Field Nation

4.3 (2.2K)
53 MB
Age rating
Current version
Field Nation, LLC
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
12.1 or later
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User Reviews for Field Nation

4.34 out of 5
2.2K Ratings
2 years ago, KB_A/V
Great for staying organized on the go
This review is solely focused on the functionality of the app. Not field nation as a company. I would say 85% of the time I am able to do everything I need to. Great for when I received the email notification when work is routed. I can quickly view work orders and respond to messages. Uploading pictures is the one problem I occasionally run into on-site and sometimes, have to try a few times. Few other bugs I’ve noticed but nothing that inhibits the key functions. Is it integrated enough to solely use my phone? Far from it. I do think with a few updates and bug patches this could be a 5 star
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5 years ago, Killah Wheels
Field Nation has changed my life! 👍🏼
I can’t speak highly enough of Field Nation, because it’s literally changed my life. Working through Field Nation has given me the ability to work for myself without all of the hassles. I think the 1.5% they charge to insure you in a job site is fair and removes some of the headache of being a business owner. The 10% fee they charge IS a little much, but at the end of the day I’m okay with it due to how streamlined the website (and app) that Field Nation uses is.. The fact that they conveniently keep track of your income and take care of the W-2 for you is another headache removed. Also, they pay you two times a week and you can’t beat that! I’ve also picked up other jobs on FN that I normally wouldn’t have heard about, but am totally capable of doing which allows me to make even that much more money. I currently do CCTV full time, all through FN but I’ve also picked up lighting audits for major stores, setting up store displays and whatnot for extra pocket cash. All in all, I’m very happy that I’ve jumped on the Field Nation bandwagon and it’s changed my life for the better as I don’t have to punch in and out and be a slave for anyone else, ever again. - Chris W., Vermont
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1 year ago, Swypa32
Marshall Brewington
I love that but it still has room for a lot of improvements like it is slow, delivering the text messages and the emails to my account. Sometimes when they come through and I click on it it’s already been sent and assigned to someone else and as for the policy. A lot of times when I go out and do troubleshoot and surveys I am not getting the work directly assigned to me to go back and perform the service and as far as the payouts it is still taking too long to get us paid out on these work orders if we perform work at a job site, we need to be getting paid 1 to 3 days after we’re finished working for some of us. This is a way of life and this is how we keep going from one order to the next if you have any other questions about what’s going on with the app? And your contractors and why they’re not taking work, and things are not going as fast as they should go give me a call do you have my number and I have no problem telling you what’s going on out here in our world.
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2 years ago, BriThaGenGuy
Field Nation Out Performs Competition IN ALL ASPECTS
I actually got told about Field Nation by a customer I have my own generator company that I started two years ago this is the second year and I’m a little I was nervous about the slow season and this customer said oh try Field nationwide son does it he does low-voltage wiring in CCTV camera systems and explain kind of how you’re a subcontractor and if you are skilled and put on your résumé what you know how to do you’ll have companies reach out to you so I figured I would do some generators on there well there wasn’t any generator work and I found that out after I spent an hour putting all of my résumé all of my certifications on there and so three weeks past and I get a call and now I am working for an electric vehicle charging company making stupid money part time i’m getting paid instantly, it’s easy to use and build up your page, FN actually checks and respond with great customer service.
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4 years ago, notbz4uqt
Too high of fees and way too long to get paid
When I first joined Field Nation it was better. They still had the 10% fee but they would pay every Friday for work orders completed during the week prior. Now they introduced this “terms” stupidity that can take over 45 days to get paid for a job I’ve done today. In addition now they offered the option to charge another 3% fee to get your funds sooner. So essentially they are charging the life line of their business 13% as fees if you opt into the second tier. Total JOKE!! I called and tried to negotiate the 10% down to 8% and they wouldn’t budge. I told them I wouldn’t do as much business as I was on their platform and I’ve held to my word to 1 year later. I charge a lot higher fees then the regular technician because of my experience and background. The only time I do jobs on Field Nation is when a company calls me asking my availability and the only platform they use is Field Nation. If it wasn’t for that I’d close my account and never look back. Horrible platform and a rip off to the lifelines that provided them revenue.
