McAfee Security: Privacy & VPN

4.7 (175.3K)
204.3 MB
Age rating
Current version
McAfee, LLC.
Last update
2 months ago
Version OS
15.0 or later
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User Reviews for McAfee Security: Privacy & VPN

4.69 out of 5
175.3K Ratings
1 year ago, EODitty
Great product!!
I decided to try out the premium feature of this app because I have had online security issues in the past couple of years. McAfee+ Advanced really does an awesome job at helping you track down leak datas and removing your information from the dark web. The password change recommendation feature links you directly to the website/account you need to change the passwords or add additional security features. It’s really easy to use this app! I especially like how McAfee+ Advanced tracks your progress with a score. It’s motivating to take care of each task, so that you’re safe from hackers, phishing, and identity theft. The VPN feature works well at auto connecting if you are traveling and connecting to remote networks. it doesn’t seem to use more of my battery and it’s pretty easy to toggle on and off through your Apple settings. Overall an excellent choice for keeping you safe in the digital age!
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4 years ago, jbabyvalentino
Great app! Issues with Apple CarPlay/VPN. Help?
Great app, but I am experiencing issues. I have an iPhone 11 and have the latest version of iOS installed. I am having issues with the McAfee VPN/Web Guard and my Apple CarPlay radio. While everything works fine with the radio (connected via USB), I cannot use Siri if the VPN/Web Guard feature is on. It is extremely inconvenient to have to turn on and turn off the VPN. Especially when I enter a public place where I have previously connected to WiFi and my phone auto-connects to the WiFi connection. An example of my main issue would be something like this: I am driving in my vehicle and I decide to use Siri with the voice control button in my 2020 Kia. I say, “Please call Dad.” Siri will show on my CarPlay radio that it is trying to process my request and then states that, “Siri requires an internet connection.” I am using my Sprint 4G data the entire time while I am driving and the VPN is on. If I turn it off, no problems. I enjoy this app and I am paying $9.99 monthly for it. I would hate to search for other alternatives. Could you please tell me if you know anyways I can resolve this issue? And if not, could McAfee possibly look into fixing this? I’ve searched online and I have seen that many others are experiencing the same problem. Thank you!
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2 years ago, Moncho_25
Extremely disappointed PLUS
UPDATE: The developers response is completely outdated and inconsistent with an Apple 13, running on iOS 16. In addition, the send log function from within the app is useless as it always comes back as undeliverable. The app crashes all the time and log me off. When attempting to log back in, it shows that there is no internet connection. Never mind I am on cellular service, the app is set to work on cell service data, and it is the very ONLY app not connecting to the internet over cell service. I have pictures! The VPN has to be constantly watched like a hawk to ensure is actually turned ON even when it set to be ON. In numerous occasions, I noticed the VPN is OFF when it was set to be ON. When the VPN is ON, it makes the internet experience an slow and sometimes impossible to browse. Most of the times, the webpages would not come up at all. Another annoying and really inconvenient issue is that the VPN would not work when trying to connect to the internet with my iPad using my iPhone hotspot. It simply would not let my iPad connect to my iPhone hotspot. The app should make the security features easier to work. They should work the VPN issues and get rid of Safe Browsing! This app needs serious work. Frankly, I am about to go back to Norton. I never, ever had any issues with Norton. The one time I am giving McAfee a try, it is disappointing me to n-th degree.
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4 years ago, Katintransit
Protection needs some fine tuning
This is a great app to have, since I am always on the internet, and using my Bluetooth headphones for study. The only issue I have is that this app can stop protecting at any given time of the day. If I have safe web and WiFi protection on, they should stay on. I shouldn't have to go back into the app to check and see if both are green. It has become a bit daunting to keep having to go back and check and see if my app is still Protecting me when I had already checked the boxes to do so. This app can throw itself out of protecting you, leaving you unprotected for a period of time until you go back and check. I think you need to fix that bug. If we click on each feature to protect us, it should stay that way all day, unless we go in and uncheck it ourselves. Yesterday I had my Bluetooth, and I had all the protection on, and when I went back to check my Bluetooth, someone had come onto my Bluetooth as another device, trying to get access. That is not supposed to happen if I'm protected. When I went back To the app, which was protecting me prior, it had shut my protection off. Please fix this bug. Other than that complaint it's a good app, but it needs fine tuning. Thank you
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3 years ago, RewindingKarma
McAfee Upgrade - Unable to use
I paid in advance an entire year last May 2021. Then due to a recent upgrade I cannot use anymore. The upgrade says I only have 250mps I can use each month, but doesn’t start at zero for next month and blocks use. I cannot get a hold of anyone in customer service as line is always busy. My subscription shows on my phone, but there is no reference number, I am unable to use either site now. I want a refund for the 6 months I haven’t been able to use. In my subscriptions, states I can cancel and upgrade early and they will provide a refund, not sure if I can trust them as unable to verify this. This is also known as bait and switch, a tactic that is illegal to use. I am frustrated that businesses think they can trick people like this They send me a reply and as I stated “bait and switch”, only will give me a refund when I sign up again for a full year. They then will give me a refund where the time frame overlaps which is not allowing me to cancel my current subscription without continuing again. The service has not worked for almost 2 months now, I don’t want to commit to another year. I want a refund back 2 months to the end of my existing subscription. You still cannot reach anyone in their customer service department. This is exactly what Comcast / Xfinity did also. PLEASE REFUND AND CANCEL MY SUBSCRIPTION!
