Procreate Dreams

Photo & Video
3.2 (1.9K)
1095.3 MB
Age rating
Current version
Savage Interactive Pty Ltd
Last update
5 months ago
Version OS
16.3 or later
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User Reviews for Procreate Dreams

3.18 out of 5
1.9K Ratings
2 months ago, Oshawott🥝🐈🍙😺😽😸😻
Not awful, but could use some things to fix it up.
Ive had this app for not too long now, and its really not as bad as people say it is. Tho there are a few areas and features that can be added and fixed up to improve its score. First thing, is a lasso tool. It could really help with tweaking artwork and sketches and change around certain areas for movement and placements. Second, add symbols and vector brushes. I know this is more of a hand drawn type of animation software, but i think it could be better to use symbols for some repeated types of animation and could also be a cool way to add rigged animation characters and could make tweening and movements easier for some users. Third, make the interface more accessible and easier to find. Like for example, onion skins and maybe an effects tool like base Procreate. And maybe make it so you can use the transform tools on the canvas like in flipbook mode and dont make the entire canvas be covered up and only show the camera area when using transform. Fourth, make it so people can have a certain set of preferences and settings default for every projects, like their onion skins, bg colors, etc. and have it be able to default. I think it would be cool to have it more customizable and easier to make comfortable for people to use and tweak to their likings. But overall, this app has a lot of potential and i could see it becoming a possible industry standard app! Keep it up!
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10 months ago, Spyder2074
Great Potential, Though Currently Underbaked
If you’re looking to buy this app expecting a plethora of features from the original to carry over, please don’t. This app more or less feels like a fresh start, possibly needing years before catching up to the full utility of the original. While this was not totally unexpected and I understand the difficulty of making this kind of app alongside high expectations, it still feels a bit too far behind from what it could’ve been. While I’m sure they’re working on some updates to flesh it out a little more for the time being, I doubt it will be enough to suddenly make up for all the caveats with using this app. I would only suggest buying this if you want to support the developers and start learning how to use it early, it is also admittedly a comparatively low cost of entry for what it may offer in the future. I want to rate it 5 stars and I look forward to what the devs make of it, I don’t want to sway people from giving it a shot. I just can’t ignore the occasional freezes/crashes, lack of core features from the original app (can’t customize brushes, no automatic shapes or line assist from what I can find, limited to no select/transform tools, and the list goes on). TLDR; buy it if you want to support the devs and try it early, don’t buy it if you feel unwilling to put up with it in its beta-like state.
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9 months ago, addinton
They got rid of several essential features and I want them back
I love the idea of making a separate procreate app just for animation. Typically I would make several small animations and then edit them all together with another platform which is why I had no hesitation getting this app. I figured it was the same thing but with farther animation capabilities, I was wrong. My first issue was when you go into the drawing part, the animating board shrinks. Its pretty big and at first I thought you could just swipe it to the side. You can’t. Next thing is there is no redo button as far as I’m concerned. In procreate there are two buttons on the side: the undo and the redo, although you can also undo by tapping on the screen with two fingers. In procreate dreams you can only undo by tapping the screen with two fingers and either I don’t know how to do the redo or it just doesn’t exist. This seems harmless in a way, but I can’t draw with resting my hand on the screen which is commonly mistaken for the undoing action. Another thing about the redo button is that a lot of times I don’t like how I drew things so I rapidly spam undo although when you do that it goes back way farther than it should and once again, no redo button. They also got rid of the feature to move and adjust stuff. Very annoying. You also can’t liquify or merge down. Another thing is that I can’t add music as it has to be a file and saving a file on an ipad is beyond my knowledge.
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9 months ago, SLEEPYCROW-312
REALLY good, but has some bugs and needs more.
Ok, so I absolutely ADORE this app. It’s fantastic for animating, and it’s just what I’ve been needing to animate my ideas. However, it is missing some key features as well and has some bugs. The main bug I’ve come across is that whenever you undo your previous stroke, it does this thing where your drawing kinda flashes to white for a second before coming back. It also will sometimes undo more lines than the previous stroke. Like, it’ll undo my many of my recent lines instead of just the most recent. As for features it needs, It really needs a transform tool like in procreate. Because right now all I can do is adjust the position of everything on the frame, and it’s really hindering my ability to animate quickly. It also needs a brush studio so I can edit the brushes, and I haven’t been able to import my own brushes. (That might be a me problem but idk.) it also needs a way to adjust things. (Think the preferences settings in procreate.) It needs some more things and some fixes, but this really has a lot of fantastic potential and I’m excited to see it be developed further! Edit: I have also noticed that it speeds up audio that I add in. (Whether it’s a video or a file) by quite a bit. This has been frustrating for me and I feel as though it needs to be fixed.
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9 months ago, n0ta_R0B0T
Great app just missing a lasso and auto shape tool!