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1 year ago, SupaKamiG
It works, however it always has some issue.
I have been on the platform for over 3 years now. When they fix one issue usually another appears immediately, and this has been consistent the whole time. They keep raising fees… I have a COI for FN, however because they did the 3 w-2 employees they kicked it out of the platform. I keep the insurance to remain professional, while they keep us on the fees. They clearly focus on the “buyers” and care much less on the actual service providers. After most upgrades I have to re-add the “Types of work”, “tools” and “skill sets” to my and my guy’s profiles enough times to need either a discount or compensation. If you are not an established service provider with a decent list of clients, that will be detrimental to exposure. There was an update over year ago that made it a pain in the rear to manage my technicians. Luckily they fixed that about 2 updates back. If I was not at my PC and on the road I COULD NOT accept work orders for my technicians. If I tried it would assign it to my tech profile. So I would have to do a shout out to get eyes on it, or wait until I was on a PC web browser. They are always raising fees with no incentive to companies that do a large volume of work through the platform. FN if you are reading this… give us a F.ING discount on your % after a certain volume of work. Because, there is 0 incentive to not go direct.
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1 month ago, John Daly sole owner of PTVD
Angry owner
We at Protech appreciate all the work you send our way. When ever there is a dispute with a customer you always resolve it, but I do have 3- issues that no other platform does. 1- Hard Starts were and should only be used on certain circumstances IE: Bridge calls, customer staying late or arriving early and CRT. Turn-ups involving multiple people and or other people involved in that peculiar job. 2- your 10% which is well deserved should not include expenses, you don’t deserve 10% of what I request for travel. I maintain, fuel and insure all our vehicles. 3- you OAI Insurance , we at Protech are completely insured and except all liability's That’s why I gave you 2-stars only. We make you a lot of money for a small business but we are not a 1- man crew using Uber, which I personally seen. 10% of any wages is not in dispute it’s all the exters you charge. I have all insurance and Business paper work. Before you respond which I hope you do. Check the income Protech provides. Thank you sincerely, John Daly President
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4 years ago, chipsareus
It was a great app until they updated their pay policy
It’s a great app for work but don’t expect a payment for almost a month after you finish your work. It used to be that once the orders are approved you would be paid the very next Tuesday or Friday. Then they updated to only Friday payments which was a hassle because only if your work order was approved by Friday you would get paid the next Friday. Now they have added another 14 days waiting period. So lets say you happen to work on Monday and your project manager miss the Friday deadline to approve tour order then you have to wait another 14 days-after approval and wont get paid until the Friday after that. So thats like a month before you get paid. Good luck paying your bills and cost out of your pocket for a month before any money would be paid. They keep increasing wait time and commission they take and this is how they treat their workers. Thinking about going back to workmarket since you don't have to pay commission and you can get instant payments after work is completed.
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1 year ago, keithsd
This APP Gives me flexibility to work the hours I desire and to broaden my skills. I control my time and the earning at time is sufficient. But getting better as my experience broadens. It a great time for a private contractor or part time tech. Recently had problems with the mileage recorder. At times when I open the App to request,, review or submit a WO. Multiple mileage data is present in the WO from previous WO that should not be there. I still attempt to record my mileage on each WO but have found more easy and useful methods to do so. I feel someone (3rd party) is tampering with my settings. I use Googles map, and often when I start travel in a WO, the settings have been changed to Apple Map which I do not use.
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1 year ago, techsRus
Field nation / customer
Field nation has been wonderful straightforward and just absolutely on top of making sure technicians have what they need just a support from them is awesome👍 Now on the other subject is the customer your doing the work for. So let me say this about one I had to deal with called interweave I got job sites from them that required a spotter so I brought my spotter and we both had to contact this customer for directions on a few things that weren’t in the work order. My spotter/worker tell me hat the customer is asking him if he will go work for him directly and he will give better pay this is called (POACHING) and just plain out disrespectful for any person or company. I soon came to find put this was not the first time. So I tell everyone please be careful with that company.
