OXENFREE: Netflix Edition

4.4 (470)
1495.5 MB
Age rating
Current version
Netflix, Inc.
Last update
10 months ago
Version OS
15.0 or later
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User Reviews for OXENFREE: Netflix Edition

4.44 out of 5
470 Ratings
2 years ago, Bomber man2000
Amazing Game but I Keep Crashing (spoilers for ending)
I love this game this game the first time I played it was the original mobile version and I fell in love with the characters, Story and soundtrack. I obviously needed to redownload it once I saw a new version of it. It’s still just as good as when I first played it and I don’t know if they did a graphics update or not but the art style is still so good. But I keep crashing during the scenes where Alex talks to her past self in the reflections after you go to the other side. Hopefully there will be a newer update that could fix this. I’ve looked up online how to try and fix it but none of it has worked and everything from my phone to the game is up to date.
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2 years ago, artfoundry
Good story but boring gameplay
So the story seemed pretty interesting (I didn't finish though because of what comes next, so I don't know if it was ALL good) - the weird parts were creepy enough and intriguing enough to want to find out more. The gameplay however was way too drawn out. SO much walking everywhere, even to places you've already been to - using the map for shortcuts would have been really nice. And navigation is often buggy - your character getting stuck or not progressing properly until you've tapped a bunch of times or fiddled with it (once even my companion got stuck and stopped following me, though his dialog continued, which was weird). So much talking too, and much of it just boring chatter (especially from the two guys). Plus, the dialog choices don't all stay available long enough, and there are even times when choosing a dialog ends up overlapping other dialog, making it hard to hear/read both. Then there's the saving - it only saves at the beginning of each area, so if you complete an entire area but don't move on to the next (like if you suddenly have something else to do), you end up having to repeat the entire area! This was also not indicated at the beginning, so you don't find out till you end up having to repeat an area.
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1 year ago, A horse lover/a kid🐴
Best mobile game ever
I usually don’t like these kind of games but this game was so engaging and forced you to really think about your decision and pay attention. The amount of detail put into the game is incredible. Like they’ll make references to previous conversations and there are so many different options for dialogue and it all affects the story and how others see you. Someone said that you spend too much time walking but I don’t think so because you have very interesting conversations with the other characters while you’re walking and even then you don’t walk around meaninglessly. Very minor spoiler but when you finish the game it shows you what percentage of players had the same outcomes with other characters and there are so many different outcomes which is so cool and I really wanna see how I can get these different outcomes. I also love how many different ways you can end the game and how it makes you feel like your choices are endless. This is my favorite IOS game ever, can’t wait for the second one.
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1 year ago, gynfgn
So good
I scrolled through the 1 star rating and there was a lot of confusion on sound. If your device is on mute, the game is on mute. Anyway first game had me build this relationship with the characters and when the end eventually came, I felt the emotions of finally escaping the night. I also loved how this game talks of heavy topics such as loosing a loved one and suicide. Exploring the trauma the characters went through and are going through brought them more to life. The art style is also a 10/10! The dark aesthetic of the art added to the visual effects, the seriousness of the situation, and the setting of the story. It’s a mystery, story, choice, life lesson game all in one and executed FLAWLESSLY. (Well close to flawless. Wish I had more time to choose responses and stuf like that) Anyway 10/10 recommended.
