Play Nine: Golf Card Game

4.8 (17.3K)
177.4 MB
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Current version
Bonfit America Inc
Last update
4 months ago
Version OS
12.0 or later
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User Reviews for Play Nine: Golf Card Game

4.83 out of 5
17.3K Ratings
2 years ago, VictoriaGMans
Negative comment
If you play the offline game on this app, the computer makes it so frustrating because the computer gets exactly what it needs every time. Don’t even get excited about a negative 5 if it actually lets you keep it because the computer will get exactly what it needs to make your negative 5 obsolete. It doesn’t even matter that you got one. It’s not even fun to play that way. I will only play people I know and the game in person because the app has made the game not fun. So predictable that you aren’t going to get anything that you need in order to have a chance at winning. (95% of the time)
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4 months ago, Cindrloo
Love this Game
Would really love to give this game 5 stars but there is a big glitch in the offline version that needs to be addressed. After a final putt is started, on occasion, the game will go directly to the score screen not letting me finish my turn. It gives me a score, sometimes I win the round sometimes I don’t but I do not get to actually finish the round by myself. At first I thought I was missing something as the screen changes so fast and there is no option to view the last page but started to carefully paying attention and sure enough it happens quite often, once I even had two cards uncovered that were not turned over before the game went to the score screen. Other that that, this is a great game. I might add I usually play offline with 2 players as a want to just play a quick game. I don’t agree with the complaints of this being rigged to give the computer an unfair advantage, actually this seems to be the best “random” play game I’ve ever played. I seem to win/lose about the same as when playing the actual game. The ads don’t aren’t any worse than other games, probably better as most are very short and unobtrusive. I haven’t run into any of those really irritating ad that hide the X or makes you chase it only to get another ad once you hit it! If my issue is ever fixed or even the option is given to go back to look at the last game screen before going to the next round I will be more than happy to give this app 5 STARS!
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10 months ago, Lindsay K. Siverson
Huge Issues
The game itself is super fun, but there are huge issues with the app. 1) it glitches out frequently. Earlier today it skipped a round entirely and gave us each the score for that hand we were initially dealt. I went from being in first place to last. Sometimes it will glitch during a round and show you a card and then you place the card and it sort of freezes up and then shows that you chose a different card and put it in a different spot when it comes back. It has also shown me everyone’s hand they were dealt before. 2) there appears to be no way to report players that I can figure out, and players will frequently (1-2x/week) “slow play.” In other words, they will purposefully let the entire timer run out and then let the computer move for them. They do this for every move for the whole entire game, apparently in an effort to get the other players to quit because it’s so infuriatingly slow. I cannot imagine why they do this (I don’t think there’s an incentive - I think even after everyone quits the game keeps going??), but there’s nothing you can do about it when it happens, and if you leave you’ve wasted a ticket. Not the biggest deal (tickets are easy to get), but incredibly annoying.
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2 months ago, MinnesotaMiller_1
The most offensively rigged game I've ever played
I love the card game and, like many on here, I saw the insert advertising the app. So I downloaded it last night. Played two multiplayer games and lost. No big deal, everybody loses from time to time. Played some more today and lost several more games in a row. This game is designed for you to lose. It becomes glaringly obvious after the first 4-5 games. But (and what is really sinister about this app) the more you lose, the more money the developer makes. They will bleed you dry of your initial batch of coins by rigging every game for you to lose. They do this with the hope that they trigger some urge in you to win. They're hoping once you run out of coins you'll buy more coins for the chance to win. I'm really not sure how the developers sleep at night. They are greed personified. They've taken a great game and corrupted it to the point of unplayability. I'll be reporting the app to Apple. It's not much, but there exists a non-zero chance that Apple sees my report and removes this app from the app store. And even if that chance gives the developer only a second of anxiety, it'll be worth it.
