Yelp for Business App

3.9 (9.8K)
216.9 MB
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Last update
1 year ago
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15.0 or later
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User Reviews for Yelp for Business App

3.87 out of 5
9.8K Ratings
4 years ago, Fabulous Fab Fitness
When I decided to sign up with yelp for business I thought I could trust they wouldn’t charge my card for more than what I could afford as far as my per per click agreement with them. Suddenly I was surprised with this huge amount on my credit card. And when trying to call them, I always had to wait for over 30 min to get someone to talk to me, but always had to give up, because I could no longer wait anymore. I tried 3 days in a row. I did received more leads than before, but not close enough to cover the amount that they surprisingly charged me on my card without my permission. I went ahead and changed my contract back to $5.00 a day and it will remain this way, since I can’t talk to this company. It stinks to me as a company looking for scamming costumers and not helping them. Their loss, because if they were go way everyone would invest much more on them.
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2 months ago, Small gym owner
Waste of Money
I like yelp and I like reviewing businesses and I thought it would be cool to have my business on yelp but I was wrong. I keep trying yelp ads and I keep getting sold yelp ads by these people who work for yelp, but it’s always the same thing. I have people who are “interested” but then when I respond to them I never get anything in response back. I’m actually not convinced that they are even real people who are reaching out to me. They even make their phone number available and when I call it goes straight to voicemail. I never receive any kind of information or any kind of response from these “people“ meanwhile yelp continues to charge me more and more money. It is a complete waste of money and I feel like I’m continuously being scammed. Then when I go to exit the yelp ads, it takes so long for me to cancel and they keep on offering me more and more deals to stay when they’re just trying to get more money with nothing in return. I don’t know if this is worked for other people, but this is definitely not worked for me and you think I would’ve got it the first time, but this is now the fourth time that money has been taken from me by yelp ads with nothing in return, I have seen not one person, come from yelp even though yelp has claimed that I have over 60 leads. Yelp ads has generated “60 leads“ but I have not seen one person in my doors or even respond back to me.
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3 years ago, bloodface9476
Not Worth The Time Or Money.
I’ve honestly only had my page active for Yelp for only a week. 7 days that’s it. In those 7 days, I have gotten someone claiming that I worked on their house which I did not do, numerous scam calls trying to get my information and get me to transfer to Google, and when I asked on average how many jobs would I receive, I was told a minimum of 10. No one has messaged me for a job. And now I am in a situation where scammers are calling and texting my phone non-stop and I have an over $150 charge that I am going to reluctantly have to pay. Very disappointed and dissatisfied. As a small business owner and a family man I deserve better than this. UPDATE: So to even get your business name off of Yelp, you have to shut down your business and delete all other social media of your business. Pretty much if you cancel on Yelp, Yelp goes out of there way to make it near impossible to have a web presence afterwards. Why? How is that even a legal business practice? Got it cancelled. Was told that would be charged on the 1st for the week however it’s in 2 separate billing cycles?? So I’m getting charged 5 days in one and 2 days in another. Only to figure out that I got charged today! It is the 23rd! All in all I’m happy I got out of this financial death trap! Also I AM NOT GOING TO GOOGLE ADS. This way other users will know this review is coming from a an actual person, who dealt with firsthand experience.
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10 months ago, Alena.err
Horrible experience with yelp. As soon as I registered my business I got a call from the manager offering a $900 promotion for promotion. I explained that I was new to the usa and didn't speak English well. I asked several times if I had to pay my money? She said no and persistently offered to run the promotion right away. During the conversation she suggested I enter my card details in the app. I asked again for what purpose and do I have to pay anything? She didn't explain the essence of the promotion and took advantage of the fact that I don't speak English well and didn't offer to read the detailed information in the letter or on the website first. I ended up being charged $108. I wrote a complaint to yelp. They replied that I should have familiarized myself with the promotion. Sounds logical to me. If only the manager hadn't pressured me in the phone call and given me time to calmly familiarize myself with the details on my own. My language skills would have been enough to understand the essence of the promotion if she had really explained it. To questions about spending my money she answered directly and one-syllable "no!". I believe the company employee is a fraud and the company itself encourages such actions. By the way the result of promotion I did not get. And 108$ I would very much now would not hurt to pay for housing and food. It is disgusting that the company profits from immigrants.
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3 years ago, simsnut
High Hopes !
I’m taking yelp out for a test run to see exactly what it is it’s all about. After going with the nurse said other companies that use leads and customer service as their expertise to bring you more work more opportunity and more people to you through via Internet and paying through the nose for leads that 1 million other people get to first that may not even get looked at by me or have already been accomplished and them not doing their part by clicking hired somebody. We’ve all been there if we use apps like this. So far very happy with the YELP and have only been using them for a week as of November 13 but I spoke with customer service about a few things that I had on my mind and they were excellent with the help and it looks like the system that I’ve got in place will tell you just how your doing. I love how they have a budget to set up and they don’t call you and bother you with all these promises to give you. It looks like everything that sit out there mathematically they will show you through graphs or other means to keep you informed at what it is exactly that your business is doing. So far so good thank you yelp
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3 years ago, Space Maester
A Different POV
Let me start by saying Yelp is good platform when it’s from a customers point of view, the user interface is great but when you’re the business side, it’s a whole ‘nother story. I personally have the Nearby Jobs feature active. This means when there’s a request for my line of work, I’ll get notified, not hired, just notified. So it’s ok, there’s multiple businesses trying to earn the customers bid. We as businesses don’t get charged to quote, we get charged if customers respond back. Now normally it’s ok if the customer wants to ask a few questions before hiring or going elsewhere. Customers here respond with 2 letters on average, NO, and that is all it takes for Yelp to charge you, a small business $20 to $50 for the ‘conversation’. That’s not fair, it’s like going to a retail store, going to the cashier, I don’t want it, and somehow the property owner charges the cashier for interacting with the customer. The cashier didn’t do any business, all they did was informed of their pricing and the customer says no, that’s good enough to charge the cashier. Same here, Yelp will charge as long as the customer responds back, they offer refunds but you have to explain why, and at their discretion they will approve or decline the refund. Imagine 5 customers reaching out to you and then not choosing your service, you just lost $100 without even making a dollar.
