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User Reviews for Intoxalock

1.83 out of 5
550 Ratings
4 years ago, CrazyKarla77
not the best
Honestly if i could do it over it would not be here. The device has destroyed three car batteries in a year! They nickel and dime the crap out of you and even when you are correct, your wrong until they are out of excuses. I have had two devices installed now because of their error and each time i was told there is nothing wrong until i paid for my own mechanic to do up a report to show them i wasn’t making it up. Here is the best part of this stays on constantly in your car! But when your battery dies because this is in the car, you have to pay $75 to this company each time it loses power. oh and it does if you don’t drive the car every day, or it’s too cold, or you have car problems. I have been told so many things by these people i’m just over it. And it’s not like u can change companies, nope once it’s in you gotta get an order for them to remove it!
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2 years ago, Myxvjysdvjllhdwrvjotsaaaaaaa
Worst app/company/device
App: Designed to make it impossible to reach a person. No way to troubleshoot anything outside of a lockout. Company: So many fees! Even after you get your device removed, they keep charging you unless you’re wise enough to read in the small print that you have to cancel roadside assistance separately by email (I was not, so now I’m dealing with trying to get refunded). The representatives lie to you. Ask for a manager every time. The phone menu takes on average about 20 minutes to fight through including wait time. Device: I’ve gone through four car batteries (yes, even though I always put it in “power saver” mode). Now I’ve had it removed and my alternator is a goner. I’ve had to have my car jumped and towed so many times, then I got charged $175 for a lockout fee even though my device wasn’t locked out — my battery was just dead because a faulty interlock device was installed that was draining my battery power way more than it was supposed to. Representatives have told me over and over I would be refunded to my bank account, which still has not happened. Even the people at the auto shop I go to hate these guys because they are incompetent liars and a nightmare to deal with. CHOOSE ANOTHER COMPANY IF YOU CAN! I wish I did — it would have saved me literally THOUSANDS of dollars. This company makes getting a DUI, which is already a difficult experience, so much more difficult.
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3 years ago, stkeboy
This company :)
Gonna leave a 3 star review so they don’t filter my message out right away. The best thing about this company is that when I get to remove this device from my car in a month, it’s gonna feel like Christmas! Their customer support are basically demonspawn summoned by the d*vil himself. I’ve found contacting their customer support is a complete waste of life and energy, UNLESS you miss a payment. Then you can bet they're gonna be calling right away to collect that payment! I think my favorite part about their device, is how it stops working every couple weeks, or how it makes your car stop working every couple weeks, or the hidden fees! Too many awesome things to chose from! I Wish I could use stronger language to talk about this company because I have a lot of beautiful things I wish I could tell them, but they’ll just have it removed. Life is unfair sometimes. Stay away from these people, they’ll make you really dislike life for however long you have to deal with them, which is usually at least 6 months. But if you chose them, have fun with your $150+ a month headache! Everyone have great day, besides intoxalock, you can have a bad day.
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3 years ago, kpthomson
Get your terms in writing so they can’t screw you
Like the above review mentioned, they find ways to charge you for anything and everything. You are subjected to unreasonable fees and dishonest representatives. They told me if there was a lockout that they would come to me, for a cost included in my monthly price. They gave me a bunch of excuses like, “we can’t find any record of that in our notes,” referring to the plan they sold me. Three times I was transferred to a “supervisor” until the last representative told me supervisors don’t work on the weekends. This is extremely unprofessional, and I don’t appreciate being flat out lied to about those terms because fees are already extremely unreasonable and you bare all costs for this device not matter the rep tells you, they’re lying. Whether it’s lying to me about what’s included in my plan, or pretending to transfer me to “supervisors,” it makes the whole company look like a joke or a scam. I document all my correspondence with Intoxalock and the DMV. I’m writing my senator to expose the level of manipulation and irresponsibility associated with Intoxalock. I’m all for keeping people safe, but I don’t like when companies take advantage of people just because they’re in the position to do so. There are other companies worth checking out in my humble opinion.
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5 years ago, Sheesh this nickname
Do more research before settling for this company!!