I love Procreate Dreams because it is really great for improving your animation (or if you’re starting to learn how to animate), after you learn the controls first. I am sad that there is no lasso tool for specific areas (there is a resize feature but it messes with the entire layer that is currently selected) because it would make it easier. There’s also no auto shapes (in Procreate you can draw a line or shape and hold it down for awhile and it will automatically make the line/shape better) but other than that it’s a great app. For anyone who doesn’t know yet there is a stabilization feature. It’s in the settings which you access by going into your creation, clicking the name of your creation, then go to preferences, and at the top should be a “pressure and smoothing” option then from there you can adjust the stabilization. In the settings is where you control lots of things about your animation, so it’s important to know how to get there. Settings is where you control the fps (how fast you want the frames to go), and if you want it to loop, ping pong, or one shot you can do that in settings (plus many other things). Overall great app! (I will edit this if the tools are added or if I’m told how to use them)
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10 months ago, a fox tale
It’s good but missing a lot of very important stuff
The first thing that really bugs the most is not being able to move layers. It make drawing more complicated stuff next to impossible. Yeah I get it that it is bran new but this really should have been available on launch. Another big issue is that for some reason there are clipping masks for the timeline but not for the layers so if you want to be able to shade something or change the color of something you ether have to use dozens of tracks or you have to carefully color once gets old fast. Together these two issues make coloring asspeslly coloring animations and other complicated shapes next to impossible. Because of which I have to move my outlines to medibang so I can properly color them. Besides those issues it’s been pretty fun and any other issues so far I’ve been able to work around it. Something’s I would like to see in the future would be a select tool, being able to move multiple frames without grouping them, shape tool, slight increase to the onion skin layer cap to maybe 5 or 6 because 4 most of the time will work but on slower animations with alot of frames close together can be hard to see. I bet 80 percent of these are going to be added within the next month but not being able to move and add clipping masks to layers is incredibly annoying
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11 months ago, The Thousandth Developer
Feels like Early Access
Procreate Dreams doesn’t feel like a feature-complete application. It’s lacking in features from Procreate itself, such as quick shape, bloom, and optional notches for the side bar. It’s also lacking in gestures from Procreate, like multi finger slide for quick menu popups, and the ability to quickly merge multiple layers. It ALSO has poor design for what should be easy functions. You cannot, for example, set a live filter across multiple unique drawings in a sequence… which kind of defeats the purpose in many comp situations. Even ignoring those, there’s strange design decisions in general. The implementation for the ability to add brushes is the jankiest I’ve ever seen (literally dragging them from Procreate to Dreams), with zero way to modify them once they’re in Dreams. And then there’s the undo/redo buttons… or lack thereof. You are forced to use double-tap and triple-tap respectively, with no option to enable buttons in the settings. So much for accessibility. As I said, it feels more like early access than something ready for your projects. The base of Dreams is strong: The UI/UX is elegantly designed, the capability for stored undo history makes edits more flexible, and the massive canvas size puts it up there with desktop applications in terms of flexibility. And yet I just can’t recommend Procreate Dreams… at least not yet. I’m sure it’ll be more developed in the future, but it just isn’t ready right now.
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4 months ago, kenobrea
Wait & avoid headaches
I LOVE Procreate, it’s the only way I draw. Dreams feels like the younger sibling that thinks it’s at the same level but couldn’t be farther away. I’ve seen a lot of promises from the Procreate team for things like lasso & transform, but no actual estimates on how long we have to wait for them. Be prepared to dedicate a lot of time to researching how the UI works as there’s no clear layout or menu like Procreate has. It slows down the process constantly to have to hunt down the most basic features and there’s an expectation that users will somehow automatically know what buttons are and how to use features effectively. For example, you’d expect to select and drag to change clip length, but unless you also hold a finger on the screen it won’t work. And yet I only know that because I spent 45 minutes on google to find that information. The only streamlined way to use this for hand drawn animation at the moment is to make every single drawing in Procreate, import them individually into Dreams, and slog through getting each frame to go where you want it. Hopefully the Procreate team will at the very least update the roadmap that hasn’t changed in 6 months so we can plan projects accordingly. If you’re on the fence, go with another program for the time being and watch for eventual updates that make this app something that supports artists in the way the original does.
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8 months ago, Veencet
Missing tools :/
I have been using the regular procreate app for my art and I thought it would be similar. I assumed it would be like procreates original animation function plus the added extra features that are seen in procreate dreams. Sadly, that isn’t the case… where is the clipping feature? Where is the adjustments menu? Where is the transform feature? Why can’t I hold down to make a straight line and hold down two fingers to make a perfect circle? These are all basic features from procreate that are EASY to use, why are they not there? Yes, there are amazing features when it comes to specifically animating and they are easy to use, but it makes it hard to actually animate when there are less tools to draw with. I why would I pay $20 for an app that has less drawing tools than an app that I payed $0.99 for? Not to mention there are features that are hidden and not easily accessible when you are first trying to figure out the app. I definitely think it has potential to be something big, but I just wish it was slightly more like the original procreate app, because most people downloading the app probably came from it. I’ve only been using it for a couple weeks, so I hope I’m just mistaken or I hope they add more things in future updates.
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10 months ago, TwoSidedGemini
Please consider shortcut keys
I’ve been looking forward to this app since it was revealed. I loved being able to animate in Procreate due to the simplicity, however, the one thing holding me back was the lack of layers and time in which I was able to animate, which I hoped Dreams would remedy. I’m aware this app is still new and has so much potential, but in the future would there be a possibility of shortcut keys added similar to that of Procreate? At the very least for the drawing part? While I understand that using only touch is suppose to be intuitive, I use a keyboard when using Procreate since my nails make it difficult to touch the screen properly. It helps so much to have shortcut keys, so I was a bit bummed when I found that dreams did not have any. Using dreams felt awkward for me, as I had to bend my fingers or use both hands just to undo and redo, which made it more troublesome considering I have a habit of pressing undo until I get the perfect line stroke. Aside from that, there were some bugs I experienced, such as the app not detecting my Apple Pencil when in drawing mode, or it freezing entirely. Also when I tried clicking to the menu with the other dream projects, it would not let me leave the current project I was working on unless I restarted the whole app. I really want to see this app succeed, I look forward to what it has to offer in the future.
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10 months ago, grocerytroll
I really wanted to like Dreams, but in its present form, it feels like a half-realized product that needs several features to even begin to compete with the alternatives for anyone who’s remotely serious about creating with it. My gripes are many, but off the top of my head: I need a lasso tool. Having to re-draw things when I need to make just minor changes is a huge pain point. I also need to be able to adjust more about my brushes than just the size and opacity. It’s great that I can import them from elsewhere but I still need to be able to tune them. Finally, though this may be minor to some, I need to be able to take my onion skins out of pegs. It’s a big time-saver that I’m missing dearly when I try to use this app. All that said, I guess I’m just aggravated because if I need to create something quickly, there are far better alternatives on the market. They might not have a one-time price tag of 20 bucks, but the one I’m thinking of actually isn’t all that much more and frankly is worth the difference. All told, I’ll probably end up using Dreams more as compositing software when I’m too lazy to open up Resolve, but in its present form, that’s about all I care to do with it. I’m looking forward to seeing how things pan out in future updates, though. I trust Procreate, I’m just not thrilled with Dreams in its current form.
