Firefox: Private, Safe Browser

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2 months ago
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15.0 or later
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User Reviews for Firefox: Private, Safe Browser

4.5 out of 5
86.2K Ratings
2 years ago, gdgrl666
Please make an option to enlarge the font!
I have an autoimmune disease that is destroying my eyes and sadly I am not going to be able to use Firefox on my mobile much longer which makes me very sad because I find it to be the safest browser I've ever used. Sure there are some other things that could be improved but hey it's all a work in progress! I did see on the website where other people have wanted or looked for an option to be able to to this the first time being over a year ago that I noticed this was a big issue for some people and I I ow we can't always get everything we want and life but if we try sometimes we his might we get what need and I definitely need this to be possible or I will be forced to switch back to Safari which btw really isn't quite large enough in the font dept either but better than what I am able to get on here. Now I did try using Firefox with DuckDuckGo and that gave me the ability to enlarge a tiny bit which was marginally helpfully but it seems I'm always getting Hijacked whenever Duck is in my life... not sure why this is but it's a huge problem and unacceptable. So if you could a blinding person out I would really appreciate it as I know others would as well! Thanks for taking the time to read this I know you ha e your hands full! And I'll be praying that my prayers are answered! Much love to all!
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4 years ago, PolarBearKev
Horrible User Experience
I have used Firefox on and off now for a span of seven years, and I keep checking in to see if they fixed their terrible bookmark UX, and I am disappointed every time. Let me go into detail. For as long as I can remember, the most frustrating aspect of mobile Firefox is accessing bookmarks. Too many taps!! There should be a library icon on the navigation bar at the bottom, you tap ONCE and it shows you your bookmarks. More specifically the user should be able to customize what bookmarks they want to see right up front. For me, all my bookmarks live in the Bookmarks toolbar. I never put bookmarks into the Bookmarks menu - I mean, does anyone? Second point, right now when you tap the menu and tap “Your Library” it slides up this pane which displays your bookmarks, great - however, it’s super annoying to dismiss. If you don’t land your finger exactly on the right spot and swipe down, you end up swiping something else. There should be a “Done” element or some other way to dismiss that pane other than swiping. Even tapping on the gray swipe element to dismiss would be ok. I really love what Mozilla is doing with Firefox, with emphasis on security and privacy, but their UX/UI needs some serious attention. Even the desktop browser looks dated and has issues. These things wouldn’t bother your average user that much, but as a UX/UI designer myself - it grinds my gears.
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1 year ago, dave4557
If it works don’t fix it
100 - Updated to 100, and the home page, which should be a brief visit to tap a pinned page or a pocket article or type in the URL bar, now lags multiple seconds. This means every single time I want to go to a new site or do a new search there is an atrocious 3-5 second lag. There is a lag before the page changes and further lag before the page becomes responsive. This is an entirely new issue with the update to 100. I had *zero* issues with Firefox until this update and an on a 13 pro, so hardware isn’t the issue. The only thing I see different is the pocket articles now scroll sideways instead of vertically. I also see the jump back in switch and notice the “homepage” setting takes several seconds to open.” I turned off all the “recent” things you want to show me without improvement. Please stop with the pointless UI tinkering and focus on keeping things working smoothly. 109 - seems to be a little snappier, but now reduce transparency from accessibility settings is inverted in Firefox for the close tab, new tab pop up. That menu is clear when reduce transparency is on. Maybe it’s unique to my settings and it’ll sort itself out. Pretty frustrating.
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2 years ago, Systems Analyst 1/2 Century
The best and safest browser
I was a computer scientist, systems analyst and support technician for 51 years. I am also a woman. I have exclusively used Firefox since it’s inception. I have always been impressed that it is nonprofit. In 2013, I had 2 PC’s and my bank card. Having hacked the stolen computers, the perp was able to access my bank account and steal $300,000. She was able to gain remote access to my other computers and commit other crimes. I was able to track her activities, but law enforcement did nothing, because they didn’t believe a woman could know that much about computers and the law. Using Firefox, I was able to protect myself from this known hacker. Any time she broke through Firefox’s secure settings, if Firefox didn’t first notify me, I would notify them, and my accounts would again be sufficiently secured. The techs at Internet Explorer or Chrome wouldn’t have done the same. I am forever grateful to the people who have made Firefox possible. I love Nightly. Not only will I always exclusively use Firefox, I have promoted it to all of my clients, and anyone else who would listen because they cared about safety when on the Web. I will continue to do so because I have faith and experience that no other browser can even come close to what Firefox can do.
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2 years ago, DR_CB
Needs Work
I’ve enjoyed my experience with Firefox on my desktop, but with this iOS version I haven’t so much. The app needs some work. Like others who have written reviews, the bookmarks are kind of a mess. The bookmarks issue is also present on the desktop version but it is compounded on iOS. I shouldn’t have to tap through “desktop bookmarks” to get to bookmarks and they shouldn’t be buried in the hamburger menu. There should be an icon in the toolbar for easy access. Why separate bookmarks into mobile and desktop? It’s not 2008. Cellphones are extremely powerful and the experiences should be married fully, including bookmarks. It should just be “bookmarks toolbar” and that’s it. The rest of the bookmarks we save can be organized by the user. Not by putting them in “bookmarks menu” (what does that even mean) or “other bookmarks” (other than what?). Outside of bookmarks, the night mode should have a setting to automatically match the system. Night mode isn’t very good regardless though so I often have to turn it off. The dark mode never actually switches to match the system. I have to manually go in and toggle on and off to get it to work. Tabs completely reload when I go back into them when they should save my place so that’s frustrating. Please fix all of these things. In short, the app needs work.