This company has so many hidden fees that were never disclosed to me upon signing up. If I had known about all the fees upfront, I would have done more research to choose a cheaper interlock device. The first month automatically withdrew twice the amount I was told was the monthly fee, which made my insurance payment get returned, which costed me an extra $35 for the bounced check fee, and made me late paying my court fines! Not to mention, nobody told me about the calibrations, and that you have to pay an additional $75 for that as well! That’s plus the $35 that the mechanic charges to do it. I also had to have repair work done on my car, so I informed the company, like I was told to do to avoid a lockout, and still got a lockout! The company waived the $75 fee, but I still had to pay the mechanic $35 to clear it. Doesn’t seem right that I was locked out even though I did what I was supposed to do. Tried called customer service about all the random fees twice. Both times they told me they would look into it and get back to me. Nobody ever called me back. Terrible customer service and very overpriced. I’m already paying a billion other fees, it’s not right for this company to take advantage of those of us that already can’t afford it. You guys are sending me straight to bankruptcy.
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3 years ago, ~meems69~
Money Grab
The hoops you have to go through with these people is disgusting. They definitely make it hard and unfair, also don’t forget they love to gouge the people struggling with addiction to no end to lease this demon. It’s like they sat in a board room and thought “how can we be more of a public nuisance and hurt the lives of those who need help… I know! Let’s lock the device for any reason ever. Rolling re tests need to be outlawed it is SUCH a distraction and it asks for one ALL THE TIME, I’m assuming they’re hoping you don’t hear it and get locked out. Any lockouts, even if they are their fault, mean you have to get towed and pay the fee. Forget ever trying to work on your car, you’ll have to tow it away after. Forget enjoying a drive it’ll beep every 7 minutes, forget leaving on time because it’ll have to warm up for the cold, forget having a manageable vehicle because this will drain your battery until it dies and guess what?! It’s your fault! Pay us please and thank you. There’s a special place in the underworld for everyone affiliated with something so grossly immoral and blatantly broken. It’s disgusting capitalism has made companies like this possible. Get your stuff together DOJ because this punishment makes me wanna drink MORE
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4 years ago, algarhythm
I would give 0 stars
This might be the worst service of any kind of service I have ever encountered and this is not hyperbole. I WOULD ADVISE ANYONE CONSIDERING INTOXALOCK TO PLEASE FIND A DIFFERENT SERVICE. I am currently using them. Initially, the sales rep will make you believe they’re ready and willing to guide you through the process. Once you receive the equipment, you can forget about prompt service. What Intoxalock customer service needs to realize is we are just trying to obey the conditions of the court and do right!! I mailed back a unit on March 1st, today is the 11th and UPS tracking says the unit has been delivered, however, due to the incompetence of their employees, they can’t seem to find out how to reflect on my account that they received it and now I can’t get my unit calibrated at a service station. The standard wait time to reach customer service is 20 minutes and they hang up on you at least 2 times before taking care of you! I spoke with an agent to send another blower unit to recalibrate my current one, the agent said it will arrive in 2 days and I would eat the cost. The unit never arrived and when I called an agent on the supposed arrival date, he said it never got mailed and he so sorry. Again, folks, I implore you, DO NOT USE INTOXALOCK!!!
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5 years ago, ynagudino
Get someone else !!!!
Find someone else.. from the beginning I had issues not only with device which often gives bad readings even though I’m blowing my lungs out each time and sometimes I’m driving in the highway making very difficult and extremely dangerous to blow and still get bad readings ! Also has me blowing sometimes every 5 minutes right after leaving my house completely absurd. You’d think they have the best of the best with all the money they charge . Also when they sold me the service over the phone the guy never explained in full detail all the fees and costs and now I’m getting often . And to top it off yesterday I chatted with someone called Keyla asked her about the fees she not only had me online taking each time more than 5 min to reply ask her if there was any type of assistance maybe % discount for medical employees since our hours have been cut is difficult to pay for a NON essential service right now, she not only said No she said if I remove the service I would have high cost fees and then logged off without any notice .. completely rude . Please do your research and find someone who is willing to help and not rip you off this is truly not essential right now .
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3 years ago, Lost_Symphonies
Worst company I’ve ever dealt with!
