keeps happening. This is the second time it has occurred and I’m very frustrated right now 😡 All the melodies and chord progressions missing. I bought the yearly subscription and this is what they have to show for it. Very disappointed. All my songs are no longer there. I connected them to cloud and everything, but alas, nothing to show for. Be careful, and make sure to take screenshots of the chords and remix you used for the chord progression. Sound like a lot of work? Yeah. I didn’t think I’d have to learn the hard way. Edit: Songs are still deleting. Developer blamed my phone for the mishaps, but my phone is always kept up to date and I have iCloud…so, I’m not sure what else excuse there is.
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10 months ago, Hayden_Ball
100% recommendation
I’m in a band that makes professional quality music, and upon seeing this on Instagram, I thought “there’s no way”. but I was genuinely surprised, The app gives you an elevated point of you for making music. For the beginner when starting out, it’s hard to hear all of the elements that goes into a proper song, but with this app you get rid of the middleman entirely. The sounds and tracks are clearly electronic, but the UI and song development are perfect for crafting a rough demo of your music, (which is the point Btw). The vocals are mixed pretty well, and quality enough for a good Demo. all in all the Demo app does exactly what it says, it will make a nice demo for you to show your band mates, friends and family and will help you on your way to make and put music together.
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2 years ago, UltraSonicMC
Good for new songwriters, hard for advanced ones
This is a great app for someone who doesn’t know how to play an instrument but still wants to make songs. However, for someone who’s been writing my own songs for years now, I find that it’s hard to use. It’s hard to edit the chords, or make the verse longer, or really make the kind of song you want without having to pay extra. I find that it’s easier just to stick with recording myself on the voice memos app playing piano or guitar and using the notes app for writing lyrics, as I’ve been doing for years. Or for on the go when I get song ideas, I record myself playing a tune on a piano app. This is a good app for someone who’s just starting, and it’s good to get ideas about chord progressions, but what if you want to change the key or put in chords outside of the key signature? I can’t seem to find an option for that. Maybe there is if I pay, I don’t know. So the app is good for beginners, but not for people who are serious about making music.
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10 months ago, bonkbonkbonkbonkbonkbonkbonk
One major flaw to be aware of
I don’t play any instruments, but I love songwriting, and I’d say I’ve tried every major mobile instrument app and this one is the best, it’s very user friendly and it actually taught me a lot about music theory. I’ve recorded a lot of demos creating this app and for a while I thought it was pretty flawless, I even bought a subscription so I had all of the apps capabilities . Recently though, I checked one of my demos and it seemed pretty off, like something was different. I thought my ears were just playing tricks on me though so I ignored it, but over time all my demos started sounded different from how I recorded them. Like a song would be missing an instrument that was originally there, or my vocal track would be completely deleted. I understand this app is relatively new but I hope this gets fixed soon, because it’s been happening for a while. Especially with my vocal tracks being deleted, that happens a ton. Hope this gets fixed soon. Thanks for reading!
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3 years ago, Joseph.D.T
I enjoy the app and I think it’s a really awesome way to write and create songs on a mobile platform. I’m sure you are working on adding things in the future and improve the app. I think as feedback from me as a user I would ask and say that I think you should add other sounds like guitar, cello or other instruments requested from feeback and I think you should make it where we can add more tracks if possible. I also think you should add a beat track and beat sounds choose from for the different sound progression genres to use with the instrument sounds. I do a have a few more ideas but these are the main crucial ones I think that could heavily impact and improve the experience, capability and potential of this app. I truly enjoy this app and think it is sooo cool, but I cant give it more stars personally till it adds some of these features. I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with!!! I love it!
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1 year ago, mikeyrocks82
I Love This
This app lets me quickly demo any idea and turn that idea into a full fledged song whenever I want. I don’t like the minutiae that gets in the way of the energy that I have when I’m trying to be creative. The chord generator alone saves me hours of time fiddling with a keyboard or dragging midi files around. The ability to create and drag and drop different ideas into your song and have the lyrics and everything laid out like a Kanban board rules but feels weird - like it’s a hack or something haha. It allows my creativity to really just spill out super quickly and has ignited a new spark in my process, to be honest. I decided to get the paid version pretty quickly. I figure the $40 bucks a year is well worth the joy of creating :)
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1 year ago, Landonqpge
Became money hungry
it was honestly OKAY but now they’ve added a plus feature where you have to pay an unreasonable amount for the resources that are given. it was limited before, but now you have like 4 different rhythm options and the many many others you have to pay for. you can also now only record your voice on one track. on top of all that now you can only make so many projects without having to pay. honestly super disappointing and NOT worth. if you have no musical ability than maybe but I play instruments and use this as a reinforcement. i have used this app for a year since august of 2022 and tried the free trial they had back then and it literally offered nothing new. so now they added free features to that and took them away. you don’t take away feature needed to create something unique, you make new things so that people actually want to get it. extremely lazy on your part.
