,  — 22 Apr 2024

Mobile App Marketing in 2024: Tools, Insights and Tips

Gabriel Kuriata

The mobile dream is simple and captivating: strike gold with an app developed for little cost. Many did so in the past, inspiring even more to enter the mobile app market, which according to most recent data by Gitnux, generated revenue in the proximity of $950 billion in 2023.

With apparently a decent app having a budget of $10 000 not being science-fiction (at least according to Valvetech, a global software development firm and multiple others) the mobile dream seems closer than any other, but…

…somehow only 0.5% of apps are successful.

This means that only a fraction of them generate any profits. But wait, there’s more! About 70% of apps have fewer than 1000 downloads (according to data released by Fyresite). Sensor Tower adds last touches to this picture with this bit of data: the very top 1% of app publishers drive around 80% of all downloads.

Why? Because successful publishers embrace viral miracles when they happen, but don’t actually count on them. Behind any app that is successful there’s a mobile marketing strategy: an efficient growth engine, fueled by hard work, analytics & optimization.

Why do you need to market your app?

As you can probably expect, the odds of a miracle happening (your app going viral) are pretty low. There are over 1.6 million apps on the App Store and 3.5 million on Google Play, with at the very least tens of thousands new ones added each month.

The mobile app market is a crowded place, but remember this: don’t be misled by global figures and averages and discouraged from trying to take a bite. Global figures are distorted heavily by the top 1% of apps with billions in revenue (TikTok and Tinder for example) on one hand and a legion of apps not committed to any marketing strategy on the other.

You can make money on your mobile app. You just need a plan. This article will provide an easy to read, comprehensive and a practical overview of all its crucial components, so you can create your own mobile marketing strategy.

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Why are all stages of a user’s journey important in a mobile app marketing strategy?

A user’s journey from learning your app exists to generating revenue for you is not straight and short and an app download is in the middle of it. Let’s look at the example of Apple Search Ads, on average a highly converting advertising channel for the App Store, renowned for driving very valuable traffic.

Apple Search Ads is an advertising platform for the App Store. The officially published average conversion rate for this channel is 60%. Our own data shows that optimized campaigns can achieve CVR as high as 80% in some cases.A significant amount of traffic (relative to their volume in the overall keyword pool) in Apple Search Ads is generated with branded keywords. It’s evidence of the high intent of people exploring the App Store.This intent must be born somewhere. Either with the help of other channels (social media are popular among publishers) or multi-placement campaigns on the App Store.Even if a certain marketing channel or ad placement has less stellar conversion rates or KPIs related directly to downloads, don’t underestimate the positive “halo effect” of impressions generated with them on your overall performance.

All stages of a user’s journey are important and contribute to your KPIs, even if their results aren’t visible right away.

Mobile app marekting funnel. Source: SplitMetrics Agency
All stages of mobile app marketing are important for your performance. Each of them deals with a smaller audience of users. Source: SplitMetrics Agency.


Awareness drives branded search queries and impacts the conversion rate of your app’s product page. To boost awareness, you need to reach out to the widest possible target audience. App lists and editorials on both the App Store and Google Play, PR releases, a good website… All these and many more tools will help you do that.


Consideration phase helps users evaluate your app’s offering. What it does and what needs it caters too. All efforts that influence engagement on your app’s product page help users connect with your app. Careful A/B testing of all visuals, copy and, video previews are absolutely essential here.


Acquisition stage is crucial, because it means optimizing your campaigns for users downloading your app. Your ongoing awareness building activities have a big impact on the performance of your user acquisition campaigns.


Activation means that users perform revenue generating activities inside your app after downloading it. This means in-app purchases, subscriptions or viewing in-app advertising. Largely decided within the app, through clever design, in-app events, push notifications, email campaigns and so on.


Retention means keeping your user engaged with the app to maximize their LTV –- lifetime value. Remind them of your app with in-app events and updates.

Mobile app marketing & app’s lifecycle

Mobile app marketing activities begin before you even launch your app.

Mobile app marketing activities. Prelaunch, launch and post-launch.
Phases of app marketing activities. Source: SplitMetrics Agency.

Pre-launch mobile app marketing

Pre-launch marketing activities revolve around setting the foundation for future campaigns. They include competitive research, app store optimization, keyword research and expansion, A/B testing product page creatives and so on. You can launch advertising campaigns for early access (for example, Pre-Order campaigns  in Apple Search Ads).

