ConnectWise Mobile

3.9 (2.7K)
63 MB
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Current version
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
11.0 or later
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User Reviews for ConnectWise Mobile

3.85 out of 5
2.7K Ratings
6 years ago, jonnieves
A solid start but with plenty of room for growth
The PSA market is crowded with a lot of really hideous looking applications and ConnectWise hasn’t been any different in the past. This latest attempt at a mobile app by ConnectWise has a modern design and while the features are lacking, to some extent it’s what makes it actually really good, it lets you do the most basic things really easy which its desktop counterpart can sometimes feel overly complex to do in. Bug: The header area on the sidebar gets cut off on the iPhone X, not sure how they would miss this during testing.
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2 years ago, ThePerks30
CW Rep: “You use the app??”
The app is acknowledged to have limited functionality, but even within that heavily limited functionality, you’re more likely to find a bug than the info you’re looking for. Crucial functions have been inoperable since release and are “Known Issues” with no roadmap for correction. Even the components of the app that work are clunky and the user experience is dreadful. ConnectWise themselves knows that the app is terrible. When asking a CW representative about some of the issues we were experiencing with the app, they replied in disbelief “you use the app?!” It was a tool of appeasement and allows them to say “we have an app.” It’s not here to help you or your business. Unfortunately, the browser version was not created with mobile use in mind, so your mobile CW experience is pretty much doomed.
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5 years ago, t3stix
Not useful for our business
I find this app not very useful for our business. Trying to find the information we need is like pulling teeth. And now that iOS 13 is out with dark mode, which I use, filling in the information in a time entry is impossible to see what I’m typing. The background is black and the font is black! Who’s brilliant idea was it to not change the font color so you can actually see what you are typing? I have to type it in, save it so it goes back to the original screen so I can make sure what I entered was even spelled correctly. And why can I not delete an entry if I accidentally saved a time log to the wrong place? I have to open up my laptop and connect to Internet somewhere in order to change anything. Such garbage.
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6 years ago, ScottM12345
Good start...
I’ll give the interface 5 stars for sure - much cleaner and more responsive. I see great promise. In my opinion, the stopwatch feature is the absolute first addition needed right now. The sole reason I use the mobile app is to track time out in the field, so without that the app is completely useless to me. I don’t see them listed on the roadmap, but I sure hope they’re implied somewhere and will be showing up soon. Additionally, with the new interface, I’m really hoping to get an iPad version as well. I do a lot of work from my iPad, and not having to log into the full website to work from it would be a huge bonus.
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7 months ago, Texjuns
You mean ‘Dis-ConnectWise’?
I am on my ‘lost count after 100’ times of reloading the app after having to delete it because it does not recognize my sign in. I am perplexed at the inability or lack of care that Dis-ConnectWise has regarding such a critical issue in their app. I load the app, authenticate, double authenticate, log in again, and allow authentication to happen with facial recognition. Good? Great! For about four days. Then the ever classic resign in but like the Black Knight of Monty Python says ‘NONE SHALL PASS!’ So off to my intents delete I go. I have gotten so good at deleting and reloading the app that I am down to a blistering 45 secs from delete to using the app again! Please please please for the love of everything decent, and useful. Please fix this problem, like yesterday! I have spoken with our admin who keeps in contact with your team about such issues. He said you were working on a fix that should be released in January… of 2023. What is that I hear? A fix? A workaround besides deleting and reloading the app? Nope…crickets. Sincerely, The Reload King of Dis-ConnectWise.
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5 years ago, Halastrion
Bad to Worse
I hate this app. Its better than nothingbut it used to work much better than it does now. Its a nightmare to find the tickets you need with the new layout. Sometimes you can search by number and find th but the search by name almost never works. The search by ticket number hasn’t worked for the last two days though now I can find it in unassigned (which is easier but didn’t work before.). Their motto should be just keep on guessing, the same thing rarely works teice for long. Fix this puece of junk!!!!!!!