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6 months ago, AsIfKane
McCaffe ap
The McCaffe app is fine but I really don’t like being forced into a re-occurring charge situation. Had the account for 3 or 4 years and then out of the blue 5 minutes before Superbowl kickoff on a Sunday evening I get a message on my phone saying the bank is refusing a suspicious charge. I looked up my Visa and no charges that matched? I looked in my email and yes had a smaller amount I was notified as coming. Then as the kickoff starts game I get a phone call with a horrible connection and a foreign female voice asking if I approved the charge? At around same time my search for McCaffe scams and endless accounts are displayed. So what did I do? I simply deleted everything about this mess. Went to grocery store this morning and found my bank had closed my credit card account. Now this is my primary account for paying bills and have unknown number of re-occurring accounts. They both pointed finger at others for causing this mess. But I am done with re-occurring accounts, if it would have been fraud, I would be forced to endure endless hours getting accounts switched over. And they say we need to get better jobs to get ahead. They need to stop these re-occurring charges that lead to endless wasted hours on their customers that add -0- value.
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2 years ago, bubbatruth
Ap rating
If I could give a negative 5 or 10 stars I truly would. Don't believe anything that Mcafee tells you. Especially, If it tells you that you have x number of viruses on your phone, don't believe It, It is a scam to get you to buy a highly over priced security program that is nothing more then a way to get you to give up all your information and GOD only knows what else. I thought that Mcafee was a respected company but no longer, I was told that I had 5 viruses on this phone when in reality there was nothing wrong with it except needing to have a system up date installed. The only reason that I have it on my phone now is so I can place this warning to others not to waist your time and money on it, Generally your phone came with a security program, Use it as it is the closest thing that will work well with your phone according to those who designed and built your phone. Do what you think is best for yourself and your own security, but use the phone’s or another security program that you trust before you go running off into the dark and buy into the fraudulent advertising that came in on your email or messages. Check it out first with a company you trust first. Mcafee will be removed from this phone and its site blocked soon after this review is posted
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6 years ago, Beekeeper911
McAfee App Sent Phishing Message
I received the following alert from the McAfee App, that my Wi-Fi was under threat & I should disconnect - “1 threat found. Scan complete. [(MY WI-FI NAME)] - Your personal info is at risk, Disconnect Now!” I was uncomfortable about this message using my Wi-Fi name in a pop up, so I called McAfee & they were unaware of why this message was sent. That Representative told me that it was a Phishing attempt & to disregard the ‘email’! She sent me to Technical Support, when I explained that this alert came from the App. Tech Support was also unaware of this message, but after speaking to someone, ran me through disconnecting & reconnecting my iPhone from the Wi-Fi. As I have not had Wi-Fi trouble, there was no reconnect issue. But then, the tech told me that my PASSWORD was weak (it is very strong) & that I should change it. This felt fishy to me. I tried to tell the McAfee Tech that they should check to make sure THEIR APP hadn’t been hacked. I did not feel that they understood. I then called AppleCare to report this. AppleCare does not have an avenue to contact developers about such issues. I am hoping that McAfee will read this review and check their system. I am trying to be helpful here, and I see that someone actually responded to a previous concern.
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1 year ago, hacked out in tomball
so i have mcafee
alot of good features on mcafee but they have not stopped the forces of country meadow lane tomball texas these people in this neighborhood are very bad people who steal identities and mine is one when i went to the app store to rate this app it said i did not have this app but indeed i do this app let me know my data was breeched tried to call customer care spoke with them they tried to tell me the breeches were just a password breech when it was telling me that it was name breeches and where they were and they didn't have anything to do with password yes they are accurate in the breeches because i new someone has a credit card at Nordstrom i had found that on credit report now since yesterday identity thief hacker are signed up thru me on mcafee all 5 have the same wifi ip address as me cant keep them off my phone want help or something better than calling support update the hackers you were to help save me from are using the account under my name i canceled the account but they are still using as me tried to contact app developers like email said followed the link and got app support but nothing that i have not tried already
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6 months ago, 6277299
The app works as it’s suppose to however, buyer beware. I have had this app on subscription for a couple of years. No longer have a need for it at my current location, tried to cancel. No way to do it in the app. Contacted customer support through chat trying to cancel before my subscription auto renewed in 9 days. Come to find out, they’ve already charged my account and the only way to cancel is to call customer support and go through a renewal process and now in my case a refund! Seems like they make it very difficult to cancel and how can they charge my card before the appointed renewal date. I feel like I’ve been scammed by a “tech savvy”company to make this process so difficult. In response to developer, I tried to cancel auto renewal and couldn’t do it from my account. How can I cancel the subscription or auto renewal? Because it seems the only way to cancel it is to call and there is conflicting information for what number to call. Your technician in the live chat could not help me. Who has time to stay on the phone with you for two hours to get this simple matter solved? My complaint is that your system should make it easy to cancel, request refund, change subscription auto renewal etc, WITHOUT HAVING TO JUMP THROUGH HOOPS.