I got my device installed recently, and they didn’t send the most important form to the installation place, the form that will get me my license back, so I had to call Intoxalock back and ask them to overnight it. They said they would. It has now been 3 days and the installation place has not received the form. After being transferred to 2 other departments, I was put on hold for 25 minutes and finally got through to customer service (who couldn’t even find my account at first), only to be told that the form will arrive in a few more days. Last time I checked, “overnight” didn’t mean 1 week. I have done everything right to get my license back, and I’m at the mercy of a piece of paper that this company should’ve sent out with my device. I should’ve been able to go to the DMV that same day, or the next. Thanks, Intoxalock. Do not settle for these guys unless it’s your only option. If my form is not there by Monday, I will do early termination of the lease, because I’m paying for this dang device and I can’t even get my license back. I cannot believe how unprofessional you guys are.
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2 years ago, texan103
First thing bad about the in home device is there is a lot of charges that they definitely don’t tell you at the beginning. Second thing they don’t have any backup proof showing you did a breathalyzer. The last time I called for a representative and they answered they didn’t try to say I was wrong and there device never messes up, which tells me they get a lot of calls from people wondering if there breathalyzer’s went through, I didn’t know this until after my court hearing so I don’t know how many breathalyzer’s I have missed because of how low standard this device is. means you can get a heavier jail sentence and fine because of The unprofessionalism of the Intoxalock company. That means if there machines messes up you are held responsible for it or if you don’t know the breathalyzer went through you are responsible for it. For people getting device make sure it Says “LINK” that means it went through. I didn’t know this till after the court hearing” . Truly a disgrace our state represents such a trash company. This should not be accepted.
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3 years ago, 2girls1dev
A state run scam
I was given one year with one of the Intoxalock devices. My first device left me stranded at gas stations 5+ times, causing me to be late for work multiple times and at one point left me stranded for 6+ hours in below freezing temperatures. My first device lasted me 9 months with problems occurring about once to twice a month, and once I was within my last 3 months I went through 2 different devices. One lasting me no more than 72 hours. The people that are on the helpline sound like robots reading from a script, and some don’t even know what to say. This place is the definition of a state run scam to take money out of peoples pockets for nothing in return. This company deserves a review from the better business bureau, because this seems to be a state run scam. Even the garage that installs them that I go to, has said that this company has failed to pay them their dues on several occasions. This seems to be a problem running rampant throughout this company of just getting as much money as possible with the time they have allotted.
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1 year ago, IntoxaNOPE
If you have the option of using a different company, take it.
This company is one of the few that can get away with being absolutely awful in every aspect and still stay in business. If you do use this terrible company, make sure you are on top of EVERY move, from beginning to end. I had my intoxalock installed a month ago. I had them install it a few days before I was eligible to get my license back. I had everything set up and waiting so I could start driving myself to and from work. And 4 weeks later and I’m still waiting to get my license because INTOXALOCK won’t let me contact anyone in person and my state needs this company to verify that I have their awful equipment installed in my truck before I can get my license back. It’s nothing more than a clown show from both the state department to the intoxalock company. My only advise is use a different company. The app they offer is a joke and the service is worse. From the very top to the very bottom, just a poor service.
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1 year ago, wilyshopper
It’s a scam. I understand what the device is made to do keep you from driving drunk. It’s to bad they don’t just focus on that. Battery dies that’s $80 miss a blow while driving that’s $80, mouth wash, pizza, pickled items, that’s another year. There are so many inevitable scenarios that will make you frustrated and sometimes desperate to keep vehicle going to support your family. Sometimes I feel like my life is in danger due to being stranded in far away areas. Family member may need medical attention and vehicle does not start. I assume most don’t finish the program and some probably commit crimes to stay on the program. This system doesn’t care about public safety. They are creating unnecessary jobs when they could invest in safer system. I am all for breathalyzers however I know this is not designed to rehabilitate. I drive with it everyday and my god watch out because nozzle falls off regularly, can’t find device when asked to blow and hey if it happens then I make my case.