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4 years ago, GeneralPatton
Has Potential but severely behind in capabilities
I use the desktop application of this software which, like in most cases, is superior to any mobile application. That being said I would be ok with a few hindrances. The problem is you can’t do simple tasks like logging hours for work done to any job you are set as a resource to. There’s no way to view entire projects or to even pull up any drawings for any job. There’s no way to search projects or ticket numbers to properly charge time to. There used to be a legacy app that had some of these capabilities but once that was removed and this app was put in its place, ConnectWise took a huge step backwards. Any chance these updates are on their way?
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3 years ago, Seadoug95
iPad version
App works great. Wish there was an option to manually type your times for time entries instead of using the scroll wheel and a dedicated iPad app would be great.
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3 years ago, vadimneculcea
Pretty limited
Overall, this is app is just okay. Missing a lot of functionality that they could just easily add. For example, when adding a resource to a ticket, you should be able to send an email to that resource just like in the web version and desktop client. You also can’t search tickets as easily. Another thing they could have made much easier is changing fields on the ticket. Each time you change a field, it takes a few seconds to update, then you go on to another field. It should allow you to update all then, then save all
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2 years ago, Diehlr
Buggy and limited
This app is missing so many features and has so many bugs that you really can only use it to view already scheduled tickets and that’s about it. You can’t even use it to create a ticket because there is a dialog box you HAVE to select a Service Board, but the drop down is completely empty so you can’t proceed. This app is completely neglected, and I wouldn’t even need / want this app if Connectwise simply got with the program and made their web portal mobile friendly. It’s not even close to mobile friendly. What year do they think this is, 2005?
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5 years ago, Jedi10180
Pretty good start
The app is a decent start. Navigation takes a little while, especially if you are pretty far in to a category - you have to hit the back button several times to get back to the main menu again. I would love to see a way to search for configs for specific companies. The config search only lets you search a string, but I’d like to be able to apply a company filter so I can search only under that company. Also, for time entry, there should be an easy way to see the total number of hours entered for a specific day.
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5 years ago, Rip Rokken
Big improvement but...
I love the new interface and added functionality. But I’m having some major issues: 1) Configurations do NOT let you see the entire contents of Text Area fields, or Text or Password fields that run longer than the viewable area in the customized Questions area. There seems to be no way to expand these to view the whole contents, nor can you edit them. I’m still having to use the Legacy app which allows viewing of full contents and editing in configs. 2) After updating our SSL certificate which changed the Site name, I am unable to log in at all with the new app (nor can anyone else). When logging in, it just gives the error “Something went wrong.” Strangely, the Legacy app still works fine. Troubleshot for about an hour with Support, and they are needing to escalate it. Removing the app, clearing cache, rebooting and reinstalling are not working. Please fix these issues!
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4 years ago, tylervilo
I love using the mobile app when I’m on the go. The interface is great and easy to use. The only thing I would love to see in the app is an option to contact the end user via email while adding notes on a ticket. This option not being available keeps me from updating certain notes and then I forget to do it when I have a chance. Great product!
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5 years ago, getrusty
This app is poor ... Disappointed in CW
I can not do basics which are needed on a sales level / mgmt / exec level out in the field to do sales calls to manage core functions. This is a joke honestly. I have tied it for a month or two and it’s very frustrating. You can not look up company by city or state, can’t even see sites, know what contact is associated with what site to name a few. I can see opportunities or activities to name the mission critical topics on a sales, management or executive level. How do you not think some of these basic through all the way CW team? Disappointing and looking at alternatives to CW. Hope you all step up your game.
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4 years ago, kwtek
Lacks very important content for a mobile tech in the field
The main purpose I need this app for is missing. All the login security to get into it and yet they don’t include the password categories in the configs necessary for a tech in the field to get quick access while onsite at a client. I end up tossing this aside and logging into the full program to access the necessary information to for example connect to the clients WiFi or login to a device that needs attention. This often means searching for a place to plugin to the network.
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3 years ago, owners view
I’d like to be able to view and run reports on the app. Also need to be able to see the Dispatch Portal. When we bought ConnectWise we were told there would be GPS for the mobile app. Looks like that concept has been abandoned. The app is nice for expense reporting. It works for time entry but the process for entering time needs to be simplified.
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4 years ago, synthesizerpatel
Have to be licensed on the server for mobile access?
