Purple Garden Psychic Readings

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User Reviews for Purple Garden Psychic Readings

4.77 out of 5
2.7K Ratings
4 years ago, Saffron6
The best psychic app there is!
Reviews aren’t something that I normally write, but this app deserves all the love that I can give it. There is something for everyone here...and all psychics charge their own rates...so you can choose your own according to rate, specialty, video introductions, etc. There are so many to choose from! Then, you can text with your psychic of choice in real time, or video call...or even just talk to them...for however long you want. It’s really pretty cool how you can get something all ironed out, instead of having to end your call when you aren’t ready. I’ve had psychic readings before in person and this is as close as you can get to that...some of the advisors here are way better than people I’ve gone to in person...so there’s that! I’ve gotten to know some of my favorites really well, and them me, so the readings are even more in depth and special. There is a cashback program here, so you can earn some of the money you spend back. You can also earn free readings, too, if you reach a certain amount of expenditure. It feels really fair and it’s great that I can get some back to what I’ve put in. Purple Garden is one of the most useful apps that I have on my phone. The customer service is great, too...they get back to you right away, not like other apps that leave you hanging forever or blow you off completely. This is simply the best psychic app out there. It really is. I highly recommend trying it!!
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9 months ago, Palomitica
She’s the real thing!
Thank you. I’m sorry we got cut off. She continues to be on point with everything. I wait for her to be online because I know she is accurate. Truly on point with everything and guided me to be more positive about things. Focuses on relationships but predicted my husband would lose his job last week and sure enough today he lost it. She’s the real thing. 8/1/22 I continue to believe she is the real thing and the predictions she makes are more accurate than many of the other advisors here. I only seek out her advice and one other advisor. Jojo was accurate. Husband lost job, she said he should do Uber in the meantime. He did Uber and then he got hired by another company in his profession shortly after. She said it wouldn’t be long. And it wasn’t. Thank you.
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1 year ago, Jsalemma
Must let her read you..:
Incredibly intuitive and so accurate it was definitely so incredible to have a chance to feel her vibe and get my reading. I feel like she would be my friend in another life or if I lived in her proximity. She is so smart. You can feel her vibe and connect with her so easily. She was the first person I ever contacted and I will be back over and over to get her opinion, feeling and personal psychic connection. I love a person with a spiritual vibe. It is not forced and it is natural. Thank you so much💃💜 Thank you Vanessa for always being consistent. Someone I can always count on. Aways a lm incredible connection. HAVE A READING❣️ You will love me forever for my recommendation. This reader is right on the money. And will give you a straight ford honest and quick answer.
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5 years ago, Nat TJ
Fantastic platform for Advisors!
I’ve been an advisor on Purple Garden for a little over 2 weeks after working as an advisor on Purple Ocean for a month. This is by far and away the best platform for Advisors and their Clients. The company is transparent, honest, reasonable, and holds its Advisors to a very high standard. The flexibility of when you work and how you do your work offers infinite possibilities for growing your practice as well as your client base. IF YOU’RE A CLIENT LOOKING FOR ADVICE: Purple Garden has some extraordinary folks working for them. I have enjoyed reading my colleagues’ profiles and watching their videos immensely, and feel surrounded by truly gifted, genuine, good people here. There’s something for everyone, and the folks providing services are top notch, honest, straight-shooters. It’s a wonderful environment to work in. 🙏❤️
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5 years ago, RamenPucci
Deceiving reviews, Cryptic, a little unreliable, vague.
