Webex Meetings

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Last update
4 months ago
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13.0 or later
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User Reviews for Webex Meetings

4.61 out of 5
829.3K Ratings
4 years ago, Dash D.
Great iPhone app
This is a great app for the iPhone. I’ve never experienced any issues related to the app. Most audio issues I’ve experienced are caused from users: bad microphone, not talking close enough to microphone, not muting themselves when dialing in, etc. I attend all of my WebEx meetings exclusively on iPhone app now so that I can keep working separately on desktop during meetings. I especially love that there is an Apple Watch app; when you’re in a meeting, the Watch app pops up and is basically just a large mute/unmute button. Genius! Something Apple should adapt for their normal phone functionality. If I were to ask for an additional feature, it would be to integrate with the iPhone phone app. When I’m on a meeting with Microsoft Teams, I get the same lock screen as I would if I were in a phone call, with a mute button, video button (instead of FaceTime), etc. I take a lot of my calls while outside on walks with my dogs during the COVID-19 shut down, so it would be nice to be able to quickly mute/unmute myself without unlocking my phone (the Watch app isn’t always responsive).
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4 years ago, Source Consulting
Dumb overlay that you cant exit out of.
Using brand new iPad Air. Joined Webex meeting via link with app already installed. Had used it once in past and WORKED FINE. Host asked me to share screen so I could see what she’s doing. Being new to this I asked how to as there are NO icons nor instructions how to do this. Just phone icons of who is in the meeting. She says click anywhere on screen to see icons. Like ai should just know this...dumb UI there. Next icons show with ZERO note of what they do. Had to click several of them to find where to share screen. Still very little advice of what you should do to simply VIEW ANOTHER PERSONS SCREEN. Took 5x to finally get to see other persons screen. Each time an annoyingoverlay pops up with some notification that the screen is being shared but NO WAY to get rid of it. So my hosts screen is completely blocked by this annoying overlay with no exit or X or minimize or any way to get rid of. I was about ready to throw iPad out the window at this point. Im still utterly irritated. I clicked just about everywhere before almost giving up when it finally disappeared. completely un user friendly and dumb icons that you have to just know to click screen randomly to get them to pop up. Then they have NO indication of what they are for or any help to accomplish a simple task. Two stars and thats being generous only because it finally worked on 5th try and worked fine the fist time...
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4 years ago, Jorist2
Sales team is preventing an upgrade purchase
We have been using WebEx for a number of years. We wanted to upgrade our service so we contacted our sales rep. Instead of giving us a quote to upgrade our service, he generated a quote with our company name misspelled and with an incorrect address. We asked him to correct this and to date, he has not only not corrected it, he continually requests that we sign an agreement with this incorrect info and blames WebEx IT for the problem. We contacted the sales number at the WebEx website and were informed that this guy created a fake company to generate the quote. We asked to simply have a quote for our company to move to their full training and event suite with a couple of add ons. For some reason, Cisco has complicated this sales process so much that you cannot simply purchase the services you need, when you need them. This new rep said he would check into whether he could even generate a quote for us to make a purchase since WebEx forbids it because of the way they assign accounts. We even worked with their “life cycle” specialist who was helpful but did not have the ability to process the sale for us or to get us a sales rep who could help. At this point I am being left with no choice but to move our company over to Zoom simply because we cannot purchase the services we need from WebEx because of this ridiculous sales process.
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6 years ago, Carpevita
Keeps getting worse
In reality, most of the core functionality of this app is fine. It doesn’t crash very often, and it gets the job done. The reason for the two-star review is that we are constantly fighting with bugs. New ones seem to come up in every release, And there have been some big ones that persisted for several months and several updates before they were finally fixed. With this latest release, we have a feature where all of the meeting control buttons—for example the one that allows you to leave the meeting—sometimes disappear from the UI. Another particularly annoying issue is that, although the app purports to support touch ID and Face ID, it never seems to use them. I am periodically asked to manually reenter my password, usually while driving at high speeds and attempting to join a customer meeting. This has been true ever since they claimed to introduce touch ID support. After at least a couple of years of pretending to support these features, I have never once been prompted for touch ID or face ID by Webex. Before adding new features, like the ability to share files from our phones, which most of us will never use, it would be appreciated if the dev team would focus on some core functionality issues that would make the app more usable for everyone.
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4 years ago, kaylen&gracie&vayla
Great App
With everything going on due to COVID I have lost my treatment groups and my meetings that I had in person they were what helped me replace my time I used to use to get high and they would help me process things in my life and living clean and sober. This app has made it possible to have a one on one session with my counselor and be able to get that connection you can’t get over a phone call I am able to see her and have eye contact and feel as though she is fully present in our conversation. The app did not glitch out at all and it was a very easy process to get signed up and to figure out how to get in the video with my counselor. The only thing I did not like was that I could not figure out how to flip my camera around to where I could show what I was looking at instead of the camera being on my face I am not sure if it is even possible to do that with this app and if it is I feel that it needs to be more easily accessible. Overall this is a great app and I love it!