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3 months ago, Brisa Ontiveros
Am in love with this game!! I love how good the graphics are and how the characters where design. There where some glitches on the game that made me had to restart the game not from the beginning but from where the game automatically saved itself so it was kinda annoying to start from where it got saved cuz I had to do everything all over again… for example Alex glitches sometimes, she like stop moving and I can’t do anything, but overall its super good I highly recommend playing it. I also really like how you can choose how the story can go… I was kinda shocked when I saw the ending… I had to stared at the wall to just process the ending…. I won’t tell you what happen you will have to see for it for yourself… 🙃
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1 year ago, buyHimABurrito
Great game, bad playability
Like the title says—the dialogue, story, visuals, and voice acting are all genuinely good. But the lack of save points makes it almost not worth finishing unless you can play the whole thing in one go. The game is extremely quick to start you back from the beginning of levels. I closed my game to check something unrelated in Notes, and not 30 seconds later when I came back a fresh title screen cheerfully put me back at the last saved point. This wouldn’t be bad if the save points weren't so far apart. I’ve had to replay large segments multiple times because there’s no way to manually save and I don’t have the time to complete a particularly long segment. As much as I love the dialogue, I’d rather not listen to it over and over.
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2 years ago, My nick name was too long
Love it! However…
I’m a HUGE fan of this game, I have it downloaded on my Play Station, my phone, and my laptop and I’ve played it multiple times over the years. I downloaded this version to support Night School Studios in their new Netflix launch and for the most part everything is just the same! But there were moments, namely in “flashback” sections and then a section right before the end where my screen just went completely white except for the characters or whatever a flashlight beam shone on. Luckily I’ve played it a million times before so I knew where to go, but it was pretty inconvenient and I know I would’ve been totally lost if I were a first-time player.
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1 year ago, not.eva
Pretty fun
As other reviews have stated the walking take forever. There should definitely be a teleport button or atleast a running one…the story was cool & the different outcomes are fascinating. But I definitely found myself walking in loops because the mapping kind of sucked. Over 4/5 just wish they’d fix that because it makes the game drag out. ON A SIDE NOTE anyone else sacrifice Clarissa?😆 In my defense she treated Alex like crap about her brother dying & I hated that.
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10 months ago, karissa2611
one of the best games ive ever played
Oxen free is a great game for people who hate playing horror games alone but want to play horror games at the same time. It has the same amount of horror and humor. Tbh the only time my heart jumped was at Fort Milliner and that old lady’s house. One bug that really annoyed me and really should get fixed is when climbing, Alex latches on the wall and gets off repeatedly which makes it hard to keep on going especially in the caves. But i think in the second game it gets fixed, aside from that it’s a pretty good game. Im really Looking forward to games like this in the future. btw dont listen to the one star reviews
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6 months ago, The_Review_Connoisseur
Good but not quite finished
It’s a good game the story starts off amazing, however to get the only “good” ending option you have to complete the game twice and it still is a bad ending. One person ends up ditching you no matter what. I feel that they had more planned but probably had to do budget cuts or had a lack of time. I hope they will use some of the things from the second game to make the first one better; for example climbing in this game is super jank, it takes five minutes to dismount from the wall then sometimes the character decides hey I’ll get back on; but the movement in the second game is amazing. And yes I have finished this game and I like where it’s headed as a franchise and I hope it will go on and become a great game.
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1 year ago, Triforce10
Creepy, Mysterious, and Brain Teasing
The graphics are really cool and the story is really interesting too, the characterization and interactions are a well needed touch as well. The world feels lived in, in more ways than one. I kind of wished you knew what all the character’s backstories were before you said something but guess that’s the beauty of the game, different endings that aren’t obvious yknow! Ghosts and WW2 references I loved it putting the pieces of this town story together was amazing to say the least! Kept your blood pumping and questions churning I highly recommend to anyone who likes the Life is Strange/ indie game kinda vibe! 5 stars loved it
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3 days ago, Haveyouseenwheremydoogowentto
If you love interactive stories and puzzles- this game is for you!
This game is absolutely wonderful! Had me wondering what would happen next and where the story would end! So much fun I am playing the second game. For the game makers some constructive feedback: - possible future games, maybe have two other gender options for main character? And then have two story versions just substitute in the correct name/pronouns. This could help players connect to the lead more. - also there felt like too much traveling for me. Especially having to retrace your steps sometimes. I actually got lost several times and had to look up videos on where to go. I wish there were a lit up line or path to help when you get stuck. - Issues with the saving were noticed by a lot of other players too. I think with more development that can be improved. - Dialog sometimes felt like it disappeared too fast.