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3 years ago, Bmack037
Terrible, buggy app
This app has a ton of bugs and every time they release an update more bugs appear with no fixes to old bugs. They remove simple features like being able to copy and paste a phone or tracking number sent through messages. They also have drastically reduced what you can do in the app so you get redirected to a mobile site. Right now, just the bugs I’m experiencing: App randomly logs me out, app is claiming I need a background check and the company said everyone is getting that error, when completing “tasks” I get a pop up system error, it’s laggy and sometimes won’t refresh unless I force close the app. It never copies the address the first time when you click it to open on Google maps, so you have to switch back to the app and click it again. Among others. Most of those glitches have been around for months if not over a year.
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5 years ago, wpbdude
Not ready for prime time
Aside from 2 items listed below, it’s a great app. However, synchronization is off by a good bit, so that accurate time-and-GPS-stamped check-in’s are “iffy”. Second, their messaging feature is setup backwards, so that your comments show-up (small labeling) as yours, BUT under the RECIPIENTS name and photo. It makes communication and documentation very difficult and disjointed. NEVER should that be the case. Their comments should show with their name & profile pic, THEN, it should show who its directed to. Right? Your name, your icon, your comment. Simple. Otherwise, placing a persons photo next to someone else’s comment—in a comment by comment format, defeats the purpose of simple, at-a-glance identification of who said what, & in what order. It is, in fact, misleading and confusing. Aside from these things I like it. BTW: I think person’s with positions called out in the app anywhere, including the SOW, should be reachable by phone via hyperlink AFTER the job has been assigned to you. Remember, the apps purpose is to facilitate the timely and professional completion of jobs, right? I shouldn’t have to shuffle through papers or apps to find and dial a contact. So. There you have it: My “2 cents worth”
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3 years ago, hvykev
Did the latest software update change photo settings? I believe so.
I believe it did. Had a good fortune picking up 30+ work orders or ATM maintenance. It’s required a lot of driving around to several different locations trying to close out a work order at each, struggle with not being able to find or see my photos when I close out the work order because it is on the selected photo setting that it wasn’t on before and I’ve never been on before. This was more than just an inconvenience it delayed getting to work orders in to be processed days. Required hours until it was probably discovered that there was a setting for photos selected versus all. This is not a harsh review only knock it down from 5 to 2 stars. Could’ve been worse.
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5 years ago, Skeewash
Decent but could have a more intuitive user interface
An example would be when I am checking new work posted I go to notifications in the app. When I click on a new work order and view it I cannot just go back, I have to start all over and perform three steps just to get back to the same area. Another counter productive item is when items are assigned it creates another notification. If a work order isn't assigned to you it shouldn't even be visible. In field nation if a work order is assigned to someone else you are unable to open it. With that being the case why show assigned work and waste notifications. Assigned work orders should be automatically removed rather then have a tech waste time searching through them. The interface doesnt have an easy way to search a certain provider for work orders or really any type of search feature. The app could be so much more with a little tweaking and adding a few things here and there. If a work order is placed as a bundle you cannot make a counter offer on it. Things as simple as that should always stay the same. I will go back an forth with providers they ask me to submit a counter I say its placed as a bundle I cannot, and around and around we go.
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1 month ago, Davie Pooh
High Fees and Minimal Support for Workers
They give minimal support to the workers and usually favor a the buyers. There are so many fees. On the base level, if you do $1000 worth of work, 11.5% goes to Field Nation. Because you worked and earned $1000, you have to pay this app $115 to do so and you make $885. If you make $100k you’re paying the app $11,500. They’ve incorporated top tier to get preferred status as well. So even if you’re an excellent tech that can provide great service to their companies, you have to pay more to see those work orders. Basically, you can lose more money to get preferred status. Which for me, means I just don’t use field nation as much. The companies that hire through Field Nation are mostly middlemen, which means 2 or 3 companies are getting paid before you do, which means most don’t want to pay a decent rate. As a contractor you have to pay for your tools, insurance, transportation, have no benefits (medical, dental, 401k, sick time, vacation) and your tax bill is serious. I’d hate to see the number of workers that have gotten in a bad situation with the IRS, because of these apps. I know I did. So pay all that, go climb ladders, get covered in insulation and get put in difficult situations just to pay 11.5% or more to field nation.