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3 weeks ago, dreneeb
Small Business Owners Be Aware
My business is almost 8 years old. I was excited about getting on Yelp. In my first year. I even paid for ads which did not pay off. My very first review suddenly disappeared. Then my next review disappeared out of view to “unrecommended “. For years Yelp called me to buy ads. I said no thank you until my reviews stopped disappearing. A few days ago I did have 2 older reviews still showing. Yelp called me again. The salesman grabbed my attention when he showed me how the partnership with Google maps works. At the end when I was truly considering a trial, one of my two reviews appeared to disappear in front of my eyes without explanation. I had two reviews when we were talking. Suddenly I had 1. I was very upset. The salesman started talking over me. I told him I was so done. What do potential clients think when all of a company’s reviews are in unrecommended? My clients are honest and caring people. Do you think they are pleased when their reviews are moved? I was an Internal Audit Director for many many years. Every red flag has been thrown up as far as this practice. APPLE- if you are reading this, you should evaluate Yelp’s practices. It would not matter if I bought ads for years - a small business like mine stands no chance on Yelp. Owners - be sure you understand the process before you buy.
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3 years ago, phoenixace666
Absolute garbage
I started a business that I dreamed about for years. Took a lot of planning and precious hours to get off the ground. I was so happy to help my customers and to offer them my experience and expertise. Yelp seemed like a logical next step. I’ve heard horror stories but like everyone I thought it would be different with me because I was doing everything by the book. The first problems started when I signed up for local jobs for $150 a month. As soon as you get notification that there’s a job it expires immediately. Finally I just got fed up and disconnected it. Guess what - as soon as the money was turned off I started getting notifications from local jobs that were over a day old and to see them I had to resume my subscription. Scam! No way! After helping countless customers I managed to get a few reviews and was very proud of them. Then a few days later one of the reviews disappeared. Then another, then all the rest followed. The only crappy review that remained is the one that Yelp decided to keep on my profile which totally killed my traffic. Thanks Yelp. I hope you go out of business. This business model is total disgrace and a scam and should be illegal. I looked other successful businesses that wanted nothing to do with Yelp and I applaud them. Bravo. I turned off their services and switched to Google AdWords and am very happy!
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5 months ago, Twin9096
Biased Software for Customer Reviews
DO NOT advertise your business with Yelp. Google Ads is better and cheaper. Not all customer reviews are posted on your Yelp business page. They use a software that decides if a review is “recommended” or “not recommended”. If a review is “recommended” then it shows up on your business page. However, if it’s “not recommended” then it doesn’t appear on your business page for your potential customers to see. The company does not tell you what parameters their software uses to determine if a customer review is “recommended” or “not recommended”. For example, I had four customers who all gave me 5-star reviews however, Yelp’s software indicated that all of my 5-star reviews were “not recommended”, and those reviews as a result did not show up on my business page. However, someone left a 1-star review on my business page and the software decided to “recommend” that review so now the 1-star review is the only review that shows up on my page for potential customers, to see, even though I have received 5-star reviews from other customers that aren’t shown on my business page. Their customer service is rude and did not provide any insight when I questioned the customer review process. I advise any potential business to NOT to use/advertise on Yelp.
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8 months ago, Ramsk0408
It helps but poor concept for reviews
Well I agree Yelp for business definitely helps to run any business but when a new user who wants to review a business but don’t have any friends (let’s be real, how many of us have friends in Yelp) pushes the review to unrecommended. Even the legit reviews are not visible. That is even understandable as it’s a software doing it. I reached out to Customer representatives and I was able to get hold of one and was telling her the issue and she says it’s the software and all of the sudden the chat was blank and unable to reach any customer reps over chat for 2 days. How is that they are all busy all the time and couldn’t even get one rep even if I waited in the chat for very long. Also, you wouldn’t know if the lead comes only to you or it is been sent to others and you are getting it as well! It’s not clear. Would be great to show a way to know if it’s direct lead or opportunities that was sent to others as well. Unable to filter with confirmed job or not hired. Unable to archive messages. Unable to attach more than 5 pics in chat with customers. Not showing the status of the lead if it’s hired or not, even though it asks for it. Could improve more user friendly.
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3 weeks ago, Jenn Gold
Frustrated OG User
My personal account that I used to manage my business account has been deleted and I can no longer access it after 20 years. No one from the business side cares to help (for over a year now) because they claim they don’t have access. I am also not purchasing ads so I’m sure I’m just not a priority. There is no customer service phone number for personal yelp. The business yelp is frustrating because there are so many outdated photos I’d like to delete including a photo of a toilet a guest left showing how clean we are. I can’t delete or move photos unless I purchase a plan. So at anytime, the toilet photo can become my profile photo for my business which is a spa…not a good look. We get calls from reps daily. I’ve tried working with one explaining I don’t have a budget for ads but I need her help and she gets snarky and won’t help. I have other locations and every call ends with “so you don’t want to make more money and grow your business?”… I’m in sales and you will not win me over with this pitch. I need help with my accounts and once these issues have been fixed then I may be interested but until then, stop calling my spa. I’ve emailed and asked not to be contacted unless it’s to help me and not to just sell me.