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2 years ago, Ffcthf
3 stars is generous
Trying to contact customer service is a literally nightmare! I’m lucky enough to have the direct contact information for a rep that I can always reach Monday through Friday. However now I’m in a situation where it’s Saturday and only option is customer service…and to top it off I’m supposed to have a contact chat feature on my app and I just don’t even though it’s updated to the latest version I’ve I downloaded and re downloaded and still not there… but according to the App Store photos for said app I should have it. And don’t even get me started how I pay for the roadside assistance that I originally opted out of but still pay for apparently but last month when the device randomly stopped working and I got stranded at a gas station with my child and had to get my car towed, praying that doesn’t happen again I’m the next 8 MONTHS!!!
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2 years ago, LittleLisaMichelle
My app never worked - just a frozen orange page that says Intoxalock on it. Also, it’s almost impossible to reach a human being when you call. Additionally, the device they originally sent me was faulty - my garage tried to rewire it and the entire system was faulty and had to be replaced. The new device makes me retest at least 3 times while driving. The other day, I had a few places to go and it constantly wanted me to retest - most of the time, it goes off before I even leave a parking lot, after I just gave a sample to start my car - but this particular day, I lost count at 14 times! Plus, it goes off while I’m driving in New Jersey traffic, merging onto major highways, driving on busy highways where I have to be alert for other car’s changing lanes or merging onto the highway from an on-ramp, navigating a busy circle, or making a left (or right) turn, using a jug-handle (what we have in NJ when a left turn is not permitted). It’s extremely dangerous!
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3 years ago, Munich6
Very elusive and deceptive
I was already in a state of anxiety because I had no working phone and in the middle of business, so having being brand new to this and not having any prior “lockouts” yet, I got a second sample request as I pulled into my spot at the ATT Store to get my insurance replacement phone. So I just turned the car off and thought I would be good. Then I come out of the store my alarm is going off and it says I have a stage 3 lockout or something along those lines and then I had to pay $75 fee. How the second “rolling” (which is very dangerous) samples worked should have been explained in the beginning. Or at least one waiver for the first time. Because obviously when I came out of the store and restarted my car I had to provide a clean sample 10 mins later. So I don’t believe I should have had a $75 fee n this FIRST and specific incident. I called in and they said give it two days to see if I get a waiver. Tomorrow will be two days.
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10 months ago, Yo Boi Taylor
Don’t drink and drive (period)
As much as I want to bash this money sucking company, I want to take time and reflect on this punishment I deserve, in a good way I’m never going to drink and drive again… however I do have one complaint, when someone like myself goes into rehab to better themselves and you guys are threatening me that if I take it out that I will have to restart it over again when I’m only 2 months away is insane, so the fact that I was dirt broke and you were constantly charging my card putting me in debt when I was trying to better myself in rehab and also giving me penalties for my car battery dying because of your stupid machine is insane… And to the people that are reading this, I hope that you find some sort of resolve, I wanted to drink myself to death my dad was dead and they kept taking more and more of my money I hated myself and I believe many are at where I was, it will get better it may seem hopeless but please go to rehab, you will only hurt yourself more if you keep letting these greedy people win, we humans are unstoppable we keep going even when there is no hope…. I love each and one of you and hope you have beautiful lives ❤️❤️
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3 months ago, Gerard from the dairy state
Just a big scam
They got ya by the you know what once you sign there contract. They’re completely unethical and use the system to their financial advantage. I’m entering my last 6 months and cannot wait to be done with these people. They raise their rates and have all sorts of tiny bogus fees like “roadside assistance” -which you never use. I’ve been charged $75 twice for a battery change even after I notified them. All you can do is file a dispute and supposedly it goes up a level but you never get any response and it’s not like you can just stop paying them -they just add it to your bill and all of a sudden you’re paying these crooks $300 a month. Where I live we have 2 options but it’s expensive to disconnect and reinstall with another company and they know it -so they just nickel and dime nickel and dime. They’re equipment is clunky and outdated so it is t like you’re even paying for good technology. Avoid the scammers.
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2 years ago, Hinest Abe
Smoke and mirrors
They tack on costs never mentioned in the beginning. They bleed you to death. The device is a piece of $&@t. It hardly works in cold weather. It takes a very long time to get a reading. So I sit in 5 degree temps cussing at it hoping I won’t be late for work. Hey intoxilock. I am from Northern Mn. You are aware that blowing into this causes moisture. You know what 0 degrees does to moisture. It freezes it. Making your machine worthless. The only good thing about it is I can drive once the thing works. It locked me out two days before it was supposed to. That’s a problem in itself. I was thirty miles from home on a Friday night. There is no 24 hour help line as I was told. I had to leave my car in a different town parked and inter locked til Monday. I had to have it towed 60 miles because the calibration location is 30 miles the opposite direction from where I live. Very frustrating and no they did not pay for it. I hate the thing.