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2 years ago, Lizzylearnsfrench
Latest update has rendered it unusable on my old phone
I don’t like to buy a brand new phone every couple years due to the cost, both to me and the environment. Firefox is my go-to browser and has been for years, but since the latest update I’ve grudgingly gone back to the default browser (safari). It takes sometimes a full minute to load a page, and even when loaded clicking on links or buttons or text fields on mobile sites can cause it to stutter again, or crash altogether. If I go to Home Screen for even a moment to check my calendar or respond to a text, the page will spontaneously reload when I return (to clarify, without closing the app, simply viewing anything other than the app for even a second while keeping it open triggers this). As a test, I spent 10 minutes trying to log into a social media account on Firefox before giving up and did it on Safari in seconds. Maybe it’s an issue of resources, but Safari seems able to allow my old decrepit phone do web browsing just fine so clearly it’s *possible*, and just not a priority for Firefox developers. Which may be fair, but is unfortunate for me and anyone else who values privacy but can’t afford the latest hardware. I’ll regrettably have to start looking for another browser that attempts to protect consumer privacy, because Firefox constantly reminding me what it was like to browse websites in the 90s isn’t the kind of nostalgia I enjoy.
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4 years ago, CB hates apple
I have been using Firefox as my sole browser since 2008. They have had a fantastic and secure browser for a long time and it has been a great relationship. Apple products on the other hand are complete garbage in the usability department. I bought a Mac mini in 2014 because my hard drive went out on my 5 year old gateway laptop, within 18 months the Mac mini was unusably slow. And now for my Ipad I got this little dandy last year and I have never owned another piece of technology so infuriating in my life, the one respite was the fact that I had Firefox on it, the one program I knew would never let me down. I was asked to do a major update a couple months ago, and I figured what’s the harm Firefox has never steered me wrong. When the update was complete, lo and behold I have lost all my loveable Firefox usability. They have updated me to what is little more than a safari skin. I am permanently unable to access any of my Firefox account information. I can’t change my password because all of my information will be lost and with it still working on my other devises (pc and galaxy) I cannot afford to risk losing that information. This one star review is not for Mozilla as a company but their decision to bow to apple and its BS.
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4 weeks ago, Bigbobhill
Search suggestion bar is a flaw
I’ve proudly used Firefox on PC for over 20 years, through good and bad. But I only permanently swapped to mobile last year. Overall, the mobile app has been much improved in recent years and is clearly superior to safari. A few gripes remain but it seems the team is aware of them. My main issue is with the search suggestion bar. I’m not sure when it first appeared or when I even noticed it, but its position above the keyboard means you will inevitably hit it while typing and, because it swaps your search engine without any feedback, you won’t know until you’ve already used the wrong search engine. Worse, it isn’t in the real settings menu, but instead uses its own settings menu with a “magnifying glass” icon, not a usual gear or the three horizontal lines symbol the firefox app uses. The magnifying glass icon was the last button I tried using to open its settings, considering I thought it was just another search feature. Very confusing design. Overall, the search bar does not feel well thought out or tested at all, which gives a slight blemish to an otherwise much improved app.
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3 weeks ago, Meg Gypsy Rose
New update practically defeats the purpose of using this app for your main browser
Removing the option to retain tabs on private browsing is a blunder the likes of which I will never comprehend. The reason myself and so many others chose Firefox was for its privacy, security, and fewer ads while being easy to use. When private tabs are auto-cleared the app automatically slides over to regular browsing, creating user frustration at the potential decreased privacy of not realizing they’re off private. This definitely isn’t making the app easier to navigate or more accessible for anyone. Not every tab needs the permanence of a bookmark and most people don’t want to have to go through the process of getting back to a single page, much less the multiple tabs that most active internet users have up for a singular combined purpose. I’m deleting the app from my phone and will use another browser until the issue is resolved, but since I’ve seen little response and no direct evidence of any real action taken on Firefox’s end I’m going to assume that there is no intention to do so and won’t hold out hope for a resolution any time soon. I’d love to know if any real action takes place, but until then I’d encourage everyone else to also seek out browser options that don’t inspire immediate irrational rage upon reopening.
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1 year ago, BRNVX
Great…but one request!
Firefox is and always has been my favorite browser. For the mobile version, I am BEGGING Mozilla to add a Bookmarks shortcut to the homepage. Or even better, a Bookmarks shortcut button to the left of address bar similar to Brave. I, along with most others, use Bookmarks frequently and as of now, they’re simply buried too deep within the menu tree to be easily accessed. Please please please Mozilla do this and make us all happy!!!! *Update*. It’s been a while since I left the review above. Unfortunately, the difficult-to-use Bookmarks are still an issue. I thought of an idea Mozilla. How about enable the ability to show Bookmarks on the start screen? Why have shortcuts when Bookmarks sync across platforms? Makes no sense to me. Bookmarks still need to be easier to access. Please do this so we can all be happy!! ***Its some time later and the bookmarks functionality is still a mess. Any updates on making these easier to access? Perhaps, include Bookmarks as a option on the homepage, in addition to Shortcuts, Jump back in, etc. This would be SOOO helpful guys!
