
4.6 (455)
854.7 MB
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Current version
Dire Wolf Digital
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
13.0 or later
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User Reviews for Everdell

4.65 out of 5
455 Ratings
2 years ago, mrlincoln
Great so far!
The animations are great. Gameplay is great. This is one of my favorite board games and it works really well. Little worker critters are really cute. Music is great. The challenges are a great idea and excellent so far that I have tried. A nice way to give digital only content to keep it fresh for people play the physical board game a lot. Two areas for improvement i would suggest and plead for: 1) The meadow cards are too small for me to see. I’m on the biggest iPad and the zoom options don’t go in tight enough for me to see. Nice to be able to tap on the cards and enlarge, but the meadow just does not zoom in close enough for me. (UPDATE: THIS HAS BEEN FIXED AND IT VERY HELPFUL to have the bigger view! Thank you!) 2) Also need an undo button for mistakes. 2x in my first game, my navigating around the interface to look for things either played a card or placed a worker I did not intend just by moving around. Needs to be an undo button for that.
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2 years ago, Double Cross//
excellent design and timing of a mediator
This app was given a bit over a month prior to today. With the up and coming release of the Complete Collection a little over a year from now this game is such a joy in giving an opportunity to decide upon a $300 investment with an easy $10 one. I think the game is perfect currently despite its short time on the store-it has no perceived errors however I have not visited online play at this time. I would highly recommend to any adolescent or adult who is looking for a future board game that they can have inherent skill in the knowledge of the game and secure a reliably good time for the people they surround themselves with. This game makes these things possible.
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2 years ago, zebracadabra
Touch Errors
20 October update: our game lasted maybe three weeks. It’s over and none of us have seen the final result. We were pretty sure we knew the final score but there was no way to confirm as the game simply went away. This was a total fail. Shame on Direwolf. They’ve had plenty of time to fix things. —————- 10 October update: still no fixes! In its present state, the game can be unplayable. It is ridiculously easy to move your character and drop it in an unwanted place, losing your turn in the process. THIS WAS A KNOWN ISSUE EARLY ON. I have sent three feedbacks describing bugs, all of which are still killing this game. Caveat emptor. If I had known it was this bad, I never would have bought it. ————- Touch errors, particularly in placing workers, is a HUGE problem. You can potentially ruin your game as there is no undo nor confirm buttons for placements. In fact, it has happened to me and it’s do so easy to Pisces a worker incorrectly, even when the objective lights up as a “target.” This MUST be fixed. This problem can make the game unplayable.
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5 days ago, Playapixie
So frustrating
I love the board game, but the app is too frustrating to play. Even playing on the largest iPad, the screen is cluttered with too much information, the meadow cards are too hard to read without opening them one at a time, you can’t tell which cards are played in your city without opening them one at a time, the animations are distracting, the icons of the other players take up too much screen real estate. There is no back button for if you accidentally hit the wrong button or card, so sometimes you touch something to make it bigger to read it, and then you’re stuck with that as your choice to play. Some of the interface choices don’t make any sense; for example, when you select a worker to place, it becomes un-highlighted instead of highlighted. So confusing. The clunky awkwardness of the entire experience is far more frustrating and enjoyable. Super disappointing, given how much I love the board game experience.
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2 years ago, LyndeeJo
Great Digital Rendition of the Tabletop
This game plays great as a tabletop (it can get very length though) but even better as a digital edition if you are wanting a quick round without all the setup and waiting on opponents to move. I love the fact that the game shows you which cards you can play, which spaces are an option for you to move, how many points you are gaining based on the card contingency benefits and even tells you what you are missing if you are trying to achieve a special event. I would prefer to be able to select which animal is my player markers - I find it confusing since typically I will play as the same animal each time on the table top game and when my animal changes each game I actually forget which marker is mine and where I have went on the board - I keep having to remind myself of which animal I am for that game.
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2 years ago, Everdell Fan
Amazing graphics!
Love this games! Great graphics. I agree with other reviews about placing a card by mistake. There needs to be a confirm button. Also when you use one of the forest locations for trading cards to play the meadow card it isn’t let me play the meadow card. It also is controlling which production cards you play when copying a production from an opponent. It doesn’t see me to activate all production cards when you go into the autumn season. Small glitches but annoying. I don’t see how you can choose your character either as it seems to be assigned randomly. I’d rather be able to choose. I love Everdell and this is a great way to play when you can’t get together for the actual board game. Can’t wait for the extensions to get added!