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1 year ago, K3l51k
Misogynistic Mess
I lost count of how many misogynistic jokes at the expense of women this game has. Multiple tired “she must be on her period” comments, calling women “psychos”, objectifying women, belittling women, etc. This was clearly made by an immature little boy who has never respected a woman in his life and it shows. Gameplay: Awful controller functions. Only the stick works? Buttons aren’t able to be pressed so you still have to manually tap the screen. Why have only have partial controller functions? Story: What? What even happened? The main story is weak and filled with tons of “spooky” sounds and nonsense that’s filler for the already short length. Speaking of filler… the walking is agonizingly slow and unnecessary. Thank the universe this was free through Netflix because I never want to give these misogynistic male devs a cent.
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1 year ago, MelonJMusic
Blown Away
This was easily the best mobile game I have ever played. And even better the second, third, and fourth time around. The choose your destiny style game truly comes to life as you solve the mystery if Edwards Island. And the incorporation of your previous run-throughs makes this game truly unique. Not only that, but you get to play each outcome as many different ways as you can think up. Brilliantly developed. I cannot praise the developers enough. There were minor bugs with movement but not at all worth take a star away for. Bravo, team!
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2 years ago, yo gurl abz
AWESOME game!!
Absolutely loved that game. The story was well thought out and very engaging. I really liked how you have to pay attention closely to the dialogue and how there’s different outcomes based off of responses. Finished it within a few days, sad it was kinda short but it was really interesting. There’s a few, very minor, bugs such as when you are rock climbing, your character gets “stuck” but if you just back up and re-do the motion it usually works. Overall, super minor lag in an overall awesome game that I thoroughly enjoyed.
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10 months ago, JaideNdippedballs
Changed my life
I never write reviews on anything really but I loved this game so much I really had to leave one I didn’t think this game would be fun or enjoyable but when I started playing I really got sucked into the characters life and their story. Playing this kinda makes me wanna be a game developer haha! But at the end of the game I was sad really I didn’t want the story to end but when it did I was glad I got to experience this spirit changing game Please make more games like this I love this game so much I can describe it
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2 years ago, adamkalte
love this game :)
this game is super fun and I can’t stop playing it. however I have noticed some bugs that make the game frustrating sometimes. one is that sometimes Alex is not able to get off of a climbing wall, she just goes up and down when I’m trying to move her somewhere else. another MASSIVE one is that the game crashes when I’m about five levels in the bomb shelter, and it doesn’t save in there so I have to replay the whole thing all over again. otherwise its a great game and I love to play it
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2 years ago, Dario9999
I purchased this years ago and now I see I can’t install it via the App Store since Netflix snatched it up. Old customers shouldn’t be abandoned when this happens. You should allow past purchases to be honored. I get it when titles just drop off the store. But to resurface like this? I don’t know who to blame, Apple for not allowing some backward support when it changes publishers, or the developers? Bumping up to 3 stars because it is a good game, but it still stinks for us past customers losing our purchases only to see them return again like this.
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1 year ago, jkc1682
I love this game but..
I am not too good at most video games but I really liked this one. I love the creepy storyline & characters. The graphics are beautiful. I was hooked from the beginning. I have been playing this for hours. I’ve been saving photos & whatever but then after it’s been saving all the way through it went back to the very first scene starting over!! I want to cry! I couldn’t figure out any way to get back to where I was no matter what.. I have no idea why it did that but there’s no way I can stand to go back through all that dialogue 😭😭🤯🤯🤯
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1 month ago, Bookworm 124
Love it and hate it
I have a love-hate relationship with this game. I’ve never been interested in these types of games but this has kept my attention and won’t let go. The dialog, the voice acting, and the art are all amazing but I’ve had to restart from the beginning of a “chapter” way too many times. I’m in the last chapter and I’ve just had to restart from the last one because the app refreshed while it was in the background. I honestly don’t know if I’ll finish because of the lack of save points. I’m tired of restarting😭
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2 years ago, Sofihen
Has potential but…
Like other reviews said, game isn’t very user friendly and it can be a little buggy. I can’t really say much except it was entertaining for the 5mins I was able to play it but once you go into the cave and need to climb the wall the character just freezes, no matter how much tapping and swiping I did nothing happened so I simply got bored and deleted the game. Also, the conversations are quite fast paced, I would suggest at least having the response bubbles stay on screen a little longer so you have time to decide. Anyways, game has potential but still needs lots of work.