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6 years ago, yyl890
Why changed the UI when things weren’t broken?
The new UI used obscure icons, tucked away commonly used functionality underneath these icons, and then promoted elements that do not matter and let them get in the way of the presentation. For example, I see big blocks of empty space along the top of the screen, while each block only has the text of the attendee names. And those blocks clipped off the space for the main presentation. Not only that, once you minimize the attendee blocks, then there is a giant empty block overlaid ON TOP of the main presentation, and again that block only had the speaker’s name and nothing else. As if they were not enough interruptions, every time someone joins or leaves the meeting, the whole button row comes up on top of the presentation to show you who is joining or leaving. Seriously, who designed this UI? I understand those big attendee/speaker blocks are intended for video conferencing, but the app should be smart enough to shrink these gigantic blocks when attendees are not showing anything. Last but not lease, the main presentation area is mission-critical. It should be left alone and not having any UI controls popping on top of it; otherwise, some important text/graphics in the presentation may be blocked from view, causing the attendees to miss out on that information.
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4 years ago, bigigigi
iPad use
Most recent use included about 30 people around the USA, using a PowerPoint presentation to discuss a scientific project. Seeing people as they spoke was not a priority. The most challenging aspect was getting participants to mute their phones and microphones to eliminate background noise and feedback. Also, when asking questions and during discussions, effectively minimizing speaking over each other. I suggest the app provide (prominently) so best practices at the top of the meeting. Last year I took a training program that did use images of speakers, slide presentations, etc. Webex was the platform used every two weeks over approximately 6 months, I think about 25-30 participants. Work in between meetings included libraries of info etc. I think we stretched the capabilities of the program, and it was excellent. My experience is the users can make or break it. So again, tutorial and best practices would be helpful.
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7 years ago, gzazu
Functional but too often requires repeating setup and sign-in
Once signed in and setup as desired, the mobile app is functional and useful, but the developers need to remember the primary use case of the mobile app (from my perspective at least) is to be able to join meetings while on the move (such as when driving to the office, etc.). When at the desk, I'll use the desktop/browser interface. The mobile app needs to be better optimized to not constantly require re-authentication and setting up. Security is important but as always needs to be designed in conjunction with usability. With the desktop interface, I am never/rarely re-prompted for my credentials because I saved them in my browser's password manager. With the mobile app, there is no such option. Fortunately, this app recently gained support for touchID, which improved usability immensely. However even with that improvement, I am forced to re-enter my account ID and phone number and my desired settings every time this app is updated, which seems to be every few weeks. Very inconvenient since that usually happens while I'm on the road and trying to join a meeting right away.
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4 years ago, Kevin 72638393
Why would you change the mute button in latest version?!!!
I use this app for hours at a time, daily, for work meetings. Prior to version 40.8.0, the mute button was either "all red" or "grey". It was very easy and obvious to see if you were muted or not, from up to a few feet away. Well, today I received app version 40.8.0 - and they changed the mute button! Now, the difference between muted and unmuted is almost undiscernible - and very easy to mess up. The button for both states is 98% grey, with only a super faint red or green outline in it to distinguish the state. Awful. The app was perfect before. I'm a developer myself, so I understand the need to make continuous improvements and always having product owners trying to put their own spin on a product. But this change to the mute button is AWFUL. If there is one thing about this app that users need - it's the ability to quickly, easily, and confidently distinguish if we are muted or not, without needing to hold the phone 10 inches in front of our face to tell. Eeek. Please revert the mute button changes. Not being able to confidently tell if I am muted or not takes the app from 4 stars to 1 star for me - as it becomes a liability.
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4 years ago, weeatforfun
ipad connection difficulties...
This app has higher visual quality than facetime and Zoom in my opinion....however, I’ve had difficulties connecting with the audio each time I’ve followed my registration email link invite. I solved the problem by reapplying for the app one time and waiting a substantial amt of time to finally connect and this time I resorted to calling the phone number to hear the audio. Had to put the phone on speaker, it died, then luckily was able to switch fairly quickly to another one to continue.... Went to app support, but that didn't help...that’s why I asked if this presentation would be replayed at another time. I would like to catch up and fill in the blanks. Technology!!! Re: a replay, it would be nice to be able to see presentations at another time, rather than at a specific scheduled time if possible. Sometimes scheduled live times don’t work out for the listeners to engage with. Thnx for this opportunity to review...the content delivery and presenter/host did a fine and professional job. Thank you.
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7 years ago, Princess Morning Glory
Convenient app.
