Prompted Journal: writing app

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Oatmeal Apps
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1 year ago
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12.0 or later
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User Reviews for Prompted Journal: writing app

4.83 out of 5
5.3K Ratings
2 years ago, countrygal132
Never thought I would enjoy journaling..
I never write reviews but as soon as i opened the app I knew I had to. I’m the type of person to obsess over something and the idea of it, then stop doing it after 3 days. I have always loved the idea of writing down your thoughts and ideas and just having a journal you can treat as a friend who doesn’t talk back and tell you something you don’t want to hear. BUT, the actual thought of PHYSICALLY WRITING in a journal is so tiring. I knew I had to find something that I can have at all times and not feel awkward writing in so ofc my only option was my phone. I saw this app and decided to download it just PRAYING that it would be good, and it was.. amazing. As soon as I opened the app the first things I read showed me that the creators truly care about the whole purpose of Journaling, and knew that it’s not supposed to be something you should feel obligated to do. It’s comforting, easy to use, not overwhelming, and you can choose whether or not you want notifications to remind you to write in the journal. The best part is that internet connection was not needed to use it, so during those moments that there’s no signal and you need something to do, this is perfect. I’m in love so thank you so so much creators and developers <3
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5 years ago, alex.mango11
My favorite app
As someone who’s been journaling in paper notebooks for 10 years now and continues to this day, I was hesitant to get a journaling app because I figured I already did enough on my own. However, after using it for just a few days, I’m already in love with it. The prompts are such a wonderful way to get myself thinking about things that I wouldn’t normally record. Sometimes I look at the prompt early in the day to see if anything inspires me or I’ll surprise myself when I check in with my 7pm reminder and have to recall something that answers it instead. In a world where convenience is key, this app surely fits the bill. Just yesterday something made me super happy and with no paper at hand to record my thoughts, I reached for my phone and opened this journaling app to quickly write it down. The prompt happened to be “Happiness is...” so my situation was very applicable at the time, but now I will say that happiness is definitely using this app because it’s making me reflect on my life and the days events in a new, meaningful way which is pushing me to have better, happier days. Thank you for creating this straightforward, wonderful app! I also adore the font which makes the writing even more fun, so I highly highly recommend getting it!!
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2 years ago, Mizzie<3
I’ve Never Seen Something So Good!
Okay So.. I’ve seen so many stupid jounal apps that make you pay to literally just write. I was not expecting much from this app, yet still decided to give it ago, And boy am I glad I did! Because immediately I knew that the creators actually care for who is using it, and want to help you even though they have never ever met you, I love how you don’t put in your email, for constant spam and I love how there is no ads! I’m thinking about purchasing premium to help the creators, since there is no ads in the app to help them keep this app alive! And because this app is so amazing that I want to use its full potential! I love the prompts, because they are actually meaningful and it’s nice when you look back and see what you wrote the day before or the year before! I just downloaded this app and usually review it after a week! But this definitely deserves to be reviewed immediately! If your reading this review please download! It will be the best decision of you hole app downloading life!
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4 years ago, isabellakershner
All of my entries were lost
At first I was in love with this app, it is well made, the journal entries were fabulous, but one day I opened the app to journal and I found that every one of my entries that I had painstakingly written to be both thoughtful and well written were all gone. The app had reset without any warning so I could save them, it presented me with the same request for the monthly payment again, even though I had already paid for this month. Then it showed me the daily prompt- the same one I had gotten on my first day and already filled out. All of my hard work was lost, and yet I am still expected to pay twice for one month’s usage. I am extremely disappointed with this app, as it was once one of my favorites, but I now realize that the quality is exactly what you pay for- 99 cents a month. Obviously care and time was used to create the app, but the creators must have stopped looking for bugs in the software. I am extremely angry and frustrated at the loss of my hard work, and once again I say how disappointed I am in an app that seemed genius when I first purchased it, I loved it truly the best part of my day was reflecting on myself with it. I am truly disappointed and upset that all of my work was lost, and I want to warn anyone who gets this app that their work could be lost at any time, and none of it is safely protected.