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3 years ago, Hastings Warrior
Do NOT Buy Yearly Subscription!
I shopped many similar programs and wanted a familiar brand name. Purchased this with a Yearly Subscription and it must be set up as an Automatic Renewal. Installed on one of our five iOS devices. When I started to set it up on my wife’s phone, the app considered it as a SEPARATE (New) account and if I had continued the setup, it would have charged me AGAIN for a full years subscription. I contacted India and had two difficult conversations with the so-called “Customer Service” Department. I requested a refund due to the app not being able to install on multiple “Family Sharing” iOS devices. I was “educated” regarding McAfee’s Refund Policy inasmuch as one of the loopholes in the policy is a statement that a “refund “depends on “where” the product was purchased”. So, unless you purchase this product (app) directly from McAfee, you will NOT be able to obtain a refund from them. And, pardon my ignorance, but I don’t know how or if Apple gives a refund for apps sold to a third party. Because, as you’re probably aware, the Seller and not Apple, gets paid-Apple only charges a fee for the ability to use Apple’s store. I will use this app on my device until such time next year when the small window opens for me to cancel it. I will install Norton’s app on the rest of my devices!
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4 months ago, Dmsumner
New update isn’t working properly
I’ve used this app for years with no issues. With the most recent update, I keep getting a notification that I need to setup my identity monitoring. I’ve done this several times and it does this several times a day. Please fix this issue. I only have this problem on my iPhone. It works fine on my iPad. I’m running the most recent iOS update that was released in the past week. It’s really annoying, especially since I’m paying for a yearly subscription to have protection on all of my devices. Updated review. The most recent updates have made this app even worse. Every time I close the app, it logs me out. I am forced to log back in every time I open it. I also have issues with opening the app to a blank white screen. Sometimes I have to open it multiple times before it will open correctly. Please fix this app. I have been a long time McAffee user but if these issues are not fixed, I will have no choice but to cancel my subscription and find a reliable alternative.
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5 years ago, WHHJR
Nice iPhone app that does what it says
This is a well designed app that has a nice look and feel to it, easy to navigate and enough features to make it a worthwhile application to have on your iPhone. No advertising and just an overall low maintenance app that you will forget is installed on your phone until you need it. Some handy features like the Vault where you can “hide” pictures, documents or phone numbers. It does not offer a backup for your phone but does have the ability to encrypt the file you would include in a backup, a feature where it can track a lost iPhone, sound an alarm to help you locate a lost misplaced phone and a neat feature where once the phone battery is critically low, the app sends up to the McAfee Website a location so that way if the battery does die and you have misplaced your iPhone then it could potentially have the last location you may have left the phone. Best of all its free
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4 years ago, g0nzu
Pretty good, but I don’t know.
Some dude tried to trick me into clicking a viruses link, but he himself literally spoiled his own trick. He told me “it might say it’s a virus, but don’t worry.” It kinda made me laugh a bit. I didn’t click on the link (because I already knew it was a virus in the beginning) , but i was still curious if I had a virus on me. I quickly downloaded this app, and it says I’m safe, but I have a feeling it’s not. I used to download virus protection apps and every result would come out differently. It would scan, safe, then I scan again, boom there’s a problem out of nowhere and I have to pay the monthly fee in order to see what is the problem. I figured it was just a scam or fake protection, so I deleted it and never really trusted a virus protection app since. This app seem legit, but my only concern is if it genuinely helps you scan for viruses for free and tries to not pull some tricks so that you pay first. I know the developer is gonna say “this is safe,” but I don’t know. Hopefully I can trust this company with my stuff.
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6 years ago, skulivan
Great! Except....
I really like the McAfee Security however, there are some very annoying issues: 1) when protecting more than one device a) had to install several times on each device to get that device to show up in my list of protected devices. Also, the labels aren’t the same as the names I gave them 2) Account homepage still lists duplicate devices when you get a new subscription-still haven’t found a way to delete the devices from expired/previous subscriptions Overall, the actual product is the best in my opinion. Although it takes a bit of finesse to get things organized so you really know your devices are protected using the exact same subscription and its parameters. McAfee needs to streamline this process and let people know to install the software on your Pc FIRST. Then from that Pc, send msgs to your other devices. This way all/everything is in the same place to be administered. If you do not do it this way, it’s all confusing and your list of protected devices won’t be right.
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3 months ago, uhhgrryijhfe
Thank you for being loyal security??
I don’t know where to start that McAfee says on my laptop your subscription is expired on 2/4/24 but I am active user. I didn’t use my computer for a while then when I looked at today I am shocked. I can’t believe they didn’t protect or secure my laptop. I have this app on my phone as well and it says you are active user. I am charged when renewal time I think a month before renewal. I cancel auto payment for McAfee before renewal but they don’t care they changed me. I have personal reasons for that. They charged me on 1/5/24 auto renewal. I have receipt. Anyway I kept the app because i don’t want to go for refund process. I got an email from McAfee” your McAfee subscription renewal Thank you for being a loyal customer. You see? Dear McAfee team I am active user did you understand it’s the same account. I don’t know why I have this security anyway because on my phone McAfee says we found 14 breaches for identity monitoring and 11 personal info involved. This is very scary. I am a customer for more than four years. Since then my data and personal info exposed frequently. I am Very very sad.. and disappointed.