I like this app due to convenience of my web meetings so I can stay at home. I have four little ones so this feature is a super necessity in my life. However I wish that this app could haves "raise hand" button to allow people to not interrupt if it's a call in/demo video rather than a face to face meeting. It is hard to not hear over voicing from everyone trying to ask a question. It will state who is "user 1 is speaking" but if there is more than two or three users it doesn't show and then we all try and speak at the same time. So having a button to click to allow the meeting coordinator(s) to let one in at a time could possibly be helpful. Otherwise a multiplayer view option should be available if we use a large tablet or laptop. I like how I can use my small iphone 7 to use this on the go though. 👍🏻
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7 years ago, TQLY
Needs participant response tools
Missing participant response tools like raising your hand to get moderators attention. Mute and unmute does not always work. I understand moderator can override the mute function but in an interactive session sometimes there is no way to get the attention of anyone except by turning on video and waving madly until someone notices you or holding up a sign. Very frustrating. Really would like to see the hand raising ability and even the coffee break icon. Ability to log on is very good. Just need to be familiar with the initial set up when logging in. Specifically you need to answer if you are going to get your audio from your cell or through the internet. Use my first generation iPad Pro on weekly webinars and it works great and the ability to attend my webinars from anywhere is fabulous. Many times I am logged on in the early morning hours and use my Bluetooth apple AirPods and it makes life easier while lying comfortably in bed. Will rate it 4-5 when additional basic features of desktop version is implemented.
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7 years ago, Obivon
It's decent, not spectacular
On iPhone 6:IOS 10.3 because of IOS11.x power management fears. IOS10 is power management is freaky bad enough. Pros: Webex app provides easy direct audio over data or call-me-back feature when data is worse than cell audio. Auto-mute upon connection is an excellent feature! Chat is usable, if a little clunky to reach at 2 click-levels from slides both directions. Cons: The audio seems like it requires a better data connection than it used to. I remember decent communication on Airplane WiFi a couple years ago. Now that all the airlines are advertising "faster" data, I rarely can hear/talk over Webex. It would be nice if there was a minimal chat interface that's usable while watching the slides. Highly technical presentations generate a lot of questions (submitted via chat) and require reading slides for details. Too much material is missed in the time it takes to type a question in chat. I also don't see the hand raise and other basic tools that should be easy to implement. Re-authentication while driving is a serious PITA! Provide a grace period when re-auth can be skipped or build a hook that notices my password manager and prompts to open it like a couple other apps do. Or maybe just program it to delay re-auth until I'm NOT joining a meeting at the last minute. Perhaps only prompt when more than five minutes early or as the meeting is closing. Seriously, I wouldn't be using the app if I had time to boot the laptop.
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4 years ago, Jake Iowa
It works, but it is clunky.
I had no experience with online meeting apps before COVID-19 and its dislocations. I now use WebEx to meet one-on-one with students, and it works well enough, usually. However, because of the stand I use to support my iPad, its controls are hard to get to when I am hosting my meetings. Screen sharing is seriously clunky and counterintuitive. I had planned to use WebEx on an ancient MacBook Pro, which on paper appeared to have suitable memory and an adequate operating system. However, when I first tried to join a meeting, odd things for which I was unprepared flashed up on the screen saying I needed to install a plug-in, even though I had already installed the WebEx app successfully on the machine. I never was able to join that meeting. I later found some guidance on the WebEx site explaining the problem, although it still does not work smoothly on my laptop. I am relying on the tablet now, even though it drains the battery power quickly. But it’s gotta be better than Zoom, right?
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4 years ago, jamajac
Unintuitive + Better options elsewhere.
First, pretty terrible experience with webex as a whole. While the 1) no app for Linux distributions, 2) trying to join meeting on iPad through Safari browser keeps directing me to some .dmg file, 3) audio issues with webex are not issues with this particular app, they still be pointed out. O/W using the app alone wouldn’t let me join the meeting, so used a provided browser link, which led me to either an option to install a dmg—on my iPad (still baffled by this)—, join meeting through app, or join meeting through browser. When joining through app, the video feed was in a tiny little screen over a ton of unused space, vs through the browser, where I could resize the video feed to full screen. Maybe I could go through documentation, but other available web-conferencing programs work right out the box so I will only be using webex begrudgingly when google meets or other options are unavailable, and am uninstalling this app since it seems to be worse than just running webex through the browser.
