
4.7 (3.7K)
352.5 MB
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Last update
2 years ago
Version OS
10.0 or later
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User Reviews for WinWing

4.68 out of 5
3.7K Ratings
4 years ago, Gtarshred
Simply awesome game design!
Ok, I know this game is advertised in the “Roguelike” genre, but it’s pretty much a piggy back off of Archero’s concept. Some might even call this a “clone” of Archero. But, we won’t listen to those people, because they’re stupid. Although there are blatantly obvious Archero-like features, this game is in a class, all it’s own. And I tip my hat to the team who made it. Actually, I think this is a much better way of using that concept. For starters, the “juice” (or visual effects, for all you non-game devs reading this) is amazing! So very well done. The visuals are one of the main elements that keep my retention rate high. Those particle fx when a boss explodes... I can’t get enough. The gameplay is outstanding, as well. The smoothness of the players movement is on point, and the randomness of enemy movement is on par with some of the most popular AAA titles available. The rewards system, and in-game power ups are placed perfectly, in all the right spots. It keeps you engaged during the entire experience. It’s exciting to keep guessing what my next upgrade will be. I’m no professional critic, but personally, this game gets a 5 out of 5 from me. And I’m willing to bet that it will be quite a long while before get bored of it and move on to something else. Keep up the great work!!!
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2 years ago, BTMas2k
Recent updates are blatant cash grab
Reducing the amount of gold obtainable by purchasing a pack with 200 gems by over 1/3 of what it used to buy you can’t be seen as anything other than a cash grab to make gold more scarce. Not only that but gold and the gems you use to level up your planes amongst other items were all drastically reduced in availability when trying to grind for them in the levels without paying… leaving a player forced with either grinding for hours, days, and even weeks… or forking up $$ to get it through the shop. Don’t get me wrong - if they were to check my account, I am in the top ten power of all players and I guarantee at very least the top ten of their players in how much real world $$ has been spent on their game. I don’t even want to think about it, but I know if they look it up they can see how much they will be losing. I have no problem paying for a game that does it right - not for devs that come out with an update that literally provides no content other than to “rebalance” the payouts of the in game currency. I have let both of my monthly vip cards lapse and will not be spending another dime on the game. Way to provide updates that try to squeeze whatever you can from your already high paying players.
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4 years ago, Family Feud Game Cheats
Question here
Since you don’t allow your paying customers to contact you, this is the only way I am able to ask you a question. Can you please stop rigging this game? I know you will say you don’t do that, but the evidence is overwhelming proving that you do. I’ve been on level 15 for over a week now, and haven’t made any progress. I have the strongest plane, and have upgraded it to 51. Since starting level 15, I’ve upgraded it 11 times, and it hasn’t made the slightest impact what so ever. I’ve upgraded all my other equipment many many times as well, and once again it hasn’t made the slightest difference in being able to beat this level. Why make a game if you don’t want your customers to advance in it? All I’m asking for is fair play, and I really shouldn’t be having to ask the owners of this game for that. In previous levels, you’ve made sure that I’ve played those levels 40, 50, 60 times, and this level I’ve doubled those attempts. Or do I have to purchase one of your ridiculously expensive planes for $50 just in order to advance?!? That’s just absurd. This game has potential to be really awesome, but you continue to try making it a Pay2Play type game which only discourages people from wanting to play it.
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3 years ago, Cbow!
Latest Update Has Ruined The Game
This game is very pretty and fun. I was very into it and had planned to grind away and complete it, however, the latest update is a very clear cash grab and shift of priorities for the devs. Levels I used to clear easily as part of my daily grind are now much harder and sometimes unbeatable with the same equipment I had pre-update. Even after a few upgrades the same levels are still very difficult. It seems as though they have buffed all the enemies. Also, there used to be a few optional ads, but now ads are EVERYWHERE and unavoidable to complete daily tasks. Also, they have increased the amount of energy it takes for every mode forcing you to buy energy to play or spend gems. I can’t in good conscience recommend this game as the devs took a good, solid game and turned it into a blatant cash grab. I was willing to overlook the little issues (unintelligible descriptions in the game, lack of help resources, botched English translations, etc.) but now it’s just too much. I’ll be deleting the game once they stop giving extra energy in the daily mailbox. Too bad.
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4 years ago, Dracking1989
Not free to play friendly even with all the ads
Everything about the game is awesome. I’m a free to play player and don’t mind watching ads for them to make revenue. Specially if I’m not paying for the subscriptions. The one thing I don’t like is the daily tasks. There one that asked you to buy one epic chest. You can’t do that unless you buy 300 gems. So for a free to play player is impossible. Other games have similar daily task but make it to where you can still complete the daily task even if you’re a free to play player. I feel like that one specific task should be change to the normal chest. UPDATE: the developer responded and said they work on something for free to play players. I’m very impressed by their respond and I’m very happy when developers listen to fans! Thank y’all!! Loving the game.