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2 months ago, SpiritedShenanigans
Great game… At first
Just played this for the first time in real life and was super excited to find it as a game on my phone. You start out with quite a few coins however it cost 500 coins to play against real people. At first this doesn’t seem a big deal, even though I wasn’t winning every game I won enough to boost my coins up quite a bit. Then, after the first day of playing, I have won zero games, even against AI. Meaning No more coins The ad you can watch, to “earn” coins only gives you 100 coins and the free spin is only every 24 hours. That also only gives you a small amount of coins. I understand you’re not gonna win every game, that is life and I honestly don’t mind losing. Keeps you humble. But to win zero games in 24 hours seems a little suspicious. It’s almost like they want you to run out of coins so you’ll spend money buying more. No thanks. I will probably delete this game as it’s no fun only being able to play against ai.
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5 months ago, Rigged 1 million
Developers claim not rigged but ohh is it ever! It’s coded to favor any player/s I play. My guess, whoever pays actual money for it is given preferential treatment! I can quickly identify who is going to win at beginning of game. If it isn’t the person immediately playing after me I will pass them my best cards to help them win, buttttt the player predetermined will get even better cards. It is more entertaining playing this way than actually playing to win. Would be really great if it was random like the actual card game. UPDATE: I continued playing with varying results but mostly lose to the online bots! I just ended a game with a quick close and despite me in the lead and still ahead after counting the others cards I still lossed! Why rig it this way? This app is rigged, so you can’t win against the bot. If you buy coins and tickets which are worthless, you’re just wasting your money. Too bad, would’ve been a great app! Horrible app!!! Bots rule, don’t I mean don’t but coins and tickets. Don’t line the developers pockets.
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2 years ago, Fritz 002 guy
Real Life Game Is Much Better
I love this game in real life. The app… absolutely horrible offline and multiplayer modes. The bots in multiplayer are horrendous. They pass cards that no reasonable real life person ever would, always to the benefit of the player immediately after the bot(s). Offline play is painful. It doesn’t matter how well you play, 80% of the time you will lose. If you’re winning after 5 holes, prepare yourself mentally for the worst “luck” possible. You will not get good cards at that point and the bots will miraculously start getting everything they need to make a 30+ stroke comeback almost every time. If the programmers can fix the bot issue in those modes, that would help tremendously. Additional improvement could be made with the active games available. Let us know how many real players are waiting and how long is left on the clock before the countdown expires. I hope these issues can be resolved. I’d love to enjoy this game on my devices.
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4 months ago, JohanAnders
Play 9 App Cheats
I play guest, just myself, and nine holes. Too many ads. I have to turn off my smartphone to end the nauseating ad. Then I turn on. Cheat mode: If my opponent, the app, is really behind in its putts, it will suddenly readjust to cheat mode to give itself big negative scores. My opponent, the app, will quickly give itself all matches, (usually low numbers), while giving myself high cards, with no or few matches. Then my opponent, the app, will go out early so I end up with a high score so I eventually lose the game. If I have a nine over zero, and I made six consecutive attempts to get a nine or zero, but with no luck, and if my opponent, the app needs a zero, it will suddenly give me a nine. I then match nine over nine for zero in that column, and the app gets its zero to score even lower than I. Then it goes out early. My opponent, the app, is determined to win, no matter the cheating the app usually does to win. My opponent, the app, may even figure out the math wrong to its advantage. Often my opponent, the app, gives itself minus fives and low cards. Often certain low numbers are rarely seen by me to get in my play, but are often seen by my opponent, the app, to get in its play.
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2 years ago, Userhellopleaseworkuser
Computer players are very predictable
The players when playing offline will always, ALWAYS take a 4. They’ll replace a 5 with a 4 before replacing a 12 with a 5. They’ll replace an unknown card with a 4 instead of discarding and revealing the card. I’ve also seen it now where it will be last move of the game and the computer has an unmatched twelve and a card less than 12 is either drawn or on the discard pile. And they will not replace the 12 with it to reduce their points. It could be a 5 but nope! They only take 4 and they’d rather have 12 more points than between 5 and 11 more points. It’s so predictable that if you want to win 2 player, just take everything that’s not a 4 and the other player will always give it to you. The game needs some work but overall it’s fun to play. Coding seems far too simple though.