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4 years ago, OfferUpPrivacyRights
Not Too Impressed
Watch Billion Dollar Billy documentary about Yelp and then you decide how you feel about Yelp and how they treat small business owners. I had 5.0 Stars for 6 years and promoted Yelp harder than anyone, at least 10,000+ people and clients I have referred to Yelp and have well over 600-1,000 pictures of work I have done for customers on yelp too. Yelp Calls me daily to try to get me to buy advertising, lies and says its $0.11 then tells me it comes out to thousands of dollars per month and doesn’t offer any advantage at all. Each time I say I’m not interested I get a mysterious bad review from someone who is not a customer, so I can’t even say I’m not interested or they make up stories and put them on your business listings. Then when I complained to Yelp about it, they started filtering out my last sixty 5 Star reviews and continue to filter out 99% of all customer reviews for the last 2 years too. The App also constantly says you have mail, sometime 1-10 messages but when you click on the app there is no messages, even resetting app or resetting I phone doesn’t fix the ongoing problems with Yelp. Yelp feels to me and countless other businesses like a big “Billion Dollar Bully” just like the filmed documentaries about Yelp and how they treat small businesses.
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2 years ago, Kasper708
Read befor spending money to grow your business
I can tell you right now that it is almost impossible to start growing your business with this yelp they expect you to do all the hard work and yet pay them all the money in the world to promote your business and they are a pay per click so for instants if you are a contractor a plumber or anything in the field of services they will promote you the same as Google adverts or campaign you’re better off spending your money running campaigns on Facebook Instagram Twitter and Google because they will charge you thousands of dollars for impressionsAnd out of 30,000 impressions I had five clicks and no phone calls in two months paying over $2500 tell me how does that make sense yet being a new customer on there platform they do not allow previous customers to leave reviews they want you to get new work and reviews from those customers so how is it possible to gain traction or new customersWhen you start off with a zero reading with no reviewsClearly they’re going to just pick the person with 100 reviews or 10 reviews if that makes sense this was a complete bust however it is a decent platform to list your company information run promotions campaigns
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4 days ago, AirBNB Reviewer
Watch Billion Dollar Bully Documentary
I supported Yelp more than anyone in my area when Yelp started. I build Decks & Fences. I am Very Small independent contractor competing for lowest prices in a Democrat State that allow Thousands of illegals to come and work illegally to compete with my small business. Needless to say I listed my business on Yelp because it is FREE. However as Yelp put thousands of small businesses out of business generating billions of dollars, Yelp started harassing me and writing fake bad reviews and filtering out 50-60 of my most recent 5 Star customer reviews even though I offered Yelp proof of every review customer contact pics and addresses. Yelp started demanding I pay for additional services that I am not interested in and when declining they filter out more reviews and start sending me customers for services not in my industry. Seems there is a lot of documentaries of good honest hard working Americans like myself with small business's also suffering from Yelps unethical business practices. Yelp used to be awesome, and I supported yelp and encouraged all my customers to use yelp for many years. Cant possibly feel the same anymore. Google does mot even do these horrible unethical things to small businesses.
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3 years ago, LUI-G 2585
Billion Dollar Bully
I didn’t want to believe that such a big company would actually live up to its description on a documentary that seemed like it was out to get them. But fortunately for the documentary “Billion Dollar Bully” it’s true! They claim businesses who pay to advertise and those who don’t receive the same treatment however this is easily debunked when they attempt to “extort” money from you and you decline. Day 1: I opened the account, 2 reviews are placed by customers Day 2: Representative attempts to call me to “talk about my account” I decline. Day 3: 3rd customer review placed on the spot does not show up Day 4: representative puts more pressure into calling me to “talk more about it” Day 5: 1 posted review disappears and representative claims all this is happening due to their algorithm weeding out the “fake reviews” Really? Because I bust my bottom to get good reviews and the algorithm just decides they’re fake. Read more reviews here and you’ll see I’m one of many. Try Google reviews, they haven’t got caught or accused of any shady malpractices. Also an automated generic response is placed after every complaint. Maybe it’s their algorithm doing the responding too. Luckily this isn’t Yelp or the “algorithm” would flag me as fake.
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3 years ago, terrible app, money pit
Small business review
This app is a waste of money for any small business owners. I have had nothing but bad experiences using Yelp ads and wasted more money than I was making for too long. If you want anything besides having the name of your business and some pictures on your Yelp page they will charge you for it or have you sign up for the monthly payments for each addition and give you no updates on your total until they charge you. I’m a booth rent barber and I use multiple sources of advertisements and whenever I get someone new I ask them how they found me and throughout the past month I had no one tell me they found me from Yelp despite my Yelp ad and I was charged $285 🤷‍♂️ That’s after I updated my page posted current photos of my work. Before working at the shop I’m at currently I had a previous page that I started with Yelp credit that I got when I ordered business cards and it was all the same experience. Once the Yelp credit runs out they will begin adding up how much they will charge you at the end of the month with no notice. You are much better off using google ads, or promoting your work on Instagram or Facebook ads.
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3 years ago, pissed_off_drivers_everywhere
App works 75% of the time but Yelp doesn’t deserve my money
Yelp doesn’t deserve one penny of my advertising dollars. When you default every excuse to “because of our algorithm” - which is proprietary and built by you - is just a cop-out. If any customer takes the time to go to Yelp, create an account and leave a review then their experience should be worth something! By filtering out that person’s review Yelp has told them they are not worthy and their opinion and experience isn’t good enough. How do you expect to gain more users if you don’t let people start somewhere? And you’re punishing the businesses - who are PAYING YOUR BILLS in the process!! I will not spend one more cent on Yelp, since your “algorithm” decided to filter out all my positive reviews and leave the negative ones. I will deter everyone I possibly can to avoid Yelp both as a customer and a business. We should not have to spend thousands of dollars - with zero return on investment. I have not gotten any jobs from “we found you on Yelp”. They did find us on other sites and search engines - which don’t filter reviews and have a much more affordable (often free & organic) method for business advertising.