All the positive reviews are for their 5 minute conversations surrounding their love lives. There are those with a little bit of medium ability, but they function best as therapists or counselors. It’s really hard to decipher whether or not someone is being honest with you and the limitations of their abilities, or if they are giving general responses that could apply to anyone who has departed. I.e. you have to give the name and the date of birth of the person who has departed. That was the red flag. I’ve seen mediumship readings once and read a book on that. A really good medium wouldn’t need that information. They can feel those who have departed. A psychic did say she could not relay messages. I would say her ability as a medium is severely limited. She can maybe feel spirit as frequencies, but it’s limited at best. It’s so vague, her interpretation, but yet she claims she can know more. It’s also a fraud that this app doesn’t give you the full cost of the 5-10 minute. Yes the rates are low per minute, but it all adds up! I’d rather they be upfront. I.e.: “heightened frequency toward you” (because you just mentioned a name), “do things to get your attention” (you just mentioned their name any spirit would do that), “give you signs and signals to steer you toward your goal.” Too vague for my cup of tea. I sense “tension”? Could it be from you? ... Can you clarify on that? 😩
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6 years ago, Lopsided haircut
Purple ocean and purple garden
These are tremendous sites that are straight forward and accurate sites that build up your character in what’s meant to be in your life! I recommend it highly to anybody that feels a certain way or connections to others to see if it’s real or just not your gut feeling! If you want to know the truth come here and you’ll find the truth if your confused about that intuition feeling you have because I reassure you they’ll let you know what it is with all the possibilities and your coincidences are the same level as theirs will be known! I’ve met a lot of great psychics on here and they felt the connections I felt from a person I love and it coincided with my belief! So if you feel the same confusion get reassured by these professionals!
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2 years ago, laulee1025
Joy is so on point. She is a straightforward reader and is able to answer most questions with accuracy. She was able to read me and pick up my last relationship and how it ended. She informed that new love is going to enter my life and that I will be promoted at my job by this time next year. She knew my ex husband was a narcissist. I can’t wait for the predictions that she made to come true!! She has given me so much hope and has said some of the same things to me that other psychics have said. I’m motivated to heal my heart from past heartbreak and bd ready to receive new love that will be coming my way this year!!! I will definitely be using her again!
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6 years ago, DollarPenny
Give it a try
Love this app! It's such a creative experience for psychic readings. I've been waiting for it to offer phone calls with my favorite advisors! I can get the guidance I need, any time day or night. I've received some great guidance over the past year and feel it has helped me make the right decisions in regard to my love life. I finally ditched the loser! And I've had some good career advice, which helped me muster the courage to ask for a deserved promotion. I prefer live video and voice readings, but I've tried the text chats and they're pretty cool too. I recommend this app to all my friends. I initially tried it when they had a half price sale. Can't wait for your next one! Give Purple Garden a try! You won't be disappointed!
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5 years ago, hgfy56
Their Customer Service is not great
PayPal initiated a dispute on my account without my permission. This was done under their will. Which disable my Apple account. Purple Ocean/Garden decided to “delete or suspend” my account. They didn’t even bother to tell me which. They sent me an email telling why I decided to dispute these charges. I immediately replied and NO ONE replied. I sent them another email to follow up and again NO ONE replied. I emailed another community manager and they replied but their response was that my issue was with finance and would respond shortly. Again, NOTHING. I understand that that is not their department but at least CC finance or assist in getting me in touch with that department, I’m sorry but if your credentialed as a manager then act like one and think about assisting your customers. I’ve been a loyal Customer since 2017 possibly a little bit longer. Nice to see you throw your loyal customers in the garbage.
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1 year ago, percithesunfish
A pure connection and sound advise in my evolving as a person
I believe she’s the ultimate truth in her readings. Our errors are only In miscommunication and language barriers but even with that. I believe her guidance is clear and correct with clarity and I will be continue with her work and follow her guidance to ensure my success in service of others in my field and the community. She’s quite aware of my concerns and calmly responds with what is needed. I will continue my work with her as I believe she will help lead me to the right path and evolve. I appreciate her work and will continue my journey with her assistance. The energy is clean and the reading is done beautifully so. Thank you Madam
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3 years ago, jmhardy11
Some Advisors are good and..some have an off day at your expense
Some of these advisors are great first read and then you look back and see none of it was accurate. This last one, I got dropped and had to pay $25 for 5 minutes to get A message that things will improve mid January. Just get the 8 ball Toy for 5 bucks. Same info, much cheaper. Sadly, I can read cards and predict better than some of these advisors. There are a few good ones on here, just keep track of who was actually accurate and how much money is going out the door for the truth or what is clearly a lie to make you feel better. And of course, if you just want to pay someone to make you feel better even if it’s a lie, that’s ok too!