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5 years ago, Cap_Mag
So Far So Good
I don’t usually write reviews, but I felt compelled to give my approval for McAfee after having issues with malware and viruses on my company laptop. Working remotely opened my laptop to threats I hadn’t paid much attention to before. I’m not certain how it happened, but going to my company’s website somehow triggered an attack and prompted me to download a fishy looking mock-up of the “new browser” (misspellings was the first red flag). I didn’t proceed, but trying to back out of the browser even was problematic. Thanks to my renewal of the McAfee Anti-virus and Protection Software, all I had to do was initiate a scan and it quarantined and removed the threat within 15 minutes. Unfortunately, the company website is still doing the same problematic prompting and will automatically trigger the process all over again and I have to run the scan again, but I believe that has something to do with the web domain more than with my McAfee protected system.
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4 years ago, caryleb60
This is an extremely important app tool as most people use their smartphone as they previously used a computer or laptop. The value of our personal information becomes even MORE important changing solely to a smartphone for either your main online needs or your SOLE online needs. Do get online on ANY device without McAfee Security. I was a Norton user and even though I am very tech savvy, I had data compromised. I will NEVER use Norton again. I have had McAfee for some years now and haven’t been compromised with my personal information once. Actually McAfee is very aggressive to help me navigate websites and warn me to websites that I never knew exposed my personal information no matter what settings I used on my Apple phone and their security settings, and my HP computer and Microsoft security settings. I can’t myself believe the large difference and the confidence I gained after I started using McFee products.
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3 years ago, Jessicabrooksssss
First, the majority of websites I try to access, simply for online shopping, won’t even work at all unless I turn VPN off. How is it protecting anything if I can’t use the internet while it is on. It also logs me out on its own. Websites have received my actual location, I started getting scam calls from Canada now, after visiting a Canadian website for shopping. Also, often when the VPN is on, my device will buffer for ages. If I turn it off, internet starts working again. Another annoying thing: Since this new upgrade of December 2021, you can no longer choose which server to connect to??? That was supposed to be one of the “perks” of having a VPN. I’m honestly not convinced this whole internet/device security app is doing anything at all. I would love to know if there is even one pro to paying for this thing? If it is not allowing cookies to be tracked/saved then I can’t even access most websites. Please fix this. How can you charge your customers for a service that can’t even be used the majority of the time?
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4 years ago, kerrickmc
Great Mobile Protection
In this day and age I must have protection for my phone that cost over well over $1,000 dollars and I use more as a total communication and information and entertainment portal than just as a “phone”. The constant threat of apps that are great to use but are in existence only to gather information off of my phone or to perform other nefarious acts through access to my phone and basically to me and my information is exhausting. To even think I could begin to address myself is ridiculous and would see me and most people just running away and starting to watch Netflix or TikTok to just forget about or distract myself from thinking about. I delegate at work to specialists. I know Mcafee from the years and years they have protected my computers. I choose to have the best protection on my great iPhone. 5 star protection from a 5 star company in this highly dangerous age. Thank you Mcafee
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1 year ago, omk4clayton
this app is a 10/10.
Personally, when it comes to apps such as virus protectant ones, i always check reviews because i could NEVER trust them. so i assumed this one was gonna be a weird type of one where it gives your phone 100s of viruses, but surprisingly it doesn’t. if i’m gonna be completely honest i have 27 viruses on my phone i believe. and i changed everything on it to make sure not only me, but all of my personal information on my phone is. my phone was heating up earlier and i believe this app took the viruses off of my phone because my phone is nowhere near hot anymore and this app is a 10/10. i appreciate that the app makers make these apps because they are basically protecting YOU. and i’m thankful for that because i don’t want my information on any websites that i wouldn’t know of.
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4 years ago, Josh McClintock
Reviewed before
VPN is still not operational. It’s like there is a dummy switch installed just to make the user feel better while it’s there to toggle their inability to maintain this app with a working VPN feature. Last big update had a feature that if the VPN was turned on, it would fail to load almost any website and the VPN would turn itself back on and you would know that had resumes running because your webpages would not load. The contact is feedback feature is the biggest joke. You type out everything you want, just to receive an email asking you to go to a poorly designed loop of a series of click here click here click her trying to share the issue so that it could be resolved. I’m done trying. I’ve basically have had a poor excuse of an app that I paid a yearly subscription for and the only thing I’ve gotten out of it is the fact that I can acknowledge that I have wasted my money. After a nice email back I followed instructions and emailed a provided email address with information so they could get ahold of me and I have not heard a response back in almost a week.
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2 days ago, Disconnected2
Don’t use this app
I used this app on my iPhone 14. After several months anytime I drove anywhere my phone would not connect for a data connection. I would have to turn off the cellular connection and turn it back on and sometimes I would have to put it in airplane mode and turn it off again. 6 months later the phone would not connect at all. The McAfee app, email, and several other apps said the was no internet connection. Safari would not work. After a week of talking to tech support from Verizon and apple I got a new phone. While transferring my information to the new phone, I noticed the new phone was acting just like the old one. I could not restore the old phone because I couldn’t connect to the internet to turn off the find my phone app so I started manually deleting apps. After deleting the McAfee app I noticed my old phone began connecting and working again. I deleted the app from the new phone and it also started working again. This was a week of frustration that never should have happened.