Marketing at launch

Launch is a decisive period, as it can be used to create necessary momentum. Conducted properly and aligned with pre-launch activities, it can help you achieve the snowball effect, as downloads and engagement are a factor of organic rankings and relevance score used to display your ads (like in Apple Search Ads).

How to Streamline ASO Efforts with Apple Search Ads Pre-Order Campaigns? Find out by reading the case study of Livintis.

Post-launch activities

Post-launch activities include maintaining that launch momentum for as long as it’s profitable. Their goal is to ensure that your app grows at a sustainable pace. At this point, following a launch, you should have aggregated data to make necessary adjustments and optimizations. This is the time for scaling, international expansion or simply switching to maintenance mode in order to focus on other projects.

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5 best practices for mobile app marketing in 2024

First steps are usually the most difficult ones, as developers try to figure out which channel to pick for start and where to eventually scale later. There are plenty of mobile marketing platforms and tools which can help you operate customer involvement and monetization. Regardless of which ones you’ll end up using, you’ll be best off by sticking to these five principles:

1. App store optimization (ASO) should always be the foundation of mobile app marketing

All roads lead to Rome and all marketing channels lead to your app’s product page. This is where virtually all downloads happen. ASO is a key factor determining your organic visibility on any app store. It’s crucial in determining your conversion rate, as it’s concerned with providing compelling content, reflecting your apps functionality and value. Work put into ASO pays off in every single advertising campaign that you run.

2. A/B testing will protect you from failure

A/B testing is a crucial part of pre-launch mobile app marketing activities, but remains significant post-launch due to seasonality and fluctuating performance of each channel. It’s a key to minimizing the probability of a failed launch, an occurrence that can hinder all your future app marketing efforts. Remember, the bigger the scale, the harder a failure will hit.

A/B testing screen in SplitMetrics Optimize. App Store Optimization, testing of images and creatives.
Your product page creatives can be well tested before you even launch your app. This approach will ensure an impactful app launch. Read the full case study here.

It’s possible to test all product page creatives before the app even hits the App Store. Our A/B testing platform SplitMetrics Optimize offers this functionality.

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3. Incrementality is the key to ROI

In the world of mobile app marketing, incrementality is the concept of measuring the incremental or additional impact of a marketing activity. Incrementality analysis is pivotal in mobile app marketing as it enables precise measurement of the true impact of advertising efforts. By focusing on the additional value a specific campaign provides, marketers can accurately calculate return on investment (ROI), optimizing ad spend more effectively. This analysis ensures that marketing efforts primarily attract new ones rather than those who would have come through other channels. Ultimately, incrementality provides transparent attribution, allowing marketers to demonstrate the true value of their efforts, make data-driven decisions, and showcase the broader impact of mobile app marketing activities within the organization.

4. Never lose sight of your competition

The mobile app marketing market is alive, shaped by all its participants: you, your competition and users. Competitive research should be the foundation of your mobile app marketing strategy. You also shouldn’t lose sight of what your competitors are doing post-launch too. Activity of your competitors is the reason behind fluctuations in average costs per tap and download.

Monitor your competitors to spot new trends and opportunities. New custom product pages, keyword expansion – all these can be signals that they spotted an opportunity you missed. Don’t be afraid to go for it.

Screen of CPP Intelligence in SplitMetrics Acquire

SplitMetrics Unveils New Tool to Monitor Competitors’ Custom Product Pages. Read more about CPP Intelligence

Screen of Keyword Gap in SplitMetrics Acquire

Revolutionize Your Competitor Analysis with Keyword Gap in SplitMetrics Acquire. Read more about Keyword Gap

5. Remember about shifts in trends, seasonality and being relevant

In today’s noisy world, only thoughtful, creative and relevant ads stand a chance of triggering any interaction from users. This means tailoring your content carefully to suit their preferences, showcasing different app features with custom product pages, following events important to users and choosing where to advertise carefully.

Mobile App Marketing in 2024: Tools, Insights and Tips
Holidays and festive periods are a fantastic opportunity to build a connection with an audience from any market on the App Store. Appealing to shared values and making your app culturally relevant has the potential to positively impact all key performance metrics. Read more about them in our “Ultimate Seasonality Guide for User Acquisition on the App Store”.

We have the foundations: phases, stages and always applicable best practices, so it’s time to take a more granular approach to other components that build a mobile app marketing strategy. Read on to learn more about:

  • Top paid channels to advertise your app, recommended by our Agency
  • Social media marketing: Meta (Facebook & Instagram), TikTok, Snapchat, Reddit
  • Examples and cases of marketing apps from different categories
  • Free methods of marketing your app that any developer should implement
  • Tracking efficiency of your advertising efforts
  • Our future trend predictions.