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7 months ago, Suzy0011
Zero stars if I could leave it!!!!
Yelp is a JOKE! I’m a small business owner, who just signed up with Yelp, two months ago. Since opening I have received a total of less than 10 reviews all from customers who have came in the store, met me personally, and made purchases. After consistently, checking my yelp page I started noticing my reviews were disappearing until finally one morning. I woke up and seen every single review had been removed from my page. I contacted Yelp to find out that it is apparently a software program that they use that makes decisions on when to remove reviews. When I spoke with the representative, she said that because I had two reviews in the same week, it looks suspicious so the software program removed it and for me not to take it personally but yelp employees have been calling me nonstop about paying for advertising, and I have kindly declined each and every time. I’m sure this has to do with it 100%. Yelp is definitely not for the business owners. They only want your money and they try to bully you by making your page look like no one has come on just to get you to buy back those reviews. What a scam.!!!
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1 year ago, Yiyq95
This has been the worse experience I’ve ever had with an app. Once I created my account I revived a call from the yelp people begging me to make business with them. Explained multiple times I was 100% percent sure since I had to pay for leads. The called me everyday day multiples until I have in. They gave me a credit and told me that I didn’t have to worry about it. If I see the app want working for me I just have to call them before the credit runs out. Of course the app didn’t work for me just landed 2 clients in a month, made around 150 in total. I called the same guy who harassed me into becoming a member. This time he want nice at all he barely spoke to be an walked me through the steps in order to cancel the membership so I would get charged. I asked him multiple times if this was all I had to do and he in a bad mood said yes. 2 months later I received a charge for 71 and now a charge for 121. After 2 full months of not using yelp and after speaking a a representative to avoid of all of this. They are charging me for stuff I never used. Mostly import after speaking to somebody who walked me through the app and made sure I cancelled everything.
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2 years ago, TalkstraightWalkstraight
Poor review resolution
You seem to throw a blanket over review disputes and favor frequent reviewers (that often are completely besides themselves by things most don’t give a second thought to) and you offer little weight to real customers that go out of their way to write a review. You minimize infrequent reviewers when in reality, when you stimulate someone who often does not engage with review platforms and get a 5 star review, the business getting that review is doing pretty well to get that person to take action. Yet, Yelp minimizes their action and won’t recommend…all that ensure is that the individual writing the positive review won’t visit your platform again if they wish to share a review. It’s a mend-bending approach but Yelp continues to ride it while the wheels fall off. Bottom line is the way Yelp is set up, it doesn’t give an accurate portrayal of a business standing it actually distorts it and caters to negative review writers who seem to only gather the slight fill of daily joy from being dishonest and harmful. Anonymous posters? …don’t even have time to get into that one. Much is left to be desired Otherwise, keep up the good work!
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4 years ago, Cauffman97
Run Away!!! This rating is really negative infinity stars!
Yelp as well as their “Biz” app is just as horrible as all of the reviews say. They steal reviews, claim to have some algorithm that can tell real reviews from fake ones, but customers who leave multiple reviews on Yelp are listed as “not recommended” and hidden as well as overall rating affected if you do not advertise with them. It’s so obvious they lie because my one and only negative review was from a customer out of state and has only ever left one review (who goes out of state for 3D4D ultrasound of their baby?) Nice try Yelp! But explain why that review is still up, yet 80% of the rest of our (all 5 star reviews) are from real customers who have left numerous reviews, but those are in the “not recommended” section. If you are even thinking about getting involved with Yelp, I would strongly encourage you watch the documentary “Billion Dollar Bully” first. It’s time for Small businesses to organize another class Action lawsuit now that we have more proof! I will be throwing a huge party when Yelp finally goes out of business! Wonder how they have 4 stars on this review of their app? I can’t find a review here that is more than one star.
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2 years ago, jac93.
WORST app for new users EVER
Poor customer/business service. Every review you get they will shut down unless the person /client that is giving you a review has tons of previous reviews. Every other day they will turn off your messages so even tho you are paying lots of money to keep your business running and getting leads you won’t be able because for some reason they turned off your messages and if you don’t check every day you won’t notice. Called multiple times to fix it and after the fifth time I was so mad and ask for my money back and they came in with a solution of $300 in credit that I was using and when I checked my bill they were charging me double and some days triple for the same service. So if they give you credit trust me they will have this money back and if you don’t check again you won’t notice. What I know now is that I was paying more that I agreed with and was not getting leads to justify the amount I was paying for. Also lots of scammers calling you through yelp page which you are paying for each call to yelp! Literally a way to throw your money on a river!
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4 years ago, read_between_the_lines
Run away from this company!
This company chargers you per click , anyone can click your ad and you will be charged each time it is clicked. They claim they have a fraud protection to avoid competitors from clicking your ad but they have no way of proving or showing their “protection”. Be prepared to have your “client success manager” pressure you to raise your ad budget every so often... These client success managers make more commission when you spend more on ads. The leads aren’t even that good you get a lot of people who don’t respond , seems like yelp has people going to your ads page and filling out the contact form with false info so your account gets charged and their client success managers get paid... On top of all this they nickel and dime you for everything. If you want to hide your competitors ads you pay, if you want to showcase your license and certifications on your page you pay, if you want to add a slideshow to your page you pay, if you want to highlight certain things about your business you pay... all they want is your money they don’t care about your results that’s why they charge you for clicks not for results or qualified leads..
