— 11 May 2020

NEW: Multiple Conversions & Charts 2.0 in 2x faster SearchAdsHQ

Anastasia Sidoryk

This is a three-month wrap-up of updates in the two products that we make – SplitMetrics Acquire (formerly SearchAdsHQ), platform to automate and optimize Apple Search Ads, and the A/B testing platform SplitMetrics Optimize. 

From February to April, we rolled out a lot of handy features that improve user experience. Use the navigation above to jump to the platform and functionality that interests you.  

New in SearchAdsHQ

Ad groups duplication into several campaigns

18 March

App marketers that use SearchAdsHQ to manage Apple Search Ads can now duplicate ad groups to several campaigns at once. Before the feature release, they were able to duplicate ad groups into one campaign at a time. 

Ad groups duplication

As usual, you can choose between copying “Settings only” or “Settings and keywords”. After the duplicated ad groups are published, don’t forget to enable them as they are created in the paused status.

Improved charts

26 March

We’ve upgraded our charts so that you can better visualize what is happening within your account. 

When you analyze your Apple Search Ads metrics, sometimes you may want to see 3, 4, or even more metrics at once. Using SearchAdsHQ you can now view and compare up to 8 metrics in one chart to effectively spot trends across the entire funnel: 

Apple Search Ads Charts_8 metrics

Now you can compare value (Spend, Costs, Revenue), ratios (TTR, CR, etc.) and numbers (Impressions, Taps, Conversions) the right way. Metrics of the same kind can be compared on a single scale and, moreover, you can also use an absolute scale and add labels to see exact values: 

labels and absolute scale

Don’t forget that the platform enables you to configure your own formulas and save them as custom metrics, which you can view in the charts as well.

Multiple conversions tracking

7 April

Previously, the platform showed aggregated conversions under the “All Conversions” column. From this date on, SearchAdsHQ users can configure multiple custom conversions, track each conversion individually and monitor metrics per each of the 6 conversion categories: 

multiple conversion tracking

Multiple conversions tracking adds transparency to the user acquisition funnel and helps understand the converting potential of keywords.

For example, you can detect which keyword results in sign-ups only but never or hardly ever brings subscriptions, and optimize bids accordingly. How? To help you make optimization decisions, we’ve gathered some user acquisition funnel best practices.

multiple conversions in SAHQ

In addition to setting up and tracking, here are a few things that you can already perform with multiple conversions in SearchAdsHQ:

  • Filter out by different conversion categories to save time;
  • Use multiple conversions as conditions in rules to automate operations;
  • Use multiple conversions in custom columns to calculate your own metrics and see them on the dashboard. 

CPT bid history on charts

16 April

This feature enables platform users to monitor changes in keyword bids over time. By having the bids history visualized, you can understand which of the bid changes brought about fluctuations in ROAS, CPA, Spend and other metrics that are important to you: 

bid history charts

Cause-and-effect relationships between bids and metrics give a clearer picture of Apple Search Ads performance, and you can make data-backed decisions on bid strategies. 

New in SplitMetrics

Smart device distribution 

Getting ‘wrong devices’ in an A/B test experiment is no good. When the device type in your ad campaign doesn’t match the device in your experiment, it simply eats up your advertising budget. 

We came up with a way out: at your request, users with “wrong devices” will be redirected to your product page on a relevant app store. They don’t land on the experiment page, hence they don’t waste your money as they are outside the A/B test. 

If you want to get the smart device distribution configured, contact your manager to make a request and provide links to your app store product pages.  

Help Centre

We’ve added an Intercom-based Help Centre to get you covered for all the information you might need to run A/B tests with SplitMetrics successfully.

Updated Help Centre_SplitMetrics

By entering keywords, you can search articles that may answer your questions. If nothing is found, start a conversation with our friendly and helpful support managers.  

Faster dashboard and landing pages

During the pandemic, there have been troubles with the loading speed globally, as people are pushed to go online more than ever before. To mitigate the issue, we speeded up our dashboards and landing pages, so that you have a smoother experience with SplitMetrics. 

Through the optimized platform dashboard you’ll get yet faster access to the list of your apps and experiments.   

As for landing pages, we speeded them up by compressing screenshots and videos, and adapting them to different retina displays. This helped us optimize the loading speed while keeping the high quality of your creatives. 

We are foreseeing an x2 speed increase for product pages and an x4 for search pages. 

That’s it for the releases in February-April 2020.

If you are already using the features outlined above, we would appreciate your feedback. Please contact your manager to ask any questions or share your ideas on improvements. 

If you want to give these new features a try, request a demo with one of our specialists: 

Get SplitMetrics Acquire (formerly SearchAdsHQ) demo tour

Get SplitMetrics Optimize demo tour

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Anastasia Sidoryk
Anastasia Sidoryk
Marketing Manager & App Growth Evangelist at SplitMetrics
Anastasia has 5 years of app marketing and content management experience under the belt, helping app and games publishers with insights on how to boost their app visibility, optimize conversion rates and Apple Search Ads management.
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