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2 years ago, abosluty for real
Pain and suffering
This is the worst company ever to deal with. Talk about kick a person when they are down, they charge the craziest fees whenever they see fit and nothing a person can do about it. They lie, as in they get you in more trouble so you never get rid of this device, basically stealing from you because what can we do about it. I find it hard to believe that a different blow and go company can be worse. My problem is this is the only one within a hour from me so I’m stuck. I’ve never meet a worse customer service department, I honestly don’t know how a human can treat another person that way when all we want is some help. I hope nothing good ever happens to this place or an employee, not 1 good day not 1 good second. I hope everyday for all of them is just as pleasureful dealing with having this device and dealing with that customer service.
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4 years ago, UmaElle
Terrible choice
Do not get Intoxalock!!! So many hidden fees, the customer service is terrible, and the device has ruined 3 car batteries (so far) causing me to spend over $300 in replacements. I always communicate to their team letting them know I’m having an issue, I submit tickets through the app, I do everything they ask me to do but I STILL get locked out and asked to pay a $75 lockout fee. When I call to contest it, their team doesn’t care and tell me “it’s your responsibility to have a car battery that works.” I am dreading the upcoming New England winter. I can only imagine what the cold weather will do to my car and their device. I am doing what I need to do to move forward with my life. Stop, turn around, and find another company that will actually help you and provide you with a device that doesn’t destroy your car, and will give you at least adequate customer service.
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2 months ago, Leopoldo_s
they commit fraud so that one can take the service with them
I am upset with this company because, when I just spoke to quote prices, they gave me a very low price that was 12 dollars less than other companies and they still told me that I did not have to sign any contract with them with all that they promised me. the service with them until they offered me 100 dollars as a promotion which I don't know why they charged them the total is that I always pay from the beginning and not at the price they promised me and when I spoke with the agent who promised me that price he hung up on me I called then spoke with another agent who answered me in a mocking tone that I wanted her to talk to my officer to change companies, so I give them one star for deceiving people at the beginning as long as they get the service.
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5 years ago, Neeochnayhme
App okay, company meh
So the app is convenient for some things. But if you want to send a message using the function available it says “cannot send”. Company is horrible about wringing you totally dry of all your money. All along and I’ve learned especially when you are able to end service. I was specifically told when I cancelled that service was over and I was due money back. Also specifically that my unit would have to be removed within 30 days. Guess what they don’t stand behind the reckless assurance of their own workers. You are on the hook no matter what. I was reactivated and charged another month since the machine wasn’t out. Then they still delayed cancellation, I had to call and cancel over and over.
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4 years ago, spliffkin
If I could rate it - stars I would. I was told I had to have this device in my car for a year, which I have. Then when the year comes up they say I need 4 month compliance which my batter died due to the device which caused me to restart my four months. Long story short I was supposed to have this device out of my car and each time I call they say it’s up to the state, I talk to the state, state says it’s on them. Can I just get this stupid device out of my car.. it’s been 2 years when I was told 1 year would be all I need. Word of advice we all make mistakes and if you’re reading this you probably made the mistake of drinking and driving. Don’t make another mistake I’ve made by supporting a company that has different answers each time you call about an issue, no supervision or management on site to escalate too.
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3 years ago, websterk95
Their devices will ruin your car battery
They are super helpful until you actually get the device installed. You’ll have so many issues with the device and when you try to call customer service you’ll sit on hold 30 min+ every single time and don’t even try the live chat on the website because they’ll just tell you “call the customer service number our team doesn’t specialize in troubleshooting” so then more of your time is wasted. I just bought a new car battery not long ago and the device has ruined it I’m pretty sure because it won’t turn on now and that makes me wonder if the device didn’t mess up my previous battery as well. I’m sure Intoxalock will find a way to make it my fault so I have to pay more money.
