5 years ago, Josean PR
Discrimination against Puerto Rico in all Google Apps
It a shame that a company this forthcoming and so in tune with SmartLife SmartNews Smartphones and Times treats the US Commonwealth as foreign, when it shouldn’t. Please verify the boundaries of national extent, in terms of the people who live on the island more than any other retrograde nonsensical unincorporated territory, lived by US citizens, born in a territory that belongs to but is completely a part of the United States, where immigration, borders patrol, Homeland Security, the US Distric Court, Medicaid, Social Security, passports, Ports Control, the National Guard, Army, Airforce, Navy and many others, including essentially mote than 97% of all federal programs work and subdue the Commonwealth like in the Incorporated territories, ie the States. I understand we may not be a State, but that does expell us from the country. Please stop projecting a wrong notion of reality, and stop discrimination against the United States Citizens residing in the US territory of PR.
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