Dicey Elementalist

4.7 (4.2K)
197.1 MB
Age rating
Current version
Doublethink Games
Last update
2 years ago
Version OS
10.0 or later
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User Reviews for Dicey Elementalist

4.7 out of 5
4.2K Ratings
2 months ago, jrvinni
Fun, Addictive, Reasonable Ads
UPDATE: This doesn’t change my score, but one other nit I have for the devs is that I wish there was a way to pay to remove ads that did not include speeding up the game. At the moment, you can’t buy “remove ads” in the store without also getting a perk that increases the experience you receive. I’d rather not progress faster since it’s a fun game, so I’d love to see that option. As my previous review below says, the ada aren’t bad though so I live without. I don’t usually write reviews, but wanted to let the dev know this is a great game. Title says it all. You don’t often find a game that isn’t ruined by ads, but this one has a fine balance. They’re there, but aren’t built into a grind like many other games. Game itself is pretty addictive. After a few hours of playing, I can say that I’ll spend many more. There are a few gripes, like sometimes you can create a build that creates a stalemate with some enemies. I believe that is part of the game though. It shows the build’s weakness and it allows you to exit the fight early anyways. Hope more games like this are made in the future.
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3 years ago, magic00
Different and Replayable
How many games have you downloaded that you never come back to? I’m guessing a lot. This game is not one of those. I tend to play this game a few minutes a day and overall have about 6 hours worth. I’ve won with each character 1 time on normal mode. That’s perfect. It hits a sweet spot where you feel like you progress constantly. Buying the extra gems and other things will definitely help in that process. If you want my opinion I think that’s the only thing this game does wrong. I truly wish they charged me $8-15 for the entire game and make in game items more easily obtainable. If I hadn’t purchased the gems pack I would have easily spent an extra 6 hours completing the first run through of each character. I feel like the game stopping at dungeon 2 for normal is weird. Why not give me the option to continue EVEN if it will ruin the play through. Make it so I CAN cash out my run and not force me to. The game is super fun though. I’d ask for a change in the games price to speed up the in game upgrades. Thankfully there is no battle pass because if there was I’d delete it on sight. Add some more characters as well. 4/5 for the gameplay being fun and replayable. Minus the star for the greed of mobile gaming.
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3 years ago, Tainted07
Perfect F2P Game
This game is by far one of the best examples of a mobile game done RIGHT. The game has very few ads and all are optional, a lot of free gameplay (with a couple optional characters that can be bought with money), and an incredible amount of content for a free game. I’m not sure I’ve ever come across any other mobile game in all my years of playing them that handles F2P as well as this game does. Again, there’s so much here for free, and if you enjoy deck builders like slay the spire and monster train then I think you’ll find this game up there with those greats :) . The game has a TON of replayability with all of the different cards and artifacts you can experiment around with. Once this game has its hooks in you, you won’t even mind spending the little bit extra for even more content with new characters knowing it’ll be going towards helping the developer. I look forward to more awesome games like this and would love to see other mobile games strive for such quality, rather than pushing as many micro transactions and advertisements as possible.
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2 years ago, SpanglerEth
Warning, new ads block critical info
I’ve been playing Dicey Elementalist regularly for well over a year now. This game is is everything you could possibly loom for in a great mobile roguelike. The different characters introduce wildly different gameplay, heavy RNG, and lots of cards and passives bring incredible replay value. That being said, the newest update made the game nearly unplayable. In the past, periodically you would encounter fairies that would allow you to watch an ad for a bonus. These have become much more common, which I don’t believe is a bad thing. However, there are now random long video ads that disrupt gameplay, as well as new banner ads that block critical information about the current opponent, including health and passives. This makes the game nearly impossible to play. I would be willing to pay money to remove non-optional ads from the game, as the gameplay is fantastic and I wish to support the developers. Until these actual gameplay inhibiting banner ads are removed, however, I’ll be putting this game down for good. It’s disappointing to see what used to be one of the best games in the App Store become unplayable simply because they decided to block information with banner ads.
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2 years ago, Rainlock
Love the game, hate the top banner.