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1 year ago, Footballchampbabysmuggler
Absolute worst company I’ve ever had to deal with in my life. There are so many unnecessary charges, and for the first month my device was wired wrong, I got violation after violation due to the device retesting while my car was off. I called the company day in and day out to figure out what was wrong with the device and get the violations waved since they weren’t my fault. Not one person from this company cares at all and will let you suffer through all of it. I’ve had reps hang up on me, give me fake extensions, say they’d call me back and never did, basically anything to not deal with me. This device was supposed to help me through my already tough situation, and it did nothing but make it that much more stressful and cost me that much more money.
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4 months ago, Nathan071298
Faulty equipment/terrible customer service
The device breaks at least 1-3 times a year. Isn’t made for the Midwest. Drains your battery. It will also just break as the service life of a device is somewhere between 6 months - 12 months if you’re lucky. The customer service will lie to you. They have no contact with the state or their own compliance team. They will tell you other wise leading you into a situation where you have to appeal it via the state typically in the form of a tampering charge because the battery died, or their device broke. I’m currently awaiting my second appeal due to this problem. It’s a reoccurring problem with the company and their outdated device. Literally anything else is better than using this company.
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2 years ago, channnyyyyyy
Find a different company
This is literally the worst company I’ve ever had to experience. When I called the lady gave me a completely different price than what the instal actually cost. Then she said she would send all the paperwork to the DMV and looked up all my info but never mentioned that it wasn’t even time to get the device installed. So for the past 6 months I’ve been paying for a device I don’t need. It drains the battery of your car and every time your car dies it cost $100… customer service is trash. Called them several times and they all tell me different things. The only people who know anything are the people at the auto shop who installed it and even they complain about how bad Intoxalock is. Just don’t do it.
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2 years ago, The truth to this
Ridiculously horrible
No, no, no, no! Heed the warnings of everyone else on here! This company will lie! The rep agents will wait until you call in to complain and get all of your money! They will leave you without food by extra charges for things you did not do! They will wait for you to be done with the contract and then call up the last month to tell you the camera doesn’t work and all kinds of things. They will make you take it up to the service center knowing that you have to afford to tow it up their and lose your money and time at their convenience, then they stuff you with extra months to pay for a false scam!!!! You’ve been warned. If you get this it will be a curse like no other!!!!
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2 years ago, beenewt
I am so sorry
I’m so sorry you all have to deal with this company. On one hand, some need it. I used to work here and can say that they lie a lot to customers to get them onboard and get their sale. Please don’t take it out on the customer service people you deal with after. They are trying their hardest to fix things that your sales rep lied to you about. There is absolutely no support in terms of management for them. Managers literally will not help and we felt a lot of anxiety and pressure from this. You should go with another company if you are only looking into it. But if you already have the device you have to keep it until your terms are through or they charge you even more. It’s ridiculous.
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12 months ago, QC1017
Choose another company if you can
If I could give these guys zero stars I would. Getting a DUI is already a headache but this device just makes it so much worse. Burned through two car batteries because of this device, even though it was supposed to be in “low power mode”. They charged me for an entire year after I got the device removed. It finally took me switching my debit card for them to stop. They are out right commuting fraud in my opinion. These people are horrible, please choose another company. Not to mention it is impossible to get in contact with a human. Overall, I believe the people in charge of this company should be arrested for theft and fraud.
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5 years ago, JNeutron83
Convenience and a time saver
My first day I managed to get myself into a lockout. I had to sign my lease ( with the app ) abs this made it a lot easier than waiting for it in the mail. I was able to rest my Lockout myself ( time saver ) and email them asking for a refund. Brandon e-mailed me back with a statement showing it was waived. He also told me about the different lockout and how to and them. The app itself is easy to navigate and does everything I need it to do. I even called the installation mechanic to ask a question from the app.
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1 year ago, kylenebraska
Zero stars
If I could give the company zero stars I would, go with another company. As much as you pay your expect the device to work, you’d think it wouldn’t ask for a sample after you’ve left your car, but it’s just more money they get so they don’t care. Also I would expect a device that costs this much to not fail, make me have to miss work to get my car to a shop to get a new device because of the device not turning on. Even if you request a service to avoid a lockout you will get charged for a lockout so prepare to have some extra cash laying around. Negative 5 stars, looking into a different company and I suggest anyone else do the same
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3 years ago, Sklack
Calling these jokers is pointless im hoping theyll see this review.