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1 year ago, Me_two1234567543
Unreasonable requirements
You add fees and take a cut now. Im sure people need to make $ who support this. Field Nation should pay all fees and have your own fee to a client when a worker accepts it.. I have worked on your team tasks and people you select make no sense. People who do not work! I ended up doing the work of a second person who did not know how to use a screw driver. Field nation should cater to me not me to you. Eliminate, penalties, fees and allow for a happy work environment not this slave type feeling I get every time I view a W/O. I also think there is a no penalty option for walking away from un-reasonable expectations or treatment. In regards to paying for drug and or background checks. You want me to take on certain tasks you pay this upfront!
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1 year ago, o'Yeah!
Distinguish between work order notifications and messages
Since notifications and messages are equally regarded, it is unclear when a message comes in because there are always notifications about work orders (regardless of whether these work orders have been assigned to me). Perhaps this is just a matter of changing my notification preferences. If so, then please advise. It would be helpful to be able to distinguish the tone for a message notification versus a work order notification. Also, profile privacy settings had to be done on a Windows computer because the section did not render properly on iPhone or iPad.
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7 years ago, cheatedslavelaborer
Application has gone from bad to worse. It's used for the purpose of making money however you work harder today and make less than he did a couple of years ago the company that makes this app more about Volume of work orders I could care less how much money each one who generates. And does not care about the people out doing the work as long as they get revenue in the end. As long as I get there 10% they are happy. At the same time they nickel and dime The people that are doing the work and change the rules day by day and they are not necessarily fair to the person doing the work and in order to gain access back to the program do you have to agree to them or you can finish your job and collect your revenue. Which in return upsets The person you had the contract with that you are out doing the work for. Which in return give you a bad name out in the field.
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4 years ago, iDrew88
Highly recommend app but has its issues.
I’ve been using the app for about 3 years and it has helped immensely . I have emailed about issues with my notification and profile for a long time now with no resolution. After the last update I now have a new set of issues such as notifications and messages not populating as well as the notifications counter for the app never going down. Currently it’s stuck on 10 notification for me but what they are notifying me of cannot be seen. I can’t open a ticket through to create a email trail because it says login error because of duplicate profile. The list goes on.
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2 years ago, Permanent Sys
App customer service has become moot
After a series of payments not posting after the app saying they were scheduled to transfer (these are paid work orders, we are talking about transferring funds from wm to paypal) the customer service agent claimed they would get it resolved, put me on hold and disconnected after half hour. same exact issue twice before a very rude rep with a heavy accent hung up on me after calling me a liar while explaining the situation. subsequent calls providing screenshots yielded similar bad attitudes and disconnected calls. weeks after payment was cleared by vendor, they app still refuses to transfer my funds. every friday it claims to be a transfer in progress, but it never goes through, and the following monday the payment date is moved back to the next friday. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! BEWARE, WM HAS FALLEN FROM REPUTABLE STATUS TO SUPER SHIESTY!!!
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6 years ago, TennStarrDoug
Double booking occurs. Assignments
Come without lead assignment. When you perform the assignment in total without a lead and need additional time to complete the paperwork, there is reluctance to make adjustments or mark the provider as having performed the lead satisfactorily for future lead consideration and compensation. Don't attempt to punish me for a late Astarte when the lead is a no-show and the manager declines to authorize a start. We appreciate the work, and would appreciate some polite consideration in response. One additional matter please. The messaging and notification systems are not relational in that a matter cleared in one notification remains pending in another.
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6 years ago, Jay Kat
Almost the best.....But
The App is Great but I’ve found an issue with the “Agreements” between the “Buyer“ (the organization that wants you to work) & the “Provider” (the technicians doing the work). As a provider if you don’t live up to your end of the arrangement you are monetarily penalized, But if the Buyer fails to live up to their end of the arrangements (to pay you) in a timely manner or at all their nothing anyone can do. The personnel who run the app (Field Nation) state “ We have our account managers working on it” and it dies there. There are NO monetary penalties for the buyer. So basically your screwed.
