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User Reviews for Salesforce

4.74 out of 5
302K Ratings
2 years ago, AdminLite
Excellent mobile representation of our desktop version
Came to Salesforce because we purchased their software which turned out to be an app on the app exchange. So all the heavy lifting was done. Page layouts, record types, custom objects with their fields…you get it. If you don’t and your new, I didn’t know the difference between an object, a case, a field, etc. you’ll get it figured out. I’ve only used the app on my iPhone not my iPad. For that device I’d used Microsoft Edge with my keyboard attached so it’s essentially a laptop. But on my phone I can get the data I want nearly 100% of the time. Yes some functionality isn’t available. But if I want a in a specific value in a field , I can probably get it. I couldn’t be happier. I came from a SaaS in our industry that made you buy their mobile version - or from an “integration partner” that the SaaS company chose, not one I necessarily wanted. That Salesforce offers it as included in my subscription is a huge value add. I don’t claim to be an engineer and like I said most of our “Salesforce” Org was set up as a part of our purchased installation. Now I customize as needed. It’s a good deal.
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5 years ago, colt____45
Wish I didn’t have to use this
My market just started rolling this app out. I don’t think a single person I work with likes this garbage. I especially hate it when putting in my time for the week. It’s extremely frustrating just to put your time in. I’ve just stopped doing it went back to the old system we use. It’s always glitchy and people can’t get anything done on this. Just looking at the platform and how they have it set up makes me cringe. It makes everything we do harder than it is and this is just my opinion but why...WHY ARE WE USING THIS!??
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6 years ago, er_got
It would be difficult to produce a worse SalesForce app
What a horrendous, awful application. This app is bad enough that it is often touted as the reason that people in my organization are unable to do 100% of their work from an iPad Pro - “I’d love to, but I need to use SalesForce on a consistent basis”. If SalesForce is Hugh Grant, SalesForce1 is Andie MacDowell; dragging down the entire operation, forcing constant recaptures of her dialog because she’s unable to enunciate properly, and generally making the whole process feel much more like a funeral than any of the four weddings. Let’s explore a scenario: You’re looking at a case record, and you’d like to communicate this case to your coworker. You swipe up and grab your company’s chat app to split screen - but wait, SalesForce1 doesn’t support multi tasking. That’s OK. You open up the share menu in SF1. Or rather, you try to open the share menu, only to find there IS no share menu - SF1 lacks ANY way to produce a shareable link to any record, contact or entity. You look at the case number and select it in order to copy. The cursor does not appear. You tap again. Yes, SF1 has also limited your ability to grab particular blocks of text. You’re forced to type out the case record, swapping back and forth between apps a few times to make sure that the 12-digit string is faithfully recreated. You weep softly into your Smart Keyboard and move back into your parent’s basement.
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2 years ago, woodmanhu
UI/UX for timesheet
I’m a software engineer and my company(software consulting company) uses Salesforce to log work hours for employees or so. The website version is okay to use. I never used the mobile version in the old days because it sucked. I saw an update coming to fix mobile version of this app and I updated today. Hoped everything would have been fixed and would have worked like a charm. I went to fill my timesheet. Saw this long extended timesheet bar sticking out of the UI to the far right out of the margin. I closed my app and deleted ONE MORE TIME. Salesforce if you don’t have developers work on your mobile app. Hire some. I don’t know what’s wrong with your executive level of people that dared to release this kind of garbage out to public and still be proud of what you did. Somebody needs to get fired in your company. If you can’t find developers, leave a msg here I can ask my company to help you redesign the mobile app. We can do it a millions better than how the current look is. This is unacceptable.
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1 year ago, Hahsdbdm
Nice but room for improvement
Don’t get me wrong SalesForce has so much to offer but I have spent a week logging in contacts when I could have been doing something else. There is a lot I can’t share due to the nature of the work I am in. One thing that needs improved is: there has got to be a better way to upload contacts from business cards. You can now scan credit cards instead of typing them in for purchasing items. So why do we still type in business contacts. I would love to see Salesforce incorporate this idea into their app. B/c what is separating the app from the webpage ? Convenience? Well then we should drive that home with better user capabilities.