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4 years ago, ChrispyVision
Game is amazing but clearly unfinished
EDIT : due to a very quick developer response and offer for compensation, I am bringing my rating up for a 5* rating, since the only issue I had has now been resolved! I’ve been screwed out of 400 gems from clicking to spend 100 and another 300, then the game says there’s some sort of data error on anything I click. So I restart the app and my gems are gone but I haven’t received what I paid for. This is SUPER upsetting. If this wasn’t an issue, I’d give 5 stars. But this is why I wait before I rate. This makes me not want to play the game at all, regardless of how fun it was at first.
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3 years ago, Miyagido
Wishing bottle glitch
So the wishing bottle area has been stuck at 300% for two months now. It’s chances are set to increase 100% each time you open a guaranteed epic and you don’t receive your selected item. I’ve opened it five times now and the chances haven’t changed. Otherwise fun game, thank you It happened again today. Still stuck at 300%. I’ve been screen shooting video for a month and a half in case anybody wants to see ☺️☺️
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3 years ago, Teh Derf
Updates lack any substance
There hasn't been any new content since chapter 12-15. Just reskins. Upgraded equipment is all we got and even that needs more tuning to feel more rewarding. No new talents, no new enemies, no new abilities, no new events, no new planes outside of an absurdly overpriced paid one and that leaves an update that is about as lackluster as you can get. This game is a grindfest like any other pay to win app game. It was great when it started but as a day 1 player it's been nothing but downhill since. A proper shmup has a sense of accomplishment. Now they just throw insurmountable unreactable bullets at you with little regard to pattern or consistency. The waves are covered in healbots and the only way to progress is to hit the rng lottery and get recovery with reflectionshield. Avoid this game.
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4 years ago, Asdfghjkjg
Solid game!
Great game! Awesome graphics, diverse baddies, bosses can be challenging, and if you’re patient you can get almost everything in the game. Gem drops are slow but plenty. My only problem with the game is the leaderboards. After every rated level, I am at 1000+ on the leaderboard, which is fine, but when you review the top fighter in almost every level it’s obviously a bug or a hack. There’s no way you can beat some of these levels in under 3 minutes with less than 1000 attack power with a level 1 plane without hacking the system. Would be nice to be able to actually climb the leaderboards.
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4 years ago, dedboi9000
Awesome game
Once I got the yellow, green, blue, and red drones I was like 🤯 “INFINITY DRONES!!!” But when I looked further up the levels I said “oh” because there was no purple drone. So here is my suggestion for the power of the purple drone by itself... reducing damage or slowing the bad planes down or slow time, but with them all together.... insta kill all enemies on screen. But it has to be unlocked in the space like level. Just think about it. Wouldn’t it be awesome EDIT: I forgot an orange drone that would be unlocked before the purple drone.
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4 years ago, KedonM
Good game. Over the top difficult as you progress.
Game is good. Fun. Easy to pick up. I’m on level 5 and stuck on it for days. It seems exceedingly difficult in the boss fights. The bosses have very difficult patterns to move around and blanket the area with damage. For a game you may pick up and play 15-30 minutes it shouldn’t be a grind to have to pass to the next level. At least make more than one chance to get a second life. And wave 10 of Apocalypse Trial is impossible. Make the game a bit more fun by making it doable without gems.
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3 years ago, SEB Inc.
Upgrading My Review to 5 Stars
I really enjoy this game. Tons of updates and special weapons to work to obtain. Always something new. Thank you for fixing the bug that would cause the app to crash. It only happened when certain ads played (the ones with ad choices at the bottom). But the problem has been fixed with your latest update. Great job!
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4 years ago, Kin MacLaine
Just pure fun!
Been playing for a few weeks now, and the slow build from one shot kills to extremely frustrating is what keeps me trying! One thing i do not understand is the difference between “Bladelight Guard” and “Shocking Bladelight”? Guard doesn’t seem to anything at all, while Shocking Bladelight is incredibly useful. Any explanation would be grand, thanks. Still a great game, both visually and challenging.
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4 years ago, Jzathekilla
Good Shmup, NOT bugged
Earlier I wrote a review of this game stating it was bugged. That was not true. I simply didn’t know how to move between different chapters. It’s not made clear that if you tap the location icon you can select other chapters, I found out on accident and it’s a good thing I did. So here is the last star because this is a good game, and I take back what I said about the bug earlier. Thanks!
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4 years ago, lash7247
Amazing Game
With an App Store full of knock off Archero, this stands out and is amazing. Yes it is very similar to Archero, but the combat is completely different and wonderful. If you like the old arcade or NES bullet hell games...get this now. The only thing I would ask is to make it so I can listen to a podcast while playing, opening the game automatically turns off anything playing in the background.