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5 years ago, SirLagsalott
Many issues
EDIT July 12: Another small update, no fix for any of the issues mentioned. EDIT July 8: Several months since its introduction and many times the issue has been reported, night mode is still unusable after a few minutes and causes the entire screen to become a garbled and unreadable mess. I appreciate the additions to the developer log that I didn’t even know existed on mobile but there might be more pressing issues. I’ve used this app for years and it seems to continue to get more buggy with each release. My first and main tab is Wikipedia, and so most of the bugs I find are experienced on that site. Whenever the app crashes (which happens very frequently, especially when switching from another app back to Firefox) it sends me to a completely random page from my browsing history on that tab, sometimes pages I visited last week. Night mode is great when it’s usable for a few minutes before causing the display to show a mess of distorted lines, partially or fully destroyed images, and various parts of the page being displayed on top of each other making it unreadable and impossible to tell where you are on the page. The night mode bug has existed for as long as I can remember night mode being a feature, while the flashback-on-crash issue seems to have only cropped up in the past two or three months.
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6 months ago, LVFR87
Lacks standard bookmark sorting!
There is no capability to move a bookmark and click-drag it into a folder, let alone a way to select muliple bookmarks on ipad (cntrl click and shift click) then drag into a folder. The simple functions of bookmark sorting and organization do not exist and its unacceptable in this day an age. No one seems to care about making a product work like it should, they only care about the basic foundations to pull a user on to there other platforms to make profit. Its disgusting. Fix the bookmarks and add manual sorting capabilities. response to Devs: I don;t beleive in that post your idea nonsense, that is just a cop-out excuse to give companies a reason not to implement a foundational idea that is needed. Just throw everyone’s idea into the idea graveyard and if enough ppl want it we think about it. i miss the good old days when you just sent feedback to the devs and if they liked the idea they added it. no one was lazy back then and were all about making thinks better not finding ways out of doing something. plus my idea is not something to be voted on its foundational to the app, the desktop version on all browsers not only firefox have this ability so should firefox mobile.
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2 years ago, 1200usker
I want to love it but I can’t
I use Firefox on all of my desktops and I love it, but the mobile version just doesn’t work right. First it needs to incorporate the privacy of Firefox Focus into the main app, and give users the ability to control the level of privacy they need, without having to use a completely different app with all or nothing being your choice. Second they need to work on the interface. Too many steps required to get to bookmarks or to switch tabs. And every time I switch tabs it automatically highlights the last one I opened, not the one I’m on or the next one in the sequence. Finally, it needs to be coded in iOS native tools. It’s obvious that interface elements aren’t native and it just doesn’t fit. For example: tapping a bookmark icon highlights the target area for the tap and you can see that the icon and tap area don’t align. It’s a little thing but it makes the software feel unfinished and buggy, even when it works. Since it can’t match the functionality of Safari or chrome I’m forced to use an alternative, and I really would rather have Firefox on all of my devices. I’ll keep checking back and hoping for the day they get it right.
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1 year ago, reviewer 8643
Great web browser
It is a relatively easy to understand web browser, but the speed could be improved (maybe it’s because of the lack of the original kernel, I heard that all web browsers for iOS use the safari kernel) but it allows more control and fun with dev options. Some parts of the UI can be hard to press on the iPhone 13 mini, but that is the least successful version of the iPhone 13 lineup. Everything is decently designed on iOS Firefox but it is still very good. It also does not really rely on Apple ecosystems, so I am happy as I use windows every day in my main desktop environment. Downloads should be easily explained due to the fact that it is kinda hard to find the Firefox folder for me due to the file structure I placed on my device, but could be different for each user. I think it is possible that Firefox for iOS can be faster and better in every way in the future. It would be great if fonts installed via configuration profiles from font apps could be applied to Firefox like on windows Linux and probably macOS.
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4 months ago, pouyakary
Firefox is not my love anymore
This is a shame to see Mozilla and Firefox like this. Back in the day when they were ambitious and wanted to create their own mobile OS, they used to have the nicest of designs, awesome products and much more, these days I don't want to look at their products, as they smell bored and disinterested corporate designs, just look at the tab shadows in the desktop version, menu icons in the iOS app, they used to have the most beautiful icon on the planet and now it is a ugly flat design sitting on a very sadly ugly dark background that I just hate to see on my dock. And this is while browsers like Arc exits and they are making their products more and more beautiful everyday with love and care. Chrome, in all of its evillessness is so nicely designed that I have to controll myself from using, and the only product on the planet that used to be for the freedom of web is now so adandoned by the very company that makes it that you can feel it. If you are hearing this, please please bring back love and passion to Firefox, it is not what we were in love with and I really hate to see it like this. I still long to be a Firefox user, but one that is made with love.
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2 years ago, Bikelink
I recommend Firefox (no, the internet doesn’t know ‘everything’ about you already).
I recommend Firefox and believe it’s worth your time to ‘change’ to it. I don’t work I’m tech but try to understand things and be purposeful as best I can in these things. 1) It’s more secure than the most commonly used browsers (from ‘for profit’ companies). That (still) very much matters. There ARE other good alternatives I chose this one. 2) It works well and easily enough (really). In my experience, even when sites say it won’t either at all or all it’s features. 3) The features are good (homepage stuff, syncing across devices if you wish) I ENJOY using Firefox. P.s. (?) for context or maybe this helps: 1) I don’t use it on work computers, 2) I did make a Mozilla account and use the sync function and other features (not required), 3) I also was thoughtful in my choice of a default search engine, 4) and use a separate encrypted password program (I don’t save passwords in the browser’s program or on another built in system like Microsoft or Mac’s keychains etc).