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4 years ago, Centersj
New Update - OUCH
The latest update was recently pushed to my iOS device. I know this is a new design, but navigating is the most painful experience I’ve ever had with an App. As a project manager who travels periodically I rely on this application to manage my projects. I am no longer able to see a list of my projects or even access them without digging so deep into the interface that I am ready to pull my hair out once I finally get to where I’m going. The experience with this app used to somewhat mirror the desktop version of Salesforce. Those days appear to be over with this new update as the two now look like completely different interfaces. Someone please explain to me how I can view the list of my currently assigned projects. I have been digging through the interface for over an hour I can’t seem to figure it out. This drastic of an update is quite disappointing to say the least!
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1 month ago, Kstorm1
Salesforce review
Overall, I am learning to like Salesforce and I am learning to navigate it better each day. There are some kinks that need working out, as with any new system. When viewing the Offers or Guests, when you hit View All, it is in a tiny box that is very difficult to read. It needs to be much longer or just a continuation of the list. Also, it should be in real time when searching for guests on the gaming floor, but it is not. I literally have went directly to the game where my player just carded in.. or so it says…and they’re not there. As I said, overall, I believe it’s a good system that can be beneficial but there’s some issues to work out.
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3 years ago, Crimson3one
Poor app for as large as SFDC is
So many issues and poor UX/UI designs in the mobile app. The desktop version is great, but the mobile version lacks so many features and edits that it’s almost unusable. You cannot easily get section totals, tiles won’t scroll in place like the used to. The appear in a much more random order than the desktop app with no way to rearrange them for a better experience. It takes 6 or 7 steps to get into an opportunity which seems to negate the point of being ample to use a mobile device on the go. It’s almost unusable outside of a quick glance if using a basic numeral or pie chart tile. Good luck with anything else. Has not been a great 2 years with this app.
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3 years ago, Billy G. Gruff
Designed by Non-Salespeople?
What is the opposite of intuitive? While engineers over at Apple are busy trying to figure out how to make their OS so simple my elderly mother could use it, the evil minions at SalesForce appear to have a singular focus: make the platform as confusing & difficult to use as possible, and then keep driving towards greater & greater levels of difficulty. Just imagine: a brainstorming session in one of the well-appointed conference rooms at Salesforce HQ… Product Delveloper 1: “What if we hid the contact info for the contact? Like, just buried it, where salesmen will spend up to thirty minutes trying to find the phone, email & address.” Product Developer 2: “Oh! That’s great! And to really get them foaming at the mouth, we’ll put info that’s completely irrelevant to making contact or to moving the relationship forward at the very top, so the mobile user has to scroll down and down (ad infinitum) to get to the ‘more info’ link.” Product Developer 1: “Ha ha I love it! But what if when they click on the more info link, it broadened the contact, but brought them /back to the top,/ so they had to scroll down /again/ to see what they were trying to see in the first place!” Everyone: *laughs*
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6 years ago, jtr02a
Ok, when it works
Using app on an iPhone X and have constant issues. When I click a SF link that opens in the app, it only works occasionally... most of the time it never loads the screen. Additionally, reports of any size are practically unusable. Furthermore, when attempting to log a call, it should be more intuitive (checking matching leads/contacts/accounts in close proximity to the device). Instead the user has to perform a specific search and hope the results are relevant (and actually show up). For the amount of money spent on SF, one would hope to see a better thought-out and more thoroughly tested app. Very disappointing; my outside sales reps continually tell me it is easier to boot up their laptop to log a call then try to frustrate themselves with the app.
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5 years ago, rsearle13
Great system, just never runs smoothly.
Salesforce would be a great system if it would run smoothly, which it rarely does. On a desktop it can get really glitchy and I’ll lose information I just finished inputting, it gets stuck scrolling, or it starts backing the page up every time I hit backspace. The mobile app is absolutely useless. It freezes every time I use it, won’t open pages I want to see, it’s extremely hard to click the right box to input information, it gets stuck at the top and bottom when scrolling, it won’t back up, and it often doesn’t display the text saved in any of the boxes on the page. I know it can be really helpful, but with how much it malfunctions, it almost slows me down more than it helps me.
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7 years ago, PC Field Tech
PC Field Tech
My employer uses this app for dispatching tickets to myself and other techs to document work we do. I believe the app can have more features such as different statuses like EnRoute to Site, OnSite, etc. My previous employer used EFS when I started working with them and then began using Clearvision. I would have to say those are better and user friendly with more features compared to using this app. Overall, the app is not that bad but it can use more features and have improvements. That's why I only gave it 3 stars instead of 4 or 5 stars.