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2 years ago, Robert quique
Don’t waste your time
I had a friend of time inform me that Yelp has been very successful for him so I decided to try it out for my garage door repair business. I had a customer find me and reach out via message (on Yelp) and it turned into a sale. She then proceeded to write me a 5 star review. Yelp has records of every single interaction I had with this customer, from the initial contact, to closing the sale. They can also see the same customer write me a good review. Why then, did this customer’s review, along with 4 other glowing and legitimate reviews, get moved to the “not recommended” section? Every single review my company has received has been moved to “not recommended”. There is no way to escalate the issue or reach out to anyone. I’m just supposed to sit here and take it? What is even the point of customers writing me a review if I know it’s never going to be seen by anyone? They say it’s an algorithm designed to remove bot reviews but every single one of mine has very clearly not been a bot. Don’t waste your time or money with this company. Completely ridiculous to not even have an escalation method for their insane algorithm.
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3 years ago, mustafa 1991
Yelp business
We are a cleaning company which decides to use Yelp platform for advertising, from the moment we signed up with them a costumer success manager was assigned to us which she called once and never heard from her for months, the way the account was set up was totally wrong, we would receive leads from costumer for services we don’t provide like carpet cleaning , windows exterior, rags and upholstery cleaning, even though these type of service weren’t added into our account but still were unable to remove them after serveral times we tried to, called a lot of times the costumer success and their answer was oh we can’t do that because it’s from the free listing request. Reviews were removed due to a software that doesn’t recommend reviews even though the costumer who hired us wanted to review us. On top of that 75% of the costumer who would contact us were fake , same name same address different leads. And the 25% was from the other companies asking how we are doing with Yelp and selling their services, very bad experience, thousands of dollars spent for nothing. Stay away from them.
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3 years ago, GoldSpaceBear
Over complicating the chat feature.
I’ve been using Yelp biz for over a year now and I just gotta say, I want to go back! The chat feature has not become easier to use over the year. I understand trying to optimize functions and make things faster but when it comes to messages that go directly to the clients I need to be able to send unique messages. It’s become so difficult to just simply reply with my own written message that it takes me double the time it used. The new message preview doesn’t display their original form entry correctly or hides it for some reason, I either have to expand it to see what they put, then have to choose from the list “need more information” only to be taken to a page with an empty message box and no info from the chat for me to reference. A messaging system doesn’t need 3-4 pages for me to go through everytime. Please allow us to disable all these features and buttons and questions and response options and let us just have the barebones chat back.
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3 years ago, V2686
Yelp deleting good reviews
I have a business Yelp account and I’m paying for the services. I had 5 good reviews from clients that were contacted via Call to Action and hired our company. One day I only saw 3 reviews Yelp said 2 were not recommended so I called customer services and I was told it is a software managing the reviews and they can’t do anything about it so I express my intentions on closing my page and I was told that I can do what ever I want with it when ever I want to. This morning I logged in to my page and I see another review is showing as not recomendable so this is leaving me with 2 reviews only. I called again and they said not to worry about it because the two reviews I have are 5 stars and not affecting my rating, what they don’t get is that it does affect, personally if I’m looking at a business with 2 reviews and at a business with more reviews guess who will I call? So now Yelp will make me look fraudulent to the rest of the clients who will see 3 reviews as not recommended and they will think that I’m making fake reviews on my page. I’m so disappointed with Yelp.
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3 years ago, Sarasota By Sea
Not very informative when signing up
When I signed up for the business page they sold me on their “Advertising and promotions”. The quick version is, I was told I would be charged $1 for each actual phone call I received from a potential customer. The reality is they charge you $1 for every “Page click and website visit”. You can see how that spirals out of control in a month before you get billed. When I called to tell them that I didn’t receive one booking from them and not one phone call but was charged over $200 in “Fee’s” they said “Oh, those were people that visited your website”, and refused to refund any money. The gentleman that signed me up oroginally, Tyler Byrd, never called me back to speak to me about it despite saying at the time of sale “If you have any questions or concerns just give me a shout I’m always here for you”. I spoke with another guy who just fluffed off my concerns. Moral of the story, I’ve spent about $300 between Facebook and IG promotions and have received dozens of bookings through that. To date I have still not received one booking from Yelp.
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5 years ago, gameplayer96820
Bad business
They call you constantly to pay for ads, and are really rude. My boss owns a small business, when I spoke to a rep and told him I can’t make business decision he still wasted my time on his spiff. Then I had customers to attend to, and told him I was busy. Did he care nope still kept in talking! My boss came back and customers were waiting why? Because I was busy talking to a yelp rep, that would not stop with telling me about yelp. Bad business for small business people. I decided to give yep a try.. Sales representatives promised me the world and when I asked how much he could not give me a answer. Said he will contact me before I get billed. I have a number to contact him with but always get a voice mail. Yelp don’t want to cancel my account. Careful when you place you credit card on file. Once you do that it’s over, you agree to pay what ever they bill you. I had to cancel my credit card to stop the payment. I got som much runaround just to cancel my account I decided to just go to my bank. That was way faster. Thank you Yelp for making my business harder. Never Yelp agin!! Google it!!