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8 months ago, Nick Nutys
No lasso tool, resizing problems, and timeline issues
Lasso tool is a must for hand drawn animation. I don’t always want to draw each new frame and a lasso tool could help a lot with that. Also, when resizing an image on the timeline the artwork can get understandably blurry or fuzzy if it is sized up. However, when I have continued drawing on that same layer I found my line was blurry liked the sized image. Which in procreate or photoshop would not be a problem. Very weird niche thing but otherwise frustrating as I have to draw on top of the resized layer to avoid blurry composition. Lastly, the timeline just suffers because of functionality. It’d be nice to have more controls on the timeline and not have to zoom out completely to watch your whole animation. Also, maybe a scroll bar at the bottom of the timeline would be nice and a play, pause, and start from beginning button. I still like the app but I really only got this for lip dubbing. Which do to the lasso tool issues I will likely export my rough animation and do my final lines in procreate and then bring it back to dreams. It’s an annoying workaround but I still love drawing on an iPad. Hopefully we get the lasso too soon. I wouldn’t be surprised if people don’t use the app because of it lacking this feature.
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10 months ago, Princessbeeee7
This is amazing, but-
Hey, so after using Dreams for a couple days I’ve noticed some great things, and some small things that I think really should be added. So for starters, I think adding the selection/lasso tool from the original app into this one would be really helpful. I find it quite frustrating not having the selection tool in flip book or in the timeline when I need to select certain parts of the drawing. Also I think bringing the quick menu also from the original app into procreate dreams would also be helpful when I want to copy and paste certain layers and items. And having the auto eclipse/line tool in Dreams would be amazing. It’s hard trying to draw a line or circle tying to make it perfectly straight or round but then it won’t do that like it did in the original app. But other than these main things, I think you guys have a great thing going that I think can turn into something remarkable if there was just a couple more features added. You guys are doing awesome, especially since you don’t charge a subscription fee. And having all the brushes from the original program into Dreams is also something I really appreciate. So I think there just needs to be some improvement but I’m really excited to see where this goes.
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4 months ago, pixelagames2000
Great Potential, but missing a few key features.
Ok so, I’ve been using Procreate since 2017 (when i first got my iPad Pro, I now use the IPad Pro Gen 3, and the Apple Pencil G2) and I’ve gotten procreate Dreams day one. I’ve been super excited to get this app because I’ve been wanting to get into animation, and I’ve been wanting a proper procreate animation version for awhile now. I’m loving what I’ve seen so far, But…it’s missing a fe vital features. First off, Why can’t i make a perfect circle or a straight line? In procreate you can just hold down the pencil after drawing a circle or a line, and it would fix it for you. There’s like No stabilizer witch is unacceptable! Secondly (this is something I’ve heard others talk about) Not being able to edit layers, the onion skin not showing up properly (IE, it’s barely visible or it’s just not there at all), and no Transforming. There’s probably other stuff that I’m missing, but I don’t know. You guys got a great app with great potential, but…Again, it’s missing a few vital features that we need. So…please, fix this ASAP. Also choosing your frame rate and resolution would be nice, i also have an idea to add a mode for storyboarding, I’d love to be able to do that (You can even add the drawing guide in, and give it extra stuff).
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9 months ago, Manney Wolf
Good, but missing a few features
As a long time Procreate user, I was very excited for the release of Procreate Dreams. Having used the animation option on Procreate, I had thought that Dreams would be the same, just with more features to enhance the experience. Now coming into Dreams, I can say that I do like the way it is laid out. The dashboard is easy to understand and get a hang of after watching a few tutorials. What I was mainly hoping for this software to have was an option to add audio, use keyframes, and not be limited by layers, which is what we were given. Though, there is still the lack of many tools that I use regularly while animating on Procreate that were not transferred onto Procreate Dreams, such as the tool bar. I use the liquify tool a lot for animating. In terms of drawing, the tools are limited, but not a turn away because you can easily import projects from Procreate into Dreams. Overall, I do really like how this software is set up, not to mention the one-time payment. Yet I am still struggling to animate comfortably because a lot of the tools I am used to are absent, though that may just be a matter of me getting used to it. I am hoping that we may receive these features with future updates as they come!
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5 months ago, The Rocket_Scientist
Pretty good except for a few things!!
The animation program is pretty good! But I’ll get straight to this point, here are a few things that I hope the developers add or fix. 1. Lasso tool and selection tool, that’s kind of self explanatory 2. Sometimes the app crashes all of a sudden, but that is fine since this app is new and I kind of expected this. But I hope this will be fixed soon! 3. When making a new layer in a frame the layers do not move up and down, hence making it frustrating to even use the layers in the first place. These are the major ones that should be prioritized, but I also have a few suggestions! 1. Liquifying tool: I use this frequently in animation, it helps a lot for me! (I don’t know about other people though but I know there are people like me who like to use liquifying to the advantage. If not the lasso tool and selection tool is good enough for me!) 2. Importing brushes from procreate: I want to do a pixel animation style in procreate dreams but I am unable to import the brushes like I hoped to do. So although there are all the brushes that come in default as procreate does, I am stuck with using them. Other than that pretty good! Hope there will be an update soon :)
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9 months ago, swwetsalt
Using this app is a struggle from beginning to end.