This is actually a really solid game with charming art and incredible replayability. This game fulfills my desire for synergy building and distinct mechanic interactions. It maintains growth and nuance as I develop in experience and offers new weekly experiences. It is amazing and one of only a couple games I keep on my phone. I have even spent a small sum of money on in game purchases, because I truly believed that what I was paying for was delivering on it’s promise. There has been one development since I started playing that I do object to. I looked for a feedback method and settled on this as the first that I found. I hate the top banner of advertisement. I hate advertisements period. I would gladly pay a small fee to never see another ad. The top banner in particular is egregious. It actually covers game information in a way that I haven’t found a solution for. Furthermore some ads play flashing images that I find detract from my game experience to the point that I would rather abandon my game rather than finish the combat. Please address this. I know monetizing your work is challenging, and you have clearly put real work into this game. Just please solve this issue so I can enjoy playing it again please. I would gladly pay my small portion to see it corrected.
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3 years ago, Roadrunnerxp87
Great game but...
Honestly I’d say this is a great game and worth a play through. Ads are not shoved down your throat which is always a plus and gameplay is fun. Future content I’d say add more ways to improve the character outside the dungeons. There is a huge RNG factor in rogue-likes, and this game turns the RNG past 11. Giving the player a little more control would go a long way. Speaking of RNG... It definitely feels like the randomness works against you the further you go. One of my favorite builds to try and get is a debuff/ freezing build. Only problem is even with all opponents dice frozen, they somehow AWLAYS manage to play 4-6 of their cards despite the two pair, four of a kind requirements etc. To make things worse, if I build a deck with much easier requirements, I almost never get to play more than 2-3 cards due to the randomness. It definitely feels like the RNG is MASSIVELY stacked against the player the further you go. Every game manipulates RNG, it happens, but when it is blatantly noticeable? That’s when it is a problem.
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3 years ago, talk702
This is one of the best, if not the best, rogue-like deck builders ive played. Up there with Slay the Spire. Its ease of play and relaxing atmosphere is perfect for all ages. It doesn’t overwhelm you with ads and it gives you the option to skip ads if you like. The ads are short and it gives you the option when you die to watch an ad and try again. This is an awesome addition if your last match was just horrible rng. At first the game seems extremely simple, and it is, but after time and unlocking new cards and artifacts you quickly realize the amount of depth this game has thru its deck combos. It also has tons of stuff to unlock as you play and acquire materials and achievements. You can even recruit new merchants for your tavern that open up a rune system, achievement shop, potion maker, black market, and more. You can also tab out at any time and come back and your game is where you left off and it stops your current runs timer. So many positives and only one thing I would change. The rune system. I really wish I could customize which elements and runes I want to focus on instead of being in a forced system. Its a very minor preference but imo the more depth the better. Great game for parents and their kids!
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2 years ago, JSabra
Engaging, endlessly replayable
I have over 80 hours in this game. The basic concept - dice-based combat, basically battle Yahtzee - never gets old. There are six different character classes, each with four "difficulties" that don't just change how tough the enemies are, but how the characters actually play. You can master easy difficulty, but medium might mean a completely different strategy. You can get pretty far in this game without spending money. There's a daily package in the store where you can get 100 gems plus other stuff by watching an ad, and you can use those gems to offer in-game perks. But this leads me to another great thing about the game: if you do want to spend money, the upgrades are so inexpensive. Several of the character classes cost money - a staggering $1.99 each. Anyone can afford that. If they were five bucks each I wouldn't be writing a five-star review, but the developers have kept things accessible and that's awesome. Honestly, eighty hours is more than I've put into almost any other game in my life, and as I said, there's still a ton of content I haven't even accessed yet - daily challenges, custom challenges, minigames, and all sorts of stuff. This is hands down the best free app on the App Store.
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3 years ago, MusiqMysfit
The F2P game that we need.
As others have said, this is exactly what a F2P game should be. The game is highly enjoyable and addictive with COUNTLESS upgrades and options. You can pay for more options, which makes the game more fun, but it’s not required for you to win. And watch the ads!! They don’t pop up unannounced, and when you do choose to watch them, you gain really great rewards. Oh, and the game’s graphics are *chef’s kiss* The only thing I ask is that the developers PLEASE fix the Tavern so that you can see what requirements the bonus cards need. When you get into the Tavern, the cards flip immediately, and I don’t know which dice to hold and which to re-roll on to get certain “bonuses.” I’d like to be able to see the requirements for the bonuses.