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5 months ago, Supahham01
With a few tweaks, this could be something BIG!
I wish I could put into words how meaningful it is to have an app that improves accessibility for less experienced musicians. Furthermore, I am so grateful, as a person with dyspraxia, to have a way to incorporate chords into my songwriting that I wouldn’t otherwise be able to play. At the same time, there are a few limitations that make recording frustrating. You really do have to follow the steps in the order they’re given or it will mess up your recording. I also can’t seem to figure out how to record instruments other than piano, and I’ve spent over 2 hours on this app at this point. Maybe I’m just a geriatric 25 year old, but I do think the UI could be improved and the tutorial could be more robust. Minor complaints, truly, in comparison to my praises.
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1 year ago, Jenny W.
Such a great tool!
LOVE this app! I don’t play any instruments, so this app is invaluable when it comes to making a quick demo, to then import into Logic Pro and finish from there. Literally the only thing I would add is if you could reorder the song elements in the main chord programming area. I know you can arrange the song from the lyric + structure page, but sometimes its wonderful to hear the song in order WHILE you’re doing the chord programming. It sure would save a person from going back and forth between functions so much! Either way, I was able to finish and export a song in just a few hours that had been sitting on the shelf for months. This app is now in my regular workflow! Great work!
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2 years ago, EH004
Actually useful
The app so far has worked great, the free stuff is a bit limited but it’s great for when you’re working on the go and don’t have an instrument, it gives you great chord progressions and interesting sounds, but if you’re looking for freedom within the instruments sadly I haven’t found that (with the free version) the drum sounds all correlate with the bass and piano, and there isn’t a guitar strumming sound (again with free) however if you’re looking to get lots of chord progressions this works wonderfully and the way it separates verses is also great, keep in mind though the app isn’t 10+ years old, and is made by musicians, so everything I’ve mentioned Im sure will be adjusted, added, fixed or I just haven’t seen yet, over all this app is great and Ima keep my eye on it
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3 years ago, Sean T. B.
Amazing App Concept; Well executed
This app is really great, it has in app purchases but even just the free version is super impressive. It has a lot of features that are extremely helpful for songwriting that I never thought would be possible to implement so easily to work with into an app. Well done to the creators of this app, also, the aesthetics of this app are ON POINT. Super great aesthetics and organization of ideas (lyrics, chords, recordings, and instruments are nicely and intuitively organized to work with). The chords they recommend with the app are super great too. I’ve never used an app like this, but I am really super impressed with its capabilities and suggestions. Great app.
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3 years ago, candlesayshi
Good idea, but very flawed
Ehhh I don’t know. It’s a really good idea, but I feel like the structure of it gets in my way more than it helps. I saw it and thought it would be a great solution for working on a song I’m currently writing while I’m out and about, but many of the chords I have for it already aren’t available without yet another unnecessary and tacked-on subscription, and being restricted to the preset rhythmic patterns means that I can’t even shape those limited chords with/against the meter of the lyrics. So, that means I’m STILL splitting my songwriting notes between either multiple apps or an app and a notebook at home. I guess I could see it perhaps being better if I was building a new song from scratch, but given the way the app is and the restrictions it has; why would I want to do that? I really like the idea of the app, I just don’t think it’s very good at doing the thing it wants to do.
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2 years ago, boobooflex88
Great idea for an app
Finally an app for jotting down musical ideas with chords that’s intuitive and easy to use! As someone with a lot of musical ideas that float in, I’ve been wanting something like this to exist and it’s cool that it does. I wish you could choose any chord from the drop down tab at any moment instead of just the ones listed.. weirdly sometimes it works and other times doesn’t. Also wish the percussion was slightly more adjustable like maybe a sequencer? and less “genre” labeled (a little corny) but alas! It’s functional as a place to jot down ideas and still pretty customizable with the meter. I like that it’s simple and not trying to be more than an app for on the fly “demo” style ideas. Looking forward to updates!