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2 years ago, Michmacc
An engaging, unique mobile game!
I wish more mobile games were like this game. This was an amazing play through and I really enjoyed the storyline. I wish you were allotted a little more time to choose your dialogue but other than that, it was great. It was creepy but not TOO creepy probably due to the illustration style - which is a pro for me because I don’t like things that are really scary. Highly recommend, especially on iPad!
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8 months ago, Tori8yomama
Excellent adventure game
At first I thought this would be another boring game but I was quickly hooked on the story. The mystery begins at the very beginning of the game and is completely up to you to decide how the gameplay goes. The character development and is phenomenal and immediately had to hooked. It took me roughly 5/6 hours to complete the game. I am currently downloading the second one! Hope it’s as good if not better!
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2 years ago, gray.v.b
Terrifying, yet Powerful
This game was so good, it was scary and left me with so many questions after it ended. It was so powerful, the way you got to chose your own path, and the consequences those actions made. It really stuck with me, about the meaning of family, and choices, morals even. The graphics, storytelling, plot were amazing, i couldn’t be more happy. I recommend this to anyone who loves a good scary story, or can at least tolerate some jumpscares.
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2 years ago, heavenmirac1e
Best Mobile Game
This is genuinely by far the most well-thought out engaging beautiful mobile game i’ve ever seen. Loved this so much, really enjoyed how you had to actually pay attention to detail and dialogue didn’t feel like it was too easy but also wasn’t so frustrating that it wasn’t worth it, every part was beautiful and had me genuinely spooked a couple times because how focused i was to the storyline
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2 years ago, Rae King
haven’t played a game i loved in a while! this one truly engulfed me! the store line was incredible! just wish you could get a closer view of the characters and wish there was MORE to the game :( was so sad when i finished it in 1 night. also wish you had more time to read and pick your character’s response. also wish you could play as one of the others in there, and not just Alex!
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2 years ago, Ella Basil
This game is just amazing
So I never leave reviews but DANG this game is amazing. I got it yesterday and already finished it! I’m definitely playing it again with different choices. The animation and art style are utterly gorgeous and I got chills just from the art multiple times. The use of music is AMAZING and the background music and the ragtime on the radio was honestly so great in creating the mood. Story wise it was just fabulous - I love how everything kind of came full circle, but I feel as if even if I played it again with the same exact answers, I’d still be figuring things out or having things click into place for the first time. For me the game was not buggy at all and I was playing on highly mediocre WiFi. A honestly unreasonably good game!
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2 months ago, Aug 9 👍🏼
This game was actually amazing. I loved absolutely everything about it and I don’t think I have ever been more addicted to a game in my life. The characters, the plot, the music, everything was so cool. It has like a spooky sense to it and made my jaw drop quite a few times. I 100% recommend getting this game and I will be playing the second one now, hopefully it’s just as good as this one was.
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2 years ago, garima39290
Sooo I have a thing for games with different endings and only based on our choices and not to mention the time loop thing omg this was the best game I have played like the story never ends you can try it out again after you finish the first one and the second time they know and you know that you were here before andddd there are so many interesting as you continue to play on I loved it <3
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1 year ago, 5aphir4
Fun game; multiple crashes
I really enjoyed the story, character motives, dialogue options, and overall themes of the game. However, the multiple crash points (often after “boss” battles, which don’t save for the duration of the event) meant that I had to repeat several lengthy scenes two or three times before they continued without crashing. It honestly made me feel more connected to Alex because I felt like I was loosing my cool over time loops. This game may be more enjoyable on non-mobile devices.