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6 years ago, Reese125
Horrible user experience -needs overhaul
A $112 stock, millions of users do business on their Androids/iPhone every day, but yet the developers of this app still don’t get it or flat out don’t care because they are more concerned with business to business functionality. The old Salesforce app that they made us delete Dec 2017 was hands down 100 x’s better then this app. I am on the go non-stop, need quick access to get to a phone number, call that person, jump out , go to another account, create a contact/acct etc....but u can’t do that with this app. Not even close. Pros: Not much -truly Cons: I don’t want to have to click 5 times to get to the clients phone number. Load times are much longer. The alphabetized account list on the old app was fantastic —hit the letter —accounts come up. Now I have to start typing, then I have to click “related “ to see a contacts list , then scroll down and hold to see more contacts ? Guys cmon....really? $112 stock and this is the the best experience you can give us. It’s like you want people to move on from your services.
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6 years ago, RochelleW
Bugs in switching records
Generally a handy app that allows me to get deals through the approvals pipeline even when I’m not in the office. However, I’ve run into bugs that will open a prior record repeatedly when switching between screens, e.g., attachments and approval history. This means that if I view one record and then want to edit a second record, I have to be really careful not to accidentally edit the wrong record, and usually have to close and reopen the app to “force” it to flush the memory. This is a significant detriment to efficiency.
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5 months ago, Nope 12346789
Waste of time
Salesforce is not intuitive. We use this program for a few processes in our company and our entire sales team finds it extremely difficult to use. The employees who have used it long term still have difficulty doing calls and have quoted a 6 to 8 month learning curve. To enter a call report!? The terminology is misleading and the processes do not flow well within the app. What should be a simple and quick report, bogs down our team and keeps us from being in front of the next customer. If this was just me, I’d understand, but after sitting through 3+ hours of training on how to report a visit, our entire sales team seems to agree. Young and old. It does not create efficiency and productivity.
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5 years ago, ctay9
Do better, salesforce.
Unfortunately, my organization uses this junk of an app. The app has so many bugs. Home screen loads a blank page, when trying to log back in there are numerous error codes. The help instructions from Salesforce are vague and don’t provide help. No live chat with support. Try to reset password using the user name and NO reset email goes out. Their URL login no longer works - and throws back error messages. You can use your login credentials to get in, but as soon as you close the app then the credentials disappear. Why would anyone want to entered a password every time you open the app? When you close the app and immediately reopen it, then you have to start the login error cycle again. Frustrating beyond belief. Do better salesforce.
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6 months ago, LingLingCouture
Don’t fall into the hype
Please don’t fall into the hype! All these sales people here have convinced themselves and other people this is the best CRM ever. 1) so hard to set up 2) the assigned account executives don’t listen to their clients needs, therefore they mislead them 3) anyone you talk to or set a case with will send u an article and I have yet to receive the correct article. 4) I usually spend more time trying to figure out the set up part than actually using the software and I have been coding since middle school 5) anytime you reach out they try to sell you something you don’t need via licenses 6) they call about once a month to try to sell you a new license for your company 7) they are constantly retiring features so u have to learn something new about their system. They sold me on a feature that was expiring and claimed that they told me via video chat! Then claimed I didn’t use the trial license. Well even if I would have done that, it would have expired after the trial anyways! So why bring that up. Karma is real and there are other options out there for CRMs.
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7 years ago, DNA Kruis
!!! Amazing Tool !!!
You can't find a better more tuned tool anywhere. Once you learn all of the options and use them your on your way to a very successful sales career. The only thing that's slowing this program down would be the person thats not using it.. I would like to personally thank those people that don't use this tool. Thanks to you I've gained more sales and more money.... Keep on doing what you do and I'll keep doing what I do and make more $$$ and build more new customer relationships
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6 years ago, SparksCVEN
Terrible User Experience
I am very much a fan of integrating technology with business, but this application is wretched. I cannot believe this is not an app in Beta. The load times are horrible, I find myself clicking 100 buttons to get to something that should be readily available. The menus are confusing and not helpful. Links to projects do not work, and I am constantly having to reload the app because it will not load images. I should be able to log calls easier. I need this to actually help me not make me work harder. I have no reason to use this other than my work is requiring me to use it. Otherwise I would be managing things from another CRM. ridiculous.