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1 year ago, VirginiaS989
First of all, I never write reviews; but I love this app so much, I had to do my part to help the people who created it. If you had told me one month ago that I would be journaling and looking forward to it every single day, I wouldn’t have believed you. But with this app, it’s absolutely true! I’m addicted to it. I’ve NEVER been one to journal and write my thoughts down, but this app has completely changed that about me and I love it. It’s so simple and elegant and easy to use. I look forward to seeing a new prompt every day and reflecting on it throughout my day; and I usually end my day by writing in bed before I go to sleep. It has helped me mentally and emotionally too. The prompts are well-designed and thoughtful and open-ended enough to not be limiting. I decided to pay for the full version just because the developers did such a great job of making this app so enjoyable to use. If you’re on the fence about getting this app and are skeptical about journaling in any way, Get. This. App.
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1 year ago, KellyJNickel
5 stars!
I was reading the reviews for this and sorted them by “most critical” and was very surprised to see all these critical comments! The biggest reason people were putting one star was because you supposively have to “pay money”, but you don’t. For anyone reading, I just want to be clear, it suggest you pay money for a few different things, but it never forces you to. Sure, we do want to do some more things on this app without paying money, but hey, you can’t get everything you want! Now, for my review, I LOVE this app. I’ve been searching Barnes and Nobles for a prompted journal but never found anything to my liking. When I found this, I was super excited. There are tons of different prompts to answer from, and it really does help you reflect on what’s going on in your life! My ONLY negative comment is I wish we could do more than 2 prompts per day. (3 if you’re paying). But I’m not complaining, this app is genuinely amazing and I seriously recommend it!
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3 years ago, creative nickname insert here
Helpful and important
I’ve been writing in these journal prompts for over a year and it’s been unexpectedly wonderful. On a day to day basis it helps me start my day on a positive and centered note- feeling grateful and creating goals. What I didn’t expect what that you can look back at what you wrote the last time you were prompted with that question or what you wrote on the same day last year. Not long ago my dog died. To say I love her is a vast understatement. But as I was writing in the journal I decided to look back at what I had written last time I was asked. I had written about my dog and how worried I was about her torn ACL and all of her surgeries to remove her tumors. The journal was incredibly important in healing from that loss because I was reminded that her body was ready to go- something my grief had not let me see. To see how you grow and change throughout your writing and answers is pretty special. We don’t always see the little changes on our own.
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2 years ago, lorz617
in a sea of wellness apps this is the winner
The minimalist layout and user-friendly design is lovely, unlike most apps these days that increase cortisol levels with confusing UI, constant paywalls and difficult navigation. The free version offers a lot- and their premium version is what premium versions should be! Just a hint more bonus things plus supporting the app, which invites intention for the user to choose. I may subscribe annual just to support the developers and so it can stay just as great as it is now. The price is reasonable, again compared to most apps out there. The prompts are fantastic. The dig deeper option is ⭐️, love that it’s a nudge but not required. This is a top 5 fave app for me. It’s one of the only ones I seem to keep up with consistently. I love reading old entries. I love that I don’t need to login, but can save pdfs. 💕 thank you !!
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4 years ago, Curiosity.kills
Good but repetitive
I’ve been using Prompted Journal since May and I have found the prompts too be quite reflective and introspective. However, it seems I have reached the end of new prompt cycle and for the last week I’ve been getting a repeat of prompts since the beginning of the journal which has been very annoying. I had to go through and delete all the old prompts just so I hopefully won’t see those questions again. I also think it could be cool if there were some more light hearted questions because many of the prompts can be quite heavy—-“think about being on your death bed, what’s the last thing you’d say” or questions akin to that. I mean I guess there’s nothing wrong with it because these are things that are worth pondering, but at the same time I don’t want to have 4 to 5 prompts within the same week detailing my mortality. It kind of takes away the fun. I think the app is OK but could use some tweaking, especially related to repetitive prompt questions, like once I write a prompt, I don’t want to see it again.