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2 years ago, H34dless
Love it but last update was bad
So I got the game very recently and am loving it so far. I’ve purchased all but one of the characters after completing each of the previous characters. Each character plays very differently from one another which increases replayability and the price of ~$2 for a new character and completely new play style/strategy seems very reasonable. (Also, 2/6 of them can be acquired F2P which seems fair). All that said, I’m giving a 3 star review because in the last update they added an un-removable ad banner to the top of the screen during combat. I can’t overstate how ugly and distracting it is. Until this point I had been impressed with how unobtrusive their ad strategy was and that’s what made me so willing to buy DLC for $2 a pop. But with the inescapable flashing ad banner it just feels like all the other mobile app cash grabs. PLEASE remove the ad banner as a failed test.
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3 years ago, Kevin84639
Fun but rng to the max
Fun rouge card game, but the rng is crazy. It was a little frustrating at first when sometimes you get destroyed in the first area and other times you beat the game super easily due to getting good synergistic drops, but that was ok for the most part since the developers designed the game with that intent. The thing that made me delete the game was when I was having a great run where i was killing all the monsters and bosses without taking 1 damage. Then next thing I know i’m fighting a boss that locks up earth cards every other turn. Being a pure earth deck, which the game encourages (mono colored) it made the battle impossible after an hour run. And the game doesn’t allow swapping of cards for this specific run. So the crazy rng where despite having a great setup you can breeze through the game then all of a sudden face an impossible battle is just too much for my taste.
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3 years ago, Ian Hartwell
It’s worth a shot.
Seriously. I was actively looking for a fun game (because most mobile games are lame) and this game looked interesting. It lived up to the hype. It’s exciting I found this game with no hype around it yet. I highly suggest for anyone to try it. It has fun gameplay, creative enemies, and you unlock more as you go which leaves you wanting to keep playing. A+ rating from my girlfriend and I. You get a starting character, a character which you can unlock, and two characters you can purchase. If you enjoy the game I suggest buying a character. They are cheap and I’m sure it helps the game developers. I mean come on, you’ve spent $20 on Fortnite skins and who plays Fortnite anymore. P.S I legit don’t work for them. Just thought they deserved an honest shoutout!
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3 years ago, Datvivar
Paid to Unlock All Characters - Worth It
Title says it all. You can only play with one character to start (you can earn one with in game gems, and the other two cost 99 cents and $1.99), but the more I played, the more I was like “this is just plain fun”. So I really did not mind paying for the different characters. They completely alter the game, have different rules for how they enter this rogue like card collecting game, and that keeps it fresh. Also you unlock new cards and equipables after every run, so this game has just been non-stop entertainment for me. I never would have thought that there could be so many different ways to play Yahtzee lol. Really creative, really cool art, really fun = easy 5/5. Good job!
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8 months ago, Leon Chamile
Very well engineered/developed game
First, this game itself is amazing because you can play it without being connected to the internet. It’s a very simple, well done, fun game. I like to play this on my flights. Secondly… this is what summoned me to write my first 5* review in the App Store because I played a decent amount of mobile games with optional ads and rarely do the developers get containerizing the ads right. There’s always a specific ad(s) that will make the game crash. This game does the ads so well. I never worry about crashing when closing an ad. This was literally the first game I’ve played that did not crash because of an ad. Beautiful.
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2 years ago, Thydon789
My favorite game on my phone until the new ad update
This game is literally my favorite game on my phone, I’ve spent money on characters and enjoyed every second of playing it. Ads have been pretty few and far between, which is part of the reason I was ok with spending money on it. But recently they added a banner at the top of battles which is not only ugly and distracting, but also literally blocks the enemy’s item description which is very important information. This is one of my favorite games and I’ve had it for about a year, but this new update hurts, especially since I’ve put money into it. I’ve never left a review before but I’ll change this to the five stars it deserves if this vile ad bar gets removed, or if they remove ads for people who have purchased at least one character, which I hoped would be the case and is unfortunately not.
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3 years ago, EyeBallHero
Good game other than cursed
Cursed is not a good debuff, instead of me reacting to cursed, it reacts to my move. This means no matter how adaptive and strategic you are, it can just mess you up. It’s been extremely annoying trying to beat the harder version of champion mode as the chanter. Getting a totem is practically necessary along with whatever other effect you got as the trial. Tangled is also weird but no one actually uses that so it’s fine. I think you should get rid of cursed and make the effect silenced that you get for the champion mode. Or you could make cursed just discard the first card you try using instead of discarding randomly. You could also make cursed adaptive depending on how many curses you have on you with each curse increasing chances of discarding a card.