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2 years ago, AquaTech22
Yelp is Terrible . Poor Business App . Poor user experience . Poor customer service
Yelp Biz is by far the worst app I’ve used for my business. Horrible user experience. They literally keep changing my main location from Duluth to Cloquet. They have done this 10 times and I always have to edit it. Also every time someone writes a 5 star review the review doesn’t show up. Every single one goes into the “un-recommended review” section way at the bottom of the page, even though the customers contact me through Yelp and message each other and mark job complete on Yelp. They are absolutely worthless when it comes to customer service as well as I have had a few Yelp agents call me to try getting me to pay them and I try getting them to help with my Yelp problems and they say “sorry there’s nothing we can do it’s an algorithm” Well then change the Algorithm obviously it’s terrible-read the other reviews! This happens to most companies and they never help anyone with the problem. Yelp Biz is for the birds… or people that like to waste time and money.
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5 years ago, MrsBrandyShattuck
What a nightmare
I listed my business on yelp and immediately started getting scammers CONSTANTLY calling me. I finally couldn’t take it anymore and changed my number. After a while I regretfully listed my new number thinking that since it had been a while maybe I wouldn’t have the same problem.. that was yesterday and I’m already getting the same scammers calling again and this time they tried to act like a customer and wanted to set up an appointment. I immediately knew what was going on and told them I wasn’t taking any appointment. After taking down a name, I asked if the number they were calling from was a good number and they said yes. After hanging up with them I tried calling the number.. and of course it’s not a working number. I call yelp and they refused to take my information down even though my listing was new and had no reviews, so they are not helping me with my very obvious safety concerns! I’ll be making a police report and also putting in how YELP evidently doesn’t care about the safety of their customers. Do not list with these people as they aren’t a safe company to advertise with.
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2 years ago, Stylist_Ami
They removed all my 5 star ⭐️ reviews
If you cancel your subscription with them, they will remove all your good photos and reviews to make sure you’re getting any views on your account. They will also keep recommending other businesses while someone else is on your page looking through your photos. When I use to pay them $575 a month, they had up all my great pictures and reviews, but the minute I cancelled my campaign with them, that’s when everything went from good to terrible 😢. The reason I had to cancel my campaign was because the campaign wasn’t paying for itself, customers were not coming, so it was a loss for me. I’m only but a small business owner and $575 can do a lot for me, so instead of paying yelp every month I decided to cancel it all together, because each time I had to call them pertaining that particular issue, they will tell me that people are viewing and clicking. I can not pay anyone just for clicks and views. They also block most of the functions so you’re not able to make changes to your account.
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2 years ago, emme874257995
Complete waste of time
I'm a small business owner, a social worker. So many of my clients, for confidentiality reasons, don't want to leave reviews. And the few who did often start stuck as unrecommended. I just started telling clients when they ask if I'm on social media so they can leave a review not to bother. What's the point? I tried calling customer service about it and got a techno-babble non answer, and then the guy hung up without saying anything. Also almost all the requests I get are for things totally outside what I do, which is clear if you looked at my page even a little. I'm not sure why Yelp has me show up in searches for things like that. But if I don't respond my response time goes down and it looks bad for me. I even tried advertising for two months and again, absolutely all requests were for things I don't do. I've wasted so much time responding. As a small business these little things matter. Even a few reviews, especially for what I do, makes a difference. Yet Yelp seems determined to make it hard for me. I don't get it.
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3 years ago, Originator 88
Yelp is trash
First, they hire the least professional college students to harass you for ad money. They can’t understand no. But all the proof that’s needed for me that Yelp is garbage is that my Google customers rate me 4.5/5 and the reviews that Yelp ALLOWS to show on the main page comes to a 2 star rating. Now google is way more popular so I have exponentially more reviews on google so I’m not the least bit worried about Yelp. In fact I find that Yelp attracts some of the most snobby, stuck up customers you’d hope to avoid. So I don’t know if the low rating (only a few visible reviews in total) is deterring potential Yelpers but I see it as a benefit. Please, take your ridiculous demands and snobby-ness to a different company. I’m doing great without you and google/word of mouth attracts the best, down to earth people who I’m happy to have as customers. Update: Thanks for your cookie cutter copy and paste response that doesn’t address any of my criticism. Very “Yelp” of you and just proves how little you care. Thanks for being a running joke around my office 😂.
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1 year ago, Buckwheat1991
Stay away!
If you are a business owner, the worst thing you can do for your credibility is get a Yelp account. For starters, we have 23 reviews total, all five star and 3 one star. They hid 14 of our five star ratings, so it shows our negative reviews first and brought our overall rating down to almost 3 stars from a 4.5 star rating because of so many hidden five star reviews. Their agents call and harass us almost daily to pay for their ads and if we agreed, they’d help out our ratings too. That sounds like a complete scam to me, and a super unfair to me as a business owner, to charge to show an honest business rating. We have friends who also have a Yelp business account and thought their advertisements would be beneficial and they’ve regret giving them their credit card ever since. It’s been a nightmare for them, so please do not pay for their ads or give them your bank info. Yelp is a company that caters to the customer, not to you as a business owner. Take my advice and stay with a free and honest company like google and Facebook.
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3 months ago, Unknown8465
Review System
Not many complaints on this system other than the fact that their system is based off of algorithms that aren’t completely accurate. As a small business owner who’s still in the beginning phases. Reviews, as for many, are a sole factor in a reputable business. Other than paying for Ads; your first couple reviews are what direct traffic towards your business and help it grow. All my reviews are natural and they still decide to delete majority of them from my business page. This makes it very hard for me as a business to grow with a system that’s not accurate. Every review was earned and seeing them taken off and directed toward the “not recommended category” is very frustrating considering I can’t, nor customer service, can do anything about it. How do you grow a business if the system deletes majority of your reviews? You do a great job, someone leaves a good review, and they decide on whether to leave it on your page or not. Not cool.