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3 years ago, wertmanwife
I know its hard to believe spending so much on a security software system is worth it, but it is. I can download this onto any device from my phones, tablets, and computers. My four year old son lost my tablet since I let him use it and we thought it was irretrievable but than I remembered this. Mind you we haven’t seen it for two days straight and checked its location and activated an alarm. The alarm turns the device on, even if it’s off, and it turns the volume up even if its down. We found it. Plus if we didn’t find it I was able to wipe the device from where I was at on my couch. It does so much more than just provide virus security, it provides theft security, and protects me when I surf the web using public internet. In all I feel so safe.
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1 year ago, | |-// Trench-Lin3
You WANT this one…possibly. QUESTIONS BELOW…
Hey, If you’re like me & have been trying to find ‘the’ actual working / useful antivirus along with a VPN built in to monitor you’re safety online, protect identity…that’s just a few of the amazing qualities of McAfee Security app. Worth every penny, & I'm likely keeping it for the entire time I have my tracking-chip …erghh, phone..well my 256gb iPhone13 -product |red|- Question: Reasons yet on my iPhone 13 general settings in |VPN & Networks| it says it is connected there to VPN from a McAfee account- I want to know how to get my application ‘McAfee Security’ to work correctly as the VPN section is ‘grayed out like it is unavailable’. I synced it with my profile and still not available on the app - SO: would it be better to uninstall my Application of McAfee Security and then perhaps restart phone and reinstall the app? Since my VPN works however, yet I went into General in Settings to look at which VPN is being auto activated whilst I’m on any Wi-Fi or cellular network, which is great 👍 yet I’d like it to be on the same bar as my McAfee Security VPN application. My iPhone 13 general settings in |VPN & Networks| says it is connected there to VPN from a McAfee account- • Any suggestions on this situation would be appreciated greatly & thank you so much for your time and help.🙏 Michael C.
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4 years ago, Uber Pool Hater
Media vault poorly designed
I know media vault might not be the main feature of this app, but it’s currently poorly designed and difficult to use. When importing photos, if you want to choose recent photos, you have to choose the “Recent” folder which contains all photos in the phone. This takes forever to load, since the app seems to load all photos in the phone at once, when you really just want it to load the most recent few. As a result, to import photos into the app, you need to create a separate folder of the photos you are trying to import, then open that new folder in the app so the app only loads the photos you are trying to import. The idea itself is great, a simple local media vault with no useless and potentially risky features such as cloud syncing. Most of the dedicated media vault apps are offered by random individual developers and can hardly be trusted. Thus a trusted name like McAfee is uniquely positioned to implement this simple feature, and it’s sad that the feature right now is so poorly executed. Looking forward to improvements!
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4 years ago, C00chieSlay3r9000
Great app but a few issues
Very good app for saving things to be protected. But there are a few weird things with this app. 1) The alarm is disturbing. You guys could’ve changed it to something else than a child screaming. Maybe a high-pitched alarm sound or a option where you can choose one. 2) Media vault is annoying. It says you have to delete every single photo on your device to import photos. It’s annoying for people who like to keep images (like me), just make it optional (like saying “Keep and Import” or “Delete and Import”). Another thing about it is that there is a notification that’s just permanently there saying to delete photos if you denied access. You cannot get rid of it until you delete your photos. (Extra Idea) make a password storage (like media storage) but it has passwords instead (maybe add a option to import from another service like dashlane?). Great app overall but should fix their app a little more.
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6 years ago, PeakA&Pals
Great Security App
This app is perfect. I originally used McAfee to keep my computer safe from malware and it worked quite well. Then I heard of this app. My oh my was it good. It had a safe place for my precious photos, with password lock. And it had safe web, which is a very nice touch. I use this app alongside an adblocker (I use Adguard) to keep my mobile browsing ad free and safe. By the way, you can link your phone to a pre-existing McAfee subscription like the one I used for my PC so you don’t have to buy several of them to protect your devices. I do have a minor complaint though, even though McAfee has a very user-friendly interface, it lacks the ability to have more advance options to specifically target certain things like malware. Plus the app can be a little buggy. Otherwise great app, worth your time. P.S. I am 14 years old. Thanks for reading this. Now get off your phone and go outside!
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2 years ago, avcc1234.
DO NOT BUY IT !!! After purchasing this service I keep receiving a notification that my payment wasn’t successful which lead me to go and process another payment. Next thing I know my account showed up 2 transactions made by MCAFEE which lead me to call them an request a refund for one payment which they said “ it will be processed within 15 days” . TODAY AFTER 3 months I haven’t get any refund. The person which I talked today just told me that the refund request can be made within 30 days and HIS ONLY SOLUTION was selling me another PLAN making me lose MORE MONEY . Besides that I just checked my laptop and I got detected 2 virus which I ask an explanation for it as well and CUSTOMER SERVICE told me that my plan DOESNT COVER THAT TYPE OF SERVICES… I could rather pay extra $50 for the help of a technician or upgrade my plan. THESE PEOPLE IS A JOKE IN WHAT THEY ARE DOING… they are just trained to sell you products and is super annoying that they keep telling you on the phone that they can’t hear you when they are in a super noisy office!