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3 years ago, kailaareane
Good for a BUSY person!
I truly enjoy how convenient this app is. You don’t have to pay for it unless you want the additional perks which is uncommon nowadays. So that’s the first perk: that it’s free until you want more! Second perk is that it send reminders to me at the same time everyday so I do actually take that time to do some self-care writing and soul searching. The third perk: the prompts aren’t restricting. I can take each prompt in whatever direction I feel like and never feel like I failed answering the prompt. The fourth perk and final perk I will list is that it is sooo convenient. I am a busy person and taking time to write in an actual journal became a hassle due to my perfectionist nature. This is simple and tells me what the focus on and I can do it before bed, when I wake up, or even when I’m on the toilet. It’s not restricting whatsoever.
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3 years ago, ImportantHousecat
I’ve been using this journal for several weeks now
I find I really like it. It helps me connect with my feelings because each day the journal suggests gentle questions that encourage me to make daily entries. Left to myself with another journal app I feel I likely wouldn’t write every day. The esoteric questions in this journal I’m using and reviewing are thought provoking. Some days I answer with a paragraph, other days I write long entries. The topics are always different, so I have a chance to think about something new every day and record my thoughts. The app has a setting that lets you set how many prompts the app will give you each day. A prompt is a question to think about and write about. Mine is set to two per day. Most days I record my thoughts about each (both) prompts. It’s fun and interesting.
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4 years ago, beingzaee
Great App! 👍
This is only my 3rd prompt in but I’m already loving it. I’m big on journaling releasing my thoughts onto paper. But I found myself more so “too busy” to set time to myself to write, with being a working mom in 2020 🥴 ... I stumbled across this little Gem 💎 of an app. And I’m real lying enjoying it. It reminds me with a 10mins alert before to set aside some free time for myself to journal. And that’s exactly what I needed. Usually I feel to tired by 930pm when I’ve had a long day. But since theirs an alert I feel more obligated and needed to let go and release. And find a time to be truth with myself about present and past things. I love this app and I love how it’s an independent app. It such a gentle app unlike others I’ve tried in the past, real light on the eyes. A real Warm feeling. Gets an A++ in my book. I’m a simple gal, and this is right for me !!
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3 years ago, ILoveButter135
Thank You
So, I’ve never used a journaling app before. I didn’t know they existed since like...maybe 10 minutes ago? I’ve journaled for about 8 years now, I think. Not everyday, though. And I usually don’t look back at past entries unless I’m bored. I was actually trying to find an app that as to do with writing, and found this. Which was interesting, for one thing. I was expected there to be at least a few ads here and there but there’s not. Or at the very least some sort of paying involved to use the app (I’ve used a lot of apps and most of them have ads, a pay wall, or both). Thank you so very much for not having either of those. Gives me some peace and quiet to try and work on my mental health. Very much appreciated 🙏
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2 years ago, GGregnick
A life saver for me
I know it Amy sound cheesy, but this journal has really allowed me to set with myself and find stillness peaceful. It’s not always the fact that the app allows me to look at the past entries and see growth, rather, it’s the Fact that I’m able to go to this app and find a space uninterrupted by ads (which I totally get you have to in most Cases in order to fund the app) and just exist. I can truly sit with my thoughts and allow myself to just vent but also be vented to by my conscious and subconscious mind. It’s a beautiful space and an even more beautiful world that this app allows me part of and I’m forever get grateful that this app exists and I’ve come across it. It’s Just so freeing to able to wonder aloud and know this app allows me just some pale-Pink serenity!
