— 24 Sep 2024

Future of App Growth with AI

Max Kamenkov

As we move through a fast-changing digital world, AI is no longer a buzzword – it’s a powerful tool transforming industries at lightning speed. 

Artificial intelligence has already started transforming the marketing landscape, reducing costs by up to 20% while driving revenue growth by 10%. As AI adoption accelerates, these benefits will only multiply, making the technology an essential component of any successful marketing strategy. Simply put: If AI isn’t at the heart of your app marketing strategy, you’re falling behind.

What Does This Mean for SplitMetrics and Our Customers?

At SplitMetrics, we’ve been investing heavily in AI and machine learning during the last years to set new standards in the industry—delivering solutions for advertisers that are faster, more cost-effective, and deliver a higher ROI than ever before.

But before we dive into how AI is redefining mobile marketing, let’s take a moment to reflect on where we’ve been and how far we’ve come.

  • 2015: SplitMetrics is founded and launches the first solution for A/B testing for apps. Mobile marketing was dynamic and offered opportunities for quick wins. Back then, the App Store housed around 1.5 million apps (compared to over 4M today). 
  • 2016: SplitMetrics Acquire (previously SearchAdsHQ) is launched as one of the first platforms dedicating itself solely to Apple Search Ads campaign optimization and automation.
  • 2019: SplitMetrics is recognized as an Apple Search Ads Partner.
  • 2022: Establishment of SplitMetrics AI—research & development center for tackling marketing performance challenges.
  • 2023: SplitMetrics acquires App Radar, the leading ASO tool to provide holistic app marketing solutions for optimization and advertising.
  • 2024: Launching SplitMetrics Acquire Starter Plan to support growing companies with managing and automating their ad campaigns for free.
  • 2024: SplitMetrics AI is made publicly available.

Year after year, our commitment to secure SplitMetrics’ ecosystem as a leading provider for optimizing and advertising apps is unmatched, proven by world-leading companies like Glovo and Babbel choosing our solutions over other vendors available.

Here are some figures to illustrate how we empower our clients today:

  • 70,000 bids changed and 1.4 million keywords analyzed daily
  • $500 million managed ad spend across various categories
  • 600 million data points processed monthly
  • Team of 170+ experts located in 20+ countries.

The Rise of AI in Mobile Marketing

We believe AI is at the heart of the transformation happening in mobile marketing. Let me be direct: if you’re not already using AI to enhance your app marketing, you’re losing ground. Time, money, and opportunities are slipping away if AI isn’t central to how you engage with your data and your customers. AI is no longer optional; it’s essential for staying competitive for both you and SplitMetrics.

At SplitMetrics, we see the future of app marketing unfolding in three key horizons:

  • AI Bid & Budget Optimization: First, AI is implemented into existing marketing platforms as it becomes the industry standard. With SplitMetrics Acquire, advertisers drive higher ROI through AI bid and budget optimization, extensive intelligence on custom product pages and keywords, and by incorporating incrementality optimization.
  • AI Assistants and Copilots: AI assistants will empower app marketers, much like what we’re seeing in the CRM space. At SplitMetrics, we’re focused on enabling the core jobs of app store optimization and advertising to be done by AI Assistants.
  • App marketing infrastructure based on AI: as an industry we will have to rethink the whole infrastructure based on the new emerging technologies, allowing us to have a profound impact on many areas like app analytics, monetization, performance forecasting, incrementality and beyond.

Since our strategic investment in AI-driven solutions two years ago, we have been heavily focused on leading this transformation. This year marks a major milestone with the launch of the first of many AI innovations, and it’s just the beginning. Over the next few years, we will continue to release advanced AI models, expanding beyond Apple Search Ads and App User Acquisition to fundamentally reshape mobile marketing.

Our Team: The Backbone of Innovation

Our commitment to advancing AI and data-driven solutions is reflected in the exceptional talent that powers our team. We know that we’re best suited to deliver on AI technologies for app marketers as we bring together 20 people with over 100 years of collective experience, reflected in patents, awards, and research publications.

Our Data & AI team consists of:

  • Data Scientists: with Phds in Physics and Mathematics, our data scientists excel in developing accurate machine learning solutions, from computer vision to audio classification.
  • Machine Learning Engineers: our engineers build end-to-end machine learning pipelines, taking them from research to production.
  • Data Analysts: our data analysts are proficient in modeling, forecasting, and data visualization, ensuring that complex datasets are translated into actionable insights.

SplitMetrics’ Mission in the Era of AI

Now, as AI reshapes the mobile marketing landscape, we are committed to staying ahead of the curve and helping our customers thrive in this new era. As we responsibly apply advanced ML/AI technologies to our products, we aim to set new industry standards and make our solutions the unrivaled choice for achieving app marketing excellence—faster, cheaper, and with higher ROI.

Our mission is simple: to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of user acquisition through true data insights and incremental improvements, enabling 10x growth and efficiency.

A big thank you to our customers and employees for supporting this vision and journey forward. Your support fuels our commitment to driving meaningful change in the industry. Together, we’re shaping the future of app marketing!

Unlock 10X marketing power with AI solutions
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Max Kamenkov
Max Kamenkov
CEO at SplitMetrics
SplitMetrics own success story began with Max’s idea to make app marketers successful with mobile A/B testing tool. In a shortwhile Max was the first to come up with the idea of Apple Search ads optimization solution. With above 7 years in the industry Max is the go-to source for app growth wisdom.
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