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2 years ago, 111122332
Very slow with crashes
This app is soooo data rich that it takes forever to load and often crashes and has the be closed and reopened. And because of this if you’re working in a basement or location where you don’t have strong cellular coverage then forget it! And if you dare to not share your location it’s even worse! If you’re company cares more about babysitting your employees than their productivity then this is probably a good fit. I was told that the problem was with my phone and even though my phone was only about a year old I went and purchased a new phone and even changed my provider and it was for nothing because it still crashes and is miserably slow.
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5 years ago, Namaste125
The app itself works really nicely and I enjoy the way it’s layout is the only problem is I wish there was an off-line version that later reports once connected to the Internet that way if you’re working at a low cell signal area were still able to effectively report and use the app. I love the app but the fact that it requires a connection to the Internet makes it quite difficult in my particular territory where they are dead spots for signal.
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4 years ago, MattLax2020
Great CRM, Terrible Mobile App
I am a huge fan of Salesforce, i have always spoke very highly of your company. The company i work for uses Salesforce. The overall CRM platform is very useful from a desktop, there are many ways to run specific reports and capitalize on opportunities with customers. The one thing i will say, is that the Mobile app needs a lot of improvement. If you are an outside sales person who needs to use the application on the road to find contacts, read prior notes, etc it is very time consuming and not user friendly. All of the information is there, but it takes for ever to get to where you need to go. It’s too many clicks, and unfortunately does not load in a proper time. If there is anyway that this app can be improved to be more user friendly and less time consuming, that would be very helpful. Sometimes less is more, simplicity would help this app in my option. As i mentioned before, i am a very big supporter of Sales force, and always recommend it, but please could you take some consideration into improving the mobile app. Thank you.
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4 years ago, Jon3NT
This app is terrible!!
Please Salesforce, if you’re listening, no app in 2020 should be this bad, this unpolished, this glitchy. Please, please, please just make it better lol. I know you can, I know it’s possible, and I’m sure it’s not in your priority list since most people use the desktop version and you’ve already got your money from your users. Buy just please, make it better. I really enjoy using the desktop version, but this app is so, so bad 😫
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7 years ago, SkeevieWonder
Terrible App
The purported purpose of this app is to make things quick and simple, so you can enter information easily on the go. This app fails miserably. It's slow, buggy and anything but user friendly. Typical SF flaws carry over, like the inability to log a date or time for calls made in the past, or log actual customer visits in a straightforward way. Very little integration with mobile features like the GPS, email app or phone. Everything has to be entered manually, making me wonder why SF even bothered releasing an app in the first place. Did I mention it's very slow and buggy? Oh, I did. Just wanted to stress that. If I were a developer with SF I'd be ashamed of this effort...
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6 years ago, dontpeonme
Rarely works
Update after update this app continues to disappoint. The only functionality that always works is the chatter feature which I seriously don’t care about. I haven’t been able to search for an account for months and the scheduler feature doesn’t ever load, always says no internet connection. I’ve checked, I’m connected. Whether it’s a WiFi connection or over LTE in the field says “no internet connection tap to reload”. So I tap, it spins, I give up, open my laptop or iPad, find the record I need and move along. I keep thinking the app will work and to my dismay it never does. Salesforce mobile app, this is your precipice. Until the functionality is actually working this is a waste of time.
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5 years ago, Mykasintahan
Not a smooth workflow
I rely on Salesforce for everything at work. I cannot stand the mobile application. It freezes up and lags very often. I have never used the application without it crashing. I manage multiple employees that perform service work and travel. It would greatly improve our workflow and mobility if this application had cleaner navigation and stability. When selecting cases or navigating through the application you tend to get buried in the app. Then there’s no way to return to the home page other than hitting the back arrow 20 times. That isn’t an exaggeration. Please improve this app. SF is too expensive to have these types of issues.
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4 years ago, Wivernryder
Completely unusable on iOS
I regularly use this app for my job and its interface and login on iOS is utterly worthless. Very few buttons in the entire app work at all and those that do have less than the desired functionality. Even viewing my schedule is a chore as the layout not only doesn’t maintain a reasonable aspect ratio (the screen size changes constantly) but none of the scheduled events can be viewed, as the buttons for doing so do nothing.
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4 years ago, Darkwolf359
App is terrible
I have a few issues with this app, mainly with how unresponsive and glitchy it is. It feels really sluggish to navigate and often data is not loading and I need to go a step back and try again. Also scrolling in this app feels terrible especially in longer e-mails I can’t seem to smoothly scroll down and sometimes not back up again at all. Also I need to navigate so many submenus to see the body of a new e-mail inside a case (Favorites>My cases>Refresh Cases>Case>Related>E-Mails>E-Mail>Details) With the sluggish all over performance it’s a nightmare to use this app and I get annoyed every single time and rather open my laptop if I have Wifi.