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4 years ago, sushithegreat
The whole experience of this app is lovely. It’s beautiful and simple, has a specific function, and you can see the beauty in the details. I love that they have a “go deeper” button for each writing prompt that explains ways you could think about the prompt. The font is elegant. The interface is simple yet thoughtful. I’ve typically stayed away from journals that have prompts since I’ve been journaling all my life and feel that prompted journals are for those that are new at it and perhaps don’t know what to write about, but the prompts in this app are pretty good. They make you connect with yourself on a deeper level and often lead to some profound insights about myself or the world, things I wouldn’t have thought to write about. I haven’t yet gotten repeat prompts, but I’m excited for that. I love that aspect. It’s like a time capsule! That really seals the deal for me. I also love that there’s no goal-oriented metric or streaks. I just journal when I feel like it, and that is refreshing since I have many other apps that I try to keep up with on a daily basis, so it can be exhausting. Thank you for creating this wonderful app to write and store our treasured thoughts and stories! I can’t wait to see what is to come.
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3 years ago, Itts_jackieee
The Best Of The Best
There are so many journaling apps on the market but this app is BY FAR the best. It is so simple and quick and I love how you can go back and add to a journal entry whenever you want because as humans we grow every day. I love that there are NO ADS and it is completely distraction free and Aesthetically pleasing. I wish I’d found this app sooner. It’s also a lot easier to keep up with thanks to the daily prompts, leaving no room for writers block. So you can just go in a jot down a quick entry without it feeling like a chore. I have recommended this app to friends, family and coworkers because its so easy to get lost in your day to day life and sometimes we all need to take a minute to reflect on ourselves everyday. 11/10 would recommend.
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4 years ago, skepticalbuyer77
Skeptical but proven wrong
I’ve gotten so many journaling apps on my iPad and phone to try to start saving paper and make it easier for me to carry stuff in my purse as opposed to a journal and pens and markers. I was scared to get this app because I thought it would be glitchy or cheap looking like other apps. Or look really good only to find out you have to pay upon opening the app or using it a few times. BUT this app is AWESOME. It’s none of those things described above. It’s cute, simple and to the point. It’s free for a trial period and then ONE DOLLAR a month. A steal. And you help out a small business. The only thing I do have to say is, the size on the iPad of the journal screen or image is a little to small for my iPad 6th gen. But it doesn’t cause Any glitches it’s just smaller in scale
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1 year ago, Modern yogini
Helped me transition from written to digital
I am the last person I thought would migrate to using a digital journal. For years, I loved the beautiful, artistic paper journals that my fellow creatives would use to inspire and unblock the flow of ideas. However, I realized after moving overseas that adding to the huge accumulated stack of journals was completely not practical anymore. I also needed some thing that I could use on the fly, during travel, and during really busy periods. So I started dictating using my phone, and it certainly has helped me be more disciplined. I also appreciate the provocative questions when I don’t have something specific that I need to write about. I recommend this app to anyone.
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4 years ago, Gloria M. Haro
Stop bottling up inside and write it down!
Like most people, 2020 had been a rough year for me. It started in January on my bday and it just continued to spiral down. We’re now in July and who ones what day of quarantine this is anymore. Anyways, I wanted to start journaling because I didn’t have many people to talk to and I was tired of bottling up my emotions. I can across this prompted journal and its been amazing! The prompts are great because I’ve never journaled before and I didn’t want to start with “dear diary” everyday. The prompts are different each day and it helps me thinks about the positives and negatives, the things I want to change and future goals. I have the daily reminder set up at bedtime so I can add in any extra thoughts or feelings. Its really helped my anxiety and depression.
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9 months ago, Dozerfan1
I don’t usually write reviews but I will for you
I have been wanting to start journaling for awhile now but just never seemed to do it. Plus, I want to get a little deeper with myself and push myself to think more and maybe grow as a result. I did a search and I found a review by another woman that said pretty much the same thing and that this app isn’t pushy and made her think a bit. I decided to give it a try due to her review so perhaps I will be the review that encourages you to give this app a try now too. I have enjoyed this journal and the daily prompts quite a bit. I get kind of excited at what the prompt will be as I open it up each day. I think you should try it out too
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3 years ago, SQOMD
I finally made an entry and am in love
I have been meaning to begin with prompted journal every day with the reminder I’ve set and always find a reason- without even examining my thoughts- or the app- not to do so. Today, I dove in. Words, chosen correctly, ordered with care, create snapshots of meaning, a piece of one’s inner life, a way to share with, announce to or to simply save another through the act of sharing, allowing another to know they are deeply seen and even simply not alone, not the only one who feels that way. This app gave me a prompt about beauty today, and being madly infatuated with words, wrote about the beauty of words and the power they can have (how meta cognitive is that?) A new daily habit is born. Thank you.💜
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2 years ago, aleshearenea
Life changing.