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2 years ago, Hans Tanner
Great…but as many have said, needs work
As many people have already said, the game developer needs to add a function of confirming your turn choice. Because many of us are playing on phones, it’s way too easy to accidentally select the wrong thing (my last turn I accidentally played the ruins because it has no resource cost and all of a sudden my resin refinery was gone) and it will impact the rest of the game. Great game - just hope the developers come out with a patch soon to fix this issue
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1 year ago, Johnny Vasquez
A work in progress
This is my favorite table top game and the port here is overall great. It looks beautiful, the animations are well done, and it’s nice to have music and sound effects to give life to this world. I LOVE the challenges. They provide some much needed variety of game play to the base game and are genuinely challenging. Being able to play other people in real time is great though the ranking system could be improved. Currently you gain points for how many games you play and it would be nice earn points for beating higher ranked players. The development team has done a great job of dealing with bugs and there are rarely issues with glitches. Regardless, I’m so glad to have an Everdell app and I can’t wait for the expansions to be added.
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2 years ago, FEB777
Dire Wolf *Mostly* Back to Form
I’m really thrilled to see Dire Wolf back to form, the form of Raiders of the North Sea, Root, and Yellow and Yangtze. Everdell is a fantastic board game translation to digital. Has a lot of the hallmarks of the classic dire wolf digital board games. Great game, really like this app. Only gripe I have is that they apparently just reused music they had done original for Root and Raiders of the North Sea. Sounds like a mash up of those two. It’s rather jarring, and unfortunate since those original scores from those other games I thought were so wonderful and really added to the experience, would be nice if this had its own nice new score to complete the experience. But otherwise fantastic app.
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2 years ago, VirtuoAdante
Big fan of studio, big fan of Everdell
Own physical Everdell and expansions. Big fan of the Root adaptation by this co, bought and purchased Raiders of the North Sea just to support these (really happy with that purchase as well!), and was ecstatic to learn Everdell was being adapted and glad to finally play it. Really happy with the adaption, I expect it will be another regular for digital board game nights. Hope to see some improvements, and more future adaptations! —— Off by 1 Bug: Decrease by 3 effects work fine if the selection amounts exactly to 3, but when you have to choose yourself how much it only allows a decrease by 2. Some improving notes: - Would prefer not having to drag my critter to go to a location, it’s unnecessarily cumbersome. Would at least like an option to toggle this behavior. - Would really like the ability to choose my critter. Would also like, in general, if more critters are available. - When hovering over the special event cards, it would be nice to see the card text as well — it helps to strategize.
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2 years ago, kalunamatata
Succeeds Expectations
I love that the app is just like the tabletop game (with the exception of a few minor changes mentioned in other reviews). I love the additions of the challenges- makes it a lot more interesting for someone who plays solo a lot. More challenges in the future would be nice. The only reason for the one star loss is the zoom capabilities. It’s definitely hard on the eyes after a while, even for someone who has the cards memorized. One workaround that I found is turning the zoom accessibility feature on from my phone settings. It’s not perfect, but its a help until zoom features are added to the app.
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2 years ago, COrt11
Almost great
Great game. Great visuals. But too many finicky things. The drag your character and hover over a location to use it is terrible. Something most app developers stopped a long time ago because of how unreliable it is. Once every game or two my character will drop on a location I didn’t intend him to go to. No reason you can’t just tap the paw print and confirm it even. Drag and drop is antiquated. At least give us the option. Also there’s been a few times I’ve used my card to copy an opponent’s green card, chosen the farm and not gotten my berries. So there’s some unreliable mechanisms I guess. Get rid of drag and drop and this is a five star game
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2 years ago, Kelxab
Awesome Digital Adaptation
The digital version of Everdell is lovely! Nice visuals, great music, and gameplay works perfectly for the most part. Echoing some other reviewers, I believe there should be an undo feature or an extra confirmation for playing a card or placing a worker. For an undo feature, perhaps it could be like an undo vote (if in a multiplayer match) where the lobby has to majority vote to be able to undo. I really really hope they add the expansions! They would add such a richness and an even greater amount of replayability to the game.
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7 months ago, Cakekrall
Great game
I fell in love with the physical game, and love that I can have it mobile. The one thing I would love is an option to choose a random challenge to play. The solo play option is good, but gets a little boring after a while, and I’m not consistent enough of a player to play the online options with other humans, but the challenges offer just enough pressure to be a much better option than solitaire. Would just be nice to have a random button that chose one.
