6 years ago, PCo-Jorge
Make our phones SHOUT; Take us ALL THE WAY HOME!
1. As a (now) three year driver, and Ambassador with Lyft, I am still amazed that the App does not incorporate an iOS “take-over”/cover function that notifies a driver that does NOT have the Lyft App noticeably open (in front) of any Incoming Request (i.e., nav units). Rather, a request will only appear -momentarily- as an incoming SMS, that a driver, when DRIVING, can easily miss. The App, when a driver is in Driver Mode, should take over the screen (as well as audio) of any iOS device, like an incoming call, alerting the waiting driver if any incoming request. And, needless to say, the driver should have On/Off control over such functionality. 2. I’ve always been annoyed by Lyft’s Destination Drive limitations, whether by miles or time, that seems to ALWAYS cut out (off) before a destination is achieved. Case in point, during this week’s drive times I had set my Lyft (and Uber) Apps to a Destination Drive location (home), and while Uber takes it all the way to my destination point, then ASKS if it’s OK to go offline, Lyft (as usual) CANCELLED the destination drive stating that they (Lyft systems) were sorry, that there were no rides to be had until I reached my end destination... even though I still had over “35 MILES” still to go!!!???
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