First and foremost this app will definitely be a breakthrough for more animation apps and I’m glad it’s making animation accessible to the everyday person + being a one time purchase (which is a bargain considering the power packed in it). But, gaining access to the app itself with the the accessibility ends. I loved procreate over other apps and other programs because of its seamless blend of simple features while maintaining the ability to allow sophisticated artwork to be made. This broke down the barrier for many individuals to enter art and increase their skills at an amazing rate, including me. I though Procreate Dreams would be the same. I was sadly mistaken. I hadn’t expected to have to watch a 30 minute tutorial on how to navigate an app with features and and interface that was not only confusing, but nonsensical at times (see: the onion skin mode hidden behind the TIMER???). All to still struggle with using the app. Switching between modes is a struggle, adding frames is a struggle, understanding the interface in general is a struggle, and to little to no reward. I can appreciate that the team is doing their best and I don’t regret my purchase. My only consolation is that things can only go up from here; and I’m sure they will.
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6 months ago, GabrielAugustine
Amazing app with needs
This is a truly amazing app, especially for the cost. I’m an older (40s) designer/Illustrator and I’ve never really taken the time (since flash) to learn to use animation in my work. Now, suddenly I have something new I can offer, and I basically learned to do it in a couple of days. The people who make Procreate, and now this, are truly gifted and thoughtful software designers/artists. That said, The app has a few things that I really hope they’re working on, because it could make Dreams magical. One, you’ve gotta be able to move items/pixels on a layer around, and select and move parts of your drawing around, like with the lasso tool in Procreate. The app needs a move tool like in procreate that lets you move whatever you’ve selected on a layer. In fact, Dreams would be perfect if it just had that entire left menu in the top bar of the drawing stage (wrench, magic wand, selecty ribbon thing and move tool.) Buy this app, learn it (with the expectation that it’s not yet perfect) because if they treat it with the love they’ve treated Procreate, it’s honestly going to be a technological wonder.
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3 months ago, Laniray, Himself!
I use this for game design
This application is great if you know procreate already. You are going to feel very comfortable in Dreams. I have had issues with creating sprite sheets for animation in games with the current apps that are available. Aseprite is great when I’m on my Mac, but I draw mostly on my iPad and the timeline interface and draw mode in Dreams is so simple and I understand it. I found a way to create a tiny canvas so I have created some pixel art animation in Dreams. As of now, I will say that the animation is better than other apps I’ve used for pixel art animation. The visual style of the timeline is way better that Asesprite. This app has challenged me to use my hand drawn art for my games. Something that I have never thought about before. Game designers will love this app! Please let us create and save custom canvas sizes. I also would like to see that straight line or basic shape tool from Procreate. You know, like if I draw a line and hold it for a second, the line will straighten out? I would like to see more of that in this app. It will be helpful for someone like me who would prefer to start and end all their animation needs with this one app.
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8 months ago, 𝙴𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛
Alright, let me be honest
Okay. I’m gonna be completely honest, I really like this app! I do think it’s better than most animating apps seeing as we have more brushes, tools, and options at our disposal! But with the way some of the things are splayed out, it’s just a difficult app to navigate, I’ve gotten used to it over time, but I had to watch tutorials from other people just to find out where a specific thing was because how odd it was to get to it. I do think a few things should be changed about it, like how you have to group things to move them all at once and how you can’t resize things in the drawing area (that one makes me the most upset because I hate having to erase and redraw something I drew perfectly the first time just to move it a few places to the left or right or just to make it bigger or smaller) and that we have to make things into actual audio files instead of the app being able to just take audio from videos and things of that sort. I do think this is a great app overall! There is a few things that needs to be fixed, which is way it’s getting 4/5 stars, but keep up the good work!
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10 months ago, H feugewbdhwdebugbw
Hopefully it’ll get better
The UI is pretty easy on the eyes and less confusing than other big programs, like adobe programs for example. There seems to be many things to do when it comes to editing the full animation, despite the lack of tons of tabs and sliders lacing the edges of the screen. You can do a lot of editing within the app, so you don’t need to export it to any other program. But some of the UI is a tad big on the canvas while drawing. It doesn’t have any of the brush capabilities that procreate when it comes to tweaking them or making new ones. In general, it’s pretty hard to get started because there are many important features hidden in drop-downs and hand gestures. The app is new, so I assume the features it’s lacking will be added in updates, but as of it release, animating in the original procreate is still a better experience. If the devs were to go about changing things, than I’d say make the flip book in dreams more like the animation timeline in procreate. And make just a few tabs on the side that you can open up instead of relying completely on gestures to reveal hidden features.
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6 months ago, Vanilope Garza
I really love this app, but there are obvious issues.
First of all, I’ve never written a review before, but I feel like this is important. I had pre-ordered Dreams and I’ve been using it since then, and I have other animation programs on the iPad but I don’t enjoy using them as much. I do miss the lasso tool, but that can be indirectly fixed by using tracks as layers, so it’s not too bad; many of the core issues people list for this program can be indirectly fixed by using your creativity. I’ve barely encountered crashing, which I’ve heard other people mention a bit. I did have an issue on day 1 where my brush wasn’t coloring as intended, it was a bit hue shifted, but I haven’t had that issue since then. Procreate Dreams is, overall, definitely an unfinished product, but I feel like most people haven’t given it a real chance. I don’t have many complaints other than the glaring obvious. I admit that I disliked it on release, but I’ve grown to really enjoy this program. I’m looking forward to the updates, and I plan on using it for major personal projects.
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10 months ago, Mad the mad
Not ready for release, not worth $20
There are too many features missing right now, some are confirmed for an “update real soon”. However the app shouldn’t have been released as it is with some of the marketing behind it (“ Everything you need to create rich 2D animations”, “Create engaging hand drawn animations”, “Bring gorgeous texture to your animations with all your favorite Procreate brushes and more resolution than ever before”; all taken directly from the procreate dreams website). For how many statements on the site imply this can be used for hand drawn animation, it currently does not allow for seamless drawing. There is no selection tools, the only thing layers can do is be created or named (no merging, rearranging, duplicating, ect.) no visible undo/redo buttons, drawing too zoomed out causes the drawing to be pernamently fuzzy, you can’t edit brushes outside of their size and opacity, the timeline can’t really be compressed which limits drawing space ( using a mini this issue is very apparent) and the flipbook is not up to par to replace it, as well as some other issues. The app currently is more of an adobe after affects. It would of been nice to know that’s what this app was, so I wouldn’t have spent $20 on what I thought was an app for hand drawn animations.