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7 months ago, Super broke my phone
Love hate relationship
I’ve been stuck on level 36 for way over a year. Just can’t seam to get pass it. I’ll often times put the game down and remember why I’ve put it down. The grind for gold and upgrades are by far the most frustrating thing developers could do to this game. Pretty much have ruined the whole shot em up genre by replacing it with buy em up. The adds to buy packs and ships at $40 buks is not only dumb is insane. I might as well buy a game on a console for that price. Shame on the developers for also making it that these ships aren’t rewarded in game. I can rant about how expensive this game can be and how much time I’ve spend on it. I’ll think I’ll put it down and leave it down for good. Sad I really did enjoy but never got pass level 36.
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3 years ago, BreedApart
Don’t listen to the haters
This game is fun and challenging. Devs might not like this but I’ve spent $0 and have advanced through the levels. Configuring your fighter with different weapons and accessories is the key. You can pay to play if you want but this is also a game that you can play a few times per day and it stays fun if you experiment and are willing to learn the nuances. The game would be prefect 5* but needs a better explanation/index of weapons and aspects
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4 years ago, HDpanda*
Honest review: Familiar taste
If you played Archero before, this game has the exact same concept. Though it’s not as advanced in the different types of equipment as Archero, this game brings a new concept. It is quite fun to play and grind for the gears. In due time, I’m sure the developers will add more materials to make WinWing more exciting. Pros: - the in-game leveling system lets the player know exactly when they level up. - simple touch screen gameplay - variety of equipment, skills, and game modes. - good daily and weekly quests - explanation of skills before choosing Cons: - game is still glitchy. Ads don’t give timely rewards or even closed the app completely. - slow grinding system - no in-game support system for player support. Keep up the good work WinWing developers.
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4 years ago, dizzyorc
15 bucks for a plane?
First off, all the planes are terrible and lack any sort of character. If you want a decent plane you gotta spend either $10 or 15. At least make some more planes that can be purchased with gems. This game has a very similar set up as archero. I don’t know If I’d call it a rip off but it’s close. So far, archero does it better. WinWing is showing some ugly greedy colors already. Hopefully they give the rest of us some incentive to stick around who don’t want to spend 15 dollars on a plane that you can’t even test drive.
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4 years ago, klakaty
I love it
This is an awesome take on a shoot em up. I really like it. The graphic animation is amazing and so smooth. Really good color. I like the plane and parts customization. The weapon level up and combining them. The maps are fun to play on. I like the in game power up system and the way areas are broking up and the bosses. And I like the side missions. They're different from the main game play maps.
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4 years ago, Parafraz1
Great game but....,..
Great game! Fun! Challenging for sure! My only complaint with this and just about every other game on the Appstore is it with give you a “free” power up but you have to watch an advertisement to get it! Then it’s not “FREE”! My time is with money! Maybe if we all quit watching them? I don’t know? There has to be a better way!
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4 years ago, 14211421 jake
Just plain awesome!
I don’t know what to say. It’s so addictive and fun! I have no complaints whatsoever. The graphics are great and the drones that you can collect self aim. One thing though, one time I mashed two drones together and got a weapon. Still, the weapon I got seemed overpowered, so that’s good. And that’s all folks!!!
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4 years ago, IchidaKila
Lost the ability to play music
After the recent update, the ability to play my own music while the app is open is gone.. along with half the appeal. This game WAS my go to for play breaks throughout the day. Upgradeable items and merging options kept me coming back, but now I have to listen to the game music.. There are other clones of this game to choose from I suppose..
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2 years ago, MuffDvr1
After that last upgrade they took away all the fun
Don’t get me wrong I love the game played it for years but since they have changed the last upgrade and made some minor improvements including removing a lot of good things now you’re gonna have to spend a ton of money on it once again big business is thinking about the money not the players this is why I give it a one star don’t waste your time people on this game!!!
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4 years ago, SealClubbin
Fun Game, leaderboard full of hackers
Really enjoy the game, the tough progression keeps me coming back for more. Love the variety to the levels. My only complaint is that the leaderboard must be full of hackers. I am level 24 and had my first perfect run and am still in 900+ on the leaderboard. The people ahead of me are half my level with all level 1 planes and 10x my score
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4 years ago, Bigalbat
Archero Rip off but...
I absolutely love this genre. I am really hoping this company can continue to update and keep this game fresh. I’ve played Archero off and on since it’s release a year ago... actually found this game from an Ad in it Hahah. Sitting at 4 stars for now if this game can keep my attention for a bit I’ll edit it up to 5 stars. So far it’s awesome.