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2 years ago, cmbourget
Bots have impossible luck
We play the physical Play 9 card game at home quite a bit, so I have a feel for how the game is supposed to go and the probabilities involved. That being said, the computer players in this game have impossible luck. They usually start with their 2 cards lower than mine. In the rare cases they don’t, their first draw is ALWAYS a match, so they can zero out one of them. Whenever I try to push the pace to “stick” them with a bad card, they always draw or turn up a zero. I really enjoy Play 9 with real cards, but this app is a very poor version. I understand that the devs tend to compensate for poor AI with an increased “luck” factor - you see it in pretty much every computer card game…but it is ramped to an absolutely ridiculous level here. I recommend getting the physical game and skipping this app.
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2 years ago, kdkxjkakcmsicjsk
Glitch with wheel and the cards
If you press the wheel super fast it cab let you spin many times. Also, if you didn’t know something annoying is when I accidentally close out the game. And I get back on it glitches and makes the games ruined and it wastes the in game currency. I know you might be working to chip at the grass to get all those pesky bugs off the grass but this is just if you didn’t know. Great game by the way I always play it with my family in real life and in the game! (:
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1 year ago, Jlq5581
Good but could be way better
I love the in person version of this game and the app is fun if playing against friends. Question/Suggestions: What is the point of coins? Nothing can be done with them if you have the vip subscription. I’m coin rich with nothing to do with them lol Also there should be different levels based on % of wins. There should be an ability to add friends, so if they are online you could see that and when you are playing with friends you should have the ability to talk to each other instead of just chat. Would make it more interactive. Just some thoughts on making the gameplay better but otherwise really like it!
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1 year ago, srmartin427
UPDATED review
UPDATED: Not long after I left my first review (complaint) of all the long ads you had to sit through after every hole, there was an update to the game and now you can play several holes with no ads at all, and there is more variety to the ads when they do play - some short, some long and thankfully nothing inappropriate. Much better playing experience! Thank you! And as another reviewer suggested, if it's a long ad, it's quicker to completely close out the game and reopen it and resume play than wait. ************************* First review: This 30 second Fishdom ad is killing me. After every. single. hole.??? Ridiculous. You're driving people away.
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2 years ago, la-luke
Computer always wins on last card or trades
I play this game a lot in real life And it’s fun to play in person with real cards. This app was going to be my go to for plane rides or to just pass time. Playing in offline mode the computer always seems to have an edge when trading their card in. Taking a 3 from the deck and their upside down card is an 11/12. While mine are always beneath 3. The computers don’t look at the other computers hands of cards. So they just give up cards that the next computer hand can use and get to cancel out. And then that computer cancels out. Takes the upside down card. Flips it over and it’s the exact card the next computer hand needs. Then when he flips his blind card guess what he gives me! Something above a 9! Also on the final putt sequence the computer always seems to get a 0 or a matching card. What’s up with that? Also seeing your opponents live score is also lame. When you play the real card game in person you can’t do live math to play against 1-3 other people every single hand. When you see the opponents live score count it just encourages people to finish as fast as possible
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11 months ago, wonderjun3
Small tweaks would make this 5 stars
Things that would greatly improve the game: -most importantly: the cards aren’t actually random. Feels like about 80% of my flips are great cards if I’ve decided to swap a face down. Or if you draw a random card and discard it, your flip ends up WAY more likely to be whatever you just discarded. There’s no way it’s actually random and programmed statistically correctly -designate who is CPU in multiplayer -bring back chat but give people the option to turn it off or organize a report button -randomize which player starts. In multiplayer, the person who organized always has an advantage because they’re most likely to follow a bot in turn order and the bots always give good cards away -teach the bots defense, not just (mediocre) offense -some visual and graphic updates would be nice. Feels like a much older game than it actually is -give people levels based on wins -different versions/rules would be fun. I love this game and it just needs a few things to change for a solid 5 stars, primarily the probability
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1 year ago, iPad for Daylite user
Ad suggestions
Fun little game - except the Fishdom ads. Some suggestions: For players, the Fishdom ad lasts at least 30 seconds. Save time by closing the game and re-launching, then click continue. For the app developers, please do two things. First, if the game is silenced, the ads should also be silenced. Don’t allow ads to use sound when the game is muted. Second, please put the skip video / close / big X on every ad by at least the 5 second mark. For advertisers, 5 second ads without sound are respectful and less likely to alienate your audience.