Building the best product is only the first part, you need to have an App Marketing plan of action, and strategies for each channel you will activate. This is crucial for the success of your app

Mobile App Marketing in 2024: Tools, Insights and Tips
Julien Daver
UA Team Lead at SplitMetrics

Our top 6 paid channels for mobile app marketing

Organic traffic is a key contributor to your app growth, but only paid channels can provide an impactful impression volume for awareness and drive predictable, stable, incremental growth. Our top 6 paid channels for mobile app marketing include:

1. Apple Search Ads

Apple Search Ads is an ad management platform for the App Store, an absolute must have if you wish to make money there. Remember, despite hosting fewer apps than Google Play, the App Store drives more than a half of global app revenue.

Apple Search Ads offers four ad placements to connect with users throughout their journey: the Today tab, Search tab, search results and product pages.

Official images of Apple Search Ads ads placements, compilation
A compilation of all available Apple Search Ads ad placements. From left to right: a Search tab ad, search results ad, Today tab ad and product page ad. Source: Apple Search Ads.

Apple Search Ads highlights: search campaigns enjoy outstanding conversion rates, as the audience on the App Store is highly motivated and engaged. Product page ads allow marketers to reach out to users engaged in browsing apps, redirecting them from competitors to their own app.

Additionally, Apple Search Ads offers the opportunity for building awareness, as the front page of the App Store greets more than half a billion visitors every week and 70% of them use Search to discover new apps. This makes the Today tab and Search tab excellent placements for creating a lasting impression, contributing well to all your user acquisition campaigns on the App Store.

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Mobile App Marketing in 2024: Tools, Insights and Tips

2. Mobile advertising servers and demand side platforms (DSPs)

Mobile advertising servers and supply side platforms include many services, the most notable being AdMob by Google. There are more to choose from however:

  • Appodeal;
  • AppLovin;
  • ZoomD;
  • Unity;
  • Liftoff;
  • Moloco;
  • tvScientific;
  • Amazon DSP.

Mobile advertising servers are platforms that manage and deliver mobile advertisements to users. They handle tasks such as ad serving, targeting, tracking, and reporting, ensuring that ads are displayed effectively across mobile devices and apps. Mobile Advertising Servers  primarily serve publishers and ad networks, optimizing the delivery of ads to users. They ensure that ads are displayed in the right context and to the right users on mobile apps and websites.

Demand Side Platforms (DSPs) are software platforms that enable advertisers and agencies to purchase and manage digital advertising space programmatically. In the context of mobile advertising, DSPs allow advertisers to bid on and purchase ad impressions across a wide range of websites and apps in real-time. Advertisers use DSPs to automate the buying process, optimize ad targeting, and manage their advertising campaigns efficiently.

Both mobile advertising servers and demand side platforms can provide you, as a developer, a great reach to your target audience. Main benefits include transparency, time-saving and advanced efficiency of the advertising process within your mobile marketing strategy.

3. Mobile affiliate networks

Mobile affiliate networks act as an intermediary for mobile app developers and performance-based advertising platforms.  They include services such as:

  • App Store Affiliate Programme;
  • Amazon Mobile Associates API;
  • ClickDealer;
  • Cheetah Media Link, etc.

Generally, there are three main mobile affiliation players:

  • The network (the platform itself);
  • The advertiser (a mobile app developer or publisher);
  • The ads space seller (a webmaster or social media group owner).

The key benefit to using mobile affiliate networks is that they’re cost effective by functioning in the cost-per-action (CPA) model. Media buyers are rewarded in case of mobile app installs or other in-app events. 

4. Mobile app advertising platforms

Mobile app advertising platforms are platforms or networks that specialize in promotion of mobile apps with the primary goal of driving installations or driving meaningful actions within your app (that may be directly driving revenue). They include services such as:

  • AppLovin;
  • Clickky;
  • Google Universal App Campaigns;
  • ChartBoost;
  • Meta App Install Ads (on Facebook and Instagram)

These platforms offer a variety of ad formats specifically designed to encourage users to download and install mobile apps. Common formats include display ads, interstitial ads, video ads, and native ads. Mobile App Install Platforms provide sophisticated targeting options to reach specific audiences based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and device types. This ensures that ads are shown to users who are more likely to be interested in the app. Advertisers often pay on a cost-per-install (CPI) basis and are offered real-time data & optimization.

