Local Services ads by Google

2 (181)
57.3 MB
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Current version
Last update
10 months ago
Version OS
14.0 or later
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User Reviews for Local Services ads by Google

1.98 out of 5
181 Ratings
4 months ago, AshCedar1234
The idea is good, but execution is poor
I love the idea of being able to use an app to keep track of calls that come in, and for months I never had any issues…But ever since this most recent update, I have had nothing but problems with the app. First it wouldn’t connect to my ad account, then it was blank…no data nothing…for weeks. Then finally today a call came in and I was notified. But the app will not load anything. I tried uninstalling the app and reinstalling…still nothing…For a tech company that is so large and can manipulate small businesses call volume significantly to drive up a higher profit margin…you would think the app would work.
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5 years ago, the clearner man
My business is basically dead without this app!
I really love, enjoy and appreciate this app so much! I basically left my job to start a office/house cleaning business and didn’t know exactly how to get enough clients to stay in business, but I sincerely thank God for for connecting me with a pest control business owner who introduced me to the local service ad. He said they were about to give up the office space they were using and started working out of their home, but local service ads came to the rescue and instantly they started getting many business. I took his word and tried it out and never regretted once. I’m so grateful for this app. The customer service is very helpful, just like any other customer service, there is a wait time when you call but ones they answer the call, they are very helpful. When they say Google Guaranteed, they really mean it. They make sure your business appear at the very top! I would highly recommend this app, if you have a small business and want more customers or a just starting out and checking out your options. As long as you understand your business and can communicate your services and cost clearly to customers, you will close the deal most of the time.
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11 months ago, dude14456778
So useless and bad.
The service and the app are terrible. My first problem with the app was the size was to large for my phone. Support suggested I use a pc, can’t make it up. I found a way to resize it. then I couldn’t save anything because the save button is the same white color as the background so if you’re having trouble saving anything, just start tapping all over the screen. they tell you you can pause and unpause your business listings anytime you want which is true what they don’t tell you is it takes up to 48 hours before your ad becomes live again, so what is the point of using the pause and unpause button? my very first lead was for $40. When they told me it would be 15 on average. For a call out of my service area and for a service I don’t provide. I disputed it was rejected. I had to call them and spend another 30 minutes on the phone with them and they told me they would have people look at it in three weeks. I finally got an email saying they agree with me and they will refund the money in 40 days. they get to hold my $40 for 61 days that’s ridiculous.
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2 years ago, mustafa 1991
Issues with the app
I own a cleaning company, we spent 4/5 thousands dollars a month or more, all the sudden we can’t open the app or log in into it from any browser, we called they leave us on wait and they hang up, the workers who answer the phone aren’t experts at all, they have to search or contact another team to solve the issue and if they can’t they don’t answer, they send you a link to call again and again, asked to speak with a supervisor or manager was told none is available and none can answer, the supervisor needs 75 hours or more to answer or whenever he wants as they told me, and all this is recorded. Now we have an account that we can’t use and we get charged, asked to file a complaint they said isn’t possible because none reads them, and none is in charge or knows how to deal with them, thank you google !
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3 months ago, Walrus220
Terrible app since recent updates
The app was working only moderately well until recently and now I have to delete/reinstall every time I try to use it. Features are randomly missing from various screens - I have to remember to go back to my computer to be able to save specific things for leads. GLS now does not require leads contact info, meaning you spend money for leads you have no option of contacting other than through the app which is poor at best.
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1 year ago, Phil.11111111
Useless app
There’s no excuse for Google with its HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars to have such a useless and slow app and unhelpful customer service. To keep this review short, my biggest problem is that I’m unable to switch in between my two ads accounts. There is literally no ability for me to go onto my second ads account which is under the same email. However, I am able to do this on my computer. That just means I have no choice but to wait until I get home to make any edits or respond to customer messages. It really is a simple fix, I’m sure it’s not hard for one of your Silicon Valley app developers that make that 15k a month to add an easy switch account function.
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4 weeks ago, Bobbyw1200
Terrible, Broken platform and app
Can’t believe the terrible quality of this app. Google should be ashamed. support literally told me to only use the web browser which is not mobile friendly because of how broken the app is. Can’t make any changes on the app to budget or ad spend. Google likes to automatically set your budget to the maximum which can be thousands, yes THOUSANDS of dollars per week then will have you on hold for HOURS stating that “the app cannot be used to make changes to budget or bidding strategy” even though it is a flagship feature of the app. Shame on you google for releasing this garbage.
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4 months ago, relyttterrag
Doesn’t Work Properly
None of the transcripts load. It won’t let me listen to them either, or it only gets part way then randomly stops. Glad I at least have the phone number list, but so many improvements can be made to this app. Simple fixes, simple improvements, and this would be a godsend.