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9 months ago, Sun71275
A few problems…
I’ve really been enjoying the software that this app offers so far, but I do have several pet peeves and problems with it. First of all, the lack of a lasso tool, second, I’d like to be able to duplicate layers within a track. The setup at the moment doesn’t support my art style well and it’s just a very tedious process to complete what could have been done with simple layer duplication abilities. The program has also slightly messed with/sped up some audio I imported and I was wondering if it’s a problem with the app, my device, etc. Finally, the matter of exporting. I tried to export a project, but failed to find an option for exporting to a photo library. It would be much more convenient to me if this were available. I also would think it wise to have a way to export an animation as a GIF. Though I find these few things bothersome, I’m still luxuriating in some of the other amazing features this program has to offer. I hope you take these improvement ideas into consideration, and I look forward to seeing what’s next!
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10 months ago, Iz_A_Silly_Goose_
Has potential, but needs a few fixes
As a fan of animation and procreate, I really want to love this app, but the bug that I’ve gotten has made it completely unusable. I don’t have any issue bugs relating to exporting and importing things like a lot of others have brought up, but rather I cannot draw in this app. I will go into flip book mode to animate, as you do, and then after a couple of strokes I can’t draw anymore. Then if I go out of flip book mode it will either A) go to its regular set up so then I can go back into flip book mode to repeat the cycle or B) it will close me out of the app. Now I did check to see if maybe it had taken off drawing mode, but if it did then I wouldn’t be able to be in flip book mode. Also this is only a recent problem I’ve been having. When I first got the app everything worked fine, but then for the last two days this has been going on. Now obviously with this being just released, I understand that there are still some updates and fixes to be made, but I was hoping that I would be able to use this app when it released.
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6 months ago, Nocenyeliztli
Even buggier (gave it 5 stars so my comment would stand out)
The app should be named Dreams, as it seems that none of the Procreate DNA is carried along, clunky UI, out of scale elements, duplicated functions everywhere, complete lack of understanding of an animation pipeline, no frame instances, zero control over the timing of the drawings. Was expecting much more on the first update, at least solve some of the UI design flaws. It would be zero stars however the non destructive fx track per layer saves the app… Cool for animated scribbles… But I mean, the biggest error timecode settings with HOURS! As if you were going to animate hours… we need frames counter, frames length settings, seconds, maybe minutes? Update 2024 march I gave it a chance and it just keeps disappointing, now the swatches don’t even work properly. Create a new swatch, try to rearrange the newly created color and it will disappear. Then if you go to the color wheel and back it will appear. Bugs bugs and more bugs, clunky UI, no possibility of full screen without any cumbersome menu or giant flip book popup… this is just getting worse is it one of those cases of it will only get worse before it gets better? If so, when can we expect a finished product and not an alpha?
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9 months ago, aisha ruby rai
Dissapointing launch - Improved upon update!
I understand that not all features can be available on launch, but not being able to move layers, and no lasso tool will be sorely missed, as I feel these are essential for making any sort of drawing, eespecially an animation. The rest of the app runs smoothly so far, minus a glitch where distortation and warps dont always show up properly on duplicated layers, making it difficult to make small changes. The rest of the app is still pretty impressive, and the app has alot of potential, however right now minus the audio issue, it is not as intuitive as procreate dreams for animations, in my opinion. Edit: almost forgot not being able to import or paste things into layers. In my opinion improving layers and adding the lasso tool should be the top priority with updates, as it will pretty much give you the best animation app on the iPad, but until then, it can only be 3 stars. Edit 2: The updates have adressed many issues I spoke of, so I upped my review to 4 stars! Keep the updates coming!
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9 months ago, Alexas r
Good app so far but one fatal flaw
I love this app and am having fun with it so far but I have encountered a glitch twice now that have caused me to lose my entire project. While working in the drawing mode the program will begin to rapid undo all of my progress all the way to the beginning and no matter what I do I can’t redo it. In fact the redo gesture has never worked for me since installation. This is very frustrating as I love the app and how easy it is the use but it makes me not want to work in the app if I’m constantly at risk of losing my progress. I even changed the rapid undo settings to the max time and reduced the amount of saved undo frames but I still happened again and I lost all of my progress up to my last save which was hours worth of work since I’m drawing frame by frame. It’s so angering to literally watch your work disappearing before your eyes and program doesn’t respond while it’s happening so there’s nothing you can do about it. This app has tons of potential but is definitely buggy.
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11 months ago, Natasha100302
Won’t give me a refund-does not work anything like procreate!
The app works nothing like procreate and I can’t use it for my animation that I’ve been working on in the original procreate because there is no import function to get a psd file into the app from the original procreate. The entire reason I bought this app was to speed up my animation process assuming that this would be procreate with more layer capacity and an added timing feature for music, but none of the UI is the same. It was advertised to be procreate with extra features that would make it animation centric, but I can’t use this app at all. None of the quick commands are the same, it’s bulky and hard to use, and basic functions are missing. The entire reason I use procreate is because it’s simple and I already know how it works, so changing the entire interface of the app, not including basic features from procreate like the transform and select tools, and not allowing me to import any content into the app makes it completely useless to me. It feels like I paid $20 for a beta version of the app when for this price it should be fully functional upon release, especially with how much it’s been hyped up.
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8 months ago, Kenta_uwu
Almost there.
I’m a long time procreate user and I despise animating on Procreate, so I was very excited to download Procreate Dreams. Over all it is much better than animating in Procreate but you can tell its in its development stages still. There are plenty of bugs still getting fixed and a lot of features missing like the lasso tool, you cant edit brushes, and pretty much everything in the “modify” section is missing. I might assume this is so people still buy Procreate if they need to draw? It’s kind of annoying for frame by frame to not have all the same features though. Also the thing that upsets me the most is the fill feature leaves a white boarder no matter how high you make the fill duration(?), which means the boarder of the page also leaves a white line. I actually love the app and the only reason I’m listing all these cons is in hope that they get added to a list of things to fix really. I can see Procreate Dreams being amazing, maybe even perfect in the near future.