The abundance of services and channels makes the life of a marketer in search for an audience easier, there is no denying that. On the other hand, it’s easy to find yourself in a tangle trying to figure out how to advertise apps in the best possible way.

Mobile ad servers: best for app developers who want control over ad placements, efficient ad delivery, and the ability to manage and optimize ad inventory. Useful for in-app advertising strategies and mediation with multiple ad networks.

Demand side platforms (DSP): ideal for app developers looking for programmatic buying, real-time bidding, and advanced targeting capabilities. Suitable for those wanting to bid on ad impressions across various platforms and optimize campaigns.

Mobile affiliate networks: beneficial for app developers focusing on performance-based marketing, cost-effectiveness, and a pay-per-install model. Great for partnerships with affiliates to drive app installations and achieve a positive ROI.

Mobile app advertising platforms: tailored for app developers seeking specialized platforms for promoting app installations & revenue generating actions. Provides various ad formats, targeting options, attribution tracking, and cost models based on the number of installations. Efficient for user acquisition strategies.

Apple Search Ads and Social media advertising are always the first steps, and the easiest ways to get your hands dirty on your first campaigns. Give yourself a test budget, follow best practices, track your results and you’ll get your first learnings

Mobile App Marketing in 2024: Tools, Insights and Tips
Julien Daver
UA Team Lead at SplitMetrics

5. Social media: mobile app marketing on Facebook, TikTok, Youtube, X (Twitter), Instagram & others

Social media advertising is a very attractive option to the channels mentioned before, because of their laser focus targeting, potency, and visual appeal. Millions of successful campaigns worldwide prove them to be worth trying.

  • Meta (Facebook & Instagram) offers the highest global reach across all social media, with a close to 80% of population falling into the 25 years and older bracket, with considerable disposable income. Still, users aged 18-25 constitute over 50% of its user base. With a variety of placements and possibility of fully-automated campaigns it’s a must have for any app out there.
  • TikTok is the best platform to reach a younger audience that is highly engaged. A successful campaign should respect the style & tone of the platform, always staying on top of the latest trends.
  • Snapchat is a personal communication platform, popular among Gen Z and millennials. It’s possible to reuse content from TikTok or Instagram stories. With brand videos performing well on the platform, it can be a good addition to a marketing strategy of any app.
  • Reddit is a major conversational platform in English and German speaking countries. Offering access to a unique, engaged audience it can help connect any app with one of its countless communities. In general, its users are more tech savvy than those on other platforms.
  • Youtube is the biggest video platform on the Internet and a key platform to find new audiences for mobile games and apps of all kinds. Managed through Google Ads, it’s a great platform for small & big developers alike.

In general, social media are a great place to promote an app due to their:

  • Large number of active users;
  • Cost-effective bidding prices and impressions;
  • Impressive average engagement rate;
  • Powerful overall traffic referrals;
  • Targeting (you reach people who are already on their mobile devices).

Always make sure that a robust tracking system is in place, especially for iOS campaigns. We’d always recommend using an MMP (mobile measurement partner) to have one single source of truth for all your campaigns.

Social media mobile app marketing: best practices

Inspect your perfect users thoroughly

For a successful mobile advertising campaign, you need to understand your audience’s demographic profiles, interests, and behaviors to select the best channels. A user on TikTok will likely not have the same needs as someone on Reddit.

Use catchy content for app advertisements

Catchy image or video is the most important attention grabber once your advertising campaign is live. There are three mobile marketing pillars of a smashing image: eye appeal, relevance, and high quality. It’s also preferable to diversify in-app ads layout for different apps, and apply hacks that work for a specific category.

Highlight key features in your copy

Excellent text is another mobile advertising success core ingredient. Highlight the features your users love the most, use capitals in moderation and don’t forget about the call to action.

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6. In-app advertising: what do you need to know?

There are several types of in-app advertisements developers can use:

Static or animated in-app banner

This is the cheapest option which can be used on any screen. It can be implemented without much effort. Unfortunately, this in-app ad format lacks efficiency and usually loses with the “banner blindness” syndrome.

A collection of static or animated in-app ad banners
A collection of simple animated & static in-app banners collected from a wide assortment of Android apps.


Interstitials are in-app ads covering the entire device screen, providing more space for a broader message. It draws attention thanks to interactive media content and highly proficient visuals, videos, store locators, etc. All these results in impressive in-app ads conversion and impressions rate. There is a drawback though, this in-app advertising format is slightly intrusive.