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4 years ago, Keysanddrums
Had the WORST time logging in
Today was my first experience with your App. ALL of my attendees had trouble getting in; some NEVER got in. I was sent all the login info via email, circulated it to everybody, and we ALL had issues, including myself, trying to log in. My meeting was scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. CDT, and I attempted to log in at 9:30. It told me, “this meeting has not started yet.” I did not actually get in until 9:45. I had things and people scheduled to do things during that down time. Eventually I got in, as did SOME of my attendees. On a more positive note, the audio was clear, video was good. Screen sharing was good, too. And it is relatively easy to set up a meeting. Once set up, I received the necessary login info soon after. I hope to get feedback from you as to why we had such a hard time logging on. The meeting got done, but there was so much “down time” trying to connect. At the end of the day, yes, I would use Webex again, BUT I HAVE to get to the bottom of the login issue! I CANNOT do that again. So much time wasted.
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4 years ago, ibigmarami
90% great
Like most, we have seen a dramatic uptick in the use of WebEx and other virtual meeting tools. One thing I have now seen on several platforms is my organization support many different tools and I see the same recurring problem that for Webex calls implemented witin my agency, the links and calls work well. However, when someone from outside my agency sends me a Webex link for a call, they often have connection issues. It may be how Outlook handles the links inside group calls work seamlessly when you select the Join Call option, but for external calls, the link asks you to install Webx which is already installed. Then there are sometime problems with establishing the call (mostly connecting and audio). This is occuring more on desk/lap-top systems so I am participating via my iPhone now which seems to avoid the problem of the computer not knowing webex is already installed on it.
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4 years ago, Scottygpp
Better than the desktop app for windows 10
This app is quick and easy to use . Connects faster than my computer and the settings are more obvious . You know the important ones like mute, and video. The computer audio options always seem to have issue. The mobile streaming video for presentations is amazing and high quality. Pro Tip: Set your mic to mute as default when joining meeting, and choose that setting for participants in your meeting settings. Audio Note: if anyone in your meeting is dialing in from a telephone, their audio will be crap and have a delay , making it impossible for more than 2 people to have an efficient conversation. Use your computer for audio with any Bluetooth headset. Or Use the app for audio. If you have bad data service of no wifi, you may have trouble here. 99% of these meetings are for jobs that would need data anyways, so where are you trying to “work” from that you can’t connect. While driving also is probably a bad idea. People with computers: Use your Bluetooth headset!!! Dialing in ruins the meeting for everyone! You also have option to setup meetings that don’t allow dialing in.... but then the dinosaurs wouldn’t be able to join. I thought they went extinct ?
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4 years ago, Xara
Meeting platforms for teleworking
I have been using Webex for 4 months to call into meetings. The primary reason that we are using it was due to the lack of security in zoom. Unfortunately, zoom has a much better interface. Zoom was easier to use for meetings. I am also an instructor and found that switching from my iPad to power points was a lot easier. If you have a choice, zoom is better. If you need the security, then Webex has less features, but is adequate for most uses. It helps if you notify everyone of the following video meeting protocols- 1. Everyone who logs on should have the mute button ON, unless they are speaking. 2. Request that the video is on so that you can see the speaker- communication by audio only misses the facial expressions and other cues to that are missed in text or audio only. The meeting host can mute those that haven’t figured out the mute button.
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4 years ago, saleen8927
Core functionality is fine, but REALLY clunky
The video and audio quality are good, and it’s easy enough to share different types of content. It’s also pretty easy to customize settings such as beep on entry/exit, automate, etc. The reason it only gets two stars is that it’s not at all user friendly for guests of the meeting. As the host, you can learn the quirks over time and live with them, but when you’re inviting outside guests to a meeting that are not familiar with webex, it’s as if they need to be an IT engineer to figure out how to log in correctly. I either host or am a support person for around 5 small webex presentations each week with executives outside my organization. I can say that more than 50% of those meetings begin with technical difficulties where at least one outside person can’t figure out how to join correctly. If it happened once or twice, I would say it’s their fault, but this happens at least 3 times per week, and sometimes with users that should be well-versed in technology.
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4 years ago, AGR LIVE
I noticed while watching CNN they were using Cisco WebEx and the excellent quality of the clear picture and sound. I googled to see what the cost is and to my surprise for my personal use it was Free. This would be great to use when calling a family member or friend. If I owned a business this would definitely be at the top of my list especially in the new situation we all find ourselves in with the coronavirus limiting socializing in person. I used FaceTime but the picture is so sharp and clear I can read the words off my bottle of water. I hope this catches on and while everyone is stuck at home we can all still keep in touch and bring a smile to a friend or loved ones face we can clearly see. Cisco you need to advertise to let people know this is available.
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5 years ago, someone in Wisconsin USA
Pushing updates at meeting time
This is my meeting app of choice (over Skype, GoToMeeting etc.) and it’s generally great for global use, however lately it seems to push a massive mandatory update right at the time of the meeting, causing delays to get started. If I’m the client, I’m late, if I’m the host, I’ve left people hanging. Embarrassing on several occasions. Even starting 5 minutes early (my default now by necessity) is no guarantee that I won’t be hung by a long update on my limited bandwidth. I can use it twice in a morning then the third use in the day pushes a large update so there’s no predicting it. An option to proceed without the latest greatest would be a welcome alternative to such delays - at the end of the day, my priority is the meeting happening over the version I’m using. My experience is in Mac app, iPad, but issue is reported by my PC using colleagues as well. Overall, I’m still favorable, would be great if this could be addressed.