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10 months ago, Lola Eskimo
Really REALLY good, but needs a bit more.
Okay, so this app is INSANELY epic. The potential is huge and there’s a lot that can already be done with it! However, it is missing quite a bit. For one, the lasso tool is missing, and I feel like the lasso is a massive part of animation in general, ESPECIALLY for the squash and stretch mechanism. Also, there aren’t a lot of options for effects such as chromatic aberration and bloom. Though, I can give these a pass because this is a VERY new program and there is lots of room for updates and improvements. That’s really the only negative thing I need to say other than the frequent crashing, but again, the program is new and with a few updates I’m sure the program will be better than ever. It’s very worth the $20 already, and that’s saying a lot. It will take a bit of a learning curve to understand everything, but after a few tutorials and hopefully some new updates, we will have the coolest animation program to date.
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5 months ago, BootyBugz
Brush size changing when zooming in/out
I just got this app and immediately noticed a huge issue with the brush size consistency. When you zoom in/out the size changes. What is the point in having a brush size slider if it doesn’t matter? I see the team saying this is functional, however, this is detrimental to my ability to draw/animate on this app as I cannot draw without using the zoom feature. I know others feel the same and there is no way to have consistent animations or line work with this issue. I have turned off dynamic brush scaling to no avail. I don’t want a refund as I have faith in this app and so much love for the original version. I just hope this is something that will be fixed with future updates. I know this app is new so I am trying to cut some slack, especially with how genuine and responsive the team has been with the original procreate. Please hear my concerns as I really don’t know how I can use the app if I can’t zoom in and out without my brush size changing! 🥲
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10 months ago, 👑TheRatKing👑
I’m really liking this so far
As a person, who has been using Procreate for the past few years now I really like how this app works! Of course I have my issues with it but I’m more of a character designer myself I do dabbling in animation from time to time but not as much as I want to. This app does make me wanna animate more though. My only issues are that it’s kind of buggy. It’ll crash on me every once in a while but that’s to be expected to be honest. I like that it has all the procreate brushes, but I don’t like that you can’t import your brush from procreate into this app. I have specific brushes that I like to use for my art that I would like to use for my animation as well. Trying to figure out the transform tools a little bit confusing but something to get used to. I wish there was the reference tool and the liquefy tool in this app. either that I don’t have much complaints. I just wish there were some features from Procreate were also in this app aswell
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10 months ago, TheOatmealSeller
I’m loving it! But something is missing-
I am absolutely in love with this app! Not only has it made animation easy but it’s made it affordable for artists everywhere! That being said I would love to see some features included in the next update! For example, I was a little confused to see there is no lasso tool. And it was a little frustrating to have to exit flip book to access the move and scale tool. But other than that this app has given me everything I need to create and enjoy animation! Some things I fail to mention earlier: I’ve had nonstop problems with this app crashing and freezing up. It also will not let me export videos, which is frustrating because I like to post my resent animations on my socials. And the lack of undo and redo buttons is a little annoying. And this might be a problem on my end but tapping on the side of my Appel pen to switch from one tool to another has always worked on procreate but for some reason not on procreate dreams.
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10 months ago, LunaJhope
Good but needs work still
Giving the app a 3 star for the time being because I’ve noticed a lack of basic drawing features like the lasso tool. Dreams makes you create a whole keyframe to be able to move a drawing and you cant even choose which part gets moved. the layers can’t be reorganized and there’s no way to add stabilization or customization of any sort to any brushes. I’ve also noticed that the drawing stage flickers and glitches out fairly frequently, which is unfortunate. It would also be nice to be able to hear the audio (if there is any in the file being worked on) while in flip book mode, it makes it hard to animate talking without being able to hear what’s being said, alongside being able to edit frame duration while in flipbook mode, like how you can on the original procreate app. Otherwise, the app is really cool and fixes the issues original procreate had when it came to the animation feature, but there is still a lot of room for improvement!
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7 months ago, sTeLLaF0x
Good, but is missing a few things
Good evening, I will say that when I first heard about Procreate getting its own animation app I was super excited. Especially with it has the camera movement feature which is really useful for someone who doesn’t have an iPad specifically for animation or doesn’t want to pay 7-10$ a month for an app. Despite its good things, there are a few things that are missing and a few odd glitches. 1. Please add the lasso tool It’s frustrating enough that I can only move the entire drawing when I only want to move or shrink one part of the drawing that I am having trouble with. It would be really nice to add the lasso tool back like the original Procreate and would make things much easier to move around without having to erase and redo. 2. Audio cut out When ever I am adding music or any song to my animation there is an odd glitch or cut out that lasts for 1-2 seconds which is kinda irritating, when you want a clear audio and it sounds like something has been cut out from it. 3. Add automatic straight lines and shapes In Procreate it was really helpful to have the tool that would allow you to make perfect lines, shapes, and curves. It would make things much easier if these things were also added to Procreate Dreams instead of just having it in the original. Over all this app is decent and I use it for some of my bigger projects. I look forward to seeing more updates in the future. Have a good day.
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10 months ago, CZGrafx
Watch tutorials first
Just a quick note, I left a review already, but I think the problem for me was, they say the program is intuitive. I think somewhat, yes, but it is seriously confusing on most stuff, so if you want to really enjoy this app, you have to find some tutorials first. Don’t just dive in and think you will like it, cause it is way more complex than they let on, but once you get to know a few things, it is way easier to use and you can make some fun animations. Plus you can use procreate to draw some really cool art, then import to Dreams and modify, it is a little more work, but I think really worth it. At first I have to say, I thought the app needed serious work, but only because you have to do 2 steps to see onion skins and certain things are just not explained well like when you work on a larger project like 30 mins plus. I still like the first Procreate draw app way better, but dreams is warming up after a few tutorials.