Interstitial in-app ads
A collection of interstitial ads, displayed in various Android apps.

Reward ads

Reward ads are triggered by a user, in exchange for some benefit inside the app. Like interstitials, these cover the entire screen. Usually these use video or are interactive. Due to their nature they can be very effective.

Reward in-app ads
A collection of reward ads, displayed in various Android apps.

Expandable in-app ads

This ad is an expandable banner that turns into an interstitial upon tap. It is highly informative without being too intrusive. On the other hand, these in-app ads may be confusing for some inexperienced users.

Expandable in-app ads
An example of an expandable in-app banner. Source: mobileads.com

In-app video ad & interactive ads

An interactive in-app ad
Frames of an interactive ad, showcasing various stages of a mini-game, displayed on an Android device.

Native in-app ads

These ads can take any form or size. They’re integrated into an app and most customers treat it as a part of usage flow. This seamless user experience results in better ad engagement and click-through growth. Nevertheless, in-app ads adaptation takes a lot of work and consideration due to loads of possible options.

Native ads in a medium / news app
A collection of native ads, displayed in the Huffington Post media app for Android.

Choosing the right in-app ads partners is the first thing publishers should take care of once they’ve decided to advertise in mobile apps. Consider these factors:

  • How does a mobile ad network source its inventory for in-app ads?
  • Can a partner reach your target audience via in-app advertising?
  • How do they deal with click fraud advertising in apps?
  • Preferable in-app cost model (CPM, CPC or CPA)?
  • Is partner’s information on audience segments updated for your in-app ads?
  • Which algorithms are used to target users of your interest within in-app ads campaigns?
  • What is the partner’s privacy policy regarding in-app advertising?
  • What kind of in-app ad units can be used (video, banners, interstitials, etc.)?
  • Whether the partner provides dashboards or app analytics?

Another secret behind in-app ads is geo-targeting which predetermines core audience reach. Data access and its applicability across the ecosystem is another key to in-app ads productivity besides enhanced location insights.

Remember, users become jaded with thoughtless in-app advertising. Don’t forget about the importance of in-app ads relevance to secure from annoyance and interest loss.

Marketing apps from different categories

In our best practices we mentioned that being relevant is very important to engaging users, as well as keeping an eye on the calendar. How do these principles work in practice? Let’s take a look at these examples:

How to market a dating app?

Try placing in-app adverts in health & fitness apps. Social media may be a great source of users – especially TikTok and Snapchat. Use custom product pages to appeal to a broad range of diverse people with custom product pages – like same sex couples or people looking for partners from specific cultural backgrounds. Video content performs well for dating apps.

How to market a fitness app?

Use custom product pages to appeal to different types of fitness enthusiasts – those preferring achievements and record-breaking and those seeking self-improvement in a more casual way.

How to use custom product pages to highlight various features of your app? Read the case of tonestro to find out!

How to market a mobile game?

Go for interactive ads and videos. You have a game, show how it’s played. Besides ads on the App Store and Google Play, social media ads and DSPs should by your priority – there are gaming specific DSPs that are meant for mobile game advertisement. In Apple Search Ads, try exploring genre keywords (dungeon crawler, puzzle game, hidden object game and so on). Use custom product pages to appeal to users with varying play styles.

Before enabling any campaign or investing any money, be sure that you’re tracking the main milestones within your game. Once your tracking is ready, focus on creating engaging and dynamic video ads, capturing the main strengths of your game. You can use a content creator who ideally matches your user persona to embody your explanation (known as UGC ads).

Mobile App Marketing in 2024: Tools, Insights and Tips
David Vargas
User Acquisition Manager at SplitMetrics.

How to track the efficiency of your mobile app ads?

All your mobile app marketing activities should be data-driven. The journey of your users from an impression to actually generating revenue is long and each step bringing them closer to the finish line carries a risk of churn. Take a look at the funnel below:

Mobile app marketing funnel
Interaction with Apple Search Ads & other types of online ads. The journey from impressions to actually generating revenue involves several steps, each with the risk of losing the user.

Notice that the much focused-on “Download” is in the middle of it and there are two steps before revenue starts flowing. Each of the systems, platforms and services we mentioned here provides some kind of analytics to assess the effectiveness of your advertising, but your most important goal is to connect all this data with what’s happening inside your app. For most apps, actions generate revenue, not downloads. An app can be downloaded, but not opened. Or opened and abandoned.