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4 years ago, epimlee
Not connected to WebEx
I have used this WebEx for conferences since April without any problem. For no reason at all, all of a sudden, since October, my devices, IPad, IPhone could not get connected. I even sent ” Report Problem” back for several times, but failed to receive a reply. Furthermore, I emailed to Cisco support requesting help, still no one replied to my inquiry! This is so odd, I contacted my internet carrier, Comcast/Xfinity, they checked and restarted, found no problem in their end. Then I called Aris, my router/modem, they also checked and found no problem. So the only place I can seek help is Cisco. However, Cisco completely ignored my inquiry. I have many online conferences to attend, I can only be absent in these video meetings!
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4 years ago, Shebbie
Not User Friendly/More Features
Not User Friendly: I use Zoom; however, I have an account with WebEx. I find that people have a harder time connecting to WebEx. Also, you should not have to constantly load the application each time you use it. It should automatically work, with or without an account. One download should suffice. Also, Zoom is much easier to share from my apps files like PPT, Word, Excel, etc. More Features: We should be able to use phone numbers/texts to invite people and not just emails. When we’re in the phone/iPad, app, we should be able to send a quick text for people to join. Also, I like the features in Zoom that allows people to raise their hands if they have a comment. I realize Zoom is more for classrooms and WebEx is more for professional work presentations; however, the features should still coincide with both.
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4 years ago, Mr. Model Citizen
Clear Sound, Good Reminders, Simple Joins
I use Webex for work multiple times a day, and I join via the desktop app, through chrome, as well as the iPhone app. I prefer to use the app to connect to meetings over a dial in number for a couple of key reasons: 1. Ease -when using the app, you don’t have to dial any numbers / bounce back and forth between meeting information and key pad on the phone. 2. Clarity - everyone’s voices come through noticeably clearer than a typical cell network call. I don’t know if it’s an order of magnitude better, but the sound almost comes across as studio quality rather than phone quality, it’s that good. 3. Consistency - aside from losing cell service, I’ve never had any issues with connectivity loss.
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1 year ago, greggT555
Audio issues
SUMMARY: noisy audio, confusing interface, inappropriate for corporate privacy needs, seems untested in real environs. Do NOT recommend. DETAILS: Our teams use Zoom, Teams and WebEx frequently and usually find that Zoom has excellent audio whereas WebEx usually has noise, crackles, and generally inferior audio, whether over network or phone. So I turn on the closed captions & transcripts (of CC) to figure out what people are saying, and that transcript window overlays the video windows — it should be a side window. WebEx uses icons where words are needed, such as the big red X that could mean close a video window or leave the meeting (and why Cisco thinks I’d remember what THEIR icon does — as opposed to all other app’s icons — is a mystery to me). When I adjust global Settings on an iPad (ex, to enable the camera or mic, which are kept OFF per our corporate privacy requirements) the session restarts and loses all my configurations (like CC, transcript, layout), so I have to reconfigure that while in a meeting. What especially makes me mad is losing the transcript, so I don’t really know what went on in the meeting while I was fiddling, and the transcript can not be saved if it’s emptied. Zoom lets you view the entire transcript, as one would expect it to work. All in all, it feels like an unfinished app that was not tested with real users & corporate privacy concerns. Do not recommend.
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4 years ago, mikedebonis35
Could have been a five-star rating!
The sound and video quality was excellent. I would have given five stars for that. There was, however, a tremendous amount of background chatter from a few people who did not have their microphones muted. This was my first use of the app and I figured out what the problem was. The app symbols for microphone and camera change from red, when not on, to black, when on. However, the strikeout symbol remains on the microphone and camera icons even when they are on! So, unless you already know that red means muted and black means unmuted, you can get confused. Several of our call participants did, leading to all the background noise. As a result, the call host had to keep everyone muted all the time and unmute, individually, each person who wanted to speak. How ridiculous is that? Please remove the strikeout symbols to avoid this confusion.
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7 years ago, DerpsterDad
Separate audio hookup is a design flaw
So, I am using all kinds of conf call apps - zoom, Webex, Skype goto, etc etc... - Webex is he worst. Why? Primarily because of the separate/disconnected audio hookup, and because of the different way it works on iPad vs iPhone. On the iPhone, you have to call in or it will call you, which means now you’re call options are gone (yeah, multitasking). On the ipad, it can offer direct audio integration (looks like its a customizable feature for the organizing organization). But it’s getting worse: if you are in the meeting with the separate audio, and the audio drops, more often than not, the system does not understand when you’re dialing back in again. Accordingly, it then doesn’t allow you to mute or unmetered, you not being in audio of the meeting. So you have to.... go all the way out of both audio and conference. Unacceptable!!! Keep in mind there are conference calls where the system loudly announces you leaving or entering... unprofessional!!!