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2 years ago, gofcyourmom
TJ electric in Hopatcong NJ
Joe Howard is the owner of this establishment and is a very dishonest man in my opinion. Here is why! This guy pads a bill, does shabby work, actually doesn’t do work at all and then sends a bill for payment! He was brought into my home to do work! He made up his own job and billed me for it, never doing the work that he was hired for! Nor was the work he claimed he did ever done. I was also missing money after he left, I ask for it back and he never returned my calls or the money! As well as charging a service fee for a credit card, which I never paid with. I had gave him cash never using a credit card. I was smart enough to get a signed paid in full receipt or he would have claimed I never paid him. This man also harassed my wife none stop, begging for more money, when he never did any work! You would be foolish to hire such a man or business! There are better Electrition out there. I paid him out of fear for my wife’s safety. Always check some your thoroughly before you hire them this is what happens when you don’t.
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2 years ago, MyNextChapter
Customer reviews removed after discount given
Totally not cool, while we are working to help customers save some money by having them start a Yelp account to use a coupon. They leave us a review and some even do it after they leave our store only to have their review to be removed. I have sent messages, the Yelp platform is not created equal, does not have a place for a business to prove the customers we have and or their review is from them coming to our store. They do not have any chance for any corrections to the computer mistaking its problems of removing real customers, one where the customer has been a client of mine over years of me helping him. I have contracts for each client they removed, 4 so far, after giving discounts this website may not be the site I will send anyone to or ask my clients to start using. No one contacts me when there are issues with the Yelp platform. Really bad business to not want to let businesses prove or have any chance to even have Yelp contact the customers directly.
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2 years ago, BeckyG02
I started my business account about 3 1/2 months ago and the customer success representative guided me through the steps. They told me to invest in the $15 a month for my Yelp Ad. I gave them my information. They took out $36 on March 1st, and a few days ago they tried to take out $151 out of my account.(which my bank declined). I was extremely confused and deactivated my account right after I noticed this. I made sure to fully deactivate and DELETE all of my personal data. Today this transaction actually did go through! $151 out of my account and now I’m left with exactly $0. How is this possible when deleted all of my personal data. And why so much money in less than a month!!! Also I would like to add, soon after I made the Yelp Ad for my business, I kept receiving calls saying “Half of the clicks that you receive on your Yelp page are fake.” Everything about the Yelp Business app was very weird, noticing that I haven’t gotten 1 call or text, and hundreds of “views”. Definitely not worth it!!!
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4 years ago, RobbedByYelp
Yelp will rob your money. DO NOT give them your payment information.
To make it short: Yelp is not the platform you want to use for your paid marketing. Once they have your payment information, they will literally steal money from you. Their customer service representatives are trained to not help the customer but only make sales for Yelp. They prompted me to get 2 FREE months of a campaign whenever I tried canceling my ads, I decided to select the 2 FREE months and I was charged a lot of money 5 weeks later. Customer service could not help me, could not transfer me to a manager and wasted 40 minutes of my time on the phone with them with no resolution. If you want to give money away, donate to a charity and not these thieves. YELP should be ashamed of themselves. I repeat, no matter how nice of a sales person rings your business phone... and they will call you, DO NOT give them your payment information, do not accept anything they are giving FREE because it will not be free & they WILL steal from you. Don’t believe me? Read all the other thousands of 1 star ratings.
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8 months ago, MrUnhateable
Do Not Use Yelp!!
Please be warned, Yelp will trick you into setting up your business on their platform. I was coerced into setting up my account and misled about how I would be charged. I told the rep I was not taking orders as I just started my business and wanted to get my website and other things in place first. They ensured me that was ok and that I wouldn’t be charged. I told them I wanted to post pone everything until I was ready and our subsequent follow up meeting was cancelled. Fast forward, I’m charged $100 dollars for something I didn’t know was still active. I contacted customer service and they blamed me for being misled. Terrible company, terrible customer service! Oh and if you ever set up your business on Yelp you can never remove it. Stay away! There are far superior directories out there! Also, just to show how terrible the ad service is (despite the fact I didn’t know it was active for a whole month) it didn’t bring any new customers in. Save your time, money, and mental health by avoiding Yelp.
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4 months ago, go I cck j
Money money
Helps very little. They want you to spend a bunch of money to upgrade your post in order to get business. Everything is an extra and everything costs more and more money. From people looking for work to simply detailing your pics. Want $40 per phone number for lead and an upgrade package for detailing your pics. I get they have to make money but after everything upwards of $500 a month for very basic package. That’s with no guarantee any of it will even produce any business. Pretty disappointed in the amount for a small business trying to stay a float, if I was pulling in a bunch of work and had the funds for all the packages.. sure why not. But for a struggling business how are they supposed to pay this.. all they want is money and more money, then customer service you get are just salesmen pressuring you to sign up for expensive add ons. They email and call constantly pressuring for a sale. Pretty disappointing.
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1 year ago, mercz19
Terrible platform
I am a new business owner that has recently listed my business on yelp this is my experience. I was harassed by the yelp business team to pay for adds for a week straight they do not take no for a answer. After getting passed that tedious process yelp business offers. I started to notice all my reviews are getting taken down by yelp. Now my business has no reviews and I’ve been harassed by yelp business team. Yelp business has no good faith for small/local business owners who don’t pay for ads. This should be a mutually beneficial relationship business list on yelp and by that the business bring more traffic to yelp vice versa along with other things. Now to top it all off I decide to call yelp customer service I have now been waiting for a representative for about 2 hours I guess Yelp understands what they are doing and would not like to take my call. If you are a business owner I would recommend to look elsewhere to list your business or advertise it in general.