Cost-per-action helps identify the price of a user who is actually interested in your most valuable post-install events, thereafter, the one who generates your profit.

Analytics is an integral element of your user acquisition success, it assists in making the best use of every marketing cent you spend. To access this data, you need a mobile measurement partner. They’ll allow you to connect all your in-app purchases, subscriptions, ad-views and other revenue generating events to taps and impressions of ads.

Mobile Measurement Partners Logos, article illustration

Best Mobile Measurement Partners in 2024

Credible and properly attributed data is key to smarter decision-making on Apple Search Ads campaigns and a profitable scaling of your account. Mobile app marketers turn to third-party tools called mobile measurement partners (MMPs) to track, organize, and visualize metrics of ad campaign performance, including data tied to in-app activity — and understand the performance of their mobile app marketing campaigns across channels. 

Read our picks of MMPs for 2024!

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Mobile App Marketing in 2024: Tools, Insights and Tips

A list of mobile marketing tools to boost your efficiency

Implementing analytics with a mobile measurement partner shouldn’t end your quest to make your mobile app marketing truly data-driven. There are many tools and services that augment analytics and campaign management at every level.

There are solutions applicable for each step of the mobile app marketing funnel: for A/B testing, ad management, app store optimization, review management, push notifications & communication… the bigger you get, the more gears you can add to your growth engine.

Where to start though? Naturally, we’d like to recommend the SplitMetrics’ ecosystem of product and services for app growth that is created to increase efficiency by providing additional layers of functionality to Apple Search Ads and augmenting your ASO.

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What more can we recommend? Take a look below:

  • ASO & Review management: App Radar
  • Push notifications & communication: CleverTap, AirShip
  • Usability & multichannel: Branch, Balancy
  • Social media marketing: Buffer
  • Retention: YouAppi
  • Creative: Craftsman+


Time to wrap-up, so we’d like to quickly answer some of the most frequently asked questions.

What are the two main marketer objectives for app promotion?

Those are user acquisition and user engagement. Simply put, you need app downloads and meaningful, revenue generating events in your app. The disparity between installs and in-app events is what drowned more than enough otherwise good mobile app marketing strategies.

How much does marketing an app cost?

Sky’s the limit ;) In general, it will cost as much as you and your competitors are willing to spend to make back the money invested in development (which can vary greatly between app categories). Steady, incremental growth can ultimately turn even a small, independent app into a well-known brand.

How to do market research for an app?

Most importantly, market intelligence is a key component of our app growth ecosystem, which will give you plenty of insights for data-driven decisions.

How to estimate budget for mobile app marketing?

How much money are you willing to spend on acquiring a single user? This depends on how much revenue this user can generate in your app. Confront this data with benchmarks for each of the channels you plan to use for user acquisition to estimate your plan’s viability and how much you can spend.

Always updates benchmarks for Apple Search Ads for everyday work & budgeting. Find them on SplitMetrics’ Apple Search Ads Benchmark Dashboard.

What is mobile app marketing automation?

Mobile app marketing automation means giving full control to ad-management, bidding and many other activities to software responsible for a given channel.

How to advertise your app for free

There are ways to promote your mobile apps at zero cost or negligible cost. Here are a few decent options:

  • Launch a microsite or teaser website;
  • Start a blog or podcast;
  • Share unique content via social media;
  • Pitch PR releases to websites & influencers reviewing apps and games;
  • Participate in contests and apply for awards;
  • Recruit customers ‘manually’, find out where to find them;
  • Get presentation opportunities at relevant events;
  • Be quick and diligent in resolving negative reviews;
  • Make your email signature effective and optimized;
  • Trigger sharing process integrating social within the app.

Some might seem trivial, but ultimately — every little effort helps! This part pays the bigger role, the smaller your advertising budget.

Users tend to get rid of mobile apps which abuse irrelevant in-app advertising. That’s why publishers and developers should adopt less intrusive media within their mobile marketing strategies.

Privacy protection is becoming a key concern for many advertising channels (like Apple Search Ads), which makes precise targeting & tracking increasingly difficult.

All in all, the mobile app marketing landscape changes dynamically, the best practices & general principles we’ve highlighted in this article continue to be relevant. Sure, the scope of what to do is vast, but stay optimistic and focus on making the best app out there! Or…

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Gabriel Kuriata
Gabriel Kuriata
Content Manager
Gabriel is a professional writer with more than a decade of experience in bringing advanced b2b tech solutions closer to the people - with content in all forms, shapes and sizes.
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