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3 years ago, Ishaan A.
Could Be Better
I downloaded the app thinking this is a pretty cool way to write a song.. I soon realized that for some variety in the rhythms I had to pay and I couldn’t even change the chord progressions without paying.. in turn I bought the premium only to realize that the choices were still very limited and the sound I was looking for wasn’t in any of the presets.. this would be alright if the presets could be ignored and you could make your own rhythm, but you just can’t.. the idea of having the rhythm presets with the lyrics on top and a recording would be awesome for mobile songwriters like myself, but there’s just not enough rhythms, styles, nor flexibility in the app. The app right now should not have a premium because in premium you should be allowed to make changes to the music however you’d like.. If there’s an update where that’s fixed surely this is a 5 star app.
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2 years ago, Keeeeeeeks9
So helpful!
If you’re like me and your mind moves a million miles a minute with words and melodies but you get slowed down by the technicalities of changing keys, trying different progressions, trying to mastermind the music side… then this app takes that factor away! Another problem I had with songwriting is I have all these random Lyrics and music and I don’t have the patience to go back and listen to a hundred voice memos. Here I can record it with some real quick edits (and even add drums, lyrics, etc.) and come back to a whole thought. It makes it so much easier for me to get to a finished product! I’m so happy I found this app!
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3 years ago, kayleejasp
The organization my brain has been waiting for
As a songwriter, I find that my ideas are all over the place. I jot down lyrics in my notes app while walking down the street and melodies in my voice memos in the middle of work. When I go back later to start piecing things together, I find that I spend an annoying amount of time just searching for all of that material. This app has cut out all of that wasted time searching and kept things neat and organized so I can focus more on the creativity without wasting time or energy just trying to find my ideas. Big fan, 10/10, would recommend 👍🏻
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10 months ago, We Don’t Sleep On The Highway
Definitely an excellent tool in the hands of a writer
This app is great for mapping out and structuring a song that may already have lyrics but not a melody. Perfect for when you don’t have the luxury of being in a home studio. Although some of the applications features are limited and held captive by a pay wall, there are quite enough resources available for free to justify it. Love the option of lyric tracking and on the go vocals you can implement over the track and the overall functionality of this app. Truly user friendly and you pretty much know your way around it within 3 minutes.
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2 weeks ago, Pixxiesixx
Amazing for music production
Very cool very amazing app one of the best apps I have found so far as far as anything music production wise. If you can’t play instruments that’s fine this app give you cord Ruth’s and lets you edit them as well as give suggestions to you as well I could write a huge huge huge review about all of the inns and outs of this amazing app and its stellar interface but I’m going to keep it short if you are serious about music production but need some help or are even a beginner this app is worth the download you won’t regret it and it will become one of your most for or its apps I swear!
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1 year ago, Xylmnop
Perfect for my needs
I’m not a working musician, but I love songwriting! This app lets me play with chords in a key, input lyrics, repeat sections of a song, record multiple tracks…all in one place. It’s soo cool. There are different rhythms for guitar/piano/bass and different beats for the drums. Any 4/4 and 3/4, and any bpm. It makes me wish I had a band to play the songs I have written! But that’s also the cool part, you can really hear your song ideas fleshed out quickly. It’s not for finished songs which is fine. If I could suggest the developers add a way to include a fade out ending or ending note that would be pretty helpful.
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3 years ago, grahamhagenah
This app got me creatively unstuck
I’ve been making music for years at an amateur level. I don’t play an instrument and I barely know how chords work, but I enjoy coming up with melodies and progressions, so this app was perfect for me. I was skeptical at first, but I found myself returning to it repeatedly during the first day because of how fun it is to use. I came up with a song within hours and exported it to Logic for fleshing out. Even if I had months I wouldn’t have come up with something so good. If you’re open to collaborating with technology to create art, you’re going to get a lot out of this app.