I get it that you guys are a SAAS but its ridiculous that I can’t just buy the app and use it. I have to ask my boss, explain why I want it, he has to go buy it and use a credit card or something. I literally would have paid out of pocket to be using this app. If the company wants to reimburse me, great I’ll file an expense report. My boss, the request, the purchase chain, etc. Time is money, guys. This will end up costing a couple hundred dollars worth of my and others time just to get an app working. My feature request is instead of just saying I don’t have a license - ask me if I want you to automatically send my request for a mobile license to the administrator. Then do that. Alternatively, just let me buy a license without having to mother-may-I for a smart phone app. It’s actually pretty degrading.
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5 years ago, 4Dan!
Expenses are less efficient
We’ve had this system about 7 years. The new app is cleaner and the functionality is working, but app I use most is expenses and it’s certainly less efficient. For every data field I pick and now have to click it twice versus once in the old app. Additionally, the date pick now is a dial versus a month view. I just put in an expense for Friday I don’t know what the date was. What was the feedback from user acceptance on this application? It seems that at least the expense app needs to be tightened up.
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5 years ago, JeffR at Inspire
Significantly worse than the prior app
This app seems as if it was designed by someone who never actually had to use it, never spoke to the users, and never used the older app. Need to pick a date? Don’t expect to see a calendar or even see days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc). Need to mark a scheduled time entry done? Click through many levels, find the control, click it, then back out through all the levels. These are two of many examples. It is hard to find a single item that is easier to use than in the older app.
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5 years ago, Dontbotherresponding
1 app in 2
Downloaded this app as the legacy app has gotten to the point it crashes on my device multiple times a day, duplicates responses up to 4 times, and has SO MANY syncing issues. Now that I have this app, I have discovered that ConnectWise now has at least two completely broken apps that have been pushed out. I feel so bad for your single app developer. I assume it’s just one developer handling everything as I can see no other excuse for thinking you were putting out any kind of quality product.
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3 years ago, TRssp
You should suggest an on site server cache to some of your customers and make it idiot proof for your customers, this would greatly speed up operations. Otherwise not bad product/service. A built in signature program that worked across multiple documents would be nice (this could be the company I work for not being educated enough)
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5 years ago, Thesurfingroach
Several steps back from old app
Filtering is just about useless. More or less the only options are to filter for any ticket for me or not. Oh and which board they might be on. How about which client? How about date? How about urgency? Etc. Expenses: want to add mileage by odometer? Well you better a note for the starting miles because it doesn’t save that. Just converts it miles and save that only. The old app would save starting miles and then you just add the end miles. Simple. Why was this removed?? There are many examples of this new app being inferior to the old app. The old app worked. Maybe it wasn’t all fancy with the UI but it worked for what we needed it to do. This new app has a nice fancy UI but the operation is lacking. Please improve.
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1 year ago, Jcolef78
Mildly useful
The app allows me to see tickets, but has limitations in that I cannot move a ticket from one board to another. (if you have many service boards). I also have difficulty assigning someone to a ticket through the mobile app. I would like to see a Filter setting showing most recent tickets first. If any of my issues are usage problems, please respond with solutions.
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4 years ago, Jdbiggg
Expense Reports iPhone 12 Pro
I cannot change fields in the expense report section on my iPhone 12 Pro to add new expenses. I have reinstalled the app with no change in functionality. This worked fine on the iPhone X. Please fix. Love the app otherwise.
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5 years ago, ericliebler
Necessary functions then it’s 5 star
Suggestion 1: Implement similar search functionality to project tickets but spanning more aspects (service, activity) so I can easily find “my tickets” Suggestion 2: timer to enable start time and finish time on any given time entry. I.e. if I have to visit client for new pc, add button to log the start time, gather equipment, travel onsite, then do the work, add my notes, button for finish.
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2 years ago, Marcin Heniborg
Push notifications missing
The app is lacking push notifications for example when you are assigned as a resource. This feature would improve our operations greatly. Also there are numerous issues with the app and seems like the developers stopped updating it over a year ago. I hope CW will resume updating it. Please update the app.