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1 year ago, TrixiSRAcer
Login & Layout
Since I attend the same group meeting each week, I was wishing there were a way to save the login information so that I didn’t have to enter it every time I attended my meeting. No one else has access to my computer, so I do not have to worry about anyone else gaining access to it and I do not attend any other WebEx groups, so I don’t have to worry about going to the wrong meeting. It would be nice if I could move which person to make bigger, such as highlighting the host and a speaker side-by-side at the same time, while still seeing the other guests at the same time. Also, I would like to see the row of guests at the bottom of the screen instead of the top, so I could focus on the speaker or the documents at the higher part of the screen while still seeing the rest of the people.
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5 years ago, Prasad MK
Please stick on with a stable version
Recent past, I see multiple continuous updates breaking one or the other features. Please reduce unnecessary update frequency. With the recent update on my laptop audio is half broken (I can hear but can’t speak). Earlier this happened - you have fixed it - again broken. Now, I’ve to connect on laptop for screen share and mobile for audio (you are doubling the load unnecessarily). Ruling our the headset issue - tried multiple headsets and laptop audio. Not only this - many items regress. So please be careful with your continuous updates. Stay with a stable release (FYI - I’ve been using webex for 15 years, so not giving a bad rating - that doesn’t mean current version is awesome).
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5 years ago, TDS live music lover
Getting better - But still room for improvement
I really wanted to live WebEx, but the transition from Skype to this has not been as smooth as hoped. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of integration between it and Outlook. I repeatedly have to click to join a meeting multiple times, and often the audio doesn’t connect if the meeting organizer hasn’t joined... I realize there’s a setting for this, but it’s only available in the Personal Room, and most of my colleagues are not using that... Why is this not available for ANY meeting scheduled? That’s just one example of the many slightly non-user-friendly functionality. Overall, one can get the job done with WebEx, but it’s definitely NOT my first choice. Too bad my company is taking away all the other options!! 😞
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4 years ago, JackBaggers
Great app, easy to use on the go
I experience no issues with using the app on an iPhone. When my corporate Windows-based PC lets me down I know I can quickly recover the connection by switching to it on my phone. Sound/video quality is clear and although seeing shared content on the screen isn’t ideal (due to screen size), it’s manageable if a larger screen isn’t available. The slightly more direct connection to the Webex back-end than my work laptop allows seems to make for a better connection. Would like to be able to copy my personal room information easily from the app to send to someone to invite them to a conference call, but other than that, this is a very good app.
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4 years ago, LivNLetLiv637
Grid View
I’ve been using this app since the pandemic for work and we really like the app. It’s super easy to use. The only issue as I’ve stated before was the lack of grid view while on a conference meeting on my iPhone. The last update said this would be available although while in a call this morning I couldn’t find the option for it.? My software on the phone is updated and obviously the app is updated because I seen the upcoming option for that feature when it updated. Maybe it’s user error, but I couldn’t find where to enable grid view. Either way, thanks for the straightforward easy app where I can connect with my second family for work!
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10 months ago, arielwantsdonuts
Didn’t allow camera use on Laptop
I had a scheduled meeting and logged on early to test my microphone and camera. When asked to I allowed the website permission to use both microphone and camera, yet only the mic was working. Then the website gave me the run-around to allow Camera permissions for website even though I did and checked my settings as well to make sure I granted permission. Had to switch over to my IPhone during the meeting and even then I had trouble with the app and couldn’t use my camera for the majority of the meeting. My phone was on low battery and something popped up on my screen about it so I clicked a button to get rid of the pop-up and suddenly I was in audio-only mode and couldn’t get back to the video conference no matter how many times I tried to log off and come back on.
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4 years ago, Former WF customer
Very good considering the volume of people using this service during COVID 19
While it has not been perfect with every function available ie. video feed with lots of people on the line, overall I am impressed with the performance. This COVID 19 crisis is the first time I’ve ever had to use a service like this so I don’t have anything to compare but it gets the job done in our time of need. I have been able to have meetings and speak with teammates I haven’t even met in person yet since the pandemic took hold while I am in the process of a company transfer to a new location. Services like this are saving us when it is unsafe to be in personal contact, much different than epidemics/pandemics of the distant past.