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2 months ago, Obs_baku
Close to 5 stars
The app is a very good implementation of the base game. Very close to a 5 star rating. There are a couple of bugs, for instance when you play a destination card (red cards like the Inn or Post Office) you often can’t place a worker there for some reason. Also, in solo play with AI opponents you often can’t play a worker to one of the Open destination cards in an AI player’s city. I’ve encountered this bug numerous times and it is annoying. They also don’t have implementation for the expansions yet. Once the bugs and expansions are straightened out this app is a 5 star rating.
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1 year ago, Mikeg77
Great looking app for great looking game!
This app looks great and is up to the standard set by the game. Unfortunately the UI is not quite up to the same standard. The game really needs a cancel or undo function. It is very easy to drag your worker to the work space or even by mistake when trying to move the screen around. I have done this many times and lost a couple of games. Once a worker is dropped or a card is dragged, there is no going back. There are often even little check boxes to confirm choices, but no way to go back. Very frustrating!
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2 months ago, Iggy9
Some functions are not working
I love this game and the graphics are adorable, but there are many issues where the game doesn’t follow the rules correctly; for instance, if you play 2 harvester/gatherer sets with only 1 farm in your city, it will not allow you to pick your second resource from the second set even though the card specifically says that you only need 1 farm to select 1 any resource. It also sometimes miscounts cards allowing players to play more than 15 in their city (I just played a game where I was allowed to play 16 and the computer was allowed 17!), and no, I’m not counting harvester/gatherer combos. If these bugs were fixed, I would absolutely give 5 stars
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2 years ago, Cvcjebus
Best game
This is one of the best board games you can buy right now and the mobile experience has everything you could ask for in an adaptation I’m just disappointed I couldn’t give it 10 stars… oh wait I can 😍⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Update: I would definitely love if they would build in push notifications for when it is your turn on games where everybody can’t actively sit logged in throughout the entire duration.
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2 years ago, Sau5er5
Great just need a few edits!
As others have mentioned, the game is beautiful! I love being able to play Everdell on the go. However, cards can be hard to read and an improved zoom feature would greatly improve the experience. Also, instead of having to hold the card to zoom in, being able to just tap it would make it better imo. Overall, I really love it; the sound design, music, animations, challenges, etc. These few small improvements will make it a 5 star.
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2 years ago, tiagojimmy
It’s getting there
The board game apps I play have all been well made. This game is no exception and Direwolf has done a great job transforming a tabletop game into a wonderful digital experience. There are still some bugs regarding game play and cards that trigger other cards (i.e. the Dungeon has given me some issues). But I expect these bugs to be worked out with some updates. I’ve really enjoyed playing through some of the Challenges. They take the game to the next level. 5 stars when the bugs get fixed.
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2 years ago, dustink
Good but difficult to see on phones
The text on some cards is impossible to read on iPhones. I’m playing on a 12pro and cards with more than two lines of text are impossibly small. On my iPad it’s much more legible, but a better zoom function would be appreciated. Additionally, when navigating around the play area it’s too easy to accidentally place a worker or play a card. Apart from those two issues, it plays well and is a very good digital port of a beautiful board game.
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1 year ago, tgormly
Worker placement & UI can be fussy
The app really is great. Placing a worker can be a bit finicky, and you can accidentally lock yourself into some actions by mistake. Other times the UI in menus can be difficult to use. Particularly when you are using arrows to increase or decrease resources for abilities - the hit box for the arrows are very small and sometimes you have to try for a long time to get a tap to register. I’m playing on an iPhone 13 when I run into this, so it may just be my small screen
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2 years ago, Payne1607
If you love the game, go digital!
Everdell is my favorite board game, and I squealed when I opened the New Leaf expansion and there was an advert for the digital version. I had to buy it immediately! This is the BEST digital version of any board game, Ticket to Ride, Agricola, Catan, etc., that I’ve ever played. It brings the wooden animals and the Evertree into animated life. The tutorial was simple and the digital play follows the tabletop version. I LOVE it! I only hope they may the expansions!
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2 years ago, uhhhhnick?
Solid app
Overall great execution! Base game only at the moment. I would love to see some of the other expansions, as I am a fan of the powers and legendary critters and constructions being used in every game it ups the replay value everdell has immensely. On my phone and with the size of my fingers the worker placement sometimes doesn’t follow what I want to do easily would be my only complaint. Don’t let that discourage you from playing the app though because it is wonderful.