I love to journal. I find it helps me to untangle all of the thoughts that bounce around in my head and feel more purposeful in the way I live out my days. A lot more self aware and less confused as to why I’m feeling what I am. These prompts have been so helpful in that. They keep journaling from getting stale and mundane. They help you sort through some feelings you might otherwise completely miss. I do this every morning and it is something I really look forward to. It is a wonderful part of the day and has been so helpful! 1,000% recommend!! If you are looking for a way to be a more purposeful and understand yourself more - this is the perfect app! SO glad that I found it.
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3 years ago, lamp0796
prompted journal
okay so i love writing. not in like an analysis, or love english or writing story type of way but more in a journaling way. i love writing down what i think, what i’m doing, making lists, doing daily prompts, diary entries etc.. i have been SO busy with school lately and this app is Everything i need. everyday, i take 5 minutes to read to prompt and answer it as honestly as i cam wether it’s after school, before school (sometimes during lunch). what i’m trying to say is this saved my mental health and i feel so much better just having a place to write things down and helping myself understand all of my feelings. it’s been almost a month (or less) and i am loving it!
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4 years ago, OhSoAli9385
Let me start by saying I’ve had the iPhone for over 10 years and I think this is MAYBE the 2nd/3rd time over ever even given an app a rating let alone taken the time to actually right a review but I’m serious when I say that this app truly deserves the accolades. This app is the perfect way to get yourself into journaling - the prompts can be answered quickly if you’re running short on time or you can really go in depth with it if you have a chance to on that given day. I love love love how thoughtfully designed it is and that’s there are no ads to distract your attention from really focusing on answering the prompt- I can’t wait to cycle through the prompts and start to reflect on my growth (I hope!) over time.
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2 years ago, Nyx Herboren
I really struggle with journaling because sometimes I sit down to write and I’m unsure what exactly I want to write about and even when I’m doing other guided journal apps, I very rarely know exactly which prompt I need. This causes me to go in circles and I end up frustrated but this app prevents this by giving me a prompt as soon as I open the app. It doesn’t leave me space to argue or be indecisive but rather really guides me through the process from step one. It’s as if my phone is telling me “begin” and I do and I end up happy and relieved to have that weight off of my chest. This is a true GUIDED journaling experience, I feel supported and safe every step of the way.
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5 years ago, jasbiz27
Great App !
I have found this app very useful. I have failed too many times at trying to write on my own. When I discovered this app my motivation and my willingness to write exceeded my expectations. It is helpful having prompts get you started and it helped with reflection. I highly recommend this for anyone who wants to reflect on their life and document your thoughts. ** I’d like to print off each month individually and keep in a binder. If the developer can come up with a way to create a PDF file using dates (set up for the month you would like to print) that would be wonderful. Right now, I have to print every entry from start to finish every time I print. Just my two cents on improvement.
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4 years ago, Lilianna_Rose_
I have not actually used the app yet but I still wanted to write a review. When I came across the one page in the beginning where they say a quick word about pricing my heart was warmed. I can tell the creators genuinely care about people’s mental health and did not just make this app for the money. I was so happy when they said you could email them if you could not afford it, not because I can’t afford it, but because I know that there are people out there who need this app but can not pay. It is extremely thoughtful for them to say that. I also appreciate how there are no ads. They are taking all precautions necessary for this to be a safe place for all. This is truly a blessing.