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8 months ago, Jatcar
Opening links in the default browser doesn’t work
Really want to make the switch from Chrome, but unfortunately there’s some basic functionality missing from this app that makes its use tedious. 1. The biggest problem is there is no way to open links from external apps in Firefox. For example, opening a link from Google Maps by clicking the default browser button in the button right (or even through sharing it to Firefox and tapping “open in Firefox”) simply doesn’t work. It will swap to the Firefox app but the link does not open, it just stays on the last tab previously opened. 2. Some smaller things like not having easy access to a new tab button or a gesture to quickly close a tab make the app frustrating to use. Passwords frequently don’t autofill, and when they do about half the time the form doesn’t actually register that the fields are filled and won’t allow you to submit the login until you manually type them in. Edit: removing another star. Even links from apps like email won’t open in Firefox, meaning any time you want to open a link you have to manually copy and paste it. This behavior makes the browser nearly unusable. Hopefully it’s sorted out in the future, but for now, I won’t be using Firefox.
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11 months ago, Twight145
Wacky Browser
You can’t customize it or add extensions/enhancements because even after you download the recommended app by Firefox it still doesn’t recognize. I really getting sick of mobile app because they are so horrible and like half working. It has been long enough now that the lazy developers so have improved them to the level of regular desktop. They don’t so they can hide their crappy codes in like this one . Still they best browser that is user friendly and customizable to any way you want is the Brave browser!!! UPDATE! I don’t use support forums because they do not work ! This will be the third time 2 years I have tried and been disappointed by this app that We need a app that we do not have to go to school and study browsers to work . You have to many people making stuff and it ruins the experience for everyone. Now on the homepage it tells me to download Mozilla and when I do it tells me download Firefox! I can’t have any favorites on my homepage unless I use Firefox and it just the last 10 websites I looked at ,this has taken up way to much time and without any support I give up . I just going to just delete it again maybe come back in another year
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2 years ago, s2322222
always a firefox fan
- Open source: helps with security - dark theme. I don’t really understand why edge and chrome can’t do this I think these folks found a really nice solution by building it in proper. Dark mode is not a niche at all. Reading at night is horrid on a white background. I never could stand it. - talk about privacy focused, look at the firefox business model - speed, and user interface. - stable and fast, and standards based. Not sure why there aren’t more downloads for firefox. Especially because of the dark background i find it to be one of the more useable browsers.u fact it had one before safari did. My one ask to the devs as far as features if we aren’t talking security which i always want more of: please add the profile switching (make it convenient) like chrome. It’s a useful way to manage. browser state and usage. I get it’s an advanced feature, but if i’m doing something for work like testing webpages, and making tracking harder or just managing browser state by profile it helps.
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2 years ago, Scener with the Greenery
Missing a couple of features
I made the switch back to Firefox recently, after a few years with Chrome, and there are a lot of great features. The icon looks nice, navigation is generally intuitive, and I LOVE that I can shift my address bar up to the top where I’m used to it being — that alone has made the switch much smoother and more seamless overall. One thing that I’m really missing is the ability to open a new tab from within a current tab. I have to go into my current tabs first. I know this is only a single additional steps, but I do a lot of research with multiple tabs from my phone, and I often have to open another tab to reference something else quickly. It would feel less like “disengage, switch task, reengage” if I didn’t need to go somewhere else first. Overall, I’m really enjoying Firefox, I just feel like that functionality — even as an option, like the address bar being top or bottom — would really improve my experience overall.
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3 years ago, The Rare Eon
Please, Make It a Matter of Preference
In Version 37 for iOS, the new feature that every time the browser is closed and reopened, you will be directed to a new tab — I can find no way to turn off this feature!! Firefox has been my favored browser across all my devices for years due to its simplicity and freedom. On my Apple devices, I utilize Firefox Focus for anything I need to one-time search, and Mozilla Firefox proper to check for digital updates across a dozen of different websites and resources (and I keep several dozen favorite resources constantly open in the background tabs). In the past two days since I updated, I have repeatedly closed the new tab that is forcefully created every time I open the app. This, in and of itself, is an inconvenience at best. What has become more than inconvenience, is that by closing the tab that you are currently using [mind you, the tab that is forcefully generated], this scrolls my ‘open tabs’ screen to the top of my list of 50+ tabs. While I should invest some time to learn the Pocket feature (and intend to eventually), I do not wish to accidentally close any of my tabs while attempting to scroll back to the bottom. Because people use this amazing application for so many various purposes, such as my own with hoarding academic materials, please consider including a toggle in the settings menu for this feature. I could not find any more discreet way of making this request than here.
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3 years ago, camallen
Startup fixed in 38.1, now fix refresh
Thank you for reversing the ridiculous decision to open a new copy of the homepage every time I launch the app. Now please restore the refresh button to the bottom toolbar. The homepage is not something I need quick access to from every page I navigate to, but the refresh button absolutely is. Restore it, and you'll be back to 5 stars Previous review (1 out of 5 stars): You have now made my browsing experience MORE distracting, not less. There's a reason I don't have a homepage configured and I set the new tab page to "about:blank"... I don't want my phone making decisions for me about what I look at. Launching a new instance of the homepage is literally never valuable to me. Meanwhile, the refresh button, which you've inexplicably removed from the bottom toolbar and *replaced with the home button*, IS something I find valuable, and I wish you'd put it back. This app was working better before the update. Please revert the features or allow me to customize back to sensible settings and I will update my review to 5 stars.
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2 years ago, zzz-bra
Disruptive UX
I’ve been a die hard Firefox user most of my life and this app might be the reason I have to finally seek out an alternative. For some odd reason anytime one switches back to FF from another app, or opens the app up after a period of inactivity, it suddenly opens a new tab and selects in the browser url/search field. Never mind that I may have been deep in an article and I am just switching back and forth between it while I handle some background task, like a stream of incoming messages from someone, every time I switch back to FF it behaves as though whatever I was (am) doing is stale and assumes I am trying to do something else now. It wouldn’t be so bad except that it’s two taps every time to get back to the previous tab I was on with the page I am currently trying to read. I don’t know any other browser that behaves this way and it disappoints me to no end that someone with such bad UX insights would have this kind of influence over an app and brand that I have trusted to much. I hope they fix it soon but its been this way for at least half a year now.