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2 years ago, Thyme71
Excellent but need to add a few things
Excellent port of the board game but would like to change a couple little things. 1. Bigger text in the tips when selecting on a location to see what it does 2. I don’t want to play the mice. Like being able to choose which critter group I’m playing. Always play hedgehogs on the actual board game. Allow players to choose their critter group.
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8 months ago, Jer4000
Takes the troubling contemplation out and keeps all the fun
It is a very fun and I love the interface. It’s like playing the real thing. Sometimes it’s hard to play with my group since our schedules don’t always align… but with this app it’s fun to find each other and play online. Thank you for this great expansion of fun to this desired game in our family.
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2 years ago, gposter
Great start
I want to give this five stars, because it’s a great game with a creative implementation, but there’s enough small glitches that I’m holding off. It has crashed a few times, it got into a state with no move possible (but state was saved and restarting the app fixed it), and the account login doesn’t allow you to paste a password from your password manager. Forgivable, for an early release, in my book! And it’s a lot of fun in general.
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2 years ago, kesfy6
A few glitches early on, but great overall
A few things: when you play the undertaker, discarding cards from the meadow is fine, but then the game gets stuck when you’re supposed to draw your card from the meadow after the discard. Literally can’t continue play. Also, I’d like to be able to choose my character each game rather than it being randomly assigned. It’s a little thing, but it would be nice.
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2 years ago, Amber1316
Escape into the world of Everdell!
I love the tabletop game and I’m impressed by the app! It offers challenges and fun twists but also allows you to play the game as you would on the table. The graphics and music are lovely and really enhance the experience. I love that there’s a pass and play version so I can play with my family when we travel. Thank you for creating this!
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9 months ago, Ratothebec
Love the game! On and offline!
We’re obsessed with Everdell. Playing more online so that we can play different scenarios on our own. Having said that, there are a few glitches where cards are highlighted but can’t be played, or visa versa. It is also very easy to place cards by mistake, hopefully they’ll fix that. It’s beautiful and beautifully complex. We love all versions of Everdell, including this one with all it’s flaws.
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2 years ago, Sean.C.123
Work in Progress
Game itself is super fun and the app is very pretty. That being said, it’s still a wip. Game can be buggy at times, and as others have said, the ui can be confusing with placing the workers in the wrong position or accidentally choosing to use a card you didn’t want to. A simple undo button would really help to fix the issue, but until that comes, even though I love the game, I can only give it 3 stars for the time being :/
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2 years ago, Baylorboy77
Great port!
This is one of the best board game adaptations I have so far. Runs smooth on the iPad Air and minus the small issues listed here (no back button, picking character - which is less important to me until the update that gives them their unique abilities) I have no real complaints! Roll out the expansions soon and shut up and take my money!
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2 years ago, Nickwitted
Wonderful Adaptation
This is a fantastic digital translation of my favorite board game. I’ve already played it for probably a dozen hours over the past couple of weeks. It runs flawlessly and the design captures the charm of the board game artwork. As of right now, this is only the base game. I very much hope that Dire Wolf launches DLC to expand play options in the future!
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1 year ago, Jeffrey234
Great game, nice interface
It's actually better to play on the Mac because accidental taps never happen, like they do on iPad. My only criticism of the game is: A) It is way too easy to accidentally tap the meeple and think you're scrolling when in fact you're dragging out a non-undo-able completely wrong move B) It would be much better to have an undo option. There just aren't that many moves, and I've lost too many games from (A) leading to dragging a meeple to the useless "take one food" spot C) Extremely minor feature request: I would really love statistics on how many games I've won/lost
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2 years ago, The Swole Nerd
Too Small
Always loved playing Everdell and was super excited that it came out in app form, but everything is too small even zoomed in. I would much rather be able to see and read everything clearly and maneuver around the board then have to squint at reading the “expanded” cards and pics. Maybe even implement a zoomed out “strategic” view like Root has. Besides that, love it so far and once fixed will def give a 5 star rating.
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2 years ago, Nedc4
Great game, and plays well on m1 max macbook pro
My vision isn't the best, and being able to download iOS games to play in MacOS on m1 macs is a boon! This is a great board game, and the app really allows you to learn the game well! Wish I could download the iOS arcade games to the M1 mac, but seemingly I only see the purchased iOS games available to download on my laptop.