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3 years ago, Luckieme1
Unable to cancel services
I have been round and round with a couple people at your company to attempt to cancel services within the 7 day trial to no success! You keep telling me you have no way of cancelling and that I have to go through Apple! RIDICULOUS! My phone has an unsupported IOS upgrade and won’t let me in! Therefore I have cancelled my cc to stop any charges and you can cancel my services on your end! What an asinine way to do business! My phone was hacked and all your scans kept telling me all is fine! Worthless app in my opinion! Still have not been able to cancel your app! You need to cancel this ineffective security app on your end as I am unable to do it through the App Store! Can’t sign in on App Store or your sight! Well within the 7 day trial period! My cc has been cancelled on my end ! You need to cancel on your end to end this nightmare! WORTHLESS APP THAT FINDS NOTHING WRONG AND I KNOW MY PHONE WAS HACKED BUT YOUR APP KEPT TELLING ME ALL IS OK! Do your job and cancel! You won’t get any money from me for this useless app!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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2 years ago, randomBrando
Boost Mobile Insurance and Device lookout Protection!
I am not really ever the type to make comments or to review an app, however this app I truly felt deserves others ability to check it out! McAfee, has been a longtime, groundbreaking internet and software malvirus protector! It stands out with its features that make it an honest, legit, customer oriented device app. Whenever you sign into a free Wi-Fi, it will scan that Wi-Fi right away; and then gives you a chance to continue to use (if it’s safe too,) OR it gives you the ability to immediately end the connection, and block its abilities to attack or transfer any of your personal files. I was shocked to see it firsthand that I was ready to add this app to my other devices. I will say from my personal testimony, that you TOO can be protected, and best yet it doesn’t slow your device or functionality down. Great job Macfee, and Boost mobile for adding this cool feature with your device protection plans for cellular equipment! 5-Stars all the way! Sincerely, Brandon O. Boston, Massachusetts
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3 months ago, Zecucieth
No deletion of information
I had this app and it wasn’t bad but I cannot delete this subscription off my phone in my apple phone in my settings and I could t get the app to delete my account information. It would send me codes but would not let me delete any of my information and this is a serious problem cause I don’t want that data to stay in there . It’s stupid and you can’t get a hold of anyone in customer service or like try and find a chat . Everything has to be automated and very cheaply put together . It was good for protection when I had it but I can’t afford to pay 20 bucks a month when my rent is very high over a 1000 a month. Then gas prices and food alone and I’m working two jobs . So I would appreciate if my data could be deleted out of the app since I can’t afford it . I would appreciate if my account could be deleted completely and the verification codes would work. That’s my only issue !!!!
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2 years ago, pfdindy
Technical issues!
I purchased a package from Mcafee last week and was not able to download it or activate my account. After three calls and extensive wait times today I attempted to cancel my subscription. I was asked if they would give then a chanceTo walk me through downloading and activating my account. I agreed (mistake). Step by step I did as instructed and when I was at the next point to activate I received an error message. When I told the agent I had received the error message and gave her the number she put me on hold and came back to tell me that it’s a problem Mcafee has been having for a few days and they were working on resolving it. Little consideration from them of the time I had wasted trying to activate it. The pure frustration I was experiencing! I then asked for my refund And literally began the same process. Over 57 minutes to resolve it. That is to say to cancel. Now I am researching other programs.
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5 years ago, ydoumkmedothis
Was using the free version was very happy then all of a sudden it switched to a pay I am a senior and I loved the free one worked for what I needed limited income here so you would of got a 4 or 5 for the free one but when you want me to pay then you loose points I got a reply from McAfee because they upgraded there vpn the free edition is no longer available I am sad because it was working fine I upped my rating to a 3 star because at least they answered my question. I am sorry to say that I won’t be using there product because its not because I don’t want to it’s just a budget scenario because I have to decide medications or a VPN medications win when you are battling a non curable cancer that they can give you treatments to help control so much for the free edition I was very happy with. I just want to say thank you for your free edition and sorry that I cannot rate the new edition
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1 year ago, aria83
I used to be able to change my vpn location. With the latest update, I cannot. The app seems more about selling services and pushing to add more devices in a menu with only 5 options- why list the option to add devices twice? But it will not allow me to run security scans at will. Each option on the app tells me what it does but nothing to really change or affect the operation of it. And my phone has been acting glitchy ever since the install. I gave it a chance since it came previously installed on my hp. But it keeps running ads for me to give it more of my personal information and install more services. When you took away my option to change vpn 4 days ago, you really made the product pointless to have. I will be uninstalling it and going with another security company that isn’t constantly interrupting what I’m doing with ads and soliciting more services. It also did not detect the viruses on my dell. I won’t be renewing my subscription.