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1 year ago, dody j
Purple Garden
In general you have some good readers. I do think your technology can improve. If I pay for a video I would at least like an audio of the reading . Your ability to provide audio sets you apart. Otherwise a reading is a reading. Also on 3 separate occasions I reach out to you to tell you about bad connections. I got no response and no compensation. Look at how mush I spend with you. It is worthy of something more than $20 when I tell you the reading was not great because the call interferences were bad. Take heed , I am a decent customer.
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3 years ago, Mhartz03
This app is a money scam! First, the people running this app will scam you of your money. I was double charged multiple times which they deny, so I disputed these charges and they closed my accounts. I had a total of about $80 left on this app in my numerous accounts because they kept deleting them, and they are denying this saying I have a balance of $0 on all accounts, which is a lie. They are telling me I owe over $300 in order to get my accounts back, which is a lie. Second, if you’re going through a break up and desperate for answers, this is not the app for you. It’s addicting to hear someone who has “psychic abilities” tell you “he’s loves you, he’s coming back”… no he’s not.. all my savings are gone and I’m a few thousand in debt.. I’m ashamed, I’ve never been this way.. don’t do it, heal yourself and move on, if he wanted to be with you, he would be with you
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7 months ago, AZGirl68
POI reading
I have been using Panther on Purple Ocean & recently connected with her in a live chat via Purple Garden. My particular scenario required a more timely reading and as always she was able to pick up on my POI energy & guide me through the recent events. I oftentimes can pick up on his energy & she usually confirms what I was thinking, having that confirmation is comforting. Today I had no clue where he was at, if it was over for good, etc. She assured me it wasn’t over & that he’d be reaching out to me but needed time to process the events of yesterday. Highly recommend her!
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2 years ago, ariearies11
She is the real deal
As a sensitive myself, she is able to pick up accurately and so talented in transmitting messages from your spirit guides. Clarity is the one thing that a real master can do. If they bring you clarity (say the words you need to keep going and you know you had to hear for the lightbulb to turn on), they are the real deal. And they are able to bring clarity without judgements and also with eloquence. They are able to see clearly, thus we sensitives are the carriers of clarity. She is one of them. I highly recommend her 💖🙏🏼
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2 years ago, LawbaeBritt
Definitely in alignment with a reading that I got a few days ago from another reader so I’m grateful for both of their energies and responses because I know that it has to be true when two people say the same thing. I wanted reassurance from another reading that I got, and I got just that. Gave me the exact answer and it happened to be what I wanted but I was prepared really for it to be the answer I didn’t want. Thank you so much for the reassurance and giving me the answers so I can make a valid decision!
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12 months ago, Niccckkiii
!!Do not waste your money!!
I have spent a lot of money over the years using purple garden reading with multiple high accuracy readers. I was in a very low part of life and honestly the readings sank me lower. I feel some stuff was accurate by chance. Now that I’ve pulled away from purple garden I’ve learned to trust myself and the process. I don’t believe for a split second that someone can read your feelings based on a name and date of birth. It’s all guessing, false hope, or lots of negativity. I just think purple garden is a sham and don’t waste your money. See a therapist, see a real reputable in person psychic if that’s your thing, or vent to anyone but one of these money hungry “psychics.” Purple garden developers also don’t seem to like when you leave a negative review!
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2 months ago, t&t55
I give this a two star rating based off of the accuracy of multiple advisors. I believe I’ve spent thousands of dollars through this site MONTHLY and no one seems to be in tune or I receive different answers. Those that do seem accurate spend an hour plus with one client that by the time they end the call their energy is drained leaving you advisor hopping to gain some insight and clarity. I just waited from 8:53 til 10:06 to speak with Brittany and she logged off while my payment was being processed. It’s literally whoever’s internet is faster and connects to the advisor first. It’s ridiculous and if I could find some of these advisors on other platforms I wouldn’t come back here.
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5 years ago, nealmcalister
A pretty okay community
It’s a place where people kinda do weird stuff so if you’re not into ancient astrology pretty much just head to the half price books and pick up a library book on copernicus or some other woman I can’t remember how to spell if you think this ap mite do good stuff it pretty much just is for people who study a lot and don’t really have a whole lot to do but find direction from other humans instead of turning to God bless him he doesn’t even know when to stop writing. Weird psychic readings, would not recommend.