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1 year ago, Gtafhasi
Add support too change accounts
Can you guys add support too choice the account which are all in one email address we can’t access all the accounts which are in one email need too lging in desktop only too do that
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4 years ago, C.Ferr
Treating local Business owners like trash
Very Disappointed in what this huge company has turned into. In light of COVID-19 Google was not able to adapt to the new environment of Business. Google Fired the whole customer support team with no word when they might be back. Local Buisness owners attempting to survive this difficult time are forced to shut down because they are unable to advertise on google due to the missing support team. Read this review and try to find answers as google wants to keep the general public in the Dark.
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2 years ago, dglittle88
Needs work…
This app works as it should most of the time but it really needs work on the functionality side. I mostly use the website because you can get to all the options and settings such as billing and etc… but it would be nice if all that was accessible right through the app as well.
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3 years ago, Mike746797337
This app gives opportunity for just 2-3 companies monopolise the whole market
I have business in locksmith in NYC, and I noticed that it’s impossible to get to the top of the list. Whatever I’m doing: adding reviews, answering calls, put max bit. Nothing helps I stay in5-6 place of the list and in the same time just one definite company stays in the first place 24/7 . That means that just one company gets all leads without possibility to other companies get jobs. Google please do something with it.
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3 months ago, Drea0008
So frustrating
Love the idea. Failed on the delivery. The app NEVER loads or it’ll take all day to load and it won’t be for long. Sometimes it doesn’t even show the list of calls. They need to do 100 times better on this app. And the online version isn’t much different. Please update this and fix all the issues and my rating will be updated. Hard to run a business using this as it is currently.
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2 years ago, lfrenz207
The worst
This is the absolute worst app ever. Every time I try to get into the app it just spins and spins and spins we have used these ads for over five years now and I’m still having the same problem with the app hard to run a business when you can’t access your leads but get charged $30 a lead and can never get in touch with or a response from customer service get your crap together google
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9 months ago, Rjcarden
Big return
$1000/week add spend usually equates to $250/week. Tons of leads, with our reviews we pop up at the top of the list. Worth the investment over fb ads, google ads, home advisor or angi
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3 years ago, Redrusell
App could be MUCH better
Sure the app tells what numbers called you but doesn’t give much ability after that. It would be nice to have a notification pop up so that you could make notes about the person that just called you by unfortunately I have to result back to Apple notes.
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1 year ago, KC Water Heater
False charges
Our leads were turned off, somehow they were turned on and we were charged for a lead. Google said that my leads were turned on at 2:00. My phone was in the truck when the leads were supposedly turned on. A lead immediately came through and I was charged for a lead when we are already slammed. Google will not provide support and refused to provide a refund.
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1 month ago, Sinkingkayal
Constant issues.
I have three separate LSA accounts. Since the last update, LSA either never opens or takes forever to open and then freezes when I try to switch back and forth between accounts. Google really slacked off with this app, it’s completely frustrating to use.
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5 months ago, raebreee
Button doesn’t work
Save button on top right of screen is the same color as the background, so it’s impossible to see. I can’t create confirmations on mobile so I have to switch over to my laptop. What’s the point of the app if I have to use my laptop in the end?
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3 months ago, Thekingpinden
Lets Do better!
LSA Desktop works perfectly fine, but the app is horrendous & extremely limited on what you can do, I fail to understand how Google the Company w an unlimited budget can’t fix the app of which people such as myself spend thousands a month on.
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1 year ago, lillystine
This app and google service add is a piece of sht…
This app doesn’t work at all Basically I don’t even know why they create it, once you download it that’s it ! You can’t see any information about your account there, nothing works. If you want to see something you must enter from a Computer, not to mention that in general google local service add is a steal!!!!
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2 weeks ago, Pedroj97
Frustrating and Inconsistent
I expected much more from Google Local Service, but unfortunately, my experience has been quite disappointing. The app frequently crashes and has many bugs, making it almost impossible to use effectively. Additionally, the interface is not intuitive and feels outdated.
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4 years ago, Josh_the_Moore
60 to 90 notifications per lead
I receive 60 to 90 notifications rapid fire to my phone and so does everyone else in my office. So much so that this app just drains or device battery when we use it. I spoke with Google and they do not provide updates for this app because it’s through a third party.
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5 months ago, Mac n cheese gamer
Terrible App
For being a tech company that specializes in this field you would think they could develop a functional app. Half the time my app doesn’t ever load so I have to keep re downloading it. The menus inside are sub par and not always scaled right for my phone. I don’t typically write reviews, but the fact that Google put their name to this terrible app astounds me.
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4 years ago, mario and sons p@
Love it for my business
All these people who are saying these bad things about google are working for sites like home advisor. Google has grown my business so much thank you
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6 months ago, Both3452
You’d think a multi billion dollar corporation could get an app to actually work correctly and have customer service that actually knows how to use the app, especially with the money they charge for the service. But it’s Google and the world revolves around them online so they can get away with it apparently. It’s ridiculous.
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2 years ago, Houston_II
App will not open
My business has an account set up for this and other team members have access via this app, but not so for me. When I open after the initial download it gets to the loading screen and never gets past. I have deleted and downloaded countless times. Very frustrating.