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2 years ago, Ghgfujvg
I never write reviews because I never feel that strongly about mobile games, much more of a PC player. However, that being said, GET THIS GAME RN !! It is so so so much fun, even if you don’t opt to buy the additional characters, there is hours upon hours of fun to be had with the original free one. While I plan on getting the others eventually, I have 10 hours on the game and am only halfway through the tiers and challenges available to the original player character. And even then, each run is completely different and unique thanks to RNG aspect, so even replaying the previous tiers is fun and I learn more ! Get the game !!!
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3 years ago, Dumvee
This is the best mobile game ever
I have seriously never played a better mobile game then this. I feel like I'm constantly progressing and not every run is winnable. It's an incredible rogue like. I would've paid for this game. The art style is so unique. This game has an incredible balance of luck and skill. I think about every turn, it comes down to what order you have to play your cards. I could write a college thesis on all the things I love in this game but none of you would read it. Give this game a shot and you'll never delete it from your phone. Thank you developers for my favorite mobile game of all time.
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3 years ago, Frogmood
Localization Could Use Work!
Overall, I really enjoy this game. It’s got simple mechanics, but enough complexity to let you do some real strategizing. They don’t push you into spending money, either, which is a plus, and as a whole it’s a nice, relaxing little rogue like. The one area where it falls down though is the localizations and translation. It’s not a huge problem, but the the errors that are there along with some inconsistency about how they refer to things (extra hp, max hp, etc) can make it confusing and unclear what exactly something does. As I said, though, it doesn’t detract too much from the overall experience and I would still definitely recommend the game.
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3 years ago, gumbright
Good game but…
I quite enjoy the game (there are some refinements that could make it a little better) but the primary reason for the lower review is the experience on iPhone. There is this thing out there called “older people”. And their eyes tend to not work as well. On iPad everything is fine but on phone almost nothing is readable. Updated: changing my review to 5 star. I still stand by above comments but this is a very good game. I am impressed by how the different characters basically turn this into an entirely new game. You need to figure out new strategies unique to each character. The IAPs are worth the price.
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3 years ago, Jake199173
Deep, Creative Gameplay
Excellent game. Excited to see new additions: classes, levels, rewards, etc. Each class plays very differently, surprisingly so. Hope you guys stick with this game because it has enormous potential. Already a 5 star game. The devs know what needs to be fixed (stop showing ads to people who bought the no-ad IAP, at a minimum add a separate IAP to bypass the boost ads, get rid of the very early ad which makes some people just quit) but those are small blemishes on a very rewarding game which offers a lot of room for the player to implement their own ingenuity and discoveries.
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2 years ago, Keocan
Good core game, frustrating ads
TLDR; good gameplay but banner ad covers critical information and cannot be removed. The core gameplay loop is exceptional. But there is a huge issue with the ad placement. While you play there is persistently a banner ad at the top of the screen. In most cases this wouldn’t be an issue. The problem is when you are in combat the banner ad covers the description of the passive ability of the enemy you are facing. These passives can be huge and the ad covering them severely affects your ability to respond. You can pay to remove ads for reviving your character but there is no option to pay to remove this persistent banner ad.
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3 years ago, Ginmago
Almost perfect
Really well done for the most part. Very enjoyable on easier difficulties in every aspect. But as you progress the RNG kills the game. You get no useful cards and then can’t even roll the low-restriction cards you have while your enemy hits their multiple 4-of-a-kind cards nearly every turn. Get a good run going and you face some enemy that freezes your entire hand every turn - dead run guaranteed. Impossible is not difficult, it’s boring. Losing in the first three battles of a run should almost never happen but it’s a very regular thing. I’d love to see some minor adjustments (like simply don’t make impossible dice RNG a feature) that could instantly make this a five-star game but right now it’s sadly broken.
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2 years ago, Hfkrbrjd
Daily challenge bugged
I love this game and have been playing it since it came out, I’ve even put money into it. 5/5 without the bugs. However, the daily challenge area has a couple of bugs for me that make it sometimes impossible to actually play the daily challenge. 1. The daily challenge area seems to think that the day changes at 2 pm instead of midnight. I have this issue on both my iPhone and iPod so while my friends are playing the new challenge and the mini game available for that day, my game is still set to the previous day. 2. Sometimes the daily challenge “Start” button will be greyed out displaying “Challenge over” even though I haven’t even played the challenge yet and it’s nowhere near reset time. I have redownloaded the game many times on both my devices and on first load up these issues will be fixed. But once I click into anything and then check again the issues come back. I haven’t seen this issue brought up by anyone else after hours of searching so figured I’d leave a review and hope the developers are able to see it.
