Adventurers! Track your 3.5 and Pathfinder characters this digital character sheet. This app will serve as a replacement for your character sheets. It keeps track of nearly everything you need to play your RPG, and includes a dice roller for quick and easy rolls with all the math done for you. Features: - Keep track of all the necessary numbers: HP, XP, spell slots, etc... - Quickly access all of your important numbers like defenses, saves, abilities, skills, etc... - Spellbook lets you scroll thru all of your spells and mark your prepared and used ones - Equip weapons, armor, and gear - Does the dice rolls for everything from saves, skills, attacks, and damage, - Dice roller lets you input any formula to roll - Notes section to log your adventure - Rulebook lets you import spells from the web - Setup your character in just minutes Please send any comments, suggestions, or bugs you find to
[email protected]. Thank you very much.