I only had the blow and go in my care for a little over a month. I was never informed i was gunna be signed up for roadside assistance but its understandable givin the lockout feature of the device. Ive had this thing out of may car since october and its the middle of january but im still derring charged for the service, i had called several times and sent cancellation emails 3 times. They responded saying it was cancelled twice but im still getting charged to this day. If you desire a company with a shred of competence save yourself and find a place that is capable of canceling a service after 1 call.
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2 years ago, Mattbyke
You’ve been warned
We all make mistakes in life , that put us here; Don’t Make This One!!!! Horrible company. A legal scam! Device is totally a nightmare to live with. Especially in the real cold. Forget about car maintenance. Forget about warming up your car. Get ready for dangerous rolling tests. Prepare to fail a test from tooth paste, spicy food, hand sanitizer, mouthwash, gum. Welcome hidden fees, lockouts costing 100$ plus, added months to your contract, 100’s of dollars to remove the device after court order end dates and lock outs that will wreak havoc on your probation. You may never get more angry in your life than dealing with this company, ever! The IRS is waaaay more fun!
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2 years ago, DMurz123
Disgusting Company
I never write reviews on anything. The hidden fees I was subjected to over the course of my lease was disgusting. Over a three month period I spent over $1000 when I expected to pay much much less. I just found out that a month after cancelling my account I was still being charged $4.00 for roadside service fees that were not cancelled. After calling customer service I was told there’s nothing they can do to cancel it and to email an admin! It’s absurd the hidden fees they are still trying to charge to my credit card. Choose anyone else but this horrible company.
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3 years ago, Ramirez9th
I HIGHLY DONT RECOMMEND THIS COMPANY, has so many hidden charges that is not even communicated with you on the policy nor the contract. As soon as they get the money they don’t care about anything else, I paid the full “loan plus taxes fee” at once but all of a sudden I have to continue on paying the full DOUBLE TIME amount. They need to step up their game because all their doing is just cause their clients more court problem, and also on top of that the customer service either give you false information or just keep you on hold until THEY HANG UP. Unprofessional customer service. Out of 1-10 a STRONG NEGATIVE 10!
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2 years ago, Mickle Vick
Scam artist
Biggest joke of a company I’ve ever had the displeasure of dealing with nobody seems to know what’s going on they sent me a flyer while I was on ard me thinking it be convenient to drive while my license was suspended even though I didn’t legally need to put it in… boy was I wrong these people have been lying to me fir the last 4 months and I am now delayed getting my license back and still can’t get a straight answer out of any one here after having the device installed and remove under instructions of one of the call center people was told by pendot I need to have it reinstalled
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2 years ago, vincent lombardo
They say on the automated phone call how to avoid lockouts and to do your maintenance logs on the app well I did that and one better called to make sure they new and they did but not only did I still get locked out I ended up getting vehicle towed back to my house and battery charged up and back in and now it’s in a service lockout and they say I need to have it towed back to the installer to have it reseted so my e experience is if you lots of money and want have good relation with tow truck driver you can pick intoxalock me I should of just went a year without license, way less stressful
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4 years ago, 8358325784480
Did the job
The device is irritating, but it worked fine for the year I had to lease it. No battery issues or malfunctioning, nor did it make erroneous detection of my breath, except when using hand sanitizer after being in a store. You should give your breath sample, THEN apply the sanitizer. All of the Intoxalock customer service and using the app was quick, painless and friendly.
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11 months ago, The do good-er
Intolox device
This app and all it stands for is all false information. Everything what this is all about is false, miss leading totally wrong every thing this app and device should be sued for not doing what it promises. I have never done anything wrong yet I provides the wrong information to the state of Minnesota I have to prove my innocence of wrongdoing. I get a letter from the state of Minnesota then I get to call somebody about what they reported and have them fix their own mistakes. Further more why do this place offer many different things I can do yet NOT true !!