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2 years ago, Retro Seeker
Excellent app
I’ve always wanted to journal. I know the mindfulness and emotional health benefits of doing it. I’ve had periods of time in my life in which I’ve been able to do it. Keeping it going has been a challenge. Then I found this app. For the past several months, I’ve taken a few minutes each day to do a short mindfulness meditation from the podcast center then followed the app’s daily prompt to take a moment to reflect on the topic. Doing it has helped free my mind and heart to absorb the challenges and stresses of daily life. I am more at peace, happier and more clear headed. Thank you for a very thoughtful, easy to use and highly beneficial app!
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4 months ago, JKaps29
Worth it!
This prompted journal app is worth every minute and penny spent in finding yourself and thinking within and outwardly. I needed to journal more holistically without emotional dumping into a hand written journal that gave me opposite effects than if it had been prompted. I’ve only just started a few weeks ago, but I have been learning so much about myself and I actually journal daily! It’s easy to find those five minutes of journaling time when you’re already on your phone anyways! I highly recommend this app if you need to find a better way to finding self reflection and getting to know you better. 🙌🏼❤️
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9 months ago, J.Ciré
Such an amazing app
I’ve been using this app daily for 11 days and I already enjoy what it has done for me. I’ve been wanting to journal for a while but I can never stick to it. With daily prompts I don’t have to create more stress when trying to figure out what write and reflect on(and then give up on the journal entry). I love the idea of the prompts cycling so you can answer again and see your past response. If you’re just starting out and don’t want to pay for more in-app items, the app still serves it’s purpose. You can write for free! Of course with prolonged use the subscription will add so much to the experience.
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4 years ago, Natushafly
Minimal and effective
I’ve been wanting to journal for a long time but I would never know how to start or what to write about, I was intimidated by the blank page and felt like I had to write an award winning essay so I would never write anything.. so in my quest to find a solution I found this app and it SERIOUSLY made a difference in my life with a minimal and thoughtful prompt everyday I started journaling my personal life, So now I feel better as I put my thoughts down. I also feel that everyday is easier to open up and let the prompt guide my thoughts! So in sum get this app NOW if you really want to start journaling or writing and don’t know where to start! you will love it 😍 🥳
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5 years ago, wildflower0122
Prompted Journaling at an affordable price!
I don’t normally take the time to leave a review but wow! I scrolled and searched through many app descriptions only to find that most prompted journal apps cost an outrageous amount of money and the cost is hidden like I had to search through the descriptions to find what it would cost. This app was upfront and transparent with the pricing and gave an explanation of why the price is the and it’s an affordable price at that! Only used once and it’s simple easy to use with prompts that really get you thinking and get your feelings out without it being a messy entry. So long as the price doesn’t skyrocket I see this being an app I will use long term!
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3 years ago, marsoftheseas
Best journaling app I’ve used in 10 years
I was 12 when I got my first device and tried online journaling. Pesky ads or repetitive prompts or just plain glitchy apps turned me off for a long time, but the multiple steps it takes to get out a pen and paper every night when I’m already in bed are a bit too much so I always lose the habit. This is in my pocket, easy to use, and accessible; basically everything that something in healthcare or self care should be to encourage use. Im happy to suggest this app to anyone and everyone I know. Thank you so much for making such a safe and useful space!
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3 years ago, gnarlywoo
Free Version is Simple, yet Fun
I have been using only the free version of this writing prompt for the past couple of weeks. I want to get back into more detailed writing, but I want to start out slowly. The prompts are just enough to get me on a short, but sweet, knowledge train. Once I get the hang of it, I definitely plan on purchasing the more in-depth version. I think it’s important to challenge your thoughts and feelings. Being open minded can only help you grow into the best version of yourself. That being said, I recommend downloading this app. If you love writing and exploring your mind, then you’ll enjoy this.