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2 years ago, musicgenres
VPN still does not work
I came to see if other users had the same issue as me and I was right. Just like other reviewers are saying, recently (at least since the new changes with app UX since April 2022) the VPN does not connect and knocks off the Wi-Fi connection. It does NOT work. My Wi-Fi does NOT work, I have to uninstall this app just to get my Wi-Fi connection back! And yes I’ve tried all the troubleshooting steps and it was set to auto. McAfee needs to listen to the user and stop wasting time with fancy UI done by interns or whatever, we need a product that actually works and could care less about the gamification features being added to this app. This is security for us, not some cute game app. I work in product design and I can tell that proper testing was not done for this version nor the desktop version. Fix this or else you will not have any users to “play games” with. So I HAD to uninstall this app, and when I did my wifi started working immediately!
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5 years ago, osugrad85
Latest update removed the VPN feature without paying for a separate subscription
I’ve been using McAfee security protection on my home computers for years as it was a provided feature through my ISP. When I got an iPad I was happy that it too was covered by the account I had created related to McAfee’s security protection that was part of my ISP service. BUT, with the latest update of this app, I lost the most important feature ... the VPN. Instead of having coverage through the McAfee security feature provided through my ISP, it looks like McAfee wants me to subscribe separately from my ISP to receive this feature. In fact, when I try to log in to the app, it accepts my log in information and even says that I have a license available. BUT, when I select that available license, the system responds by saying that my subscription has expired and I need to renew it. Definitely a money grab by McAfee and a wonderful way for them to lose their loyal customer base.
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5 years ago, HeadHunter
From 5 stars to 1. Very bad marketing move!
I formerly gave this app 5 solid stars and a glowing review. McAfee has been on my computers and devices as long as I can remember. Funny, I received a (computer generated) response to my review from McAfee. As a senior executive search professional I know a good move when I see one. Typically I ask, what is missing? I then saw the update for the free version. Unfortunately, I then found other users who are also very displeased with McAfee. There are other free virus / VPNs that can be trusted to work as much as one should expect from a developer. I was about to move up to the paid version of McAfee. I wanted to trust it was really doing the work and see how much better the update would be. They took away the free VPN. Total thumbs 👎 down on that move folks. If you are a major share holder I suggest you insist upon the immediate replacement of your VP of Marketing. Boneheaded move. You have to give to give your loyal customers something more, or the perception of more at the very least, ‘as’ you remove another benefit. Remember class 101? Feature. Benefit. WIIFM. (What’s in it for me?) you took away the WIIFM. Silly move. Reflects badly on the trustworthiness of McAfee.
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5 years ago, Shadysgirl66
Seems like a scam just like all the others
I downloaded this app a week ago. It included with the standard free package the safe web VPN. The VPN configured and the app showed I had SAFE WEB and the Ad blocking. Today I downloaded the update. Lost the VPN PROTECTION that went to PREMIUM PAY AND AD BLOCKING TO PREMIUM PAY. LOST THE FREE WIFI GUARD. MUST ALSO PREMIUM PAY FOR THAT NOW. Funny thing is it was not showing in my app updates as a Normal app would for an update. The only reason I saw the supposed update was I went to the App Store to read about a specific feature since once you have the original app downloaded all info in your settings area is minimal and vague. It’s a waste. I believe I was scammed with the original FALSE FREE PROTECTION for a week. It’s a worthless app when they took the 2 above protections away. Really McAfee I expected better of you. Have used your stuff for years. Going to delete most likely and go back to free FYDE. THEIR free protection is FREE and doesn’t change to zero after a week.
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3 years ago, regular guy here
Too focused on upselling
This app seems entirely focused on up selling you all the things you’re not currently getting. The app should be focused I believe on showcasing what it is you are paying for rather than what you are not getting forefront on the app. I understand that there is a business model that is geared toward increasing user buy in- by uploading your contacts, and using this platform as a cloud like location for storing files. But all of the features that are forefront on the app seem to only show you what you are not getting, and what you could get if you were to upgrade. Personally I would like to see what it is I’m paying for in a detailed showcase. Yes I realize there’s a giant icon that says your last scan results- but beyond this it is a menu of items that exist beyond your subscriptions reach.
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3 months ago, JimVec
Update May 2024: app signs me out randomly. Just unacceptable, as well as amateurish. Consumers/customers/subscribers should NOT need to tolerate this. No - you do not get my logs, nor will I contact tech support. I am a paying customer and as such, legally, I deserve a product which works. My last review was removed. As many other users have noted, this product has several bugs, that are not being addressed even over the course of many months, and updates. That is not acceptable, and you should be ashamed and embarrassed. Moreover, asking multiple users to send iPhone logs, or asking users to submit tickets is also unacceptable. If the developers cannot replicate a complaint, that seems to be an indication of a lack of effort, or knowledge, or both. Finally- I PAY for this service, so I am very reluctant to provide my time and effort for free, to do YOUR job. Fix your product
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5 years ago, cf67polv5
Can’t control background scan or request Signature updates
App Settings have no background scan control. After executing an on demand scan there is, in my opinion no reason for additional background scans especially when the device hasn’t even been in use. If it had background scan controls it would be appreciated. I shut off background activity in iOS and scanner settings but it runs background scans anyway. A waste of battery charge. Also there seems to be no way to request a manual. virus signature update. If it had these capabilities I’d give it 5 stars but without some user control I can only give it 2.