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4 months ago, Tia_Renee
Finally! This one is a winner!
I love love love this game! I’ve only been playing for an hour but awesome graphics, interactive content and sounds. I’m a 90’s baby so when goosebumps came out and they had the books where the readers could pick the storyline and turn to that page loved it!! There is so many interactive story games but this one caught my attention!
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1 year ago, Bmarie_69
Love this game with my whole heart, but recently I’ve noticed some issues with gameplay. Alex gets stuck on rock climbing walls, the scene in the woods where the ghost is supposed to be stamped into the stone is just a big pink block, and the game won’t let me continue my timeline. I’ve completed the game and sat through credits, and when I click continue it just brings me back to 5:30am to go back into the bomb shelter.
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7 months ago, Neon_Orange54
Amazing! Gives me the chills!
This is by far one of the best games I’ve ever played!! Everytime I think about it gives me the chills!! It’s a very erie game. It’s one of my favs! Though there’s a glitch. Sometimes when I climb walls it makes me stuck vlimbing the wall up and down when I’m with Jonas and he starts to climb then stops. Took me awhile to fix it. Overall, though, amazing game!!
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2 years ago, this is a goid app
Needs to be more user friendly
Seemed like a decent game. I really wanted to finish it but I have to read captioning and the words go by just so fast and u can’t go back to them. Add that to having to read/chose the players words, I stayed lost most of the game. If I could follow along better I think I would have had more interest in finishing it cause I was curious about the outcome. Had cool graphics. The storyline & facts given were interesting and believable so that made it good as well.
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2 years ago, Islands Mon!
Great choice based game
One of the best adventure games I’ve played it has a stranger things/ horror movie vibe and a great plot line that changes each time you play based upon how you interact with the other characters. Be sure to play it more than once while preserving the timeline. The plot and ending changes. I highly recommend this game to anyone who enjoys choice based games.
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1 year ago, It’s okayish I think123456678
I’m blown away! But, the amount of times my character got stuck like while climbing walls and how the others got stuck was a bit annoying…I think someone who gave a one star was talking about using a controller on a Xbox? I don’t think they understand that this a mobile game…but uh, I only hope that in the second game you get stuck less, alrighty bye!
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2 years ago, Ma24museeker
Buggy and certainly not for all audiences
If you’re into teenage angsty stuff then at least the beginning of the storyline will be for you. I did not take the opportunity to find out if it gets any better. As once you got into the cave it started getting really buggy. Just climbing a few unavoidable cave walls and moving around the area took a very long time and it quite often would get stuck when transitioning from climbing to walking and I would have to restart the game and start all over from the beginning of entering the cave. It just wasn’t worth my time.
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2 years ago, BennHurr
Really, Netflix!?!?
When I first bought this game about two years ago, I absolutely loved it to bits; playing it upwards of ten times, easily making its way into my top ten games of all time; 5 stars without a shadow of a doubt! However after recently buying a new iPad, I had to reinstall some apps, this game among them, and after seeing that Netflix bought the rights to this game, and also locking it underneath their constricting capitalist paywall, I became immensely disappointed. Really!?! Netflix!?! I had already paid for this game, and loved it, but now you’re asking me to buy it again through a corporation with which I have no wish supporting (for my own personal reasons)! I am disgusted and abhorred at this, good work Apple. I want my money back, not merely for the monetary gain, but for the principle in which it represents. Good day.