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2 years ago, Thatgirlmarisa
Most thorough reading I’ve ever had
I just have to start by saying that I was blown away at her response. I’ve had readers give me two sentences three sentences may be a favor six sentence paragraph but she literally wrote me a chapter of a response and I felt like she was so tapped into my energy to the person I was inquiring about energy and she had so many things spot on I was literally in disbelief!! highly recommend and I’ll definitely be going back! Thank you❤️
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3 months ago, MommyByrd423
Spiritual Speakers for the future.
My experience with many different people to talk to has been spot on. I wish I could do it more because I spent a lot of money to talk and get relief from the person I chose to see what’s coming and what’s gone in my future. Wonderful staff and not even talk it smoking. Need to bring out more of those 5 minutes free calls 😉☺️🥹🙏🏻 lol. This truly is an amazing app with wonderful people you choose to help and talk to you.
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4 years ago, Tofudzz
Mel is the real deal, so here is the thing if you want to hear the truth and not dwell on some story that won’t have an outcome she is one of the few that won’t sale you a story! We are all human and we want the beautiful story but sometimes that person is just not the one! So why just dwell why not know the truth and see the answer Mel will give you an answer to move forward either way on the right path! Thank you Mel you were spot on on everything !!! No Mumbo Jumbo I will be back....
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11 months ago, LT Nyc
Her insight was invaluable and she was so kind. I have a lot of changes going in my life right now - I could choose to see it as an upheaval or a gift. Things I never imagined happening -but the universe has its gifts. She felt so accurate and tuned in. Thank you for just being you- the wonderful human being that you are. 💞 I walk away feeling empowered and confident knowing my gut- I can trust it. A+++++ would recommend her!!
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3 years ago, Courtenay313
Much needed! Thank you so much 😌🥰
I ran out of money, so I was forced to end the call but I def didn’t want to!! Thanks so much for your wonderful presence, loving energy, & kind words!! It is greatly appreciated at this time, & I am going to continue to work harder (just as you said) disciplining myself 💖🤍🤍🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾I hope to speak to you soon when things have positively progressed the way that my mind has been seeing it💝
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3 years ago, 81babytiff
Carol is amazing she just knew things like she was a fly on the wall in our home. She helped me to feel centered in myself instead of allowing my emotions to run all over the place. She told me things I already know on my soul but couldn’t grab on too because of all the emotional noise. Thank you thank you thank you I’m so happy I reached out I was ready to ignite an atom bomb to my life out of frustration instead of conscience decision.
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3 years ago, priscillalove
Psychic Rogue
Psychic Rogue is amazing, I contacted her about 3 months ago, she advised me that my current partner was not good for me. She described him to the point. She said that early September I would meet someone new. Long story short my partner walked out of my life, but on September 2, I met the men she told me about, so far we’ve been dating for 2 months and things are going well. Would definitely reach out to her again. I highly recommend her
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4 years ago, XxPinkBuLLetSxX
Willow is the best
It is an honor to know this lady as she helps keep me “sane”....to learn and recognize a toxic situation that is clouded by love...she is helping me to learn how to love myself. Twin flame journey is extremely difficult and not always attainable to reach the goal of unity. With Willow’s help I am able to focus on what I need to work on in order to heal for the sake of my union. She is beautifully guided by divine spirit guides and is able to connect well with all those in question. What more could anyone ask for~
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2 years ago, MaryChef11
Best read I’ve ever had here!! It’s impressive how good she is. She types really fast. and She is able to connect with you in a personal level with very accurate details about your situation. I was expecting a lot of anxiety regarding a situation and the fact that I got clear answers about it made me feel so much better. THANK YOU SO MUCH I will definitely come back for another read it is worth it ☺️❤️🙏🏻
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4 years ago, Tara Alexandria
Great experience as an advisor
I've loved working via this app. There are wonderful clients, so it's a great place to utilize your gifts to serve and uplift others. The staff and support is amazing, and it's a streamlined professional experience in terms of getting paid. I also prefer to work flexibly, whenever I want rather than adhering to any schedule, so working an app like this is a great opportunity! If you're gifted with psychic or other intuitive abilities it's a great place to work.