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1 year ago, Hsskbxkxuajalsxkxjanna
first thoughts
i have never written a review before but this app deserves it. i cannot say enough good things about it but i’ll try my best to summarize the main points. to start, the free options are great. if you’re a beginner or just want to play around, this app is amazing and doesn’t place too many restrictions or money blocks. if you’re looking for something a little more advanced, then the paid version is for you. i think the pricing is very reasonable for what you get. it is great for on the go musicians or songwriters. i seldom ever come up with ideas when i sit down to write and they always seem to hit me at the most inconvenient times. in the past i have utilized my notes app, camera, and voice memos to capture my thoughts but it made it very disorganized and all over the place. now i can keep everything in one place and it is extremely convenient. thank you so much for creating this app!!
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2 years ago, VampirefirexXx
Lifetime subscription is a must. Too bad it’s not an option.
Amazing app. I’ll never buy subscriptions for stuff like this though. Give me a beefy lifetime cost if you need to, like real recording software and I’ll do that. But I’m not giving you guys 40$/year to have access to this. Nowhere near enough exists in this little app that justifies a subscription. All of the drums sound like bad keyboard synth, as does the actual keyboard. It’s a great tool, but you need to know way more about sounds you want to extrapolate the song you make on this app to something worthwhile. If it had more options for instruments and rhythms you could write out, it might be worth the asking price. Currently though, the price being asked is laughable for the service there is.
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2 years ago, HoloKai420
Great tool
So it my first time using my phone to Wright songs, and I’m finding it extremely use, most lyrics come to on the fly spontaneously while I’m in motion somewhere, and so all I have to do is bust out my trusty dusty phone, hit the app and boom, my creative thoughts don’t get lost in time!!! Pretty well laid out app, simple, clean, and straightforward. I wish they made a widget, that I could “ Hey Siri” and keep my eyes and hands on the wheel while I drive, hope you guys read the part about having a widget, but dude I’ll give 5 stars after a widget, but all in all, I Really like the app. It’s worth trying, and it has helped my music, it will help you too!!! Killer job people!!!
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2 years ago, singing&piano<3
Awesome app but some suggestions..
I love this app! I’ve never had anything like it and it makes it very easy for me to jot down my musical ideas. I do think the chords aspect of the app needs some improving: 1. There is no option to add an augmented chord. Seems most other chord options are there, but I was surprised when I could not find an option to make the chord augmented anywhere. 2. Sometimes it does not play the correct chord back (for instance, if I have an Eb9 chord, it just plays a regular Emaj chord) Response to developer: thanks so much for the response! I seem to have made a mistake in my initial comment with the chord voicing- I meant E(b9), not Eb 9. Thanks again!
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1 year ago, launie17
Most of the app works well
I had a hard time finding the chords I wanted but that was mainly on me. My only issue with this app is that the metronome is completely useless. I’d start by adding a tempo button, so you can tap to the beat and have it measure the tempo from that. The metronome plays only every OTHER beat, and it makes it impossible to use, i’ve done everything I can to try and fix it but there’s no way to change how often the metronome works, it’s just wrong. Also, the metronome is playing notes which is wildly inconvenient. It should just be a click, metronomes don’t usually stray too far from one universal type, and that’s for a reason
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11 months ago, Jolo112233
super helpful
I love cause i’m on constantly thinking of rhythmic flows to sing too…. i can write songs here and later translate the composition into my daw with all the main components of a song already in tact before having to start from scratch in my daw… or waiting to be in front of my DAW to make a song. Here i am able to not worry about what the song needs to sound like…. it’s just my backbone to my songs…. i love it. i’m not on here expecting to record my hit single in here…. But im definitely on my way to writing my by music in this app.
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1 year ago, Duchess Composer
Unexpected, Comprehensive & Brilliant
I’m a Professional Working Artist Who writes a Song a day, sometimes in my sleep lol and I can’t run to the studio to write and track. This app is Awesome for a multi genre Original Artist. The only suggestion would be to add more instruments in the genres like classical. It may just be Me, however I seem to work backwards from the song structure methodology Y’all have working. Then again I’m already on catalogs at BMI. This one is going on right Now!:). Great Tool and I will Absolutely share it with My Colleagues. Thank You for Your Time and Brilliant Work!