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3 years ago, xSyKoTiKx
Cannot add time entries to tickets
Trying to add time entries to tickets via the app causes the app to spit out a message saying you don’t have security permissions to perform the action, however adding the time entry via the website works without an issue. Already had our admin look into my permissions and the only option pertaining to the app is simply whether to allow it or not, not any way to give permissions for the website and app separately.
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5 years ago, I've tried this 50 times
Syncs more reliably. Everything else is a nightmare
- syncs great. No more of those conflicts and lost notes - time entry: the spinning wheel concept is utter trash and finding just the right minute without being able to just type it in is worthless. Also missing the “now” button that was great when wrapping up a ticket - can’t edit product notes or cost - can’t search for contacts inside a company or change ticket phone contact number accordingly - can’t filter tickets by company or other criteria - can’t sort tickets by status - can’t see amount of hours entered per day at a glance - ??? - this app makes me want to not live - where do i send my anger management counseling invoices - convinced this app is a CIA psyop to test my endurance during extreme and prolonged mental duress - they’ll never get me
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6 years ago, Byronnnn
Ok so far
It desperately need search and filtering to be useable daily. Update: STILL NO SEARCH OR FILTERING! Most of the features being released are not that useful. The fact it is impossible to find tickets not assigned to me or old closed tickets makes this not that useful. The filtering in the old app is horrendous. Also, the screenshot shows a Contacts button in the menu, I do not have that.
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2 years ago, TheRealQuantum
Only use because I’m forced to
It works… okay for getting sign offs, making time entries, and contacting clients on the road. Don’t bother with the search function. For literally anything else apart from contacting a client, getting an address, or logging time, use the desktop or web app. There is no mobile experience that will not make you want to quit your job.
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4 years ago, jerlisa156
Keep old app
I cannot stand using the new app. I have both the old and new installed and am using the old one as long as possible. Why? If I want to see what’s scheduled for me, the screen is not cluttered and the font size is very easy and simple to look at at vs the new app is so busy and convoluted. The old app is much more simplistic and work with it. If I need more features I’ll use my tablet. I understand progress but I’m not look long forward to be forced to use the new app.
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4 years ago, Techmsn125
Can I choose a 0 or a negative number?This new version is a train wreck! Service board sorts by age, not the status. Why does a completed call have to stay in the top in my agenda? Can’t even tap on the address for a client and have it open a mapping app. Time entry is adjusted by 1 minute intervals - No visible way to change it to 5 or more. Where is the daily total in time sheets? Can’t find a logical way to enter an internal note, without creating a time entry. An attached configuration only displays a make and model. The more important serial number takes extra steps to see. Please STOP the warning about Legacy being removed from the App Store, it needs to be used until a lot of issues are resolved! The new app is far from usable.
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5 years ago, NathanRDE
Search configurations
I enjoy the look and feel of the new app however not having the ability to perform a wild search makes it unusable completely. If I need a customers firewall information I would search company xyz *firewall. Can’t find anything since we can’t search by company and title basic feature.
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3 years ago, JM Here
Needs better search
Until you incorporate a search and sort ability at the top of every page this app will be to difficult to use. Sorting by oldest first may make sense in CW world but is not practical and the purposeful lack of sort capability is down right mean. Filtering is not the same. I need to be able to find the exacq entry, not based on a filter.
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5 years ago, yeraldin809
Needs IPad Version.
I use the Iphone Version pretty Often when on the Road, would love to have an iPad Version, not just the Iphone version Expanded. Only Giving Three stars for Laziness on the IPad app. Overall the app does the basics, when it doesn’t free and you have to reinstall to see any tickets. All in all Nice work guys. Hope to see the IPad app soon.
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2 years ago, andurilb
App needs a lot of work.
Some items can’t be selected. Some lists don’t populate. Time events can’t be edited at all, so you hate to literally tap the clock when you start and when you stop a task. In this state it’s not even usable. I have to go through the web version on my desktop every time. The only thing the app can do decently is review past tickets I have made myself.