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2 years ago, johndango
A faithful adaptation
I own all of the Everdell games and was excited to hear there was a digital version coming. I think it’s really faithful to the tabletop variant. I think that some of the art choices make parts of the game guarded to discover, if you don’t know the game but to be fair I skipped the tutorial. It’s a good foundation for hopefully lots of dlc expansions.
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8 months ago, Noone-A
Minor bugs…tweaks are needed
Every once in a while my game locks up and even if it says my turn, I cannot select anything on the board. Another fix in gameplay would be to make sure not more than 2 pairs of the same card are in the meadow. There are times when there’s even 3 of the same card and double of another card which really makes it unenjoyable.
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2 years ago, Puikygooreo
Great game!
A fantastic rendition! Wish that there was a way to confirm where you are dragging a critter. Sometimes I drag and place by mistake. It’s great if you're itching to play Everdell but your partner is tired of playing with you. I’m very satisfied with the solo games, especially since I’m new to Everdell. It’s helped me recognize the cards and their actions.
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2 years ago, ST4RSURF3R
Great alternative to the board game!
Waiting for my complete collection on Kickstarter to arrive. This is a great substitute until that gets here. I love Everdell, this is a nice version to play any time. What the game needs, I can’t find it, an undo button, I once used the ruins by mistake, and there was no way to cancel the action. So I quit the match.
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9 months ago, kjfdowvjberno3ih4tuobfjkeadnwm
Fantastic play!
When I don’t have anyone else to play the physical Board game with me this is a great option to keep my skills up! We are very serious about everdale in our household and the challenges on the app has helped me immensely! Great for on the go as well. Very impressed with the animation as well. Good work 👏
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2 years ago, limabean.23
Great adaptation!
This game not only is beautiful but it plays so well, the AI is quick, the characters are adorable and the whole layout of the board was well crafted. Can’t wait to spend my rainy days inside playing Everdell!! I wish they would change the playmat grass to match the season but overall, well done!
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12 months ago, Bazto
One of the best Board Game Apps out there
Very stable. Crisp. Gameplay, audio and animations top notch. I only wish they had an option to buy extra modular expansions. Hopefully this is in the works and Everdell has loads of them. The development team who built this though is nothing short of amazing 5/5
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2 years ago, Ginny2214
Loving it!
Everdell is one of my favorite games and this adaptation did not disappoint. It can be tough to see everything when playing on the phone. Playing on the iPad is a near perfect experience. I love the added challenges. I hope the expansions can be incorporated in the future!
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2 years ago, Magrat Garlik
Beautiful - but difficult to see details
I love Everdell, and I am beyond thrilled with the prospect of an ios version. Unfortunately, the functionality of the game - and my enjoyment - are severely hampered by my inability to read the small font, even on an iPad. Any success I have is due to my familiarity with the cards from playing the game irl, rather from playing the game in the app.
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2 months ago, Mikep1375
touch screen errors
I agree with other reviewers that are frustrated with this, and I think the only way to get DireWolf to fix it is to review the game poorly. This is mostly a good adaptation but the lack of an “undo” button, even if limited to local games, is game-breaking. If you play this on your phone there is a non-trivial chance you’ll accidentally click something you didn’t mean to, ruining your entire game’s strategy. This is the easiest fix in the world, and yet they refuse to implement it. Why?
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2 years ago, why is this being used?
Very well done and fun! Please let us chose our character and bring the expansions soon. Also a bonus would be to change the appearance as seasons change. So nice to have this on my iPhone to play against my wife on her iPad and solo modes!!
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2 years ago, onmyboat24
Almost there
Hard to see exactly where you’re placing your creatureWhen you hover over the spot because your hand and finger are in the way. If I could give it a half a star I would but it certainly doesn’t deserve a four just yet and it easily has potential to get a five wants to fix the little things one of which I already mentioned
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2 years ago, emmmmm2009
Awesome Game!
Love the game and the adaptation. I first played the board game and was so happy this was made. The local challenges are such a fun way of making the game feel different and new when you need a fresh challenge. Very happy with it, will check out more dire wolf games :)
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12 months ago, Samoliath
Some abilities don’t work properly🥲
The board game is a lot of fun, I actually purchased this to understand the game well enough to play with my wife! However “draw two meadow cards” only lets you draw one. Placing your critter down is pretty easy to set in the wrong space since the placements are so close together. Definitely not as enjoyable as I would’ve hoped. I hope they decide to update the bugs!
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