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3 years ago, tcrit
Exactly what I’ve been waiting for
Just had a baby and most of the time he’s in one of my arms. Being able to write out the progression with my thumb, record a melody or lyric idea, without picking up the guitar or playing the piano or being next to my computer is ALL TIME for my workflow and more importantly being able to multitask with a wide awake or sleeping baby 😂. Can’t wait until they let you build whatever chord you want via a piano roll or notation. Upgrade to the Demo+ immediately if you’re already familiar with writing songs. 💯
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11 months ago, Jesse Benjamin
Beginner song writers dream
I have no musical education outside of playing the saxophone in band class in 6th grade. It’s been a dream of mine to learn to write as song as I’m learning to play guitar at the ripe old age of 39. Learning an instrument is its own challenge, but not being able to play with song structure drove me crazy — I wanted to learn that part asap!! This app is absolutely perfect for that. I’m shocked it didn’t exist until now. Great UI and satisfying colors, I feel like this app treats me like an artist and not a hobbyist to pander to. Thank you so much!
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1 year ago, KindleKrunch
Super cool, room for amazing potential
Love the app, happy with it. I hope new sound’s come though, pretty quickly, the melodies start sounding the same. A ton of work has gone into this app, one can see with the music key choice and layering. For recording, please add a mute button, there are time’s when I am layering vocal’s and want to mute the microphone, until it’s time to sing, or if I want to take a deep breath, but don’t want to record it. Love how everything integrates. Hope they add some deeper ‘beat’ sounds and heavier bass tracks because it’s such nice software, but limited in the mature sound department. To help prevent the sound’s blurring together and being boring, a few little tweak button’s, could make the melody part’s sound cool and richer. 5 stars for ingenuity for this app, 4 star’s for the crashes, which have lost some great recording’s lol, but overall, love this app. Hope more sounds come though, to prevent everything from sounding the same.
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2 years ago, Anna Sophia V
I’ll be famous with this
Omg, I always wanted to write and record my own songs, but also wanted to do something clean and good, not like a “phone recording”, but with this app, you’ll definitely get a song that’s gonna sound just the same as a studio version and you just need your phone, headphones with microphone, a quiet place and that’s all! Definitely I recommend it, and all the features you can get with the subscription (which btw It’s not expensive at all) are incredible. I really love this app! ❤️
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2 years ago, Mizzie<3
Amazing!! 😍
I love this app so much! I’ve been needing an actually good song writing app! And I found one! It’s so easy and simple to create your own song and I love the feature that you can export other songs to the app! For example, say I’m practicing for a school play, I can easily export my fav song so I can easily carded it in my own app! I love how you can devise your song lyrics into section because in most song writing apps I have you can’t and then in looks so complicated and messy! I totes recommend this app!
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1 year ago, MisterEBox
If it was cheaper..: or had a one time price
It would be the bomb…. But we don’t do subscriptions. Boggles the mind that app creators think people want to subscribe to multiple apps. Even rich people have limits on how much they can spend on apps per month and if I subscribed to all of the 100 apps on my phone it would be over $1000 per month. That’s like renting an apartment or paying off two car payments. Come on developers, I know you need to get paid but take into consideration how many apps people use these days and make your prices more reasonable
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5 months ago, AngelByTheWingz
Wowowowow for anyone who doesn’t know how to play instruments such as myself, but longs to produce (or at least make demos) for your songs, THIS IS THE APP! I recommend iPhone users to use Garageband simultaneously to help find the correct chords you’re looking for. I found myself guess and checking between what was in my head and the chord making on Demo, but then I realized I could easily find dissect my thoughts on GarageBand! GET THIS APP, I just completed a demo for a song I’ve been writing for 5 years, this is AMAZING!!
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1 month ago, TGBUFFALO
Limited ability
I am writing this because this app is no where near a tool for a professional. I have tried to adjust the input levels on separate progressions and have not found a way to do it. If the progressions have different instruments some are louder than others and it can drown out the vocals or vice versa. I do not recommend this to anyone of any level. The quality of the recorded finished product is inferior. Now the App up and left my phone. I read if I download it again all my files would be restored. Nope. All my recordings are gone. Hours upon hours of hard work is non existent. It’s not even in the cloud. I don’t trust this App with any new work. I will do it the old fashion way. You should too.
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11 months ago, nca23
So confusing if you use a capo. Please let me know if the feature is integrated. Until then my songs come out sounding wrong & I have to work through so much theory to actually get a song into the app I end up with a headache. Also, I would love to be able to put my own strumming patterns into the app, or at least get an up, down, up down, style expantion of what Is being played. It would also be wonderful if it could generate the song into sheet music or tablature. Over all I feel like it’s a lot of work to get a song into this app, just to have it get stuck. Please let me know.