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2 years ago, Alpqmzyt
Best mobile game I’ve ever played
I have never left a mobile game review in my life 😂 but this game man. The perfect mix of art style, great music, simple combat but filled with strategy and combinations, interesting characters, tons of enemies with different abilities that change how you play, all the different elements they throw at you in the game (the tavern, the gambling book, the artifacts). I can’t really explain better how well made this game is, the attention to detail and love for the genre. I can’t wait to keep playing and see more updates, please never give me a reason to stop playing
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3 years ago, preiring
A perfect mobile game
This game is so well-developed and beautiful that the fact it’s free is insane. Within 2 weeks, I put in close to 80 hours into this game, and unlike with most mobile games, I don’t feel too bad about it. The game is a perfect mix of chance and strategy, and the variety of play styles is great. It’s an easy game to play when you just need something to do with your hands. Ads are unobtrusive and you absolutely don’t have to engage with them. In-app purchases are limited to one section of the app, and I had no issues with going in to spend about $15 to support the creators and unlock the other two characters. This game is obviously made with a lot of love, and I wish there was an option to just buy it as a full game for $15/20 with no ads and everything unlocked. I’ve nearly completed everything in the game at this point, and this charming game will definitely have me coming back for more.
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7 months ago, mark4929483
Best phone game I’ve played in years
I almost never write positive reviews if I’m being honest. I usually only review a game if the developer is exceptionally greedy and I want others to know about it. This is one of the best games I ever played I’ve never seen anything like it, it’s super addictive and is honestly better than any game I have on PC right now. It’s good enough to want to play it in your free time rather than just playing it to kill time. Do yourself a favor and play, I already recommended the game to all my friends lol. Cannot stress enough this game is amazing
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3 years ago, JC Dykes
Best F2P Game I’ve Ever Played
This game rocks. If you like deck building/rogue like games such as Slay the Spire and Monster Train, this game definitely scratches that itch. The in-app purchases are entirely optional and ads are minimal. Purchasing the characters is definitely worth it—each one changes the way the game plays in a meaningful and fun way. Combining dice rolls + deck building spices things up, and the ability to hold dice when you re-roll adds a significant strategy element. Plus the runs are pleasantly brief, more than short enough to complete one on a lunch break. 10/10, highly recommend this game.
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3 years ago, QuirkyCarter
Genuinely free
I am really enjoying this game and wishing I could find more like it. The battle format is both simple and complex. And since there’s no pvp, there’s no getting beaten by anyone who spends $$$$. Plenty of other games if that’s your jam. The ads are a reasonable compromise and having 2 characters be available only by IAP is reasonable too, as you don’t need them (though I did go ahead and buy them because I enjoyed the other characters and wanted more.) No constant popups advertising their subscription service either. I’m telling you- this is a hidden gem.
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3 years ago, JGsbro
Awesome! But there are some things you should add
First off, the guys in black and pink where you press start should be playable, or have some use. Another thing, pvp would be amazing. And some way to purchase artifacts and cards you used in past games. Maybe someone would appear after reaching level 5 who would trade those stones to permanently unlock artifacts and cards, or something else entirely would be needed. I’ve also been experiencing crashes when selecting upgrades and cards. I really hope this gets fixed and stuff
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2 years ago, What is this? Wut?
New update ruins the game
I used to play this game a ton and even spent money buying a few of the characters because I liked it so much, I felt the purchases were a little overpriced but worth it to support a good game. I recently updated the app seeing that “new cards were added and some were changed,” i still can’t tell you if that’s true or not because the update was really to add advertisements all over the game, including bright flashy adds above the enemy info section. Not only are these in game ads jarring and flashy totally ruining the experience, but they also completely block lots of vital information you need for harder runs. What the team did to this game is disgusting and I wish I could either revert the update or get my money from said purchases back.
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3 years ago, QoheIeth
A Great Mobile Game
I don’t usually play mobile games. Their gameplay has never appealed to me much and/or it was P2P. Dicey Elementalists, however, has tons of free content with very few ads, all of which are optional. When it comes to the gameplay, I’m hooked. It has all my favorites: dungeoneering, cards, and DICE. I freakin’ love dice. I love taking risks on the roll of some dice, and this game offers a number of mini games that do just that. I have played through each difficulty with the starter character, and now plan on purchasing the other characters.