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2 years ago, Crispybrewster
Legal Scam
This is by far the worst company to be legally allowed to operate. They will steal your money and give you no option for refunds because they know your situation. They added charges to my account even when it was not necessary and after closing my account they continued to charge me for 5 months… it’s impossible to speak to an actual person and when you do they all give you different/conflicting information that results in you owing more money.. find rides, by a bike, take the train. Whatever you do DO NOT give them money.
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4 years ago, zzzzzzzzzzzzzxzzzzzzzzzzz
Bob Callahan
Worst service ever.I was warned about this company but I didn’t listen and now I’m stuck with a past due bill and equipment that doesn’t work properly. After you get your equipment installed it is impossible to call anybody to get anything resolved. I was lied to about the cost of the installation and the equipment failed on the way home. The vendor who installed my unit was as disgusted with this company as I am and he said he is going to opt out of putting their equipment in any more cars. So now I’m stuck and nothing can be resolved. Wish I had listen to the people who wrote the reviews about this scam.
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7 months ago, Tataloo87
Nothing but a scam!
DO NOT GET THIS COMPANIES EQUIPMENT INSTALLED ON YOUR CAR. The worst product & customer service. This is my day 2 of dealing with them & they’ve been nothing but a disappointment. They gave me incomplete paperwork and wasted 2 days at the DMV. The second you sign up with them you’ll never be able to get a hold of anyone at the company. They put a lock on your phone number and every time you call them someone in India answers. I was told that I can cancel anytime and get all my money back and guess what? That was a lie to but thankfully I have it all recorded.
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3 years ago, Ken barajas
Waste of time !
Got my device sold in on Monday and they didn’t have the form which seems to be an ongoing issue with this company looking at the reviews. I should’ve looked at them sooner because I can’t even get my license without that form. Called multiple times and they keep telling me the same thing and it’s already been a couple of days since I’ve gotten installed if I don’t get it by the end of the week I will have to cancel my services. Because I’m not paying for a device that I can’t technically even use
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4 years ago, Haapala's yellow No.2
The worst app and service I’ve ever experienced
Fist to be clear... I understand I did something wrong... albeit 17 years ago... that we all can agree we are in the same boat... But... I am employed by the government and it’s during a pandemic... have had to have my vehicle towed while in the midst of vaccination efforts... NEVER have blown anything other than .000... so no reason for “lockouts” or extra fees. WRONG! Somehow they, Intoxalock, are able to nickel and dime me for reset fees, etc... Technical support is non existent... We are in a difficult situation... why make it worse with Intoxalock? Plan on shopping for different vendors...
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2 years ago, Calling your
Go with SmartStart
The worst device ever. They give you old run down devices that barely work half the time which leaves you stranded in places. I wasn’t able to start my car on my own being that I only weigh 110pounds. Every blow wasn’t hard enough. I’ve seen people with other devices that aren’t as big and they work perfectly. The “customer service “ reps are of no help at all and they charge you for extra months even when you are done with your time having the device.
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3 years ago, wind two
bad service
Horrible device! Avoid if you can! I have issues with it since day one of install. I will be asking for sample whenever the alarm goes on and even though I am driving in the highway! If you don’t follow the step correctly then you need to pay additional $75 to unlock the device. I was sick and already feel discomfort but still need to provide the samples when i have difficultly breathing. That’s insane! Life is hard already. Do not install with them please go somewhere else!
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3 years ago, bill the cat2789
If you’re reading this , unfortunately it’s probably too late.. Stay Away . Once lease is signed .... you’re their hostage.. no customer service . No accountability. No professionalism AT ALL . Watch for a response to this review. They will say call “this” number and our “supervisor will address your concerns “ at this point , I feel a supervisor should be calling my to address my concerns. My next action is a complaint with the BBB . Customer service should be number one priority with ANY business. It doesn’t even exist here. GO SOMEWHERE ELSE
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3 years ago, N7lavas
Avoid at all cost…
Avoid Intoxalock at all cost because it will cost you. This company is only about charging you for lockout fees. Twice I’ve had to pay lockout fees because my unit has said that I’ve missed moving retests that I didn’t miss. No doubt I did the crime and I’m in the process of making that right but this company is taking advantage of our inability to fight back. They have the upper hand and they know it! Intoxalock is a racket and should only be utilized as a last resort. I’d give less that 1 star if possible!
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