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1 year ago, gypsopilla
Privacy settings lacking
This is described as a Safe, Private browser but only if you manually clear out Website data and browsing history. True, It has the private browsing button but you always have to remember to use it. Otherwise there is no setting to automatically clear private data when you exit the app as there is on the windows version. You have to manually clear Private Data by going into Settings>Data Management>Clear Private Data. BUT WAIT! Don’t forget to tap on “Website Data” above Clear Private Data! Here you will find that Firefox has been storing data on all the sites you have been visiting and the very stuff you thought you were getting rid of when you cleared private data! Why is this data here other than to exploit your web browsing? Web Site data usually includes data miners like Double Click and Google even if you weren’t using Google. Make sure you clear this stuff too even though, some of it mysteriously comes back even from sites you didn’t visit in a browsing session.
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3 years ago, ps_iclimbthings
Decent browser. Good privacy. Mediocre UX
I use Firefox on my desktop every day and love it, best browser that combines power with privacy. On mobile it is not quite as appealing. It does just fine at being a browser, and the built-in privacy features are nice, but the UX falls a bit short. For example, when closing tabs, if you close the currently highlighted tab in the list it after re-opening the app for the first time, it scrolls all the way to the top of the list of tabs, and you have to scroll all the way back to the bottom to see your recent tabs. Also, the action button is in the top right, small and hard to get to, but contains actions that I use frequently (e.g. find text on page). The east to hit button in the bottom right I don’t use very often, even though it has a prime spot on the screen. Hopefully this can be addressed, I’m still using it because I like having the same browser for desktop and mobile, but it can be annoying sometimes.
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2 years ago, Billy Albornoz
Firefox App Feedback & Suggestion
All of the forms of media and visual demonstrations that are all ever shown posted on up here should all always make sure to explain as specifically as possible about the reasons for why it is always as important as ever nowadays, today in general that all of these forms of media and visual demonstrations all always make sure to explain the very best that they all ever could about all always making sure that this type of app for Mozilla Firefox always makes sure to have all of the types of features and extensions needed for it to function the very best that it all ever could as well as for allowing to never, ever set any sorts of limits to any of its own types of users in general in the sense of everything that it all could actually always allow all of its own types of users to do with it and all. Lastly, all of the forms of media and visual demonstrations mentioned way earlier in the beginning should all always be translated into as many different types of worldwide foreign languages as possible and everything.
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1 year ago, Jan Ellen
why bother you don't listen to your customers
I had this written once,but as usual, using Firefox, as my search engine, on my iOS 16.4 iPhone 12 I lost what I was writing, to see what another person had written, to make sure I was not just writing the same exact thing. Firefox has no individual settings. And in iPhone 12 settings Firefox is NOT even listed!! So along with No settings, NO font settings, Firefox has NO setting where their customers can turn off the REFRESH background setting. So the only thing I know to do is take a picture of the page before I go out of the Firefox app review or anything else on the Firefox web browser page. Or copy and paste what I typed before leaving the present Firefox search engine or on the Firefox app page on my iPhone app store page. I will be so glad when the new search engine comes out that will be customer friendly, and even that you don't know about this new search engine Firefox, it is in the development stage.
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6 months ago, Generic Funny Nickname
Still crashes frequently
Crashes about 40% of the time I try to close all tabs simultaneously. Submitted feedback that was ignored. Firefox purportedly receives my crash reports and usage data but this has been going on for months. Some update in September or October just broke the app. Firefox is either unwilling or unable to solve the problem. They have reached out twice and told me to clear my data. This did not solve the problem either time. I have even completely deleted the app and reinstalled it, without signing in or migrating any of my old data, and the problem persists. The Firefox team appears committed to the appearance of solving the problem, while ignoring the problem itself. I have crash-data-sharing turned on, certainly they’d be able to see my crash reports and others from users like me in order to identify a pattern and engineer a solution, but they don’t. Please stop referring me to the support system. It has not worked at all for me, I’ve submitted two tickets and both have been ignored. Please provide me an email address with which I can speak to an actual person. I have had no traction whatsoever with your support site.
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2 years ago, SFReader-KVB
Would be my default, if font size could be adjusted
It seems that users of Firefox for iOS have been repeatedly asking if it is possible to increase the font size for iOS devices for YEARS. I’ve explored their Customer Support Q&A along with Mozilla’s official support site. They have never responded to a single inquiry or request—not even to admit that the font size cannot be changed, and they apparently have no intention of addressing it-at all. They obviously don’t care about visually impaired users, or anyone who would like to be able to read their extraordinarily tiny font size (compare it to any other mobile browser). Zooming in is a hassle and makes for an unpleasant reading experience. I would make Firefox my default browser if Mozilla would acknowledge the issue and make some attempt to improve it. It can’t be that difficult since every other browser has this option. Five stars and default browser if this was addressed but two stars and one more user abandoning the browser for another one that is readable, and where repeated requests for support are acknowledged So disappointing.