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3 years ago, Tender Nipples
I have to use this app multiple times per day, daily. This has to be the worst app ever designed. It takes me at least 5 force quits just to open up the app. Sometimes i clock in for work, but it doesn’t register. So, I have to close and re-open the app just to check if it records my log-ins. It seems as if I am using the beta and they haven’t released the full version of it yet. Even after all the updates it has, it never fixes how buggy this app is. You should fire your app development team and hire somebody new. I really wish my company would use a different app. If I could give this negative star review, I would. Sincerely, Frustrated.
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5 years ago, katrinka az
Brilliant. So much more user-friendly.
The new community website makes it so much easier to communicate, get and share information. The fact that it sends an email whenever there is a new posting makes it super easy to use, eliminating the need to login just to see if there happens to be any new postings. Also the fact that everything about each Wish Child is in one central location makes it very efficient. Great job One Team! Kathy Mayus
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3 years ago, Flying Davey
Perfect app for collaborating!
I have a team of 3 (sometimes 4) people that needs to get together and share ideas on our own time, away from work. Chatter/Salesforce is perfect. We post ideas and other team members post comments/suggestions. It all stays there as long as we need it. We can share pictures and files as well. If you collaborate with at least 2 other people, you need this app!
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1 year ago, supwiddat
I believe all the 5 star ratings are fake
I'm the optimist. I want this app to work. It's fine to check names and addresses, but an app is geared to a mobile outside/field sales force...and this app is just awful. Slow is just the start. I'd like to schedule an appointment - Nope. Can't do that. I'd like to see where my prospective customer is located, and what other clients are in the immediate area to provide references. Nope. Need to have an add-in to do that. Now I see why so many developers leave Salesforce to create their own tools. Here's a novel idea - design it from the phone/perspective first - then make a desktop app for it, since desktops will soon be the modern-day 8-track.
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7 years ago, lockalicious
It's quick and easy
There are other apps that are better at pipeline management like clari etc but SF1 is a simplified version of the web vetsuon perfect for sales people needing to input and capture meeting notes and look at a high level opps or contacts on the go. In other words it's not as robust as the web version but the UI is much better in terms of workflow for people on the go and it is fast. Can't create RFx activities but can input notes and chatter is easy.
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6 years ago, Hotel Employee
Sales Force is Laggy/Bad Updates
Our hotel is state of the art and brand new, which means we have top tier technology. Despite our strong Wi-Fi signals throughout the hotel, I often find myself waiting for the program to finish loading. Also, their have been some unfortunate updates. An example would be in previous versions we could see all the different statuses of cases at once. That way we could quickly take notice of cases that were potentially overlooked. In a newer update, they removed this option. Because of these issues, I give it a very GENEROUS 3 stars.
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3 years ago, Wowitis!
It works. So. Well.
It’s 1:35am. Too many bourbons deep to be maintain professionalism. And your potential client is singing Karaoke, and tells you they want to sign up for your software product. And start service... in three days. Yep. Done. I’ve got my whole sales ecosystem in my pocket. SF mobile. Closed that deal. And will help me close the next. And the next. Work never stops. So be able to complete your tasks from anywhere.
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2 weeks ago, ILRoadDog
Upload speed
One of my issues is the speed at which photos are uploaded to the cloud. Even with two bars of reception I often find it a nuisance when uploading photos. Will sometimes take anywhere between 30 60 seconds. And sometimes even with one bar of reception photos are not able to upload at all and must be done at another time. With all of the apps on my phone that have photo uploads salesforce is the slowest. Other than that, I truly like salesforce mobile.
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5 years ago, auebej
Ongoing bug
Please look into the glitch that is constantly requiring me to delete the app and reinstall for a “temporary” solution to timing out randomly where I can no longer access accounts info. I’ve heard from IT there will be a new update soon but this is getting extremely frustrating. It only happens with the app. Otherwise, it is an incredibly useful tool that normally operates at the highest level of efficiency.