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3 years ago, unhappy.end.user
Have to keep deleting and reinstalling the application because it freezes on me at least twice a week. Less than ideal when your paying for the service and getting inundated with calls.
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9 months ago, teddyespo
Google is a multi hundred billion dollar company. Why the heck can't they fix this app?! It's completely useless! We spend $40k/month on Google LSA and we can't use the app whatsoever because it's totally blank white and shows no leads when we open it, despite the countless app Notifications telling us to mark a Booked lead. FIX THIS!
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2 years ago, marcoangeloaaa
Your 2.7 rate is deserved it
Google suspended my account for not reason and nobody have the power to do anything and I have to wait a week or more on getting answer. Your customer support department is full of unable people that can not solve any issue and takes weeks to give an answer.
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3 years ago, Lakiasha Deloach
Not working on iPhone 7 iOS 15
When I open app it doesn’t ask me to login it just stays on the loading page saying “getting ad information “. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but nothing works.
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1 month ago, Nobody00100
Google can do better
This app is very slow to load, has off centered touch points on the buttons, and is very slow to react with the touch of each button. For something powered by Google I would expect a far superior product than this.
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2 years ago, Kasia Zio Free
Working for me !
I use this app for my business for 3years . I newer have a fake lead . This app help me grow my business.
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2 years ago, c2cadv
Doesn’t work
I maintain the local service ads for businesses at multiple locations but in the app I can only access one of them. I have to use the desktop version in order to switch between my different businesses and locations.
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5 months ago, JrockMansfield
Can’t update lead info
When you try and mark the lead as booked, and add additional info, there is no submit button. Just the back button and it discards the information.
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1 year ago, Ogi Aviad
Tons of locksmith scammers
I am a locksmith myself i started this program the idea was to get rid of the scammers, unfortunately google only cares about money and not about adapting against those scammers. You can get slammed by fake leads from scammy compactors and google would do nothing You can hire an ilegal non licensed locksmith That works under someone else license s and over charge the clients like %200 and above and google does nothing You can get your google my bussiness removed because scammers will flag you bussines like 1000 times and removed your bussiness
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3 years ago, sma
Cannot hear audio calls
App works fine, it shows all of the calls for the given date range, but I cannot hear the audio of the call recordings.
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1 month ago, AGZIPS
Beware of Practices
Google, tread lightly with your practices or you’ll find yourself in a CAL-suit. I had a Google ad account and no active campaigns to my knowledge. A robot decided to send me a message and charged me $30. This fake lead could easily be sent to hundreds of customers to generate company income. Not good practice. Poor service.
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6 months ago, Tami528
Poor at best
Our business is showing up in the sponsored area and if you don’t have a review within this local service app it will show your business has no reviews and no rating when in fact we have 25 5 star reviews in Google
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6 months ago, Spontaneous1980
This is worse than thumbtack and yelp combined. You get horrible leads that less than 5% convert. A lot are shopping. You end up paying $400 for a lead that converts at $349. This is in the junk removal business. It’s a very unfair business model for businesses. I highly do not recommend.
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7 months ago, rej716
Awful, Why can’t they fix this?
Its truly unfortunate. LS works, and works on desktop, but is awful for the client to NOT be able to use the app IN ANY WAY. Leads do not load and when I called the only advice was to ensure you are connected to wifi? and to delete the app and reinstall it. Didnt work.
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6 years ago, Swanson Smith eMedia
Screen calls
If you could screen / listen to the calls on the go this app would be perfect
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2 months ago, Alykatwil
Not functional most of the time
This app needs a ton of work. It has lots of bugs and only works 25% of the time. No longer allowing leads to be booked. It’s useless.
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1 year ago, Gabe Maas
Why Put an App out if it doesn’t do what it needs to do?
You can’t switch accounts, I have 6 ad accounts I manage via desktop but when I’m not at my computer I like to check in on all 6 and I can only see our main account.
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11 months ago, Caleostro1002
Fake reviews
We are HVAC company and we are receiving a bunch of fake 1-star reviews from our competitors EVERY DAY! Google team does nothing for removing this SCAM and FRAUD from our page. We are absolutely frustrated by this service and we don’t recommend anyone to use their services
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4 years ago, Auser237
Location Errors between Desktop
It’s a mess of a mobile app badly in need of redesign not only for features but for basic functionality.
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1 year ago, Paulyfonik
You would expect a streamlined app from Google. Instead, you get this garbage, half-fast application that is more useless than rubber lips on woodpecker. I can never see my stats or incoming leads. The app has never once functioned for me; nor serve a purpose.
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2 months ago, downsouthwreckers
It would be great if it worked
It doesn’t work. I can switch between accounts, my leads dashboard is empty. Never updates. Just get notifications of calls.
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10 months ago, Dustin in FL
Frustrating and low function
I have 2 ads account and this app does not allow you to select an account so it’s stuck on the account that I don’t use.
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1 year ago, Traveller3009
Can not switch between companies
Can not switch between different local service ads accounts
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