NEW in SplitMetrics Acquire: CPP Management and Dashboard

Anastasiya Starovoytova

SplitMetrics Acquire introduces two powerful features: CPP Management and CPP Dashboard. These additions are designed to enhance user experience and provide valuable insights into custom product pages’ performance. 

Let’s explore how app marketers and UA managers can benefit from these features.

CPP Management: New Ad Creation, Editing, and Allocation Flow

The new CPP Management feature in SplitMetrics Acquire simplifies the way users create and analyze ads. Key highlights of this feature include:

  1. Enhanced Ad Form: The Create and Edit Ad form is now presented as a convenient pop-up window. This form includes an assets preview with sorting options by name and creation date. Additionally, users can leverage various macros in the ad’s name, such as CPP, Campaign, Ad group name, Storefront, Match type, and Device.
  2. Multiple Campaign and Ad Group Selection: Users can now select multiple campaigns and ad groups for search results and Today tab campaigns, streamlining the ad creation process and saving time.
  3. Bulk Operations: Users can assign a well-performing Custom Ad to multiple campaigns and ad groups in bulk, eliminating the need for repetitive tasks. 
  4. Date Column: From now on, users can easily see the date when an ad was created, thanks to a separate column dedicated to this information.
  5. Analysis Columns Preset: Users can access a special preset of metrics valuable for analyzing custom product pages’ performance. The preset can also be adjusted — just add the metrics you want, and you’ll be golden.

The flow of creating, controlling, and testing your custom product pages is now smoother than ever!

CPP Dashboard: Consolidated Performance Analysis

The CPP Dashboard provides users with a consolidated view of their custom product pages’ performance across search results and Today tab campaigns. No need to switch between different tools and tabs — you can access all info in one place!

Here are the key features of the CPP Dashboard:

  1. Well-Thought Columns Preset: This preset enables users to compare their custom product pages to the Default Product Page (DPP) or other custom product pages in bulk —- to track spikes and drops on a daily basis. With this information, app marketers can easily identify areas for improvement and take instant actions.
  2. Allocation and Spend Analysis: The CPP Dashboard allows users to understand the percentage of total spend allocated to a specific custom product page or DPP by providing insights into budget allocation and helping identify the most effective custom product pages.
  3. Seamless Navigation: The CPP Dashboard enables users to effortlessly navigate to the Ads Dashboard, where they can explore detailed performance of each custom product page across their ads. This functionality facilitates in-depth analysis and the ability to allocate custom product pages to specific campaigns and ad groups, further enhancing campaign optimization.

The Bottom Line

With personalized experiences being essential in advertising, these new features empower you to tailor effective ad variations and drive even better results. Enhance your app marketing strategies today with SplitMetrics Acquire’s CPP Management and CPP Dashboard.

Would you like to analyse custom product pages of your competitors as well? Then explore another amazing feature — CPP Intelligence!

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Anastasiya Starovoytova
Anastasiya Starovoytova
Content Manager
Anastasiya is Content Manager at SplitMetrics. She lives and breathes writing and has a real feeling for app marketing and mobile growth.
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