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5 years ago, Bradjg25
App is crap
Decent on the desktop and allows you to do what you need to. An absolute piece of crap in the app on iPhone and other platforms. So many things you can’t do in app that you can do on desktop. Hear from managers, “oh it’s good” so congrats on fooling the bill payers. Employees would have fired your worthless company a long time ago. #getaclue
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1 year ago, PCDude23
Almost useless
The desktop app is great! The mobile app’s functionality is severely hampered by bugs and missing features. Can’t see custom config fields, can’t change ticket priority, can’t change expense types… in fact most drop down fields are broken. Useful for me to look up contacts and that’s about it.
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4 years ago, qwmaksiufbeion
Features and Interface too Variant from PC application
Please streamline the menus and features to better reflect the Desktop Application. I find myself waiting to get to the office to document anything besides receipts. I also don’t see how to attach receipts to an opportunity. Please make this mobile app more Intuitive if it isn’t going to parallel the Main Application Thank you
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4 years ago, FiveFurs
Limited Usefulness
The sessions keep timing out so I never use it unless I have no alternative. My main use would be to check my schedule but I know I’ll have to sign in again so I don’t use it casually. For other times when there’s a need, it’s extremely limited because I can’t apply a search filter to something like the tickets for a particular client.
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3 years ago, IOchoaMss
Time out then unable to recognize password log in
Always had trouble since day one. Would work for a week or type. Then it would time out and not recognize your password to any associated account when I try to log in. Very inconvenient. Always have to reset password. Also never get a reply when emailing for support.
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5 years ago, LongDistanceDriver
Please make iPad Version!
The application is great to use on an iPhone only. Huge improvement over the previous client for iOS! However, still no iPad support! Very disappointing connectwise, but otherwise great app! Just one more suggestion, put finance functionality into this app and it would be close to perfect.
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5 years ago, Reviewing You 123456
Keep it up!
First off keep developing we need a solid strong app for sales and operations. In opportunities there is no way to activity in the opportunity. What is needed is what was the last interaction with the prospect and what is are the next steps with a calandras reminder synced to g suite calendar. Also in the funnel it is not organized in the proper order as it is on the web browser. Also it would be nice to see quota and how close we are to hitting it and to see pipeline
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7 months ago, Stephen Bradley, Knoxville
Somewhat useful for configuration data; else?
The app is used sometimes for obtaining configuration data quickly, but that’s all… maybe I need to find a tutorial on all the features, and how to use them, but I would use it a lot more on my tablet if I could.
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2 months ago, Colton Shire
Something Went Wrong
Can’t sign into my work at all, haven’t been able to for weeks. Still lets me sign into my CW on my computer so I know I have the right password and information but every single time it just says “something went wrong.” Would be really nice if I could check my tickets while out on the job.
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4 years ago, Waz-a-player
Nice, but what happened to ability to see ALL the configurations??
At some point you changed, now your not letting us see ALL the configurations or ALL the parts of the configurations!! I NEED THIS FOR WORK!!! There are LOTS you cut us out of seeing. And it’s making your app a piece of junk, worthless to use!! About the only thing that’s useful anymore is the ability (kinda) to put time into tickets. What happened??
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3 years ago, Austinjmooney
Great Program, app doesn’t work right
The ConnectWise suite is great, but it doesn’t work right for anyone in the company I am at. We utilize SSO, which the app takes you to Safari to sign in, but it then just opens ConnectWise Manage in the web browser, instead of bringing you back to the app. Basically.. the app is pointless. Just go through the browser.
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1 year ago, B-Radi
Horrible mobile app, great desktop app
The people using this are obviously in the world of IT, MSP and Security, however this mobile app doesn’t allow for seamless integration using MFA or SSO making it rather useless. I have 27 employees who should be using this app but don’t because of the difficulty of having to sign in each morning with SSO. Please fix it!
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3 years ago, Nelimungous
They have no idea or don’t even care that this app is junk and doesn’t work. And when a developer says (a year ago) “we released new version that SHOULD have fixed your issues” you know your in trouble. It’s an endless cycle of installing and deleting if you want to use the app. Worthless.
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4 years ago, Jarratt L
Can’t stay logged in
Any time attempting to log in past the first attempt the app doesn’t recognize the URL or credentials. You have to uninstall and reinstall anytime you want to use it in a bind. And I say in a bind as if you were actually going to conduct any work in the app it would be a chore. It’s basically just okay for looking up information for quick reference.
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