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3 years ago, krit00111
This is genius!!
Finally the dream come through. I’ve tried a lot of song maker app this one is the best. This app make it easy for people who don’t know how to play an instrument or people who know but not good at finding chord progressions like me. This app almost do all the work for you. If you are beginner I would like to recommend this app. It’s make me understand about how song are made very clear. And I can use this app every time I want because it on the phone. Thank you so much!
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2 years ago, Octotron
Intuitive and Thorough!
I’m 5 years into being a published artist and producer and though I’ve only been using the app for a day, it really feels like a game changer. It’s so quick and easy to get an existing idea going or to start from scratch with the given progression options. The rhyme suggestion option is so great too. No more having to switch back in forth between apps or internet windows! 👏👏👏 Highly recommend, even the free version has loads of great features!!
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3 years ago, 123Dan1987
Life changing…
This might be the most helpful, inspiring, and well thought out app I will ever download. I have never written a review until now… I can write long lengthy detailed review but I promise you- download it, try it, and you will see how I can’t do it justice in a brief review. This will be a significant and influential part of how songwriting workflows today and tomorrow will be developed. I can see this easily working alongside a major website or DAW platform- even direct uploads to music sites like SoundCloud and Bandcamp.
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5 months ago, A Tree Spirit
Comfortable, Accessible, Useful
If you want to find an app that helps you organize your music journey, you have it all in one app. This app makes it more fun to use and easily can make songs in a quicker way. I am currently enjoying this app! And of course, there is a price to have unlimited access of all features. It’s not super pricey but affordable. Please don’t think too narrow on this. It’s a wonderful opportunity to take things to a different level.
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2 years ago, s.axolotl
Playing around
Let me start this by saying I am not a music person, my goal in life is not to create music and I don’t really understand it even though I like it. That being said, I am writing a story that heavily involves music and this app helps me a lot, especially with the lyric portion. It’s good to get some quick inspo without taking from a song that’s already out there. It’s also just fun to play around with. I’m sure someone who actually knows music could make good use of this if they don’t have a studio setup to record.
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2 months ago, idkijustwantedtowriteareview
best app i’ve ever had
i’ve been writing and producing songs as a hobby for a few years now and trying to make tracks and sync audios on my laptop was so frustrating. this app has made my life so much easier and made me enjoy making music even more. the setup is pretty straight forward and simple for beginners to learn. there are also tutorials in the app if you get lost or have questions. the only suggestion i have would be to add more editing options for the audio tracks. it really only gives you a slider for the volume, reverb, and audo tune. if there were different style microphones to play around with or some effects to clean up the recordings better that would be a dream come true. anyway download this if you like messing around with this stuff it’s so worth it.
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2 years ago, ellebasy95
Good Beginners App
I got this app because I am a songwriter, and it’s hard sometimes to figure out the correct rhythms for different sections of a song. This app has a lot of different choices for that, but the layout is frustrating, because you can’t add sections in between others, for example, I can’t add a verse in between a chorus and a bridge. You have to create them in order, which is annoying for someone like me who changes things a lot as they go. But overall this is a pretty helpful app for the average songwriter.
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3 years ago, mh180005
Amazing app! Only missing one key feature
This app is amazing! It has a slick UI and works very well to add song ideas and put an idea together before taking it to the studio. The only key feature I wish was there was the ability to import audio files you already have into the recording section. Usually people have lots of song ideas and they have ideas they recorded on their other devices before downloading the app. It would be awesome to add it in and have everything in one place
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3 years ago, sgranlund
Well made app for getting down ideas
I have many song writing apps and I came across this app and it’s really useful. I like how I can structure and outline a whole song quickly. I wished it had a rhythm and drum track. And few more synth and sound variations especially for a subscription. Please add a scratch drum track and more instrument sound variations and easily a five star app. Possibly best one out there. I’m working out a way to take the tracks into garage band for completion. You would have a complete IOS song writing tool
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2 months ago, Blonde Performer/Vampire
Great for Songwriters!
I got this app recently and haven’t used it a ton, but I have been able to musically develop two song rough drafts on it! There are some in app purchases, but without purchasing you get three chord styles (with seperate verses, pre choruses, and verses), many different musical genres, and a variety of sonic add-ons. I have been able to write lyrics, adjust notes, and record singing. Overall, I LOVE this app and would highly recommend!
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