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3 years ago, 2.0rtsys
Absolutely fun!
Something about this game is just plain addicting. Every time I finish a run I turn straight around and start a new one, eager to get my deck built up to where I’m smashing monsters left and right. It’s so satisfying! I’ve already played through most of the four characters provided, and I really hope that there will be more fun charas coming! I got an achievement from the barkeep lady that said I unlocked a new character, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. Please keep up the development, game devs! This one is a gem for sure!
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5 months ago, jabber2.0
Fun but too repetitive and greedy
The leveling is way too slow like I won’t even get a single level for doing a single dungeon for 30 minutes. A lot of the dice rolling is obviously rigged because if you go to find one of those dice game rooms where you go against the other dude, it will give him 4-5 of the same die in a row multiple times. To check this you can see the roll then close the game and it will go back before the roll which shows that it’s usually the same number but a different element. This game is also super pay to win because there is 1 starting character and you can buy 1 with in game currency but the rest cost money. Greed is what ruins mobile games fr
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1 year ago, Winterwonders
Looks Familiar…
This game looks pretty good! It has some interesting mechanics, events, and enemy designs! But that’s only because it looks oddly similar to another game called Dicey Dungeons. The spells you can cast in that game are in individual squares, similar to this game, that you have to put your dice into. The shock effect in that game and the overload effect in this game have almost identical animations. In both games you can choose between six different characters. I wouldn’t say you were inspired by Yahtzee, I’d say you took a lot from Dicey Dungeons to make your game but hey, this game is unique enough for me to want to play both.
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3 years ago, Ps3godly
Excellent but a few broken cards
Superb game really, have a bunch of friends playing it nonstop now. Only real complaint is just that there are a few broken cards, and that happens with every card game. Current one that is hitting me every time I play hard that ruins any adventure with the fearless is Blizzard, as soon as anyone gets this card it’s over. “Gain 1 frozen each time card used” this means generally in 3 turns all rolls are rendered useless. And there are a few other Op cards that just destroy either way (blizzard just has me frustrated right now, lol) Love the game, just needs a little nerfing
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3 days ago, SunlessLostFromLight
Qualified review!?
I have finally beaten every character on every difficulty with every medal. It took awhile, but I’m proud. There are a few cheap tricks you learn while playing the game…. I’ll let you guys figure it out! All I have left is to beat the secret elementals with the correct characters. One thing I’d like the Devs to do is have a cheaper option to remove ads. I would pay 5 dollars, but 20 is too steep. I don’t even want the exp boost. (Even though at this point progress is slowing down a lot for the exp bar.)
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3 years ago, TheKraken_
Phenomenal Game
I’ve been playing this game awhile, three or four months now. The replayability of this game is amazing. The artwork is extremely well done. There are so many unique enemies, artifacts, and cards to create so many different tactics to win the game. I’ve beat the every level with the first two characters, and am now trying to beat all the levels with the third character, and when I do I will absolutely be buying the fourth character. I’m surprised this game is free to play. It is an extremely high quality game.
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1 year ago, Noah lazega
Fantastic game! A must have!
This game had a lot of love put into it. The art style is unique and well made and the gameplay is at its base simple but can become very complex with card combinations! Every run will give you a fun and different adventure. Its a great time killer and a fun one at that. Everything is completely free except a character or two. Once you play through you’ll fall in love and have 0 problem shelling out $3 for a new character! All in all, this game is truly brilliant and I have so much love for it!
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2 years ago, toney2598
Fun! But I found a bug?
I’m not sure how to report bugs through the app, but I got stuck in a loop, an enemy had two “copy a card from your hand” cards and it was looping them copying that card over and over again and after a few minutes of it doing this I had to just back out. This is the only time I’ve seen this happen. You should make it easier to report bugs or glitches through the app or your website. Other than that one thing I love the game!
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3 years ago, leoniiiiiidas
I’ve never played an iOS game so consistently. This is a very well made, fun, good-looking game. There’s hours of fun and endless possibilities for dungeon runs. I’ve played it almost everyday since I downloaded it. If you like strategy, dungeon crawling and cool art, DOWNLOAD IT! Edit: the button that appears after winning a campaign that allows you to view an ad to receive triple the materials hasn’t been working for a while. Seems like a weird bug. It also sometimes doesn’t let me view a daily ad to get materials.