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2 years ago, Brenda Eye
Play Nine
Seeems to me that the winner is determined at the beginning of the game…The opponet gets every car they need and I get nothing that matches…no one can be that lucky…once you are so far apart in the score the game is not much fun! I think alot of times I’m playing with a computer…and why do some players wait until their time has expired before they play, making the game very boring! Having said all that, I do enjoy the game…just wish it was random cards, not so one sided!
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4 months ago, DarkChubb101
Too. many. ads.
(#1 huge issue) I have to keep exiting the app and turning off my phone just because of the ads and it’s so annoying #2 fix offline playing for when in the car I can practice aginst a computer or bot. (#3 BUG ISSUE) The amount of bugs I’ve experienced is absurd, for example when I am playing a normal match with random people in multiplayer, sometimes it just kicks me out for no reason at all, I have all 3 bars for WiFi and I know WiFi isn’t the issue. This is very annoying and I’d like it to be fixed
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3 years ago, BelieverInOneGod
Play with Friends games are horrible! Bot takes over!
We have family that live in different states. We have been trying to Play Nine and the Bot ends up taking our turns! At least one player can’t even play because the Bot takes over. This has happened several times. It’s very frustrating. I have the card game and love it. But I was thrilled when I found out there’s an app so we can play from a distance. Not fun, after all.
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3 years ago, sharmd19964
The game needs more competitiveness
To make this game more competitive our family added rules. The person turning over the last card down must have the lowest score ultimately for that round or they receive a penalty of 10 points added to their score. Also, once 7 cards are turned up, you must play the card drawn. You either trade or go out. You can only skip if the card you draw is already in your hand facing up and only when 7 cards have been turned up. Please at least make this option. This is one of our family’s favorite games.
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2 weeks ago, TJR0806
The game is definitely rigged to get you to lose your coins in an effort to force you to purchase more. I recently showed my wife a game of three rounds and told her if I pull from the deck and use my draw card to replace an unturned card in my hand, the unturned card I replace it with will either be the same card I replaced it with or a -5 card. To her surprise, it was like that 100% of the time, an equation which is mathematically impossible. Further, it is like that EVERY GAME, including the live games. If you want to play a game that is frustratingly rigged to ensure you lose in an effort to get you to buy more coins, this is the game for you. A fun game to play with real cards, a rigged game of cheating to play on the app.
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2 years ago, BLKHawks#1
Play Nine was made by my Aunt and friends...
My Aunt and her friends made this card game a few years ago and everyone we teach the game to with our set wants a set of their own. It’s a fun family game. It’s no joke!!!! She is my Godmother, I love her and her family to pieces, I just don’t get to see them much. So congrats getting an this into an app for phones. That is a huge deal! Still don’t believe me... do the research my Aunt’s name is Kathy Assell. I am Sherry D’Antonio and very proud of her and her friends.
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2 years ago, Cmgroth
Doesn’t play like a real game!
I don’t need to win!!!BUT wish it played more like the real game which we play! I don’t know anyone who would pick up a low card and not replace the 12 that is showing especially at the beginning of the game. When that happens and they don’t replace their high cards it is guaranteed that they will get the match at some point during the game. This happens most of the time! Wish I could say that because it only true for the computer Somehow Change the bot. There are plenty of other games that play better than this against a bot! When playing against a person it definitely has a winner chosen at the beginning of the game!