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5 months ago, Jehyy💞
First of all IM SHOCKEDDDD, I went into this game not expecting anything rlly and as soon as i started playing, I couldn’t stop. It’s like I got submerged into this whole new world and the sceneries, the story, the characters, EVERYTHING was literally perfect with a cool twist. It’s one of my favorite games EVER and I can’t wait to play the sequel!!! So so funnnn🤭 oh and Jonas is bae 🤭😏❤️ (main character’s stepbrother)
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6 months ago, Anonymous person........
Took me by surprise
I wanted a horror puzzle video game that I could just play on my phone and download it a bunch. This one was the one I was least excited about until I actually played it and it became one of my favorite games of all time. Definitely worth a play.
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2 years ago, lainuhhhhh
I really liked this game, and I know this is going to be personal why I gave it this score, but did they really have to use the lord’s name in vain that much? I’ve never heard it used like that before and it was difficult to get through. I know I’m probably the minority so they probably won’t give this attention, but I wish there was censorship for things like that so people like me can play too.
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5 months ago, tsaukam
The best game I’ve played in a while
At the time of writing this, I have played both Oxenfree games, and I must say they are top tier games. At some moments I even cried. While the first game had it’s bugs that’s not what I focused on. The best part of the game, and the thing that stuck with me the most was the story.
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1 year ago, Mr. E ???
Sound issues
Started playing the game, and one of the first screens indicates that you need to make sure volume is on and recommends playing with headphones. However, there is no sound in this version of the game. I’ve checked the troubleshooting from the AppStore, which directs to the Netflix app. The Netflix app directs you to the studio page. And the studio page says check sound options in the app, except there are no sound options in the app. Overall, Netflix gaming appears to be a joke.
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2 years ago, SteelScars
One of the best endings I’ve ever played
I loved playing this!! I was bored and decided to play a random nexflix game, and I’m happy I did. I did use a guide majority of the time to get things like anomalies and letters, was definitely a huge help. The uses of symbols like the red lights and attention to detail is wonderful. Amazing game, highly recommend ❤️
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2 years ago, tatummarie7
i am absolutely obsessed with how great nightschools games are and i am just waiting and waiting for the next one netflix y’all were smart for getting in on this. spent my head buried in my phone and computer for hours it was wonderful. have yet to find games like this
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1 month ago, liquiddishsoap
very fun but glitchy
the first time i played this game it was amazing and had no bugs, but the second time i played just tonight i got to the tower with jonas and alex but then when we tried heading back down jonas would randomly stop following alex and just stay still on the tower not letting me progress through the game and i restarted it 3 times but the same thing happened every time. also earlier in the cave during climbing sometimes alex would get stuck on it and when she would stop climbing it would make her start climbing again and keep going and i’d have to restart. please fix the new bugs in the game so that i can replay this incredible game
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1 year ago, XxxAzrael17xxX
Pleasantly Suprised
My brother recommended this a few weeks ago and I downloaded it in a whim. It was actually pretty interesting. If you play it in low lighting with no distractions it can be kinda creepy. I thought it was an original plot line. The multiple endings are cool.
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1 year ago, polarbaaa
Mostly good, except for the ending
I enjoyed this game quite a lot- it was a good way to pass the time, though not necessarily revolutionary. Many of the reviews I read about this said the story was amazing! I don’t really think so. Spoiler for the ending! It was all a dream. Or something like that. Kind of disappointing, and it invalidates all of the decision making (good or bad) that you did throughout the game
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2 years ago,
I loved the game a lot. It’s something I played in about three days, but felt so fun! Yeah, it was a pretty creepy game and a chill-inducing, but the audio was amazing. The characters in the picture/title were stunning and so was the story. Though it was short taught a really valuable lesson. Would recommend!
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2 months ago, Chooooo97
I’ve played this a few time… the music tho
I love this game so much and I have recommended it many times to other people. But when I re-downloaded it to replay it with my boyfriend, the background music was so loud that it drowned out all of the conversations and made it so hard to focus. I know the whole game is about timing but this made me so sad.
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