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3 years ago, Demiera Solaire
Best app for the simplicity lover
It’s been a rough year and someone recommending journaling to me was something I wanted to do and be able to wherever I go. I’ve tried so many apps and I’m on a tight budget so finding a truly free app was hard. This is so simple with the lack of bells abs whistles that I feel calm using this app. The prompts really get me to think and I skip days when I don’t feel the urge. I would totally support this app when I have the money to get more prompts but 99 is a lot to work with already. I hope there will be more simplistic features in the future that will add to this wonderful experience.
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3 years ago, pandakin2374
Perfect Mindfulness Start of the Day
I don’t leave a lot of reviews on Apple apps but this one needs one-it is the perfect app journal. I like journaling and have several physical journals but I wanted one on my phone that was quick and guided to help my relationship with my phone and prompt me to think about growth. I love the prompts they’ve curated and the fact that they will circle back in a few months time. I wish there was a function that you could pick how much time it would take to circle back. I’m excited to see what has changed. Great job to the duo team who created and manage this app!
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2 years ago, bebabeatz
Good Prompts but…
Hello if you’re reading this, I’ve had the app for roughly 6+ months and have been using the prompts for both paper and on my devices (phone+tablet) The app is handy, for free you get 2 prompts a day and with a subscription you get more. THE ISSUE: I oftentimes get far in typing an entry and my finger slips and presses another tab and deletes my entire entry or deletes everything up to where I saved last. I believe that there should be an auto-save feature to avoid things like this. Re-writing an entry a second time sometimes isn’t ideal and actually gets me a little heated on days where my patience is running a bit thin. This app is great but sometimes this issue makes me want to rip out all of my hair.
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3 years ago, EarthTara
Makes me want to be honest and check in everyday
It’s rare that I stick with an app, over any time but especially everyday. This app got me the first day, I missed the next day, but after that I’ve been checking it every night before going to sleep. Even if I’m not writing about current or daily events, I’m still checking in with myself and the questions are hard to answer sometimes because I’ve never asked myself so I have to actually learn a little something in order to answer and it makes me be and want to be honest with myself. Thanks for making this app
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2 years ago, NicciBart22
So far so great
As someone who isn’t consistent with journaling in an actual notebook, I’m very thankful for this app. Especially the prompts which I find the questions very helpful in getting me open up more. I’ve only used the app once and already had to write a review because I want to thank the developers for this. I plan to purchase the premium version I just want to ensure I actually commit myself to making entry’s. Once I’ve done so for at least 30 days. I will commit and pay the premium. Again thank you for the app. It’s appreciated from someone who suffers from anxiety and depression.
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6 months ago, StrawberryKath
Amazing Journal
I love this journal so much! It allows me to just allow my thoughts to flow from my heart so effortlessly. The prompts are always so perfect for every single moment. Whenever I open this journal to just let it flow, I find that I effortlessly and with ease leave all that I AM on the page and feel so much light and love when I AM done. Words, lol I AM very grateful for this journal and the amazing prompts it allows me to work with and make my own. The prompts get you going and allow you to write from the deeper space within, sometimes I AM even surprised at what comes out. Thank you for this journal!
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3 years ago, sofia-h28
Thank you so much
I absolutely am so grateful for this app I can just tell my feelings without telling them to my very religious parents I think about a lot of things that I don’t think they would like and I just don’t feel comfortable telling them thank you so much for making this app now I can feel comfortable talking and not always having to say my thoughts to my sister I want to keep it personal sometimes but it’s just I can’t I need something to keep it private so thank you so much for making this really helps me out to get my feelings out and get some thing of my chest 💕
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10 months ago, Na'Leon
Great way to use your phone asset to getting those thoughts out when you’re not around paper.
I really appreciate the “dig deeper” section. It allows you to better understand the things that you are trying to get off your chest, internally. It’s also a great way to figure out what things are most important toward how you can continue changing your life for the betterment of you. Self love is stronger than any other love because it continues to give back. Just like this app— I suggest getting the subscription so that you can get the full benefits of what this app offers.