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4 years ago, Kjwells94
Great Companion App
The app works really well as a companion app for the desktop version. It won’t ever replace the version, but I think that’s okay. We need the full monitor screens and different document sharing options to get the full experience (it’ll never be convenient to screen share a complicated pdf over a cell phone). Since the COVID crisis, I’ve been using this app nearly every day without a single issue. It’s ideal for connecting to meetings easily, and the webcam portion lets me better connect to my team. I typically join once on my computer (to see the files and share my own), and again through the app to share my webcam. I have no complaints - everything has been working great so far.
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4 years ago, D578
A bit complicated to get started, but great once done
The app is a bit complicated to get started, not intuitive, guess Apple spoiled me. Once started it was great, even provided virtual background options by clearly visible invitation. Until this, I thought I was technologically competent. Getting started with this in order to join a work meeting made me feel as if I was falling off the learning curve. However in fairness as I think about it, I’m not certain how much was the app vs the instructions for joining the meeting that had tiered participants. Albeit I am of a certain age, I’ve utilized computers & various apps since 1987, including running my own business for 20 yrs with computer networks and all. This was largely before the iPhone and my conversion to Apple products.
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4 years ago, MDFC Larson
Webex effectiveness
Due to half our team working from home on alternating weeks, we have used this Roger am for about 4 weeks. It has worked well enough that we are considering using this for a department meeting two or three times per week after we get back to normal and the virus is behind us. We have asked ourselves how life will change as a result of this virus. One of the changes will likely be a little less reliance on in-person meetings because at times a video conference is more efficient. Because you are able to continue on other activities until all are able to be at the meeting, we have less wasted time when one or two members get tied up.
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4 years ago, RaleyJuice
It works great...when it works
The app works very well on iPhone... when it works. With an average of 10-12 Webex meetings per week, and usually I use the desktop application for most of my meetings. However, the desktop app is quite glitchy and often requires an extremely high bandwidth to use video & audio simultaneously. It’s usually one or the other. So I am using the app on my iPhone several times a week and I’ve found that it’s clear and functions properly 80% of the time. The other 20% is just WONT connect. It’s either on or not. No middle ground and no half-way access. It crashes fairly easily sometimes and others it crystal clear and I have zero issue. I’m other words, I’ll keep using it bc my employer uses it for all our meetings but personally, I have very little faith in its reliability.
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5 years ago, gldngaze
Good app but often out of sync
My company uses WebEx as our default meeting software, so it’s fantastic to have the app also and be able to not only dial into a meeting from my phone but also to see whatever is being shared on the screen. The call quality and the display quality are both great. Where I see a significant gap is that my meetings often don’t sync with the mobile app. I use Outlook on my desktop and have the WebEx widget running, and meetings sync perfectly in the desktop widget. However, on the mobile app, it’s more often than not that a meeting simply isn’t there at all. I’ve had full days that show as having no meetings at all when in reality I had several. If I have to call in using the mobile app, this is a major problem. I hope this can be fixed soon!
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5 years ago, :: Matthew ::
App is good, but getting worse
I’m very please with Cisco’s WebEx Meetings hosted service and this app works well with it. The app itself is stable and presents shared content surprisingly well. Unfortunately, Cisco keeps changing the UI in disappointing ways while leaving the few things that could use improvement alone. Seems like each update the app gets a little more cumbersome. I’m not sure if competition is heating up in this space and Cisco wants existing users aware of all the features, but it feels like the design philosophy has taken on a grocery store mentality, “put the milk all the way in the back so people have to see everything they might like on their way to what’s important.” In the midst of a busy day the changes leave me a little annoyed.
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4 years ago, CynOfAshburn
Worked well for today’s meeting
I had a good meeting with our group. I was easily able to join via the invite link, not needing to login as my own account. I joined on my iPad, and used my iPhone for the audio. The app provided a very readable drop-down with the Meeting ID and my Participant ID for the sound. The app controlled the mike for my iPhone, rather than settings on the iPad; this action might confuse users, but realizing that is a good way to control the mike - you just need to know that. And the group chat worked fine. We were a group of 7, and we could talk collectively. Not to compare with other meeting apps, and while it may not have similar features, this has been a great experience and I would use it again.
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5 years ago, Dee Tate
I don’t know if my issues are just with app or with the way my company has integrated the app with outlook. Today is was hosting a previously scheduled web meeting from my office. I clicked on my WebEx icon on my desktop and it said I didn’t have any scheduled meetings today. I hit the refresh button on the app and it still said, no meetings today. Panicked that my boss and my bosses boss would not be able to log in, I checked my Outlook calendar and the meeting was there and the Webex log in. However the join button greed out as if it didn’t recognize me as the host. So I had to start the meeting from my iPhone and email everyone the slides instead of being able to share my desktop. Very frustrating and gives me much apprehension when leading important international meetings.