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3 years ago, Pieter48
Great game….but need help on a glitch
I truly love this game. I never write reviews but this one deserves the very best. I played every day and never get tired variations. However the problem I have is that after being able to get into the daily Challenge One time, I find that I am locked out every day. The button to start is there but when you touch it it does not respond. I own all the characters at an advanced level so that’s not the problem. Can you help get me back into the daily challenge. TYSM
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2 years ago, gogogomobile
Please Update
I love this game, download it, but I have a few things I’d like to see and a fix is needed. -When I watch the ad for the little faerie wheel on champion mode and the reward is a card, I do not get said card. -I wish there were more purchase options. A flat fee to remove all ads from the game would be nice. As would a discount for buying all available players at once, I wouldn’t be mad at spending money on this program. Big fan of the game, would love to see these changes.
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3 years ago, Mike-the-rogue
Great dicey deck builder, FANTASTIC F2P
I’m very skeptical of free-to-play games, which usually hide all the fun behind a heavy paywall—if there’s even any fun to be had. This game is enjoyable and challenging right from the get go, and most of the paid functions are extra characters, which is fine by me. There’s so much to do with the free characters and the game can be surprisingly deep, with fun mini games on every run and lots of unlockables for great replayability. Definitely recommend this one for fans of slay the spire, meteorfall, and other top-caliber deck building roguelikes.
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8 months ago, darkteddy0709
A really good partially free game
The app is a really fun and creative rougelike. The unlocks from completing campaigns and the artifacts provide neat ways to fiddle with builds. Their is a minor problem with not being able to unlock all the characters with gems which pay walls new experiences but I suggest just playing the first two characters campaigns to very hard setting then deciding if your willing to spend money on the others. Theirs a lot of fun to be had here and I hope they see success in future releases.
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2 years ago, Lugios58
Please remove the ads!!!!
This game was my favorite game, keyword WAS. This game became a relief from all the copy and paste games on the AppStore that has ads. Now yes, games will and probably will always have ads. But there is a line between optional ads that aren’t too much in your face and ads plastered everywhere in game. This game used to have little to no ads but now when your are fighting a monster there is an ad covering the artifact, so how am I supposed to know that the monster reflects all damage on turn 1. So what I’m trying to say is that the game should go back to how it originally was. -Thanks, One of your biggest fans
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6 months ago, An Uncommon Aura
What was once an amazing game is now corrupted by developer’s greed
First of all, don’t be fooled into thinking that you’ll be able to play for free, or that what you have to pay to experience the full game is anything less than around $50. That’s just to have access more than half the classes/characters and to disable extremely intrusive ads. This game was great when it came out, and seemed to get better as it was updated. Then, the devs decided that adding expansions for the price of AAA console games was the business direction they wanted to take. This is disgusting levels of greed in their part and I hope people don’t support this kind of classless behavior by developers to basically rob their players blind.
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2 years ago, aldicjenwb
I don’t review anything on apple
But this game deserves one. A rougelike dice game, whoda thunk. This game is super fun and simple, the ads are few and between, and went away after I bought one character, which you will after you play this game enough. You would think a game like this would get boring or seem lackluster but I always found myself coming back to it and just having tons of fun building new decks and new builds. This is the hades of dice game and bravo devs, now release new characters
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3 years ago, Romtol
Had to Uninstall
This is probably the best mobile game I’ve ever played. My weekly screen time report proved that; this game over doubled my screen time. Sadly I had to uninstall because it was taking up too much time, but this game is done right. Love the art style, can be easily played and best free-to-play. All ads are totally optional and just give you some immediate benefit if you watch them. Great system, excellent mechanics, truly a game that you can master, and all for free on your phone!
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3 years ago, therealdannye24
I really like this game…
But I’m warning you now, it takes a while to find a decent rhythm and the RNG can be brutal some runs. It is not super easy and you will be punished for being careless or making mistakes. That said, it is really enjoyable to see things turn around with a great artifact pickup. Lastly, I already emailed the Devs about this but The Joker enemy is absolutely broken. I cannot beat him. Ever. He’s way way too strong. If you encounter him, you have my sympathies because you’ll soon figure out how annoying his “prank” special is. May god be with you…
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