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3 years ago, PNW Rob
Getting better all the time!!!:)
I love the app and the support!!! Great job guys.... I would like it if it was better about opening back up to what I was doing in the app... lately I've been having trouble with it always opening to "available" jobs page instead of what I was doing and then I have to navigate back to where I was sometimes 10+ times in a single job... this improvement could save me a lot of time while on site!!! Thanks for all you guys do!!! *Update* Seems to be keeping my spot much better now...
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6 years ago, PshBrah
Life saver!
Often in the field of IT we find ourselves seeking addition avenues to use our skills to make some extra cash. This is the app. If i feel like scheduling a full week of work, and just picking and pulling here and there for jobs on the side, this app is always reliable and the customer service is outstanding. Tons of new features now added to app and website that make life so much easier. All levels of skill can use, full or part time work available. Every IT guy should have this app for side jobs, or techs to make a living off of. Absolute must have!
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6 years ago, T0mmy75
Totally different way of getting work.
I have to say as a contractor, this app is a game changer. I am doing so many different things that it makes work super fun now. You get paid out hella quick from the platform too. If you’re skeptical, don’t hesitate and try it. I am sure you’ll like it. I use it all the time and it may become my primary source of finding work. The higher your rankings, the more work will get forwarded to you and you eventually build relationships with the vendors. It’s a really cool tool for finding quick work.
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2 years ago, Person1001_01
Business Don’t Make sense
Me and my half brother signed up same day he has only 3 months experience in doing computer work and I have 15 years experience A+ and even my CCNA certificates and yet business have gave him orders but I can’t get even one to give me one even though I been contracting for last 2 years with barrister global have over 1000 work orders done with 5 stars with them but tickets are slowing down so thought I use 2 platforms to make up but not working.
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6 years ago, juan001xyghh
My experience with Field nation
I like the concept and easy to use of this app/system, that is the only reason I am giving this review two stars. In this platform it is not what you know but rather who you know since getting the first job is almost impossible ( I even offer my work for free in exchange for a honest review so I could get some work later). I have over 20 year experience starting from cabling, system administrator, Network admin, etc. I took a couple of test to improve my profile, although I didn’t do the background check which I didn’t need for the jobs I requested. I could keep going but this might be enough to help the next person not to waste his time. Thank you.
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1 week ago, MrNotimpressedatall
Not Quite There Yet
While Field Nation connects techs to jobs well, the app itself is buggy and often slow. I never get notifications for messages on specific work orders, causing me to miss important updates and assignments. I’ve even missed out on being assigned work due to this. Publishers also have too much control, taking forever to approve work orders after completion, and some companies take 3 to 4 weeks to pay even after approval. Additionally, the profile editing features are limited. Overall, it needs improvements in reliability, ease of use, and functionality. Could be better with some updates.
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5 years ago, Henryp21
Suggestion from a user
I like the app! Would love to see the following feature, when assigned a multi site job I cannot enter your map it would be great to have it linked to google maps see my assigned location able to navigate GPS from map and as I complete locations, points on maps would turn green to let me know that site number has been completed. On a negative notes I’m still very frustrated that pictures take so long to upload and the app keeps closing on you as I’m working.
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5 years ago, Goldentoe21
Was a great work app to start
I really enjoy this app. Allowed me to take my desktop on the go and even do way more than I could imagine. Great way to get started on your own and keeping a great profile and track of all your work. One star because support is worthless and will never do anything to help you. This app supports customers and buyers not you. The tech who makes it possible for this company to stay alive get thrown to the curve like trash. No support for techs even after buyers and customers break agreements. Only tech get penalized and not buyers. Beware buyers who use this don’t really care for techs much or quality of work. Escalated many jobs for late payment and not once did they resolve escalations on their end.
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3 years ago, macabreTHPS
No IPad support
Ive been using this app for a long time. I use this for work and my business as a buyer/registered service provider account. The issue is orientation/display resolution. It only shows iPhone orientation and resolution. Not acceptable especially if you need to go green and use an ipad to sign documents/PDFs which practically every buyer account on the network has a need for documentation. This app needs to move to the 21st century and update this. It would be 5 star if ipad support was a thing for field nation. Painful to give a great platform a poor review. But unless something is said it isn’t going to change.