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2 years ago, mikes skillz
Everyone is a psychic . It’s called “ Internet “
I have ZERO CONCERNS! I simply know your psychic business is a scam attacking the lonely and weak minded. Nowadays I can claim to be a psychic and I bet I would be capable of acting as if I am a real psychic just as these people do. I mean come on, when you have to give them your full name and Birth date it’s obviously a scam. With a persons name a birthday , I personally could easily go online and get all their info. Criminal record, Address, high school / college , names of next of kin, ex-wife/ husband, the car they drive, credit score, etc, Etc! So if you still believe these people are psychic your sadly wasting your hard earned money.
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3 years ago, Darianas_Mama
Blown Away
I don’t ever leave feedbacks for anyone, but this young lady, she was BOOOOOSSSSSS!!!’ Out the gate; she came with it regarding my POI and our situation. Her accuracy was so spot on that it was creepy. She was very comforting to speak to and non-judgmental. I was so blown away by this reading that I had to leave this message. I don’t ever really choose favorites, but in the future, she will be my go to. If you need clarity in your relationship, call her. She is awesome.
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2 years ago, Tessamariefg
Thank you so much Rose!
Rose is amazing! I wondered why my POI had reached out and is ignoring me now. She told me that he had had an intense dream about me and it inspired him to reach out. But when I didn’t answer, the flame diminished and he went inward. I had had the same dream the night before he called. I have felt in the past that are souls come together in our dreams. Rose confirmed this among other things, so I am very amazed by this reading!
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3 weeks ago, Sharee1223
Absolutely wonderful.
I spent a lot of time looking for the right person to connect with. I am more than happy with my choice. You’ve answered all of my questions and now I feel empowered to take the next step. Highly recommended! He won’t be at this price for long. With one reading, you will most certainly see why. Worth every dime spent. Thank you so much.
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4 years ago, andrea ciliberti
Suspended account
Hi! I don’t know any other additional way to contact app support! I like this app, but they suspended/canceled my account and even though I contacted them to let them know is all clear with my bank, they haven’t reactive my account and I paid for 2 readings that I was receiving today. Now, I can’t access and even though I received the notification the reading were delivered, I’m not able to sign in and hear it. Can someone help me here? Is any way possible to reactive my account and at least get the 2 readings I already paid for?
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2 years ago, DeyLight444
Fast & Accurate & Fast Typer
Loved the reading from her she is very fast and accurate! Her aura is very genuine and I can feel the positivity in her energy she will tell you the truth so if you not ready for the truth don’t book with her! & yes she confirmed what I already knew and much more. In the mist of the reading she’s giving you advice take it in with love & grow from it. Love & light thank you again 💫🌱
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4 years ago, okbeta
He’s a real deal
I’ve been keeping going back. He’s like a dear friend with extra power and guides me thru my difficult times. Very compassionate about what I’m dealing with. And he picks up a lot of information I never mentioned. And I find it pretty cool. This guy is not a one-liner answer. He gave you details and reasons why it’s happening. Thank you, Alex! You are very much appreciated for your talent and for being connected with your clients.
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2 years ago, Bornstarr
By far the best reading I’ve had! She’s engaging, interactive, gets right to the point and doesn’t try to eat up the clock. I asked my question and she immediately spoke to the why and what I could do to resolve it. She knew exactly what was going on with me without having to feed her clues or extra information. This reading definitely lifted my spirits.
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7 months ago, silly sagittarius
Scammers, liars, and frauds.
Don’t waste your money and go to therapy instead. The psychics will tell you what you want to hear. They’ll tell you something will happen and it doesn’t then they backtrack on their statements. If you question them and make valid points on their readings, some of them will get an attitude with you. The fact that you can give a bad review but won’t be able to speak to that advisor again is another red flag. Every reading won’t resonate. They give the worst advice ever and you will honestly suffer big time if you listen to their advice. Don’t waste your time and money.