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12 months ago, Denver Pebbles & BamBam
Love it
This is an awesome app that is really helped me put my thoughts on paper. The ability to send yourself a PDF is awesome and the talk to text works really good with this app. If it wasn’t for this app, I probably wouldn’t be journaling because I cannot write as fast as I can talk, and once it’s written down, I typically can’t read it with my handwriting. Because of this app, I’ve been able to put my thoughts on paper and able to reflect on them. Something that I have never done before in my life and it feels really good to be able to talk to yourself and process your thoughts.
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2 years ago, Annapuppylove
Best journaling app
This app might not have all of the stuff some of journaling apps have(like asking how you are today or letting you write normal journals that aren't prompted) but I don’t even think that matters. I uninstalled the other apps that had more within a month and this one I haven’t uninstalled. I also really like how the makers give the writer privacy. I’m sure if I had paid for more then it would have been even better but two journal prompts each day where enough for me. I would definitely recommend this app to others and probably will. :)
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3 years ago, Nat615
Fantastic journal prompts
If you want to get into journaling or just want to be prompted with topics in your current journaling practice, highly recommend this. It asks thought-provoking questions to get to know yourself better and think through your thoughts/feelings more. What I like the most is that if you don’t know what to write about from the overarching question (or where to start) then they have sub-questions that can really help you get started. You can type directly in the app, so you can journal on the go (for example: I just did one while getting a pedicure)!
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2 years ago, Prinofdisas
Love this app but…
I love this app and I think it can be really helpful. I wish there was an option to keep the “diver deeper” part of the prompt on the screen instead of having to go back and forth toggling it open and closed because I feel like it would be easier to follow the prompt and answer those questions when you can see them right in front of you! Please consider adding this feature! I personally feel like it would help me feel more motivated to journal more frequently and better be able to reflect.
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1 year ago, Beth P(32)
The easy way to journal.
I am not a person who has ever been consistent at journaling my thoughts. I was looking for an easy way to journal and this has been it. The prompts are thought provoking, and I love that you can set a reminder,I set it for the average time I am laying down to unwind before bed. I feel this helps me to just take a few minutes to write some thoughts down. Even with the prompts I’ve found I start by answering the question and then writing about other things that may have happened throughout the day. Love it. Easy peasy journaling!
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1 month ago, JennBugg90
Awesome Content and Context!!
I really like journaling for my own personal satisfaction, and the questions are amazing! I decided to start a mother - daughter journal, and I use many of the same questions with my amazing daughter! After we have completed our questions we can go back read each others answers, and we learn more about one another, but we learn much more about ourselves too! I love the dive deeper subtext because it gives me other insight into the topics! The questions have substance and are interesting and really useful/helpful!! Great App!!
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4 years ago, olivegentle
I have always loved journaling, but fell off the past few years. I wanted to get back into it without having to physically carry one around with me, and without having to choose what to write about myself. This app was PERFECT! I love the prompts, and I enjoy reflecting on them as I write. The app works well and is easy to use. Love the colors, as it is calming (and my favorite shade of pink). I enjoy the ability to set a notification to remind myself to do it each night and take the time to reflect. Overall, if you are looking for a promoted journaling app, you definitely will not go wrong with this one!
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2 years ago, W S Khan
Unbelievably Therapeutic
Like others have said, I don't leave reviews if I can help it. And I never stick by journaling for very long even though it's very cathartic. But this app is just perfect in every way. It gives you enough prompts and guidelines to get you thinking, but not so many that you get overwhelmed. The look and feel of the all is chef's kiss. I hope they never ever change ANYTHING about the interface EVER! It's minimalist in the sende that the whole screen becomes like a soothing, soft pinkish notepad like a blank canvas so you can fill it up how you want. The font size seems bigger to me than the rest of the apps which HELPS me VISUALLY keep track of my thoughts! Even the font itself is an oddly satisfying san/serif with JUST the RIGHT spacing in all four directions to keep the thoughts flowingin a neat and tidy manner. Seriously, thank you for this app you guys! You're doing some serious good out in the world with this. ❤️
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