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10 months ago, Nobie 1000000000000000000
Easy 5 stars 👏🏻
It’s a super fun game that’s easy for everyone to play but get the material card game to play with 6-8 people P.S. If you play with four people, at hole 8 or 9 the game really slows down and some weird glitches start happening like cards replaying themselves over and over, or one screen will show that someone has an 11 for example but in reality they will have a 5. Overall a great game highly recommend
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9 months ago, Kieralynneisme
Rigged Game
The app version of this game is SO frustrating to play. If you are playing offline against the bots, the bots will win 90% of the time. This isn’t a skill issue either. The cards are always in their favor. If you think you’ve pulled good cards, chances are the bot will start to pull -5s - 3s every turn. Also, in the multiplayer it seems the game chooses a favored player and does everything possible to make that person win. The cards don’t seem random at all. If I ever played the app version of this game before I played the card version I would have never fallen in love with the card game because I would have never given it a chance.
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1 month ago, Jer95678
Clearly rigged
They make no money if you don’t lose your coins. Fun game, but after playing for a few weeks - it’s clear that it’s rigged to make you lose your coins whether playing a bot or a live person. When playing live person, guessing that they have an algo for determining which of the two players they prefer to benefit. They even recently changed the math on how many coins you put up to play vs win. For instance - in a 2 player game, you have to wager 3,000 for a chance to win 1,000. Used to be 3,000 to win 3,000…now house gets 1,200 or more on every game. Lame. I’m out
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11 months ago, 2498sc
Play 9
Beware of monthly charges!!!! The game is a rip off. If they charge you anything don’t pay it. You’re playing computer most the time and what they’ve rise on believable! They lead you on long enough to keep you going, but then you’ll lose 20 games. Move on to another game that’s honest. Now they start you’ve been from talking to opponent because they’re not even human.
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1 year ago, bbykk33
Favorite card game
This is hands down the best card game. We will play a slightly different version with real cards at family gatherings. Great for kids to learn strategy and simple math. Only thing I would to see changed is this…if I win, playing multiplayer or with friends, I get to keep my ticket. All you won is half of what a ticket cost. The winnings add up (if you constantly win), but you can spend them quickly if you want to keep playing.
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2 years ago, m-edge
The game was fun at first. Once you run out of tickets, you have to either spend real money to buy more or watch a video to gain 1 ticket. You can only watch a limited number of ads a day. You should do what other games do and give 1 ticket every 1-2 hours at least. If you run out of tickets, you can play offline. Don’t expect to win any games though. It’s against AI so it’s already rigged. They get all the low cards and matches, while you will get higher cards and none of them will match. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to win against AI. I thought this was going to be fixed?
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3 years ago, Coc player long time 9
Just make it faster
Awesome game, great app, but incredibly slow. Online games seem like they take almost an hour. This has more to do with how long the game takes to switch between players and how long it takes to do all the animated clips. Like animated clips of cards flipping over, of cards going to the discard pile, of cards going to your hand. These all add up to an extremely long game when you multiply all those animations times 4 players and 9 rounds. Developers; PLEASE at least make these animated clips an option to speed up play. Games are just too long, even offline games.
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2 months ago, Pherz
I wrote a review about how offline game is unfair as the machine always win. I thought the correct it but instead they let you get good hands about the first six hole and then they let you have it. You never win and they get the cards they need. I don’t know how long they expect us to put up with this. You need to dummie up your robot. I haven’t won a game in I don’t know how long. It like I can see why the bot make a certain move because he knows my cards. This is the most unfair game I’ve ever played. Wise up before you loss all your player.