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11 months ago, MilkMaid_
Good but not great tbh.. :/
I’ve only used the app for a couple of hours now and honestly I’m kind of disappointed. Can’t even go more than 2 hours without the app randomly crashing then closing on me. Not to mention the multiple issues it has when it comes to using the color wheel. There’s NO COLOR PICKER or at least none that I’ve seen or discovered so far. So if you wanted to use a certain shade then use it again later? Good luck trying to land the exact shade number for it. Not to mention the ‘history’ feature for the colors. Once you click on a color you’ve previously used it’s not even that exact color anymore, it slightly changes the shade!! Making the history feature completely useless. There’s no lasso tool either, so if you wanted to move only a certain area for something? You’re forced to move the entire drawing instead, that are you’d have to break down your drawing into even smaller detailed bits if you want only a certain area to move. Praying and hoping they patch these issues as well as add in more useful features :(
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10 months ago, Wolvira
Excited for future updates
I struggle a lot right now with the pen pressure. I wish i could edit my pens like with Procreate, but I could do without it if I was just able to have better pen pressure. I have to press a lot harder just to have my line appear and it’s harder to draw lighter lines because it’s like my pen doesn’t recognize it. I did check and my pen works just fine on regular Procreate. I wish there was a lasso tool to better move things. I also try and zoom in and out of the timeline to make it easier to grab and adjust things, but it definitely takes me a minute to grab one image and lengthen it on the timeline. Outside of these couple thing, i haven’t gotten much trouble with much else. I genuinely love the potential of Procreate Dreams. I used to animate with Procreate by making all the frames and exporting it separately and putting it in VideoLeap to organize it. It’s a lot more relaxing to not have to do that anymore. Audio importing is much easier now too!
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3 months ago, ThewonderCritique
Unacceptable coming from Savage
Where do I start? I spent a lot of money on an art with production quality so far in the gutter, I don’t feel it should even have a purchase fee! I expected this to be twice the quality of procreate and then some since it’s twice the price! I’d rather pay $20 for procreate than for whatever this app is. I expected better from savage considering their previous production. Dreams feels like it’s in its pre alpha stage and it is absolutely unacceptable! There’s no lasso tool, there’s no importing custom pens, you can’t make circles or straight lines by holding your pencil or finger down. I tried to fix the lack of straight lines by copy and pasting from procreate to dreams… not even an option. This app should be removed from the App Store or fixed, because it is severely lacking! This isn’t even the tip of the iceberg! Do NOT download this app if you value quality, a comfortable working space, and an app that will give you quality animations. You’ll have far better luck with FlipaClip WITHOUT paying for its subscription.
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10 months ago, Honeyhousesys
Idea is amazing still needs some work
I understand that this app came out just a few days ago so I know a lot of things need to still be fixed but these are some issues I’ve noticed: It’s pretty difficult to navigate, maybe this is a personal thing but it’s not that straightforward and trying to figure out things like how to move and distort things took me like 10 minutes. It crashes a lot, about every 6 or 7 minutes my program freezes up and crashes, although it never gets rid of my progress which is very nice. The lowest fps available is 12fps, I wish it could go down lower With all the being said I still love this app, everything is easy to use even if it’s difficult to find, this is the best most affordable animation app I’ve ever used, $20 for professional level software is amazing, and I’m sure within the next few updates this app will be running very smoothly
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10 months ago, Starkzxzx
Make adjusting timing easier please
I’m an animator and being able to re-adjust timing after drawings are created is crucial to many animators. Right now its too difficult to do some of the basic stuff, say put all the drawings on 1s or 2s, or slot in an empty drawing at the cursor, or set default drawing length to a set amount of frames. When I want to extend the length of a drawing but there’s another drawing after it I had to first move the other drawings back, then extend my current drawing. It’s too tedious, especially if you created those key frames in flip book mode, because every drawings would be 1 frames long, if I want to set each drawings to be 4 frames long I have to do the whole process for every single drawing. There’s no reason when you extend the timing on a drawing it wouldn’t automatically slide everything after that back. Unless you have an option hidden somewhere that I didn’t find. I can’t believe none of the beta testers had problems with this.
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10 months ago, Captian Yo yo
Some suggestions…
First of all, I think this is a great app I’ve yet to fully dive into and use to it’s fullest capabilities. But I have some suggestions that would help with workflow at least a little. Firstly is an option to import/record just audio. I tend to make short improv animations and being able to record on the app would help. If this is already a feature I’m unaware of please tell me. Second is the flip book. I really enjoy using it, I’ve been practicing walk cycles with it and they look pretty good. My only suggestion there is some sorta timeline on the flip book and an option to minimize it so it’s out of the way when drawing frames. Maybe also a playback feature so I’m not going back on forth on the timeline to check my work. Third… still sorta flip book but more the UI when drawing. A few things I think would help is a grid (if this is also already an option please tell me!), undo/redo buttons (the two finger tap and three finger tap is fun and all but I think actual buttons would help noobs like me) and pretty much make the drawing part of Flip book a near copy-paste of the og procreate app. Add roping and resizing to flip book also. Anyhoo, ik it’s hard developing software like this and I’m frankly impressed with the app as is. Just feel like some added features like this would help with workflow 👍 All in all, great app! Would recommend.
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7 months ago, BuddyAnimator
What in the world?
Now look, I understand that a lot goes into making an app. So, I'm not angry or frustrated. More flabbergasted. I've used Procreate for while now and that app is amazing. I know it took many updates to get it where it is today, but why didn't the intuitive design characteristics make the jump to Procreate Dreams? Settings are HIDDEN. There are NO drawing assists such as holding a line to straighten it or circles or boxes. It took me days to figure out how to find the the flipbook feature. I've seen the other reviews asking for additional features, but can you guys bring the small things over from Procreate. In the age of ecosystems, I feel like this is a fairly logical thing to ask for. At least make your apps similar enough for me to use my muscle memory to use this app to its fullest potential. I look forward to the future updates and will continue to use the app, I just think these quality of life changes would be amazing.