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3 months ago, Th3 Financier
How they Legally Stole My Money!
The Free Trial is a TRAP! It’s a simple way in, but once they’re in, they’ll try to steal as much money as they can legally get away with. I called them about a large charge on my card. They said that back in January, I signed up for a Free Trial. Since I didn’t cancel the trial in the app, they ran my ads for 5 months. So, I’m liable for those ads. They claimed they had been trying to reach me but received no response. After five months of no response, they decided I wasn’t interested and charged me in June. This is far from over, but I wonder: after a week of no response, would it still seem that I’m interested? What about after a month? Two months? Three? Four? Oh, five months was when they got it. When you received no response to calls and emails for all those months, did that give you a hint? This is predatory behavior towards hard-working small business owners, and it stops here! Just because you can get away with stealing legally, is it still right to do it?
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3 months ago, Dell11d
Do not trust
I told them that I retired and struggling with my business and didn’t want to keep it going. They then talked me back into it by getting me to set up my yelp page . The issue being was that I was told I wouldn’t be charged anything cause I stressed and low on my money after a car accident that wasn’t my fault. To follow I was charged multiple times with after being told I wouldn’t be and when I went to get answers the rep was rude to me and following that I was filed out a refund form. It has been almost 2 months of me calling and trying to get in. Contact with them when I was supposed to be called up to 10 business later and it’s been over 2 months almost. It’s just incredible how poor a business review can be in their experience is my things about it. But don’t sign up with them they just want or money as they didn’t even finish setting up my account and then after I cancel everything they still charged me afterwards just do not trust me
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3 years ago, Enrico A
Rip off
Let’s start with the capabilities of the application which are less than perfect when trying to upload more than one image without having to pay for it. Then you have the charges for getting messages from people who’s supposedly are near you but they never answer when you message them back. Then when you want to cancel they tell you that you will still be charge even if you never open the app again unless you manually stop it. This predatory ways of doing business are pathetic for anyone who’s starting a business. I am lucky that I don’t need them or anyone for my business but decided to try them out and I will never use their systems ever again as I got NOTHING and they were charging one of our business accounts for NOTHING and when you call they respond quick but are instructed not to give you a refund. Truly a pathetic company and business model that will be their demise along with all the rest in the next 5 yrs.
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2 years ago, Tessa is cra-cra
Hate Yelp
Yelp is the worst thing to happen to small businesses. They promote a small part of the population that has nothing better to do than take down small businesses. They do not investigate reviews so competitors can trash your business anonymously. We have strangers that have never been to our establishment that have written reviews on our services that have never been provided to them, recommended by Yelp as a top review. Our customers that have been patronizing us for years are on the list of not recommended. While I’m struggling to survive Thru Covid and Cancer and I’m responsibly trying to keep 15 employees employed, Yelp should be ashamed for actively supporting bad reviews on our establishment of 17 years. We also give back to our local community by rescuing hundreds of dogs from high kill shelters so we are very philanthropic and have to be hurt by a handful of negative reviews from people who have never used our business. Thanks Yelp for making life harder than it already is.
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4 years ago, Allllll.
Buyer beware
I use yelp as a photographer in hope of generating leads. Heres the most annoying thing. People ask for a quote: you pay 5$ a day just to respond. Okay fine. BUT they charge you on the first of the month for every day using this. And the way the billing is laid out is very sneaky. I had thought I had deleted the promotion since it said “owe zero dollars” and “no active promotions” but nope it was way at the bottom underneath everything and your card info is “active products”. So by the 1st of the month I got charged 96$. I had only gotten one lead and that cut it in half. They know what they are doing by the way they charge and the lack of integrity is why I will be focusing on google and other services. The only way i’d consider using yelp is if they refunded that b.s. number and started being more transparent. OH DID I MENTION THEY CALLED ME 50 TIMES SINCE I MADE THIS ACCOUNT?! When I said I didn’t want their promotions they would call again and switch numbers.
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11 months ago, Acao12
Worst app EVER!
This app is the most ridiculous app EVER! I have a small business and recently joined yelp to boost my business. Have had very little business generated from it and when I do get the job yelp suppresses my reviews saying they have been flagged as fake! THESE ARE ACUTAL CLIENTS WHO HAD GENUINE REVIEWS AND YELP TOOK THEM DOWN! Now explain to me why google and Facebook have no issues leaving my raving reviews up and yelp takes them down! I’ll tell you why…cuz I refuse to give them money to boost my page. Tried it once with the $300 credit they give you when you sign up and cancelled it before I reached the $300 mark so I wouldn’t get charged. None of the interactions lead to work and they turned my ad back on and ended up costing me $90! Disputed it with my credit add company and was not given the money back. Had to cancel my credit card and ever since then they take my reviews down within days of them being posted. Strongly urge if you are a small business steer clear of yelp!
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3 years ago, pftthhhb
Six Flags Discovery Kingdom Vallejo
I would give it no stars if available. My daughter saved her own money ti go with a group of friends to Fright Fest last night. When the girls arrived at 6pm they were told the park had closed due to fights. My daughter then requested a refund for the ticket and was denied. She was told she could use the ticket at a later date. The girls all had to travel to get to the park. They had to coordinate and schedule. It is unlikely they will be able to just reschedule. I tried to call to get a refund and you can talk to nobody ever. So, as a business that caters to kids, you are telling me you can close a park due to a situation such as fighting and then deny refunds to the kids who are not fighting or doing anything and just waiting to get in? Sure close the park, keep people safe, but REFUND the poor kids who couldn’t go in for reasons they have nothing to do with. Poor business and moral decisions on the part of the management. I will be escalating my request for a refund.
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