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3 years ago, Lunsford
Game seems unfair
We love Play Nine, the card game, so when this official app came out we were excited. After playing the offline version 30 times I think the app gives the fake players an edge, because I have NEVER won. It seems like when the fake players play a card it always replaces a higher one whereas I always replace zeros and -5! After 30 games I think even a beginning player would have won at least a couple. I'm very experienced as my family plays the card version all the time
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3 years ago, Mina4u2
Cheating App
Play nine is one of my favorite card games. I was pretty excited to find an app for it and even more excited when I saw the option to play with friends. I have some issues with this game. 1) the app will almost always get AT LEAST one -5 in each round. 2) If it weren’t for some ridiculous play choices the app makes, it would probably win most rounds based on the cards dealt 3) there are glitches when playing with a friend.
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2 years ago, Bob007804356713538000954
Trash don’t get!
I’ve seen the reviews were people complain about the offline bot not being random, and the developer reply’s saying that it is random. I always thought that there would be no reason for it not to be random, then I realized that they sell coins… think about that for a second. After playing the app and the actual card game a lot, where you shuffle the cards and it is actually random, I am fairly confident in saying that the offline mode, at the very least favors the bot and it is not entirely random. You wouldn’t be able to sell as many coins if you’re customer is winning them for free.
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3 months ago, dianepbh
Unresponsive customer service
Got irritated by the ads and paid $1.99 to remove them. Problem is the ads stayed. They collected their money and stopped responding to my request to fix it. Negative experience. ……… Update: June 2024 I have changed this from 1 star to 3. The issue was finally resolved after several back and forths. Apple was unhelpful and finally the developer stepped in. Seemed like a convoluted process to fix a $1.99 issue that started in late May. Next time: just resolve the issue quickly.
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2 years ago, Michelle from Montana
The game is really fun. 2&3 player mode on 8 hole seems to freeze often. Everyone walks away empty handed. There should be a Golf Ranger mode when players quit, the others can play through instead of having to wait for the quitter’s clock to run out. Two missed timers and bot boots them off the course. Another suggestion, consider having slow and fast pace mode.
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2 years ago, PhotonPhive
Fun but not worth the price
I like this game as far as games go. Love the real life card game as it has displaced Uno with our family. This game appears to deliberately favor the bots in offline mode, otherwise I must have the worst luck possible. The developer seems to skirt the issue of full and true randomization (“improved the randomization” what does that mean?? Either it’s random or it’s not!) The ads in the free version are obnoxiously loud even though I have sound disabled. I might pay a one-time purchase of ten bucks but cannot justify paying that as an annual subscription.
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3 years ago, Hihigihjfssfyhhvddghjjv
App always glitches out
We love the real life version of this game, the app, not so much. EVERY TIME I join a game with my family, the only thing we see is a blank green screen with the deck and everything is frozen. I have never been able to get in an actual game. I’ve deleted the app and re-downloaded it multiple times. What is going on? Plus you have to PAY to buy tickets to play with your friends and family once you run out. Utterly ridiculous that you have to pay for a broken experience. We love this game and hope that the app developers improve this app. 100% not worth downloading right now :(
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11 months ago, MannyAttack
Love this game
We’ve been playing the card game for years so try all of our friends, so naturally I was so excited to be able go play any time I wanted. I think existing gameplay issues are currently being worked on, so my only feedback would be that you should win your ticket back in addition to the coins, when you win a game.
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5 months ago, Valley-Dalley
Love it, but
Fun game, easy concept, but takes a lot of strategy. I wish it wasn't so fast in switching the screens after each round. At least give us the option to go back and look at the cards. Sometimes I don't even realize that one person has turned their last card and suddenly it's over and I don't even get to see what my cards were that were still face down.
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12 months ago, K S M 78
Love, love, love this game! My family enjoys playing the card game, and we enjoy playing this online. I don’t do the off-line or the online game against unknown players. I just like to play this with my family. With that being said, please get rid of tickets and coins. Just let us play to win or lose the game, track scores and wins. Also, I wish you could pause it.