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3 years ago, JaeWash
I love Salesforce
I was at a stand still at my former job. Being a single mother I knew I had to do more. After late nights and early mornings of studying I finally graduated with B.S. in Business Administration Management, with Honors. Along this journey I found out about Salesforce. I have gained so much knowledge in a short amount of time, and I’m captivated eager to learn as much as I can. Thank you Salesforce for giving someone like me a chance. ❤️
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3 years ago, Pete1211115
By far one of the worst apps I ever used
Never loads despite having perfect internet connection. Always buggy(app restarting, delayed response, etc). No matter how many times they update this app, they seem to be unable to fix the basic issues. For a company the size of Salesforce, they should be ashamed for having an app with this quality on the market.
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1 year ago, B.Matina
Glitchy and slow
I couldn’t believe this app had 4.7 stars when I went to investigate. Even when they asked me for feedback I couldn’t complete the process b/c the text window didn’t prompt my keyboard to open. Laggy when opening an Account (among other things), freezes up every few minutes, half the time it never fully loads the content and I have to reopen the app, etc. Every time I try to conduct SF business functions on my iPhone 14 pro I end up giving up and waiting until I can get to my laptop. So frustrating in 2023!
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5 years ago, Susiealloos
Anyone who is connected by relationship should always stay together even when the account is moved from one person to another. Also there should be a place just for people who are very interested in completing arrangements and to make sure to keep in touch with them as well as a specific place for people you call that never answer the phone
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7 months ago, tnbohinri
Way too slow and Glitchy
Salesforce has too much going on and is too poorly integrated with other platforms it pretends it can link up with to be successful. I absolutely hate it. Totally unfriendly functions and looks and acts like it runs on Dos and its 1989. At least 2/3 of the orders processed come back with errors and they always try to blame other software or the user when really their software is just garbage. I’ve worked with Dynamics and many many others that are far more effective and do far more to make them user friendly and take responsibility when their software is just crap.
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2 years ago, Colorado-Keith
Good but needs improvement
So I find the Salesforce app for mobile phones to be relatively easy to use, but could certainly use some improvement. And as far as on the PC, there are certain features, for instance having a Contacts picture be able to be displayed on the Salesforce contact record would be a big benefit. But they have not done anything about that yet and I’m hoping they do soon.
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3 years ago, Blee7669
Please add a outlook plug in
As a lot of companies use salesforce to track communication made via email it would be very helpful if salesforce worked with outlook to create an automatic function of linking those communication to specific accounts within salesforce! This would be so much more intuitive for the user and make the system so much more seamless
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5 years ago, oahucap
Lightening transition
If certain things can be made a default like “Log a Call”, “New Note”, it would make things smoother on transition. I’m now getting used to Lightening and surprised myself on actually liking it after a few challenges. Support makes all the difference so use “cases” on stuff you need to know. Don’t have time for extensive course learning on trailblazer. Nice idea, but too complex for guys like me who need simple functions to get up and running.
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6 years ago, Jbrobinson413
Slow and buggy
For as much as they tout a great mobile experience, this app has always been frustrating. It's incredibly slow and constantly has bugs. Today all my search results show empty boxes instead of the record names. Last week I kept getting redirected to a page that told me a needed a Salesforce engage license (the pages I was looking at were standard object records). It's just very frustrating because the app has the potential to be great but it's not even good. As a fully adopted desktop user, I would love to have a truly great mobile experience. Salesforce hasn't been able to provide that yet.
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7 years ago, 1jmp
For what I do
SF App works pretty good. I have been using app for about 5 yrs? Give or take. I would give the app a 5 except it does not incorporate a chunk of functions/lists that I use on the desk top version. ( yet) That said, I post pictures, have access to many functions and objects we created for our work reports and data tracking that are essential to reporting for my work as a field rep. I can't imagine going back to using any other program.
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6 years ago, FLGenmann71
I’m disappointed. The Mobile UI is clunky and has limited ability to render any meaningful reports or Dashboards. Even logging a call in relationship to an opportunity is just plain clumsy. So, where’s the value of having a “mobile” app, when you need to revert back to your laptop and enterprise version, to get basic Account and opportunity management tasks done?
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2 years ago, NightClouds
Global Actions are Missing
After spending time to make a concise set of global actions, it seems as though they are now nonexistent in the mobile app. This is extremely frustrating when we want our executives to be able to quickly and conveniently enter information while they’re conducting business without being overwhelmed with detailed information.
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6 years ago, Orlando2517
Great interface, needs file upload
I can get most essential things done on the move and I love it. Ability to upload files (not just photos) from cloud platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive would be really nice. Ability to add files right into the opportunity files screen (instead of going into the separate Files menu THEN the opportunity to link the file to it) would be amazing.
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