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1 year ago, Cuda, Cuda
Confused on new signing in and out started July 1, 2024
It was very confusing. I think a classroom setting would have been better. A lot of people were asking questions and they just didn’t understand and what I was asking they gave me another answer and then cut me off. I didn’t get the answer of what I was asking and that was happening to a lot of people, even though they said this up and this is what they want this should have been taken into classrooms along time ago and worked with the people. Usually when you start with IHSS, they go through everything with you. And work with you in groups. I was very confused about the cellular phone use mine or the recipient cell. If you teach enough of us how to do it properly this is how we teach other people other things being taught, but if we don’t understand, we can help one another. HELP!!! I DID’T UNDERSTAND 😞
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4 years ago, Dogman7x
One Among Many
I’ve used four different kinds of these meeting facilitating services now, including the one that started it all, Skype. They all have things they’re better at and things that they’re not so good at. I myself had to keep flipping back and forth in the App trying to input the meeting room (?) number and the passcode. It asked me for one, then the other, then took the first one away and demanded that I re-enter it again, then it took the second one away, etc. ten times, I think. I never did get the audio working properly. I ended up having to use a landline for the audio (and no, it wasn’t a settings problem). Their is another brand out there that does this much easier and smoother. In the interests of decency I won’t give out the name here. But you’ll find it.
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4 years ago, J Robert Burgoyne
Much Improved, worth another look due to “secure by design”
Our company has used GTM and its predecessors for more than 10 years. We do IT for a living and have been favorably engaged with Cisco networking products for almost as long. That led us to trying Webex and Webex for Teams, which were not entirely satisfactory even 2 years ago. The feature set of Webex lags behind Zoom or FaceTime and other consumer friendly online conferencing products. However, and this is a biggie, Cisco Webex and other Cisco products are secure by design. Security is not an afterthought with Cisco products and services. Important entities, such as the US Military and Fortune 500 companies, mostly use CIsco communication products. There’s an entire line of expensive Cisco Webex products for board rooms that runs on the same “secure by design” software platform as the entry level products such as Webex for IOS/Mac OS/Windows. If we’re to have a post Covid-19 future where we conduct a lot more meeting activity online, having the most secure online meeting platform, instead of the most feature-rich platform, seems like a favorable tradeoff, at least for some of us.
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4 years ago, McDNYC
Nice quality - confusing interface
It’s not a showstopper - but the user interface is confusing. Especially when I’m looking for a scheduled meeting - and it may be in my Microsoft Outlook account calendar, or in my work account calendar, or in my Gmail account calendar. Or not show up on any calendar at all - and just be embedded in an email. It’s just not as clear as it should be. And I know part of the confusion may be because Microsoft requires you to have an Outlook account to use their products. But generally, I think the vast majority of everybody have more than one email address. Which Webex should assume - and take into account when building their UI. Instead, it makes it a bit of a fishing expedition...
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5 years ago, TheNick123
Webex audio major issues with CarPlay
Very often after joining a webex (called in with audio over internet) after connecting to CarPlay the audio is lost (sometimes heard for a fraction of a second but then unavailable/dead quiet) and one has to select “disconnect audio” in the app and then reconnect audio via internet again; and maybe it will work. Then when audio sometimes works and one turns off the car and unplugs the phone (with working audio over internet) the audio from the now no longer USB connected phone will also cut out and one has to disconnect the audio and reconnect. TERRIBLE!!!!! I have an iPhone SE with latest iOS (even previous iOS had same issue). These issues started right when the webex app was started to have an interface on the car screen. Use that info to fault search and please fix immediately!! I dependent on this app to work for my work in a major car OEM
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5 years ago, hikaru1412
Ugly and doesn’t allow multitasking.
This app has allowed me to do meetings on my iPad so I am very happy for that. Has helped immensely. The UI is not aesthetic at all and I can’t really run more than one thing when it’s on or the app crashes. No idea why because I am using it on the newest iPad Pro with everything updated. You can’t multitask for some reason which I find strange for an app that is for meetings where you would definitely use multitasking often. If you just need a simple setup like an online lesson, then this works, but if you need more, then use a different app/program or just use the web app on a desktop or laptop. Please make this app function. Using this on the iPad would be wonderful if everything just worked. Hopefully come September this app can grow with iOS13.
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5 years ago, stcguy
The app is a little too complex and the sound quality isn’t great
When I try to join a meeting, there are a lot of button presses. I don’t want to turn on my camera for example. I prefer a one click dial in that gets me on the call. Let me enable all the other stuff after I’m on. The sound quality is poor. I can hear my voice echoing in the conference room. That should be filtered. Since the app allows for dial in and computer connect, and people often do both because they dial in first and then want the slides, there should be a way of detecting echoes and quickly killing them. With the old mobile meet conference system, I had a very simple interface to see where noise was coming from and mute it. Webex is not so easy unless you’re moderating from a computer.
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