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6 years ago, dluzcast
The best, amazing
I connected today not so much for a reading but to provide an update to tell her many things have come to pass from a previous reading that I was unsure would happen. And to thank her for her beautiful guidance I was going to give up and make a decision that would have not been in my best interest because of her guidance, things are working out quite well. Thank you! 🙏🏽
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4 years ago, Jen ♥️☺️
My Favorite Willow
Willow has become family! You truly put me at ease with your spirit your accuracy your time and support. Not only are you blessed with a gift yet you carry it with passion, heart and humbleness. This is probably why it’s so difficult to get you. I wait for the notification as you come on and wait for the busy to not be busy. Thank you for all you do!!! 💜💜💜
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2 years ago, Martyred77
Willow was amazing
I’m so happy with how willow picked up on you I am. She shared honestly and accurately. She was warm and sincere and really got me…. It was very motherly and insightful…. I will be talking with her again and again. Everybody need encouragement but most importantly the truth of the matter…. I feel like I’m on a very good path and I know what I need to do. I’m on my way to continued growth in my character. Thank you WILLOW!!!
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2 years ago, Julybaby89
Absolutely amazing and honest and knew exactly what i was feeling she knew! I didn’t tell her she knew instantly! Also has definitely helped me be able get my life bo together. Told me what ik but he to have someone else law explain to me what ik but it’s the to gain clarity for me to stop feeding water to a dead flower situation and be able to live my life again for me. Highly recommend!!
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2 years ago, Dodger Queen
Insightful Reading!
Delightful reading. Very helpful with the current situation and insight in the future as it relates to a new job. Lily helped me navigate through what may arise as a potential bump in the road and to be conscious about this. Going into this new position of this occurs I will immediately recognize it and be able to overcome it. Thank you kindly for the wonderful reading.
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10 months ago, I’m abouttoscream
I normally don’t post bad reviews but I’m going to. I had a reading with someone this morning who did not answer my questions at all. He tiptoed around the questions and now I’m still left with unanswered questions. I did put in a request for a refund but no response yet. I’ve spoken with several psychics on here n got various answers to my situation which leads me to believe that some psychics are fake. Please refund my money from the chat I had this morning, then delete my account. This is just ridiculous
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3 years ago, Camikus
Wonderful Reading
Straight to the point, fast reply, helped with a situation I am in and help from spirit guides for guidance. She did give me a timeframe of a situation when something will end and I will be giving an update when the day comes. Outstanding and worth every penny!!! I felt like I was talking to my mother because she is really Comforting and has a great energy.
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8 months ago, A Warrior's Heart
Being a true believer and an intuitive person
I have to say I had a few good readings and 2 way off. I feel if you hang up within a few minutes you should get that time back. If you do not feel the reading is good @~ all and way off you should be able to say sorry — get your minutes back . I like the App though and will use it .
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4 years ago, sjwrnth
Very accurate. She expressed the energy between myself And a particular person I just met. The energy she mentioned is exactly what I was feeling. She knew a lot without me having to say too much. She knew exactly The last time I spoke with this person (5 days ago) And I didn’t even know until I went back in my text messages to confirm. Wow. Also very sweet lady. Definitely talented.
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4 years ago, SarahLynnISConqueringtheWorld
Psychic readings, spiritual, love, intuitive....
I looked in to many psychic advisors and their readings and honestly, to my surprise, all reviews were exceedingly great reviews! Everyone seems super impressed by many of the psychic’s on this app. The only negative I think is when first downloading this app, potential customers should be offered an agreed upon amount of free money to test out the app. They could even earn the free money by rating the app, watching videos, etc......
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4 years ago, Lishahall07
Amazing reading. She told me so much information, some details that were aligned with other readers. But way more involved and detailed. It’s was a very good reading and I could feel her honestly coming through each message. I truly don’t believe she was reading into any false hope at all. Thank you so much. She gave me a timeline so I will update in the future : )
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2 years ago, GabrielleTalley
Love Talking to Logan
I’ve talked to Logan before about 2 years ago and found him on PO again. I’m so glad I found him because he does always give me an accurate reading. And his advice is also accurate too. He can also read different people from each other. The platform is also easy to use.
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