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6 years ago, atdever
Must have for for the independent worker
Whether your in-between jobs or just want to manage your-self or hire independent workers this application is a must have. One word of advice, Don't sell yourself short by limiting your work experience through filters. Open up the filters then close them down as you learn what opportunities they bring. Personally, this app has helped get me through periods of unemployment with fair pay and I have seen others use it to make it their full-time business.
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5 years ago, EK@ITD
Badly needs quality control!
For an app that is so heavily imperative in the field it’s been a train wreck for the past few months. I wish this could just be rolled back to about 4 or 5 versions ago when everything worked. ETAs not working, clocking out and clocking in not working, notes not working, incorrect time zones, messages not working, ugh. With every recent update something else is broken causing a lot of unnecessary tension between providers and buyers. Please get some quality control practices in place, or just roll the whole app back to when things were all working fine and before all of this nonsense started.
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2 years ago, UncleDannys
Good Program
I’ve been using Field Nation for a few years now. They have made some essential updates. And the program is getting better all the time. Highly recommend. Very good technical support. They have always helped me every time I had an issue. Some of the options of the program take a little bit of getting used to. But once you do it a few times - you got it.
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2 years ago, girlgamer2639
Delay in payment
They AP is great for extra work but when it comes to getting paid that is another story. I have an extra 13% in fees taken out by the Ao so there is no turn around time of my but guess what I have to Waite 14 days to be paid out. So what is the purpose of have field nation pro? It’s not worth it AT ALL AND ALSO LET ME ADD the buyers are aware that techs do have field nation pro and aware that these extra fees we get taken out of our pay and they say that field nation know that they don’t process till 7 or 14 days or even more but outside of that great APP you can be very successful with this APP
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8 months ago, Wage Theft 25
Don’t bother expecting to be paid
Field nation does whatever the client asks them to. You get dispatched and drive for four hours in the middle of the night only to be canceled when you are just short of on site? Sorry, but the client isn’t obligated to pay you anything. If they offer a pittance that values your time at less than minimum wage and you open a case about it, “Sydney”, who is apparently the head of customer support because they won’t escalate my case any higher than themselves, will remove even the offer of the pittance in retaliation for your complaint. Field nation is in the business of helping their buyers commit wage theft.
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3 years ago, $$$,$$$,$$$
Fee were razed by FN, but companies really don’t raze amount that they pay us. Field Nation , It’s like- if you want you can wait 3 weeks to get paid but if you want also we do have an option for additional 4% you can have deposited your money next day! I just trying to understand, why did they do that, maybe to many techs around, they trying to filter some people. Not looking up after technicians, i star not liking Field Nation!
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6 years ago, Lukeunlimited
Daily User
I have been using Field Nation on a daily basis for the last 2 years as a field engineer. It’s a solid platform with real paying projects that help me fill voids in my schedule. They have worked to continuously improve the app and platform and their work shows. Every time I’ve had an issue, which isn’t very often, I’ve received prompt replies via email and phone communication to get it resolved. Thanks for creating this platform and providing a solid place to find work!
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6 years ago, Theo Economides
Helped me to find a good amount of work.
The app works very well and only has a couple annoying minor operation issues. But it is solid and it has made it easy to find work and to get paid quickly. It took a while to get that first job, since you gather reviews and credibility by doing work. But after a while, if you do good work, you will find more and more companies that want to work with you.
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5 years ago, Tazberry35
Good. Needs tweaking
How about. Company name on first page of under searches countered assigned.....buyers can put anything in the contract and hold us to it yet y’all do not make them keep Their own written word and providers added terms in counter offers are only binding in court of law not FN so called one sided mediations .....when it’s good and smooth it’s Great when it’s not the process takes way too long and too little communication. Ever thought about outside work from home customer resolution team members stateside. The growth excuse wears old. And the answer isn’t additional workers in Bangladesh. Love those guys but you tie their hands
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5 years ago, Pretzel Fingers
Field Nation - has some pros and cons
The app is generally stable, has a tendency to lose persistency with login information at random intervals - kludgy messaging interface, not intuitive or clear who is getting message - default screen does not allow dashboard view of all cases, multiple clicks are required to drill down into work orders - once in the work order, you are unable to select the details area and read all the details, many of which are extremely important when on a support call, this is a HUGE oversight - the app works well enough, however there is opportunity for improvement
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3 years ago, ThePOSAsstQueen
For nine years FieldNation has been an awesome source of employment opportunities. Mainstreaming many educational opportunities. While maintaining health as the highest priority and Keeping Covid restrictions as a top priority for the buyers and technicians. FieldNation/marketplace has also ensured any and all problems if any are resolved In a timely manner. I had one experience when I drove 70 miles and upon arrival my job was canceled without compensation.