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11 months ago, dieuna
This is amazing, but…
I’m very familiar with procreate, so working with this is not hard to do, at least for me. The way that I can make so many awesome animations in this app, in many different ways, is just so cool, and I hope to learn and practice more everyday. I’m just really disappointed and confused as to why this dreams doesn’t have a tools bar. You cannot select freehand, or as I usually do, automatic, which is such a time saver in coloring in different frames. I’d (and others) really appreciate this having a select tool. As for the individual layers (not the ones in the timeline) You cannot move/reorder them at all, or duplicate, layer mask, change things like opacity, and basically everything else. Dreams said this app is for everyone, but it can’t accommodate how some of us draw. For example I use overlay to add highlights to my characters, but I can’t do this in Dreams. The only way i’d do it is to do my frame by frame and color on whole different tracks. Which may seem like not a big deal, but it is very time consuming, and Im assuming this can be fixed with an update. That’s all I really have to say about it. I was pretty hyped up for it but idk it’s gonna be a let down if they do not update it. (I believe they have to will at some point, it was just released after all) Thank you, Procreate! :)
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10 months ago, papercookiez
one issue + some things to be desired.
- overall, good. it’s clean, especially timeline scrubbing! it’s actually so amazing, I really love being able to have it to my exact time specifications, and love being able to use all the procreate brushes in dreams. ⚠️ - I have a problem! i cannot import audio files (not MP3s, at least, I haven’t tried anything else). it won’t work and i cannot find anything online talking about how to fix this issue. it’s not because the files are too large or small, I’ve tried a variety of sizes. it’s not the length, so im not sure what exactly is wrong. it simple says “action cannot be completed” when I attempt it. 💔 - not so much as problem as it is a general dislike. flipbook mode feels very limited because you can’t hear the audio, and you can’t make the flipbook timeline smaller. — potential solutions/additions! 1.) being able to adjust the size of the whole timeline window without it going into flipbook mode. just let it get smaller. 2.) enabling audio or audio scrubbing during flipbook mode (you can turn it on or off, so those who don’t want it don’t have to deal with it) 3.) being able to change the size of the flipbook mode pages/timeline window. it’s kinda large in my opinion? I’d love to be able to just… squash it smaller. just some thoughts! still, love what the team has done and it’s very impressive how it is so far regardless. with love!
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10 months ago, Em’s Corner
So far so so good…
I was so excited when I heard about this app. I did a hand-drawn animatic for my thesis project on the original Procreate app, using the animation feature. It was… a lot. Some features that I used a lot would be helpful to include in Dreams: the Quickshape tool, the Liquify and retouch tools, the three-finger swipe down to access the cut/copy/paste tool. People have mentioned the lasso tool, and I agree. Any selection tool would be essential, as well as the transform features (being able to squish and distort a shape). When I was fiddling around in the Dreams app, trying to get a feel for it, my instinct was to go to the top left corner for the Procreate tools menu. That might be something to consider including in the drawing window. Also, I think have a back and forth frame button would be helpful: < to go back 1 frame, > to go forward one frame. Thanks for making this! I’m looking forward to using it.
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4 months ago, Angelcake35
Best part of procreate team is they listen
I was hoping for a mesh up of drawing app and animation app. That would make the workflow magical. No other desktop app was able to do that. Not adobe with photoshop and animate, and nor was toonboom with their harmony and storyboardpro able to do that. I almost feel like they did that intentionally so users has to buy both programs. However, procreate was VERY close to providing that smooth workflow enough to replace the above mention. It was a ground breaker with the addition of animation assist. Honestly all procreate needed was 1. timeline, 2. Sound track. I do like the “record” button that auto key frame your movements into animation. It only lets you move objects though. I wish it’ll also record a brush stroke. That would be so cool to animate vine growing or hand writing appearing. What would’ve been great is if they released the procreate dream’s animation functions as an add on package to procreate. So for people who just want light weight drawing software, they don’t buy the add on or have the option turned off. Or they could’ve made duplicate of procreate app, where one of them has everything a procreate has PLUS the animation functions, and the other one is just procreate. So for people who wants to just draw without using too much processor on iPad can opt for the light version. I have great hopes for the devs, and thank you for all the hard work and efforts!
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10 months ago, ArtsyShea1
Is good but hopefully will be better
I was super excited for the app being a consistent user of procreate for a couple years now and also looking for a good affordable animation app. When the app came out I bought it the first day it came, and noticed right away the bugs and delays that were happening. I understand that it’s a new app so it will hopefully get better over time, but it would glitch every couple minutes and kick me out of the app so much that it took me almost an hour to make a 3 second clip. I also noticed that there is no lasso tool or ability to add reference images (from what I can tell). I think the app itself is great though and especially like how smooth the flip book option is. I would say more but I unfortunately couldn’t use the app for that long because it was glitching so much. I think this can be a really good app once the bugs are fixed and potentially more tools are added, but it’s a great start so far.
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11 months ago, SnickerToons
Awesome app Procreate Dreams is better than Callipeg and ToonSquid.
I’ve been using Callipeg it’s amazing been using it for a year then my friend told me all about ToonSquid , Wow this reminded me of procreate (2D app). I felt that these was the app for me it reminded me of procreate. Because I love Procreate so much and this app has a lot of procreates feather's, So now I’ve been using it for a 2 years when I’m not on my PC for animating . I thought I’d found the best 2D animation app out there! Until you guys announced Procreate Dreams, I’m truly happy too say you guys blow my mind with Procreate Dreams. I mean you guys hit the ball out of the park with us app, that has now become my number one 2D Animation app. I’ve fine my self using procreate dreams more then my PC lol. Thanks you guys!!! Oh yea one thing where’s the brush stabilizer and the best part of procreate one finger to help make perfect circles and lines. The End. SnickerToons.
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