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3 years ago, Bju1233
Great game!
This game is fun for the entire family and addicting! The app however, when playing the computer, I’ve never seen a computer get so lucky so many times. When you’re getting close to the end of a hole just wait! The computer will have a -5 or corresponding card to cancel and they rarely finish above par!
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1 week ago, Juliediver
Love to play but…
I enjoy the game so much I pay the annual subscription, however, once you’ve reached the 2000 experience points there’s no place else to go no other upgrades to your avatar or your hats to earn. In addition, you earn all your coins, but there’s nothing to do with them. I feel like the game could use some sprucing up. I love to be able to add some things to my avatar to personalize it or be able to personalize my wardrobe based on using my coins that I earned.
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3 months ago, lvanderz
Cards are rigged
Developers don’t seem to be able to get the single player vs bot settings correct. It used to be that the bots were completely brainless. They’d pass you cards that would let you complete sets and would never go out unless they got a 3 or less. Now the bots are better. They seem to be making good decisions. But the card draws are rigged in the bots’ favor. Bots consistently get what they need, but players rarely get what they need - unless the player would end up discarding a card that the bot needs. It’s clearly rigged. But even that would be fine for an added challenge for those who want it. I’m not app developer and so I don’t know what this would entail, but I would suggest three game modes vs bots. Hard mode - which would keep everything as is Normal mode - which would actually randomize the cards Easy mode - which would have the deck be rigged in the human’s favor
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3 years ago, jere bear
This game is extremely glitchy.
I have been playing this for about ten days and multiple times it has glitches out. My wife and I play it and several times it will get glitched and at the end of the game our score cards don’t match at all. One game it declared us both the winner in the other the loser on each phone. I have played with friends and had it completely skip the initial 2 card flip and let others go several times before you get a turn. If you look at the score and come back to the game it often disconnects. Great game with horrible reliability.
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3 years ago, TT9686
Great game but keeps disconnecting
I have the paper version of this at home and as a household we play the card game too much, it’s our favorite! I was so thrilled to see the app but am dissatisfied with the performance of the app. When I’m playing another member of my household on the app, I keep getting disconnected. I had to buy more tokens to play but I can’t even get through an entire game with out it disconnecting. This glitch is making me spend more money within the app
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5 months ago, Kassidy(:
Went Downhill
At first this game was good but then the ads started getting to be longer and more often. They also just updated it and you no longer have a way to get tickets to play without watching ads or buying them with money or coins. It used to give you at least one ticket daily and you could get one in the spinner. I also can’t count the number of times you pass up a card and then turn over that exact same number…it is not realistic. Will now be deleting this app unfortunately.
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3 years ago, Amandarnicole
Great but buggy!
Truly a great app and great adaptation of the card game, but super buggy! I hate that if you even check the time on your phone or switch to another app during an online match with a friend it disconnects you. Also, if you hit skip twice quickly, it allows you to play your turn again and draw another card. Also randomly disconnects you from the game.
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3 years ago, Cre123
AI Very Poorly Written
I downloaded this game yesterday and played only against the computer, two player. After playing several games where the computer opponent won every time and virtually ALWAYS got the cards needed to beat me, decided to start a new game then quit an restart if the computer opponent beat in a given round. 20 consecutive times I quit and restarted after the first round! The computer opponent received the cards needed to go out in freakish fashion. I made the mistake of upgrading the game for $9.99 per year. I am canceling my subscription and removing the game from my phone.
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3 months ago, J.L.B.K.
Too predictable
-Pay to play like all others. Tickets and ads ruined it. I paid for monthly membership and still have to watch ads. -Programming is predictable. It never fails, even in multiplayer 1on1 mode when you get ahead with one card to go. You won’t get anything playable and the other player will get everything they need to catch up and keep it close. It goes back and forth until the last hole. With 3 and 4 player matches 1 person will run away with it getting the cards they need while the others get scraps.
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