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2 years ago, mnfield engineer
Laptop vs iPhone views
There is a big difference between how the different queues are displayed between my laptop and my iPhone. I can’t see requested, or routed on my laptop, but can on my iPhone. On the iPhone I can’t set ETAs because the app doesn’t display correctly for that option. Also the amount of available work orders on my iPhone are a fraction of what I see on my laptop with the same settings. These issues are costing me jobs. Please get right and get it fixed. I have already called your tech support with little help there.
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3 years ago, the techy dude😁
By by workmarket
Work Market is so unprofessional I’ve heard a lot of good things about this app and can’t wait to start still waiting to be approved on my join but will definitely have a update on this someone referred me to this app and sounds way better than Work Market Work Market is unprofessional and has a lot of issues with receiving your payment
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4 years ago, pobrecitoshame
Went down the tubes overnight
I used to really like using Field Nation as an IT contractor. Although they did charge you fees for finding jobs & for insurance, they usually paid you within a week of the clients approving the completed work order. I use to have some jobs where it was approved by the buyer the same day & I got paid the same day or shortly after. Now I’ve had workorders that have been approved 3 weeks ago by the buyers but I still haven’t been paid for. Don’t know if FN is holding onto the contractor’s pay, but something is going on. Because of this change, I have stopped accepting jobs on FN. A shame, it used to be a good app.
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10 months ago, Babypaisa
This app saved me!!!
After being in broadcast for 30 years. And then I’m unemployed. Tried driving for the rideshare for a couple years. And I was miserable. Then a friend told me about FieldNation ! FieldNation has made my life better than I ever thought it could be. I have learned everything I need, to be a very versatile technician. and I make so many connections here on a daily basis. Repeat customers are my favorite. The platform works great to keep things organized and parties accountable. I didn’t know what I was gonna do it before I got into Field Nation. I am now on my fourth year on the platform. I have worked with over 90 clients and then about 1000 jobs. Thank you.
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2 years ago, montecinoG
I always have completed jobs correctly and on time but they won’t process them . They leave the job in pending status for way longer than the platform estimates. Until I can get jobs that the pending status estimates are true I’ll give you 5 stars but otherwise who likes performing hard start jobs on time and correctly just to have payment put to the side for a month pending when supposed to been paid in 6 days? One star for not having a way to report owed wages to field nation to have them investigate and pay you with security of wages
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6 years ago, Sliptek_
Boom penalty!!!!!!!! Do not use this platform they penalize you for everything!
And if you sign up, then I suggest you do not accept low hourly pay rates either! You will be ripping yourself off and everyone else on the platform because they know you are willing take work at a low rate so they set the standard when it should be the us technicians that should be setting the standard for pay rates. They already think our labor is “cheap” so do not let them rip you off and every other tech on the platform! We as technicians need to keep our rates reasonably high to stay competitive and drive the platform to value for everyone involved!
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5 years ago, danielkretsu
Good design but app has serious bugs
This app has serious bugs that especially like to show up while I'm on a job site and need something from my work order info. There's also bugs where it won't check in or out and I have to ask the buyer to do it, or closing notes won't submit, the app just crashes and I have to type everything again, or it just plain freezes on loading screen and I can't even get into the app at all. Also once you start scrolling down the work order and then scroll back up the request/accept/counter buttons disappear or aren't clickable.
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11 months ago, Hatchgrafix
Old app was great
The newest couple of updates have made the app pretty frustrating. I waited until I bought the latest iPhone just to make sure it wasn’t my hardware causing the issue. You no longer can change your address and find work in locations. Sorting and other options don’t work. When you tap on them it briefly shows and disappears. Hoping the update yesterday would fix it, but it did not.
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