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2 years ago, Daintgo
Hanging in there
I decided to delete my account for syncing bookmarks. I hated to do it as I had it for years. Waiting now before making a new account to see if any other problems come up. Been with Firefox since right after it started. Had it on over 10 machines-Apple, Windows— Linux….so very disappointed with various changes coming recently—Updates are so frequent. Thanks for a response Ibut couldn’t read as I couldn’t find it. Gave me an opportunity to read a number of other ones. I valued a browser that didn’t “bend the knee” to censoring-spying, etc. it is not a mutual relationship as we don’t get to spy on those spying on us or know who is getting our info. I do appreciate efforts to fix the problems—thank you. I’m giving a low rating for what I’ve just gone through with the strange double name for the iPad (Donna’s iPad) (102 iOS pad) —same device. Deleting either one meant I had to sign in again…. The syncing stopped working right with other machines also. Firefox was the only browser I used to sync bookmarks. I haven’t dumped the browser. It has been my favorite for years.
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4 weeks ago, Vadakele Vasu
Urgent Request: Transform Firefox with a Sleek Gray Dark Theme!
Firefox stands out for its extensive library of extensions, offering unparalleled flexibility. However, it falls short in its user interface and swipe gestures, which feel outdated. It’s surprising that such a cherished product, with millions of loyal users, hasn’t modernized its UI. A fresh, intuitive interface would elevate the browsing experience significantly, meeting the expectations of your dedicated user base. Many users are quitting because of the lack of change. Consider adding a material theme or something minimal and modern—anything to make it feel current. Specifically, offering a dark theme that is gray rather than the current dark purple would be a significant improvement. If you do that, I promise I will set Firefox as my default browser and encourage my friends to use it too. Listen to your community—everyone’s asking for a UI update. Embrace this change and keep Firefox at the forefront of innovation!
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1 month ago, Dr Dooley
Private browsing and tabs
I had many tabs open and this latest update cleared them out. Firefox also stopped retaining tabs in the private browsing window and no longer retains last session. This may be more secure but should have been added to the change log. I lost a lot of active tabs due to the update. Edit: I’m actually removing another star due to the developer response. They say private tab was never meant to retain tabs, however, there was a specific toggle in the settings that allowed the retention of private tabs which is now gone. I understand that this is likely reverting to a more traditional way of doing things, but maintain it should have been more explicitly addressed in the “whats new” section after having the option in prior versions of the app to disable “close private tabs”. I am a very longtime user of Firefox and understand the need to revamping the tabs section, but app changes that may impact settings that you could customize should have more details in the “whats new” section to avoid a flood of feedback from others like me.
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3 years ago, Jean DeJardon
Fastest Browser for iPad Pro
Why can we not get an adblocker list on the iPad app like the one in the screen shot for the iPhone app in the App Store? You would think the iPads should have more functionality right? It would be great to be able to control the blockers and trackers like what is available on iOS to see how fast this browser can really go once it doesn’t have to load all the junk that is littered all over websites these days. If apple doesn’t start becoming capable of blocking ads out the gate without having to purchase adblocking software and install it then hope it works then I say the sales will probably go downhill pretty soon. Nobody will care if the iPad has an M1 or M2 chip and it can go so fast if you can’t even access the site because your fast tablet can’t block ads. Especially if Apple claims it’s all about privacy they should stand behind this without a doubt.
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2 years ago, transcendentalaccidentalism
Excellent Browser - Just like it’s always been
I’ve used Mozilla’s Netscape in the mid-late 1990s. First at the university I attended which because it was a former military base that was being repurposed and reclaimed where it was safe to do so, was one of the first to be hardwired to the internet as well as supplying remote dialup, email, and server space to students. This was back when AOL was cranking out landfill CDROMs by the millions and misinterpreting what the internet was. There were moments when I thought the browser had been the victim of the dotcom bubble burst, only to find it had risen from the flames like a Firebird under a new name, but from the same good people. So I guess I’ve been a Mozilla brand user that has stuck with them at least as a secondary browser and usually as a go to. There are simply more options with Firefox - especially in the way you can modify its appearance in desktop OSs, which isn’t a functional thing, but nonetheless important. What is important is security and I have never felt at risk using Firefox. Even Safari in iOS has moments when (very obvious and bad) attempts to bait you get through - telling you to update your Flash from 2010 (yes< in iOS). But I’ve yet to have anything like that happen in Firefox. Only con I would say is that I wish in integrated easier with iOS. But I don’t think it would be what it is if it did.
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5 months ago, lufego92
Love Firefox bowser but…
I’ve used this browser for almost 2 years now and I can see improvements and really appreciate the sync feature between devices even when they’re different OS. I also love the straightforwardness of Mozilla and the easiness and reliability of the app. However, the app is not as user friendly when it comes to autofill passwords. I use 1Pass as my main password manager and have it set up that way in my phone. Half the websites, I have to go to the app and copy the credentials because the keyboard won’t suggest autofill. Same with credit cards, the app won’t suggest autofill. This can get very annoying when filling out forms or just login in websites overall. In the big scheme of things, this is not a dealbreaker for me right now but given that we are moving to a passwordless future (passkeys, etc), this can very much be a deal breaker as compatibility with passwords managers will need to be much better.
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2 years ago, TasKyy
Upon Opening
I never write reviews for things. But this I can’t stand. I’ve been a Firefox user since 2006. Used it without issue as its always been the best and has always been reliable. Every phone, every computer I’ve had since then has had trusty old firefox on it. But recently, firefox had this update on the iPhone where every time you open it, it basically treats all the tabs you had open as brand new tabs and its practically impossible to go back and revisit sites again. I like to keep tabs for tracking packages, carts that I’ve built on websites, work systems etc. open in Firefox on my phone so I can quickly reference them and switch between my phone and my desktop whenever I like. This new update where every time you open Firefox; your previously open tabs now all just act like brand new tabs, is absolutely garbage. And as extreme as it may sound, if it isn’t reverted to the way it used to be or at least a setting allows me to turn this feature off, I’m going to end my 16 year relationship with Firefox because it’s just so ridiculously annoying to deal with now.