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4 years ago, Insomniac Jack
Waste of Money - Limited Play Time for Expensive Game
DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS GAME! This game is designed so that you can only play 4 - 8 times in a 24hr period AND you’re going to pay A LOT to do so. For some reason, they allow you to pay an unlimited amount of money to buy planes and upgrades weapons, but there is no amount of money that will get you more than 35 minutes of game play time per day. Makes absolutely no sense to buy a game that won’t let you play it as much as you want. Ridiculous devs
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4 years ago, by gghhfft
Super awesome!!!
This game is a must have!! It is as challenging as it is intuitive and just plain fun!!! It gets difficult but with upgrades it is completely playable. 2 pieces of advice for players : 1) underestimate Nothing 2) be very strategic with skill upgrades Well done devs!!! I hope to $upport soon
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4 years ago, Fireace08
Great game!
This is better than Archero in my opinion. Love almost everything about it, except the energy system... I hope the devs keep supporting this game for a long time, it’s a gem.
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3 years ago, SnipezCrusher
7 day login broken
First of all, really well done game. My two issues are this: 1) I’m not able to finish the 7 day login period because the button won’t function. Sure, it registers that it’s been pressed, but after that the function just stops. 2) Only being able one event stage once per day. I guess it comes with the rewards you get, but say if I want to focus on getting specific items(and not spending ungodly amounts of gems at the supermarket) I have to wait a while.
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4 years ago, Emaydoublet
Not pay to win(wing)
Decent game with good playability. U can pay to level up faster, but its also possible to just grind ur way to more strength. The “competition” is bogus. U lose ur combo if ur hit or not and even with a moderately developed ship, its impossible to make the leaderboard... Just try it and u will see.. Has potential to be at least a satisfactory “ship shooter upgrade” game..
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4 years ago, Hskcyrnsidnsjdmdudbal
Pay wall
Game quickly gets to the point where if you don’t grind 80 hours minimally you can’t pass a single stage, with at least 5 pop ups every time you open the game, can’t tell if it’s poor balance or intention pay wall. Update: More detailed information? Your company is greedy, you’d earn more money if you treated your players like they were more than piggy banks you force to earn you ad revenue just to play. You’re pathetic.
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4 years ago, Cannasuer1
Thank you
Had an issue, but got my progress back. Thank you for the quick response, development team.
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4 years ago, Stuben11459
How can I erase and start my entire campaign over?
How can I erase my campaign and start it completely over?
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4 years ago, Face1ess 1
Fun game with major problems
You can’t listen to your own music while playing And you quickly hit a wall in game where you basically have to spend more money than anything in the shop is worth to advance in the game
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3 years ago, Bulette1
Free planes for free
I love the game but is there any easier way we could get new planes without paying real money?
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4 years ago, Lostncyde
Good game bad bug
I really enjoy the game and shmups I’m general. There is one very bad bug that won’t let me get into the upgrade screen. Can’t get to higher levels without upgrading my ship or equipment. If it’s fixed I’d give this a higher rating.
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4 years ago, SaltiestNuts
Surprisingly good.
Granted, it’s jam-packed with microtransactions and advertisements. But the underlying gameplay is surprisingly good. I wish there was a $2 purchase that disabled all ads and IAPs forever.
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4 years ago, loved archero
Thanks for the new content!
I upped my rating. I’m enjoying the game more with the updates. How often does the expedition mode reset? I’d like to be able to play more of that.
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4 years ago, savage native kid
Fun game
One of the best plain games I could fine out there right now. Love almost everything about it.
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4 years ago, Th@nos1981
Great game
Thank you this is a great game I did regret spending the money on it although it was a bit Please add another level
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10 months ago, Stel44
New levels
Any update on the new levels?
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3 years ago, tcnerps
Stuck at loading screen
What’s going on
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4 years ago, Darth Gloomy
What a great game. Elements of two of my fav genres melded together. Controls great, fun power ups and challenging without being frustrating. Great job!
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4 years ago, Xsedos
Fun but.......
Its a pretty blatent rip off of Archero. Not to mention the devs wont even admit to it. At least give credit where its due. Look at the level up system and its UI. May as well be a carbon copy with different game concept.
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4 years ago, som€ random guy
title screen wont stop loading
the title screen wont stop loading, first time i opened the app it worked, and the game was great! Im on an iphone 6 if that helps
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4 years ago, 1jair
Needs to Improve
Lost money on the app. “Don’t need to write anything else”
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3 years ago, shakim20
Won’t load
Could you please fix the glitches in this game, every time you try to open the game it glitches and kicks you out!
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4 years ago, DawgMan68
This is an ok time killer but NO WAY TO CONTACT SUPPORT to report any issues. This is a pay to win game but not worth investigating in. I have a freeze up issue and cannot advance and no way to report the issue. Found a support link here but I speak and read English and everything is in squiggles talk. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME DOWNLOADING.
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4 years ago, sjones455
Bought one thing charged me twice I want my refund but every time I go to tech support nothing pulls up other then this fun game just annoyed
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