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4 years ago, DJ NUDL
Avoid at all cost
I just spent 2 hours and 50 minutes of my life dealing with mediocrity and ineptitude. I am being very nice when I only use those two words. The customer service for account management is so bad that you feel like you’re in an episode of Punkd. It’s so frustrating that McAfee may actually kill me with a heart attack. You are sent to India where their employees are very kind and try to help but have less knowledge of the product than the consumer. It’s not their fault but the fault of the CEO CFO COO at McAfee Headquarters in Santa Clara, CA. They outsource to save money not realizing that we would pay a higher price for, at minimum, decent customer support. It is absolutely absurd that purchasing a subscription could be so difficult. It is unacceptable and i will never do business with this company again. I advise you to save yourself from losing years off your life by avoiding this pathetically managed organization.
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6 months ago, Gldlks
Updated: Battery drain!!!!
Since my review I deleted and reinstalled the app and I don’t have the problem anymore. Not sure why it was so bad but it’s using a reasonable amount of battery now. Original review: I noticed recently my battery is draining more quickly than usual. I haven’t even been actively using the app but the phone says McAfee app has been using 63% of the battery usage in the past 24 hours. I opened the app briefly last night and just looked at it, then opened a different app. Crazy battery drain. I just deleted the app. I have a subscription too which is annoying because now I can’t even use it and it’s paid for the year.
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2 years ago, KreoleLaLa
Lag when not on wi-fi
When I’m not on wifi It fights with carrier data service when not on wi-Fi, creates loading lag, and often blocks ability for apps and safari to load & reach servers. When you try to turn the vpn off it fights you and won’t shut off. I have to delete the app from device & go through the download process again. Rethinking a switch to another software as this has been an issue for at least 2 years now. Either it isn’t scanning & detecting attempts to hack the software, not keeping up with iOS upgrades, or it’s not able to detect harmful malware on wi-fi & on the device. Really, we need software that scans for malware on a device in this day & age.
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2 years ago, D.D. in NC
In my opinion based on DBA and life experiences…
Many people find a problem with McAfee’s billing and I feel like it is fraudulent and planned. They are price gouges and must constantly be asked for a refund when they increase the amount they try to get you to pay - taking from accounts using information they have on file. Most of my friends use Norton - and I’m considering changing also - due to unfair trade practices and financial abuse and emotional abuse of me as an elderly customer… this is their business model/planned - and I believe it is unfair trade - and violates federal interstate, FTC, and ICC. Further that their BOD should be prosecuted and sent to jail. They take advantage of people based on their ethnicities also- ie those who are not educated and/or don’t know any better due to mental deficits - low IQ’s or poor decision-making abilities for other reasons - ie lack of experience…
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2 years ago, whodoyouthonk
New update is trash
Looks like nord vpn-idk what cheap version this is but i haven’t even gotten close to being able to scan my phone since the update. Why do i have to sign in, give you my email, and all that? When i didn’t have to before? Why is it necessary? Wish i could uninstall the update. UPDATE: response to developer-the website offers a totally free version. Let me know if you need a link. I’m a little confused as to why you are advertising a 6mo free trial and requiring ppl to register “again” and gatekeeping the free version? Is there a reason some of us don’t qualify for the free no hassle version? Usually updates don’t require having to re register on an app... the fact that you would just “update” and log ppl out of their accounts, leaving their phones unprotected is quite questionable and in poor taste.
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5 months ago, SteveFromWeston
VPN fails to connect on both my iPhone and my iPad
Garbage software. VPN fails to connect, blocking all traffic - including even access to the McAfee app! Had to go into System / General settings to find VPN settings, then disabled McAfee VPN and now everything works fine. Problem has been ongoing for well over a week now with seemingly no answer from McAfee. Had the exact same problem on an HP Laptop a couple of months ago, again caused by McAfee. Whenever the computer would go to sleep, VPN would stop working and not restart again when the laptop was woken up. At least on the laptop I could set it so that if McAfee couldn’t initialize VPN it would allow connections to the internet outside of VPN, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to do this on their iOS app.
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3 years ago, casque-lift-super-perfuse
I had this app for 3 years and one day I noticed that different pages of the McAfee website disagreed on how many devices I had protected. After initiating a chat with support I opened the app on my phone and the first thing I saw was a message asking me if I wanted the app to keep protecting my phone when the app wasn’t open. Seriously? Isn’t that the reason for the app’s existence? I found a place in settings where I selected that option and closed the app? Later during the same support session I reopened the app and got the same message. Support offered no solution, apology, or even any acknowledgement whatsoever that such behavior might be a problem. It can’t protect your phone if it shuts itself off when you stop looking at it. That it could ever be necessary to even say that is unconscionable. Shop elsewhere
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3 years ago, J "Meta"
App log-outs & account number?
Okay, the service itself isn’t the issue. The actual issue is that the app randomly logs me out of my account, and then proceeds to ask for an account number. There is no such thing. The instructions aren’t helpful, as like I said, an account number simply isn’t a thing you guys provide. And, therefor, I have no purpose for the app, and am forced to delete it. And, if I want it to work again, I need to re-download everything. At this point, I have seen numerous people discuss and complain about this, and the fact it isn’t addressed yet is insane. This review would easily be higher, but this is such a fundamental issue, I simply can’t give your service more stars. Needless to say, there needs to be a fix ASAP.
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