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5 months ago, 11111111457834
More hassle than it’s worth
Not sure what is going on with this app but the bugs just make it not even worth using. Every single time I search anything at all, or click on a new url, link, what have you, it ALWAYS asks for my location. Despite me allowing it in both the app and iPhone settings, it still does this without fail. They’re so worried about getting your location for every little thing that they’ve neglected the user experience and the fact the app constantly crashes with blank pages. Even more frustrating when I just click no on the location, it’ll pop up again asking you yet again for your location. I’ve used Firefox browsers on laptop before but this is just ridiculous. It’s been months of this and I’ve finally had it. Very disturbing about constantly pestering people for their exact location on every SINGLE search, every SINGLE hyperlink. Then can’t even search what I want to from the app crashing and pages going blank. It’s just not worth it. Hope you all get it together but won’t know because I’m about to delete. Do better.
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2 years ago, Oscar Delgadillo
Buggy (find in page with pdfs doesn’t work) search is laggy
Firefox in general feels more clunky than safari. Overall it’s a fine trade off for syncing with desktop Firefox. However a MAJOR setback to the app is that you can’t find in page with PDFs. It just straight up doesn’t work. This leads me to having to open PDF links in safari and find in page there so I can find what I need to find. This alone is seriously making me reconsider using this app going forward. Another issue which is not as important is that searching something from the address bar feels really bad. Text input is laggy on the top text viewer. This can be remedied by looking at the bottom text viewer. Why are there even two text viewers? Looking at the bottom text viewer is unwieldy as well since the auto fill is right under the top text viewer. So you need to look up to see the auto fill then look back down to see what you’re typing since the rest lags behind. Overall this makes the app a pain to use. Please fix this Firefox.
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1 year ago, Shantell Leos
half trash, half average
actually, the app wouldn’t be so bad for me if i didn’t have to tap the search bar twice to begin my search. i open my FF browser, i tap the search bar, and as soon as my keyboard comes up before i can even type the first letter to begin, my keyboard goes away and i have to retap the search bar again. Every single time. i only use FF because i don’t want to close the videos in my safari browser. i don’t like to have too many tabs open with so much data open as well. so i keep my browsers clean. i use FF for quick searches and sometimes i even have 9 windows open at a time before i actually realize and clean it up. so it’s good for the most part. but that keyboard issue is very frustrating. i’ve been using this app for years and this is a new issue that began at least a year ago for me. please fix this. Thank You, Shantell Leos
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3 years ago, EmpressOfFabulousness
Images won’t load & other problems
Generally speaking I adore Firefox and use it on Web and Mobile, but ever since the penultimate update (or some such change on Firefox’s end), I’ve been unable to load images at all. Whether it’s the Google images tab, a search on DuckDuckGo, literally any kind of website, or video thumbnails, I can’t see it. Certain interfaces don’t load as well; tiktok links (don’t have the app) lead to a black screen (though “play” still works) and I’ve noticed that on some websites it just doesn’t work entirely. I don’t understand why FF changed like this, and I can’t really file a broken site report on everything. It significantly impacts my web activity while reading articles, logging in, or looking at reference photos. I have to use Safari instead… and requesting the web version of the site both doesn’t fix it and makes it hard on my eyes. I’m writing this review after updating to the latest version, please fix it ASAP
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1 year ago, RBSNETWORKS
I Feel Secure Using FireFox
FireFox is the very best browser available today. I feel extremely secure, when I use FireFox; I am confident everything I do online is secure. I do not worry someone is getting my private information and or filtering my data. When I use other browsers, which The United States government forces to use, I feel threaten by the fact that other browsers are taking all my private information such as credit card numbers, codes, stealing my ideas. It is as if it is no longer worth to buy a computer; not only the computers are astronomically expensive but the same companies via other browsers are taking my information and my ideas and my privacy. FireFox is it. I feel I can express my self and write to my friends, and browse the internet and download files without the worry as when I am forced to use other browsers.
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4 years ago, PunnyDes
I mean....
Firefox is a good browser depending on how you use it. In the newer updates it gets really frustrating to look up images. Instead of showing you the images like most browsers would, it shows you but when you click it, it takes you directly to the website instead of letting you look at the images. You would have to click the front to see it. To me this is frustrating, as an artist, I need to look up references to draw things, this leaves me with a huge disadvantage because I’m unable to directly see the image. Firefox also seems to switch from update to update at times, well for me at least. Say there was a new update for your device, or a new update for the app, Firefox would instantly go back to its old ways, which makes me hesitant to update my iPad because I want to have the freedom of looking at an image. I would appreciate if this problem was fixed in someway.... but I wouldn’t really suggest this browser if your soul purpose for it is to look at images.
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3 years ago, Brando156
Decent browser
I was happily using it until the latest update when they introduced a feature that automatically opens a new tab upon opening that goes to the home page. This is not a good feature so far it happens every time I exit to go to another app real quick. It is especially frustrating if I’m reading something because I have to go through all my tabs Togo back to what I was reading or the site I was browsing. Also I sometimes also have a problem where when I go from one tab to another it closes itself out but I might just have to many tabs open. Also sometimes when I close out a tab it will send me to another tab that’s far away from the next closest tab from the one I closed. Also it would be nice if like chrome we could have more than one window open. Other than those problems it’s been a decent browser.
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2 years ago, RJRains
No auto cache clear on exit
Lost a lot of respect for Firefox. They claim to care about our privacy and all that but do not include a way to delete the cache upon exit like the desktop versions. Only the manual option. Unacceptable. And no add-on to do it either. Not private enough for my taste. Too many other options out there that are. Sad. UPDATE: Response to developer response— understand ad-ons aren’t allowed in iOS for Firefox, but the delete cache upon exit feature is not provided by an add-on in the other Firefox versions but is a setting toggle within Firefox. If FF doesn’t have someone monitor and read these feedback here as part of their improvements from users then I doubt they’ll listen to my adding it to some other feedback web site as you suggested. And if you’d looked, this same complaint has been on those other sites for years already with no action. My guess: they either don’t care or (more likely) there’s a bit of $$ involved with the tracking of iOS users. But thanks for the response.
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1 year ago, Zach2004_
Best Browser!
Firefox is a fantastic mobile browser that offers a range of features and benefits that make it stand out from the crowd. One of the key advantages of using Firefox on your mobile device is its speed and reliability. It loads web pages quickly and efficiently, even on slower networks, and rarely crashes or freezes. Additionally, Firefox is highly customizable, allowing users to choose from a wide range of themes, add-ons, and extensions to enhance their browsing experience. It also offers strong privacy and security features, such as tracking protection and encrypted syncing, which help to keep your data safe and secure. Overall, Firefox is a top-notch mobile browser that combines speed, reliability, customization, and security, making it a great choice for anyone who wants to browse the web on their mobile device! 😊
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2 years ago, Acornucopia
Only for newer phones I guess?
Mozilla, you shills!!! (I joke. This is probably unintentional even if it is frustrating). I have an iPhone 6S+ that’s been working spectacularly after all these years. I never felt the need to upgrade (another reviewer has just about my same reasons: it’s expensive, flashy, and wasteful to upgrade frequently). After several billion years, I updated my phone to the newest OS available due to that important security patch. Firefox worked better BEFORE the update. It takes an EXTREMELY long time to load anything now, and if it does, there’s a 45% chance the app outright crashes after a couple seconds. And then I have to load the page again. When I launch the app, it can hang and ignore input. When I type, often it will start to take input and even allow me to press “go”, and then the app “refreshes” and wipes my tab (and its loading progress) clean. I love having all of my bookmarks in one place, but now I’m stuck with Safari I guess. Fix this when you can, guys!!
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3 years ago, Naji ♡
This needs a lot of work
The Firefox app is very tedious and annoying to work around but I have stuck with it due to their appreciation for privacy. Feedback- - This app gets bugs often and it is like a maze to report bugs and feedback, currently the Firefox app continuously keeps crashing randomly. Sometimes even a handful times a day. We should have a option to report the bug after Firefox realizes the app has crashed unexpectedly and let us add notes and comments to it. Also passwords don’t save all the time!! Even when adding manually it wouldn’t save; this feature should be looked over, unsaved passwords isn’t fun. Also Firefox should look into if we can auto fill passwords on this app instead of having to go to passwords menu and copy and pasting: since Firefox is my default browser, the phone suggesting safari passwords is no use. - When Firefox is launched, it should open to the MOST RECENT tab not all the way to the first tab, as well as when tabs are being closed, it should not automatically prompt us to the first tab opened; it’s really annoying. Firefox should add preferences in settings for this on mobile. A great idea would be to let us put tabs in folders to help users stay organized. - Firefox mobile should add some more themes, preferences. Firefox on desktop is great but Firefox iOS needs a lot of work and tweaking, lacks a lot of features as well.
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4 years ago, transteaching
Not sure where some of these reviews are coming from with unsubstantiated claims of Mozilla not respecting privacy of users. If that was and is the case then people should provide at least names of articles rather than bash this app. Firefox is by far the fasted app I’ve used. The UI is something I had to get used to but loved once I gave it some time. I personally don’t like integrating my Firefox with my phone so I can’t speak to those offerings. Lots of great features to the app and the night mode for pages is a huge plus for me because I hate viewing white screens. Wish I could add extensions but I know that’s an iOS issue. For future updates I’d love to see the ability to customize the home page to hide the bookmarks bar as well as the frequently visited pages and land me on the Mozilla page similar to the desktop and then this app would be perfect!
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3 years ago, Us3DPixel(iPhone)
New Layout is Bad
Firefox has been my browser of choice for a little over a year now, and part of that came from the fact that the actual layout and simplicity of the app was incredibly comfortable. Not only was it quick, everything was easy to find, and it felt really good to use when compared to other browsers. For some god forsaken reason, they decided to redesign the website with the latest update for a more ‘modern’ feel, and now the app is a sluggish, slow mess that is arranged in a confusing and uncomfortable way. Finding where stuff is now is a bit of mess at first and a lot of the menu pop up boxes are now sort of located towards the middle and left of the screen. As someone who is right handed and primarily uses my phone with the right hand, this is asinine. Please, for the love of all that is holy, either restore the original interface and layout from before this update or at least add it as an option and make the new ‘modern’ design something one can opt into if they desire. This isn’t just a step down, this is devolution.
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9 months ago, Jeff Pham
Firefox great, just not for iOS
The Firefox browser is amazing, especially since it’s pretty much the only other web browser that is not based on Google and they respect privacy. However, the iOS version of Firefox is pretty plain and missing a lot of features. There are no add-on extensions like ad block and no background audio playback for videos. Even the iOS Safari browser has the ability to download add-ons via downloading an app on the App Store (such as Safari ad block extensions). The Brave web browser on iOS were able to include both ad block and background audio playback, so I think Mozilla could do the same with Firefox if Brave could do it (I believe they are using WebKit as well). Plus plenty of other 3rd party web browsers on iOS have background audio playback for videos and ad block. Either way, I strongly support Mozilla Firefox and believe in what they do, giving an option other than Google.
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